Courtesy of Deutsche Bank's Dr. Artur Preus, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Business Capabilities - the cornerstone of Enterprise Architecture' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at Enterprise Architecture Live Virtual Conference.
Session Information:
Business Capabilities - the cornerstone of Enterprise Architecture
Business capabilities are foundational elements of enterprise architecture in any business organisation. They organise and describe abilities an organisation needs to deliver its business objectives. Having a determined set of required capabilities is just a beginning, though.
How business capabilities can be used to effectively steer and support organisational development? How they can help to deliver expected business results?
The presentation will use real-life examples to discuss why every organisation should consider establishing and maintaining business capabilities.
Session Transcript:
Today, doctor Arthur Price is here with us to to guide us through a journey of Enterprise architecture and specifically on the on business capabilities related to Enterprise Architecture, Arthur, what a pleasure to have you here with us. For those of you who do not know doctor Arthur Price, he currently leads business. He's the Lead Business architect at Deutsche Bank, responsible for the Bank's Financial Crime Business Architecture Model.
He is a member of the Business Architecture Guild and its Finance Industry Working Group.
Artist Professional Experience includes: stablish, ing executing, business architecture, discipline and operating models in financial and telecommunications organizations, Including the deployments into more than 40 markets simultaneously.
Is especially passionate about client centric and value driven architecture and its impact on organizational process, data, and technology critical elements.
Doctor Arthur, it's a real pleasure to have you with us. Thank you for taking the time to sharing your expertise of our global audience today.
Thank you, Joseph. Very nice. Introduction, indeed. Hello, everyone. I hope you are all safe this weekend. The UK. We have less typical British web app, so to speak. It's around zero degrees outside and little bit of snow depths on the street. So, yeah, Quite different than the usual winter.
Let me start with saying how grateful I am to be able to talk to you about something fundamental to what organizations around the world do, and to what most of them are trying to constantly make better, as well as about something important to what enterprise architecture, obviously helps those organization with. It is also something I have personally seen as, indeed, producing business benefits, and helping to achieve strategic objectives before we will talk about the key subject of this presentation. Let me ask a few words to what Joe has already said about myself.
My preface professional experience includes, as we said, building concept, the shank and implementing, an enterprise architecture, disciplines, and, and models in various industries, including telecommunications and finance.
From more than 20 years of doing so, I was able to observe how the approach to architecture and how each supports it's the coldest consumers, It's massively evolved.
one of the most interesting things to observe was how capabilities have become fundamental to any architectural considerations, and learn how they usage coby constantly, refined, and improve in order to obtain maximum possible possible value from from them.
And we've this this is what we're going to talk about today. Also the key points we're going to look at and discards during the next 25 minutes. Includes a quick but important reminder of what capabilities are and what purpose they serve. How key capabilities can be used to describe the current state, and also hub to determine the future state dependent organization? And last, but not least, how capabilities can, or should be used to drive transformation business transfer transformation. I hope that by the end of this presentation, you'll be able to discern and see why older.
Very often called fundamental, or maybe perhaps precisely because of that capabilities are valuable elements of, or shouldn't be considered as a quality, valuable elements of enterprise architecture.
To set the prophesying or common ground, we should say, for the remaining part of the focus on patient, Let us, let me start with the basics, first, we're going to discuss what capability is this, just, to make sure that we're all on the same page, and understanding the same way, things. We're going to talk about a lot today, one of, the Most straightforward, but also, very accurate definition, which describes what business capabilities.
Is the definition proposed by Business Architecture kilt, according to came for BVT defines what a business.
Thus, this definition constitutes an important principle: Capability does not explain where, why or how something is being done, only what it's done, this is important.
Because it, now, principle introduces some important implications for what capabilities are, and what they are notes and also how they should be consider.
For example, capability is not a process because the process identifies how capability is being confirmed, also. Capability is not an organizational unit.
unit identifies part that owns process, that capability, at the end of the day, requires to be able to operate rather than those. So, such things that obviously are still closely linked to two capability capability itself is a particular ability or capacity.
The organization may have to or need to possess in order to achieve, to be able to achieve a specific purpose or producer required business outcomes.
At a high level, for example, this would include a car manufacturer as ability to produce cars, pass the service's ability to perform logistics, and any sorts of companies ability to collect feedback from its customers.
Important, an interesting fact, which we'll be talking about on multiple occasions today during this next 20 minutes, is that capabilities up, established to produce, business or deliver business outcomes.
Viewing categorization as a set of capabilities they need, in order to operate, opens the door to visualize organizational ecosystems in a wide variety of ways, but what's important without getting confused by too many details.
Business capability, frameworks, key objective, as its core, is to present an integrated and comprehensive set of capabilities. It's much like an architectural blueprint, which seeks to illustrate what a construction may look like, the same capability framework, subjective.
This did the pink.
What an organization does or we'll be doing if we talk about target state of those capabilities by sort of online amalgamate amalgamating different up for quiet capabilities and turning them into a systematic model, Organizations can can provide an overarching view before this ultimately important for them to do in order to, again, achieve the strategic objectives specific benefits.
We can imagine resulting from having a defined and established capability framework including include, for example, define it.
It provides a common language, which can be used to discuss issues, strategic strategies and clients, both both within the business, but also between the business, part of any organization, IT, or other part of the organization.
It helps, for example, problem, resolutions to be achieved in less time and with less confusion.
And in fighting that is some very often or sometimes attributed to miss understandings that arise when an organization trying to handle especially problems that cross different business units.
Secondly, capabilities, organizationally, no trolled because capabilities describe what an organization does, they are not impacted by organizational changes.
And because of that capabilities are perfect tools for long-term definition of what we do.
Well, how we do these things, may be changing, may be evolving, this is, by the way, one of the most important characteristics of capabilities to they are stable and as fundamental components they change.
The last point capabilities also helps to focus on improvements or group improvement opportunities.
If something simpler supplemented, for example, if additional data on the current performance level, as well as the current gaps and deficiencies, capabilities can help to prioritize organizational and process system or data, changes and improvement efforts. This is, by doing something well, we're going to talk about a little bit more in this part, and we'll start with the capability maturity.
The maturity approach recognizes 4 or 5 levels of capability development, it starts with the lowest initial level, usual, usually, when a capability is defined and established.
The point such capability has significant deficiencies in organizational, might have significant deficiencies citing organizational structure, access to required resources.
The way how processes conductance and available at ... data. And all these make, such capability, is very ..., can very often focused on figure out how they should operate.
Volume is same, so obviously, they try to meets at least some stakeholders, requirements or expectations.
It is obvious that at this stage, capabilities should not stay too long, and should be trying to climb up to the next level or levels of maturity as soon as possible.
The initial, quick, repeatable maturity levels should thus be consider, consider as temporary stage, rather than per month, obviously, As kind of steps towards more mature levels of the development.
The entire concept of the capability maturity serves, the purpose of understanding when its life cycle capability is, and by using the same definitions and rating approach across all different capabilities that, that can exist in organization. To determine use this approach.
To determine which one of the oldest capabilities may require special attention.
And this is when we are going to talk more about the next important element of capabilities as being the cornerstone of Conan install: enterprise architecture.
In order to survive and make profits, organizations have to evolve and adjust to the changing political and economic landscapes. The same, as we said, it is required from capabilities, capability maturity model, As we said, helps to understand at what maturity level an organization is at any particular point of time. It also provides an understanding of what is required to move its maturity capability maturity to the next level.
Ground, though, it can be the timing, and what particular maturity level an organizational conflict is.
This is where so-called maturity criteria are coming in handy.
They provide a consistent way of measuring current maturity level, and you've used consistently whenever measurements. Such measurement is taking place, for example, on a quarterly or annual basis.
They allow it to compare previous results and the current ones in order to determine and assess if any progress has been made. The common theme used to access capability maturity levels are operating model components. So, we talking about organizational structure.
We talk about people, processes, data, and technology components, or criteria, because they aren't universal, and every organization has them.
So, it's it should be easy to develop, establish, and then you use those criteria in order to assess the maturity level for all capabilities against the same exactly the same assessment criteria. It does not mean, though. The organizations cannot or should not try to use Assessment croce are more aligned to the specific needs, or to what they do. The point, though, is, especially because the assessment results can be used, not only to understand the capabilities current, developments state, but also to see how different capabilities across the whole organization compare with each other.
That the maturity important is the maturity criteria could be, or should be universal, rather than unique.
In summary, the key purpose of capability to maturity assessment is to establish how developed or mature capabilities.
The assessment results provided precious, precious information on what needs to change in organizational picking structure, processes, technology, or data, so that capabilities could achieve better results, what could move to the next level of the development and maturity. And with this, we're going to move on to the next interesting topic.
Capabilities are, as we said earlier, develop and established, too.
Help an organization understand what it does and using set of cooling system criteria to see and what level of the development capabilities.
As a result of this principle, it's easy to imagine that capability owners needs to understand how an organization strategy and its strategic objectives should get transpose and embedded into their capability specific objectives and ultimately consider, obviously, while applying capability development.
This is where capability maturity assessment.
A concept we have just talked about can now be in the retreat, or should be enriched with additional piece of assessment criteria in order to support understanding how changing incapability, operating model can or should support capability on organizational strategy.
We're talking about linking capability, business outcomes, objectives, with capability, operating model, and making both parts of the same much maturity assessment process. We have previously said that the capability maturity assessment, operating, although criteria, described what capabilities to be able to do, and the house to determine what operating model components are required. At what stage to determine.
With a K, where K with the capabilities today, and what needs to change, in order to move that capability maturity level closer to the target state.
The business outcomes, on the other hand, show what business value capability should be able to deliver, assuming that all, obviously, operating model, requirements or criteria are delivered and established as required.
In other words, business outcomes, establish, set of helps establish a set of success criteria, if you like.
That can be used to assess, If capability, operating, operating model, health hubs, to deliver expected business results.
But also to see and decide the operating model changes, required to progress to the next level, or levels of maturity, can justify required investments.
Those, both elements, capability, operating model, requirements, and business outcomes link, to download loosely.
When we put together, provide executives and transformation teams, with a holistic understanding of not only what problems they might be facing.
And what changes might be required, but also why.
But provided by providing answers to questions, such as, for example, what is the value that can be achieved? At the end of the day, when all changes required to move up to, the next maturity level, will, can believe it. And perhaps what particular capability should go through, requirement changes first, why we should invest our money.
What particular capability us craft this capability, has the biggest set of capabilities, have the biggest impact on the streets of our strategic objectives.
With this, now we are coming to our considerations to the point where it all kind of comes together. Very important. Fundamental, so to speak, element of enterprise architecture.
Perhaps, we all know, at its core, enterprise architecture aims to establish the conceptual blueprint that defines the organizational organization structure and operations.
The intent of enterprise architecture is to determine how ... kinda affectivity achieve its core and the future objectives. Something, by the way, what we talked about today on multiple occasions is also a primary objective of capability modeling capability maturity assessment. The key difference is that enterprise architecture and support organizations in understanding how the business models work from a much wider perspective, and includes like governance, technology, and digital components. And because of this, enterprise architecture has an important kind of unifying co-ordinating role.
It helps sort of bridge the gap between business part of the organization, Where capabilities belong.
To start from, we've instructed strategy, strategic objectives, some stakeholders value, and put this together with IT and data functions.
And as we have already said, knowledge of capability current State obviously hubs to offshoot helps, to identify, and determine gaps that are important from the business perspective.
And, as a result, have, to make better, informed decisions.
How to poor guys, how to structure the whole organization, and how to set the interactions between it's different capabilities to make it more effective, at least from the business.
On more importantly, obviously, from the business perspective.
These, then, if you think about the capabilities can provide group that we've just described, can dictate, can be use in order to determine what the code technology might be required from the future perspective.
And, how data model and data sources can support capabilities, or should support capabilities in achieving the strategic objectives.
And, not having having this in mind, it seems to conclude that capabilities provide business for you to start points for platform for discussions around strategic changes, drive those conversations, and ultimately see what particular investments, either in topology or data, and data, can be required to shoot because shooter.
Um, so, as results, just to summarize this disposal on enterprise architecture and capabilities, we should say the capabilities provide structured platform, as we felt, as we said, helping to ensure the most effective investments and doing so by putting.
This attention with its maturity assessment, incorporates your curriculum and criteria, and business outcomes on essential aspects that impact organizations, strategic objectives.
They have, So to speak, to cut through the surrounding noise of many different things that happen around for organization, and focus on what really the, all those parts of an organization that really matters.
There is one additional important Enterprise Architecture out of Box that has become very popular in recent years, and also proved to be very helpful in designing target operating models, which is ... recent work dimension before we'll conclude.
We obviously are talking about Polish trips.
A funny stream is a set of actions that need to take place in order to provide value to for all to its stakeholders, bid internal service, Saudis consumers. So, External Customers, Value Streams.
Live stream helps to determine and show how the value, expected, total requested by, either internal or external, stakeholder, should be produced from the initial requests through, to true to the, the realization of value by its request.
Value streams.
We need capabilities to be able to produce and deliver expected value.
It could be said, that capabilities hub to visualize an organization at rest.
It's kind of static view of what our organization does.
Values change.
On the other hand, on the other hand, decompose this organization into high level processes and allow to visualize that organization in sort of more motion, knowing what capability now, knowing what capabilities.
The required to execute the funding streams and putting that knowledge together with all we know about, For example, capability maturity assessment results, cups problems, current state, potential business outcomes. That should be a chief? Or could be a chief. You've moved from one level of maturity to the next one all. This knowledge definitely helps to see the strongest points and the weakest points in the entire one. You don't have to analyze and understand why this, they call this, might not be happy with, what they get the value stream, and what they pay for again, similarly.
To what we said about enterprise architecture, combining value, streams, concept with capability framework, allows for much better informed and much more focused, we should say, decisions on the organizational process, technology, data, change plans, and obviously transformation investments.
Uh, and with this, we have come to the last point of this presentation, and we're going to summarize and highlight the key aspects of what we have discussed today.
First, think, really, and obviously, fundamental to all the things which we discussed today.
Capabilities, capabilities, hub to recognize, and understand what an organization does.
And what abilities it needs to acquire in order to be able to operate, is a high level representation. In other words, describing what it called globalization.
This paper should be able to be able to do in order to believe as strategic and operational objectives. The second thing, which is closely linked to capability model or ... capability to maturity assessment, framework, which we are talking about. Our framework is set up and employs capabilities themselves, but also, maturity, operating model criteria.
And I owe a duty of show business outcomes that, into the picture, to the timing, if capabilities, as us protect us, productive, and efficient, and efficient as required and possible for them, and what needs to happen, or change in order for capability to operate.
More efficiently.
So, in other words, they could deliver, those required strategic objectives.
Putting together these two elements, operate similar criteria and business outcomes, and linking them together, in order to understand what particular business outcomes can be achieved, Depending on what maturity level capability is, at any point of time, which, obviously, translates into operating model criteria.
Those four basic operating model criteria, which we mentioned, hubs except executives and taught and transformation teams to understand where we are now, how much of the business value we can deliver, and also what would need to happen, what would need to change in the way how capability operates in order to be done for that capability, and ultimately, the entire stream to deliver better, more effective value at the end of the day.
And the last point, which we discuss obesity.
And finally, capabilities are also fundamental to enterprise architecture considerations, because they help to understand what is the current state of the organization, and also hubs to design, and see what the future target business requirements should be established in order to meet perhaps strategic, most strategic objectives.
And this knowledge, then, can be used, obviously, to determine things like ..., technology data, or other particular elements, which might be required in order to support the business strategy. There are also other important use cases for capability we didn't have time to talk about.
For example, capabilities could be use, even should be use to drive performance reporting, all in order to establish internal service agreements between different capabilities. So, parts of an organization in order to ensure that all those capabilities that the big query and efficiently support value streams can help contribute into delivering the ultimate value for value stream stakeholders.
There's all these additional elements, which, which I've just mentioned, providers, they provide, to subtle the proof, in addition to what we have discussed already today.
Capabilities are truly decoying assault style of enterprise architecture, and should be used by organizations to determine and a wrench, how they operate, and also design the future state, how they would like to be operating going forward.
And with this, I'd like to thank you all for your attention, Again, it's been a pleasure to talk to you, and just looking forward to hearing some questions.
Thank you.
Thank you, doctor ..., terrific presentation, we appreciate the insights from someone who has been doing it at scale for quite some time. So, great, great insights. We have lots of experience questions. And we have quite a bit of time. We have a bit more time than normal here for questions, so take advantage of it. We have doctor price here with us, and the, and a unique opportunity to dive deeper into this topics.
So, I'll set the stage for the broader audience here, on the topic that you're talking about, and what I have here, just behind me, this topic of digital transformation. Very exciting. But the reality is that most digital transformations fail, and if you look at the most recent reports from large consulting companies, they'll talk about 70, 80%. These are transformations failing to achieve their objectives. And one quote that I really enjoy is that technology is wonderful if it enables the right processes to deliver the right outcomes. But also, technology can make stupid happen at the speed of light. So you have to be very intentional about the technologies and the architectures that you use. So going deeper into this topic, which is the alignment of capabilities with business outcomes and technology.
The first question that comes doctor Prizes from Marco Marco, and Marcus asks, When an organization is starts, its enterprise architecture journey, how would you propose, just set up the first capability map when you're just getting started?
I think this is very good question, and it's not easy, my experience with establishing a capability framework, building the view of all these capabilities, which usually, because we're not talking about just wanted capability, obviously, the salvage the organizational requires multiple different capabilities to be able to recognize what those capabilities are, Clearly distinguish one capability from another, and ultimately establish the whole set of capabilities that are required for an organization to exist and deliver its business. or strategic objectives.
This is really difficult thing to do.
The way how it's worth just to start with or where from usually that Works its topic should be Started if you need to find out what are distinguishable?
High level elements of what your organization do and Trying to make a clear set of clear High level this as a as I said distinguishable elements which can be clearly separated from other parts of your organization and define what the Paul does um Who is responsible and on the part. In other words, we talk here.
We're talking about, obviously, Capability, Paulus.
And ultimately, we're talking about also, what processes that particular capability will require in order to be able to operate and, ultimately, going down to systems and data.
What additional resources, and obviously, people, as well, without additional resources the capability will require in order to operate. The, ultimate should, should help, to create a set of capabilities, as I said, they have to be distinguishable. We're not talking about, Definitely. Capabilities can be redundant. For example, can be, a, story can be, shouldn't be repeatable.
So if we talk about capabilities in the role, and the response should be responsibilities within an organization, they have to be community responsive of a set of activities, and set of responsibilities, that cannot belong, in the same time, through any other capabilities. That helps to distinguish, as I said, capabilities and clearly defined And set the boundaries between different capabilities, and also to describe in what way they are responsible for the outcomes that might become consumed. Should be cuts in many occasions, Situation should, because she was contributed by other capabilities, so that ultimately, putting together different capabilities that could deliver the ultimate value of values, which we talked about when we look at the value streams, cultural perspective as well.
And, Arthur, when you see there's an organizational and even at Deutsche Bank, when things aren't working well, on setting up the structure and the manual and the mapping, the capabilities and the value streams.
And in the enterprise architecture, bring it all together.
Who is leading this for the company? Is it coming from the operational side of the business? Is it coming from an architect in IT? Where, how do you see this working in the organizations that do it well?
So, you know, the this is this is very good question.
Because, in order to keep consistent approach and the view of capabilities, and make sure that, for example, the level of description and the level, the capabilities of being looked at, it's exactly the same. The way how this usually is being done, it can either come up from the from the business side of the business perspective, which usually is too busy to do that.
And obviously, it's responsible for your use. So, that's usually something which makes the pieces BG. So the other solution, and usually where the initiative is coming from, and the ultimate responsibility for capability framework, for model, sits with his fight, the transformation.
All strategy and business architecture, those teams that usually are looking at it from the mold growth perspective of the entire organization. Either the entire organization, literally the entire, or some part, big parts of the organization.
They have better knowledge and ...
to kind of provide that consulting, overarching view and help and support going to different organ part of the organization, which ultimately, usually succeed capabilities themselves in order to talk to the capability. All this time, In what they currently are responsible for, describe the current state, but also there's an important element, which we mentioned I mentioned during when. I was talking about capabilities, obviously, which is the farther you should use, or can you use capabilities? Not only to define the current state of, but also build the future state.
So, and this is something, what I mentioned, also, the capabilities, even from the future perspective, potentially most of them are going to stay the same.
Because we are not talking about just set of, you know, high level boxes on a piece of paper, but there is a huge amount of knowledge, which sits behind it. Like, for example, the roles and responsibilities, people, technology, data, which ultimately all these elements should be put into the capability box, And, in order to describe how can capability is going to operate. There's also elements of touch points with all the capabilities. This usually, usually, if you think about the outcomes, to the point where the transformation, or, as I said, strategic and business architecture, have to work together with the business, with capability on us.
In order to describe the current state design capability model, Or establish the model, and use that model in order to figure out how the future, strategic by the capability itself, or certain set of capabilities, should work and should operate.
Very good. I have a questions. There is a theme that has a merger of the questions, and I'm looking at here, and it has to be related to the maturity levels themselves. And from identified to maturity level off, the fine and then to be optimized. The question is: What, what should be the maturity level for four key business processes? should they all be optimized?
That's a very good question. Because looking at common standards, when it comes to capability, so much maturity levels, as you said, to the common approach, aside by law to have for 4 or 5 different levels. And usually, the way, how these levels are being defined. The kind of referred different salt of approach, or approaches to modern operating model. An operating model elements, right? So we talked about organizational structure, people. The usual unsolved cases show structure people as ecology and data.
The way, how they should be established, as a shelter can be adjusted to an organization needs, because, there are some common elements talking about the forward at the lowest level of progress on everything is Celtic. Then you should try to organize yourself, establish, implement. Then, you can start, should start to think about how to optimize, for example, your processes. Because you've got them, define two of them, implement, as you've got them.
Describe, you understand, what's your process landscape is, what your technology landscape is, what's your data landscape is, and now moving on from the data. Usually level three, which is like a middle level. Right. You have a good foundation for moving one, level up, two levels up in order to start optimizing.
Which is usually the next level level for, up to the point of level five, Which is where you're trying to be, almost like a market leader.
So, it's, it's, but that's a good question, and this is where exactly business outcomes that come into the picture, where I've put by putting these two together, you can start asking a question, what that achieving and go being delivered free and achieving. Because that's exactly what the level three allows you to do. Attribute your business outcomes of business result.
That level is enough.
Or, if you'd like to move to level four, which, potentially would help you to achieve better business results, but it's going to cost you some investments, for example, ..., or it's going to cost you some investments into your data. Is it justified by looking at business outcomes? That question, it's even more important when you think about the level five, where you'd like to achieve, Like, I'll become almost like a market leader.
Uh, is it, Is, it? Is. it, Is, its work to do this?
And this does the question where, you know, an organization has to answer how much you're willing to pay in order to achieve the level five.
Because perhaps level four might be bonded just enough.
But that's exactly what we're putting by putting, sorry, just just just one thing.
But putting these two things together is going to be easier for an organization, either capability of the entire organization, to answer that question, how much it's going to invest into the code data and other elements in order to develop them as opposed to what ultimate ultimate business outcomes this is going to achieve the lever.
Very good, very good. I have a shout out your laser care. I'm here, who was asking a number of different questions. And engage or appreciate that, Lisa, I'm gonna have to pick some of your questions, because you have a lot of them. And the end. And I think this one summarizes sprewell. Arthur, can you tell us a little bit about just your own work and engagement, and the Bank, and applying the principles, and the Bank environment? There are a lot of people in our audience today, who are doing Business transformations Bank, so as you know, Financial Secretary is going through a lot of changes. And the curious about what has that journey been for You, practically speaking, implemented this principles in the bank environment.
So, I have a pleasure.
At the moment, we're working with financial crime, domain data bank, which is pretty much big, if you can imagine, because it's published across all, pizza slice, and different customer, or client type swell. It's quite challenging work, and this is what exactly capability framework having capability for them. Because some niche, which was an easy it, is to do, but wants to establish a, massively, to make sure that every conversation on having, across the bar, with many different business stakeholders, either on the business side, though IT or the entire site.
It has to, this is something, this is one of these benefits, which I mentioned when I talk about having a capability framework established it, it, it brings conversation down and make sure that conversation, which we are having, is about exactly the same part of the organization.
Though, we understand what particular function, for example, we're talking about, where the function fits into why the bigger, bigger context? Because we put, we use capabilities, in order also to describe business architecture.
To show, how, does from high level, when you think about enterprise business architecture.
How from high level perspective capabilities, in tone between pitch with each other.
That helps to put every conversation. Not just stop capability and its particular needs, but also those touch points with other capabilities and also understanding what are potentially common.
Technology, for example, requirements that can exist, should exist for the bigger group of capabilities that helps kind of steer the conversation and make sure that, when people are looking at any particular part of the business.
I'm currently part of that. We know exactly what we talked about. We know which part of the business we're talking about. We know how that part of the business has been immersed into into wider picture.
So it kind of establish, as I said, what Caucasians today established a platform for having conversations meaningful conversations with multiple different stakeholders on both business and IT IT and data sites.
Artha, thank you so much for sharing your expertise and practical insights with our global audience today, being an honor and a pleasure, and grateful that you took the time to be with us today.
Thank you very much. Thank you very much. All, and stay safe. Thank you.
Ladies and gentlemen, doctor Arthur Price from Deutsche Bank and the sharing his insights on the enterprise architecture capability and capability building. Very, very interesting perspectives on, on how a very large organization is, looks at enterprise architecture.
Some of the other benchmarking that we have been mm, that we have access to, also shows that the successful digital transformation, is to look at the ones that are very successful, are very much a common feature that they have is a very good foundation for understanding process, capabilities, process, architecture, and, of course, you know the business model structure, that he shared with us just now.
So, if you're a novice, maybe, it's a bit difficult to follow some of the depth of this insights, but if you are experienced practitioner and leader, you know, the importance of this foundational work, so that the, our enterprise architecture and technology can, can align and deliver the value that you, that you'd like to have.
So, thank you for being here with us. We're gonna wrap up the session now, and we're gonna start up, again, at the top of the hour, with a leader in Enterprise R Factor, from Johnson and Johnson. So, don't miss that architecture in the product oriented delivery model. It's a shift from the conversations, we go from a bank to a product company.
And up, either, don't I have, is the Senior Director of Enterprise Architecture for Johnson and Johnson, And she is going to be sharing with us her perspectives on how enterprise architecture works in an organization that has a product delivery model. So, look forward to seeing you at the top of the hour, Susan.
Dr. Artur Preus,
Senior Business Architect (Digital Transformation),
Deutsche Bank.
Senior Business Architect. Member of Business Architecture Guild and International Compliance Association.
Experienced in establishing and executing business architecture and operating models in banks and financial organisations.
Passionate about client-centric and client-driven transformation - and critical role of setting strategic business vision, as well as its translation into organisational, process, data and technology components.
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Courtesy of Nintex Pty's Paul Hsu, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Improve employee productivity during and post-COVID by ...
Read this article about HP, Best Achievement in Operational Excellence to deliver Digital Transformation, selected by the independent judging panel, ...
Read this article about BMO Financial Group, one of our finalists, in the category Best Achievement in Operational Excellence to deliver Digital ...
Read this article about Cisco, one of our finalists, in the category Best Achievement of Operational Excellence in Internet, Education, Media & ...