Courtesy of Blueprint Software Systems' Matthew Dodgson & Matthew Agnew below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Cutting Through the Hype of Hyperautomation: The secret to building a hyper-automation toolchain that actually delivers results' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at the Process Mining Europe Live - A Virtual Conference.
Session Information:
Hyperautomation: It’s a term that’s becoming increasingly prolific in the business landscape, but what does it even mean? How is it different from RPA? and how do you achieve it?
In this webinar, we’ll answer your questions on what hyper-automation is, its impact on the future of RPA, and walk you through how to build a hyper-automation strategy that delivers on your goals.
Your Goals: End-to-end automation is accomplished by harnessing the power of multiple technologies. Register today to learn:
Session Transcript:
I'm going to call it the Matthew show because we've got Massive Dodson and Messy Agnew both from Blueprint systems.
So, messy fortune is head of global solution engineering, supporting their Enterprise Automation Suite.
And intuitive school for scaling process, automation, and initiatives to Enterprise Scale, which, of course, is a big issue, really, are in the, in the RPA world, in particular.
And Matthew is a real believer I'm passionate about delivering quality solutions that focus on delivering the value and change that organizations need.
Is background, covers everything from customer service, quality assurance, and software engineering, and he's seen firsthand how much dedication it requires from a passionate team in order to deliver those results.
Matthew Agnew is Director of Product Marketing and has been, for over 10 years The Go To resource For Sales And Marketing Communications. So I must add into my connection list immediately, because I need to go to person in these areas. And also, for product management in the technology sector.
He says, he loves tackling new challenges, and using these creative background to help organizations thrive in new and innovative ways. So, without further ado, let me turn off my camera, and we can get into the MSU show.
OK, here we go.
Hello, everyone. Thank you for joining us today. My name is Matt Agnew and I'm with Blueprint software systems. Today. I am joined by another Matt and we'd like to make it easy for you guys here when you're listening to blueprint contents of High Mountain Arjo.
Pleasure actually doing quite well Matt. How about yourself? Good, good. So Matt is our director of Solution Engineering, and he brings a really unique perspective to these type of events and that Matt speaks many. people that are struggling and doing well and looking to improve. Really, anything you can think of when it comes to automation and process improvement.
So what we're gonna be doing today is Matt is going to be showing you at the end here is going to be showing you how blueprint can help with hyper automation. Before we get started, we're going to spend a few minutes here and really talk about what hyper automation is and why it matters. So quick recap: Wherewith Blueprint, so we're a software system designed to help you understand and improve your processes at a high level.
And what we're going to do today is show you from our experience.
Now how we can do that, and then show you firsthand how blueprint is designed to do that from a software standpoint.
So, today, I'm gonna spend a little bit of time talking about what hyper automation is. What, what the problem, hyper automation is solving.
And, really, the difference between a hyper automation of process improvement, and all that before Matt shows us how we can consolidate our process automation strategy with so, before we really get into it here, I have a kind of pop quiz for everybody.
So, when we think about automation, hyper automation, process improvement, we often really fit, I think, of automation in general. So, I'll ask you this map. What are some of the main things I do have? This is a multiple choice, so I'll bring up the answers in a second but from what you see with clients, what are some of the goals and reasons people are automating in the first place?
A lot of it comes down to just trying to make you know, the organization more efficient and more effective.
And realizing that you know, especially now with all the turmoil and changes that organizations have gone through over the last couple of years, realizing that power of your people is, is a very valuable resource. And you don't want to waste it on tedious tasks.
So it's really, how do we try to get more out of every day, and really get people doing high value work, as opposed to having them do, you know, claims processing in detail form filling for 90% of their day?
That's a really good point.
You always hear that it's not really about, You know, are you going to do automation? It's, it's when and how much you're gonna do, right?
Because it's really, It's one of those things that you need to do at some level, to keep up, because it's here, and it does Help you. So here are a couple of things here. So again, so just think about this as you're looking at it. So I have four options here. So we think of it, and I think Matthew almost talked about all of these, but we think the primary goals of automation.
Think of, you know, as either improve efficiency, complete your tasks faster, save money, or improve the employee experience. So, think about that. And I have one more question for everybody here.
So as we look at three common business goals here of improving efficiency, completing tasks faster, or eliminating waste, what business discipline fits in the sweet spot? So I'll take a few seconds and think about that. What fits in the middle there?
And I'll give you a hint, as not automation.
So let's take a look at our answers here.
So the primary goal of automation, and again, this is subjective, there's really any of these answers could be correct. But this is based on our experience. and what we see. And really, if you think about what Matt said, it really is all about improving efficiency, right? It's about and with improving efficiency that really covers the entire gambit, and is really the primary reason we want to automate or process in the first place. We want to do what we're doing right now, better and faster.
Alright, smarter.
And then when we go back to those bubbles that we highlighted there, and thinking about the sweet spot.
It's not automation. It's business, process management. And let's talk about that in a second, a little bit more detail.
So before we move into that a little bit more, this is a really important thing to think of.
And when we say this sentence, this is really important, and a really critical part of your process improvement strategy is that automation is a downstream benefit.
Process improvement is key to process improvement and process analysis. one of the things that we hear from a lot of our prospects and clients is that when it comes to automation and RPA, they often would dive right in. And they heard about RPA thought it was great, hired some RPA resources through the amount of problem, and they automated a lot of bots. And then what happens is that we end up having a lot of problems. So Matt, not really just three on the spot, but with that concept, what are some problems that you've seen from people may be automating too quickly?
Yeah, a lot of it is just trying to jump in and use automation technology, just for the sake of automating. Not realizing that some things are better to be automated than others.
There are certain ways to evaluate, right? Types of processes to automate.
And also, there is really this idea of making sure that the time you invest in an automation, giving you a positive return.
On that investment, A lot of organizations build that a lot of automations and end up having to, you know, try to maintain them and keep them up.
You keep them working and then it thinking more cost into it then they get return from that cost and investment. So, those are some of the first key things that come to mind.
Absolutely. And I always like to say, it's, you know, by taking a step back and looking at process improvement, you can really pave the way forward to realize those benefits that you want.
So, you should be kind of, you think, at the end, what does that we want? And then start with process improvement. I mean, it's very likely that automation might be one of the things that you get in the middle to get you there, but you really need to look at analyzing and improving those processes first.
So, without set, say, we didn't want to talk about hyper automation, and when we say hyper automation, we often hear many different things. So, just number all on the same page. Let's quickly review a common concept and definition of hyper automation, as there's a lot of different definitions that are floating around out there.
So, the most commonly held belief or definition of hyper automation is automating as many processes and more complex business processes as possible, by implementing a tool chain, to accelerate candidate discovery to automation delivery.
So, a lot of fancy words there, but really, it's your overarching strategy, too, automating quickly and effectively. So that's really why people get excited when they hear about hyper automation, because it's the idea of this automation concept that everybody wants to do, and then it's combining multiple different disciplines to automate as quickly as possible.
And again, why that's really important, and why hyper automation is a really popular and growing strategy.
We do want to start with process improvement.
When you start with process improvement, you can end with better efficiency.
So let's talk about why this is important, again, to start with process improvement.
So by gaining this better view, there's better understanding of all of your processes. It really makes it much easier to move, move forward and make those right changes. So one thing, and one thing that Matt is going to focus on in his demo in just a minute is the idea of a consolidated view. So this is the idea of taking your processes from multiple different points around your business, and putting them all in one spot.
This allows you to have a holistic view of everything that's going on, and this can help you find redundant processes, overly expensive processes, processes that are causing you way too much money and maintenance, when compared to your other processes.
So it's really important that we don't think of our processes just as individual items, is that we think of them, as on an entire landscape, and analyze that first.
So and we mentioned, when we're doing this, we want to look for a few things. And one of the things we're looking for is bottlenecks or waste, right? So an individual processes, things that are stopping a process for being successful, or things that really are off task, rail aren't the right process for you.
Another big thing that we can do is when we start with process improvement, is, when we have A good strategy for improving our processes, we have the ability to create new processes better. So you can re-use existing process elements when creating a new one, and of course, collaborations, right? So, your entire company, everyone that's involved in your process, can work on it together.
And Matt is going to show us how we can do than just a minute. So one more slide for you, and then I'll turn it over to the fun stuff here. So, a nice interactive demo for my Dodson.
So this is a quick overview of Blueprint so Blueprints platform software platform for process improvement.
And the general concept of how it works is that you take what you're doing now, so you take your processes, whether they exist from an RPA platform, process mining, tasks mining, even if it's a, you know, a doodle, right, you take your process, how it lives now, and you import it into Blueprint.
And from there, you can analyze and assess the value that that process is giving. And not just an individual process, but all of your processes as a whole.
And why this is really great is because this allows you to take action in a really smart way. And what we typically see from an improvement strategy is that it often falls under one of these four buckets, modernize, optimize, standardize, or automate.
And with modernize, we're talking about a few different things. What we see most frequently is where someone wants to move from one automation platform to another, which can be a complicated tasks. So that can just be one benefit from that comes downstream after you analyze your processes. So going from there, we know that we always want to be able to optimize and improve our process. And then standardization is really what it's all about, having that same process for your processes across your entire organization.
So with that said, we're going to go ahead, and I'm going to turn it over to Matt, here, and Matt is going to show us how this can work in blueprints.
Just give me one second here, and I will Turn this over to Matt. Go ahead and I believe you can share your screen now.
Believe I can as well.
Hopefully everyone can see that, OK?
Oh, good, excellent.
I'm going to take you through an example.
one of these types of improvement strategies, uh, but before I start, I really want to give you a sense of, you know, the Blueprint platform is a web based solution, it's a cloud hosted platform.
And it's there to help organizations understand and analyze their processes, so they can determine what's the best improvement strategy as they move forward.
And really, what happened?
We save and drive that efficiency more readily and more consistently across the org.
So here I have Blueprint Workspace, I have this explore over here on the left-hand side, we're actually going to ache a set of processes, ones that actually in this case are already automated with one automation platform we're gonna look at them.
And then we have this middle area where we're gonna look at the details around those particular processes, and we have some more details over on the right-hand side in terms of our utility Panel.
But in this case here, we're going to take an existing process. Actually, let me show you what I'm referring to.
I have this process that exists as an automation in automation anywhere and exists in production. It's running, in this particular automation or automated process is used to help generate reports based on Excel data.
You know, if you really dig into really no automation anywhere, there's probably like a flex the automation.
That's probably 500 or so lines of code.
And so, this, this is an automation and automated process that already exists.
And the first step we want to do is, we want to bring it into Blueprint, so we can analyze.
And, as Matthew pointed out, we wanna be able to pull in processes for many plates. Here, we're going to pull in from an automation that already exists, but maybe we want to pull in processes for discovery solutions or processes we've captured with Visio from a variety of places.
So, what I'm going to do here is actually grab file for that particular process.
Let me go to my particulars, this one here. Grab that and pull it in, And for those who maybe know the technology, this is essentially the ATM exe files of that automated process from automation anywhere all zipped up.
And so in this case here, I'm bringing in one process, we have customers today that are bringing in an entire suite of processes, all of their processes, that they may have automated, or that may be existing in production.
Now what happens when we pull in process into Blueprint to help analyze this, is we turn them into something that we call digital blueprints.
And these digital blueprints are exactly what they sound, like very digital blueprint, a digital way to break down, decompose and understand that process, not just at the level of an entire file, but really getting into the granularity and the details of every single step and every single action that's taking place.
So if I refresh this here.
Here is the process that we pulled in.
Now, in this case here, this particular processes spread across three different individual processes or tasks in the automation, anywhere world. So, it has a lot of detail to it.
But before we go and look at the detailed process steps, let's take a step back and really analyze and understand this particular process, this automated process, before we decide what we want to do with it.
So, in this case, here, what that means is, we're going to go to our dashboard.
Oh, We're going to let that load up.
Actually, let's do this.
Let's grab the right space that we should be looking at, here, and go to our.
Hey, let's go to the right area.
Gotta go to our auditory here.
So, this particular process, I'm just running a report off of this particular workspace, tells me that, Hey, for this one, automated process, it has three different, no parts to it, which we can see there, but, we can start to see a lot of the details involved. This has 550 elements. There's a lot of different steps, lines of code and even particular, you know, variables that are used with actually broken down. All the unique parts of that particular process, it's even a rank, these, these different parts of this process by their complexity.
Based on this, we can actually provide some insight and analysis based on the scoring. This is a scoring that blueprint does with it, with this proprietary algorithms, when it actually ingest these automation. It tells you how babies processes are, in terms of size, you know, which ones you may need to refactor, retire, or rework, or even re-use. Similarly, from a complexity standpoint, you can tell you which ones are most complex, and these are zero point two. How do we better improve this process? How do we better manage this process? How can we ensure that? It's gonna keep delivering that high ROI that we expect out of all our processes that were running in production for example.
Now, in this case here, what we're gonna do with this particular process is we actually want to modernize. We brought this and we run a quick analysis because we want to modernize and move this particular process from automation anywhere, over to Microsoft's power Automate Desktop platform.
Now before we do that, we can actually use this blueprint analysis to do an assessment of, Hey, how well does this map, how Well, there's automated process covered by a different technology?
So in this case, we can actually get a scoring and a rating here, 97% coverage. This tells us that we have a very good coverage in, that mapping.
This, digital, these digital blueprints are actually going to help us do that mapping and conversion.
So, this one example, we wanted to start this way and really show you guys that regardless of what improvement strategy you want to take, whether it's through modernization, whether it's through, you know, standardization, optimization, or even just building automation.
It all starts with an Understanding and Analysis, and these digital Blueprints and the Blueprint platform are what power that analysis, because it helps you take these processes and really dig into them.
So with that Understood, let's take this existing process we have here. Let's actually jump to what it looks like, and this is actually what the Digital Blueprint looks like today.
And just to give you guys a little bit more of an understanding, every single step in this digital blueprints, and this process, if you will, is broken down and actually understood by something that we call our Common Object Model.
This is actually a native generic, RFK language that we built out in Blueprint that match. All the different RFK technologies out there. And so as we bring in processes that already exist, especially in the RPA world, we can easily understand them, because we've done all this mapping. And this mapping also helps us not only understand the analyzer, but it helps us do things like drive and modernization effort, where we want to re platform, this particular automation, to another place.
Now with that Understood, the actual replatforming effort is very simple.
We take this digital blueprint, and we actually export it directly over to power automate desktop.
That is going to grab that entire process. All of the different blows and sub tasks are being called.
It's going to package it all up and it's going to convert it from the original Automation, Anywhere code and structure into a different technology in this case, Microsoft Power, automate desktop, converting all the different command, lines of code into the detailed steps, lines of codes and commands that are required in the world of power automate desktop.
Now while it's sending that over it.
Let me actually pull this up into Microsoft Power Automate Desktop.
So here is the actual converted automation.
And I won't go through every detail here because some of you may be familiar with some of you. Well, this is what an automation looks like and power automate desktop.
This is the direct output from that digital blueprint that we analyzed in the blueprint world.
So we wanted to take that existing automation anywhere process.
We wanted to modernize it to power automate desktop and in exporting it over, that modernization that converging, it's automatically done all of the lines of code command even. For example, that one step we were looking at in the process flow is right here, it's this display message.
But if, you know, for any of the technical folks on the phone, all of the variables, all of the individual commands, all of the automation logic, the exception handling, all the selectors. All of that is converted.
And it's even provided we provide a detailed report of the things that weren't able to convert.
Because, for example, something like Power BI Desktop may not have certain support types, all that were being made in automation anywhere.
So, if you recall, we said there were that 97% mapping.
Means there's 3% of things that weren't able to map. We give you a record of exactly where to find those 3% that steps and exactly what you need to do.
So this is a very quick example of really how Blueprint is driving a process improvement strategy.
Process improvement, as we mentioned, can take the shape of many different improvement strategies and improvement options.
Modernization is one optimization where you just want to take processes, understand them, and figure out how best to improve them.
Standardization allow you to re-use different parts of these processes across other areas of the organization.
And lastly, even just automation being able to bring in existing process that you have Istio or process discovery tools, or even using Blueprint Native capture capability to gather in mind and understand existing manual processes.
And then use the digital blueprint to build those automation. And then, as mentioned, integrate with all of the different technologies that you may be using to build those automation today.
And so, the last thing I'll close with is just to give you a sense of what we need.
So, when we talk about process improvement and process repository, it starts with something as simple as importing existing automations and it very quickly grows into an entire repository of the different processes you have across different technologies, across different sources, broken up by the different lines of business.
Then this becomes your consolidated, processed you for that organism for your organization, and this is what allows you to dry it, an improvement strategy for each organization, each process as you see fit.
And I'll pass back to Uma.
I think your spirit. Awesome. Thank you so much. So there's, a couple of quick questions I have for you that I know. are common things that we get a lot here. And one of those is, when, you know, the example you showed that, you're talking about moving your processes from one RPA platform to another. So a few different questions on that. 1. 1.
Is, you know, from your experience, from what you seen clients do, how much time do people typically save using Blueprint versus migrating something manually?
That's a great question.
So the, the alternate, the option, I mean, if you have an improvement strategy that you're trying to implement in your organization, where you're trying to move automation, while people call this, hey, we want to migrate these automation.
Unfortunately, that is basically a read or redevelopment, that you have to rebuild the entire automation from scratch.
So that one automation we showed you just to give everyone some context, that's 500 lines of code that would take about 4 to 5 weeks for you to build by hand.
And that's causing, you have to rebuild everything. You have to retest it, gets it, redeploy it.
With Blueprint, what you're looking at is less than a week, you can get that automation picked, analyzed, moved over, tested, and deployed.
And, this is, this is the significant lift that organizations have really been leveraging blueprint for today, is really, how do we drive and improvement strategy.
How do we modernize the re platform or automations in a meaningful way? And how can we play them? Scheduled, prioritize them so that we can all do it consistently, and not be stuck with this burden of, we need to have a resource who knows both, automation, anywhere, and Microsoft Power automate desktop to really read, and then rewrite it.
Right, that makes sense. Anyway, continuing to talk about migration.
So, you know, it sounds a bit like a project, You know, you're moving from one place to another. What are some benefits that you've seen for kind of continuing to use those digital blueprints moving on?
Yeah. They become a system of record.
So a lot of, and a lot of places, the challenge width process, especially automated processes, is that once they're live, and they're out there, you don't really have a system of record to refer to when you're trying to manage the change that you're having to have developers go into the code and tell you, Well, if we make changes, these are the things I can see.
Those digital blueprints can be queried. They can be searched. You can go in there and say, if I change the browser, how many different steps are going to be impacted or affected.
And you can really start to scope and size these different change request.
And then, again, it becomes this repository that you can use to manage those automations and manage those processes.
And also, you can then use those at that library of process, and re-use it as a way to standardize and start to bring on new strains of the business and leverage things you've already built out.
So, it, it starts to pay dividends very quickly, because you really started to centralize the tribal knowledge that lives in these processes today.
Oh. And another two part question I have for you, again, a common when we get. So, you know, we talked to a lot of different people, you know, process engineers. You know, people at various business departments, people at center of excellence, is, so.
So who do you typically see using products like blueprint are really being tasked with these type of projects the most, like who in an organization that's kind of most responsible for process improvement?
So it usually falls to either a process center of excellence and automation. Center of excellence is a commonplace.
So we're seeing, you know, these these two disciplines sometimes be merged together into kind of an enterprise. Intelligent process.
Automation discipline.
And sometimes those, those no process or automation Center of Excellence is or disciplines can be spread out over crop business units.
And lines of business, but these are commonly no process analysts, business analysts, People who are running operations, a nice thing is these digital blueprints really become a system of record, not just for the technical user, but also for the business where business users can now come in and actually either start recording, or gathering new process, or just their new process and really provide it as a starting point for these improvement strategies.
But, it definitely falls into the process improvement space.
Center of Excellence is automation ...
and even the business analysis and system analysis or process analysis roles that live within the business or IP space.
Great, you know? And somebody who said that, triggered the second part of that question. Whereas, you know, you mentioned business users, IT, security a lot. Lots of different people, so can you just talk for a minute or two about how Blueprint can accommodate all those people? Do? We have to pay probably user, are there different villages? Kinda, It sounds like a lot of people could be using Blueprint all at once, it sounds like it could get complicated, it's maybe just talk about that a little bit.
Yes, so when it comes to how blueprint is made available to customers, how blueprint is consumed by our customers today, Blueprint is not a user based platform in terms of, you're not paying user base.
Everything revolves around these digital blueprints, so the platform is made available to everyone within the organization.
And as we start to collect, as you start to consolidate your process with these digital blueprints, that's where you start to. That's where things are life, are licensed by that brought. The process, it's, you're analyzing the processes are improving processes. You're trying to build automation around. And so, it allows you to create one central piece of information that everyone come and use, whether it's to review and provide feedback on, whether it's to collaborate around, whether it's to provide context, to be talented, re-used, and increment operations team. They can come your reference houses. both be behaving in production. But it all, again, centers around the idea of those digital blueprints processes as opposed to the users themselves.
Great, thank you. And I think, you know, we covered a lot here, So I think we will wrap it up somehow. Thank you very much for sharing everything there. If anyone who's listening to this has any questions, please go to our website. You can reach out to us there, ask any questions you'd like. We'd be happy to get back to you and keep an eye out for other events that we are out of the future. Are happy to always share our knowledge, and answer your questions. So, thank you all very much. Thanks, everyone. Thanks, Matthew.
Well, thanks too.
The matts, as it were for another great session there.
I think that I always knew that, know, it takes more time and effort to create a bolt than many people realize, but I must admit I hadn't really thought of it as being 4 to 5 weeks after 500 lines of code. So I'm gonna do some digging that. Because it's certainly certainly poses some questions as to how often we rush to try and do some of this automation without thinking through whether the cost of the medicine is more than the dealing with the illness. But love the fact that they were focusing there on the replatforming.
We talked in the earlier session there, about the IT transformation and the migrations.
Some of you may recollect that.
In the days, when I was working with ..., I had the pleasure of presenting at BPM next with former colleague Alessandro from .... And we were talking there very much, about, what we call HR for robots. Because we really saw that this is something we forget about.
Is that, we think that the, the RPA and the bolts, a little bit like smartphones every year, There's going to be a new, shiny version, and, you know, whether it Steve, or whether it's someone else standing on the stage, the event, you know? And this is our fastest, best. This is our last one.
So I think sometimes we forget that when we're looking at these RPA type technologies, is likely that we're going to be updating, refreshing, and migrating.
I don't know whether it's an annual basis or whether it's separate every couple of years.
But to that point, so when we go to the next new, shiny object, it may not be from the same vendor as the current one is.
So the ease of being able to move, migrate from one solution to another is a really important thing to have in your mind when you invest in these types of solutions.
And, as we're saying, yeah, we're, we're very much thinking about mining to get the first version done.
As opposed to saying, well, actually, nevermind, mining for the first version. But what can we predict, and how can mining through that monitoring, help us leverage the next version?
And, as the Max was saying, he was very much focused on the, on the constant improvement.
So, like to thank, once again, thank the true match for, for that show. I'm very interested in learning more about that.
Pricing models to how they process model compares to per user. But it's great to see people experimenting with different pricing models to make these things more accessible. And I think we would all agree that whatever the tool that we favor, whatever the tech stack that we prefer.
The one thing that can be so frustrating is that we can't actually make it readily accessible to everyone and the more that we make it accessible to a broader range of people than the greater the changes, the greater the stickiness and greater the impact we can have on the organization.
So, I think that's a fantastic thing.
So, for those of you that, with us right now, you know that we're due to commence again at the top of the hour with a presentation from Roger to S A P. While, we've had very brief message is that suggests that he's had some challenges. I hope there's nothing serious on, high, on his end, but unfortunately, is not going to be able to join us today. So, this will, in fact, be the end of our session today.
So, I guess, on the upside, we get to gain an hour back of our time, the downside, we don't get to hear the, the sap, hey, flavor of the story. But I hope that like me, you've all enjoyed the perspectives from Richard and the two match.
And I think that's true, great presentation, is that, nicely in my mind, complementary giving is different angles and different things to think about. And, hopefully, with the stuff that I gave you at the beginning, we've got some frameworks should be thinking about these things, such that we're not all rushing out to spend that money.
But instead, focusing on where best we can spend our money, so that we can work a little smarter.
And I think one of the other things that came out for me, from all of the sessions, is to remind ourselves that, when we're looking at the cost, process management, RPA tools, mining tools, et cetera, et cetera.
We get hung up sometimes, and reminding us, thinking about them as a cost option.
We forget the bad processes, or what's costing our organizations massively, whether it's costing his customers, whether it's customers revenue, whether it's costing us cash.
And we get sometimes a little hung up on how much these products might cost.
And we forget the fact that actually the products aren't cost you, There's anything.
That saving is helping us put in better, more efficient, faster processes that are more suitably Digitized or digitalize depending on where we're going.
So, with that, I'm going to wish you all a very good day.
hope you have a great time look forward to engaging with you, LinkedIn, through e-mail, whatever works for you, then, reach out to me. And I very much look forward to joining you all, again, on a conference very soon.
Was hoping that was going to be the ... event coming up in a couple of weeks time.
Sadly, I'm actually going to be elsewhere, so not able to join for that, but I look forward to joining with you in some future events.
And with that, have a great day. And good luck to you all.
Matthew Dodgson,
Head of Global Solution Engineering,
Blueprint Software Systems.
I believe in delivering quality solutions to customers that drive change and value for their organization. Cultivated through a background in customer service, quality assurance and software engineering I have seen first hand that the best solutions require dedication, passion and support from the whole team.
Matthew Agnew,
Director of Product Marketing,
Blueprint Software Systems.
For over 10 years, I have been a go-to resource for sales, marketing, communications, and product management in the technology sector. I love tackling new challenges and using my creative background to help organizations thrive in new and innovative ways.
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Courtesy of Nintex Pty's Paul Hsu, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Improve employee productivity during and post-COVID by ...
Read this article about HP, Best Achievement in Operational Excellence to deliver Digital Transformation, selected by the independent judging panel, ...
Read this article about BMO Financial Group, one of our finalists, in the category Best Achievement in Operational Excellence to deliver Digital ...
Read this article about Cisco, one of our finalists, in the category Best Achievement of Operational Excellence in Internet, Education, Media & ...