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The Global State of Operational Excellence:
Critical Challenges & Future Trends

130 pages of the most comprehensive study of critical challenges and future trends within Operational Excellence.



"Our vision is for Operational Excellence to be viewed as a strategic weapon every CEO relishes.

Done well, Operational Excellence is now enabling end-to-end business transformation helping organizations to stay relevant in the rapidly changing landscape, through innovation, strategy execution, and being more operationally agile. Most organizations and successful leaders have woken up to the need for business transformation. 

The Business Transformation & Operational Excellence World Summit is to help "nudge" the entire Operational Excellence profession onto this more productive path, and our presentations from the summit are designed to do just that." -

View More Content from The Business Transformation & Operational Excellence World Summit

Resources: Operational Excellence Case Study Presentation Slides


How to take Operational Excellence Program to the Next Level

Taking your Operational Excellence Program to the Next Level

Angel Garcia, Global Continuous Improvement Leader, Catalent Pharma Solutions

Key Takeaways from Angel's Operational Excellence Case Study include:
  • How to create a true assessment of your Operational Excellence capabilities and gap analysis for the next level in continuous improvement
  • Understanding where you currently are in your journey, identify the holes and plan for the future with management buy-in
  • Training the future operational excellence leaders - what to look for? Read More

How to take your operational excellence program to the next level - case study from Catalent Pharma


Operational excellence example resource - Engaging Leadership in Lean Six Sigma Journey

Engaging Leadership in the Bose Lean IT journey

Jeff Hastie, Global Director, Lean Enterprise / Dave Margil, Lean Enterprise Leader, Corporate Information Services, BOSE Corporation

Key Takeaways of this Operational Excellence case study example include:

  • Engaging with leadership and engineering the “ask” – how to get leaders to move from no to yes on your Lean Six Sigma journey
  • Laying out the roadmap – making sure leadership knows how to get started
  • Creating a continuous improvement culture, not a program – going slow to go fast
  • Focus areas to create a strong foundation – critical success factors for Lean Transformation
  • Roadblocks and speedbumps – when the Operational Excellence journey doesn’t go as planned
  • Where are we now, where are we going? – the value of persistence. Read More

Operational Excellence Examples - Engaging Leadership in the Bose Lean IT journey


Operational Excellence Case Study Example - Engaging Leadership in the Supply Chain

Ensuring that the Executive Board is Bought in to Sustain a Successful Operational Excellence Program

Bill Owad Sr. Vice President, Operational Excellence, Cardinal Health

Key Takeaways of this Operational Excellence example case include:
  • How to engage executive leaders in Operational Excellence?
  • Getting the leadership team to understand the end to end value stream
  • Demonstrating strategy alignment with Operational Excellence benefits, efficiency, productivity, top line growth and cost savings
  • Communicating the expecting operating system that is to be present in all areas of the business, culture and leadership behaviors, metrics, diversity and talent management Read More

Operational Excellence Example - Engaging executive board in Supply Chain Management


Improving Operational Excellence & Business Transformation with Workplace Analytics

Business Transformation With Workplace Analytics

Microsoft Workplace Analytics

Leading companies have become increasingly dependent on knowledge worker productivity over the past three decades. Organizations face the challenge of dramatically improving productivity in their organizations, yet lack the inputs to understand the behaviors that drive higher levels of efficiency, quality excellence and engagement. 

These slides will introduce the data-driven discipline of Workplace Analytics:

  • Address collaboration overload, organizational stress and distraction
  • Uncover organizational silos that block innovation
  • Identify Operational Excellence management behaviors that drive employee engagement
  • Find new opportunities to streamline inefficient processes
  • Quantify human and financial costs of business relationships in a company culture

Operational Excellence Example - Transforming Business through Analytic and Process Models


Operational Excellence Case Study - When Business Transformation meets the Road block of culture!

When Business Transformation meets the Road block of culture!

Felicia Linch, Managing Director, Kitch Consulting & Coaching Ltd.

Key Takeaways of the Operational Excellence example cases in this presentation include:
  • Recognising when theory/Best Practice is not working and the need to be flexible and re-adjust your strategy execution/plan to fit the context (‘Best fit’)
  • Find the Champions that will work with you to drive things forward (you only need a core nucleus); What’s the Carrot for them to take the risk and defy the status quo?
  • Understand the company cultural context and work around it – e.g. know when, where and with whom to test ideas or launch a strategy etc.
  • Create centres of Operational Excellence 

Operational Excellence Example - When Business Transformation meets the Road block of culture!


Operational Excellence examples - taking the toyota out of Lean SIx Sigma

Building the Fit Organization, or; Taking the Toyota Out of Lean

Dan Markovitz, Founder/President of Markovitz Consulting, Author

The corporate landscape is full of Operational Excellence companies that have failed in their pursuit of the ‘Toyota Way.’ 

Trying to be like Toyota is a mistake. A “fit” organization has the ability to continually improve in a manner that delivers superior performance and results over the long haul. 

This Operational Excellence example study, based on the Shingo Research Award-winning book, "Building the Fit Organization," distills the lessons from the Toyota Production System into six core concepts, in the easily understandable language of physical fitness and athletic excellence—no Japanese, no English jargon, and no references to Toyota. Give your team the knowledge to be faster, more competitive, and better able to win in your market.

Operational Excellence Example - Building the Fit Organization, or; Taking the Toyota Out of Lean

Engaging Leadership with Operational Excellence through Strategic Alignment  - Operational Excellence examples

Engaging Leadership with Operational Excellence through Strategic Alignment and Visual Management

Jeff Porada, Global Director of Lean Six Sigma, Jabil 

Key Takeaways of the Operational Excellence case study Example in this presentation include:

  • Understand leadership's strategic challenges in order to assist and help the business to drive accountability
  • Move your team away from problem solving and move towards Lean Six Sigma
  • Create a visual story to captivate the audience in order to promote operational excellence
  • Deliver a best practice competition that replicates success across the company 

Engaging Leadership with Operational Excellence through Strategic Alignment and Visual Management - Case Study


Operational Excellence case studies and the Disc-Continuous Improvement Journey

The Dis-Continuous Improvement Journey

Larry Fast,  Founder & President, Pathways to Manufacturing Excellence LLC

Why do so many companies, commited to a career-long, Continuous Improvement (CI) journey only to go into the side ditch in less than 5 years? Why are only 2-3% of companies that start the journey sustaining it after 10 years?

Key Takeaways of the Operational Excellence examples in this presentation include:

  • The Board of Directors does not ensure the process is sustained through changes in CEOs.
  • Senior leaders delegate Continuous Improvement accountability to lower levels without follow up and holding them accountable.
  • Organization changes within operations cause loss of focus and often the abandonment of the existing Continuous Improvement process.
  • Operations leaders lack a comprehensive audit process for guiding the improvement processes and sustaining the gains.

Operational Excellence Example Case Study - The Dis-Continuous Improvement Journey


Case Study Example: How Operational Excellence Fosters Innovation and Agility

Debunking Myths: How Operational Excellence Fosters Innovation and Agility

Zac Jacobson, Sr. Director, Global Business Excellence & Customer Insights, Ebay

eBay depends on Innovation and Agility to compete and succeed. Far too often these efforts are thought to be at odds with management practices aimed at highly predictable and effective operations. Learn how eBay is reframing this paradigm through: 

  • The journey to implement process-centered management in transactional and service delivery environments
  • Integrating process and technology to create consistently excellent customer experiences at scale through Operational Excellence culture
  • Using Voice of Customer (VOC) to implement quality Read More

Operational Excellence Example Case Study - How OpEx fosters Innovation & Agility at Ebay

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