
Proqis Digital Virtual Conference Series

View our schedule of industry leading free to attend virtual conferences.
Each a premier gathering of industry thought leaders and experts sharing key solutions to current challenges.




Veteran’s Health Administration Scheduling System - The Pathway to High Reliability Realization



Timely access to services is the gateway to patient safety and quality.  Scheduling is the foundational  step to providing access to care that is highly reliable.  The redesigning and reimagining of effective and efficient scheduling strategies are dependent on an evidence-based approach that focuses on the critical drivers of the scheduling system in supporting the needs of the Veteran and providers related to access, patient safety and quality.  

Understanding the opportunities and limitations of scheduling systems is critical to successfully enhancing access to services.     To move the maturity of the VHA healthcare ecosystem forward,  VHA measured and validated a scheduling improvement initiative to support the access to care strategic benefits. Predicated on the documented and deliberate transparent methodology use, VHA created the pathway to optimization for high reliability of delivery services for Veterans and providers.

  • Public and private health care system participants who seek to be highly reliable in their  operational as well as clinical efforts to improve access to care enterprise wide  will learn from the VHA scheduling continuous improvement initiative.
  • Participants will gain an understanding of the VA assessment methodology used to validate benefits realized and limit risks of scheduling system improvements.
  • Participants will understand the opportunities and limitations of scheduling systems critical to successfully enhancing access to services using a US Veteran Administration use case.
  • The enterprise wide measurement of highly reliable access to care at VA provides an approach for other healthcare systems to validate the foundational, operational and strategic benefits realized specialty by specialty, facility by facility. 

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Creating a Culture to Promote Individual and Team Thriving, Resiliency, and Peak Performance


The session will address culture transformation and providing the skills necessary to achieve sustainable excellence in healthcare.

We will address how a focus on culture and thriving can impact the majority of key organizational metrics, including outcomes from one health systems success at reducing burnout and enhancing thriving from 2019-2020.

  • Explore the rationale for changing the conversation from one focused on burnout and change initiatives to one focused on thriving and sustainable performance. 
  • Discuss approaches that lead to sustainable change toward a work environment that enhances clinical team performance, professional wellbeing, and a culture of excellence. 
  • Review outcomes on key performance indicators that organizations experience when using these approaches to create a culture of excellence, thriving, and performance. 

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The Real Story of Scaling RPA in Healthcare


Gartner and PWC reports that 50% of Healthcare organizations will adopt RPA and Hyperautomation to transform the Healthcare enterprise over the next 3 years.  However, many Healthcare organizations started their RPA journey early and have learned from their mistakes, challenges and wins to build world class centers of excellence in their respective space.

In this session UiPath will host a panel of COE leaders from different Healthcare spaces to discuss their journey into RPA and how they are tackling difficult challenges around adoption, scale, ROI and the many other transformation aspect of a RPA program.

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Leaders Transforming Health Care: Activating Operational Excellence though Trust and Change Management


Introduction: Operational excellence in healthcare is defined as delivering improvements in care quality and safety by the everyday, ongoing use of continuous improvement techniques that are driven and owned by staff.

The COVID-19 pandemic and its overwhelming impact on hospitals and healthcare workers have led to the deferment and postponement of many improvement efforts, which is understandable.

In addition, we know that disasters tend to exacerbate system weaknesses that already exist. So, what steps can healthcare leaders take to activate operational excellence? Establishing trust, demonstrating leadership commitment to these continuous improvement efforts and change management practices and tools can lead the way to activating operational excellence. While there are additional significant High Reliability Organizations (HRO) principles and actions leaders can take, this session will focus on 2 of the fundamental actions of trust and change management.

Healthcare organizations that have adopted the elements of establishing trust and change management in their process improvement efforts, have benefitted from the resilience of an empowered staff. Thus, building the capacity and capability to continue to activate and support operational excellence in challenging times. The session topics include 3 high level steps that leaders can take toward activating operational excellence.


1. Understand the Center for Transforming Healthcare’s High Reliability Model

2. The senior leader’s behaviors and roles in leading and supporting operational excellence

3. Establishing trust and change management in leading organizational and cultural transformation

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The Art of Data in Digital Transformation


We often think of data visualization as a tool that describes what happened. However, it also tells a story that can guide the future. Use it to uncover hidden problems, redefine those problems, and craft solutions for growth. Join us for this interactive session which will help you find the possibilities in your data. The audience will experience a case study that focuses on a process improvement project for a major healthcare provider.

This session will review how storytelling through data visualization led senior-level hospital administrators to gain a more holistic understanding of the operation’s true problem, and what was needed to remedy it. The audience will also learn how to create patient-centric empathy in data-driven presentations. (Bonus: the tools used in this case study are accessible to all business professionals, making the content that much more relatable to the audience.) Lastly, attendees will be able to chart their own path for growth using a free, interactive digital transformation tool.

Attendees will receive the following benefits:

  • Develop a proper framework to organize and make sense of your data
  • Chart your own path for growth through a free, online and interactive digital transformation tool
  • Create data-rich and patient-centric storytelling through high-impact visualizations
  • Use data visualization as a steward of creating a data-driven culture, and how to use it to create empathy, a cornerstone of patient care

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How Innovation Labs can ignite innovative thinking in Healthcare organization - five critical factors

SPEAKERS OnDemand (8)-3

Topic IntroStumped by USA’s failing healthcare system? Searching for new strategies?  Need to innovate but not sure how? You’re not alone. Join this session to learn five critical factors that keep an organization relevant and innovative. Learn how one healthcare system launched an innovation lab and how they used it to foster a culture of innovation as well as solve some of their pressing challenges.

Participants will hear AdventHealth’s story of creating an innovation lab and why it mattered. Five critical points will be highlighted showcasing how each broke new ground. Participants will have a chance to consider how these same factors might be applied in their own settings. 

Here’s our 5 key learnings that have saved our neck. Maybe they’ll save yours too.

  • “Just the truth ma’am” (empathy)
  • Let them break from the herd (not business as usual)
  • Swipe left or right  (partners that transform) 
  • Replace purpose with random  (It’s not about the 5-year plan)
  • Emigration as a way of life (people, people, people)

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The Innovation Flywheel: How to generate enterprise momentum and avoid innovation theatre


Enterprise efforts to gain innovation advantages have had mixed results. But successes exist.
In this session: 
  • Understand the elements of an innovation flywheel to create momentum
  • Witness and discuss a recipe for achieving the innovation promise in healthcare
  • Learn from experiences and mistakes made with a ten year innovation journey at Cambia Health.

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Data Driven Decisions: How to create demand for actionable insights and develop trusted partnerships


  • How to get to the heart of the matter
  • Discuss how to translate executive and non-technical requests into actionable insights
  • Discuss how to develop trusted partnerships to get Analytics at the table earlier
  • Throughput: one off vs standing request

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Healthcare Disruption: How Great People and Organizations Innovate in Times of Rapid Change

SPEAKERS OnDemand (8)-1

In a disrupted world, how do you build a culture and practices where extraordinary innovation becomes ordinary? A Healthcare organization that consistently delivers exponential leaders, growth and value creation.

The key ingredients to innovation acceleration are not what you see portrayed most often in the media. Great, enduring organizations know what it really takes to create and, most importantly, scale innovation during market disruptions.

We will explore how to blend disciplined innovation methods with elements of venture capitalism, crowdsourcing and collaborative leadership to deliver rapid and sustainable business improvements and innovations in the Healthcare industry.  

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Transforming the Quality Rating System Paradigm


2020 has been a transformational year in the Healthcare space that has forced payers and providers to radically adjust process and strategy. As health plans scramble to implement rapid cycle improvements and modifications amidst constantly evolving regulatory guidance, it is essential that plans consider mid and long-term strategies through an Operational Excellence lens that enables continuous improvement and agile flexibility for sustainable and effective change.

Takeaways will include:

  • Overview of significant Quality Rating system programmatic changes and associated programmatic implications
  • Key considerations for implementing short term solutioning for immediate results across an enterprise barraged with changes
  • Assessing the long-term implications of rapid cycle mitigation strategies
  • Strategies to enable timely effectuation of change without coloring (too far) outside Operational Excellence lines

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Community Wellness in the Midst of a Pandemic: How to address the social risk factors on a community level


The impact of COVID-19 on the global healthcare supply chain


  • Examine how its business continuity and catastrophe planning has enabledpreparedness for the current pandemic
  • Discuss how supply chain incident command centers play a pivotal role inenterprise response
  • Project critical supply needs based upon surge plan modeling andadvanced data analytics

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