
Proqis Digital Virtual Conference Series

View our schedule of industry leading free to attend virtual conferences.
Each a premier gathering of industry thought leaders and experts sharing key solutions to current challenges.

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Determining Value and Benefits Realized for the Veterans Health Administration: Optimizing Health Care Valuation Methodology


  • VHA evaluates health care investment transformation and optimization using an unique approach that can be utilized by private and public health care systems that includes:  (1)  a whole system evidence-based framework that supports strategic planning, (2) a comprehensive enterprise-wide measurement plan that measures progression over time, (3) an independent direct causation-focused analysis of drivers, people, processes, technology and outcomes, and  (4) an analysis that identifies benefits realized facility by facility, specialty by specialty to determine the return on investment and promote the organization being a learning organization.
  • VHA has validated successes in transformation and optimization through knowledge management that address access, patient safety, quality and high reliability.
  • VHA provides lessons learned from their transformation and optimization methodology, which begins with a business case and baseline assessment and takes the audience through benefits realization and investment evaluation.  


Innovating the Patient Journey: A discussion to making patient experience better


The COVID-19 pandemic has created a massive shift in how patients engage with their providers and receive care. This is forcing healthcare organizations to be agile and rapidly implement new strategies to adapt to the changing environment. How these changes will impact the patient experience, quality of care, and the health system’s finances, however, remains a major question mark. In this session, we will discuss how healthcare organizations can innovate the patient journey while maintaining operational excellence.

Key Improvement Focus Areas:

  • Patient Engagement
  • Elevated Care
  • Care team Wellness
  • Cost

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Creating a Culture to Promote Individual and Team Thriving, Resiliency, and Peak Performance


  • Explore the rationale for changing the conversation from one focused on burnout and change initiatives to one focused on thriving and sustainable performance
  • Understand the connection between emotional, thriving and emotional recovery to peak performance
  • Discuss approaches that lead to sustainable change toward a work environment that enhances clinical team performance, professional well-being, and a culture of excellence
  • Review outcomes on key performance indicators that organizations experience when using these approaches to create a culture of excellence, thriving, and performance

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Develop and Promote a Culture of Innovation


In today’s overly complex and ever-changing healthcare and business landscape, leaders face unprecedented challenges: pressure of reimbursement, new care delivery models, cost cutting, horizontal and vertical integration leading to vehement M/A, technology disruptions, regulatory compliance are just a few to name.

All these challenges illustrate non-disputable fact: Strategy as usual is not going to survive our business, let alone growing our business to be the market leader. Leaders must innovate and disrupt. Developing and promoting a culture of innovation is going to be crucial.

With 20 years of experience that has brought disruptive innovation to the healthcare, David will share concepts and insights about developing culture of innovation and driving sustainable changes.

  • Innovation is a culture and DNA of an organization.
  • Innovation must deliver tangible and distinguishable values to customers.
  • Innovation is not only about ideas. It is about making ideas happen.
  • Leaders must drive and promote innovation.

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Healthcare information: Creating patient-controlled, standardized, secure and open data structures


Healthcare information is locked behind silos controlled by providers and insurance companies. Within these silos, clinical and imaging data is kept separately. His arrangement makes it very difficult to correlate the two to find patterns that lead to insight even when working within a single silo. Working across silos is much more difficult and is one of the major impediments to advances on medical research.
The patient is left out completely, let alone having little control over how their data is used. That is about to change. The pieces exist to allow the creation of patient-controlled, standardized, and open data structures protected by advanced cryptography that will eventually replace these silos. In the short term, the silos will continue to exist, but will become increasingly unwieldy to maintain. This talk will paint a picture of this future. 
  • Understand the problems we face with the status quo
  • Learn about the “big picture” offered by this future
  • Learn about the pieces required to make it work
  • Be introduced to work being done today to make it happen


Empowering Excellence in R&D


The biopharmaceutical R&D value stream process is complex, lengthy (10 years average to develop a biologics drug from discovery to commercial launch) and highly matrixed. It consists of technical processes which interfaces with various business processes needed to enable the drug development process.

In addition, the R&D environment naturally focusses on “scientific excellence” and faces cultural challenges to embrace “operational excellence”. Thus, the long lead time to develop a drug combined with the highly matrix interfaces and cultural barriers makes it challenging to develop an operational excellence roadmap for R&D. The road to operational excellence in R&D is very young and more complex compared to the manufacturing and service businesses

  • requires adaptation of traditional approaches to fit the R&D processes
  • requires transversal collaboration to be successful
  • requires cultural change within the organization

This presentation will demonstrate the impact of Operational Excellence for R&D, in terms of transforming R&D into a highly efficient organization and enabling scientific excellence in R&D. It will show you how to build your own roadmap for empowering excellence in the R&D environment, which will include the following

  • overview of the biopharmaceutical R&D process
  • challenges in applying operational excellence in R&D
  • how to develop a strategic Operational Excellence roadmap in R&D
  • examples of case studies

Click Here To View The Full Session Transcript And Recorded On-Demand Session Video


Stop the Innovation Killing. How To Become the Innovation Champion Your Organization Needs


We all want innovation. Even you. Yet, research tells us very few know how to make it happen. That’s a big disconnect. If it’s something we all want, shouldn’t we be able to bring it about. The good news is we can. If we are willing to learn, unlearn and relearn a few things.  

In this interactive session we will demystify innovation through real life examples of how and why innovation worked in both large and small organizations,  We will also touch on what kills a thriving innovation program or lab. 

We’ll share how through trial and error we developed our Orchard Model of Innovation that allows innovative practice and creative thinking to emerge cross-culturally.

Participants will learn:

  • Why a narrow definition of innovation kills innovative practice and creative thinking.
  • Common reasons top leaders continue to fail at innovation
  • How innovation can thrive at three levels (top leaders, middle management, and the front line) and what is required to innovate at each level
  • How an accessible Innovation lab can help any organization not matter the size
  • Join us to learn our simple, effective and fun approach to innovation. 


Transforming Healthcare Through Intelligent Automation


Implementing Process Improvement & Change: A gym membership, not a diet pill


Implementation and change are the most difficult aspect of process improvement. Lean Six Sigma and other process improvement methodologies focus on the how to define, analyze and measure the problem, how to develop solutions for the problems, but stop short of the real challenges of implementing a solution, especially in industries like healthcare where change is often more complex.

Process improvement initiatives are often abandoned before meaningful change can be made simply because change is hard. This presentation focuses on the difficulties associated with implementing process improvement changes and how to support teams to get through the uncomfortable challenges of the early stages of implementation.

Key takeaways:

  • Flip the switch on how your organization thinks about change when implementing process improvement initiatives
  • Work through the quitting mentality in an instant gratification culture
  • Help the team recognize when a process is not working because it is new versus it is not the right solution
  • How to support your team through the tough times and make meaningful change through process improvement 
Click Here To View The Full Session Transcript And Recorded On-Demand Session Video


AI-Powered Digital Transformation in Healthcare


AI is fundamentally changing how healthcare institutions operate, redefining the way people work and transforming how patient care is delivered around the world. In pursuing digital transformation initiatives, organizations need to capitalize on the opportunity with intelligent algorithms and models, improved processes, a data-centric culture, and an optimized software and hardware infrastructure to realize their full potential.

Healthcare specific highlights from the latest Dell Technologies Digital Transformation worldwide survey include:

  • 43%  of healthcare respondents stated that they have successfully accelerated  their digital transformation strategies for remote patient care and  diagnosis, ranking third on the overall list against other industries.
  • 55% of healthcare respondents stated that they have successfully implemented, or are in the process of implementing, emerging technology—like robotics or VR—to support safe treatment of patients at a distance.

Key takeaways include:

  • Learn about key highlights in Healthcare with their Digital Transformation initiatives
  • Learn about the current AI Trends and Directions
  • Learn about the various options organizations have with AI Accelerators
  • Learn about data best practices and multi-cloud deployments 


Value Management: Get the value from your transformations


Are you tired of investing resources into transformational initiatives that fail to demonstrate the outcomes that were promised? Do you have reservations when you approve investments, because you worry about whether anything will change and improve on a sustained basis? Does it frustrate you that leaders are not consistently accountable for the promised and targeted outcomes of their initiatives?

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan has built and matured a model where value and outcomes from initiatives are consistently realized and demonstrated. You can improve the success of your transformations with a disciplined approach to managing the value associated with your improvement efforts.

To be successful, it requires culture, active and rigorous initiative oversight and communication. Join us to learn how BCBSM applies Value Management across its portfolio of transformational initiatives … with some simple processes and tools that you can use. Key takeaways that attendees at this session can expect:

  • The importance of culture and accountability in managing value
  • Tools to identify the sources of value in projects and initiatives at the outset and getting leadership commitment to deliver the value
  • Tracking and affirming value through execution
  • Proving the value upon completion and capturing it to ensure sustainability
  • Celebrating the successful execution … AND the delivery of value
Click Here To View The Full Session Transcript And Recorded On-Demand Session Video


A path towards Smart Operations, combining Operational Excellence and Industry 4.0


  • Smart Operations is NOT a factory or supply chain full of technologies
  • What defines Smart Operations is Output based on the best achievement mix of Cost, Quality, Service, Working Capital, Compliance, Safety, Culture and Talent
  • The trick is to define short and long term Manufacturing and Supply Chain plans as a whole and for each Manufacturing Site and Value Chain, that takes into account:
  • Business needs and Competitive environment
  • Manufacturing and Supply chain maturity level, including Technology, Process, Skills and Competencies
  • Define Operational Excellence gaps and opportunities
  • Define Technology needs based on Foundational elements (must Have’s) and careful choices according to the above
  • Get started with multiple test and learns and fast deployment plans
  • Empower, upskill and engage the workforce in such journey
  • Keep customer value as the main design principle