Courtesy of Innovation & Excellence's José Pires, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'How Great Organizations Build Cultures of Excellence, Innovation and Value Creation' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at BTOES Cultural Transformation Live, A Virtual Conference.
Session Information:
If culture eats strategy for breakfast, no wonder most organizational initiatives become “side dishes” and fail to meet their objectives. From safety improvement programs to high technology deployments, organizations are littered with great ideas and plans that were systematically chewed up by the jaws of culture.
In this session we will learn how great enduring organizations build cultures of excellence, innovation and value creation as their ultimate competitive advantage.
Session Transcript:
Great to be here with you. I'm sure that pair is the CEO and founder of Global Excellence innovation. And we're going to talk about how great organizations build cultures of excellence, innovation, and value creation. You're going to see some of the themes that I'm going to talk about going to be very close to some of the other talks that you have listened to so far. And then there'll be some definitely some very new, practical perspectives.
What I want to share with you here is not my view of the world, is not how I think things work. This is just how they actually work.
This is not my personal principles. These are not my personal views on how things work. I'm not a visionary leader who can predict the future.
Basically, what I have done throughout my career is to work with amazing organizations that I have allow me to experiment to a great level. And as part of that experimentation, I have learned what works. And I have Lauren, what doesn't work? And when something works, I tried to understand why it works, and then I scale that. And if you fast forward that, there's amazing organizations that I work for, as, not as a consultant, but an actual executive leader, accelerating excellence and innovation for those organizations. And then, if you add the hundreds of other organizations that I have been an advisor for, there are a lot of great, practical advice that's going to be built in here. In the reality, over 30,000 excellence and innovation leaders in more than 100 organizations in over 20 countries.
So, when I talk about culture, today is going to be a very practical application of culture and also a very practical application of cultural transformation. But I want to start with mindset. I want to start with with the world in which we live in. that's changing at an incredible pace, a real exponential pace. And with that, I ask you the following questions and I'm gonna ask that you use the questions box on your goto Webinar interface to share your perspectives with me.
Think about the world that we have today. Think about where you are physically, and tell me, what? How far would you get in your physical space if you're in your apartment and your house, or whatever you're attending this from? From that physical space, if you took, from where you are, if you took 30 steps in each step was one meter.
You would go 30 meters. Just imagine, If you're not constrained by the walls in your house. If you're going in a straight line, where would you end up physically speaking? So, I want you to have the mental model, don't answer that right now. Just think about that. That's the way that we as humans interpret the world is a very linear model of the world around us, and if I if I if I told you take one step, two step is one meter. How far would you go in 30 meter in, in 30 steps? You will be 30 meters. Think about the location where you are in the world, right? Now, you're 30 meters away from your location.
Very good.
But what if I told you that the world has not been changing one meter at a time? The world has been changing and at a much more exponential rate than that.
And, what if I told you that for the last 30 cycles, and I'll explain to you later on what a cycle looks like, For the last 30 cycles in our history, what we have experienced is actually that, when we take one step, the first step is one meter.
But, that second step is no longer another meter. The second step is doubling, and now the second step is two meters long.
Then, I take yet another step after that, and, then next step, my third step, now, is four meters long, so think about taking those steps in an exponential fashion. And, as you take those steps, you go from one, and then you double to chew, and you demos for you, double ... and you still take 30 steps. You go for 30 cycles, you take 30 steps for how far would you go now?
How far would you go go into the question box and tell me where you end up? How far do you get, give me like a milestone, a physical location, like before you're 30 meters away from your location. Now, where are you, if you are in Houston, are you, outside of your apartment now? Are you outside of your house or your outside of your office? Go into the questions box and tells me that if you take 30 steps and every step you're double, how far do you go from where you are right now? Enter that into the questions box. Go into the questions box, and enter where you are now, and I'm watching you here, waiting for your feedback on where you are after you take 30 steps, where you double in every step. Go ahead. Provide your your guidance, and I'm keeping an eye on that. So very good, so keep going. Well done.
I'm looking for your insights, how far you go.
I see one person here answered that, I am going chou.
I'm two blocks away, awesome, Janice, Genesis, two blocks away, now set is in Copenhagen, and he says that, he will be halfway. Angela said that, she's going to be in the stratosphere outside of my subdivision, Michael Thompson. Maybe my backyard, Clarice said, OK, wonderful. Montreal, Quebec from Vincent, wonderful. You're providing your insights on where you're going to be. That's terrific.
That's terrific.
So, you took 30 steps, and look how far, how much farther you have gone, because now, you're doubling every one of your steps. Now, ladies and gentlemen, I want you to just stop for a moment. And for those of you, who didn't even have the courage to just say how far they would go, I want you to internalize this thought. And I want you to think about how far you go, and you told me, Oh, maybe I, now, I get outside of the house. Now, I get in my backyard, and now I get an outside of my subdivision. Now, some crazy person says that I get outside of the city. Wow, that's really nuts, isn't it?
Well, if you took dirty steps, and every time you take a step, you double the steps, you would go around planet Earth, 26 times.
You're no longer 30 meters away, from your original point, you're one billion meters away from your original point, why am I asking you to do this because your brain is linear? And even when I push your brain to go bold and should go big, it's really hard because your brain still interprets the world as a linear system.
Nothing wrong with you. That's how our frontal cortex has actually developed.
So, we're not leaving that linear world, we're living this exponential world and this, and this is the reason that I want to highlight this for you, because this, a lot of changes in society And a lot of technological changes that have happened have not being linear. They have been exponential and you all can, to, a large extent, we can go back to doctor Gordon Moore at Intel when he came up with Moore's Law which he actually didn't even come up with that others associated that with him in 19 65. He realized that the number of transistors doubled every year from the period that Intel was really scaling up production of transistors. And he predicted that that trend will continue for decades to come. And everybody said, are you out of your mind, there's no way that we can do that.
You know how hard it is to pack twice as many transistors per unit area at affordable cost every 18 months or so.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, the semiconductor industry has done that for over 30 cycles and that's roughly 50 plus years, where the Moore's Law has lasted.
So, if you look back at 19 58, we had two transistors per unit area. You go to 1971. And the new, the new chips have 2300 transistors and there are 10000 nanometers in the gates.
You look at Intel Core I 9 from 20 18, and that chip has over seven billion transistors at 14 nanometer gaps.
Now, the question is that, have we improved linearly here? No, we have improved exponentially. And even more so, than what I show you before, we have actually had a price performance improvement that has a 27 billion fold improvement in the last 47 years.
Now, what does that mean? That means that our brains are notice that technology is changing.
But we still think of it very linearly. and we don't realize the extent to which this thing has happened around us. And the and the issue is that Moore's law in the semiconductor industry have driven the performance of many other technologies that existed for awhile and their adornment.
But now, they have also jumped on the on this high processing capability curve, if you will, which is exponential, which has the semiconductor industry as a baseline, And it has accelerated all of this technologists at once. This is unprecedented in human history. So when you feel overwhelmed about what's going on, well you should be, because your brain cannot even understand what's going on. Let's look back 1956. You see that pan am flight. We're putting a five megabyte hard drive on the pan am flight, that that hard drive weighted nearly a ton, in cost, $120,000 for five megabytes of memory.
You fast forward for 2005. You have 128 megabytes of memory for $99. You fast forward, a little bit further, you have 128 gigabytes for $99. So what we have experienced is a 10000 billion fold improvement in price performance over that period of time. Not only the hard drive from 19 56 is obsolete. The airline from 19 56 is obsolete. So.
Exponential change, not linear. You look at other examples. That's the first commercial GPS receiver in 1981, weight, £53 and costs $120,000. How would you like to have that on the dashboard of your car?
Well, you look at, where GPS receivers are even in 2010, there is small chip that you see there on someone's finger. At less than $5 each. And today they are much cheaper, and they're much smaller because they continue to accelerate exponentially.
You look at, Stephen says, I'm at Kodak presenting his first digital camera. It was, a beauty, $10000 for pounds points or one megapixels.
Everybody said Steve. Nobody will ever use digital technology for pictures.
So fast forward that you have now digital cameras that have 10 megapixels at points. There are £3.1 bucks, and you have bugs in military experiments. They have multiple cameras like that with, with greater resolution. So this did not get a little bit better. It has gotten one billion times better. And this is across multiple technologies.
If you look at what we had, You know, at a certain point, you go back like 20 plus years, and we used to carry all that stuff around.
You know, all that equipment, thousands and thousands of dollars that we spend on that stuff so that we're in the edge of technology, and where is all this stuff today?
It's in the back of our pockets.
And the N-word Complaining because WI fi connection is a little glitchy.
Now, this all comes.
This is important for us to notice that we see the world as a linear system and we see what's happening around us very linearly, but we're going to be surprised because what's happening around us is very exponential, and we're all up to have our Kodak moment. And even codec can come back up on an explanation world like that.
Now, this is not a specific to a company. This is not specific to an organization. This cuts across all organizations. This prediction was from 2011.
Not now, before the pandemic hits, not 10 years later but 89 years later, that number was wrong. Not 40% of the Fortune 500 companies no longer existed, it was over 50% that ceased to exist during that time period.
So when you talk to leaders and organizations just seals and C suite level across all industries.
They will tell you, that what they're most concerned today, is not their operating model, or even their organization strategy.
They are concerned about the culture of change.
Now let's talk about the culture of change. And we have to go through this and are very fast-paced, so don't have time to theorize. Too much reveal very practical approaches.
So let's start with what is culture? And culture is very simple. Simplify culture by saying that ...
culture are, the habits and behaviors of individuals and teams in the organization, is what they exhibit, that create, That creates the culture.
People's minds are not changed for argument, your change, for observation, and the habits and behaviors that you observe become the, become part of who you are, who you are, and becomes the culture of the organization.
Now, the question is, what is a good culture, then? And that can be a very complex question. Because you have to decide, in each organization, what is the culture that you want to have for your own context.
But I would posit to you that all good, good cultures have value creation behaviors. Now, whether that is financial value, for-profit, or social value for a non-profit, it doesn't matter. But there's either financial or social value creation behaviors. So understanding that is very important. Because then we have to think about, how do we build and transform cultures in our business?
And that's an incredibly difficult thing to do because it's mulford multi-faceted and it has several stages. And most organizations do not understand the whole. The leaders do not understand the whole. And they missed several of these components as they try to implement a culture that or transform a culture and organization.
But in a very summarized fashion, good value creation cultures have very clear purpose to start with.
They have a strong set of core values and beliefs associated with that purpose. And they establish moods and feelings associated with those values and beliefs. And those moods and feelings establish the mindsets that you have across the organization. And that's all very interesting. But now you need to develop principles associated with those mindsets, and those, if, for example, if you're trying to accelerate innovation, what are the principles of innovation? So you implement those principles, but that's not enough, and that's more where most of organizations stop.
Because principles by themselves become platitudes.
You need to develop the mechanisms that will translate the principles into actions.
And once you have the mechanisms that translate the principles into actions now, you are starting to showcase the behaviors that are associated with the principals', mindsets, moods and feelings, values, and beliefs that drive that ultimate purpose.
All of these components must be in place, And if they are not in place, your culture will fail, your cultural transformation will fail. Now, let's talk about transformation for a second. Setting culture is difficult.
Changing culture and transforming culture, that's incredibly hard, because Transformations require you to change what your culture resists the most.
As human beings and as organizations, we resist what we most need to change.
This is not just your organization, or you personally is just about being human and organizations Today are just a combination of several humans working together. And remember! Organizations are like people, there are not wired for change, they long for safety and predictability, and change is nowhere in there.
So the question becomes, Oh, my goodness, Joseph, I'm leaving Your just described this world That's changing exponentially that I have to adapt to.
At the same time, you say that we need to intentionally set our cultures. You have to go through all of these stages.
And then you're seeing that expect a lot of resistance, because people are going to resist what they most need to change, very true. Let's make it even a little bit more complex.
Let's try to predict the future, because we don't know what the future looks like.
There are only two types of people who can predict the future, those who don't know, and those who don't know that they don't know which ones you. Which one is your organization?
There is only one way of predicting the future.
The only way to predict your future is to create it.
So let's start moving to a more optimistic mindset here. And let's figure out, how do I create the future?
How do I create the future and the culture that I need to have to be a high performing, successful organization in this fast moving landscape?
So let's set the stage for innovation.
Because if you're going to create the future, we have to innovate. Although, I'll tell you right upfront, that innovation alone is not enough, but it's necessary.
So, let's define innovation to start, what is innovation for? And I have to be short and mice. You might, you might deliver here because of our time. So, I will I will shorten this discussion by telling you the following. If you want to have extraordinary innovation, your organization, you must define it in ordinary times, in ways that anyone in your organization, from the lowest level, to the highest level, can understand, and they can do something about it. You cannot define innovation as the disruptive type that Google Facebook and Tesla are doing right now, which is true. But it's only 10% of their overall portfolio of innovations, and it covers 100% of media attention. So, do not be. Do not be distracted by that.
What does innovation means to you, to every professional, in your organization, in a way that's actionable? And innovation is certainly about new ideas, but new ideas are not enough.
You need new ideas that create value. Remember, good cultures are value creation cultures, so your definition of innovation to affect culture must be, must connect innovation and value creation. It's not about technology, it's not about just new things, it's about new ideas that create value.
And that is not enough because lots of people have new ideas that create value and they get buried in cemeteries in the parking lot of organizations.
Because you need to have people who are willing to put their reputation behind those new ideas that create value, to implement those ideas. So, the X to have extraordinary innovation.
Define innovation in ordinary terms, which means innovation is simply the implementation of new ideas that create value. That can happen at any level in your organization.
From the lowest level professional to the CEO of the company, he or she can implement new ideas that create value, But this is good. This is a principle, what is the mechanism. How do I translate some of these principles into actions that create value.
So, for innovation, acceleration, to become a reality in your organization, it demands an integrated mechanism and disintegrate a mechanism needs to accelerate innovation.
You need strict salary, collaborative leadership development, specifically, because that's required for innovation, acceleration at scale, and it will drive strategy, execution of value creation.
And I like the tagline there and I will share with you, because great enduring organizations and leaders have that in their mindset, they are looking at opportunities to create the most value in the shortest time. And simplest means, this is the improvement and innovation, venture capitalists mindset, create the most value in the shortest time and simplest means. Now, this is all good, but I still need mechanism. I need discipline approaches for execution. What can I use for that shows that? Well, there are many methods. There are many proven approaches, where you can have a discipline, implementation of innovation, of innovation. Now, you have explicit innovation methods. Tools and techniques and systems that you can implement to think different and innovate. Innovation is not an escape from discipline thinking. Innovation, as we understand it today, is an escape with discipline and thinking. So think of innovation as a discipline with, with methods and approaches. And you should learn dose.And that's, those are discipline frameworks for innovation implementation. That's one component that we see often nowadays. Another component is good old business process management is truly understanding your end to end processes and their ownership in the organization. This sounds like common sense. But common sense is the least common of the senses. In large organizations, and most organizations do not truly understand how their value creation process is flow from end to end.
So, this is another incredible source and discipline for innovation acceleration. And then you have more traditional methods, like Lean and six Sigma efficiency methods that can help you tremendously by increasing speed of flow, eliminating ways to reduce your variation satisfying customers.
There are many other processes and methods that you can use, Agile, with Scrum, if you're in the software industry, and so on and so forth.
But here's the deal, what's most important, and what we have learned, when it comes to real cultural transformation, is that you are consistent indiscipline in your approaches.
So, separate any one of these methodologies can be effective, but when they're combined, they're exceptional.
And you should never be about the methodology. It should be about your ability to create value. You're not creating leaders of methodology. You're creating value creation leaders, because, remember, methods alone, they do not transform businesses. People do value creation leaders, create value creation cultures. So, let's review what we have covered so far, because I know I have thrown a lot at you. So let's take a look. And I want you to think internally answered this multiple, this multiple choice question to yourself. What really, what matters most, when it comes to accelerating innovation for value creation, and setting a culture of value creation, of excellence, of innovation and value creation? Is it about ideas? Is it about methods? Is it about technologists, or is it about people?
Well, I'll tell you the answer. I want you to think in your own terms. I want you to internalize in your context, I think which one you think is more important. And then I'll give you the answer. And the answer is all of the above, and none of the above.
And that's a little complex. The world of greatness is very complex because it's huge. It's filled with contradictions. Forces pulling in different directions.
The world of greatness is not our world. It's an and the world and requires the blending of this force is the pull in different directions. Very rarely, you have one silver bullet, one factor that drives the entire performance of the system. It is the intelligent blending of this multiple factors that will do it.
But let's look at each one of them and the contradictions that each one of them poses. First of all, ideas. Ideas are very important. Ideas, You need ideas. You need creativity to generate ideas. You need discipline approaches to narrow down the value creation, ideas to implementing innovation. Ideas are very important.
But also, ideas are everywhere. What, what are uncommon?
Are people willing to put their reputation behind ideas, OK, so let's move onto methods. Just say you just talked about methods methods are really important.
Because methods provide a discipline framework to implementing this, this change, and to build this new culture that I want to have, Well, that is true, but also remember that I said, the methods do not transform businesses. People do.
For over 25 years, I have been a certified Lean six Sigma Master Black Belt.
For most people, this sounds like a dangerous mental condition. It doesn't help them.
They, what they, what really helps them, is how do I use those methods to create the most value in the shortest time and simplest means.
So it must be about technologists, then.
Well, technology is great, just had just talk about exponential technologies.
We have to use RPA NLP, AAR, VR, M R, X, R, block chain. Wow, we're gonna roll out of this, technologists. Well, these technologies are great, and they'll provide great comparative advantage in certain contexts.
On the other hand, as at least two other world leaders in cultural transformation have share with you, that knowledge can make stupid happen at the speed of light.
So, technology is, like a romantic lover, is very exciting in the beginning, solves one big problem. But in the long run, If you don't pay attention, it creates 10 new problems. So, you have to be careful about the technologies you choose. And you have to make sure that you're choosing the right technologist for your business, And lastly, to people. Oh, it must be about people.
Right, Because people are our most important assets.
Hmm, hmm, hmm, yes and no.
Yes, people.
R, For sure, Essential to any business, But when you're looking at setting culture, when you're looking at accelerating innovation, you want to engage everyone, but you really need to find the right people. The right people are the amplifiers in your organization. They are amplifiers of innovation. They are amplifiers of the culture and the behaviors that you want to have. They are value creation leaders that you want to amplify in your organization.
So it is about finding this, right, people. So what are these right people? Well, how do you find them?
That is the ultimate question, because it's for this people, that you're going to impact your entire organization. So all we have Lauren, for practice, is that this people they do not come from the HR list of high performing individuals. They do not come from senior leader observations on who they think should be the next leaders.
They are only revealed by the test of execution, any specifically the test of value, creation and innovation execution.
So you can only find them when you set up a system with a meritocracy of ideas, clear execution mechanisms, and discipline frameworks for execution.
You make it accessible to everyone in your organization, and you let the system play itself out, And you see those who step up to the plate, and those who actually are able to collaborative lead innovation for value creation, for your organization.
And you, in your job, as a leader, is just set up that environment to set up their system. So, because what you're looking for are people who have for specific traits, and they are only revealed by the test of execution, these individuals have purpose, that aligns with the purpose of the business.
They have a strong sense of passion for what they do.
They are highly disciplined in their execution and magnification of opportunities and execution, and they're resilient. Now, I don't have time to go into each one of these in depth.
Probably the most important ones, couple that I want to make sure here that you understand is that they're all pretty much self explanatory. The passion here is not like this. romanticized. View of fashion is a lot more like an arranged marriage. I'm looking for people who have passion that was developed by working on really hard problems, and really not even liking that problem for a period of time, and they work their face off at it.
And over time, they develop an appreciation for it, and they developed a passion for it. Not this romanticized view of passion. And when it comes to discipline, I'm not only looking for people who are able to follow a regimen, A set of rules.
That's one of what discipline really is.
The ultimate definition of discipline is consistency, with purpose.
I am looking for people who are chronically consistence with their purpose.
The signature of mediocrity, for people and organizations, is actually not and then windless to change.
The signature of mediocrity is chronic inconsistency.
So when I think about discipline, I think about chronically consistence individuals, consistent with what, consistent with their purpose and the purpose of the organization, purpose fashion discipline Rosiness, are only revealed by the tasks of execution.
So, how do you set that up? So I'm gonna give you a very quick overview here, in the last seven minutes or so that we have on how organizations do that successfully, Very practical approach on how it's done.
Most organizations look like what you have here on the screen, bunch of are people in the organization.
The overwhelming majority of those people are sour faced, and that has nothing to do with how much money they make.
It has everything to do with the fact that what they make, what they work on, is not really something that is aligned with their purpose as an individual.
It is a job. They make lots of lots of money often in that job, no correlation with your level of compensation and your level of satisfaction When you're making more than six figures in the United States, no correlation.
So then among them, you have this happy once, and these individuals, they can be crazy, delusional, happy, perhaps. The other one is that the other possibility is the one that I'm hoping for is that they have somehow far found an alignment between their lives in the work that they do.
And they are at work in presence or remotely, but they have a level of satisfaction about that. I make no judgements. What you should do as a leader is to set up a system that says, we have a meritocracy of ideas. We have clear execution mechanisms is accessible to all of you. I am going to work with you to develop your collaborative leadership skills. I'm going to develop your discipline innovation skills.
And when you set that up this self motivated individuals, they start moving towards it because they want that they have been longing for that.
Now, this is excellent, because when you set that up, you have attracted this self motivated individuals, and you inspire them to do greater things.
Now, inspiration and motivation is like a rocking chair. There's a lot of motion, but you don't get anywhere.
So, you need, should, now, that you have their attention, you need to make it very clear to them and to everybody else in the organization. What are the discipline execution mechanisms that we have for identifying, prioritizing, and executing, on, what creates the most value in the shortest time? And simplest means, it's your job to create that mechanism, and if the mechanisms properly set up, you're going to have an over 99% implementation rate over decades, but the mechanism has to be clear and accessible to all.
Now, when you have that whole going on, you have now a clear system for identifying, prioritize and executing what creates the most value in the shortest time? And simplest means, the individuals will, who successfully deliver value creation and a strategy execution at scale for the organization. When you look at those successful individuals, they have passion, discipline, and resilience, that is how you find them.
It's like should not compare to war situations, but it's not completely analogous. But there's, this research actually came from Daniel Kahneman, looking at the Israeli military and Israel and military, you don't find the great wars, by just seeing who is the best person at Bootcamp.
You'll find the great, the great warriors, are revealed in the theater of war.
They're not the people you think early on.
Maybe the best recruit, the best performer at the bootcamp is not necessarily the best work. So you have to, you find those individuals for the test of execution, when it comes to innovation, because there's a lot of uncertainty, much like a war situation, we will provide. So, passion, disciplinary rosiness is revealed by that.
What you do is there's individuals now. These are your amplifiers. This is where you're mining for the gold you're mining for. You'll make a big deal out of them. You celebrate their teams and their accomplishments of the organization.
And what you start seeing the organizations that others see, that the role models for value creation in your organization and leadership of value creation are no different than then the hood, the hood, that first, someone else in the organization yesterday. I see Jeff up there, who just completed a $5 million innovation project, and Jeff did this without being a subject matter. Expert, is just great collaborative leader and a value creation leader. Now, Rick is down here and saying, You know What? If Jeff can do it, I can do it, too. And now you're democratizing value creation and innovation in your own organization.
Of course, this is a journey. You're going to have to go for the cycle several times, because every time you do this, you're exhibiting the value creation behaviors that you want others in your organization to emulate.
People's minds are not changed for argument. There change from observation of the value creation behaviors, that they have now in front of them. If you do this at a scale, over a longer period of time, you're going to have alignment over time, and you're going to create this great enduring organization. Let's be honest. Most organizations will never get there. Why? Because they're chronically inconsistent with their purpose.
That is the signature of mediocrity, which is ... organization and people are destined to because you're chronically inconsistent with their purpose.
So for those who are chronically consistent with their purpose, with clear execution mechanisms like this, there are people will exhibit the behaviors that will set the culture that you want to have.
I challenge you to use this approach to initiatives that you have in your organization, and you would tell me, after 18 months and, some, and, I feel cycles, how much organizational change you actually have observed now.
Now, I'll just summarize all of this and wrap up my talk.
D Culture is defined by the behaviorists in your organization.
If you want to have a good culture, you need to have value creation behaviors. If you want to have value creation behaviors, you need to develop the mindsets, the mechanisms to showcase the behaviors for value creation and innovation.
Those individuals are not going to come from other organizations. They work for you right now and your job as a leader is to create a system, a meritocracy of ideas with clear execution mechanisms. That allows them to step up and have the have the willingness to try something different.
And then it's your job as a leader to train them in collaborative leadership skills, any innovation skills that forces them to take different perspectives or problems to unearth novel solutions, and you need to support them, because they need to have the courage to step out, and take risks that they are not accustomed to. I'm not talking about disproportionate risks. I'm talking about, well, manage risks. That is still require courage, because they are stepping away from their comfort zone.
And your ultimate job as a leader is to create an environment where this great people and their great ideas can connect.
That's the ultimate accelerator of innovation, the ultimate accelerator of innovation for value creation. So to finalize, I cannot predict the future. You cannot predict the future, it's changing exponentially.
You must be chronically consistent with your purpose amongst all that change and if you wanna develop the motormouth competitive advantage for your business, you need to build that culture of excellence and innovation. Culture of value creation.
So, we do not have time for questions, I filled in here because the code Yossi had problems with his technologists when he was the trying to connect. I will try to reconnect him at the top of the hour for us here. You know me from, from being the chair of this conference, You know, You can follow me on LinkedIn. This is my, this is direct access to more information on this journey of culture transformation and value creation. So, thank you for your time with us. Let's, I'm going to close the webinar. At this point, I'll take your questions on LinkedIn or an e-mail later on, and the top of the hour would like to welcome back Cisco for their presentation and their Wheels of Culture, change and Cultural transformation. Thank you, everybody, for your time. We'll see you back in at the top of the hour.
José Pires,
Former Global Vice President of Enterprise Business Improvement & Productivity,
Innovation & Excellence.
José Pires serves as the Global Excellence & Innovation (E&I) Leader for Andeavor Corporation, where he oversees the global identification, prioritization and execution of mission critical business improvements and innovations that add value to the company, business partners and external clients in multiple markets.
Prior to his current role, Pires held Excellence and Innovation leadership positions in large, global companies in the electronics (Sony), semiconductor (Cymer-ASML), food (Nestlé) and infrastructure (Black & Veatch) industries. Throughout his career, Pires developed and refined E&I as an award winning program for innovation, leadership development, strategy execution and value creation globally.
Pires is an advisory board leader and keynote speaker for several global conferences on innovation, operational excellence, leadership development, strategy execution, business transformation, customer engagement and growth acceleration.
He holds a Bachelor in Engineering Physics from the University of Kansas and a Master in Business Administration focused in Investment Banking and Entrepreneurship from the University of San Diego.
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