Cultural Transformation to Build an Improvement and Innovation Ecosystem
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CHROs are CCOs: Chief Culture Officers
- Leadership with Clarity – A Seat in the Board Room, with a “Voice”
- Cultures (Not Vision/ Values/ Mission statements) makes great organizations Culture eats Strategy for breakfast
- Build a Great Culture: Great Results Will Follow
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Managing Turbulence and Delivering Results during Transitions, Crisis, and Disruptions
How to prepare an organization for upcoming transition times-change in leadership
- The Transition Gift Package-how to prepare it, give it and get new team to buy in
- Slaying the Dragon-managing your first crisis under new leadership
- Balancing Fighting Fires and Medium and Long Term Wins
- People Managing during Innovation, Transformation and Crisis
- Pushing your Limits-COVID 19 Teleworking Implementation
- Your Crisis on the Front Page of a Newspaper
- Discovering your Political Self
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Adapt to change quickly and transform your business to win
Organizations deal with continuous shifting, change in the past few years has been happening more frequently than ever before in history. Driven by many factors such as technology, politics, globalization and health crisis, many companies have not been able to catch up fast enough to adapt to the frequent and wide changes in the market place.
While many organizations feel that “change” is a threat, others that generally succeed feel that change brings opportunities to find areas to improve products, services, technologies, people, and processes to realize sustainable competitive advantage. Changing for the sake of change is meaningless without a defined brighter future. In recent years many businesses have focused on transforming and optimizing their operations.
However, many efforts fail because of one or more of the following three pillars do not get the proper attention from the leadership: Strategy, Project Management, Change Management. It is a three-legged stool as those three elements must all be addressed to find the right balance and ensure organizations are able to deliver their objectives while addressing any constraints they may have.
- Embrace change but changing for the sake of change is meaningless without a defined brighter future
- Develop an action-oriented mindset and adopt a customer-centric approach while leveraging proven technology
- Enable a healthy culture
- Exploit market disruption and cope with catastrophic events
- Transform businesses and deliver positive results
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How Great Organizations Build Cultures of Excellence, Innovation and Value Creation

If culture eats strategy for breakfast, no wonder most organizational initiatives become “side dishes” and fail to meet their objectives. From safety improvement programs to high technology deployments, organizations are littered with great ideas and plans that were systematically chewed up by the jaws of culture.
In this session we will learn how great enduring organizations build cultures of excellence, innovation and value creation as their ultimate competitive advantage.
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Leading and Adapting Through the Unexpected
In the wake of the current global pandemic, people leadership skills have gone from nice-to-have to critical. While many companies are responding by offering trainings that emphasize communication and empathy, few of these programs actually give practical instruction about how to achieve this change, and employee pulse surveys reflect this lack.
Key Takeaways:
- Tips to develop enhanced leadership capabilities by merging conscious leadership qualities, EQ skills and neuroscience
- Practical strategies for active listening and empathy to support your teams through the unexpected
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Leveraging Augmented Reality in Today’s Post-Pandemic Support Center Plans
In this presentation, Dr. Marlene R. Kolodziej, DBA, ITIL, VP, Centralized Services, Ricoh USA, Inc. will discuss how Augmented Reality (AR) is one silver lining that has come from the pandemic and is allowing for a superior customer experience, despite the limitations of not being able to complete in-person service calls. She’ll also detail how people, technology, knowledge and process play into the delivery of a business continuity plan and use Ricoh’s response to the pandemic as an example of what worked, while also sharing lessons learned.
- Learn about how Augmented Reality can play a critical role in service delivery
- Understand the difference between a disaster recovery and business continuity plan
- Learn how to build a balanced business continuity plan
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Creating Cultures that Create
Organizations recognize now more than ever the transformative power of a culture of innovation, yet few know how to make it happen. Join this webcast to learn 4 key elements that foster a culture of innovation within any organization. The 4 elements will come as no surprise. In fact, most of us would expect these. Why then are they rarely seen in organizations? What makes implementing so difficult? This webcast isn’t so much about these 4 elements but rather how to implement these elements to create a culture of transformation, aka, a culture of innovation.
Through story, case studies, practical application participants will learn how to take these 4 elements to create a culture of innovation. Takeaways will include the four critical components needed to create a culture of innovation and how to :
- Activate top leaders support and resources
- Hold people accountable for innovation and transformation
- Facilitate education, training, and events
- For the zealous - Create an innovation lab (it’s not as hard as it might sound)
Regional Agile Digital Squad - A New Normal Ways of Working Cultures
t is essential for enterprises with regional organization presence to have strong headquarter(HQ)-regional alignment to ensure the strategy execution on the field. The concept of agile squad team can be applied to advance collaborations between the HQ and regions with the support of digital collaboration tool. Not only ensuring the field execution on track, the digital agile squad format can also further transform the entire working culture in the enterprise particularly in the current unprecedented situation where working culture is shifting digitally.
I will share key learnings and experiences on the following key questions based on my previous transformation project in a telecom operator in Indonesia – the world’s biggest archipelago country.
- Why the agile way of working is relevant to improve the HQ-regions collaboration in an enterprise?
- What are agile squad teams in the context of HQ-regions setup?
- How can we setup and operationalize the HQ-regions agile squads and ensure the governance to boost up the execution performance?
- How can we leverage the squad team to further transform the entire working culture in the enterprise?
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Moving At The Speed Of Business… During A Pandemic
THE PREMISE: With the backdrop of COVID-19 and a Tsunami of Business Products, Services and Technological change forcing the question, “How to Influence” therequirements of Cultural Changes and a Shift in IT Demand/Supply Models?
This presentation will focus on Transformation & Innovation from a Cultural dynamic,with the backdrop and impact of the Coronavirus. We will discuss the following:
- Isolating “Speed to Market” Governance concerns and Hybrid Supply/Demand Model implementations that level the best of Traditional and Agile Strengths in Legacy Organizations
- Efficiencies of Hybrid Processes and “Reduction” in Key Stakeholders, Decision Makers and emphasis on those who Deliver and Decide becoming One Function
- Procurement through Implementation/Operation and Retirement; the urgent need of one contiguous system of Record, Workflow, Engineering, and Change & Service Management
- Reporting & Monitoring as an Enhancement to Risk Management and RegulatoryCompliance in a Matrix and Remote/Mobile Workforce.
Attendees will walk away with the understanding that conventional boundaries between industries are eroding. The relationships among suppliers, producers, and consumers are also blurring more rapidly than many business decision makers are prepared for, and that these approaches to a High Capacity, Dynamic Hybrid Supply/Demand Model is the only methodology capable of …“Moving At The Speed of Business”, even during a Global Pandemic.
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LEGO: A BSO perspective, Service Mindset and Op Ex
Presentation from a leader in Cultural Transformation for Operational Excellence & Business Transformation who will be delivering ‘high-octane’ sessions on the very latest technology, solutions and case studies on best practices to meet the most pressing challenges that you face today.
Explore some of the latest tech and thinking from industry-leading solution providers, explore what each product and solution can do to help your organization along on your Operational Excellence & transformation journey.
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