BTOES Insights Official
March 12, 2021

RPA & Intelligent Automation Live - SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT : RPA, Unlocked - How to Migrate Bots from One RPA Platform to Another to Drive Increased Business Value

Courtesy of Blueprint Software Systems' Matthew Dodgson, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'RPA, Unlocked - How to Migrate Bots from One RPA Platform to Another to Drive Increased Business Value' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at RPA & Intelligent Automation Live Virtual Conference.



Session Information:

RPA, Unlocked - How to Migrate Bots from One RPA Platform to Another to Drive Increased Business Value

Is it time to break up with your RPA vendor?

Due to the large number of RPA projects that have failed to meet their objectives, more and more companies are expressing the desire to switch RPA platforms. However, most have been stuck with whatever tool they initially chose because re-platforming was costly, incredibly challenging, and often also meant re-building your entire bot portfolio from scratch.

Until Now. Blueprint’s streamlined end-to-end migration process makes moving between any of the leading RPA vendors simple, fast, and affordable, thereby unlocking the entire RPA market. Attend this session to learn:-

Why 2021 will bring an influx of RPA platform migration and how to know if migration might be right for you-

  • How to extract existing automations from your current RPA platform into Blueprint, creating a Digital Blueprint of that digital worker
  • How to optimize and validate Digital Blueprints before exporting them to a new RPA solution to complete the re-platforming
  • How leveraging Blueprint in tandem with your RPA tool enables you to design, build and manage high-value automations with speed and precision to scale the scope and ROI of your RPA initiatives

Session Transcript:

Our first presenter today, we have Matthew Matthew Dodson, who is the Head of Global Solution Engineering four for Blueprint with us today.

And Matthew is going to be talking about RPA unlocked, how to migrate bots from one RPA platform to another to drive increase, increase business value.

Matthew, it's a real pleasure to have you with us. We're very much looking forward to your presentation today. Thank you for taking the time and sharing that with us. So, Matthew. First of all, where are you coming from today? I'm in San Antonio, Texas. For those of you who are wandering, my lights are still on because finally, after all the crisis that we have had here in Texas, with power outages and Matthew, where you're coming from today.

So I'm based out of our head office here in Toronto, Canada area. So, we're definitely both in the same boat of having snow, I, although, I think we're probably a little bit more accustomed to it up here.

That's right, beautiful. Toronto, Canada. Matthew, thank you so much for taking the time to share your wisdom and insight with us today. We're all very much looking forward to your presentation.

Excellent. Thank you very much, Jose, for having me.

Alright, well appreciate that intro and appreciate everyone's time today. I'm gonna jump in and we're gonna get going.

As Jose mentioned, my name is Matthew Doctrine. I head up the Global Solution Engineering Group here at Blueprint which gives me a lot of perspective and a lot of you know, insight into what our customers are doing. And I look forward to sharing some of those stories and some of the approaches and practices and challenges that they're facing today and what we're seeing with the industry and how the Blueprint platform. What we're going to talk about today is helping folks get through it.

Before we get started, I just want to give you a quick overview of what we're going to be talking about today. You know, give you, I'm going to give you a quick overview of. Blueprint, give you an understanding of, you know, really, what we're seeing in 20 21, with respect to, you know, the RPA industry, the RPA space general, and how platform migrations are really becoming a hot topic. And a hot challenge in the RPA industry.

mathewGive you really a little background of around the challenges around switching RPA tools. Where Blueprint fitness and overall, and most importantly, provide you a little demonstration of how exactly we can, we've done this. And we've done this in a few situations, And I'll give you an example of how we can do that.

Now, pleasure to meet you, as as always. We are blueprints, are a leading provider of digital process design and management solutions, Fortune one thousand companies. Globally, from every industry are using our cloud hosted Enterprise Automation Suite.

In concert in tandem with our RPA platforms to really design and manage those automations, both getting them into production as well as manage them once they're in production know and we are at the core of our platform, We have what's called a digital blueprint, creating. A digital blueprint really replaces the need for time consuming error, prone documents like A PDD. It Digitizes, all that documentation, work into a nice digital assets. And this enable our customers to spend less time designing, managing or fixing automations and more times more. time on things that directly grow their business and align the business value with the automations that they're building.

So, what do we mean when we say, when, when they say they use us, alongside their RPA tool, to really identify design and manage automations.

Well, today, most commonly for organizations to define what's needed and when, when they build automations is to use manual documentation, such as a p.v.d. or PD, STD, Visio Diagram, all of those things.

But when you're trying to, Gale RPA, pass those simple processes and with those low hanging task swivel chair processes of this overall, you know, practice of documents really starts to break down. And it really trivializes the important information that we work on today.

When we actually build automations, know, to give you some, some context many of our customers, you know, to quote them, this, this manual world of documents, it's complex, it's convoluted and error prone and confusing.

What Blueprint does is really replace the need to create these time consuming, error prone documents, and really focus on the information, which is that the heart of the RPA suite, which is that process. We can.

From blueprint ingest, current state processes from leaving process mining and discovery tools, or from unstructured document sources, things like Visio, Word Documents, older PBDEs, And from there, you have a centralized collaborative place to design and store what we call these digital blueprints, Which, again, replace that manual documentation and contain all the information that you need to efficiently deliver an automated process.

Now, some of the blueprint, some of the benefits of using our enterprise automation suite to create these digital blueprints is really centered around having all of this, you know, important tribal knowledge in and in one place having information that stakeholders. And the team can come together and the line around really streamlines the workflow and improves overall the overall project delivery speed and precision.

Our centralized platform includes some intelligence that allows you to start discovering areas of re-use and areas that you can leverage that have already been created.

And our Enterprise analytics and dashboarding helps you prioritize and measure what's working, and manage that change proactively to really sharpen your strategy across the organization.

And this is really designed for all stakeholders, it's easy to use, integrates directly with your RPA platform and delivers an end to end solution. And it's something that, from a technical person, all the way through to a business individual, everyone understands what a Digital Blueprint is.

Btog CTASo what is a Digital Blueprint? What are they?

Digital blueprints, as we've mentioned, are at the core of our Enterprise Automation Suite. And so they're much more than just process models. They contain everything you need to efficiently and effectively deliver high quality digital workers. They include the detailed process flows. They can be decomposed into granular, you know, step level details. They include all the dependencies that relate to the systems or compliance regulations and requirements and stories that are used to deliver these automations.

And using our enterprise automation suite to build these digital blueprints for your future state processes. It's incredibly easy.

In fact, our platform provides the most powerful process, design environment available in the market, Barbara, excuse me, while remaining super user friendly and collaborative.

But what makes our platform really unique is the ability to transform your process models within digital blueprints and automate them into a myriad of other packages. For example, we can automatically generate all the functional test cases, all of the user stories.

So you can quickly, build, and get your digital Blueprints turn into a backlog of stories, as well as test cases. Where we can also take those digital Blueprints and generate a bot package, or a bot framework that we can send into the RPA platforms. We can create a BP Release File, UI Path, Zip file, you know, an ATM exe file, even power automate package.

And again, this just helps accelerate the automation development.

And really at the core what digital blueprints do is they allow us to focus on three key areas. The first to really revolve around the automation life cycle of building automations and getting them into production. So this is an important area that we can drive efficiency, effectiveness and really scale the approach. Second piece is really around managing those automations once. They're like, How do we keep track of these automation? Is not just from a reactive firefighting mission about putting those fires out when they pop up. But, to be much more proactive with how we manage these dependencies, be able to anticipate if we change a system like sap, what automations are going to be impacted?

And the last, which is what we're going to talk about today is really a use case around how we can leverage these common, this common language of a digital blueprint to migrate these automations from one platform to another, using these digital blueprints and the blueprint platform as a framework to do so.

So, it's no denying it. RPA is red, hot these days, as Jose mentioned, and now more than ever, especially with ..., and really the challenges of being a remote workforce. And obviously according to many researchers Gardner, when it's specific to anticipate the demand for RPA to grow, because of Cove in 19. And, you know, the decreased dependency on the human workforce for routine digital processes is going to be more attractive to end users. Not only for cost reduction, but also for ensuring their businesses against future impacts, and really focusing their workforce on the high value processes and high value tasks, and the reality is the lure of automation. It's very compelling for organizations that are overwhelmed with what's going on right now.

Despite the obvious value that we gain from RPA, there's a growing desire across the automation space too.

Not be handcuffed to one automation vendor. You know, be able to leverage the differences and the best practices in each of these automation vendors. Now there's a few different reasons that we're finding folks industry wants to switch vendors. In some cases, they're failing to get value around the current technology they've chosen. And so the RPA programs have been unable to scale effectively and they've been burdened with maintenance downtime. So they have to move to a new RPA tool.

Challenge with, you know, did we pick the wrong tool? They really have in some cases, unfulfilled promises by vendors that have tried to, you know, either promote a larger adoption and they're just having trouble utilizing all that.

In some cases, they're, you know, eliminating islands of automation as they've grown in the automation discipline, They've had different groups that have spun up different technologies. They want to consolidate that onto one platform. And in some cases there's you know challenges with incompatible version upgrades. You know, the automation anywhere customers are facing a huge challenge with moving from V 11 to 20 19, and in many cases, it's made them re-evaluate are they on the right platform. So, these are all factors that face the industry today.

And with all these valid motivators, you know, driving the desire to switch RFK vendors are really, you know, be able to have that flexibility. Historically, there have been some significant challenges with doing so.

We ran a poll over LinkedIn and we had the respondents kind of provide some feedback, and these are some of the biggest barriers.

And by far, the cost of switching was the biggest blocker. While we saw significant representation from other barriers like incompatible bots and, you know, user management efforts and scaling challenges, it really comes down to, it's costly to do so.

So, historically, that was the case, but Blueprint has developed a very unique capability with our platform that we'd like to show you today. In fact, Blueprint is the only platform on the market with this capability and can do it.

No, can help organizations migrate three times faster, and at 75% of the costs, when compared to other methods, the manual methods of migration today.

Now, due to our integrations, with the leading RPA vendors like Blue Prism, automation anywhere in UI Path, you can use blueprint reverse engineered robots from either of those platforms and create a digital blueprint and centralizing this into a common digital blueprint model. And just like with any other digital blueprint, it can be then, used to create a digital worker, you know, by generating that bought package and sending it into a new platform.

So if you initially start building bots and blue Prism, automation anywhere UI path and you feel trapped too.

The high costs of redeveloping all those spots. With moving over with the RPA migration capabilities we're going to talk about today, you can dramatically reduce the switching costs and really streamline and put a workflow around that migration and transition to a platform like Blue Prism.

So, to give you a bit better understanding, these are some of the examples of the switching costs that we've seen today. You know, on an average bot call it, I know. There's no such thing.

as an average bot will take the idea of an average bot, You know, without Blueprint migrating or robots is really time consuming and intensive.

And it's a manual effort, and a lot of times, people don't realize that it's, it's, basically, like, redoing an RPA project. But instead of starting from a business process, you're starting from a working automation, which sometimes makes it a little bit more challenging. You still have to go to the same steps of documenting and capturing everything that was already there, Sometimes resurrecting, all documentation. Then you have to re implement and retest everything.

What we can do with Blueprint is dramatically cut into each of these sections by allowing you to automatically document and reverse engineer all the existing automations into digital blueprints. And then, using the digital blueprint to automatically generate a bot framework that the developers can pick up from, you know, providing all of that code and content down into the development space. And allowing the developers to spend more time reconnecting wires instead of recreating things from scratch. And obviously things like test cases and user stories are vital to be able to streamline this and our ability to automatically generate those is really what helps drive this efficient sufficiency and the reduction in that life cycle.

Email Graphic Virtual Conferences (4)-1So that's a quick overview of kind of the approach. What I'm going to do is actually take you through an example of migrating a bot from one RPA tool to another.

And while we're doing that, we're actually going to show you some of the pieces that are involved in the Blueprint Platform.

Let's do a Quick Time check here. We're good.

So we're going to start off with an automation in UI path that interacts with native applications like Excel or, you know, with web applications, and even with an image based or Surface, you know, automation.

So, for example, if I dig in here to the sap process, now here's an example of an image based or Surface automation.

I scroll down a bit. You know, if someone is migrating, and they didn't create it, it takes effort to figure out what we're doing here, You know, for example, if a snippet of some part of the screen, you know, but the screen may have like 100 fields on, I can't tell what it is, so this is gonna take some time to really dig in and extract what this automation is actually doing.

And, if I pull into the properties, you know, to figure that out, I gotta go through all the various properties, and backtracked, find the anchor image, and figure it all out, and that's just for one step.

Now we do this at scale.

Let's say this is even a 10 to 20 step bot That's a very meaningful amount of time. That's for that you know first week or a week and a half comes into just figuring out how this bot operates So now I'll show you how that first step of migration works in Blueprint. So here. I'm just going to login.

Now Here we are in Blueprint.

I'm going to actually go in and I'm actually going to import that entire bot file from UI Path are here.

I'm going to take the beep Project files neuropathy, if you want to be specific and in doing so, Blueprint imports the entire project. So here on the left, you should recognize the exact same structure as you saw in UI path.

Blueprint is automatically imported everything, including the data that reference documents even the X.a.m.l., Excuse me, even the X.a.m.l. file has been automatically converted into what we call a Digital blueprint.

But more importantly, blueprint parses all the information and provides the key metrics, you know, information to help make these decisions. For example, if you look at the process at the top of the list, you can see that it has 264 steps and 44 decisions in it. And it interacts with things like web application. So we're just able to start parsing all this information and provide some meaning in some contexts. Again, that is not code that really helps make this more transparent to the group.

Now, if I dig into one specific piece, that one X.a.m.l. file for, things like this Q two are login, you know, here's the Digital Blueprint that was automatically created.

I'm going to open one step.

And specifically, if I look into this step, I can see all of the information that was brought in, not just from a process and the respect to the Digital Blueprint, but all the underlying parameter information for each step as well is also parsed and brought into the system. So this helps me not only get an overview of what that process does, but it gives me the details, and I have those details right at the tip of my fingers.

Now, if I click on, for example, another one here, minus a P process. This is an image based Surface automation.

So, now we need to activate, you know, the Blueprint Unlock all of those Detail pieces, So I'm gonna convert this to a digital Blueprint here.

And now, with the features available, I'm going to hit our intelligent process feature and what that's going to do.

It's going to rewrite, it's going to gather all the information it can from those detailed steps. So, the first thing it did was, it made this process more readable. You know, things like type in sap, tico, press enter, type in a dark number, no blueprint also has the images pulled from UI path, since this is an image based automation.

These are, of course, go into the system responses, so, we actually have all those different image screens that are attached to these, you know, system steps here, Then, of course, you go to the system responses that illustrate things like, you know, how it responds to the digital worker. This makes the process overall far, more understandable to everyone.

If I collapse this explorer over here, and I open up things like our intelligent recommendations now, based on the information in this process, now Blueprint can actually provide some suggestions. You know, it's found some similar similar process component. Also, there happens to be a couple of regulations related to this process.

And so if those are related, if those are things that we need, we can actually grab those and we can link them in, We just select it.

And we add that to the list of dependencies. So what you saw me do here is really leverage not just blueprint to simplify and streamline the understanding of that automation but also give me a way to look across all my automations and see if there's areas that I can re-use and centralize them and make them a little bit more streamlined.

And here specifically, if I go into the Relationships tab, you can see that this process is now tied to those different dependencies, things like that regulation. You can all see the connection it has to any PBDEs and things we pulled in previously that we can pull them from documents.

And finally, Blueprint can take this entire set of digital blueprints that weave that we've improved.

Can automatically populate them and generate that bot package that we've talked about before so for example. Here I can take this and actually generate. a VP release file from Blue Prism.

Now I'm just going to hop over into Blue Prism and show you what that looks like.

So here I log into Blue Prism and I sign in.

We can bring in the BP release file into the studio.

And if I go over to that Studio, and I open it up, we can see that Blueprint has automatically created this standard Blue Prism template. So this is the bot template or bot framework that we can automatically generate off of that Digital Blueprint. So what it does is it takes that process flow. It translates into a set of steps. But if I dig into some of the processes here that were brought over.

For example, if I go to the web application, yeah.

Here's what that process looks like at a detailed level.

So, for example, if I dig into not just the process flow, but if I go into something like a detailed step, you can see that, all of those variables, and all that metadata that we bring into, those Digital Blueprint steps. That's actually information that we pass over, and we pass it down into these detailed steps. So it really provides as much transparency and visibility as possible to bring over all of that information.

Now, we're not going through and mapping every command 100% of the time, because that's not our attention as a platform. Our intention is really to be a migration framework, really, to provide a central framework to do so, We're able to map some of these commands, and in cases, we're able to do that.

But in cases, you know, actions were unable to map, we put those in the notes field, we make everything available to, you know, We go back and show you that.

No, we actually need to create a business object and map the parameters, and we're able to do that, so we're able to provide as much information as possible into these detailed steps to really make that translation and the transformation much easier.

Now, if I go into, for example, the Business Objects that we created in this particular case, you know, we're actually able to create that detailed business object from that command and that details that were passed down from UI path and here in this case, is what it looks like.

Now, with the various actions needed to support this process, we're able to bring everything together.

Now, what's important in all of this is the migration is one of these scenarios where we want to bring things over. But in doing so, what we've actually done is create a repository and a catalog of all our automations.

Screenshot (4)And if we fast-forward to, you know, as we migrate things that we think about as we're migrating in, you know, rewiring our automations, use different technology. We're also getting this important and powerful picture of how these automations function and why they function.

So, if I move forward, Blueprint is actually going to not only provide value in migration, but it's gonna continue to deliver value throughout the life cycle of the new automations, helping streamline changes and ensure continued compliance for example.

Dashboard you're seeing here in Blueprint is gonna help us keep track of all these dependencies, All things like the sap, he, you know, T code screen are the regulations and the rules, all those things that we LinkedIn, that Digital Blueprint.

And, for example, if, if there's a suggested change or if there's a change that's coming up to, you know, regulation here, I can prioritize and sort filter by severity and priority.

But when I pull up, for example, a specific change, and I want to understand, hey, if we make a change, that's going to instantly show me all of the automations all of the digital blueprints that are going to be impacted or affected by that.

So, here, I can see, if we change this particular part of the regulation, it's committed, it's going to potentially, impact these five different automations. So instead of us waiting for automation to break, because the regulation change, which, unfortunately, that's the reality of today, Blueprint flip the whole script where now we can be proactive.

We can actually create a funnel and a mechanism to process these changes, Understand them, and at this point, we can even alert and notify those owners directly through the Blueprint platform.

Can enter a note in here and let them know via e-mail.

And there's even a built-in, you know, personalized dashboard where as teams and other members get notified, if they're going to be able to catalog all those changes.

So, they can really process them in a meaningful fashion, and, ultimately, create less downtime, eliminate the downtime for these automations, but, also deliver higher quality automations because we're able to keep the alignment and understand that these bots don't just break because they want to, they break, and they're impacted because of changes in decisions we're making in day-to-day business or in day-to-day systems manager.

Yeah, With everything we've shown you today, Blueprint is going to create value across numerous categories in the organization, know, from creating higher quality automation to keep everything in one place, to ultimately driving that enterprise control and visibility.

So this really rolls up into the, you know, primary value of the Automation Suite, which is to significantly improve the automation quality and be able to drive better maintenance.

And part of that quality and what we talked about today it's really about migrating, is how can we reclaim all of this kind of tribal knowledge and organizational intelligence, and put it into one centralized place to really not be handcuffed to a particular technology stack, but really allow us the flexibility and freedom to make the right decisions for our organization and our investment.

And with that, I will pause, and that's everything we wanted to cover today, and I'll actually throw it back to Jose to see if he's got any questions that have come up in the chat.

Excellent, excellent, Matthew. So I am monitoring the questions coming in, I'm going to ask the audience to keep submitting those questions. Let me make sure that I have my interface Here. Matthew, go ahead and stop sharing your presentation so that we can see both of us on camera at the same time.

Perfect, lots of questions related to the background of RPA. So this is a very interesting application you share here with us today.

Let's set the stage, a little bit, with the audience, very low levels of expertise from Novices to experts and RP. one of the themes that has emerged in the questions is a bit more foundational so I'll start with that. If you look back at the last 12 to 18 months. You know we had a pandemic, it happened during that time.

What, what are you witnessing? What do you see in the, in the field of RPA and the implementation? Certainly, there is more of it. But if you can talk a little bit from the business side, but also from the technological development point. What has happened with RPA in the last 12 to 18 months?

Yeah, so what we've seen, and again, you kind of teased it up when you, when you set up the session here, is it's definitely been, there's kind of big push to get bots live quickly. I mean, RPA has the added benefit of being really quick to develop.

So, we've seen a lot of organizations jump into the deep end and try to get boats up and running, and in some cases, you know, they, they've been able to get things up and running quickly about it, almost every situation.

The challenge we see is, you know, once they get handful of bots live and they try to start scaling it out, they start to hit these scaling challenges. This kind of industrial industrialization of automation.

You know, that, the reality of the documents. But just having all these automation centralized, when you, when you move these tasks from manual people who can deal with change to digital workers. You take on the idea that the digital workers are not robust, they do what they're told and when they don't get what they want, they just break. So you end up with this kind of careful balance where the automations you build.

mathewIf you build them quickly, something a little bit more brittle, they're not as robust. So they end up breaking and you spend more time with them. So claiming and reclaiming the RPA value that they're trying to get is the biggest challenge. We see. You know, day one is, you know, saying, oh, we can travel this value while we're spending all these extra man hours to build these bots. All the value they save, us, we're actually just turning around and spending in the RPA.

So what we're trying to do, many of those customers just say, listen, you're doing the right things. This is just a matter of visibility, transparency, and not digitizing the ironic part about automation. is that we build automations in the most manual way possible and that's, it's not really in the spirit of automation.

Yeah. That's what some of the things we're seeing.

Very well, very well. And the another question that has emerged, and I would say, a theme, because there are a number of questions around this, is with respect to intelligent automation, with RPA, how are the smart robots coming along? And, I'll set that up with, there was a very big, probably, piece of news in the United States, specifically, this past week, or two of, one a major airline that has a bot that uses for customer support. And, people are laughing, because, if you go into that system, and you ask, how do I change my reservation, Or something like that, I'm paraphrasing here. The bot will say back, I don't understand where you're talking about, Can you say in a different way? And he's like, it was so fundamental for the business of the company. And that's why it got. So, yeah, you know, Drop Drew up people's attention. So, the question is that you know that's an isolated case we understand that probably malfunctioning bought of some sort.

But the real question behind is depth, how smart are the bots today compared to what they were like 2 or 3 years ago?

Yeah. The bots, it's funny from a technology standpoint, I mean, there's obviously new things that help us. You know, there's OCR, NLP, there's, there's some, some AI that's starting to creep into the bot landscape.

But the bottom selves have kind of grown a bit in intelligence, but I think what's happened is people have learned how to build more robust automation. Is not in the sense of, you know, we've added the intelligence code.

Excuse me.

But, we've also, we've taken into case the different ways someone could phrase the question, the different paths. You know, invoice processing, there may be nine different ways that a customer, that an organization does it, and so, that bots have to be able to handle those. So, we're just, they're starting to spend more time, really capturing that. So, the intelligence, It's interesting. It's not so much intelligence.

And the automations itself its intelligence in the process we use to build those automations how we gather all the information from the business today in terms of, you know, when you have a human do something. They deal with all these things and they can understand that. A bot can't. So we have to understand all those variables so it really puts more of the pressure on the upfront design And understanding.

Farewell farewell and I'm going to start picking some specific questions here. Let's see Jenna.

Jenna Shields, Lee asks What is the learning curve and the implementation line implementation timeline when the when you're first bringing on blueprint, what? What does that learning curve implementation timeline look like?

Yeah, so it's interesting. You asked that I'm actually just underway with a few of ... right now with quite a few customers. So, we get folks up and running in less than two weeks and the interesting thing about that is everything I've shown you today and again, this was a specific example around migration.

Let's say you were just building automation everything you do today in Documents you would do those exact same things, But you would do them in Blueprint. So it's, it's Not that it's changing fundamentally how people approach the problem and how people approach their work, It just changes where they do their work.

So the nice thing about our implementation and our enablement approach, is that it gets people up and running so quickly because it's literally saying hey, let's just work through the bot you're trying to build today. And let's use that as an example to, you know, learn Blueprint and learn the mechanisms of these digital blueprints.

The reality of that is, once you kind of remove this, this barrier of documents, you become a lot more proficient, but we've had a lot of successfully get people up and running in that two week window. And it's been effective because, you know, these are a time, you know, project lines tend to be three months on average, and we can start to make a significant impact and reducing that, you know, by 50% in, even on the first automation.

And building on that, Brian, think she has a couple of questions here. I'll get a sequence from Brian here, because these are pertinent questions on the on the floor that you're just on.

First one, is Blueprint Cloud based, or on premise, or both?

So we are primarily a cloud based solution. We do have a few customers that have had to use on premise, it's the same technology stack for us, either way. Our cloud based offering as our primary offering, because that's what customers have been just leaning towards, and it gets them up and running much quicker. Now, able to get them deployed the same day, and able to get them, you know, in there the next day, actually starting to onboard.

Very good, very good. And the follow up from Brian is still, does blueprint reduce the time associated with the discovery and capture of Neil undocumented processes.

So we do, so the interesting thing, with the discovery process, and there's a lot of discovery technologies that are out there and there's a lot of challenges in the, in the discovery space. You know, with all these technologies, IC, primarily with the customers I work with. They still sit down and interview their subject matter experts. They sit down in a video chat. They record the screen of what they're doing and they transpose that. They transcribe it into a process, that whole activity streamlined with digital blueprints, because we can build the process much quicker. We don't have to go through this manual document creation, but for folks that are using the discovery tools, one of the nice things is you can use like a Blue Prism capture to record someone's screen and then you can send it into digital blueprints.

Email Graphic Virtual Conferences (4)-1You can actually turn that whole file that's captured, which today, some of those spirit, I didn't do a PDD, but we can take that right into a digital blueprint.

So you can go right from your discovery forum, format, file, whatever you're using today and turn it into a digital blueprint.

So you have it in your workspace now, ready to build and design.

Excellent. Excellent. And how does it work with multi-platform solutions for like RPA integrated with NLP, OCR, chatbot technologies? How does that work?


And then the interesting thing for us is we're pretty agnostic when it comes to technology Because we're sitting a little bit further upstream, we're focused more on the design space, and really the, that gap, the alignment gap that happens between, you know, the business, teams, the customer's customer, and the technology team, we're really bridging that gap, which is documents today. That kind of information flows through and document. So we see some of that represented in terms of how people model digital blueprints. You can model them differently depending on this technology.

But the technology itself doesn't directly impact how you design the bots which is good for customers because they can actually design their automations, Technology Agnostic and let the Development team really choose the right path for that solution.

So especially when teams have multiple RPA tools or even some teams just go offline and they build it with no macros, ETL and Python scripts, it's the same digital blueprint that drives that.

Fantastic. This is really good that there's some really great questions coming up here. So I'm gonna, I'm gonna have a couple minute, or so left here. So I'm going to be rapid fire with you. So this is a very good question from Robert ..., very practical question. In terms of marketplace implementation and penetration, how how is it happening in the wealth management space in the investment space research portfolio construction processes for investment wealth management areas? What type of RP applications do you see out there?

We haven't seen as many, I mean, personally, I haven't seen as many, I know we have quite a few financial customers that are in that space, wealth management, tends to be a little bit of a tender area. So, sometimes, the boss, we have seen a bit of a little bit more back office, and not as much front and center, I think folks are trying to push forward.

But there's just the regulatory constraints. And one of the things that we do is we allow them to create a regulatory mapping, so they can map their controls into their automation. So we have customers that are starting to move into there. But just not as primary, as we've seen some of the other ones.

I appreciate that, because I appreciate that answer method because the focus that you have had is on the operational side which is very well understood. There's a lot of value should be created there But Robert L and she went to this just because we have been doing so many of this three day conference in multiple topics. There are a couple of references for you. Robert is one is that take a look at more morningstar is doing is not not a plug for a morning star other Than the fact that they have that.

They have automated like thousands of man hours on their, on their, on their credit ratings, side of the business if you will, and many of their financial processes. And we had we had a, we had a Morningstar director of, of business transformation here with us. We've talked extensively about that in the past. We have a couple of conferences coming up that will be focused on, that one will be business transformation operational excellence summit, financial services live, and that will be a three day conference, just on 12 experts on financial services and intelligent automation in that area. So there's a lot going on, you know, with different levels of maturity in different organizations.

Let's, let's dive back in here with one final quick one that we have like NaN left, So what about the John?

It was Guy, Rigney was one of the first ones to ask this question: Can you, can you use Blueprint to manage and synchronize these, the workers to multiple platforms at the same time?

Does that make sense to you?

It does. So we're not co-ordinating it from an orchestration level.

What we're able to do, and this is again, part of the design, is we're seeing folks that are designing automations and part of that automation is going to be delivered by a bot that runs at a Blue Prism and party automation maybe runs in a an attendant fashion, through automation anywhere.

Screenshot (4)What they can do is actually design the whole automation through digital blueprints, send the part they need to build over to Blue Prism and then send the other part back over to automation anywhere. And it kind of connects the two. And again, it aligns the information, but Blueprint itself is not running it from an orchestration standpoint, if that makes sense.

Makes total sense, Matthew, thank you so much for taking the time, from Toronto to the world to share your expertise on RPA and the, and what Blueprint is bringing to the market, fantastic stuff. Thank you very much for taking the time.

Pleasure, have a great day, Jose and thank you very much folks.

Ladies and gentlemen.

That's uh, method Dodson from Blueprint, and you did a fantastic job of bringing up some really important questions related to your context, what creates the most value to you. And the And that was very good. I mean we had so many questions. I liked the energy that we have here. Let's keep that going. At the top of the hour are going to wrap up the session and at the top of the hour we're going to bring to you the artificial intelligence leader in that mind, chief data scientist for why wait, and he's going to talk about how to manage the artificial intelligent process.

And the name of his talk is that putting humans back in the loop for artificial intelligence. So you do not want to miss this. This is going to be specific insights from Y Ways Noah's Ark Lab and Project.

I think that that belarusian is going to be coming directly to us from France today if I'm not mistaken, and I'm talking about the research they're doing, and the really interesting developments in that area. So, don't miss that, Of course, we're gonna wrap this session now, and then the top of the hour, we restart the, the, the recording, so join us back then.

Then the meantime, if you have any questions. If you have commentary, go onto the link on LinkedIn, and, you know, ask questions, make comments. We're gonna be putting updates there later on today, so that's another way of interacting. You can just look undermining shows that there is at LinkedIn, and you'll be able to see the posting about RPA and intelligent automation life. So, without further ado, goodbye for now. I'll see you back at the top of the hour.


About the Author

more (19)-1Matthew Dodgson,
Head of Global Solution Engineering,
Blueprint Software Systems.

Matthew Dodgson is Head of Global Solution Engineering at Blueprint Software Systems, supporting the delivery of Blueprint’s Enterprise Automation Suite, a modern and intuitive tool for scaling process automation initiatives to enterprise scale. He believes in delivering quality solutions to customers that drive change and value for their organization, and is passionate about helping teams to rapidly optimize, automate and digitally transform their organizations. Cultivated through a background in customer service, quality assurance and software engineering, he has seen first-hand that the best solutions require dedication, passion and support from the whole team. 


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