CT Books (19)

The Innovator's Prescription: A Disruptive Solution for Health Care

By Clayton M. Christensen, Jerome H. Grossman M.D. & Jason Hwang M.D.

"Our health care system is in critical condition. Each year, fewer Americans can afford it, fewer businesses can provide it, and fewer government programs can promise it for future generations.


  • “Precision medicine” reduces costs and makes good on the promise of personalized care
  • Disruptive business models improve quality, accessibility, and affordability by changing the way hospitals and doctors work
  • Patient networks enable better treatment of chronic diseases
  • Employers can change the roles they play in health care to compete effectively in the era of globalization
  • Insurance and regulatory reforms stimulate disruption in health care"
CT Books (20)

Lean Hospitals: Improving Quality, Patient Safety, and Employee Satisfaction

By Mark Graban

"Winner of a 2009 Shingo Research and Professional Publication Prize

Drawing on his years of working with hospitals, Mark Graban explains why and how Lean can be used to improve safety, quality, and efficiency in a healthcare setting. After highlighting the benefits of Lean methods for patients, employees, physicians, and the hospital itself, he explains how Lean manufacturing staples such as Value Stream Mapping and process observation can help hospital personnel identify and eliminate waste in their own processes ― effectively preventing delays for patients, reducing wasted motion for caregivers, and improving the quality of care.

Additionally, Graban describes how Standardized Work and error-proofing can prevent common hospital errors and details root cause problem-solving and daily improvement processes that can engage all personnel in systemic improvement. A unique guide for healthcare professionals, Lean Hospitals clearly elaborates the steps they can take to begin the proactive process of Lean implementation.


CT Books (21)

Redefining Health Care: Creating Value-Based Competition on Results

By Michael E. Porter & Elizabeth Olmsted Teisberg

"The authors argue that competition currently takes place at the wrong level—among health plans, networks, and hospitals—rather than where it matters most, in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of specific health conditions. Participants in the system accumulate bargaining power and shift costs in a zero-sum competition, rather than creating value for patients. Based on an exhaustive study of the U.S. health care system, Redefining Health Care lays out a breakthrough framework for redefining the way competition in health care delivery takes place—and unleashing stunning improvements in quality and efficiency."

CT Books (22)

Who Killed Health Care?: America's $2 Trillion Medical Problem - and the Consumer-Driven Cure

By Regina Herzlinger

"One of the nation's most respected health care analysts, Regina Herzlinger exposes the motives and methods of those who have crippled America's health care system-figures in the insurance, hospital, employment, governmental, and academic sectors. She proves how our current system, which is organized around payers and providers rather than the needs of its users, is dangerously eroding patient welfare and is pushing costs out of the reach of millions.

Who Killed Health Care? then outlines Herzlinger's bold new plan for a consumer-driven system that will deliver affordable, high-quality care to everyone. By putting insurance money in the hands of patients, removing the middleman in the doctor-patient relationship, and giving employers cost relief, consumers and physicians will be empowered to make the system work the way it should. Herzlinger describes in precise detail how her innovative program will provide

  • Smaller, disease-focused medical facilities that provide complete care for patients
  • A national system of medical records that provides privacy with confidential access by approved practitioners
  • Mandatory performance evaluations of all hospitals and all other medical organizations
  • Mandatory health insurance with subsidies for those who cannot afford it"
CT Books (23)

Delivering Health Care in America: A Systems Approach

By Leiyu Shi

"In A Clear, Cohesive Format, Delivering Health Care In America Provides A Comprehensive Overview Of The Basic Structures And Operations Of The US Health System—From Its Historical Origins And Resources, To Its Individual Services, Cost, And Quality. Using A Unique “Systems” Approach, It Brings Together An Extraordinary Breadth Of Information Into A Highly Accessible, Easy-To-Read Text That Clarifies The Complexities Of Health Care Organization And Finance, While Presenting A Solid Overview Of How The Various Components Fit Together. The Fourth Edition Has Been Thoroughly Updated With The Latest Information On: The Global Threat Of Avian Influenza Health Policy Agenda Of The Bush Administration Progress Towards Healthy People 2010 Goals The Effects Of Corporatization, Information Revolution, And Globalization On Health Care Delivery. The Role Of Hospitals In The U.S. Healthcare System The Continuing Nursing Shortage Prospective Payment Initiatives For Inpatient Psychiatric Facilities And Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities Pay-For-Performance Initiatives Trends In Home Health Care Services The Role Of Long-Term Care Hospitals And Reimbursement For Their Services Disease Management As A Strategy To Manage Utilization The Role Of Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities Updated Information On Health Services For Special Populations State Strategies To Provide Universal Coverage State Children’S Health Insurance Plan Reauthorization Issues The President’S Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief High-Deductible Health Plans Insurance Restructuring In Massachusetts Challenges In Long-Term Care The Era Of Evidence-Based Medicine Mandates Of Recent Legislation Such As The Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, And Modernization Act Of 2003 And The Deficit Reduction Act Of 2005"

CT Books (24)

Critical Issues in Global Health

By C. Everett Koop, Clarence E. Pearson, M. Roy Schwarz & Jimmy Carter

"Critical Issues in Global Health is an outstanding compAndium of knowledge and thought--from a distinguished panel of internationally renowned medical and public health experts--that offers insight into the most important health issues facing our world's populations. The volume's individual contributors represent a wide range of prestigious health organizations and institutions including the World Health Organization, National Academy of Sciences, Kellogg and Rockefeller Foundations, U.S. Centers for Disease Control, and the American Public Health Association. Edited by C. Everett Koop, Clarence E. Pearson, and M. Roy Schwarz, these never-before-published essays explore the future of international health and explain what will be required in order to provide adequate health and medical care worldwide, especially for underdeveloped countries."

CT Books (25)

Essentials of Health Care Finance

By William O. Cleverley & Andrew E. Cameron

"Essentials Of Health Care Finance, Sixth Edition Stands Firmly In Its Place As The Leading Textbook In Its Coverage Of Health Care Finance. No Other Text So Completely Blends The Best Of Current Finance Theory With The Tools Needed In Day-To-Day Practice. The Sixth Edition Has Been Thoroughly Expanded And Updated With New Chapters On Billing And Coding Issues, And Another Covering Pricing And Contract Negotiation. This Edition Also Gives More Attention To Revenue Definition With A Focus On Determining Prices And Negotiating Managed Care Contracts. Expanded Coverage Of The Chapter On Capital Formation Includes A Discussion Of The Increasing Use Of New Financing Methods Such As Interest Rate Swaps. All Other Chapters Have Been Revised To Reflect The Current Economic Environment."

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CT Books (26)

Lean Six Sigma for Hospitals: Simple Steps to Fast, Affordable, and Flawless Healthcare

By Jay Arthur

"Lean Six Sigma for Hospitals: Simple Steps to Fast, Affordable, Flawless Healthcare explains how to use tested Lean Six Sigma methods and tools to rapidly improve hospital operations and quality of care and reduce costs. These proven strategies follow the patient from the front door of the hospital or emergency room all the way through discharge, examining key aspects of patient flow and quality. The trail of billing and collections is also followed to discover and eliminate cash flow leaks. This practical guide emphasizes both the clinical and operational sides to reduce the "three demons of quality"--delay, defects, and deviation. Real-world case studies from major hospitals illustrate successful implementations of Lean Six Sigma."

CT Books (27)

If Disney Ran Your Hospital: 9 1/2 Things You Would Do Differently

By Matthias Leeb

"Using examples from his work with Disney and as a senior-level hospital executive, author Fred Lee challenges the assumptions that have defined customer service in healthcare. In this unique book, he focuses on the similarities between Disney and hospitals―both provide an "experience," not just a service. It shows how hospitals can emulate the strategies that earn Disney the trust and loyalty of their guests and employees.

The book explains why standard service excellence initiatives in healthcare have not led to high patient satisfaction and loyalty, and it provides 9 ½ principles that will help hospitals gain the competitive advantage that comes from being seen as "the best" by their own employees, consumers, and community"

CT Books (28)

Performance Improvement for Healthcare: Leading Change with Lean, Six Sigma, and Constraints Management

By Bahadir Inozu, Dan Chauncey, Vickie Kamataris , Charles Mount & LLC NOVACES

"Performance Improvement for Healthcare: Leading Change with Lean, Six Sigma, and Constraints Management lays out an integrated approach for using three improvement methods that have proven to be the most effective way to transform hospital operations in terms of patient outcomes and experience, financial viability, and employee satisfaction. This pioneering guide presents a strategy for managing bottlenecks, eliminating waste, reducing errors, and containing costs in healthcare organizations, as well as sustaining the gains achieved. Real-world case studies illustrate successful performance improvement implementations that have realized breakthrough operational and financial results in the U.S. and abroad.

The book is an in-depth guide for healthcare leaders and includes topics such as:

  • Assessing your organization's readiness for adopting a best-of-breed performance improvement strategy
  • How to deploy an integrated performance improvement program and get far better results than with traditional methods
  • Using Constraints Management to identify leverage points and break constraints that exist in all healthcare organizations
  • Building a program that consistently meets milestones on time and on budget
  • How to begin thinking at the system-level of complex healthcare organizations and target high-impact opportunities
  • Preventing common issues with sustaining improvement initiatives"
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