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The Customer Experience Book: How to design, measure and improve customer experience in your business

By Alan Pennington

"Customer Experience (CE) is becoming seen as a key component of business strategy, yet knowing the practical steps of what to do can be tricky. The Customer Experience Book helps you understand where you are now, what to do, and how to improve for your business. The Customer Experience Book shows you how to understand, measure and improve customer experience in your business, whatever your level."

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Customer Experience Management: How to Design, Integrate, Measure and Lead

By  John Goodpasture

"he concept of Customer Experience is the ideal solution for any company that wants to sustain differentiation, foster customer loyalty, and secure financial growth. By expertly managing the Customer Experience, you CAN warm the hearts of your customers, win their loyalty and outperform the competition in a fresh, unique way.

The eye-opening book from Dr. Erdem and Dr. Tavsan: Customer Experience Management: How to Design, Integrate, Measure and Lead breaks down exactly what Customer Experience is, and how to manage it through world-class methodologies. Anyone can start applying this step-by-step walk through immediately and, grow base of loyal customers and secure more financial growth."

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Customer Experience Management: The Experiential Journey

By Dr James Seligman 

"Building Experience Value in organizations. Strategies for Growth and Return on Investment. A dynamic resource on "experience marketing" and management Organizations that want to deliver required outcomes can do so by shifting gears from traditional ‘command and control tactics’, to a more collaborative way of working with customer interactions, ensuring relevant skills and capabilities are made available. By investing in technology, organizations that support the customer experience can provide accurate forecasting, customer insight, and the skills and capabilities regardless of their location and time zone. Processes that span the back office to the front office should provide real-time insight into the interpersonal experience journeys and enable co-creation of goods and services.."

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The Effortless Experience: Conquering the New Battleground for Customer Loyalty

By Matthew Dixon, Nick Toman & Rick DeLisi

"The Effortless Experience takes readers on a fascinating journey deep inside the customer experience to reveal what really makes customers loyal—and disloyal. The authors lay out the four key pillars of a low-effort customer experience, along the way delivering robust data, shocking insights and profiles of companies that are already using the principles revealed by CEB’s research, with great results. And they include many tools and templates you can start applying right away to improve service, reduce costs, decrease customer churn, and ultimately generate the elusive loyalty that the “dazzle factor” fails to deliver. 

The rewards are there for the taking, and the pathway to achieving them is now clearly marked."

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Colin's book of customer experience

By Colin David Christie 

"Customer Experience has been trending the wrong way for years. The biggest influence over great customer experience are your employees. Who they are, how they behave, how you support them. This booklet sets out a simple to understand, easy to use model that your business can adopt today."

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Customer Experience: 22 international CX professionals share their current strategies for achieving impact and visibility using best practice CX

By Naeem Arif

"This is an extraordinary volume packed with frontline experience, insight and value for anyone wanting to dramatically enhance the customer experience in their organization.

Topics include:

Customer centric culture
Organisation adoption and accountability
VoC insight and understandings
CX design and improvement
CX metrics, measurement and ROI
CX strategy"

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Never Lose a Customer Again: Turn Any Sale into Lifelong Loyalty in 100 Days

By Joey Coleman

"In Never Lose a Customer Again, Coleman offers a philosophy and methodology for dramatically increasing customer retention and as a result, the bottom line. He identifies eight distinct emotional phases customers go through in the 100 days following a purchase. From an impulse buy at Starbucks to the thoughtful purchase of a first house, all customers have the potential to experience the eight phases of the customer journey. If you can understand and anticipate the customers' emotions, you can apply a myriad of tools and techniques -- in-person, email, phone, mail, video, and presents -- to cement a long and valuable relationship."

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The Customer of the Future: 10 Guiding Principles for Winning Tomorrow's Business

By Blake Morgan

"The Customer of the Future, customer experience futurist Blake Morgan outlines ten easy-to-follow customer experience guidelines that integrate emerging technologies with effective strategies to combat disconnected processes, silo mentalities, and a lack of buyer perspective.

The Customer of the Future explains how today’s customers are already demanding frictionless, personalized, on-demand experiences from their products and services, and companies that don’t adapt to these new expectations won’t last."

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The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon

By Brad Stone

"Though started off delivering books through the mail, its visionary founder, Jeff Bezos, was never content with being just a bookseller. He wanted Amazon to become 'the everything store', offering limitless selection and seductive convenience at disruptively low prices. To achieve that end, he developed a corporate culture of relentless ambition and secrecy that's never been cracked. Until now...

Jeff Bezos stands out for his relentless pursuit of new markets, leading Amazon into risky new ventures like the Kindle and cloud computing, and transforming retail in the same way that Henry Ford revolutionised manufacturing."

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Customer Empathy: A radical intervention in customer experience management and design

By Alex Allwood

"Customer Empathy is a powerful human resource for positively impacting customer experience excellence that until now has been largely overlooked. Alex Allwood outlines her framework, methods and tools to switch on and scale customer empathy to solve the common customer experience management problems of low organisational commitment, poor alignment of cross-functional teams, and competing agendas and priorities.

Customer empathy helps leaders and employees to see the customer's world differently. Doubling down on CX practices by switching on customer empathy to create deeper understanding, more meaningful connection, align and unite teams and enrich decision making to benefit customers, employees and the business.."

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