
Proqis Digital Virtual Conference Series

View our schedule of industry leading free to attend virtual conferences.
Each a premier gathering of industry thought leaders and experts sharing key solutions to current challenges.

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The Key to Optimizing BPM and Process Automation, and the Companies who got it Right


RPA and workflow are essential components of an overarching automation goal. However, there is a key step in the pursuit of continuous improvement that some companies miss. In this session, Nintex will discuss how Amazon, Zoom, and others leverage technology-business process management, workflow automation, and robotic process automation – to quickly adapt to a changing marketplace while accelerating their operational excellence. 

You’ll learn how to: 

  • Get started the right way on your BPM journey 
  • Identify the right balance of automation 
  • Leverage best practices to accelerate results 
Click Here To View The Full Session Transcript And Recorded On-Demand Session Video


Workforce 2022 - Tipping Point or Inflection Point


  • 2022 continues to prove workers remain dissatisfied with today’s idea of work. The mass resignations underway are simply a symptom of a more profound set of issues.
  • We are at a crossroads. Will we navigate what seems to be a negative tipping point… or will we hit our inflection point with a positive trajectory relative to our ideas about work?
  • It’s time we reshape our basic and fundamental beliefs and assumptions about the human role in digital transformation and work to reshape what work should look and feel like within organizations and who decides.
  • Join me in the journey to unpack the impact of 6 generations of industrial culture settings. We will explore, our historical frame, current trends, and how advanced automation and human power skills support the era of mass industrial personalization.

Click Here To View The Full Session Transcript And Recorded On-Demand Session Video


The Criticality and Re-emergence of iBPMS, But not as You Know it!


The iBPMS market is now over 10 years old. Much has changed during that period in terms of what and how we automate work, how we analyze and design processes, and the reduced time we have to make changes in how we operate.

New technologies and ecosystems are enabling us to completely rethink the art of the possible. The relentless pressures to drive our digital agenda forward, create better customer experiences, enable hybrid working, and drive down costs, lead us to focus on technology and the potential afforded by iBPMS.

But are we looking at the right iBPMS? In this presentation, Mark McGregor will revisit the key capabilities needed for an iBPMS and suggest that while many of us have been looking in one direction a new breed of true iBPMS vendors is emerging from another.

  • Why Automation Centric iBPMS misses the point.
  • Revisiting the core capabilities that are required for a modern iBPMS
  • Introducing the New Kids on the Block
  • What to Consider When Evaluating an iBPMS Vendor

As a strategy consultant, author and coach Mark has worked with users, vendors, and consulting companies around the globe. The ideas and insights that he shares comes as a result of thousands of interactions over a 20+ year period.

Click Here To View The Full Session Transcript And Recorded On-Demand Session Video


Intelligent Business Process Management: Where Leadership Meets Process, Technology and People


  • How great cross-industry organizations design and implement world-class, sustainable iBPM programs for value creation
  • Key roles and responsibilities for effective iBPM leadership in your organization
  • What matters most: ideas, methods, technologies, or people   
  • How to successfully integrate iBPM with your continuous improvement and innovation programs
  • Industry case study on leveraging iBPM to accelerate innovation for value creation

Click Here To View The Full Session Transcript And Recorded On-Demand Session Video
