Courtesy of BMA International's Ashutosh Labroo, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'CHROs are CCOs: Chief Culture Officers' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at BTOES Cultural Transformation Live, A Virtual Conference.
Session Information:
#Leadership with Clarity – A Seat in the Board Room, with a “Voice”
#Cultures (Not Vision/ Values/ Mission statements) makes great organizations Culture eats Strategy for breakfast
#Build a Great Culture: Great Results Will Follow
Session Transcript:
Ashutosh Labroo And Ash is the Group Chief HR Officer for BMA International. He's gonna talk to us about chief culture officers and culture and cultural transformation is very dear to ashes heart and he's going to share with us his experiences he's going to talk about. Leaders don't hope leaders are the hope that has always been asch's core philosophy. And his natural leadership, goto behavior, is professional mission, is to establish great places to work culture for employers across the world as an individual, ashes a spiritual seeker, trying to discover a self with every breath he takes. And he practices that professionally as well. Real, real grateful for you to take the time to share your incredible experiences of our global audience today, Ash.
Thank you so much Josie. It's a pleasure to be here, and I look forward to presenting to the August audience that we have gathered from around the globe. It's a real pleasure and an honor. I look forward to that.
Oh, OK.
Ah, OK.
Looks good.
OK, thank you so much for this honor and a pleasure and I welcome everyone who has gathered listen to this particular presentation, to be honest up.
Personally, I'm very delighted to present on this topic to you, because, you know, this title not only matches my life's deepest purpose, but generally speaking, I have been a number with the purpose of building great places to work cultures across the globe. And that has been a purpose and mission.
But facts be told, most organizations either do not pay enough attention to it, or else get lost In the rest of the more popular jingles around vision, values, strategy, mission statements, and whatnot.
Having said that, my take on this subject is experiential and only from my own practitioner length. So I would advice take it with a pinch of salt.
Know, a few years back, I wrote this book. I was homebound, and I had a, you know, a severe bone issue, and I was homebound and I wrote this book on something that was very close to my Heart Leadership and organizational culture and I went a very un academic route because I wanted it to be exponential. Because, honestly, speaking, these are two subjects which are like an never ending ocean and I purposely chose this specific agenda because it actually genuinely appeals to me. So, on the left-hand side of this slide, you can see the color of my paper back, as well as the e-book, which is available on Amazon. And moving ahead, The three specific agenda are listed on the right-hand side, as you can see, and these are very important agenda. So let's get cracking on them.
Up, honestly, speaking, you know, what has always been fascinating for me is to see how many people who joined board of directors roles, ended up pursuing a trophy act by agreeing to the most populous view with maximum, yes.
And across the globe today.
Many boards have leaders are so attached to the chair that they try to be mute spectators and behave similar to everyone.
And when this kind of an approach happens, they would rather not stand up. They would rather not make a difference.
And what happens is that there is no positive difference in that room, and especially on matters related to culture building and that, I've always felt very strongly about.
So, in reality, we all, as human beings, are conditioned and biased.
And I personally believe that great leaders learn this pretty far.
And when they learn this, they pursue an agenda to master how to deal with databases.
What is important for you to know is that you cannot have a clarity of parts, which isn't a subject that we are talking here, all make a significant difference If you do not know how to deal with your biases, and I would like to take you on a journey with me on that front, because it's a very, very important journey that we'll all go together on.
Actually, you cannot understand clarity of leadership if you can't relate, who are upbringing, And I genuinely mean it, you know?
I will have to remind our audience, of the time, we were all learning as a child, All of us started conditioning our minds from a very early age, and you'll be extremely surprised, how will we all develop?
Future habits, approaches, beliefs, values, systems, preferences, and philosophy based upon how we deal with our five senses, which are the five senses: listening, mailing fee, touching, tasting.
Now, among these five senses, we get the maximum profound impact on our behavior, and which individually leads to our biases later on. Let me give you a few examples.
Example, A who are over sensitive or protective to get good might be so sensitive to the needs of their kids, that they actually will rush to the kids that if you want every single location, and they keep doing it, utterance after utterance after apparent up that up.
and then all these events add up to building a habit and a behavior in this particular case, and in this particular age, the kid is gonna end up becoming extremely used to that particular approach of others taking care of him or her. And that happens, in reality, with all these old, pampered over sensitive children which are pampered by over sensitive bidding. And we end up doing that to them.
Take the other extreme example.
Parents want their kids to be independent, smock they let their kids fall.
They let them get hurt.
They let them deal with the problems on their own, and this when done appropriately, can develop amazing leadership skills and amazing problem solving skills, which these kids start using when they become adults.
Now when it is all done, the same kid might develop into an adult, with no compassion, with no infection, and it, because it's been overdone at the same time when it is balanced.
The kid may actually turn into an adult and a printed leader at some stage in his life.
Now, what is important for us to understand here is that every kid has an ability to trust his or her parents. You know. And we learn from them consciously and unconsciously. There are plus pages.
And we ended up having serious relationship issues, in case they have never taken care of us.
They have never run to our rescue when we needed them to start doing the same manifestation of behavior.
Largely, when I look at the subject, and I discuss the subject even in my book later on, I found that the most important thing was human knowledge, without the right diet and direct education. And a straightforward agenda leading to the formation of a bias.
And there are four pillars in building by both pillar is people.
Now, the quadrant bonus people within our lives will include our parents, our siblings, our relatives, our family members, followed by RT and role models as well. Now, when these people are doing certain behavioral manifestations in front of us, we are consciously and unconsciously absorbing it when we are children as a sponge.
The forefront to any continuation is the belief system that we inherit from these people, and that at times can be the biggest reason for our biggest successes, as well as our biggest failure.
Taking it forward.
In the quadrant three, you will see perception, perception is the lens that we use to feed the world, and, obviously, with people and the philosophy quadrant, we develop the perception quadrant very strongly as a buyer.
And largely, the first quadrant is the most important. That is the profession quadrant, and this is the quadrant we ended up choosing or working in.
And you might have no idea how much our first job, our first company, our first ever boss, can influence you in building a particular style, and that they can eventually turn into a bias as well. Now, this is a very, very important portion that I wanted to establish before we go further, because this is a very interesting journey we are all on together.
What do you see in front of you?
It's a very interesting metaphor that the father of human psychology, and psycho analysis, Sigmund Freud, talked about long back, and he said that all human beings in this world are like icebergs.
Only the 10% of what we do is visible.
How we do it the visible, but what is not visible is why we do what we do. But taking it forward, I want to establish some connection with this.
When you see an iceberg, you know what is important for us to understand the 10% visible aspect, because we are talking of Humanized Bulk, is the how and what what is the results we seek in whatever we do? And how is the behaviors we display while seeking those particular result?
Now, what we generally do not realize, and we never really pay attention to, is the why.
And trust me friends when I say that, but this makes, or the, the maximum benefit.
Why it means the personality and the outlook of the individuals we are talking about.
All our hiring, firing, and promotion decisions, rotation, besieging job descriptions.
Everything in the world around us, unfortunately, even didn't date, is largely driven by what and how, and hardly many leaders spend a lot of time on the way, without realizing the importance of it.
And it is so important that you may not believe this when I say this, but I've experienced it personally.
So I can talk about a trauma practitioner at some stage of our careers.
And sometimes life forces deal with it.
And great leaders end up going stronger invasively successful during the sale prices and kiosks that others might fill in.
And the reason is what might break other leaders down actually is the same reason why other leaders end up building themselves up again from rock bottom.
And the reason is that they have the ability to deal with the why, and the other leaders are not able to deal with that. Like, no, that's the whole context, which is very, very important to understand, in manifestation, in reality, in realization there. And I'm very fond of this book, which I would recommend if you guys have not read it. I would recommend it from my side, which is a brilliant book from doctor Marshall Goldsmith, who was also one of the reviewers of my book.
Doctor much Marshall Goldsmith wrote this brilliant book.
What Has Got You Here won't get you there and that book is actually directly talking about The Humanized book. It is so contextually bissau relevant in product.
Now, I want to take you this particular slide and show you something very, very profound and very deep.
Having understood the concept of human eyes book, please also understand that the conscious or unconscious learnings that you have in your life is based upon the incidents that you dealt with.
Those incidents created feeling of pain or joy.
Those feelings, when gets sorted without parks, basically, memory for us.
Those memory gave rise to perceptions, judgement, and value system, and this eventually led to the conditioning.
Now, when all these elements come together, this gives rise to our individual choices, which we use to make our own perception, our own judgement, which eventually leads to our conditioning, and in turn, gives rise to our biceps.
Now, you will not really relate to it until unless you see the whole impact of it.
And that's why I keep saying to people when I coach them personally as well, that if you don't deal with the 90% invisible part, you cannot change anybody's behavior and action Because anybody who is behaving and acting differently or a particular leader is behaving and acting differently for that leader when he or she is around.
When you are not around, how they behave, and act is not under your control. And if you want bad behavior, an action, to be exactly alike when you are around them, you have to deal with their biases, and that's how important this particular element.
Having said that, I want you to go with me to the next context, which is very, very important.
And this actually manifests in the reality of who we are and how we deal with the situation.
In this slide, on the left hand slide, you will see something written as therapy zone, because that's where majority of the world is.
Majority of us worldwide, as leaders, deal with issues and challenges in this zone.
And we call it the counseling. Don't know, because our go to approaches.
Either we go to someone to be counseling, or VR counseling our team member to help them understand how to deal with that problem.
Typically, therapy zone.
You can get shot instance substances to, but it is always a corrective measure.
It is not sticky and it is a shortcoming.
On the right hand side, I want you to listen and pay attention to the development zone.
Now, this is the zone where exceptional leaders operate.
And remember, the work that I showed you before, the human eye was the 10% and the 90%, They deal with the 90%, they confront the individuals, they are talking to, the tutor them, their mentor them, and they deal with their biases because that's where the attitude, the perception, that judgement, the model is, the bias, the beliefs are resting. Underneath, Right? Will address their own biases, all exceptional leaders, as well.
And to build a stronger clarity of thought and to have a voice in the boardroom.
They pursue excellence by going into coaches and mentors who can challenge them back.
And one of the most important thing that exceptional leaders use as a tool is the cycle of unlearn, and relearn you cannot unlearn and relearn.
If you don't deal with your why, as a conscious choice.
And when you do that, what happens in this zone, in the development zone, is there is a lot of focus on getting coached.
Either your coaching, someone in this zone, or if you are exceptional and open to unlearn, and relearn, you are getting poached.
Because when that happened, there's a huge process of transformation that takes place.
And that the impact that you want on your behavior, which is what is visible to the world.
And it changes automatically when you walk on the 90%, the how, and the what changes in line with that. And that's how it is extremely, extremely important. And I wouldn't stress upon its important, any more than this particular, right?
Having said that, and this is a very important context, and I'm going to move here now for you.
And I'm very fond of this context, while the slide in front of you is self explanatory. I'm not going to talk about this. Maybe I'm going to talk about the inner game.
And I really liked this equation and I'm driven by that equation in my own individual life.
Great leaders also are driven by this very interesting wishon, which goes live.
Performance is equal to potential minus interference.
I repeat performance is equal to potential minus interference.
Now, please pay attention to this.
When I say this, that interference in this equation can be internal and external.
The internal interference is the world inside us, the external interference is the world around them.
Right? Now, whatever kind of external interference is we all deal with. We deal with conflicts in an organization. We have roadblocks, people blocking our way. We have differences of opinions that people we worked with. We have politics being played. We have disputes with leaders, that seniors, with people around us. And we have dead ends at work many, a times.
What you will be surprised to know. And I very strongly believe in this.
And when I got certified as a coach, it became even more deepened.
That your internal interferences are nothing else but your own biases.
And once you overcome your own internal interference, you automatically end the external interferences as well.
Now, that's a very, very important discovery.
Once you and your internal interference, your external interference also ends. So what is your internal interface?
Our own limiting beliefs, our own judgements and perceptions about the world about the people we work with, our own inference is an attitude.
..., Morales and approach, and the way we see everything, the lens we used to see the world.
And once that happened, your interference is almost zero.
And therefore, the equation, which was performance is equal to potential minus interference, becomes performance is equal to potential because interference is almost zero.
Because when interference isn't there, your performance will be in line with your potential.
Now, when you do that, I have zero doubt, in my mind. You will be a leader with clarity. And you will be able to grab a seat in the boardroom with a voice.
And I genuinely believe that, that, having said that, I want to quickly move on to the next subject, which is extremely crucial, and extend to be contextual and relevant for this particular topic, because this session is about culture.
And while you can read the statements on the slide, my take on this is fact, be told.
Most organizations, vision and strategy is most often retained lifelong as if it is Boston Stone for longer than it should be.
In reality, companies need to first get the right people culture, and what the focus on, it's people strategy.
Because what they do not understand if the culture ain't right, no strategy can help you reach where you want to.
A lot of times, in my journey, I solve we all as a leader, and not all organizations make the same fundamental mistake of creating or aping a strategy, not realizing that we need to first director culture.
Well, on that note, let me start by laying down the roadmap of what for me, has been the proven and credible way to build great culture and in turn, great organization.
This is my favorite slide, I've always that effort this as a contextual part as well, because these four pillars always, always, always work.
So, your organization's culture continuously boots to various factors that affect actually the reality. And I've mentioned them in my book.
But the most significant build-up of culture is the leader's behavior.
Their actions and behavior, what they pay attention to, what gets appreciated, what gets punished.
What are they spending maximum time and resources on.
Everything is building culture all the time. Because you're leaders have different different studies. Some of them are autocratic, Democratic. Some of them are empowering.
Some of them are urban leaders, some of them are additionally, it having an impact on your culture.
Some of them believe in degree of delegation and empowerment. Some of them don't.
Some of them believe in freedom of expression.
Some of them don't, and some of them believe in preferred internal communication mechanism, to be a top-down method.
Some of them believe it to be a bottom-up method or a combination of both lita approach to markets.
Are they aggressive?
Are the meticulous or we apply a combination of that?
Their approach to internal decision making.
Is it driven from pop alone?
Is a sporadic, is it can be worse, or is it thought through?
And is it validated po's discussions with everyone involved.
Are the leaders driven with a short-term mindset, or, a long term mindset? Automate them mindset.
Are the leaders bureaucratic? Which means they are legacy benchmark based?
Are the leaders future oriented, which means they are continuously evolving in line with people.
Employees, customer, supplier shareholder.
Are your leaders aligned with what is changing in the world?
Android market.
Do your leaders encourage they are employees to perform their very best and be strongly engaged with the organization?
Are your leaders using?
These are all the approaches that I mentioned just now, in every context of, every behavior, an action they are using, is having a 24 by 7 impact on culture building for all of us, And we need to understand and appreciate that.
Having said that, I want you to take to something very, very crucial and very critical, which, in my life has played a very interesting role, and this has been described by a graphical metaphor that I have given in front of you.
I've kept the organization in the shape of what I call as a vision pyramid.
Now, this is where the creators of the big idea pick right on the top, right? And that is where our leadership team sits right at the top of the vision pyramid, because they are the ones who are enabling and fueling the organization's future direction.
Even if your organizations are flat, straight line organization, and not too many people out there, I'm sure the parameter does indicate the park leader sitting at the top of the pyramid, followed by the drivers, and the enablers, and in the middle. And then the actors, then ... at the bottom.
The culture in this case is defined by this, what I call as the culture ball.
What is the culture? But the culture ball is the ball of energy.
Our intent behind all our action.
It is the potent energy, which is the outcome of consistent collective behavior, and intention.
Everyone in the organization, which, although invisible to you, always remains omnipresent.
What happens if this ball necessarily will have a significant consequence filled impact on the future of your strategy and the organization's vision?
This picture ball is like a, whatever.
Existing energy that don't invisible to the naked eye, will continue to make the most significant impact on an organization in the future.
Now, what I want to show you is the ideal situation, In which case, in this particular case, that you see in front of you, these three statements are self explanatory. Strategy and Culture has a strong synergy. Performance is good to exceptional. People are completely aligned with the team, or function strategic goals.
Now in this case, the culture is an enabler, right. The culture is a very strong Bala positive energy and it is inspiring the entire organization and all its people to actually inspire for more. All the entities of this ecosystem are inspiring for growth, prosperity, abundance for everyone involved. And when that happens, what you see here is there is growth.
And when that growth happens, culture becomes the enabler in this case.
And why I shouldn't dotted line there because it is continuously pushing everyone to the boundaries of Exelon and everybody is fired, engage young people to deliver their very best.
And what you ended up getting in that game is the next big bullets which I call as strategy to find out because what you end up a TV with a culture which is rightly enabled, rightly inspiring, and rightly connecting the organization together with a common purpose.
Is what I always call a strong enabler because if we keep making the strategy grander and bigger, then this case, this is a classic example of an ideal situation.
Now I want you to go with me to another journey. Now, this particular slide is self explanatory, right? In this particular case, the Strategy and Culture, there is little or no synergy, and I'll explain it out.
You, again see, at the top of the vision pyramid, there is top leaders, people who are running the organization, enabling, inspiring, engaging, motivating the organization, that, the thing right at the top. And they are driving the organization with this strategy and that ambition.
Now, below them, you have all the actors in the organization till the bottom of the pyramid.
Now, in this particular place, the strategy and culture has little or no synergy.
The culture, in this case, grows outside our strategy.
And it actually becomes an enemy for the organization.
The red, strong lines that you see here actually indicates that the culture is pushing the themes, the functions, and the entire organization towards the mediocrity and decline. A typical example you can see in aviation industry, most of the aviation players have grand, visions and mission statements to make.
But when it comes to customer service is never in line with what claims to me, or any service industry or any product, that is B as well, Why that happened, because you have a vision, but the culture is not connected with that vision. And that's why I will just start becoming the enemy of this particular strategy envision.
Now, the watersheds parameter, in this case, actually solidify into a fixed parameter, was just showing decline, reduction, and cannibalization of our strategy. And this case, culture is the enemy.
And why? Because people are not aligned with the strategy. They don't believe in it. They don't believe in your vision, they don't believe in your mission. They are not with you. They are saying one thing, doing another thing, and everything is going haywire.
And you end up speculating and understanding that what's going wrong. And the new hire organization from outside to tell you what's going wrong, which you would have interpreted on your own.
And in reality, in this particular case, culture is disrupting alignment in people and their performance.
Last, but not the least, this is typically a team or a function or an organization, which is bounded the field visit strategy.
They create the new culture, which eventually pays the path for becoming the ideal culture, like I showed you in the previous example that you just nozzle.
Having said that, this is a very interesting learning here, which is very, very important for me to lay down the foundations of And I love this quote from Peter Drucker. He couldn't have been more right when he said that culture eats strategy for big bucks.
Remember what I said?
Your organization culture is the sum total of energy, intent, and behavior of each and every individual in your organization.
Your culture is visible inside the corporate boardroom.
Your culture is visible inside your R&D center. It is visible in your development center, it is visible on your shop floor. It is available on your production line. It is visible in your service lines as well.
Surely, having a great vision, mission, and strategy is definitely essential to put an inspiration To put a context ahead of us, so that we drive towards that, but without a great supporting culture.
These bold statements will largely remain on our glossy websites.
They will remain on our play cards.
They will remain on our posters on our noticeboards, but will never become a reality in action and in practice.
Because there was never a real implementation of culture, and that's why there is no success story here.
That's the profound impact that culture can have on strategy in my mind. Culture makes or breaks, organization, and I very strongly believe in it.
On that front, I think I'm happy to say that I've ended, I think I'm within the time, and I ended up a very important subject, which was very critical for us to discuss.
Now, I'm on the third and the last subject. And which is also very important, and I think, let's put it this way, that we were building the evening for this particular subject to be discussed, because this is where the cookie crumbles. You know, this is where the real messaging of the whole session is.
What is critical to remember here is that in the ideal case of vision and culture and energy, the culture ball continues to grow alongside incrementing, enabling, and supporting Division.
Whereas, in the challenge, the case of vision and cultures misalignments, the culture ball grows outside and above the vision.
It becomes like a supernatural force that innovates and challenges even the most inspiring vision statements.
It then starts to diminish the possibilities to accomplish the vision at all.
It would be asked to say that in the second case, whatever it is envisioned is not getting practice because the culture doesn't support and does not align with the vision, and knowingly and unknowingly in such cases, people will act.
Again, the interest of the organization.
So, that's why, if you want to build a great organization, set the full enterprise, we have to pay maximum attention to culture building. And you will be surprised that we do not pay attention to this particular element, even today, in most organizations. And that's the unfortunate reality, even put it.
The way I see culture, I think if you were to ask anyone, why are you doing this?
And if the response is, this is how we do things in this particular line. This is how we do things. It is the aspect of performance, which is driven out of culture.
Now, that's the profound impact.
Every thread of the organization. Every single dimension of the organization is driven by culture. It's that invisible super power workforce within the organization, which ensures that the organization is succeeding, are going to fail in future. That's the importance of it.
Having said that, I want you to go with me on in this particular last dimension that we are discussing on a very interesting context, and I genuinely believe off the leadership.
This is the second most profound subject that has the maximum impact on building the right culture, and most people ignore it because it actually is hard work to really pay attention to it, and I'll explain why.
It is time to ask.
And let us ask that question to ourselves.
What is that an organization really wants, right?
And I would say there are three things.
one is superior wealth creation or shareholder for a investor, for senior leader, for employees and other key stakeholders.
I would say the second thing is superior engagement, EDX edens for employees, for customer and suppliers as well.
The third is superior brand reputation recognition within the markets where we operate within the society.
we are, and obviously an employer brand as well.
Therefore, any organization is largely an ecosystem of these mutually concludes them unsupportive needs of the family.
Organizations that understand this fundamental, know that the key lies in addressing employee needs.
Then, I'll expand expand on that a bit later.
However, as the organization grows bigger and bigger, they do exactly opposite to that, because everyone else does that, right?
Because what we do at that time, we defined rules and regulations to control our mob.
I repeat we defined rules and regulations to control them all.
Unfortunately, however, strongly we want to deny that.
Our core intent in line with any unprecedented growth is to manage our so-called large workforce by methods and processes, defined to control our employees behavior action, and bring them into our view an approval matrix.
However, the purpose of any policy process and system, in reality, should perhaps be to extract, enable inspire and engage people to their fullest potential. That's how I believe.
Having said that, while we are on that subject, there is one thing that I have very strongly felt today, and that's the very, very important point that I want to build here, is that policy process and systems is R one.
In most cases, it has become this very impressive framework in large organizations, which is supposed to engage an audience, which is the employees in the State, and the audience is least bothered about, what do you say in your policy process, and systems and manual, they are not bothered about.
Because, what you need to understand is that there is a very strong, existing, but in the different, right?
Because by learning, when I spent a lot of time with five large, multinational global corporate and across the world I worked with them, I learned this pretty early on Bhatt, Cultural building, and Culture Building, is actually a subject which is largely driven, by how we deal with data. Right?
And how we deal with our employees is largely driven by our policy processes, and because it is our want and desire.
And, what do we do not remember, That engagement and motivation, is a human need.
Policy process and system, is never going to motivate, inspire, or engage your people. They will always necessarily be dissatisfied or disengaged with whatever you call a policy, and brothels, and an NSF, the manual. Why? Because the body into reality ones, can we control?
That's a human need. Freedom is a human need.
I would want to do things my way that the individual human need, Yes. You can inspire me, engage me to be even what you want me to practice.
But you if you haven't really build something that really connects with me at the deepest level, I will never be bothered about our policy processing system.
I can definitely do State Hill with utmost confidence, that the organizations were the sole focus.
It's process and policy discipline will never achieve this blind vote. Why?
Because it remains a few times derailleur for your annual or biannual employee engagement survey scores where you will never get a higher score.
If you do it, honestly, we have to realize that we need to revisit the most crucial role of a great policy and process manual.
And I would like to redefine it from being in reality, a full listing and an auditing document to becoming an engaging and motivating document.
Trust me, I look at all policy process and system manual as a policing and an auditing document because the soul imperative of them is to control and monitor where in reality it should be to engage and motivate so that employees deliver the best possible potential and performance.
Our new age policy and process bandwidth must actually become a hub of cumulative processes that can bring in inspiration de clutter the existing processes, methods and approaches, and in turn help people to do their absolute best for the organization knowingly and willingly. And that's the real real process that I want to lay down.
But, easy to remember, A need is not a want.
And remember that you may be plus B, and you may need water to quince post, but you may want, right?
Human need, transportation, human need a car.
But, you may want the best in class must be, right.
There's the big difference between a need and a want.
When you do not address the need.
Even if you address the one to the best of your ability, people are not engaged, because engagement and motivation is largely driven by a need, not by one.
Having said that, I want to go forward with a very interesting concept that a lot long back when I was working in an engineering organization, like us give a large global giant.
It's a Swedish multinational based in 140 countries and I understood this concept called as Quality Circle, largely. It was used in manufacturing sector in those time. So, what was the quality circle?
In reality, Quality circle was the theme of a cross functional set of people. Now, in this particular team, you had people from all section.
There was no junior, no senior.
The one on levels in the, in that particular team. People came from all startup. You will have people from HR, IT, finance, manufacturing, application, engineering, sales, business, development, marketing. Everyone is there. And the other Soul Agenda, the whole agenda is to build the best in class product, so that we deliver it to the world market, and the best possible process, with the best possible returns from the product, after selling it. Now, theoretically speaking, I want to bring the same concept in the policy, Right?
So what I'm saying here is in this Quality Circle theme that I'm talking about as Policy quality circle and this is the concept that I very strongly believe in today is that in this kind of team, there is a very high level of debate.
There is a continuous openness for this patient. There is a conclusive outcomes.
It has no junior and senior. It has no labels or departments of function.
In the right, you will see beame everyone has equal footing and there was only one thing with one focus, one agenda.
Every UC team was always bothered.
We'll find a solution to the existing issue to find a solution to the existing problems and apply them in the real process of delivering the best in class product or service line.
Not critically speaking, this, in fact, in my mind, this whole quality circle moment, back then, it is back, actually marked the beginning of the continuous improvement agenda, which eventually gave path to the ... six Sigma processes, Right. This was the beginning of that agenda.
We need to apply the same approach to create an employer policy and process, because it cannot remain the job, both in a dark theme alone. In fact, I actually believe HR should not be involved in making policies anymore. In fact, their job is to facilitate the proper cross functional panel, which comes together from various levels in your organization: various age groups, Various backgrounds actually bring the diversity and inclusion agenda and get all these people together, give them the agenda to build your policy manual.
And when you do that, you will be surprised at the acceptance level of that kind of policy manual. Why? Because every agenda is represented by a particular section of that organization there are going to be represented. There are various sections being represented. There are people representing different agendas. And then you bring in a various kinds of forums of debate, introspection, and reflection. And by the end of this exercise, you will end up delivering a world-class policy process manual, which actually has everyone as partners, rather than everyone as enemies, once you announce the policy. Right? Now, why I am saying that this is very, very important to understand.
I'm saying this because if you don't do that, and you keep thinking that HR job is to make the policy and process, then it will be for the organization.
You will never really be able to engage. Because how can a set of 4 or 5 people know what thousands of people in the organization actually need?
No matter what happens, the right representation is never going to sound like that.
And since we doing it like this is you, It has never, ever changed the response to our policy and process model. I've yet to come across even any world-class organizations where all employees are happy with all the policies.
I've never come across any single organization like that in the world and why is that? So?
Because in reality, it's the controlling, auditing and policing document and when you change that mindset by providing the ownership of this particular process to the employees, and we actually invite them and say, Guys, please come in, we want you to work with us, we want you to deliver this particular policy manual as partners with us. Trust me, you have no idea what kind of engagement and inspiration you can create.
We all know that is far from true, because almost all processes and Policy Manual eventually become limiting, challenging, and uninspiring roadblocks.
The real purpose of the tech policies, the process.
And what good is a policy and a process manual in my mind that does not address your needs as an organization, because unfortunately what we preach and what we do, in reality, as a matter of choice for employees, actually becomes the biggest reason for the misalignment and disengagement of our employees in reality. Right?
Having said that, something that is very, very contextual and very important, as an output of this discussion, is that we are all seeking in our culture, best of engagement and motivation.
Now, why is the slightest of explanatory?
For me, engagement and motivation, as far as organizations vote, they do not have a choice now to decide whether they want to do it, or they do not want to do it.
Leaders cannot postpone or consider this any left ..., any less, than talking about revenues and beyond.
The power to choose is now in the hands of people, and either we accept and embrace it.
Or we suffer losing our best talents to other respecting them more than we ever did.
The three dimensions off what I call a talent comprises of any talented individual has these three dimensions: is capacity, personality, and outlook, and you will be surprised, when I show you this, in the next slide, that actually, these three dimensions that I talk off are directly impacted by the human eye.
And it's very, very interesting. Now, what is capacity?
Capacity is your formal qualification, it is your personal competencies.
It is your professional experience, and now, you'll be surprised, almost all organizations worldwide do not consider any individual beyond the domain of his. trust me on.
You look at our processes the way that we all deal with formal qualifications, that's our advertisements of jobs up, even till date, people still advertize, you know, and I'm sorry, I'm saying this. But I generally believe that just because you have a GPA HR degree or a VIP degree doesn't make you a world-class HR professional.
Because, for all, you know, none of what you learn in that can actually practice in reality, There can be farfetched, right? So, in reality, there is too much attention to qualifications. And I think it's actually bizarre to my mind.
And almost all organizations worldwide suffer from this mindset.
No, They do not consider any individual beyond these three circle, because they look at formal qualifications. They look at the personal competencies, and they look at professional meetings.
But what I'm here to tell you, if capacity is what we refer to take decisions regarding hiring biding promoting are developing an individual. This is bizarre and a horrible content mistake. Why?
Because capacity directly corresponds the results and the behavior Think of it.
What I'm saying here, in reality, all of us as humans are much beyond what we always consider to be our full capacity. We have a personality.
We have interests. We have engagement, agenda. We are we have things that engages us disengages, WF preferences. We have our own biases. We are our own value system via telephone there we are likes and dislikes, right?
That's our personality and we have Outlook, which is our gut feeling what kind of leader should be want? Roundup, what kind of leaders we want to work with? What kind of team we've clicked with what kind of things we really want the roundup? What can our team inspires us to look with them? What kind of career opportunities? I'm looking forward to within my organization What ambition and what's my overall potential?
Now, what is unfortunate, in this case, is that, in reality, the whole domain of capacity directly corresponds to the 10% of the book and the personality, and outlook, which is 90% of the iceberg, which is why people do whatever they do and where the real game lies.
We never really paid any attention to it because that's where our values, attitudes, purpose, preferences come from.
And that's why personality and outlook is also about what engages and motivates people.
You can't inspire and develop people by looking at people's capacity alone.
Time has come for organizations to realize this, and look at the person as a whole sum of capacity, personality and outlook.
When that happens, please expect magic to happen, because your culture can then become a superpower, fully unable to withstand, any eventuality any challenges.
Because you are looking at human beings as a full composite stomach, capacity personality, and outlook, and not just one dimension of capacity, which is a very big mistake that most organizations worldwide, even till date continue to make.
Having said that, I want you to come with me, which is the next slide with me. And I'm very inspired with this slide, because, you know, I have this rare fortune, or looking for fiat group and I was based and it means those days and I wasn't unit.
And I had the real pleasure of absorbing Ferarri up close, and personal serology back then, was owned by Fiat group. No Wonder Ferrari later on separated from the peer group much later on. They conduct stayed married to each other, because the cultures were dramatically different.
The separation. So, this is just say, here, what a fantastic presentation we had. Lots of questions come in as you are presenting, but unfortunately, we have run out of the time for this segment, and propose is that we were going to take some of these questions to LinkedIn. And on the link that we have for the conference. under my name, or under the CEO for. And, I hope, my last slide, By the way, this was my last slide.
OK, very good, so I'll let you wrap up The webinar. To start the next one, I wanna thank you for, for sharing this with us. I want to let the audience know that follow up on LinkedIn, on additional questions. and the ash can go in there and provide some insights on your questions.
Perfect. I would love to. So from the ears of separation of Ferrari, they'd never looked back date. They have remained an automobile mistreat with several remarkable, astonishing success is not only it still remains a hugely profitable enterprise. And especially in years when the automobile industry was tanking, Ferrari was delivering exceptional performance of the year on year. The reason of their success is only one thing, and that is their organization culture. And no Wonder Enzo, Ferrari say, this, I believe factories are made of machine laws. And people had already made, most of all by people. Those, who, do you want me to end the presentation now? Or, should I go ahead and stop sharing? And, again, I want to thank you so much for, for sharing this with us. We had great commentary throughout your presentation. You don't need to turn off your video. You just need to stop sharing the presentation.
And that we had great comments area that has come throughout and thank you so much for taking the time to share that experience with us and, and and the insights of your leadership journey on culture with us. Well, there'll be some questions. I will go on to LinkedIn later on today, and some of those questions will be posted there and we'll have a chance to interact. Maybe you can post an answer for a few of those questions as well.
Pleasure. Thank you so much, Josie. You've been an amazing host. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you very much for giving me an opportunity.
Thank you very much, Ash, and have a great day.
Thank you.
Thank you.
All right, ladies and gentlemen. So, we're gonna close this segment of the webinar now, and we're gonna open that back up at the top of the hour, and that's the top of the hour. We're going to have culture in government. We have innovation and transformation leader in government, grit tells a moral strata who has being with the government of Panama and and across multiple corporations as well, will share her journey of leadership and culture and business transformation. So, look forward to see you at the top of the hour. Thank you.
Ashutosh Labroo,
Group Chief HR Officer,
BMA International.
“Leaders don’t hope; leaders are the HOPE” has always beenmy life’s core philosophy and my natural leadership “go to” behavior. I try to live that statement with every breath of mine for everyone around me as much as I can.
I also happen to be a Computer Science Engineer, alumnus of the prestigious Symbiosis Institute of Business Management and have worked with large global MNCs like Ernst & Young, SKF, COMAU, RSB and ISS A/S before joining BMA.
As a veteran senior Global HR Leader, professionally I have always been passionately driven to establish “Great Places toWork Culture” for my employers alongside significant Financial & Business Success. Even though I have lived a “digitally inspired life”, I believe lately we are losing touch with humanity & my sincere pursuit now is to bring the human magic back to organizations through Emotional & Spiritual Intelligence. As an Individual, I am on a spiritual mission to discover my”self”.
I try to decode ASHUTOSH everyday by trying to breathe in & out and with every breath I am trying to better myself everytime. I would like to believe that I am on a pursuit to become a Corporate Sufi.
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