
Proqis Digital Virtual Conference Series

View our schedule of industry leading free to attend virtual conferences.
Each a premier gathering of industry thought leaders and experts sharing key solutions to current challenges.




How to Gain Control Over Your Cloud Native Stack


In 2021, the adoption of Cloud Native still creates a competitive advantage. “Speed is not preordained, it’s a choice” - like Andy Jassy says. It’s more important than ever to embrace IaaS and PaaS without compromising on autonomy, speed or compliance. Hence, Product IT teams need to establish a holistic view on not only hybrid and multi cloud but also on the multiple deployments their engineering departments take to production environments everyday.

Ensuring a great product experience for customers is a key driver key and in the era of cloud native can only be achieved by automating as much as possible. Especially when it comes to documentation, violation spotting and resolution, having accurate and up-to-date data at hand for a variety of stakeholders becomes essential.

In this talk, you will learn:

  • Why now is the time to double-down on Cloud Native
  • How LeanIX itself is handling their fast-growing Microservice Landscape
  • What you can adapt for your environment

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Building a Resilient Digital Ecosystem


Understanding that our greatest asset is people and their talents, we will focus on our second most significant asset, DATA. The Resilient Digital Ecosystem™ roadmap creates an environment to enable your employees to make real-time informed decisions – building transparency and harmonization from front-line to CEO. 
How Digital Transformation and Change Acceleration Processes help build a Resilient Digital Ecosystem: 
1. Discovering Your Digitalization Journey 
2. Fostering a Culture that Accelerates Technology Adoption 
3. Digital Readiness, Governance & Infrastructure  

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Building an Inclusive Culture


Are you looking to grow a more inclusive culture? Learn how you can own your diversity strategy and benefit from this diverse team you create.

Now more than ever we are seeing an increase of digital acceleration along with covid pushing more women out of the workforce.

Supported by data that shows how diverse teams drive productivity, profitability, innovation, and help attract top talent, this session will review a four-step success framework to guide your own personal success and help you build a truly inclusive team culture.

Open your mind on how you approach diversity and embed that into your own success strategy.

In this session, we will discover:

  • Value of diverse teams Impact of COVID on the stats
  • Success in relationship to you and your teams
  • 5 Best Practices as a Diversity Champion
  • Diversity Champion Checklist

New products and solutions are provided at high-speed form different cloud providers. With the current changes and new norms of working from home, businesses need to adapt quickly and efficiently to the cloud. In this session, we will shed the light on the GCP options provided and how to choose according to where you are standing now in your cloud journey.

In this session you will learn;

  • GCP solutions for IT infrastructure modernization 
  • Key points to consider when choosing from the different options provided 
  • Benefits of modernizing your IT infrastructure.
  • Why going forward with your transformation journey is important during such challenging times 
  • How Cloudypedia as a google cloud partner can help
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Closing the gap: The building blocks of an effective data quality strategy


The presentation provides business leaders with general directions, best practices, and certainly, lessons learned, in the pursuit of an effective data quality strategy:

  • Fostering a data-driven culture; a top-down approach to cultivate a strong data driven culture.
  • The use of data cleansing and enrichment solutions to assess and improve the quality of the data i.e. exception reports, data validation and enrichment tools.
  • Establishing a comprehensive data governance and setting ground rules for the collection, processing, transformation, and maintenance of data.

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Intelligently Leveraging Your Data: Why it is okay to "shift right" as part of your testing strategy


But how do we know we are testing the right use cases before deployment? What if we have complex business rules that preclude managing clear and easily executable test cases?

As testers, we don't usually have the time and the means to test everything, and sometimes we just don't know what we don't know.

With the rise of big data and our executive's obsessive attention to using analytics for decision making, we also can leverage data to assess system behaviors without having to replicate the end-to-end business scenarios.

In this talk you will learn about

  • specific tactics for mitigating risks
  • how to supplement you testing strategy leveraging your organization's own data
  • what it means to provide confidence in software releases
  • specifics on how to apply this approach with detailed examples

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Play Bold – How to Win the Business Game


In this session get insights on how to get back in and win the business game through Play Build. Listening to the award-winning author and thought leader Magnus Penker on how to remove blockers, activate amplifiers and aligning for constantly riding and jumping the S-Curves.

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IT Infrastructure & Cloud Strategies: How Great Enduring Organizations Build Value Creation Cultures


In a world disrupted by exponential technologies, how do you build a culture of Excellence & Innovation where extraordinary performance becomes ordinary? Organizations that consistently deliver exponential leaders, growth, and value creation.

We will explore how enduringly great, cross-industry organizations build their cultures as the ultimate engine for value creation and sustainable competitive advantage. 

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Purpose driven Cloud Strategy and role of IT infrastructure in it


Just upto 6-7 years ago, many leaders believed that Cloud is just a fad. These leaders represented some of the largest technology companies that have been legends in their respective business domains.

Well the reality is for everyone to see now. However do we believe that all of us in technology world today are fully onboarded with the idea and understanding of Cloud? The understanding of Cloud, its requirements, technology landscape behind it and business outcomes that it can influence are probably still evolving.

Many of the companies still don’t run on cloud, either they are not ready for It or they don’t see a dire need to go on Cloud. Sometimes IT budgets don’t allow it, sometimes path to move to Cloud is not clear and most of the times, the companies are victims of heavy customization done systematically by their employed ITvendors.

Key takeaways:

  • IT and Business to work and plan Cloud strategy together; A purpose driven Cloud strategy.
  • Importance and relevance of holistic Cloud strategies with multiple options that are affordable and sustainable.
  • Role of infrastructure in all versions of Cloud. The impact of choosing the right type of infrastructure, an infra vendor that is right for you.
  • Transformation journey to Cloud being seamless, agile and flexible. Automation is an imperative.
  • Seamless integration of infra with business applications and processes for better decisions.

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Challenges in realising AI use cases for enterprises and the way forward


As we know the success rate for AI projects are very low, many use cases reach till successful PoC phase by creating ML model and desirable outcomes based on sample data; BUT moving them to production with real data starts coming from various sources ex, S3, ERP , Social media etc, and then the challenges start.

With changes in the model during training, accuracy in Inference goes down, versioning of dataset, model explain ability becomes important. This session discuss systematic approaches to take for scaling AI use cases. 

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Migration of Calling and Contact Center to Cloud: things to know in advance


This session will describe the process for a smooth migration to cloud for onprem calling infrastructure and Contact Center.

It will explain the benefits of a fully cloud solution vs a hybrid approach, Pre migration readiness is paramount to a successful and riskless migration; Evolving to cloud requires attention to network readiness and interoperability

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Are you prepared for the Cloud Transition and what it means for your business?


Economic Incentives