BTOES Insights Official
November 27, 2020

BTOES From Home - SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT : Improve employee productivity during and post-COVID by leveraging process management and automation technology

Courtesy of Nintex Pty's Paul Hsu, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Improve employee productivity during and post-COVID by leveraging process management and automation technology' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at BTOES From Home.

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Session Information:

Improve employee productivity during and post-COVID by leveraging process management and automation technology

No doubt great experience leads to employee retention, but in this new norm, providing an optimal employee experience is harder than ever before. As more companies adopt flexible, remote working options, it is increasingly vital to ensure your organization is leveraging solutions to help drive employee productivity.

Join us on our journey and let Nintex will guide you through the importance of process management and automation, explain the various automation capabilities, and then walk through real use cases that companies are using to achieve higher level productivity and efficiency.

Session Transcript:

Ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the main stage at BTOES from home my name is Brian Rafael and i'm the program director and CCO for Proqis, standing in for Jose during this session I hope that you all had the opportunity to enjoy the outstanding awards panel earlier this morning wonderful insights on what successful companies and their leaders are doing to drive operational excellence leading transformation through their businesses uh additionally um I trust you i had an opportunity to drop in all the technology test drives and track sessions today as well as throughout the event next up I'm really pleased to say that we have a powerful interactive workshop from Nintex a global leader in workflow and content automation also director of product marketing will be guiding you through how to improve employee productivity during and post covered by leveraging process management and automation technology.

Hello Paul.

Hello Brian, how are you I'm very well thank you and I hope you are as well very well thank you very much great, now uh ladies and gentlemen Paul is a business improvement product marketer with a real passion for transforming the way value is created and improving the work experience of all employees his career has been marked by a pursuit of process management and automation improvement as a key part of his journey all honed in on how companies can leverage automation technology to enhance and augment employee productivity as I mentioned Paul, now serves as the director of product marketing for Nintex, where he helps companies achieve operational excellence through business process management automation. So he's an ideal individual to interact with during this workshop please remember to ask all those questions throughout the session uh and finally Paul holds a master of business administration degree from the university of Virginia and on that note Paul over to you.

Thank you so much Brian, thank you for the warm welcome thank you everybody who joined um today's session I'm super excited to talk to you a little bit more about improving employee productivity by leveraging process management automation technology um it's also very very uh it's always fun to hear somebody else doing your intro and talking about yourself and and that's always that's always a nice thing um so again thank you everybody for joining today's session as Brian said my name is Paul Hsu and i'm on the product marketing team here at ntx for those of you who don't know who Nintex is ntx is a process management and automation company and I'll talk a little bit more about.

Screenshot (42)-1Who we are in the end and I'll try to weave in Nintex uh throughout the the the conversation that we're gonna have today um and most importantly our perspectives as we talk to customers every single day and that's really also part of my role to talk and work with companies or technology leaders such as everybody who's on this call to help them understand how to use our platform to build and manage and automate a lot of their business processes.

Now look we've a lot of customers coming to us especially recently because of the pandemic that they've brought in um they've bought into this notion of local the no code automation platform and they're looking to do more right they're looking to automate more they're looking to tie into some of the exciting exciting AI type of services like cognitive services things like that so what we want to do in this topic today is talk through from a DPA centered approach how you go and build more smart automation opportunities across your organization.

So what we're going to cover today is the tools and strategies around that specifically focusing on technologies like DPA, RPA & AI now those are a lot of buzzwords and we're you know great at three-letter acronyms just like everybody else so i thought it would be great to first unpack what some of these terms are for those of you who may be new to this space or just starting out in your automation journey so i'm going to talk first about the space that we're in and then.

We're going to dive into some of the specifics on process management and automation so that said let's move forward we work with a lot of different research firms uh Gartner and Forrester being a few of them to start to talk to them and understand exactly what the future looks like for digital transformation and so what we see on the slide is that for most of the organizations they do have a digital transformation plan in place in fact 89 of them have some sort of a plan however the issue is a whopping 71 of business processes are still handled via paper or excel spreadsheet um an email or something like that is instead of getting into some form of digital transformation solution.

I'm sure that we don't expect everybody's just kind of get away from that just from you know one webinar one talk so you're not going to go back into the office tomorrow or next week and magically all of you all of your excel files and stuff just kind of disappear but but we put we do believe that with platform like Nintex opportunities to automate with technologies and AI and RPA and DPA.

That we can really start to knock down some of those boundaries that you see um in front of you or or even your peer organizations around you as well so right now we feel like um say digital transformation is in somewhat of a flux everybody talks about their digital transformation initiatives and they all have plans around that but what we actually find in a lot of customers is is that while they have large initiatives around that they're actually probably not doing enough they think that they've completed that transformation.

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When in reality they likely haven't um they're investing but that investment is oftentimes not enough and Gartner mentions that by this year you can see on the slide 60 of app development will be done outside of traditional i.t teams and will be pushed into business uh users and it's going to be served by what we call citizen developer or citizen dev type of organizations um DPA platforms like nintex is great at serving those citizen devs and pro devs as you start to automate and transform your business um so anyways I promise you that.

I was gonna go through some of the acronyms so let's take a look at what they look like um and we're gonna start with some of the terms like dpa rpa and ai and we're going to start with really dpa to start it off dpa or what we call digital process automation sometimes. you're going to hear this term being talked as business process automation or bpa they're really used interchangeably this is where really nintex plays in ntx is a local the no code solution to help you automate using a variety of different automation capabilities and a great example of something like this is you know kind of take a look at your existing business systems like crm or erp or enterprise content management system storage system and they're likely very very siloed in their usage now some of them may be on-prem some may be in the cloud and nintendo is great at being able to connect with these despair systems.

So that they talk to each other and you can automate a process that goes through these systems and probably most of you already know that and perhaps even some of you are doing that today rpa is a little bit new rpa has really started to creep up over I would say the last five to seven years now rpa stands for robotic process automation and when I I'll be honest when i first heard this term i got super excited because i thought we're all going to get robots around us to help us do stuff and unfortunately i was a little bit wrong about that rpa is a technology that runs on your computers and we'll talk talk about some of the differences between rpa and dpa but what rpa really is is that it focuses around what we call that singular automation it's really really good at removing the very menial task that a lot of us have to do every single day so things like go into an excel file and adding new rows or new columns or or some customers use rpa to go into these old legacy systems that don't have apis that platforms like dpas can easily integrate into and actually do screen scraping and pull data in and out of the screen.

So it's a great use case for something for something like that now let's move on to ai now ai is probably one that everyone's heard of by now right some some even call it augmented reality or sorry augmented intelligence but mostly we know it as artificial intelligence and this is really that capability for computer to learn and provide additional capability for humans there's a lot a lot of great applications of this and it's a very very broad and wide term and there's a lot of sub discipline around that um today's talk is not about that we're not going to go super deep into all of the different opportunities to do automation or things like that with ai specifically but we do want to talk about how we bring all of these technologies together so let's first take a look at some of the usage patterns and and goals why would you even want to go down a path like this and what are you going to get if you do.

So let's start with DPA right if you just have DPA platform but they may not have RPA deployed or AI deployed even internally what are some of the things that you can think about so dpa is really really good at a few different things and you can see them in some of these big bubbles on the slide focus around things like measuring your business and how it's run finding cost optimization across that empowering your people to go either build their own workflow and app or involve people when they need to and understanding and getting insights from where you need to go and innovate dpa is very very focused around human interaction so as you think about dpa automation opportunities think about something like dpa or or how rpa is going to fit.


If there's a human involved meaning that a human needs to go and then sign the task review a task or maybe even kick off or initiate a process it's a great use case for things like dpa rpa on the other hand is a lot more focused around very specific discrete automation so while dpa will go and orchestrate a lot of individual activities together into a business process rpa is traditionally deployed as a single automation opportunity to go into that screen and pull that data off one time or to go and maybe read an email and pull some information out of that and push into another service AI is here to go and make all of our lives a little bit better right it's here to go and add that additional intelligence that we just couldn't possibly even with a ton of effort or man-hours ever hope to achieve so the ability to go and translate text automatically on the fly or introspect.

The image and discern it's a human sitting at a desk things like that all of these are super great and wonderful capability that as promised and is now delivering on providing us so let's start with an example I always find it easier to wrap your head around around some of these concepts when you have something practical right so the uh the example on this slide here is that an email case handling slide um or example so imagine in this scenario where you're in an organization and you live in the email and sometimes email is the thing that actually starts the processes in your organization so in this fictional scenario um imagine you got an inbox that's monitored by a bot right as emails come in the bot will open up that message and start reading that particular email now this inbox is a great use case for something like service ticket request or or maybe customer help from external website the bot will open that up and start reading uh the email now because we have leveraged ai for this we can now go and gain things like understand sentiment analysis what is the tone of the message based on some sentiment analysis and maybe translation maybe we're translating from one language to another and maybe we need to go and determine based upon the tone of the email what do we actually do with this email right and that's a great place to then hand this over to dpa because dpa is really really good at total business orchestration so now dpa can pick up that email and pass that information uh from the rpa bot.

We've already gotten the sentiment analysis done and based on the business rule we've already created in the process do we need to route this to a human for review or do i just simply go and run with this maybe i want to go and kick off a series of additional bots to go into individual systems and update things and pull that information back at the end of this process whenever it's over you know whenever it's overall resolved it could be within minutes it could be within months it could be 100 days reach back out to the sender and let him know where we're at and the status of that so that could all be handled through that total orchestration of dpa that singular automation rpa and using intelligence like ai to help you achieve that.

So I sometimes oftentimes find that scenarios like this make it easier to digest and help you wrap your mind around some of these concepts when you have something a little bit more tangible to think about here's another example um a shorter example for you rpa in this case uh it's an invoice example right rpa again monitors mailbox for new invoices coming through rpa can then scrape that information off invoices and then insert them into appropriate database and if somehow the invoice looks funky or unclear rpa can actually start a dpa process that handles invoice review tasks which is routed to a human to look at regardless once the payment is approved our pap can then start the payment process of the invoice and doing so basically eliminates the time a human needs to actually look through all of the different invoices, that come through to your finance department instead they can focus on other important tasks.

That they didn't have time to do before so we've kind of talked about dpa rpa and ai and and with everything right there's there's an adoption and uh there's a curve that most companies operate under and this is no different right when you're talking about when you're talking about process management automation as you're looking to combine at what could be some complex projects or technologies like automation and like ai every company will move at a slightly different pace but what we found with working with thousands of customers is that there are broadly five stages of this smart digital transformation on the very very lower left hand corner on the slide with very little transformation benefits but also pretty early on this journey is nothing now a lot of you may be on this part of the journey maybe you haven't started automating anything or maybe maybe the automation.

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You have is self-contained or siloed into one system typically when we talk to customers this is the phase that they're trying to wrap their head around or their arms around what you know what are the different systems we have internally what are the data we have is it structured is it unstructured where does it come from who owns it what's the life cycle of that um so this is the beginning phase as you start to move up this transformation curve what you'll typically find is that we'll start to introduce new technology to assist in this and make you more efficient over time so when you start to look at automation collaboration in this case.

There's a good chance that that you're actually doing this today and you may not even know it for example if you're using any enterprise content management platform a lot of those have baked the workflow into that for ages you may upload a document to the document library into things like office 365 the workflow process and the backend will kick off well that's automation a lot of times it's very singular it's very siloed typically and if it it may only do one thing but that's no automation it's a great place to start it's not uncommon to find both dp8 and rpa bots coexist in the same space but the real key difference between automation collaboration and that third level.

Which we call apps is often that they're not talking to each other so while they're automating they're really automating two different completely different really silos and you as an organization is really not realizing some of the benefits that you get when you start to bring those two together and apps is what gives you that the ability to build an app that spans across multiple different line of business systems that has process and that that has the processes and automation behind it and providing the analytics and insights into the apps that you're building and that's where a lot of customers are at today and quite frankly um and when we talk to customers this is really where a lot of where their goals are at they're super happy just to build apps or at this stage have at least some orchestration among the different automation capabilities such as dp and rpa for some customers though they may want more they want to be even more efficient more agile and more and create more productivity efficiency and the way to do that is if you've already started bringing things like dpa and rpa together.

The next level that we've already mentioned is AI how do you bring that into scenarios here um and I'll be honest with you intelligent automation in our perspective there's a lot less companies in this area for sure there's much higher level of maturity than most of the companies have either invested the time to get to or quite frankly are willing to do simply because there are definitely diminished returns if you look at the very very top where we have machine based automation that's less uh that's companies out there that that are literally just having bots running all around no humans involved or anything like that not a lot of organizations have gone down.

That path right um there are some for sure and they've reached some benefits from that but um but honestly i would not encourage any of you to kind of go back into your office tomorrow or or next week and start thinking about how do i get to that that automation base right that the top level um you may spend so much on that last 20 that you missed the goal of why you're doing this in the first place um so like i said in the beginning so every customer every organization every enterprise is different where they're at on this journey but um i just think it's a good reference for us to think about and understand when we talk to customers or when you guys self-analyze where you're at from this digital transformation journey.

Where can these type of technologies really help and exist um and where there there are diminishing returns so with you know talking about returns right um what does that actually mean uh so on the left-hand side of the slide this is based upon research that we've done uh working with some of our customers and for our particular automation platform and the types of return that they've seen and it's pretty amazing for a lot of customers they get incredibly high roi in a relatively short amount of time but i think one of the key metrics that you should walk away from this that i think is the most impressive though is that third one on the left hand side where it talks about a particular dollar amount savings because you're not dependent on developer stack.

One of the great capabilities and benefits of dpa platform is is not to remove developers that was never the goal the goal is to go and free up pro devs to focus on things that are really really impactful for the business and give them a chance to focus on on those core missions and not have to fight from a prioritization standpoint on what project they should be working on and that's our mission we can offload a lot of the work for the pro devs when you combine uh rpa and dpa you oftentimes find that you you see higher roi and i will also mention that just because you know it's on the slide it doesn't mean that it'll always look like this it really depends on when and how you implement technologies like rpa and ai you could actually potentially even see decreased benefits for example we know we know things like ai specifically like complex uh complex machine learning ninety percent of the effort.

You spend on that is just training that machine and getting getting to know those large data set into something that um that the computer can actually learn from and recognize off so you're if you're going down this path and if you're thinking about more maturity around smart digital automation or smart digital transformation i encourage you to consider what is your end goal what are the technologies that you can actually put in place that would be most beneficial for you um and for some of you bringing in AI could simply mean that hey let's plug into google cloud service or Microsoft azure. 

That's pretty easy to do right that's a really quick win you you can simply let another provider do all of the heavy lifting and you can go in and reap those rewards so um you may be wondering where let me advance the slice you may be wondering where um these are applicable right um like i talked about in the invoice example the email use case example uh with emails coming in about picks it up we do sentiment analysis about returns notification to a sender but maybe you don't have that challenge in your organization and on this slide this is by no means an exhaustive list of all of the verticals out there right these are just tend to be the verticals that we see a lot of our customers in so I'm using this to uh illustrate a point but what this graph really gives you a sense of is the automation opportunity in every function in every industry dpa is typically viewed as a very very horizontal type of play meaning that it doesn't matter if you're in cpg oil and gas pharma there are always business scenarios in finance and accounting or procurement or hr or sales and marketing and I bet that everybody has that within your organization today and depending on how that matches up on some of the common scenarios.

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You see on the slide you may have a higher or lower opportunity for automation but just because it's got lower automation potential doesn't mean that you don't look at it or you don't do anything about it so just because if it's light blue on the slide it doesn't mean that you don't do it light blue is okay but if you're doing light blue uh know that you're still doing automation all right so it's really important to know that now let's talk a little bit about how things kind of work together and between dpa rpa and ai so i mentioned earlier how you can orchestrate all of these together.

I'm guessing some of you in this in this webinar have made strategic investment in one two or maybe even all three of these technology stacks uh but they're all still very very siloed so let's start with dpa because that's where that's really where my heart is that's where my passion is what if you have dpa what if you're already a subscriber and really drinking that dpa kool-aid and you're you know you're already starting down that citizen death training and rolling out center of excellence why or how would you go and add rpa and ai again with something like rpa.

They're great at handling those repetitive tasks they're great at going for uh for an average worker we're going to target to remove twenty percent of their mon you know monotonous every single thing day job right just like dpa is not to eliminate staff but it's easy it's to be laser focused that will be uh that will provide the most benefit so you get that increased efficiency and productivity what if you have rpa right maybe you started on this project you know a couple years ago and found quick wins and integrated into these tough line of business systems and removing work that your employee has but you're interested in this concept of dpa because of uh because you don't have it uh it's dpa as i said before it's a great view of all of the orchestration.

That is happening bots will typically be happening on individual tasks and on individual computers they're um they'll often you know operate in individual desktops or in different silos sometimes they're running different on different servers but what you don't get a sense of what they're doing and accomplishing from an organization perspective and that's really where dpa comes into play right that's how you can get the insights and the analytics coming off that um and that's where dpa can really help provide.

It provides that enterprise-wide organizational view of all that is automation including rpa because because it's got a finger and all of the work that your boss are doing and even what your humans are doing as well and ai is great here as well because it provides enhanced intelligence right maybe you're already doing bots maybe you know the data you're getting out of it may or may not be be that useful or maybe you can't predict the future trends that you shouldn't embark on your automation journey and that's really where ai shines.

It gives you insight into what you should do next uh what you should automate my guess is though that for those of you who are on this call have already gone down this path um already either deploying ai especially in the space of a cognitive service but if you have which is great know that by applying technology like dpa and rpa you can really start to maximize and start to accelerate those benefits of investments and what it gives you is a modern enterprise automation platform which you don't have today so let's jump into how we get there we talked a little bit about the wide the different pieces of automation capabilities when you go back to work tomorrow or next week.

I'm hoping that you have the same level of fire as I have around automation and you say how do i get started so where do you start um i mentioned earlier how how you can orchestrate all of this together and the first step is really to go and identify and prioritize those automation opportunities and i guarantee you they're everywhere a lot of customers come with one single need because there's one pain point that they're trying to resolve and uh for this one thing it could be materials management it could be client onboarding it could be expense approval but every single customer that i talk to you after they've implemented this one process they've just magically started to find all these other processes that they can start to build across their organization and they have other clients come and say hey i heard you were you were able to tie into sap and track against material management better right and we're in the county and we have similar challenges what can we do about that right.

So you start to find a lot of these opportunities against that and it's okay if you just find one or two start with quick wins i would never encourage any customers of mine to go and say hey we got a massive core mainstream line of business processes that if we don't automate today that's going to shut our business down right that's probably not the place to start regardless of the tech stack you have right kind of learn to walk before you run start with things that are quick wins that can show quick uh value quickly that you can get comfortable with the technology and then start building automation center for excellence from there you can start tackling bigger projects and problems the next step then is you optimize those processes once you decide to automate.

A process go and understand that process and and optimize it it's okay if not the entire process is automated it's okay if only the first half or the back half is automated as long as you have the goal that you'll phase out those manual steps over time everything will become automated because at the end of the day that's why that's really why we're here next tool selection and honestly this is easy right our recommendation our our honestly our recommendation there is there's a lot of opportunities to go out and and look at a lot of great technologies all three of these stacks my recommendation is focus on uh from a dpa perspective look at those rapid application development platform.


That is low code or no code because my guess is you have both pro devs and citizen devs and business users alike who are looking to leverage smart digital transformation and automation to change how they work i would also say don't try don't try to buy a vendor that owns everything all up um what we find is is you want to focus on best of breed go find the best breed of ai that works for you right if you find the right platform you should be able to easily integrate them together and lastly provide that ability for it to support the business find the platform that gives you governance and security because i can tell you that as soon as you roll this out they're going to to want to build things right and we've heard from a lot of customers and you've probably heard this from other dpa or rpa type of talk.

Where uh you've heard the same thing that you're going to want to build that governance model in so that's really really important lastly center of excellence or or what we call coes are crucial they're very very critical now most of you uh coe is probably something you've already been doing for a while and if you haven't please don't go down the path of standing up dpa or standing up and deploying rpa with ai without coes in mind right coe is so important when we talk to customers who are incredibly successful.

It always comes back to the center of excellence finding key stakeholders within your organization or groups within your company that knows this technology that knows the best way to apply it in your use case is going to be your make or break point right coes are not generic um they should not be they should always be custom tailored to your unique environment the way that your people work the way that your team operates the environment that you have you also can go down the path of building a monster coe where it manages all of the technology stack but that also kind of takes on the life of his own right so so you could definitely break it down.

If you if you choose to but definitely regardless of what what you do uh when you think about dpa rp or ai definitely think about center center of excellence so um we're local local dpa rpa platform right and really our goal let me just kind of build the slide out our goal is to help you improve the way that you work through process management on and automation we help you be more productive and give you an end-to-end platform from understanding your processes to automating them to optimizing them how do we do that though right we've actually spent all of our time talking about the various type of automation capabilities you can deploy in your organization such as dpa stack in the middle here on the slide or rpa right.

However what we actually also believe in is mapping documenting and governing those processes by visually creating a process map within our product called Linux pro map and you can see that on the slide over here as well we don't have nearly enough time to even go through what pro map is in this session but one key takeaway on this is that we firmly firmly believe in order to create intelligent automation you need to know what it is you're automating and to accomplish that you need to map that process out.

So I encourage you to visit to learn more about process mapping and process collaboration using the text pro map so now with Nintex process platform you can go partner with with the best of breed AI provider it could be Microsoft azure it could be um amazon web service it could be google cloud it'll just depend on your use case and your scenario on where you want to start on this journey with that said i got one use case right here or one customer case that that i'd like to share with you this customer of ours of Nintex is called red river bank it's a large large community bank based in Louisiana USA and they serve customers from 24 locations especially specialize in financial services and solutions for their Louisiana-based consumers and as well as small and mid-sized businesses.

They were already looking for solutions to help them increase their scalability and to support these efforts they needed an automation platform that was not only cost effective and but also met their technology requirements um and they're looking for a solution that was flexible and easy enough to use um so after evaluating a lot of different options for workflow automation and rpa the bank decided to to go with Nintex.

So take a sip of water um so the the bank was really just starting its automation journey when the us government started uh its small business loan program in response to the covenanting crisis um this Louisiana bank wanted to get the much-needed cash to its customers as fast as possible and with the launch of the loan program pending uh really the next morning their leadership team designed a new process with Nintex going from idea to poc in literally just three hours they utilize Nintex workflow cloud to capture information uh required in the small business administration's preliminary application to generate a loan application document and then overlay on top of that a web form.

So that customers can actually go input the fields directly and with leadership quickly a proven concept the sba or small business administration guidelines released the very very next morning the netec solution went live and and customers were invited to submit their applications immediately uh so throughout the process they utilized a few different technologies that i alluded to on our Nintex platform slide uh in the previous slide they use Nintex workflows they use Nintex document generation they use Nintex form as well as as well as electronic signature capability.

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That was built into the platform what's really really cool about this though is getting the loan application solution from idea to production literally in just 36 hours and that includes time to coordinate with third party providers that was a huge win right they were the first to market with the the new sba loans in the region and really even beating national competitors out by as much as 10 days um over the course of the first three days they received over 800 applications and since then have locked over 1400 applications saving really hundreds of hours and through this process they're gaining market share and moving faster than large banks but what's potentially and probably the the coolest of it all is that they've received really tremendous customer satisfaction and best of all employees at the companies in need of this loans um getting uh customers and consumers uh customers and businesses.

Who are needing the loans are getting their cash rather quickly throughout the process because they started to use intex platform so that's really really cool um and so that is the case on on red river bank and hopefully you know throughout the session that we went through today you know what we had gone through was really a a topic around a dense topic i would say around dpa rpa and ai um as well as you know what are what is the ntx platform that that we're built on and um it's just quite a phenomenal phenomenal time to be in the process management automation space uh nintex has been around for like i said in the beginning i was going to give you a quick little um a brief little introduction of Nintex and by the way on the q a please do submit your questions i will be answering them as they come through as well but then taxes is a global standard in process management automation.

We started our our journey down in the process automation space back almost 15 years ago and we've never stopped since and today we have more than 10 000 customers who are using our platform both on the process management and automation space um really manage automate and not optimize their processes to to help them be more efficient be more productive in the lens of hey i want to be and create a better customer experience for my my end users or my end customers so it's a really really powerful thing and i and i hope that all of you got a sense of what dpa is what rpa is and how you can infuse some of that with AI and create a center of excellence again if you're interested in learning more about Nintex definitely check us out and learn a little bit more about about our platform and I'm happy to go and answer.


About the Author

download - 2020-11-27T153338.750Paul Hsu,
Nintex Pty.

Paul Hsu is business improvement product marketer with a passion for transforming the way value is created and improving the work experience of all employees. His career has been marked by a pursuit of process management and automation improvement. As part of his journey, Paul honed in on how companies can leverage automation technology to enhance and augment employee productivity. Paul now serves as the Director of Product Marketing for Nintex where he helps companies achieve operational excellence through business process management and automation. He holds a Master of Business Administration degree from University of Virginia.


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