BTOES Insights Official
August 31, 2020

Cultural Transformation Live - SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT : Regional Agile Digital Squad - A New Normal Ways of Working Cultures

Courtesy of Indosat Ooredoo's Rizki Muhammad Ridwan, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Regional Agile Digital Squad - A New Normal Ways of Working Cultures' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at BTOES Cultural Transformation Live, A Virtual Conference.



Session Information:

Regional Agile Digital Squad - A New Normal Ways of Working Cultures

It is essential for enterprises with regional organization presence to have strong headquarter(HQ)-regional alignment to ensure the strategy execution on the field. The concept of agile squad team can be applied to advance collaborations between the HQ and regions with the support of digital collaboration tool. Not only ensuring the field execution on track, the digital agile squad format can also further transform the entire working culture in the enterprise particularly in the current unprecedented situation where working culture is shifting digitally. 

I will share key learnings and experiences on the following key questions based on my previous transformation project in a telecom operator in Indonesia – the world’s biggest archipelago country.

  • Why the agile way of working is relevant to improve the HQ-regions collaboration in an enterprise?
  • What are agile squad teams in the context of HQ-regions setup?
  • How can we setup and operationalize the HQ-regions agile squads and ensure the governance to boost up the execution performance?
  • How can we leverage the squad team to further transform the entire working culture in the enterprise?

Session Transcript:

I'm very excited by our next speaker coming directly from Indonesia. We have Risky Mohammed Ridwan, so risky, please do join us. And I'll do a brief introduction. Risky risky has been in the telecom industry for the past 15 years in key Asia markets, including Singapore, Japan, Myanmar, Indonesia. He is the vice-president of group operational excellence at in those set already do in Indonesia, has experienced discovery strategy, transformation, and operations. His key expertise is in driving execution of strategic and transformation programs to deliver value to stakeholders. He's pursuing an executive MBA at the Darden Business Square Universe of the Virginia United States.

He lives with his wife and two kids and playing with his kids is one of his best time, is when he has one of the best times in his life, which is fantastic. Risky. It's a real real pleasure to have you with us. And sharing your insights on on the regional Agile Digital Squads. So thank you. I look forward to your presentation.


Thank you, Joseph, for the introductions.

It's really an honor for me to join this, know, the forum, and today, let me say you're kind of perspective. So in the past two days, I think we'll be attending this great, say, Sounds with great speakers, a lot of this has on the cultural transformations. And let me now share your kind of defense perspective, in terms of how, for enterprise, we're getting our presence, and how the enterprise can transform into a new booking. Carter's and, in this, in, in this case, I'm trying to address with gals ways of working.

So, before I go to the main, discuss some of today's, my sessions, let me just quickly let you, You feel that kind of story. A quick story on my country, in general. So, I mean, we live in multi cultural and geographical world, and, and we know that the right cluster is key for success.

And, and, also, that, it's, it's, and that is, the first step, is to understand the cluster itself.

So, let me give you a quick story.

So, my country Indonesia is a multicultural archipelago, startin, Kate Islands, 270 plus million populations, 1800 app links 700 plus languages.

So, I just would like to show you the huge potential as well, which means the huge challenges for us.

Practice with practice transforming enterprises in this kind of countries, On other dimensions, Indonesia is also mobile, firstly, the digital nations, in terms of Facebook. It's third in the ...

in the world, and also for the Instagram whatsapp, the four, and most people know in internet and through mobile, iron, Most of them are smartphone, so this a little bit, Tory, or just to give you a perspective of where I am now and working in, in, in this country.

So, let's bring this and zoom into the map, and let's bring this in the context of our discussion today.

So, I think everyone has a, pass, the definition of culture, but one, sorry.

The words that I that I like to design is kind of ways of looking, how things get done based on certain values or beliefs.

And just like a country, enterprise is also having its own cultures, and mostly also, to a certain extent, is the design or impact by where people reside in the country.

Screenshot - 2020-08-31T142312.739So, for Indonesia with a lot of different islands and geographies, usually, the headquarter is in Jakarta its capital, and across the region, that's typically, client, right, like, the five regions.

So, to keep, keep, keep rain off discussion here is about the headquarter regional ways of looking Muscovy. How do we assess, and then, update, improve the ways of working in this, in this setting?

And, another way to look into this, is, is about, or the question, is, why headquarter region ways of working is important.

So, another way is to look into this diamond, since it's about the strategic dimensions Headquarter is, like, the Strategy part where ..., right? Somebody said, We thus strategy, execution is endless and without ..., so, it is useless.

So this actually gay sea of one of the biggest semiconductor manufacturing company Well, I, I, This reminds me to USS yesterday's. Great. Illustration of how somebody can on how semiconductors really expanded exponentially, case, it's, it's really great.

And, yeah, back into this, and even, it's more important to, to understand ways of, booking between headquarter and begin in this current situations in this challenging two, 3%.

So, and if we look into the strategy and executions, one thing that bringing the two is so-called operating model.

And ways of looking is key part of the operating model, that we're getting, the two.

The other thing is about the other is, how does the structures, how the capabilities enablers, and how the monitoring systems between headquarter and irritants and ways of looking is, basically, cuts itself. How the people, the mindsets, and how the football, the act, on certain situations, accomplishing the work in the company, based on the company's values and, and beliefs.

So, it is important that, to understand, the operating model and, talking about operating model model, there are kind of certain, if I, if I may to break it down into two types like the headquarter lead, the headquarter again, balance and Regions Independency. So, the lenses is on the level of the Seasons and Resource Management Authority. So, like, the level of authority, the policy decision making, and how the budget is segregated between headquarter and regions and etcetera.

So, different ways, companies adeptness models, but in any ways, in any form of the operating model. Yeah, common challenges.

Btog CTAThey are headquartered agents ways of looking face, particularly in today's situations and some areas like strategic alignment and communications process on the finance.

And actively, since I would like to highlight some of it, like, for example, in strategy alignments, it's, is it really a common objective? Or the KPI are misaligned?

So, as to has its own KPIs, what regions has another KPIs, which is more towards execution part. So, SQL, like more toward the mid and long term, well begun is really like a short term in the next man or even in the next weeks.

So, this kind of thing is one of the key challenges that found in these interactions, and second is on communications. So, it's, silos is becoming ways challenges, and for the process, governance is the different ways of looking. Particularly for, like, for my come from a country now, it's huge culture.

So, people is really impacted by its cultural ways of working, is also part of the common challenges And in terms of ..., it's one of the keys. Like performance monitoring, how the headquarter or the region itself, collaborations, on this important part of the, basically, since the performance, how the proposed, now, and what should be, done, to improve the performance.

So if the enterprise cannot address the challenges and find a way to offer comment, essentially, that things will come like objective inland salt time to market low customer satisfaction and low employee morale.

So, this is the thing.

It also expands in my current companies in the past years, but, so, my, my next story is, let me addressed you my best under, like, in the past two years. This is when, when we started this initiative, one, big question is how to improve our headquarter original ways of working.

So, and I remember into this, Set Monday, if you, if you want something different, you have to do something different.

So, that's really cut our thinking at that time.

So, we were finding out what the things that we are not doing good, so far, and what are the things that we, we are doing, so far.

So, until it, like kind of a retrospective sounds between the theme, the management, and with the help of consultants, we essentially fallen out, outside there.

A gel and Scram framework, I think this is, is on the top, I mean It's It's It's a hut hut in in the industrial but In our company, it's quite new. We're never tried it before.

So, we, we were learning about it. We are learning about the mindset, the failures, the principle, and they cetera. And this is an, I'm not going to go through them about this, but, I mean, how we, we learn about it, and how we implement it, and then, next, how we relate it to improve the ways of looking in our company.

And they noticed Scrum is the most Tucson practices for Adults, and so, we've tried to learn about it. And try to adapt in, in, in, in our strategic projects related to headquarter and vaginal secretions.

The first question, but will it work.

19I mean, literally turn around the result from the MIS Landline and objectives of time to market data. We, we, we were, we didn't know about that. And liberal, but a little bit of skepticism because it's like of course, it's proven in, one in, in, in one company. But we also see some fail failure in other companies.

But, after some more discussion and and in retrospect if we essentially try it and also, we learned that most of it just practice are in software or IT. And the, typical of our company's telecom company is a technology.

But, in regional, it's mostly in operations, in sales and marketing and the IT or software part is actually in headquarter.

So, how do we really blend together, so we can adapt the jail, Ways of looking in the best suit for our company, And then we tried to form this to change from the strategy. I said. Threads No Structural into the Dials Digital Squad.

So, where am I? In traditional? It's a common function to function between headquarter and weekends. It's Functional, Irregular and different KPIs.

It's also siloes there and we tried to set up squad for each region. So in death squad, we have cross ...

between the has headquarter and begins, We have the daily stand ups and everything that's written in a Scram and it's ... and Rachel.

And as I said, again, we started this in, less, in the, in two years ago, and one of the important feature of this, it's enabled, the Unspoilt decision making.

So, it's no longer, like, bureaucracy whereby this isn't, is really a way and time points to me.

And we also set up a Scram routine. So we call it a related by kept 10.

Caftan, easily, like a sponsor from a six OS, and Coats. And, sorry, I'm sorry, The coach is the exhaust, and kept 10 is the head of region kind of SPP. And an agent, an agent is the one who facilitated this, scrambled to N and this letter. So we literally try ourself going to this Scram, yell things at first couple months.

Uh, So it works.

So, I mean, couple of months. Yes and no, but overall, it's not yet. Like, yes, we know now, we. We know, but the Senate. I mean, the good thing of Dan up, looting of meeting every day. The good thing of that, we all know in, in, one, in one room, so, no more of time consuming to talk to people. So, everyone is in, in, in the room. So, but again, into D, if you've talked about the, our challenges with slow attempted a lot of customers that they take, since it is not yet there.

So, anytime we, again, try to retrofit having a kind of threats that active with Reagan's, with our chief and management, and we've come up with this framework: how we do arrest respect this and kind of survey with the square, with the regions. So a couple of things. First is we look into the squatting competitions. How actually the compositions the cross functional effective reform Is it really the one that region's needed isn't really the opposite can, can move faster decision making? So that's that's kind of thing we evaluate the composition of the teams and the second is on the schedule itself, and Yes, Chromos daily stand up, but again, it's.

We can improve it, And the next one is also kind of really important, And how we evaluate the monitoring and reporting system, how the square can be monitored, and, and get kind of more, not real-time, but fast reporting system.

And the last two is, is, is more towards the perceive of the impact, and the what, and the reason, which is not, but not least, but this is really, really important, because it's related to the team, spirit and motivations.

So, the findings is something like this.

So, the on the optimal splits compositions, the team found out that the original composition is not that it's really optimum. So as some function is not really needed to be in squad, but some missing function need to need to be included. So we reformat the squad compositions and enough of setups. It's kind of flexibility that it's actually just wanted to be a daily. the oil We are actually aware Operating Model is still like the SQ lead and the region is more to what the expectation for the sales and marketing.

So it's like the region, it also time to really fisher the market and so on.

So it just the sign up into like two, up to three times in a week, in terms of KPIs. We also try to align it. So there is a set kept the IB amongst the between the SQN The regions.

Like, For example, The, so, like, for example, uh, before that, the S Q is the one who's responsible to, to, to track the plenty sense of the subscribers turn, like like the subsequent, but the layout of the program.

So now, we have that kind of set, and we can try to help on on death metal and on the reporting integrity.

And so, the Reagan said that the reporting need to be more integrity and transparency. So that's another product.

They're headquartered try to improve and fix the issues and the last part is the most important one is like under what conditions? So, the region said or the sweat said that it is more to be holistic, it's not to be yes, accidentally removed and the reason we need to be plugging into the hall corporate, see what end of the reasons the whole Human resource program.

So, at the end of the wave form or we reform this was set up to be more optimum in terms of compositions and a daily on this the standard itself.

And we also align in terms of the target setting and as well as the reporting.

Screenshot (4)And at the end, we also tried to bring, the management has to prove that, yes, we need to have a bigger reward and recognition. So it kind of freely. Not really a small things, but they're kind of really a big thing for the, for the employee, and also the company.

Yeah, so, again, back to the question. So, I did it work. And, in the end. and then we look into the, thus, The key points there with these challenges that we have in the beginning.

Yeah, and answer, yes, I mean, it's kind of, it's showing the results now. The team having more confidence, because we are asking them what is the best format of the square, what is the best? From one of the scheduler to stand up and how the reward. And it's a to B N, etcetera. So, it's kind of a bottom-up, we included the bottom-up process on how to set that, this defaulting of these practices.

And yes, we see now objectives, smart line as a set of KPI.

And we are looking now a faster time to market and looking into the better customer satisfaction SL as well as more and more employees are getting higher morale, and ads, and motivations.

And on top of that, this is the most important thing, is more people know, and embracing a doubt as the new normal ways of booking clutter in the company. So, it's a, again, it started with small, smaller team. But now, more people looking into the, with that, That, we prove it to be kind of success, and we have to turn around some of the KPIs that we were struggling. So people know us, was looking into that facts and trying to embrace the cultures. And now, we are having more even bigger program for, for this. And it's corporate twice, and not only certain teams or functions, it is the whole companies. So.

A thing?

Yeah, mine, I think it's quite fast for today. It's, So what matters most?

First is, of course, agility is really now.

I mean, in the past, it's many companies thing, whether actual Angular ways are working is, is really needed.

But I think in the current challenges you face and this is, really is, is now, it's the question about Die or stay there. And second is about dare to try. I mean, again, was new for us. But, at the time, we were convinced.

And having the spirit that to try and, in the process of trying, We were trying to be flexible, always. We look into what's working and what's not. And also having, this is the biggest deck with actually having a need to be having more with respect this. Because the more we think about that, the more we can learn, and it's kind of the countries, countries, learning. And up and at the end of the day, after we knows and knows what's what's working and need to be amplified and which one is needed to improve, we need to be accurate. We need to be, I can try it again.

It's kind of looping and and and by the time we should have kind of improved fillon from where we were to, to, to where we want to be.

So I think this concludes my presentation today. So, it's really an honor for me to share with you my perspective, hopefully at this value, although, it's kind of start. So, and I think less funding. And, yet, this, I pass the ....


Thank you very much rescue, wonderful demonstration of implementation of Agile, and, in a multicultural environment. So, I'm going to be monitoring for questions. So, for those of you who are watching the presentation, Go ahead and submit your questions. I keep an eye here on the second monitor on your questions coming in. I'm going to ask you to share a little bit more about the company. Because I think somebody in the audience may not know who. In those sat and, you know, Andy, and what the company does. So, if you can tell me just a little bit about the background, the size of the company, the businesses, in which it operates, in terms of context, there'll be really helpful.

So, yeah, I think I, blood does not saying, but that in the beginning. So, the company is a government backed government Telco company firms. We are the operators. It's been Qatar in Indonesia, that it is psi some companies around to the thousands of people. So, We are, in the era of transforming. The company, will, telco, in general, everywhere, is transforming the, its health, right. We are, we are finding the next format of telcos, right. If I use there, But how it really use case of the dignity, Of course, Yes, we are trying to transform into the direct sense.

Very good, and they're risky. What do you actually do? Do work on the infrastructure side of telecom, set enough infrastructure towers, or you work on the, on the software side of telecom. What is the specific business segment that you work on?

So, our group is the Operational excellence. So, it's across the technical marketing commerciale every, so it's empty land We are under the Seal. So, we were handling all the strategic priority programs in the company. So, it's kind of touched on transforming the company and helping, how to proceed next.

Very good, very good. And one of the things that was really striking about the market, especially in Indonesia as you share with us, is that I noticed that you have 170% mobile penetration, which means that the average Indonesian has like at least two mobile sets. So tell us a little bit, I think that, especially for Americans, that's, that's truly a foreign concept, and the and the and the, you know, being originally for Latin America. I understand people carry 3 or 4 different phone, sometimes with them, and tell us to our broader audience a little bit about why, you know, Why do people have the need to have multiple phones, as an example.

Yeah. I think first is that it's it's it's about I mean, one of the interesting insight is that people use different numbers to call, to get a cheaper price like it just Between one operators, right?

So, people use one phone to call the others, who is having the same operators. So, it's kind of to getting this kind of a cheaper rate for clothing, but second is, of course, they have one, is, is what, A smartphone, and the other one is tau, R one is smartphone. The other one is just like the old ones that get the hint.

So, that's kind of inside it's quite interesting that I find in in this country.

Screenshot - 2020-08-31T142312.739Very very good. Alright. So some questions that are coming in here I want to pass on to you. So, Angela Simmons asked, one of the questions here she talked about in your presentation.

You discuss the spirit of trying and as a driver for the change So she was wandering beyond the spirit of trying what were the other drivers or motivations behind the change?

Yeah, so, I think that's a really great sense. Yeah, yeah.

It's kind of Mixed with me in the spirit of trying and also this period In a challenging time, how to we, we felt that we needed to do something new to get a new results. So, we were in the situations that we were struggling, and we need to turn around the company.

So, I mean, it's, it's between feeling of that, hey, we must change, right? So this kind of feeling that really drive us and no matter what, we need to find a way and go to the right directions.

Very good, Very good. Jenness Peter has a question about the Squads themselves. And she's curious about how many people are in each one of these squads.

So, I think it's a request sense, so if you remember that, like, innovation, there are five weekends, right? So, typically, if they fight presence. So, we have in one squared kind of a cross functionals, and, typically, the number is around 12 people across the functions, mostly in sales and marketing network, IT sourcing, and and silence.

So, they are working together to really drill down the issues for students agents, helping specific to certain regions and and escalate any issues up to the courts cloth is the Seattle Yourself, and we have the board that please solve if the squad cannot really resolve the second problem.

Very good, very good. ... Khan asks, Has comments here. He says, First of all, great model. And he says that I have been using the same model with my business transformation strategy. And there is. There is some effort combining Lean and agile IO and design thinking strategies, and he's wandering if you have looked into design thinking as part of your strategy.

Yeah. Again, we are learning about that. We just, adding another group, is trying to apply that, design thinking in our company. Because I think it's really that inefficient. And operate an accelerant to be aligned together. And the same thinking, it's part of an important part of the Innovations. We, we, we, we, we bring some experts to, really caught us. and help us, to, to, to, come, to the, to the, to the states, where we can apply this, and thinking for our innovations, in particular.

Very good.

one of the aspects of your presentation that I really enjoyed is that you had, you have an issue or problem. You identify an opportunity and you thought were going to implement, you know, Agile Scrum, and this is the digital Squads and we're going to launch that. And then, you go ahead and you say, that we did it, and it didn't work. And I thought that was very good, very honest. And, because, so, many people make you look like, you know, every time that, I try something, it works. And it says, you know, we did this, and it didn't work, and then we had to look again. We had to be introspective and retrospective about it, and figure out how to change things. And you and you show the number of different things that work that were important in making it work the second time around. Just Just refresh our memory again as you look at what you went through and that time where things are not working as expected. What? We're? what did you think were? like the two most important?

19Changes that you made? that? From the first trial that didn't work very well to the second one that was more successful if you pick a couple of things were the two most important things that happened between those two iterations?

Yeah, I think I would pick one is the team composition itself, So it's it's important to really have the the right Tim competent in the split, so, and it must be a dedicated.

So it's, it's, and, and, and to make it dedicated, it needs to be clear, that the kick the ice should be clear, so people in this squared. So didn't think that it's kind of more more work for them. But squared is their main job.

So it is one of the mindset that we were trying to see we have been fixing by lining the KPI, so this glut with the Fiddler KPI.

So squared is their main job now. Like, because in the in the pass, this kind of thing is Look: Panels, Project Project is kind of, project is, like, additional work for them, right? So, that's kind of mindset and we think we still want to see for it. Squad is now the way of working. Is a B a U S? The way of looking and it's not kind of project, but it's the way we're working now.

Thank you.

Janice Peters has another question she's curious about. She specifically ask how you engage your Chief Transformation Officer, but, but in the broader level, what was the engagement, meaningful, involvement, or engagement? depending on the level of senior leaders in the organization? How did you, did they get involved, number one? And number two, how did you communicate or engage with senior leadership as you move this initiative forward?

Yeah, I think I forgot to set in. in the beginning. This actually was brought from the top Down initiative. So we did that. This isn't about them. So the management is really supporting this, and they are trying to build this and, and we, are, we are the agents to set it up. So, yes, we are happy that this is really top from, from the top as everyone from the CFC or two down to be all. The management is really supporting this. So, yeah. It's kind of top initiative.

I think you're muted.

Yeah, I was muted. Thank you for that. When it comes to the results, What are you most proud of in terms of results to the business and to the organization? What are you most proud of?

So, I think, Yeah, S hygiene, the, the first, the first is about the tenant ourselves, So we, we are looking into the result that is the turning on is happening. They visited only something, but, again, the most important one is the one that I said, in the last couple of slides, right. It's the, but more and more people belief and embracing the way the new ways of working. So they're not looking at, again, this is kind of a new or additional job for what, for them.

So this is, they're embracing it and trying to be part of it, and supporting all the initiatives, and then people is open for the scale of you in your way. So, if the agility and now everyone is in spirituality even. Now, people is embracing this weekend.

Yeah, very good. What, what do you see as the evolution of what you have done with the organization, whereas, in the next 12 months or so, Where, where does the next step that you take, what you have done?

Yeah, I think that's something big question for us. So, so, it cannot be curious, and we are trying to fundamentally that.

Of course, we are trying to continue what all the programs that is, we're thinking, is really working, is kind of the ... thing.

And, secondly, we are, we are trying to saved into more innovations thing.

So, I think, back to the design thinking, yes, we are trying to play that and put it more into the core so that people will have tools to in the inter-state. And even the company now has kind of inefficient program. So, all employees can start to contribute, and, and kind of race, and this ... program.

So, at the end of the day, I think it is all about the inefficient. This is the next thing they're Campbell is catching for.

Thank you.

Risky Mohammed ..., one, what a tremendous presentation. Thank you so much for sharing with the world directly from Indonesia to the world. Really great practices on how you're advancing technology, transforming practices. Transforming the business.

And we thank you for your leadership and you will thank you for sharing that with all of us today, They can just say and everyone, thank you.

Thank you.

All right, Ladies and gentlemen, that is from Indonesia to the world. The terrific work by Risky and his team on creating this digital agile Squads, of course, Agile is not new but it's what's unique here. Are the cultural aspects of what it has done and the, the, the adaptations that he needed to make to, to achieve success. As we have discussed, so often here, culture eats strategy for breakfast, and our initiatives becomes side issues. And he has shown how to integrate his initiative with the culture, not only of this country, but of his region, of his organization, as well.

Screenshot (4)And, and also another very important concept off, failing often, to succeed sooner, he had somewhat of a failure there, in the beginning, when he deployed And he could have said, Well, forget it, Agile is not for us, it won't work in our culture. He persisted and with purpose, passion discipline, and resilience, He was able to make a significant change for the business, and for the professionals. So, wonderful. We're going to shift gears in our next session, in our next session.

We're gonna go from Indonesia to North Carolina in the United States. And we're going to have the Lao, Mohammed, who is the Vice President at Wells Fargo, talking to us about moving at the speed of business in financial services during a pandemic. So, we're looking forward to Bilbao Mohammed's presentation. That's going to happen at the top of the hour. I will see you there soon. Thank you.


About the Author

more (5)-Aug-31-2020-12-49-32-39-PMRizki Muhammad Ridwan,
Vice President of Group Operational Excellence,
Indosat Ooredoo, Indonesia.

Rizki has been in the telecom industry for the past 15 years in key Asian market (Singapore, Japan, Myanmar, Indonesia).  He is currently Vice President of Group Operational Excellence at Indosat Ooredoo, Indonesia. Previously he was Head of PMO and Transformation, Commercial Controller in the company, a similar position to his previous role as Commerce Management Manager at Ooredoo Myanmar.

His expertise covers strategy,  transformation, commercial, operations, and project management. Previously, he worked for Accenture, AXIS Telecom, XL Axiata and IDC in Indonesia. Before returning to his home country Indonesia, he studied and worked in Singapore and Japan from 2001-2010. In Singapore, he worked at Singapore Telecom (SingTel) Mobile and Motorola.

He is also currently pursuing an executive MBA program at the Darden Business School, University of Virginia (2019-2021). Previously he earned Masters in E-Business Management from the International University of Japan, and Masters of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the National University of Singapore. For his bachelor, he earned Bachelor of Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.


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