
See Sooner, Act Faster: How Vigilant Leaders Thrive in an Era of Digital Turbulence

By George S. Day & Paul J. H. Schoemaker

"In this book, you’ll the tools for thriving when digital advances intensify turbulence. Business turbulence has become the new normal and a company’s survival depends on vigilant leadership that anticipates threats, spots opportunities, and acts quickly when the time is right. Highlighting real-world examples from Adobe, MasterCard, and Amazon, the author’s describe how to allocate the scarce resource of attention, how to detect weak signals and separate them from background noise, and how to respond strategically before competitors do."


Why Digital Transformations Fail: The Surprising Disciplines of How to Take Off and Stay Ahead

By Tony Saldanha & Robert A. McDonald

"In this book, the author provides you with a five-stage model for executing a digital transformation. As a former vice president of IT and shared services for Procter & Gamble, the author outlines why digital transformation fail. Why do you they fail? It’s not due to innovation or technological problems. It’s the details. Yes, the “devil is in the details.” A lack of clear goals and a disciplined process for achieving those make transformation fall off the track.."


The Technology Fallacy: How People Are the Real Key to Digital Transformation

By Gerald C. Kane, Anh Nguyen Phillips, Jonathan R. Copulsky & Garth R. Andrus

"In this book, you’ll learn that digital disruption is about people. Effective digital transformation involves changes to organizational dynamics and how work gets done. Digital transformation is not about technology but organizational changes required to harness the power of technology. By focusing on the people and processes of an organization, you can respond quickly to digital disruption. By changing the company culture to be more agile, risk tolerant, and experimental, your organization can compete with digital disruption."


Leading Digital: Turning Technology into Business Transformation

By George Westerman, Didier Bonnet & Andrew McAfee

"In this book, you’ll take steps toward becoming a “digital master,” no matter what organization or industry you are in. The author explains the phrase “going digital” is relevant for industries beyond tech, media, and entertainment. With mobile, analytics, social media, sensors, and cloud computing, these technologies have fundamentally changed the business landscape. The authors highlight how enterprises in finance, manufacturing and pharmaceuticals industries are using digital to gain strategic and competitive advantage."


MicroMarketing: Get Big Results by Thinking and Acting Small

By Greg Verdino

"In this book, talks about how mass marketing is dead and how “micro” marketing can be “macro” marketing.  The author, Greg Verdino, is a highly regarded authority on the “digital now” and a leading thinker on digital transformation, technology trends, marketing innovation, and business strategy. The book talks about why and how to rethink, retool, and revitalize your marketing strategies to take full advantage of the opportunities created by the micro-content explosion."


Digital Transformation: Survive and Thrive in an Era of Mass Extinction

By Thomas M. Siebel

"From visionary Silicon Valley entrepreneur Tom Siebel comes a penetrating examination of the new technologies that are disrupting business and government—and how organizations can harness them to transform into digital enterprises. The confluence of four technologies—elastic cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, and the internet of things —writes Siebel, is fundamentally changing how business and government will operate in the 21st century."


The Digital Transformation Playbook: Rethink Your Business for the Digital Age

By David Rogers

"In this book, you’ll be able to rethink your business for the digital age. If your business started before the Internet, you’ll the playbook for transforming in a digital economy. The author argues digital transformation is not about updating your technology but about upgrading your strategic thinking. Based on a decade of research, teaching at Columbia Business School, and consulting for businesses around the world, the author shows how pre-digital-era companies can reinvigorate their game plans, capture the new digital opportunities and rethink their underlying assumptions in five domains of strategy: customers, competition, data, innovation, and value."

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Driving Digital Strategy: A Guide to Reimagining Your Business

By Sunil Gupta

"In this book, you’ll learn digital transformation has become a necessity with the widespread threat of disruption. The author explains how the New York Times has created a successful digital product behind a paywall, how Best Buy has transformed its business in the face of Amazon’s threat, how John Deere formed a data-analysis arm to complement its farm-equipment business."



By Jace An

"In this book, you’ll learn the building blocks of digital transformation and the approach to assessment and improvement of the digital capabilities to achieve successful digital transformation. This book is ideal for digital professionals in IT, marketing and sales and those who are digital consultants and digital planners. This book highlights the “digital capability model” of 12 mega capabilities and 77 capabilities. It is organized the describe capabilities and their associated maturity levels, according to the taxonomy of the “digital capability model.” "


Driving Digital: The Leader's Guide to Business Transformation Through Technology

By Isaac Sacolick

"In this book, the author explains that updating products, technologies and business processes in no longer enough. The race is now on for everyone to become a digital enterprise. If you have been charged with leading your company’s digital transformation, the pressure has become intense and the correct path forward unclear."

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