CT Books (100)

Internet of Things, The: How Smart TVs, Smart Cars, Smart Homes, and Smart Cities Are Changing the World

By Miller Michael

"The Internet of Things (IoT) won’t just connect people: It will connect “smart” homes, appliances, cars, offices, factories, cities… the world. You need to know what’s coming: It might just transform your life.

Now, the world’s #1 author of beginning technology books has written the perfect introduction to IoT for everyone. Michael Miller shows how connected smart devices will help people do more, do it smarter,
do it faster. He also reveals the potential risks—to your privacy, your freedom, and maybe your life.

Make no mistake: IoT is coming quickly. Miller explains why you care, helps you use what’s already here, and prepares you for the world that’s hurtling toward you."

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Analytics for the Internet of Things (IoT): Intelligent analytics for your intelligent devices

By  Andrew Minteer 

"We start with the perplexing task of extracting value from huge amounts of barely intelligible data. The data takes a convoluted route just to be on the servers for analysis, but insights can emerge through visualization and statistical modeling techniques. You will learn to extract value from IoT big data using multiple analytic techniques. Next we review how IoT devices generate data and how the information travels over networks."

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Getting Started with the Internet of Things: Connecting Sensors and Microcontrollers to the Cloud

By Cuno Pfister

"What is the Internet of Things? It's billions of embedded computers, sensors, and actuators all connected online. If you have basic programming skills, you can use these powerful little devices to create a variety of useful systems—such as a device that waters plants when the soil becomes dry. This hands-on guide shows you how to start building your own fun and fascinating projects.

Learn to program embedded devices using the .NET Micro Framework and the Netduino Plus board. Then connect your devices to the Internet with Pachube, a cloud platform for sharing real-time sensor data. All you need is a Netduino Plus, a USB cable, a couple of sensors, an Ethernet connection to the Internet—and your imagination."

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IoT Inc: How Your Company Can Use the Internet of Things to Win in the Outcome Economy

By Bruce Sinclair

"The world is now your office! You can work from home, from a coffee shop, or even from the gym—but how do you keep on task and stay motivated when you’re alone.In Working Remotely, authors Mike, Holly, and Teresa discuss how to ward off toxic levels of loneliness, how to get what you need from colleagues spread across the world, and how to network and grow in your career when you are sitting in an office of one, plus many other topics that will help you survive and thrive as a remote worker."

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The Amazon Way on IoT: 10 Principles for Every Leader from the World's Leading Internet of Things Strategies

By John Rossman

"The Amazon Way on IoT is for business people who want to learn cases, key concepts, technologies and tools to help develop, explain and execute their own IoT approach. As a leader at Amazon who held a front-row seat during its formative years, Rossman understands the iconic company better than most. From the launch of Amazon’s third-party seller program to its foray into enterprise services, he witnessed it all – the amazing successes, the little-known failures, and the experiments with outcomes still to be determined.
Rossman once again examines the heart of’s secret to success, along with other leading companies. He incorporates an extensive focus on sophisticated IoT technologies and strategies related to Amazon’s rise: tens of millions of items in stock, the company’s technological prowess, and the many customer service innovations such as “one-click.”

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Building the Internet of Things: Implement New Business Models, Disrupt Competitors, Transform Your Industry

By Maciej Kranz

"Building Internet of Things provides front-line business decision makers with a practical handbook for capitalizing on this latest transformation. Focusing on the business implications of Internet of Things (IoT), this book describes the sheer impact, spread, and opportunities arising every day, and how business leaders can implement IoT today to realize tangible business advantages. The discussion delves into IoT from a business, strategy and organizational standpoint, and includes use-cases that illustrate the ripple effect that this latest disruption brings; you'll learn how to fashion a viable IoT plan that works with your organization's strategy and direction, and how to implement that strategy successfully by integrating IoT into your organization tomorrow."

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Build Your Own IoT Platform: Develop a Fully Flexible and Scalable Internet of Things Platform in 24 Hours

By Anand Tamboli

"Discover how every solution in some way related to the IoT needs a platform and how to create that platform. This book is about being agile and reducing time to market without breaking the bank. It is about designing something that you can scale incrementally without having to do a lot of rework and potentially disrupting your current state of the work. So the key questions are: what does it take, how long does it take, and how much does it take to build your own IoT platform?"

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Enterprise IoT: Strategies and Best Practices for Connected Products and Services

By Dirk Slama, Frank Puhlmann, Jim Morrish & Rishi M Bhatnagar

"Current hype aside, the Internet of Things will ultimately become as fundamental as the Internet itself, with lots of opportunities and trials along the way. To help you navigate these choppy waters, this practical guide introduces a dedicated methodology for businesses preparing to transition towards IoT-based business models.

With a set of best practices based on case study analysis, expert interviews, and the authors’ own experience, the Ignite | IoT Methodology outlined in this book delivers actionable guidelines to assist you with IoT strategy management and project execution. You’ll also find a detailed case study of a project fully developed with this methodology."

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Learning Internet of Things

By Peter Waher

"This book starts by exploring the popular HTTP, UPnP, CoAP, MQTT, and XMPP protocols. You will learn how protocols and patterns can put limitations on network topology and how they affect the direction of communication and the use of firewalls. Thing registries and delegation of trust are introduced as important tools to secure the life cycle of Things on the Internet. Once the fundamentals have been mastered, your focus will move to the Internet of Things architecture. A secure architecture is proposed that will take full advantage of the power of Internet of Things and at the same time protect end user integrity and private personal data without losing flexibility and interoperability.

This book provides you with a practical overview of the existing protocols, communication patterns, architectures, and security issues important to Internet of Things."

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Precision: Principles, Practices and Solutions for the Internet of Things

By Annie D

"You may not be sure why your coffee pot should talk to your toaster, but precision technology powering an Internet of Things has the potential to reshape the planet. To help clarify, Dr. Timothy Chou has created Precision to introduce us to the basics of the Industrial Internet of Things (IoT).

The first part – Precision: Principles and Practices – introduces a vendor-neutral, acronym-free framework. Dr. Chou then discusses the framework’s fundamental principles and these principles put into practice.

The second part – Precision: Solutions – puts Dr. Chou’s IoT framework into practice highlighting 14 real world solutions for manufacturers who are building precision machines and companies utilizing these machines to receive precision enhanced business outcomes. Case studies discussed span a number of industries such as power, water, healthcare, transportation, oil & gas, construction, agriculture, gene sequencers, mining and race cars.

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