ibpm Books

The Ultimate Guide to Business Process Management: Everything you need to know and how to apply it to your organization

By Theodore Panagacos

"In this step by step guide, former Management Consultant and change management expert Theodore Panagacos walks you through the entire discipline of Business Process Management. Learn how to fast track your orgnaization's strategy to govern processes, create a process culture, and measure business performance. Best of all, this crystal-clear, convenient sized book can be put to work in your organization immediately!"

ibpm Books

Business Process Management: Practical Guidelines to Successful Implementations

By John Jeston

"This book examines real-world implementations of service automation technologies using Robotic Process Automation and Cognitive Automation tools. This newest, detailed research finds that RPA adoptions are accelerating, maturing, and scaling in global enterprise. The research covers multiple industries, applications, and shared services, and uses case studies to establish action principles and how to mitigate automation risks. The book also examines the first enterprise-worthy cognitive automation tools that use machine-learning algorithms to process big data, often in natural language form, and analyses three major detailed cases and the conditions for effective implementation."

ibpm Books (1)

Business Process Management: The Next Wave

By Jim Sinur, James J. Odell, Peter Fingar & Thomas H. Davenport

"Technology marches on, bringing new dangers and new opportunities. As cloud computing, social, mobile, big data, predictive analytics and the Internet of Things are baked into more and more business processes, they will rapidly reshape how business gets done, today and tomorrow. This book provides a starting point that will help you know what is coming, and how to think about addressing it."

ibpm Books (2)

Value-Driven Business Process Management: The Value-Switch for Lasting Competitive Advantage

By Peter Franz & Mathias Kirchmer

"This book was written by a team of BPM experts and provides key ingredients you need to achieve the highest levels of differentiation and performance. With this book, you have a full-suite guide to achieving immediate business benefits while building lasting BPM capabilities and so much more."

ibpm Books (3)

Successful Business Process Management: What You Need to Know to Get Results

By Paula Berman

"It can be difficult to find training on process improvement and the range of complicated tools available could make even the most experiences professional’s head spin. This book fills that gap, providing accessible overview of the field with step by step instructions on how to design key processes, embed them in the organization and take a systematic approach to BPM."

RPA Books

Fundamentals of Business Process Management

By Marlon Dumas, Marcello La Rosa, Jan Mendling & Hajo A. Reijers
Level: Essential Reading

"Business Process Management is the art and science of how work should be performed in an organization in order to ensure consistent outputs and to take advantage of improvement opportunities. This textbook encompasses the entire BPM lifecycle from concepts, methods and tools to providing dozens of examples and more than 100 hands-on exercises."

ibpm Books (4)

Strategy and Business Process Management: Techniques for Improving Execution, Adaptability, and Consistency

By Carl F. Lehmann

"Readers will learn specific techniques used by industry leaders t formulate and execute business strategy that adapts organizational behavior, business processes, and information technology as a dynamic system designed to assure consistent performance and achievement"

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ibpm Books (5)

The Business Process Management Guidebook: An Integrated Enterprise Excellence BPM System

By Forrest W. Breyfogle III

"The number one book to take executives and process owners from inefficiencies and waste within an organization to effective, day-to-day process execution that creates big-picture benefits. This guidebook can help organizations determine where process automation and improvement efforts should focus through an integration of Enterprise Process Management (EPM) and BPM"

ibpm Books (6)

Business Process Change: A Guide for Business Managers and BPM and Six Sigma Professionals

By Paul Harmon

"In this balanced treatment of the field of business process change, Paul Harmon offers concepts, methods, and cases for all aspects and phases of successful business process improvement. Updated and added for this edition are coverage of business process management systems, business rules, enterprise architectures and frameworks and more content on Six Sigma and Lean–in addition to new coverage of performance metrics."

ibpm Books (7)

Digital Transformation: A Brief Guide For Game Changers

By Jim Sinur, Peter Fingar, & Thomas H. Davenport

"This book brings a new focus on RPA’s strategic potential: the innovations made possible and how to deliver through effective sourcing stakeholder-buy-in, governance, change management, and capability development practices. RPA as a platform, linking with cognitive and AI technologies as part of digital transformation is highlighted. The central messages – think and behave strategically, start right, institutionalize fast, and innovate continuously – are demonstrated, with multiple client experiences, trials, and lessons."

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