You’ve Automated to Survive COVID-19, But What Now? Transforming the Messy Processes that Serve Users
COVID-19 forced mass adoption of Digital Transformation technologies, mainly to keep businesses running when the workforce, customers and partners at once became virtual and relied on whatever automation was readily available. Now, a year into this new paradigm of work, we’ve learned that merely automating a process is not digital transformation; rather, processes must be re-imagined as experience management – especially those processes around employee and customer service.
This session highlights:
- A “Digital Intelligence” approach to transforming processes that involve people using unstructured content to make decisions and serve their users
- Thinking beyond the importance of data, process flow, and tasks to discover, monitor, and optimize
- The role of unstructured content as decision, compliance, and risk points in employee and customer interactions and making them work for, not against your digitization goals
Be sure to join this insightful session, and walk away with the answers you need.
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How to drive efficiency and customer excellence on your business transformation journey
For a long time, there has been a disconnect between operational excellence initiatives and customer experience. Organizations find their plans to transform customer journeys never make it from ideation to execution, or that supposed solutions create even more problems.
The good news? There's a way to achieve both efficiency and customer excellence while on your transformation journey. Hear case studies of companies who are leading the charge.
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Digital Transformation and the Future - A simplified Approach
New products and solutions are provided at high-speed form different cloud providers. With the current changes and new norms of working from home, businesses need to adapt quickly and efficiently to the cloud. In this session, we will shed the light on the GCP options provided and how to choose according to where you are standing now in your cloud journey.
In this session you will learn;
- GCP solutions for IT infrastructure modernization
- Key points to consider when choosing from the different options provided
- Benefits of modernizing your IT infrastructure.
- Why going forward with your transformation journey is important during such challenging times
- How Cloudypedia as a google cloud partner can help
The Human Side of Digital Process Automation
The benefits of Digital Process Automation (DPA) is no longer in question. The priority now is to deliver on the quick execution of DPA initiatives. However, there are challenges to DPA delivery and they are not technology based. The human capital component, specifically the knowledge, social and emotional side, is the obstacle to overcome in order for DPA to succeed.
During this presentation you will gain insights on the following areas:
- Why human capital is priority for DPA success?
- Why companies are not focusing on human capital and what to do to resolve this gap.
- Real world examples of how human capital has enabled DPA success
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Practical Process Automation
Modern IT architecture needs to create connected business solutions out of individual components that are decoupled and independent by design. It needs to include people as well as legacy systems but still automate processes to a high degree. And all architecture choices will influence the business agility and innovation capabilities of the whole organization.
In this talk, I will discuss process automation as a centerpiece to solve these challenges and enable successful digitalization. I will dive into different ways to automate processes and share some real-life stories which will give you some guidance for your own process automation endeavor. I will present a developer-friendly way to automate processes and look into the journey to introduce this in your own organization.
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Intelligent automation as a transformation agent
To deliver an excellent customer experience, businesses need to keep automation at the center of their transformation program.
Join us as we share successful examples of front-to-back digitalization programs and, discuss in a fireside with Rob Scott, Head of Market Services at Commerzbank AG, his thoughts on what makes the program successful.
As a part of this session, you will hear about
- Why act now
- How to pick the right process for automation adoption
- What are the challenges to scale automation and how to overcome them
- Framework for organization-wide business operations transformation
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Leading Business Transformation In Times of Disruption: From Covid-19 to The Fourth Industrial Revolution
The Covid-19 pandemic has reminded us that the emerging technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution are not the only source of disruption in business and life. The suddenness with which the pandemic struck has magnified for us to see the effects of disruption and the effectiveness of our responses as leaders, businesses, governments, and individuals.
The pandemic has also exposed both strengths and weakness of business continuity plans, changemanagement and business transformation efforts and the leadership behind them. As we emerge from the pandemic what have we learned that will enable us to harness the power of disruption – whether we create the disruption or not. How do you successfully implement business transformation efforts when everything is not only changing fast but shifting?
Business transformation must be about more than just targeted efforts. The enterprise itself must be included. Organizations must be not only agile the must be anticipatory. In this presentation we will discuss:
- Exponential Change, Tipping Points and Disruption
- Evolution or Revolution: The Nature of Industrial Revolutions
- Strategy, Change Management, and Business Transformation Lessons for Leaders from the pandemic for future disruptions
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Beyond Spreadsheets: Forms to Dashboards, Automated!
With the increased functionality of digital forms, unprecedented connectivity and the changes brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic, there are increased opportunities for organizations to easily make the most of these advancements. This approach can result in increased business efficiencies and streamlined business processes, leading to reduced time and effort, along with providing opportunities to standardize business procedures.
Key outcomes of this presentation will be the following:
- The use of forms within MS teams
- Form data processing
- Automated KPI dashboards using MS forms data
- “Real-world” example of automated KPI dashboard generation from online form data
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Are we using AI-related technologies to automate enough?
- What is AI
- Difference between AI and Machine language
- Machine language in everyday life, especially COVID times
- Preparing for the future
- Human behaviour and automation in general
- Current technology like passwords that have made humans augment technological behaviour, and automation can play a big part in such areas
- User driven designs to ensure technology augments user behaviour is critical.
- Using Machine Language to drive automation.
- Use behavioural analytics to imnprove and evolve automated digital interaction
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Aligning Population Health and Digital Transformation
Digital augmentation of human-delivered care is propelling us to the forefront of scalable, personalized service: A population health management (PHM) technology that achieves all components of the Quadruple Aim, ensures the best outcomes at the lowest cost with patients and providers feeling empowered. Through UPMC Health Plan's intelligent PHM clinical platform and workflow engine, payers and providers seamlessly integrate with caregivers to deliver a customized end-to-end care experience.
Key Outcomes:
- New awareness of clinical needs through machine learning engine that supports both member engagement and outcomes, leveraging precision and predictive models to identify the right intervention at the right time through digital integrated technology.
- A roadmap for sustainable growth by optimizing productivity with automation including recommended interventions; digital-first, coach-assisted engagements that augment serving populations at scale and better clinical outcomes.
- Understanding of consumer and care management adoption of digital technology and enabled workflows that provide human-centered care at the forefront of scalability and personalized service.
Performance Anxiety: How to Define and Measure What Really Matters
We all learn that objectives should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound), and yet we often find ourselves held accountable for metrics that are questionable in terms of their relevance or actual value, to be polite. And yet, no metric, as long as it is valid (measures what you think it measures) and reliable (can be reliably measured without bias or at least with bias accounted for) is inherently wrong…unless it is.
When reading “our new system to help increase self-service shows a 25% reduction in tickets logged as compared to the legacy system”, the statement raises more questions than it answers, especially if the system is running in parallel and allows users to choose freely which system to use. Is the system “causing” the drop, or differences in the users groups? These questions can be answered, robustly, and executives can be provided insights that are both accurate and actionable. Anything can be measured, if you really think about how to define exactly what you are trying to achieve.
This talk will provide insights into the following areas of organizational life:
- Why so many metrics often make so little sense.
- Why classical KPIs don’t work for most functions, and an alternative that can.
- Why people tend to be very poor at estimation, and a method to improve the accuracy of your organization around “intangibles”.
- How to minimize the anxiety of accountability.
- A simple step-by-step framework to help get you started on defining and measuring what really matters.
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Digital Process Automation: How Great Enduring Organizations Scale Technology and Value Creation
In a world disrupted by exponential technologies, how do you build systems and mechanisms where extraordinary performance becomes ordinary? How great enduring organizations consistently deliver exponential leaders, growth, and value creation?
We will explore how the best cross-industry organizations leverage "the right" culture, methods, technologies, and people as the ultimate engine for value creation and sustainable competitive advantage.