
Proqis Digital Virtual Conference Series

View our schedule of industry leading free to attend virtual conferences.
Each a premier gathering of industry thought leaders and experts sharing key solutions to current challenges.

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Enterprise Architects: Champions of Continuous Transformation and Mergers & Acquisitions


In this time of continuous transformation, mergers & acquisitions (M&As) are an indispensable lever to help enterprises innovate and grow revenue. In recent years, there have been upwards of 50k global M&A deals and transaction volumes of more than 3 trillion USD — numbers which are expected to grow in 2021 despite a decline in 2020.

From an IT perspective, integrating, merging, or carving out another company is a complex process requiring the leadership of enterprise architects. At this presentation, Christian Richter, LeanIX SVP Customer Success, will discuss what enterprise architects (EAs) must consider when transforming IT and why their role is key to the success of M&A activities.

Join Christian to:

  • Get useful insights on the role of EAs in M&A deals from the LeanIX M&A survey
  • Identify the main challenges of post-merger integration (PMI) activities
  • Receive best practices to a successful PMI

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Business Capabilities - the cornerstone of Enterprise Architecture


Business capabilities are foundational elements of enterprise architecture in any business organisation. They organise and describe abilities an organisation needs to deliver its business objectives. Having a determined set of required capabilities is just a beginning, though. 

  • How business capabilities can be used to effectively steer and support organisational development? How they can help to deliver expected business results? 

  • The presentation will use real-life examples to discuss why every organisation should consider establishing and maintaining business capabilities.

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Architecture in the Product-Oriented Delivery Model


To address the demands of digital business, many organizations adopt a product-centric approach to delivering solutions. This approach is based on creating cross-functional product-centric teams which have a high degree of autonomy to experiment, innovate, and iterate to continuously deliver value for the customers.

The product-centric model requires a nimble approach to architecture, in order to balance the teams’ freedom to innovate with the risks of creating redundant, overlapping, or disconnected solutions. In this session we will discuss how Architecture can provide valuable services in the product-oriented delivery model by influencing the digital business strategy, connecting strategy to execution, shaping the product portfolio, and enabling sound technology decisions to maximize value from technology investments.

Some key takeaways include:-

  • What is the role of Architecture in the product-oriented flow of work?
  • Which services should the Architecture team offer to create value for stakeholders?
  • How can Architects connect multiple perspectives: business strategies, IT strategies, product portfolios, and investment portfolios?
  • How the architecture teams can earn trust and avoid an “ivory tower” perception?

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Enterprise Architecture and The Power of Storytelling


We forget faces, names or numbers. But a good story? We never forget it. Instead of listing several ideas on a PowerPoint slide, a story helps convey the message in a memorable way.

New communication techniques are needed to improve overall maturity of EA and technology innovation leaders.

Learn why storytelling is one of the best tools for effective communications and how EA is a perfect tool to narrate stories to business.

Using storytelling techniques, EA and technology innovation leaders can engage leadership teams to understand how EA helps leaders make better decisions aligned with desired business outcomes.

This presentation shows how one can master the basics of storytelling to become compelling and persuasive communicators of EA. 

Key Takeaways

1) The power of telling stories

2) The key components of a great story

3) How to apply the storytelling technique to EA concepts

4) How to convey complex and technical ideas to key stakeholders in a simple and engaging manner 

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Become indispensable: Strengthen your EA practice by producing valuable business outcomes


Organizations have spent the past years focusing on efficiency, which meant when hit with a major disruption like COVID-19, many business processes were too brittle to quickly adapt and simply broke.  During the rebuilding process, Gartner indicates that leaders must design an architecture that: enables better access to information; can augment that information with new insights; and is composable, modular, and can change and respond more quickly as decisions are made. 

But how do you do that?  A good first step is to add a business architecture top layer to your enterprise architecture efforts.  Using this lens, you can connect IT to business objectives (ensuring your efforts are business-outcome-driven) and therefore easily changeable when business objectives evolve or change.

In this session you will learn how to:

  • Create a strategic roadmap where you can plan future business capabilities and other IT investments
  • Understand how emerging technology can be leveraged to support business objectives
  • Optimize your current IT portfolio for cost, lifecycle, and agility
  • Ensure transformation projects are aligned with strategic objectives
  • Implement business-outcome-driven enterprise architecture

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Strategy execution for the agile enterprise – be a digital business faster


IT executives have the mandate to ensure digital transformation happens – fast. They know agility is core to digital business success and are implementing Agile approaches such as SAFe, Scrum, Kanban and DevOps to enable IT to deliver products in ever shorter release cycles.

However, IT executives in large organizations are finding it difficult to keep agile development in line with the overall direction,plans and strategy of the organization. There needs to be a bi-lateral exchange between strategists and Lean product managers or there will be a cleft between how digital strategy is defined and what development teams work on. If not addressed, the cleft grows larger leading to poor Agile execution and uninformed decisions on strategy.

Speed-to-market is hampered, digital transformation loses intensity and sustainability, customer desires aren’t fulfilled and the company’s competitive edge is lost. Strategic portfolio management (SPM) integrates strategy management with Lean portfolio management and the feature portfolio on a collaborative platform so that all involved stakeholders see one source of truth and perform their planning and operational activities in the context of the (changing) business strategy.

Find out in this session how SPM can ensure your company’s success in rapidly becoming a competitive player in digital business.

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As we know the success rate for AI projects are very low, many use cases reach till successful PoC phase by creating ML model and desirable outcomes based on sample data; BUT moving them to production with real data starts coming from various sources ex, S3, ERP , Social media etc, and then the challenges start.

With changes in the model during training, accuracy in Inference goes down, versioning of dataset, model explain ability becomes important. This session discuss systematic approaches to take for scaling AI use cases.

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Intertwine nature of Digital Transformation-Enterprise Architecture-Secured Business Operations


Digital Transformation is essential for sustaining, growing, and innovating any business that is in the market for 5 plus years.  No business can be established without using automation, that depends on the technologies. 

The on-going changes in technology is forcing both the providers and consumers of the technologies to change their business model to remain relevant in the global competitive marketplace.  To stay ahead of the competition, consider digital transformation as a journey and not a one-time strategic initiative. 

To continually achieve digital transformation, the fundamental goal for any organization is to provide secured business operations.  This all is possible only with Enterprise Architecture focus.  Companies need to adjust their culture, strategies, operations and technology platforms continually by leaning on the right data.

Key Takeaways

  • Digital Transformation changes the entire organization - culture, strategies, operations and technology platforms
  • Enterprise Architecture requires strong alignment between business and IT – culture, strategies, operations and technology platforms
  • Secured Business Operations are must have to sustain and grow business – culture, strategies, operations and technology platforms

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The Rise of Digital Twins & Impact on Value Chains- An Enterprise Architecture Approach


Understand the Industry 4.0 concept of Digital Twin

Understand The Enterprise Digital Twin

Identify Areas of weakness, gaps, optimization methods.

Accelerate Digital Transformation

Connect the Process back to Value chains and Business capabilities

Keep Architecture up to date

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No Code Apps - An Emerging Trend in Application Development


Description: While the Lo Code No Code movement has been evolving for a few years now, what’s really emerging is the pace at which the providers are increasing the market cap.  Added to that trend is the acquisitions of some of these by the Cloud providers - AWS, Microsoft and Google.   Enterprises will start looking at options beyond the Cloud in the next few years and this is why, it’s really important to fully evaluate this for applicability in your enterprise.  The timing for adopting this is now. Attendees can walk away with an understanding of:

  • Lo Code No Code Platform trends
  • Areas that can potentially benefit from this
  • Potential footprint this tech is best suited to occupy
  • Ways to exploit the non-traditional workforce in IT development

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Design Thinking Methodology in Enterprise Architecture


Digital transformation is key for most companies and industries. How to unlock digital and innovation capabilities in your organization?
Building up internal capabilities and partnering with the external ecosystem to be successful in your transformation journey. The focus will be on:
  • How to implement innovation programs in a corporate
  • Scaling entrepreneurship & digital skills
  • How to support your digital transformation

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Architecting an AI Ecosystem

GTW -21 EA Speakers OnDemand (1) (1)

This session will include a review of a recent worldwide Digital Transformation survey of 4,300 decision makers from mid to large enterprises. Although 2020 has been a year of characterized by tremendous change, it has also provided clarity for the need of organizations to be more agile, with a scalable and resilient IT infrastructure to manage future disruptions. The survey indicates that the top technology investments over the next one to three years include: security, privacy software, multi-cloud platforms, AI and data analytics and data management tools.

The use of AI and data analytics is expanding across the enterprise. Business leaders are realizing that AI and data analytics are key differentiators to their business and are adopting a data-driven culture to drive greater customer insights. These organizations need a platform that delivers an agile, open ecosystem for data scientists and developers to work efficiently together. An architected approach in building a data platform enables an organization to share data and maximize the benefits of their investments in advanced analytics.

Key Takeaways include:

  • Understand current AI trends
  • Identify major components of building an AI ecosystem
  • Understand best practices with AI and Multi-cloud deployments

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