Courtesy of Advent Health Innovation Lab's Dr. Karen Tilstra & Andy Tilstra, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Creating Cultures that Create' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at BTOES Cultural Transformation Live, A Virtual Conference.
Session Information:
Organizations recognize now more than ever the transformative power of a culture of innovation, yet few know how to make it happen. Join this webcast to learn 4 key elements that foster a culture of innovation within any organization. The 4 elements will come as no surprise. In fact, most of us would expect these. Why then are they rarely seen in organizations? What makes implementing so difficult? This webcast isn’t so much about these 4 elements but rather how to implement these elements to create a culture of transformation, aka, a culture of innovation.
Through story, case studies, practical application participants will learn how to take these 4 elements to create a culture of innovation. Takeaways will include the four critical components needed to create a culture of innovation and how to :
Session Transcript:
I will be a real treat. We have doctor Karen Telstra directly from California. And we have ended ..., who is in Orlando, Florida, this morning, and they're going to talk to us about creating cultures that create, so, I'll do a brief bio on both of them care, until ... holds a doctorate in innovation and transformation. And is a licensed educational psychologists, gara, has helped businesses, universities, government, and healthcare organizations create innovation labs, and develop their innovation teams, She believes we need to stop taking ourselves so, seriously, so, we're gonna look for some fun, here in the morning, at least in the United States, even, in other parts of the world.
And ... got his Master's of Social Science Anthropology from the University of Chicago. He has done research on public space in Chicago and how it relates to power dynamics. Andy runs a podcast that has over 10000 downloads. So, Andy, looking forward to checking your podcast one of these days, but for now, very, very grateful for that, both you and Karen can take the time to be here with us and share your expertise with us. We're very much looking forward to your presentation.
Awesome, thank you.
We're very excited to be here around the world. All right, well thank you for that introduction, Josie. Yeah, let's just jump straight in to, that, don't be a crow. The power of Yes, and you kind of got the introduction of us already. My name is Andy and this is doctor Karen Telstra.
Right. And we're excited today to be with you, because working with a lot of places, and developing innovation labs, or innovation teams, one thing we've noticed is that culture cannot change, unless people are open to ideas, and if they can tolerate new ideas, just, for a moment, and let them grow culture, starts to begin. beginning to change. And so today, we want to share a metaphor with you of how we, oftentimes, destroy ideas, shoot them down.
And we should our own ideas down. So, how to, I want to give you a slight metaphor, a small metaphor with two tools, that will help you to keep ideas alive, so that don't, don't be a crow. The power of yes. And so, what is a crow?
Well, a crow.
Oh, sorry. Go ahead, Andy.
A CRO is an acronym that we identified in participants in a meeting who operate from a place of reactionary defensiveness when they feel threatened.
And we chose a crow for the acronym, but also crows. Like to attack shiny things. And new ideas can be very shiny, and they can blind people. So yeah, the crow is our acronym for what does that sound for, Andy? Well, the crow stands for these four needs: The first one is the need to be in control. The second one is the need to be right, and the third one is the need to stay objective. And the fourth one is the need to win. Now, these qualities can sound something like this.
So, for the need to be in control, I'll take care of it.
Well, let me think about it, and I'll get back to you. Millimeter, the need to be right.
Well, that'll never work, Or the famous, We haven't done that before. Sounds risky. It's the need to stay objective.
Where's the data?
Or I don't need. I don't mean to be cynical, but then the need to win.
Yeah, this one, if you can't win, you certainly aren't going to lose. So this is, if you want to do such something, but do it, but I'm not going to help, or, remember, never argue with the boss, mm. And these are qualities, I think, that it's common to human nature. However, when they're exhibited in a reactionary, defensive standpoint, they can really minimize the space. So, to really show an example of the crow, we want to show you to a friend of ours, Carl, a team leader.
Carl was a Real, is a really great guy. He is a popular leader on most cases, and he actually works for an organization that every summer they have a retreat, and Carl answers to the, the main guy. The CEO.
End He takes, they take turns with the doubt the reports who reports the CEO, gets supplant the retreat, So there's six of them. So once every six years I get the planet the retreat. So this year was Carl's. And so, he thought, well, I'll get the team involved with this. And the team was thrilled to be part of planning this really important retreat.
And they really worked. They called places. they checked out places, They talk to people, They interviewed people, what makes a dynamic retreat retreat. They've wanted to do a few things a little differently than been done before. And so they really had done their homework. And the time came for the meeting to report to Carl, and everybody was excited, Carl was excited to. And when the team began sharing, Carl, suddenly found himself feeling a little out of control. And so these are new ideas. So he started, his defense started to rise, and as they came up, the team came up with ideas that hadn't been tried before, were different from last time.
He felt threatened again like, wow, I needed to be right here. And, they were getting so excited. And he felt there was they were just exhibiting too much emotion, and we need to be objective. And then, he felt I can't afford not to come out on top. And so he just shut everything down.
The team was surprised, hurt, and felt really betrayed by Karl. But the truth was Karl, himself, felt he had betrayed the team. And people left the meeting.
And Carl went back to his office and thought, wow, why did I do that? And he actually was confused, because he hadn't intended to destroy the team spirit. But what Carl didn't realize is, by shutting down ideas, because he needed to be in control, needed to be right or say objective, he lost other way around. So actually, with the Crow doesn't realize is cultural transformation happens.
When you create an ecosystem, like he had created, but when the ecosystem started to roll, his ego took over, and an ego system went into place.
So, everybody lost.
So, what can you do if that happens, right, And first, I want to ask, Have you ever been a crow, or have you ever exhibited these qualities in a meeting with others? I believe we have a poll here. We can say this out also. I don't know if there's if there's just chat. We could also just put in the chat. I don't know if that would disrupt what, we already have Josie, but this is just a question I wanted to give out to the attendees. Have you ever been a crow?
Very good, so we're gonna run that poll right now for the audience. Have you ever bring a crow? Having a crow, So I'm launching that right now. So the poll is open. So audience, please go ahead and choose one of the options. These are very straightforward options. Yes, no, or I had, and start voting star voting. Have you ever being the crow? Do you have this, The know This needs to be in control. They need to be right. You need to be objective. And they need to win. So yes. No, or maybe so. We have about 40% of the audience voting at this point. Good job! Keep going, keep going.
I'm going to give another NaN here, just see how many crows we have in our audience. If anyone answer is no, I think we should reconnect after this to see what you're doing, right? Because that's an incredible attribute. All right, all right. That can help you hit the pope, is the pole vault, the bull option there. Excellent, all right. All right, we have over 80% of you voted. Yes, outstanding. So, I'm going to close now, and I'm gonna share this results.
I don't, so here's why, I think Karen or and you are, you, can, you can talk to the result, I can see it. Yes. You want to say to the 652% of yeses and the 35% of babies Welcome, we're Malcolm to The Human race, you're human, and we want love to find out about the, knows, how they actually have been able to live their life like that.
They could teach us something, right, So yep, so big, it Crowing Ideas, is very, but human nature. So anyway, yeah, thanks, everybody, for voting.
OK, so, Awesome, so we've kind of exhibited what the qualities of a crow are that's control, that needs to be right. You just stay objective, and the need to win, now, We want to also, in this presentation. Give you some tools on how to deal with crowing, Both external, and internal. So the first tool is car, and the second one is called Fly. The first one is call, and that is how to speak the crows language. It's how to bring everyone into the conversation.
This third, the second one, is fly, and that's how to rise above your own self doubts to retire in new places.
Now, first, before we go into these tools, though, we needed to introduce you to carlito a crow recipient. Carlito was working on a new program, a new coding program, and his team have been given this challenge is projects, and they didn't work out for awhile, and he had had a breakthrough and had a great idea that was little off the beaten path. So we call the team together at the next meeting, and he presented his idea with enthusiasm and excitement. But was met with some crow responses. How is that going to work? What does this mean? We haven't done this before, it, that sounds so risky, are you sure that even fits within our strategic alignment?
And Carlito was starting to feel like the crow's or descending on him, attacking his shiny new object, new idea, and he would have been completely defeated if he didn't know the tool car.
So using this tool, which we'll go over in a second, he brought the Crows into a conversation, he caught his breath, he paused, he acknowledged the crows concerns, and brought them into the conversation. And then he through what we call a What If party, to then generate ideas around the concerns and input there are brought together by the crows. By doing this Carlito and this group, we were able to improve uncorrelated idea and rise to a new outcome that was inclusive for all people crows, non crows, and just everyone included. And able to create the future that was needed to happen. It wasn't exactly what Carlito brought forward, but it was something that all had an input, and had had influence over.
Now, that was carlito, but, before we go over call the tool, we want to ask you first for our second poll, have you ever been crowed? Have you ever been the recipient of someone trying to control someone, trying to be objective, trying to be right, and trying to win?
I believe that the poll is now open.
I see a little notification, and just answer that one.
Take about 15 of you have heard the crow, just have you been on the other end of the curl. So the answer is here again. Yes, no, or maybe. Have you had your ideas shut down? Have you're being? Have you been on the other side of a curl? So go ahead and vote. And I will keep an eye on the volts here. Well done. Your everybody is becoming so efficient voting now now We're all gonna have 50% of you have already voted. Well done. More seconds here to share with us if you have ever been crowed before. So go ahead and complete your vote.
Take one of this three options, please.
We know these poles are really confounding and very complex. So we want to give you the mental space to really complete these. Excellent, excellent. OK, five more seconds before I close the poll.
Well done everyone. So, I'm closing and now in sharing the results already. So, we have 95% of you have big crowed, zero for no, and 5% for baby. So, again, welcome to the human race, Getting Ideas, Shutdown is so common, but it's so important that we learn the tools to actually create space for ideas to breathe, because that's where culture starts to change cultural transformation needs. New ideas. So we've all been crowed then, except a few of us, Which is the. Camera. Right. So either they have not entered the workforce. Yes, they are. Very positive. Or maybe has. Surrounded by collaborative support. Of course, we've all been there.
So again, we've created this metaphor to help you, in, when getting Crowed happens very quickly. So, Learn to speak the crow's language with car C, A, W. Just catch your breath.
Just create some space, then acknowledge their concerns. That's the best thing you can do with ... directly, attacking your idea, or even coming from the side and attacking your idea, Just acknowledge their concerns, and then we say, invite them to a what if party. So, catching your breath, what does that look like, Andy, to catch your breath? Well, it just looks like pausing.
And then breathing.
And while this may be it's literal, it's also metaphorical, because it's allowing space both for conversation and the future to emerge, that may be organic and needs to emerge. And take a moment to acknowledge the concerns.
Now, when ideas are getting shot down, that's kinda like feedback, and we always consider feedback a gift.
And there's no such thing as bad feedback. Believe it or not, feedback is just information. So when people are shooting down your ideas, you are actually getting some feedback. So, this is why it's so important to acknowledge their concerns. It could sound something like this. It sounds like we're afraid that we could fail. Why is that? Or what happens if we do fail?
Are you feeling the idea is too risky? Could you tell me more about that?
And just creating some space.
and then throw the best. What if party ever now? What does that, and if they might say, wait, what is what party? It's a simple exercise that we've created where we invite all into a generative creative space, or all ideas start with the two words, What if, and this isn't what if everything goes wrong?
It's what if everything goes, excuse me, it's what if everything goes right? It's a positive outlook on the future. We're not looking for cynicism here. We're looking for positivity and optimism. What if my fears aren't confirmed and we actually do succeed?
What would that look like? What would need to happen for that to happen?
So, what, how to throw a what if party? Like a four minute thing. And maybe the first time you do this, it might feel awkward. But actually, it's a form of activating or moving on the feedback you've gotten.
So something like, Wow, it sounds like my idea has scared you, or that my idea might sound like it's not aligning with the goals of the organization. So can we just take a minute, and have you, each of you in the group, like at this table here, these crows here? Think of as many what if the positive about the idea, Let's just take, what is the idea worked? What if it went forward? What could that look like? Give everybody one minute. And then I've told it to one minute, sharp, When it's done, close it down, OK? NaN, each person gets to share their ideas, to share their What if.
And then, after each versus shared for NaN, then take about two minutes to see the next steps. It sounds like maybe we have some more feedback on the idea, it sounds like maybe people have thought taking a different direction are added to the idea of built upon the idea. The key is ideas are just little bursts of inspiration, there starting points. And rarely is your first idea, your best idea. So you want to create a space.
So, this is a cultural transformation: here: create a space that ideas can actually start to expand, or if someone builds on an idea, they might take it a different direction. So, we want to encourage everyone to throw a what if party if you've been quote and it might sound a little savvier bow, I really going to do that. Just try it and share it with some words like this. It sounds like the idea is not working. Could you give me a few minutes just to imagine what the idea could look like or what idea might where it might morph into? And what we have found is most people will say, yeah, I'll try it, and it really energizes the team. It brings a lot of, it increases motivation. And everybody wants to give an idea.
That's just human nature. We love to give our ideas, we'd love to give advice with up, to give our opinions. And so this is just a way to do it. And once people start to understand, this is a tool that can be used in big meetings, small meetings, it starts to be very helpful. So, we want to encourage you to throw a what if party, and never let it run more than five minutes. four minutes is optimum.
So, that's a hearty. Thank you so much, Karen. That is, what if party, It's a nice tool exercise, and we've talked so far up to this, about what happens when crowing is, from an external source, or, even internal. So, what happens when you're the crow, or what happens when other people are crowing your ideas? So I'm gonna ask you another question. This isn't a poll, but what happens when you grow your own ideas? Now, this is sometimes the worst or the most intense crowing of all, because sometimes we can be our greatest internal critics because no one else will see that. No one also see the intensity of how we could shut our own selves down.
So to explain this, we want to introduce you to Carlotta and the Icebreaker.
Yes, here's Carlotta oh, Andy has done all the artwork. I wanted to give a little shout out to him. He created all these. Carla was a great worker and she was part of a the middle management would that every month, they had a middle management kind of report of how it's going, where our goals, but where are we with the goals and that kind of thing. So the meeting tended to get a little heavy on data and charts and that kind of thing.
And so Carolina has the idea about gamifying one portion of the of the meeting where data was being presented so she wouldn't talk to some IT guys. She talked to a couple of friends who are big gamers and they worked out of a way that the audience could participate in gamifying the way they did data. She was so excited. This was going to be awesome. We were going to be able to, she said, we're going to be able to make this a little more dynamic, which it needed to happen.
But the morning of the meeting, she started thinking as she drove to work, Wow, that's, with this idea, sounds so stupid, they're gonna think, and I'm just really out to lunch.
And so, the more she thought about, she thought, I can't do this. This is just so silly, I don't, my boss will fire if I do this. So she was in her office. She got her office, and it was about 20 minutes for the meeting started. one of her co-workers came by and said, Well, that, are you ready for the meeting? And she said, Well, no, I was, but then that's not feeling so great about it, and the co-worker asked her what's going on?
And she said, Well, I had this idea how to kind of spruce up the meeting and add some more energy to it, but it just sounds so stupid, and I'm not going to do it. And the co-worker said, Well, tell me, what's the idea. And this has gotta be better than what we do. And so, she shared that, the gamification idea, and the co-workers that this is awesome, You gotta do this.
That gave her the courage to actually go ahead and try it.
And so, when the meeting came, she tried it, people loved it, they were engaged, and they made the comments, We gotta do this every time.
Let's this is awesome. They had better participation. People left the meeting energized. So, Carlen had experience growing your own idea, and thankfully a co-worker had pulled her out of that ditch.
Now, if the co-worker hadn't come by, if she had only known how to fly her ideas, she might have been OK on her own mm. So, that brings up the next question we wanna ask you guys, Have you ever crowed your own ideas? Have you ever unintentionally controlled or state objective or wanted to be right or even wanted to win with your own self biased by saying, Oh, that's that's stupid, I that we've never done that before, I don't want to rock the boat or, That's too much energy, or what sound is so great. The day before, just before the meeting starts, the presentation starts. It's like, Ah, this isn't going to work. Or you're just totally think it's stupid.
The poll is now open. Have you ever crowed your own ideas, so, go ahead and vote. Have you done that yourself? The options are yes, no, and maybe. Yeah.
So, go ahead and take a vote on have you ever curled your own ideas. I also I saw in the chat there was a question asked by Janice. A lovely question, I would mean Karen, I think we'd love to answer that.
I think we will approach that on the Q&A, because that that is, that's probably one of the biggest criticism we get. Criticisms the biggest feedback we get by explaining this. So would love to approach that. At the end, the Q&A.
Exelon, and about 70% of you have voted, so I'm gonna give another NaN here, for the remaining 30%, to make up their minds. As needed or not, they are, they are actively growing their idea on how to vote, Remain there. We go, culturally. We now have an ... simply listen for this very good. Excellent, excellent. So we got the votes here. I'm gonna close the poll, and I'll share the results.
We have, 67% said, yes, we've got our own ideas, again, welcome to the human race.
8% said, No, And I think we'd love to hear from you, how you stopped from doing that. And then 25% says, Maybe, this is, I love seeing these responses, this is awesome. So, thank you guys for those. Yeah, and we also, we really designed this presentation to be a conversation starting point. Well, this is not, by no way a law, Like this is just a starting point for conversation, and just awareness of our own thinking, and others thinking. Right. And also, it's a way to possibly create some new language and culture, change as ideas start, to emerge, and they turn into language, and we get new language, and the culture begin to shift. Exactly. So, OK, how do we fly our ideas?
So, there are a lot of barriers to thank you. If Carla to have these these tools, this tool and heard about, maybe she wouldn't have needed the external affirmation to get to that point. So fly is an acronym for three words, FLY? The F stands for to have faith in your idea?
The L stands for to take the leap.
The Y stands for adopt a yes and attitude.
Now, this may seem simple, but these are the three things are very critical. To having faith. and, like jumping into innovation and cultural transformation. So the eff having faith in your idea can sound like this.
To actually embrace the fact that you're creative, that's something people say, oh, not me, I'm not creative, Everybody's creative. And so just have faith to, to let your idea live a little.
The L take the leap can sound like this. Believe in your ideas. Don't robbed from the outcome. It's very easy for us to rob from the outcomes we project ourselves to after. Everything's happening, OK. Like carlotta, OK, they're gonna think I'm stupid when it's done. No, she actually evolved from the outcome. So don't robbed from the outcome because you're not there yet. Let it just diverge. And one way to do this is we know taking a leap is fearful, so you need to leap afraid. And Andy, you have a little saying about that killing at least Nichols. I'm Lisa Nichols, I believe a leap afraid. Because you're gonna hit the ground anyway. So you might as well start sooner than later, and do what you wanted to do.
Then, the last one. adopt a yes and attitude. Just to be able to say yes, and, and. Yes, and it's really at the crux of pretty much everything, when it comes to stepping into ideas are embracing ideas, and Yes.
And is a, something we can all do. It's allows for space for ideas to emerge, and that allows for us to suspend judgement.
And two, actually let a new future start. Yes, that comes out of improv.
And it's really, oftentimes, very misunderstood.
People oftentimes think, Yes, that means I just have to just say yes all the time.
No, it doesn't mean that at all. Yes, it has three components to it.
Yes, there.
What is a guess, our mindset? The key is, you don't have to agree with what's being said.
Not at all.
You can add to the conversation by suspending negative judgement. So how could this look? So oftentimes, when we're talking and somebody starts to disagree with us, we just shut down, or we roll our eyes, just whatever. But in this case, like we talked about car and flying, you actually step into that. Yes?
Means I'm creating space and means I'm going to add to the conversation. Even if it's not going how I want it to go. Or I feel I've I don't agree with what's happening and means added to the idea of building on the ideas of others. Building on what's being said, and you can go in many directions on this. That doesn't mean you have to. Flatly refused to refute the person. Just to add to the conversation, Now, space has started to be created. And remember, first, ideas are rarely the best ideas. So by suspending judgement, you're able to create space and remaining of the conversation.
And as long as you're in the kind of conversation, things can change is when we stop talking, that things don't change. And remember, conversation is still the best problem solving tool.
So by our metaphor of the CRO, car and fly is just a tool to help create space for people to stay in conversations and actually start to see transformation happen.
Awesome. And yes, it is almost the antithesis of the CRO mindset.
So looking at our stories that we presented today, Carl did not say yes and to himself or his team, when, excuse me. It seemed brought forth ideas that he'd given them permission to do. But then he operated from a reactionary, defensive standpoint to feel threatened.
Right? And started, The key about Carl was that he didn't feel good about what he did, either. And he found himself, asking, Why did I do that?
And these are all real stories we're telling you. With Carl, talk to me, He said, I don't know why I did that, but I couldn't help myself. But giving him a few tools and actually just understanding why we shoot down ideas is really helpful. You don't need to be in control. You don't always need to be right. It's OK if some things aren't objective. And winning is not always winning. And losing is not always a defeat, so he didn't, he was already winning with his team, but he just did a new eyes to see it. And that's where cultural transformation is about creating an ecosystem, not an ecosystem, which is so easy to get into. But this is, you probably know that already actually.
Yeah, we don't, we say we don't present a new information, Just perspective of information, we already know, Presented in a different way. Yeah, exactly. Carlito with the with, The crow's carlito was able to say yes, and because of the car tools that he had, he was able to bring the Crows into a generative. Yes, and conversation to include their input and then create the outcome. That all felt they had responsibility and creation over.
So that was Carlitos story, Carla almost didn't carry through with her idea, that really gave people a wonderful experience. And fortunately, for her, she had someone come by an encourager. But next time, she'll know that she can actually realize that new ideas are scary. And oftentimes, we get hesitant to put them out there. And so when you have a new idea, just understand it is probably going to be a little scary or write up before the presentation. Like even us, we thought, maybe this will work, We said, Let's just try it, and remember, your ideas will hit everybody in a positive way. Some people might say, OK, whatever. Somebody say, No, I don't agree. So this will say, yeah. I really like that. So remember that you don't have to about a thousand.
But within your ideas out, there is a way to change the world and then having some tools to be able to tolerate new ideas, and embrace change, is also the crux of our transformation in cultures. And conversation is, like I said, still, the best problem solving tool.
So Andy, why don't we have we now have a yes, and Oh, sorry. Go, keep going here is, OK? We now have the tools to deal with crows both inside and out. So sorry, sometimes the reason we encounter somebody that says we usually present with three people. So we've had to kind of re-arranged some of the transitions, and we're right yeah, so now we have the tools both. Yes. And the Essentials, comm, and fly we want to present with you. Our last poll, which we think is our favorite, which is this, is What Spirit Bird represents Your ideal mindset? How can we reframe the crow into a more collaborative, innovative bird that might enable more conversation and collaborations, right? So, this, you might, this might be our happiest cart. But when you are coming into a situation where you are doubting your own self or other people are doubting you.
We, Andy, drew up some birds here and we've to characteristics of the birds, just to have a mental image of what, what can inspire me to actually stay in the conversation when I'm being Crowed, or I'm throwing myself.
So eddies drawn out these birds and we want to invite you to choose the one that you actually resonate with the most you would tell the birds zandi. Right, yeah. So first, our first option A is the hummingbird precise. And quick? Second one B is the Eagle Daring and Courageous. The third one C is the Peacock Charismatic and Social.
D is the Sun Parakeet bright and vibrant, and the fifth one E is Penguin. Who does things differently now. We haven't poll for you, and want you to identify which one or ones I don't know. If the polls option area, you can create more options to see which of these birds you identify the most with.
Take some time, and think about that. And then next time maybe the crows are happening, the crows are descending. You can respond with your own bird mindset to then increase the input and increase the collaborations to have a more innovative outcome.
So we have just launched the poll right now. What spirit bird do you relate to the most? And the poll in the poll says, A, B, C, D, and E. And Andy, could you, or Karen, can you remind us what each one of those options mean? Again, right, right is the Hummingbird. So that's precise and quick. For a B, is the Eagle Daring and Courageous C is the Peacock, Charismatic and Social.
D is the Sun Parakeet bright and vibrant, and E is the Penguin. Who does things differently.
I can repeat that again. So a precise. Perfect, OK. All all all the birds around the world are voting already, So. I'll give you a few more seconds here. What bird are you?
I'll half of you have voted at this point.
I'll give you a few more seconds to select, and I know these decisions can be difficult because you can see traits in different areas, and I think the only one selection just, pick the one that, the best represents you.
Yeah, we should add whatever. You can do A or B, or C because every time we've done this, even with you, just say we did this before, we started, you chose two of the birds. Which, I mean, that's awesome, because you can, I mean, this is kind of, like, we talked about, like Myer Briggs Test are these like behavioral tests and how they can sometimes limit or put you in a box, right? So, we don't want to, this is not to pigeonhole you of oh, we should have had the pigeon up there. I learned this morning that I'm confused bird! All, right!
Ladies and gentlemen, So, five more seconds here to take a vote, and we'll, we'll close the poll mm. I'd love to get somebody to that question that Janet said that I think that's very, very good question. So, Well, before we have one. Just one more slide, I believe. Oh, sorry. Yeah, OK, so this is interesting. I love this. We don't have any hummingbirds have 35%. Or Eagles. 13% are the Peacock.
And the Sun Parakeet 9% and 26% are the penguins. Awesome. All right, for Hummingbird. Thanks, you guys. Yeah, this is interesting to see.
Interesting, we've noticed that the, the Eagle usually gets the most. I mean, I wonder if that's because daring and courageous is usually seen as like, more potlatch Rings, but the Penguin gets a lot of votes and doing things differently.
And also, I think it's reflective of innovators are oftentimes daring and courageous, and they do things differently. So sometimes we read a you're really the first people. We've tried this and we did some beta testing and we saw a lot of the combination of Eagle and Pigment, so not. very good.
OK, so we have just taken you through our metaphor of, Don't be a CRO, and embracing the sand, and thanks for joining us, and you're, I remember your ideas are worth hearing. Awesome.
And that's a good question and a, Yeah, I can stop presenting now.
Very, very good. Excellent. So, fantastic.
So, thank you so much. This, I'm looking at, the question is now coming in and please continue to submit your questions as Karen and Andy engage us on the on the conversation now. All the birds from around the world coming in. And so, the first question that we had, then you, I think you saw even though one coming up. And the, the, the first question came from Janice Peters and Janice asked.
Needing to think about new ideas seems to be reasonable if there is no intent to crow the idea, but to give it some, some I'm sorry.
But my, my screen moved. Whereas I was doing the thought. I was reading this. Someone curl mind reading. I, OK, yeah, my screen, OK.
If there's no intent to curl the idea, but to give it some thought before moving forward with the conversation, are there situations where there is a legitimate or appropriate know, crowing, if you will? Yeah, and really, it's not driven by a desire to control. So, if you can talk a little bit about that. Absolutely, yes, that's always the case. In fact, when we're running ideation sessions that our lab, we also have the, know, the nose criticizing zone. and then we'll say, OK, let's go into a critical debate where you can just criticize the ideas. But, I always think it's the intent of the person. So, when someone says, hey, you like carlotta, you want to gamify that sounds really interesting. I have you thought about people who might not have understanding about this. Or have you considered that it might take more time. Those, I wouldn't say are shutdowns to invite actually feedback. And, remember, feedback is a gift. There's no such thing as bad feedback. Absolutely, for base. And so, I think we're really talking about what Carl did.
And we've, we've had, we've been running the one particular lab for 12 years that we get. So, this is what drove me to even create this kind of Sappy metaphor that people would say, wow, you know, sometimes you just can't get going. People are jumping on ideas and shooting them down before we can even move. So, Janice was the name of the person. Who said Yes? Yeah? Yeah. So Janice, I love that you said that. Because this: Just engage them. That I would view That is growing. I view that as someone who's really wanting to join in, and you can actually ask people, is, I encourage people to say no, Thanks for, thanks for asking that, or, I really appreciate you asking that. Do you feel comfortable with the idea? Or do you feel critical with any part of the idea?
And what I've found is rarely, or is anyone trying to do something from ill intent, oftentimes it's like, oh, boy, we have that. We don't have time, I don't want I've set the bar. So I will be back with the boss for two weeks. What am I going to do, Is, It's always more about them, anyway, if they're shooting your idea down almost always. So.
I don't know if that answered your question, but that you just, I think it's take a gaze is the big thing. Yeah, that's what, Yes. And it really is all about. It's when things become uncomfortable or go down a route, you didn't foresee that. You don't reaction that reactionary defensive point, also. We want to be very clear this, this crow series we're doing is not to ostracize people, It's not to delineate that person's bad. We need to keep them out of the meeting. No, No, No, This is to create, to create a safe space for all people to be able to be included in the conversation grows and you know, Peacocks, Eagles, hummingbirds, everybody, including the crows. Sometimes the crows are your most valuable teammates. Sometimes the people that we had a group at our, at our lab that were, they were redesigning out of a hospital and they were on a lake. And interestingly enough, the architects did not embrace the lake, and so we had the contrarians come in.
That's part of the innovation process, that I love it, you really is actually asking the Crows to come in And the first question was, how can we didn't consider the lake? And the architect? Oh, my gosh, Yeah. So, they, were able to shift other brands and move the hospitals so, now it's overlooking the lake. So, we're not actually devaluing the contrarians contribution.
What we're really talking about is, a fear zone. Yeah. And I have to see that happen so many times. And it's just a way to call just catch your breath, affirm their ideas and then actually try to move people into let's. And you don't have to actually say, We're gonna move to a What if party. You can do that. Actually, just by saying, I'd like to hear more ideas. I'd like to hear what you guys think about that. That's, that's another way of doing it. So remember, it's always about opening the space, and inviting people in.
Just think for a second. I think, because I know I said the crows and survival, but the whole point of this thing is not to be a crow. So, to just make some more information on that, the crow input is valuable, but when it's coming from a threatened standpoint, it can become, as Karen was saying, ego and not eco, When it was operating from there. Like me and myself and I, operating from the lowercase S itself, then people will operate from fear. They'll operate in a sense of controlling, and they'll try to hedge their bets. But when we enter that generative space, where it's an ecosystem, then all people's voices are valuable and all inputs valuable, because it's no longer about the person, it's about the idea.
Then the ideas don't define the people, right? And one thing that I've learned, we've had, we've run over 600 projects. When people start shooting down ideas. You can actually say, Let's just take a break for a second. We come back, think about what's been said, and is there other than the ideas that are coming into play. And just, I cannot emphasize, how important creating spaces, And that's, probably, you probably know that already. But just to take a moment, create space, invite people in.
And you can even say, all feedback is welcome here, and then you aren't allowing a crow type of situation to happen.
And because, I had an encounter with a high level executive where he had presented some ideas. And everybody was kinda like silent grows.
Like, OK, he, they were out in the hall, and they were no more on the halls. So stupid, this isn't going to work.
And he came to me and said, Oh, my gosh, what what have I done to allow teachers, so that they feel free to say anything? So we did some kind of deep dive into that. And he felt that He had actually an inverted as knowing they've been growing everyone's ideas. They said, we were afraid to say they do. He was so disappointed to learn that. And he actually changed the way he operated.
And I think that's a big thing, too, is just realize how we come across, Absolutely, anyway, So.
Oh, just say you are muted, it seems.
Yes, I am. I was a silent bird for a moment here. So, there are comments about what you just talked about, and the, and the, and the system and the, and the gym, de Vries, specifically, who is a very experienced leader of large transformations, really done that. And he talked about how important, what you just discussed, which is moving from an ecosystem, to an ecosystem, and to an ecosystem. And that's, that's, you talked so well about that. Karen, we have another common theory here, in question from ..., and our zoo talked about, you discuss this a little bit about, as well.
And I, and I, she wrote, then, there is a bit of a struggle with providing.
Her point was that some people love to throw ideas LL, right. And they have no accountability for their ideas. It's just like, oh, I had this idea and then kind of walk out of the room.
And that's kinda the other extreme is so based on that she thinks that there is some value on, on, you know, talking about those ideas. And I know the ideas. You know ideations about diverging and then later on we're going to converge and you're trying not to kill ideas too early to tell me a little bit about what is the right time to to stop the divergence and you can start moving towards convergence.
Well, I think, it's, I see innovation as really a iterative process, and you can, just like when you're discovering about the problem, you could keep and you feel you've learned something, then, as you move forward, new information comes, You learn again. I feel the same with ideas. I think there's always a time for new ideas.
There are times we say, well, we've got what we're doing, we need to reach our goal, but I feel like the iterative process allows for us to say, Oh, it sounds like as we're meeting are, moving forward, a new idea came in that might build on that idea.
I think it's common sense, and a way to say, we know where we want to go.
But let's be open. When new information comes, we can tweak like Carla. She said, you know, we're going to run the meeting, we've arranged the meeting, but I want to gamify something. I think there's always time for new ideas. Now, in Carla Carolina's case, she, her co-worker helped her but she could have actually beta tested that idea. So you could have gone out and prototype with some people to actually give herself a little more courage. And then, also to see, does the idea work. She might have gotten some more ideas, too.
I think that ideas can always be in a parking lot to, maybe it's so late in the process. the project that they just need to get to a point of baby testing, or launching launch, a soft launch, where things could be tweaked. And you can say, we're gonna keep that idea for later. We're going to keep that idea and see how we can use it, or apply the little different form or different forum.
I always think that saved your ideas. But also, knowing ideas, Really, I think this can't be said enough. Ideas are. just first of its gray, So, don't be buried your first idea embrace. Do ideas as they come and build on ideas. That's the idea is really start to take off. And I love, I love that. The final, that, the key message right there, it's about building on ideas. And I think that our, our world, Neil need builders. It's very easy to destroy, it's much harder to build. And you have presented, on wonderful session on how to build Karen and Andy. Thank you so much for taking these insights kind of a fun and incredibly valuable approach to break resistance, and organizations get all those involved and, and create.
Cultures that create a culture of builders, and so thank you so much for sharing. It's been an honor to be with you, and all the people that we can't see. We are happy to have met you, and have a wonderful rest of the sessions versus so much. Thank you so much. As a Thank you, guys. We're so honored to be here and good luck on the rest of the day, I say. yes and yes. And yes, and yes. by setting up our next session now. So at the top of the hour, we are going to invite risky. Mohammed Reid was done from Angel set, already do directly from Indonesia.
To talk to us about developing regional Agile digital squads and he is stocky, he's going to discuss how that's the new normal way of working cultures. So, you do not want to miss his session. We're going to stop. We're going to start at the top of the hour, and that will see you back then. Thank you.
Dr. Karen Tilstra,
Co- Founder,
AdventHealth Innovation Lab (FHIL).
Karen wants to live in a world where work is fast, people are free, and chocolate is devoid of calories; but in the meantime she has co-founded the award winning, AdventHealth Innovation Lab.
One year after launching FHIL, she co-created the Orlando Magic’s Innovation Lab. Two years later she co- designed the nation’s first undergraduate degree in sustainable Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship.
Since then, she helped other organizations develop innovation labs and has guided more than 28 global healthcare companies through the design thinking process.
To date Karen and her FHIL team have facilitated more than 500 design thinking projects with more than 5050 healthcare professionals, students, faculty, executives and community leaders from around the world.
Karen is a licensed Educational Psychologist, with a PhD in Innovation, Leadership & Change. She has taught and presented nationally and internationally.
Currently Karen lives in Orlando with her artist husband, while their 3 sons make their mark in the world. Karen is the proud owner of the “world’s wackiest dog” who resembles a cross between a raccoon, weasel & opossum.
Andy Tilstra,
Chief Information Officer,
Advent Health Innovation Lab.
Andy Tilstra, straight out of the hallowed halls of University of Chicago with a Master of Arts degree, is Creativity Effect's newest Innovation Guru, Andy leads and teaches teams in the art of innovation and creative process. Andy has studied improvisational theater, developed a thriving podcast, “From Away", and designs and produces the educational content for Creativity Effect. When not working his fingers to the bone, you can find Andy playing guitar, drawing, and traveling the world!
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