
Proqis Digital Virtual Conference Series

View our schedule of industry leading free to attend virtual conferences.
Each a premier gathering of industry thought leaders and experts sharing key solutions to current challenges.

The Global State of Operational Excellence:
Critical Challenges & Future Trends

130 pages of the most comprehensive study of critical challenges and future trends within Operational Excellence.



Agile and Agility in Business Transformation

Agile and Agility: What's the Difference

What's the difference between Agile and Agility? Our contributor Andrew S. McCune states the following:

"What do these two words mean? A quick check in on the definition of these words.

agile, adjective, English: 1. marked by ready ability to move with quick easy grace <an agile dancer> 2. having a quick resourceful and adaptable character, <an agile mind>

agility, noun, English: 1. the quality or state of being agile, nimbleness, dexterity. <A gymnast whose agility on the parallel bars has won several medals>

This is part of why the words are potentially confusing as “agile” is a word describing a noun (the adjective), and “agility” is a noun that is the state of being “agile.” These words are in use with different references in Software Development and Operational Excellence."

With this in mind, the ability to BE Agile, rather than the literal software practise/training, makes a lot more sense in the context of Leadership, Business Transformation and the integration of Agile.

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In a specific business context, agility is the ability of an organization to rapidly adapt to market and environmental changes in productive and cost-effective ways. The idea of an agile enterprise is an extension of the theory of business agility, referring to an organization that uses core principles of adaptive systems and science of complexity to achieve success. It's also plausible to cite business agility as the outcome of organizational intelligence.

Lean Agile, Agility and Transformation Video Sessions from the Thought Leaders

WATCH NOW: INTEL - Integrating Lean and Agile to Transform New Product Development

Integrating Lean and Agile to Transform New Product Development


WATCH NOW: EBAY - Debunking Myths: How Operational Excellence Fosters Innovation and Agility  

OpEx Innovation and Agility


WATCH NOW: AVVO - 'Agile Business Transformation; Using Operational Excellence Tools & Methodologies'

Agile Business Transformation; Using Operational Excellence Tools & Methodologies


WATCH NOW: The Adoption of Visual Management (VM) as a key success factor for the Agility and Performance of Global Organizations 

WATCH NOW: The Adoption of Visual Management (VM) as a key success factor for the Agility and Performance of Global Organizations

Agility Resources

Click a resource for full access

Case Study examples of achieving Operational Excellence

What does a Business Analyst Do on an Agile Project?

B2T Training

As the use of agile approaches increases, business analysts struggle to determine how their role maps to the new approach and how it has changed from their familiar development process. Business analysts, for example, often find themselves proclaiming “in everything I read/hear about agile, I never see “business analyst” mentioned!”

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How Operational Excellence Fosters Innovation & Agility

Operational Excellence: What is it? Strategy, definitions and more

To get an idea of the role of Innovation in Operational Excellence, take a look at our FREE 6 in 1 report series, 'Operational Excellence: Snapshots', featuring the thoughts of 150+ Operational Excellence Professionals, and targeting the most pressing issues in the ecosystem.

Get the report now


Award-Winning Case Studies

Download the free case studies now, or view the full list of award-winning Operational Excellence case studies, courtesy of the Business Transformation & Operational Excellence World Summit.

Award Winning Operational Excellence Case Study - Paccar Best Operational Excellence Award Winning Strategy - United Airlines What is Operational Excellence? Case Study Practises - Sonoco


Further Reading

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