
Proqis Digital Virtual Conference Series

View our schedule of industry leading free to attend virtual conferences.
Each a premier gathering of industry thought leaders and experts sharing key solutions to current challenges.

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Next Generation Digital Financial Services: Accelerating the Journey to Digital Maturity


In this session we will have a discussion of the evolution of financial services, and what it may look like in terms of “next generation digital financial services” delivered through innovative new business models and leveraging digital technology accelerators, to deliver ubiquitous, embedded digital financial services in our children’s lives.

There are six prevalent business and technology platforms delivering innovative digital financial services today. Which models and platforms will pull ahead to lead market share in the next 5,10, 20 years? What types of digital technology are they leveraging and how is it applied to make digital financial services more relevant seamlessly in our lives?

  • “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change” – Charles Darwin
  • “Culture eats strategy for breakfast” – Peter Drucker “If culture is eating strategy for breakfast, and you are not addressing culture in your strategy, then you don't have a strategy. Your strategy should not only address culture (and breakfast), but the organization holistically” - Bill Genovese
  • “If you believe your infrastructure is a commodity, then perhaps your business is running as a commodity as well”
  • “Banks cannot innovate if they’re busy keeping their legacy systems alive”
  • “The holy grail for banks is to become the best at Fintegration”

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Project Management Best Practices to Engage Every Stakeholder


Are you challenged with getting all the right people in a room for decision-making and visible engagement? Are your technology initiatives leaving business stakeholders scratching their heads with confusion? This session will show you how to embed information management practices throughout every phase of the project or program, continuously keeping the right audience informed of the right message at the right time. Discover how to apply knowledge sharing and collaborative tools to tailor your messaging for the entire project ecosystem

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Eliminating the Gap Between Process and Business. Technically Tie Process Improvements to Business Outcomes


Digital Transformation has taken the financial services industry by storm.  The rise of digital native challenger banks, direct consumer access to markets, and peer-to-peer platforms have created more ways than ever to borrow, save, and grow capital, resulting in heightened customer expectations and market saturation.   Organizations are spending billions on enterprise software and investing in employees that will take their business to the next level.  

Departments for processes excellence, operational excellence, and digital transformation are commanding more and more attention from executive leadership.  And yet, there seems to be a gap between how processes are assumed to operate, how they actually operate, and what effect they are having on an organization's business outcomes.  In this session, learn how to move the needle with your process investments by technically linking them to business outcomes, and bringing them straight to the doorstep of LOB personnel.

Key Takeaways

  • Get grounded - Your IT systems and employee interactions have all the information you need to objectively show how your processes are operating in real time.
  • Sense the friction - identify bottlenecks, unwanted variations, and extraneous manual work and make sure that you can intercept them as they occur
  • Take decisive action - automate where possible, otherwise bring next-best actions with context to line of business personnel

All about the outcomes - make sure that the process improvements have a direct and measurable correlation to the overall company objectives 

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Building the Workforce of the Future to Achieve Excellence


Real-time feedback has the power to drive employee excellence across an organization. During this session, Patrick Law, Vice President, Client Operations for Card Services at Fiserv, will:

  • Outline the unique benefits of real-time feedback
  • Describe how real-time feedback helps Fiserv associates achieve excellence and deliversuperior value to clients, and
  • Provide recommendations to organizations that would like to implement real-time feedback programs.

In many organizations, feedback is collected and delivered infrequently. Employees typicallyreceive formal feedback once a year, during an annual performance review. These reviewsoften cover generalized comments on an employee’s performance but lack the constructivespecificity that empowers employee growth. Moreover, many organizations administer point-in-time surveys to gather client input. The results provide vague, backward looking sentiments,often too late to act on them.

Real-time feedback offers an impactful alternative to the annual performance review andtraditional client surveys. For employees, real-time feedback offers constructive, in-the-moment,micro-feedback on behaviors aligned to critical business processes. For clients, real-timefeedback offers an always-on, direct voice to deliver actionable insights on services andoperations. When delivered well, real-time feedback helps employees improve and deliver onkey performance metrics. Fiserv has built a client-experience focused culture to deliverexcellence and drive results for our clients.

Learning Outcomes: Attendees who attend this session will gain the following insights:

  • Learn how to develop a productive feedback culture to drive bottom-line results
  • Assess the differences between a traditional performance review and legacy clientsurvey instruments, and real-time feedback
  • Organizational benefits of a real-time feedback program
  • Best practices for implementing and leading an impactful real-time feedback program
  • Understand how to build digital leadership muscle across the organization 

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Human Connectivity: The Missing Ingredient in Digital Transformation


Long-lasting, impactful digital transformation requires an acute knowledge of the people, processes, and systems that comprise your organization. Successful digital transformation necessitates understanding how your tangible assets -equipment, machinery, and facilities - operate to deliver value.

It requires active participationand behavior change from people at all levels of an organization. This level of stakeholderengagement provides leaders with the insight and perspective needed to see what their specificorganization needs -- not just what’s been done before.

However, achieving this level of integrated engagement at scale can seem difficult, if not almostimpossible. Asset data comes from multiple sources. It takes time to integrate and analyze what’shappening. But swift decision-making and evaluation requires a solution that provides real-time,integrated insight into asset performance and location. And on people engagement, surveys provide snapshot-in-time perspectives, but lack specificityand real-time input.

How can leaders collect and organize input from hundreds, even thousands,of stakeholders? More than that, how can they assess sentiment, extract meaningful insights,and use this information to make decisions?

This interactive presentation will provide Digital Transformation leaders with strategies andpractical tools to engage people in change initiatives, lead positive behavior change toaccompany technology implementation, and ultimately, drive successful transformation acrosstheir organizations.

  • Better define opportunities for digital transformation by collecting input from the peopleclosest to the processes that need to change.
  • Ideate new, creative ways to solve your problems.
  • Customize solutions according to your organization’s specific needs.
  • Customize solutions according to your organization’s specific needs.
  • Understand employee and client sentiment at scale.
  • Drive lasting change -- technology adoption and behavioral change -- by engaging people in your transformation initiatives.

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Importance of bringing a process management approach into system migration projects


Development of a new approach: “System Integration” concept and embedding into running project  

Structuring and mobilizing stabilization and remediation program for end-to-end contract management system (order-to cash)

What we have changed and what we have learned…

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Digital Growth Strategies


The need to move to a more digital banking model has been planned or played with for almost a decade, but COVID-19 has made the need for digital growth strategies, improved digital experiences and reduced operational costs more important than ever.

Financial institutions of all sizes must reassess their existing business models, core systems structure, distribution networks, commitment to innovation and product assortment for a marketplace with more demanding customers, more agile competition and shareholders who are looking for greater efficiencies.

With this health crisis, customers are more willing, more accepting and more welcoming than ever before to a digital channel, digital platform and digital service. This presents the right opportunity for financial services firms to aggressively drive digital growth strategies. 

This session will focus on the following digital growth insights:

  • Leverage relevant ecosystems beyond the traditional core
  • Develop a financial supermarket
  • Capitalize on growth opportunities shaped by customer journey
  • Monetize customer interaction, engagement and data responsibly
  • Evolve into a product, service or infrastructure/platform manufacturing factory

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The impact of COVID-19 in transforming how we work, engage and interact with each other, and how we deliver value to or customers


Since the COVID-19 pandemic began the world has had to transform how we work, how we engage and interact with each other, and how we deliver value to or customers.
Conversely, our customer's needs are changing rapidly. Their definition of value is changing daily. 
This session looks to address the following questions by sharing stories of success and failure in identifying and rapidly meeting new or emerging needs with simple solutions: 
  • what mechanisms exist or need to be created to clearly identify and understand new needs from your customers
  • what existing solutions have a new or different value proposition?
  • what processes and systems need transformation to be able to rapidly design and test new solutions?
  • How can you understand if a new need will be permanent or long term versus a short term crisis need and how do you decide what to do? 
The key takeaways: 
  • Answers, insights, lessons learned from the questions above
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Doing more with Intent Based Networking will fundamentally transform your Enterprise network


  • What Intent Based Networking actually is (methodology) and why it matters (the coming paradigm shift)
  • Understanding of why IBN verification and assurance are CRITICAL to the future of networking
  • How IBN solutions like Forward Enterprise will be necessary in the post CV-19 world (expected to do more with less)
  • Why Forward Enterprise should be your standard for achieving Operational Excellence
  • Why having a Digital Twin will help you accelerate your business transformation.

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Customer-driven digital transformation


Today's banks and financial institutions face challenges that seem to be familiar and very well known: globalisation, competition, regulators, and rapid technological development. The global pandemic has certainly made it all much more difficult. 
Banks exist to deliver value to their stakeholders. Interestingly, to achieve this goal, they must focus on delivering value to their clients. 
This is especially important when banks and financial institutions are undergoing digital transformation. However technically it sounds, in order to succeed digital transformation must be client-oriented - and start with definition of strategic architecture and client-driven journey. 
Using real-life examples, this session will explain:
  • how to ensure client is at the center of digital transformation
  • what digital transformation frameworks, methodologies and tools should be employed
  • how to measure the success of digital transformation.

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Building Client Centric Financial Organizations: A SwissRe Case Study



We have moved past the faster, cheaper, efficient topics: to create real impact, and to make the world more resilient, SwissRe continues to transform towards a better tomorrow. This session gives an overview over how SwissRe's P&C Business Management organization focuses to be consistently client centric in core services and create new propositions that help clients grow and manage their portfolios in a transforming marketplace.

Key takeaways:

  1. How to transition a 150 year old organization to learn new tricks: strategic direction and internal drive
  2. How to define a better new: approach and structure to improve
  3. How does it look like: examples of what can change in a (re-)insurance claims handling department
  4. How to bring employees on board: change management and collaboration

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Financing the Green Economy to Minimize the Impact of Climate Change


According to the International Energy Agency, carbon-based electricity generation contributed over 30% of total global greenhouse gas emissions in 2018, by far the largest source of global GHG emission. To minimize the impact of climate change and meet the Paris Agreement's goal to limit the increase in global warming to 2°C, Morgan Stanley Research estimates that the world needs to spend US$50 trillion over the next 30 years in clean energy and technology. The International Renewable Energy Agency forecasts that US$750 billion a year is needed in renewables alone over the next decade.

The question on the minds of many investors is not whether to join in this growth, but how to channel capital into wind, solar, hydro-electric, bioenergy, energy efficiency and geothermal projects to help slow and mitigate climate change. RE Royalties represents an exciting opportunity for socially and environmentally conscious investors, who want to make sure their dollars are going towards protecting and restoring the environment.

RE Royalties’ innovative royalty financing model is well proven in other industries, but we are the first to apply it to the renewable energy sector on a global scale. Sourcing financial capital for renewable energy leaders is a crucial issue for new projects that want to get off the ground quickly to take climate action. A small, or start-up company can rarely source capital by borrowing from a commercial bank, and accessing capital is the biggest hurdle to getting renewable energy projects built.

The projects that RE Royalties invest in are helping to solve the world’s climate issues and create a more sustainable economy. RE Royalties helps their clients by taking a unique approach with the royalty-financing model to fill a gap in the renewable energy finance market.


Renewables produce energy by harnessing the energy created by the sun, wind, or water, making them an indispensable ally in the fight against climate change. If we truly want to build a more sustainable energy future, then we need to ensure that renewable energy entrepreneurs have access to the capital they need to get their projects off the ground.

In this webinar, attendees will learn:

  • How you can get project financing for your renewable energy project.
  • How you can invest in the growing renewable energy market.

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