
Robotic Process Automation: Guide to Building Software Robots, Automate Repetitive Tasks & Become an RPA Consultant

By Richard Murdoch
Level: Essential Reading

"This is the perfect book for you if you are looking to become an automation consultant – a field that is poised to grow dramatically in the next few years with mass unemployment becoming an increasingly probable reality. Getting into automation by specializing in RPA is an option for people who are programmers as well as non-programmers due to their intuitive design & no-code developer environments. This fascinating book features quick-start advice on how to get going with this powerful technology"


Robotic Process Automation


Robotic Process and Cognitive Automation: The Next Phase

By Mary C. Lacity and Leslie P. Willcocks
Level: Essential Reading

"This book examines real-world implementations of service automation technologies using Robotic Process Automation and Cognitive Automation tools. This newest, detailed research finds that RPA adoptions are accelerating, maturing, and scaling in global enterprise. The research covers multiple industries, applications, and shared services, and uses case studies to establish action principles and how to mitigate automation risks. The book also examines the first enterprise-worthy cognitive automation tools that use machine-learning algorithms to process big data, often in natural language form, and analyses three major detailed cases and the conditions for effective implementation."


Robotic Process Automation with Blue Prism Quick Start Guide: Create Software Robots and Automate Business Processes

BBy Lim Mei Ying
Level: Essential Reading

"Robotic process automation is a form of business process automation where user-configured robots can emulate the actions of users. Blue Prism is a pioneer of robotic process automation software, and this book gives you a solid foundation for programming robots with Blue Prism. If you’ve been tasked with automating work processes, but don’t know where to start, this is the book for you!"


The Care and Feeding of Bots: An Owner’s Manual for Robotic Process Automation

By Christopher Surdak JD
Level: Essential Reading

"This book is the result of five years of effort in putting RPA to work for major organizations all over the world. “Bots” details the author’s lessons learned in deploying thousands of bots at dozens of leading organizations In this book, he explains why bots are failing to deliver the goods, and what it takes to make bots work in your organization. Author Chris Surdak (“Data Crush” and “Jerk”) summarizes the results of five years of effort in deploying hundreds of bots for dozens of organizations around the world"


Robotic Process Automation Rpa A Complete Guide - 2020 Edition

By Gerardus Blokdyk
Level: Essential Reading

"Unless you are talking a one-time, single-use project, there should be a process. Whether that process is managed and implemented by humans, AI, or a combination of the two, it needs to be designed by someone with a complex enough perspective to ask the right questions. Someone capable of asking the right questions and step back and say, ‘What are we really trying to accomplish here? And is there a different way to look at it?’ This Self-Assessment empowers people to do just that – whether their title is entrepreneur, manager, consultant, (Vice-)President, CxO, etc… – they are the people who rule the future."


The Robotic Process Automation Handbook: A Guide to Implementing RPA Systems

By Tom Taulli
Level: Essential Reading

"RPA software revenues have recently soared by over 60 percent, which is the fastest ramp in the tech industry, and they are expected to exceed $1 billion by the end of 2019. It is generally seamless with legacy IT environments, making it easier for companies to pursue a strategy of digital transformation and can even be a gateway to AI. The Robotic Process Automation Handbook puts everything you need to know into one place to be a part of this wave."is today's most complete and results-based reference to the tools and concepts needed to understand, implement, and leverage Lean Six Sigma."


Robotic Process Automation and Risk Mitigation: The Definitive Guide

By Mary C. Lacity and Leslie P. Willcocks
Level: Essential Reading

"This pioneering guide offers the first comprehensive analysis to Robotic Process Automation (RPA) risks as actually experienced and dealt with by organizations. The authors present analysis and findings from a two-year study. As more organizations adopt RPA, they find that best practice companies are able to gain a ‘triple win’ from RPA: a win for shareholders, a win for customers, and a win for employees. But while such results are impressive, they are far from guaranteed. Service automation, like all organizational initiatives, is fraught with risks that need to be mitigated. The RPA risk mitigation framework reveals the significant RPA risks and identifies 30 key risk mitigation practices that the research found to be successful. Whether an organization is just beginning its RPA journey or has reached maturity, this definitive guide serves as a key source of knowledge."

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Robotic Process Automation and Risk Mitigation: The Definitive Guide

By Rob King
Level: Essential Reading

"In this book, I will explain the different types of Robotic Process Automation and how to align your business needs to the solutions available and then start and scale your automation journey. This is not a sheep-dip approach but a carefully considered approach that helps you to align your specific business needs to the right solution and the right business model.Implementing RPA is not easy, but neither should it be too difficult if you follow a well-considered approach"


The Simple Implementation Guide to Robotic Process Automation (Rpa): How to Best Implement Rpa in an Organization

By Kelly Wibbenmeyer
Level: Essential Reading

"In this guide to implementing RPA, the author examines critical issues, including how to: overcome common problems when implementing RPA in a full-scale effort; start an RPA implementation and successfully carry it out; obtain funding and support from leaders, and build an RPA team poised to succeed. The book includes the pros and cons of various deployment strategies as well as key factors to consider for each option. It’s filled with real examples and timelines to give you a realistic view of how to manage the process."


Becoming Strategic with Robotic Process Automation

By Leslie P. Willcocks, John Hindle, and Mary C. Lacity
Level: Essential Reading

"This book brings a new focus on RPA’s strategic potential: the innovations made possible and how to deliver through effective sourcing stakeholder-buy-in, governance, change management, and capability development practices. RPA as a platform, linking with cognitive and AI technologies as part of digital transformation is highlighted. The central messages – think and behave strategically, start right, institutionalize fast, and innovate continuously – are demonstrated, with multiple client experiences, trials, and lessons."

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