Proqis Digital Virtual Conference Series

View our schedule of industry leading free to attend virtual conferences.
Each a premier gathering of industry thought leaders and experts sharing key solutions to current challenges.

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How and Why Mining Will Define Your Organizations Future Success


In an increasingly automated world, traditional approaches to process management will no longer be enough to get and stay ahead. Whatever industry you are in, whatever part of the world you work in and wherever you are in the organization things are changing. Relying solely on subject matter experts, and subjective viewpoints is no longer enough.

Your future success will be defined by your ability to make rapid changes based on getting actionable intelligence from unresponsive machines! Mining is a key technology in shining a light into hitherto impenetrable systems. While mining might be thought of as a “fashion” today, it is likely to become the “must-have” of tomorrow.

In today’s opening address Mark will set the scene for the next two days by looking at and sharing with us;

  •  How Mining is a Key Technology for All Five of Your Primary Business Initiatives.
  •  The Need to Avoid the Mining Vocabulary Confusion.
  •  Why Mining Means More Than Just Process.
  •  What Are the Key Deliverables to Expect from Your Mining Efforts?
  •  The Benefit of Using Mining to Deliver on the Triple Crown. 
Click Here To View The Full Session Transcript And Recorded On-Demand Session Video


Process Intelligence and its Synergies with Robotic Process Automation


In today’s ever-changing business environment, continuous process improvement is a must for every organization. To remain profitable and competitive, there is no room for inefficiencies. This is why so many companies are turning to process and task mining to make real-time process improvement decisions based on facts. In this session, ABBYY’s Richard Rabin explains how Process Intelligence tools support existing Robotic Process Automation (RPA) strategies to visualize your processes, measure process performance, ensure compliance and build a future-proof digital transformation.

  • How Process Intelligence compares to process and task mining
  • Enhancing process transparency and analysis
  • Supporting your RPA with process discovery, automation design, and more
  • How to move from diagnostics to continuous process improvement

Click Here To View The Full Session Transcript And Recorded On-Demand Session Video


Cutting Through the Hype of Hyperautomation: The secret to building a hyper-automation toolchain that actually delivers results


Hyperautomation: It’s a term that’s becoming increasingly prolific in the business landscape, but what does it even mean? How is it different from RPA? and how do you achieve it?

In this webinar, we’ll answer your questions on what hyper-automation is, its impact on the future of RPA, and walk you through how to build a hyper-automation strategy that delivers on your goals.

Your Goals: End-to-end automation is accomplished by harnessing the power of multiple technologies. Register today to learn:

  • Which tools are right for you? We’ll explore how to leverage the right technology stack for your specific needs.
  • How do you ensure visibility and transformational governance? You’re leveraging all these tools if only there was a central repository where you could consolidate all your digital processes for end-to-end visibility and control?
  • How to achieve higher-quality automation that delivers increased ROI.

Click Here To View The Full Session Transcript And Recorded On-Demand Session Video
