
Proqis Digital Virtual Conference Series

View our schedule of industry leading free to attend virtual conferences.
Each a premier gathering of industry thought leaders and experts sharing key solutions to current challenges.




How Great Organizations Build Cultures of Excellence, Innovation and Value Creation


If culture eats strategy for breakfast, no wonder most organizational initiatives become “side dishes” and fail to meet their objectives. From safety improvement programs to high technology deployments, organizations are littered with great ideas and plans that were systematically chewed up by the jaws of culture.

In this session we will learn how great enduring organizations build cultures of excellence, innovation and value creation as their ultimate competitive advantage.  

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Cloud Strategy for the Next Decade


Infrastructure Modernization; How to choose the right modernization path for your environment


New products and solutions are provided at high-speed form different cloud providers. With the current changes and new norms of working from home, businesses need to adapt quickly and efficiently to the cloud. In this session, we will shed the light on the GCP options provided and how to choose according to where you are standing now in your cloud journey.

In this session you will learn;

  • GCP solutions for IT infrastructure modernization 
  • Key points to consider when choosing from the different options provided 
  • Benefits of modernizing your IT infrastructure.
  • Why going forward with your transformation journey is important during such challenging times 
  • How Cloudypedia as a google cloud partner can help
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It Ain't Done 'Til It's Automated: Security at the Speed of DevOps


Companies are rapidly migrating applications and workloads to the cloud. For many this is a Software as a Service for a first option, with migration to public cloud second, and only if necessary will workloads be deployed inside of the legacy data center. This is further complicated by the desire to accelerate the development lifecycle allowing devops to drive the IT migration. InfoSec is playing catchup to the business and devops constant acceleration.

In this session, you will learn strategies and best practices for allowing SecOps to keep up with the Speed of DevOps, as well as fundamental security knowledge applicable for any workload migration to any cloud provider.

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Introducing an evolution in Network Verification and Automation Software


Forward Enterprise documents, searches, verifies, and predicts the behavior of your network by creating an always-accurate software copy of your entire network infrastructure using a unique mathematical model.
With available REST APIs, it easily integrates into your existing network management workflow and tools. The In-App Network Query Engine (NQE) Checks feature delivers the ability to define and perform custom verification within Forward Enterprise atop the NQE data model. Forward Enterprise can be deployed on-prem or via cloud hosting for complete implementation flexibility

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End-to-end Cloud Transformation & Governance


It’s 2020, and still 70% of transformation project fail. Cloud adoption is accelerating, but so many companies are still struggling to plan a migration & setup a proper Governance in a reliable way.

Do you have questions like “what are the 120 AWS accounts that be just discovered are about”, and “who is the owner of a troublesome cloud account”? Then this talk from LeanIX can give valuable insights on how successful companies provide transparency and the required business context.

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Azure governance and management


In most enterprises, deployments are occurring in an ad hoc manner, primarily driven by lack of protocol and unapproved decisions by various operators or employees. Some deployments even violate the organization's compliance obligations, such as being deployed in a manner that violates PCI DSS rules.

If you want to ensure that future deployments comply with policy and organizational requirements. In this session, walk through the processes and technologies that will keep Tailwind Trader's deployments in good standing with the help of Azure Blueprints, Azure Policy, Locks and more.

The solution is governance, and making sure you, the developers and IT Pros who are advocating cloud in your organizations understand the management needed for successful adoption is key.

Whilst governance does not need tooling per se, Microsoft has a range of great tools in the Azure arsenal to help you.

In this session I’ll talk about the kinds of things that can go wrong and the simple things you can do to avoid them.

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How do you make a decision when so much is unknown and so much is on the line? How can you defend your decision? Whether it is a pandemic or Artificial Intelligence and the black box syndrome, this is what all senior leadership teams are facing right now. 

Learn how to cope in this environment of unknowns. Learn about the models available to help you and the techniques at hand. Magnus will share his insights from firsthand experience in leading hundreds of projects and advising top executives, monarchies, ministries, and nonprofits all over the world.

  • Does culture eat strategy for breakfast?
  • Might sufficient high-quality data turn out to be the only insights you need for successful decision-making?
  • This keynote will give you a breakdown of how culture, data, and strategy intersect when making decisions. 
  • Real-life experience of hard-won battles, and how they played out. 
  • You get models for making decisions under extreme uncertainty, and learn how to implement them in your organization.

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African Business and their approach to IT and cloud based technologies.


The view from the C-Suite / Key success factors for effective digital transformation


Information technology innovation creates new opportunities every day to make more money, be more efficient, find new markets, and change existing operations dynamics. Technology advancement is happening so fast that companies are finding it hard to catch up and adapt to the latest and greatest capabilities.

Companies are currently trying to embrace digital transformation and move to the cloud; however, that journey takes years, and it is full of challenges and issues, mainly due to data integration and system compatibility. This keynote will address key elements to successfully leverage digital transformation and capture values while aligning with the overall business strategies. It will also highlights the importance of the delivery mechanism and change management to enable the digital transformation journey.

  • Improve and transform your organizations by addressing all the following factors: People, Process, Technology, Data
  • Find the right balance between strategies, delivery mechanism, and culture.
  • Embrace change but changing for the sake of change is meaningless without a defined brighter digital future that aligns with the business strategy (Set up a good strategy)
  • Develop an action-oriented mindset and adopt a customer-centric approach while leveraging proven technology (Set up a solid delivery mechanism)
  • Invest in people and utilize change management (Enable a healthy Culture)
  • Always start with Safer, then better, faster, and cheaper (maybe)

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Challenges in realising AI use cases for enterprises and the way forward


As we know the success rate for AI projects are very low, many use cases reach till successful PoC phase by creating ML model and desirable outcomes based on sample data; BUT moving them to production with real data starts coming from various sources ex, S3, ERP , Social media etc, and then the challenges start.

With changes in the model during training, accuracy in Inference goes down, versioning of dataset, model explain ability becomes important. This session discuss systematic approaches to take for scaling AI use cases.

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Introducing the Digital Workforce of the Future


  • Digital Automation Readiness
  • Key principles for successful automation change
  • Addressing the changing nature of work
  • Human & Digital worker collaboration