BTOES Insights Official
August 31, 2020

Cultural Transformation Live - SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT : Moving At The Speed Of Business… During A Pandemic

Courtesy of Wells Fargo's Bilal J Muhammed, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Moving At The Speed Of Business… During A Pandemic' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at BTOES Cultural Transformation Live, A Virtual Conference.



Session Information:

Moving At The Speed Of Business… During A Pandemic

THE PREMISE: With the backdrop of COVID-19 and a Tsunami of Business Products, Services and Technological change forcing the question, “How to Influence” therequirements of Cultural Changes and a Shift in IT Demand/Supply Models?

This presentation will focus on Transformation & Innovation from a Cultural dynamic,with the backdrop and impact of the Coronavirus. We will discuss the following:

  • Isolating “Speed to Market” Governance concerns and Hybrid Supply/Demand Model implementations that level the best of Traditional and Agile Strengths in Legacy Organizations
  • Efficiencies of Hybrid Processes and “Reduction” in Key Stakeholders, Decision Makers and emphasis on those who Deliver and Decide becoming One Function
  • Procurement through Implementation/Operation and Retirement; the urgent need of one contiguous system of Record, Workflow, Engineering, and Change & Service Management
  • Reporting & Monitoring as an Enhancement to Risk Management and RegulatoryCompliance in a Matrix and Remote/Mobile Workforce.

Attendees will walk away with the understanding that conventional boundaries between industries are eroding. The relationships among suppliers, producers, and consumers are also blurring more rapidly than many business decision makers are prepared for, and that these approaches to a High Capacity, Dynamic Hybrid Supply/Demand Model is the only methodology capable of …“Moving At The Speed of Business”, even during a Global Pandemic.

Session Transcript:

Honored to be your host, I'm very excited for our next guest, that allow Mohamed is joining us today. So we allow please do join us very excited to have you here that allow, is known as an innovative, Global, and Enterprise Business Transformation subject Matter experts. The Law Mohammed has an extensive pedigree with Fortune 600 companies in the engineering risk and regulatory and business process management space. He has a focus in cultural transformation as the catalyst to sustainable change, and has a, has proven to be a global champion in this space. That allow, I'm really thankful for you to be here, to share your, your leadership, experience, and, and, and the journey at Wells Fargo with us. So thank you very much.

No, thank you very much. It's a pleasure to be here and with the audience. And as always, a pleasure to be here with you, as well. Today, we want to talk about what impacts most of us currently.

Moving at the speed of business is typically what we do as a day by day BU operation. But now we're dealing with something that's a little bit more insidious that has had an impact to all of us on some kind of way. So for the next few minutes, I want to share with you the journey of how do we adapt.

How do we address the issues in a hybrid environment, but dealing with it now with the reality of a global pandemic.

As I said, most of us have been dealing with this fourth Industrial Revolution, whether it's in the form of AI, whether it's instantaneous information, whether we have our end users, or our lines of business, now. dealing with Consumerization, buying their own technology, as it were, and having to find a way to incorporate that within a project. Also, how do we now move at the Speed of Business? Now, everyone was really focused on this. And we kind of see on this slide kind of a breakdown of where these industrial revolutions have happened.

What we were looking for in our world was what was going to be the tipping point.

Was it going to be in, in, in education? Would it be in finance? Would it be in politics?

What would be the one thing that made us have to instantaneously pivot towards addressing the demand?

Well, cope at 19.

Out of nowhere, we found ourselves dealing with a global pandemic.

We found ourselves having to now adapt, to not only telecommuting, but dealing with the impact, societal impact, personal impact, both in a health, educational, political, and socio perspective.

At the same time, business still has to move forward.

How do we address it?

Well, going to be part of our conversation today when we're looking, of course, all the conversations around frameworks, around architecture, around information, around data, around all the elements. Whether we're using agile, whether we're using an iterative format whether we're going to be doing the old school TQM if it's waterfall, like this NIST, if it's Koby.

What we had to do was to understand that now we were dealing with an end user endpoint disruption model. Well, what does that mean? What that mean to us now that we had to deal with platforms not just products.

Prior to the pandemic we had a pretty stable environment. We knew what the intake is going to be. We knew our consumption models. We had an understood and regulated CapEx and OpEx. We have projects and programs in our pipeline. We had funding.

Now, we had to deal with something that a little bit more, it was the displacement.

It was now shifting our data element, which is our primary key, the end user.

Now, the end user would not be in, our buildings, would not be. Running on our platforms would not be within the architecture, would be on the other side of the DMZ. Would also be in consumer market grade products. We found ourselves now having to deal with SLAs that would be impact but we also had to keep our customers satisfied.

Even though there was a impact globally, we still had to sustain delivery and IT supply demand model.

So, now, we had to We had to think a little bit differently. We had to approach it differently.

We had to use another brainwork, How do we innovate?

How do we transform?

What I want to discuss with you right now and share with you, is something that's a little bit more beyond the scope of our simple approach to technology.

It's something that we've kind of forgotten about along the way, and because of covert 19, we now have been focused and made to focus, excuse me, on this simple element.

How do we dry personality driven team, a dynamic personality driven team?

How do we create shared situational awareness? And what do I mean by that?

How do we ensure that everyone limping now in a very disbursed fashion?

Understand, communicate, and draw to the same end goals to the same deliverables, working on the same action items in the same sprints in the same focus.

Screenshot - 2020-08-31T142344.258At the same time, while not having the ability to do the informal touchpoints, to have close proximity.

Have to now work, not only with the challenges of remote telecommuting, but also dealing with the dynamic, that now, the Home, Office, school, laboratory, vacation, whatever you want to call, took place at your ...

How do we ensure that we still keep this moving forward? Shared situational awareness.

Communication and collaborations, We're dealing now with platforms, not products as a strategy.

So, disruption is an issue now that's on the forefront of all of our money.

What's the clean slate moment?

Not that we have a lot of time to adjust for most of us, It was almost instantaneous Within about a 10 day period.

We went from a normal operational mode to a completely remote workforce, and if there was a mixture within that, we had other people picking up on the work that we've done, so we call this that covert effect.

The Covert Effect Now is isolating that speed to market governance.

We now have to not only address what does a hybrid supply demand model look but how do we now overlay it with our current DAU and operations?

How do we take this immediate demand for access to telecommunication access to remote collaboration tools, access to remote markets, Not just off shore, near shore, but how do we do the B2B interactions? How do we work with our vendors? Now, this is also, with the, with the B, over a line, or overarching reality, of risk management risk, mitigation regulatory realities. Also, maintaining SLAs, overlays.

The efficiencies of a hybrid process, As we know, and I've said, in previous seminars, is that now we look at the reduction of key stakeholder decision.

And we emphasize on those who deliver and decide, as a single function, the ability to now cut, oh, get rid of the noise, or the overhead is, is, is what we in the process world, we can call it leaning, or whatever we wanna do, we wanna get to the brass tacks. Let's just call it that.

The previous seminar I heard my colleague talk about Squads and we and the functionality of being able to say, How do we get to the critical few that can perform the critical tasks? Into the critical few that can perform the critical tasks, Whether we call them Squads and in our world we call them Tiger Teams. We also refer to them as centers of Excellence.

As a resource, we now realize that everything from procurement, your implementation all the way to retirement.

We had big need to have a contiguous system of record.

Workflow, engineering, change, and service management.

Those critical elements would be our supply chain that would fulfill the IT supply demand.

Also, as an overlay to that reporting and monitoring, but not just reporting and monitoring from an SLA perspective, but with an enhancement on the risk management and regulatory compliance side of the coin.

Because, again, for most of us now, who are dealing with an expanded platform, we're not only vertical and horizontal. We're now extending beyond our boundaries or beyond our borders and there are parts of our network.

Btog CTAWe don't control Because of that, whether it's through VPN, RSA challenges, or however, we allow that authorization access and authority. We still have to deal with parts of our chain having the ability to be hacked, monitored, and because of that we have to have a sense that sense of understanding that. So reporting and monitoring becomes very key.

When I mention dynamic team for your leaders and understanding where you have to be to function within this pandemic and still move at the speed of business. You have to develop a single approach of understanding team, building with emotional intelligence, when we're in our offices, or on our campuses are in our, our bubble, as it were, for those who understand the sports analogy, When we're in our bubble.

It's easy for us to isolate both switch, and focus on the elements of work.

I work life balance is, is very segmented. We understand that this part, and these parts don't necessarily meet.

In our dynamic today. We have to deal with all of the life and work elements now coexisting in one spot. We also have to deal with personalities. There always are a little different in the office than there are at home.

How do we build a dynamic team?

How do we address the need to still perform, build our team, understand the human element, understand the work dynamic, and still keep the top performers performing at their best? And, how do we take those, who are not accustomed to this format, and pull them up, and move them along the way?

Emotional Intelligence. understanding the personalities that you have on your team.

Subdividing your groups and your meetings into functional elements based upon the personalities.

Also, the One-off Meeting's virtual watercooler. We have to find a way to be able to still socialize virtually, in order to foster and support the functional team dynamics.

Because for myself, am I in TP the introverted mean doesn't necessarily mean that I cannot interact with it. But it also means that I may not engage as quickly as others because there's an introspective part. Because of that.

In a teaming dynamic, in a virtual environment, it may appear to be a disconnect. So we have to be aware. Some of our most valuable people that have the institutional knowledge are sometimes often the most quiet on phones. They don't engage in a lot of the dialog because they are, they are already aware of what the issue. We have to make sure that we understand the personality of our team, because that remote team will function.

It will respond and it will work differently.

Then if we were all in the office face-to-face, looking at the body language and understanding how to move one of the other forward. So this is very critical.

If we miss this part in a pandemic, we may find ourselves without all the information that is necessary to be able to deliver, to sustain, remote, innovate, and transform group.

So what is this mission that I talked about creating shared situational awareness, not only in a pandemic but in, in our transformation efforts from a process excellence perspective and business transformation.

We often miss shared situational awareness. We often miss the feedback loops.

We often discount the outliers in the neuse as things that detract from the go forward strategy.

When in actuality, they are there the feedback to the sustainable growth forest strategy, creating shared shared situational awareness means tearing down the walls between towns. And we'll talk about different business function models very quickly.

But I want to make sure that everyone understands this point, because it is very key in order for us.

In this fourth Industrial Revolution, and in, within our structure of business, in order for us to be able to move and transform and innovate.

Creating shared situational awareness is key I refer to it, as what is the difference between awareness and illumination.

Illumination means that I am pushing information towards you. Illumination means that not only am I making the information aware and a score card, or a pipeline, board, or an executive briefings, I am getting your attention. I am driving this information directly towards you, and I'm putting an analytical understanding behind it so you can interpret what it means to you specifically. You have to engage in shared situational awareness.

19So everyone understands, how will they participate in innovation and transformation.

Often, we drive projects in this very linear, overarching way, even in the Agile, we recreate stories and sprints that just focus on the key people who are delivering and everyone else is left out until they're required to participate, but that doesn't give them a continuity of understanding what the deliverable.

So, when we look at this, the governance, the visibility, the flexibility to collaborations and control is an ongoing partnership.

And it's not just an ongoing partnership within our vertical space, an ongoing partnership with our end customer, all the way back to us, and everyone who participates in them, should have that awareness.

So, this framework of understanding this new demand supply model, how IT should engage in business, how IT supply should interact with the demand, how they interact and the demand should be structured, and what are some of the approaches, and the common pitfalls.

Now that we've looked at understanding the environment that we have to navigate within a pandemic. Now we have to address the parallel issue. Parallel issue is how do we move to this transformation? Direct transformation directive is what we have been doing to this point.

But it also means, how do we take this directive, and how do we take now this dynamic team that is now functioning not only remotely.

But this is functioning in a very high performing model, in a telecommuting format.

now, how do we drive this thing forward?

Curious question, structure, organization, organizational structure is just one element of good governance models.

But if you do not have these five particular key in a back control, I visibility space, you will fail.

And it won't be immediate failure. It will be a complacency in the culture.

It will be the ability to create tech debt. Without a care. It will be the ability to not have a service management loop that ties everything from the planned stage and the build stage, and the run stage, into a continuous monitoring and continuous improvement.

It will be the ability to stand up, projects in, deliberate and step away with it, without any concern of how it perform. It will be moving into projects without seeing if the projects are still viable are needed.

In the fourth, industrialize revolution.

Being able to plan two to have a project or to budget, 2 to 3 years down the road, does not exist anymore.

We have a horizon that 6 to 8 months, so even if you have things that are fully funded, and you're ready to move into this next stop, next, stop of implementation. You have to now also implement with this new team approach.

Your stakeholders, fewer contributors, very dynamic, very lean, Sparkman approach to it.

You also have to ask yourself the question, does this project skill needs, or as it has been funded, before you do any one thing.

So these five elements, so understanding that the structures are clearly articulated and widely apart, your leadership mandate is that it is widely accepted That is agreed upon and completely understood.

Key word, understood. We just can't have information out there. We have to illuminate.

Also, well defined, inconsistently Follow decision making process.

We have to have repeatable, reproducible, responsible process. We have to make sure that, as we're doing our work, everyone can get muscle memory to understand what we should be building.

And so we have a rigor and a cadence, And then we have to have incentive and metrics that are effective to driving that behavior.

Then, above and beyond everything, going back to understanding your teaming, an IT staff who is motivated And they possess the desire, mindsets, and skills.

Please understand those who have been around a long time may not necessarily possess what you need to move forward.

I tell my teams, the things that have gotten you here may not get you there, and we have to understand, we have to examine it and ensure that we're keeping new eyes. New voices, we have to be both diverse and inclusive in our approach to our mindset of how we do business.

Again, This shared situational experience requires us to be able to have new voices, new thoughts, new approaches, new paradigms enter into our conversation as valuable as the legacy information and those who have been doing it for quite some time.

The demand supply, ity model, nothing new for any of you, you understand. We have the business demand, as well.

I won't get into this because we have a short period of time, but we do have to be able to understand our demand organizations mirror the business structures.

We also have to understand that our supplier organizations have to focus on delivery, and they are organized by capabilities, Not the business law.

Often, we get this confused because of that: We find ourselves in different understanding, and we're not able to maximize what we're doing from a process perspective, when it comes, in this case, speaking to specifically in IT.

one of the primary things that we have to understand, and sustain the supply and demand side of the coin that says, We're trying to transform an integrated. We need to be able to have, again, shared situational awareness. We have to understand what's in the pipeline. We have to understand the overarching realities of the deliberate, We have to understand the architecture. What can it support? We have to understand, the roadmap to know, to know when our, when, our platforms are becoming exhausted with our products are starting to sunset when they shouldn't be retired. We have Delta, Delta, Air, and other companies that we saw when they ran a platform or product beyond the the the the life cycle beyond their requisite lifetime when they failed. It was catastrophic up into that point at work just fine.

So, re-investment in that was not was not priority. And so, companies will sweat assets beyond their their prescribed period only because they are still function doesn't mean that it works. But, or a line, but its function, so we have to make sure we're driving innovation.

Screenshot (4)Part of a shared situational awareness is understanding the strategy and aligning that strategy to the business demand and also shaping the business demand while we also look to say what does the businessman demand look like? What does that landscape? What does that horizon? When we start looking at that, we can then now start shaping up.

Whether we work in a centralized or decentralized function, I'm gonna go back again, understanding how to put together a dynamic team. The dynamic team will help you identify this particular matrix. They will help you identify what you're able to do, and how you're able to look. This is key. This is critical.

This dynamic team, this very sensitive and understood, functional body that not necessarily has to work from end to end, but it has to be the foundation that you used to set up and transform. Once you launch it correctly and then you have some stewardship and governance in a shared situational model. You're able to now scale at ways are unprecedented.

If you're able to create what I just shared with, you will find, not only are you able to transform and innovate, but you are also able to accelerate.

Because now, what we're working with is a dynamic team that not only understands the legacy or has embedded with them, the institutional knowledge. But because of the inclusion.

And given an empowering the voice, of those who are you including, to have a very diverse and inclusive team with shared situational awareness, you're able to leverage the best of both, that institutional and those things that are transformative.

Very key.

So, how do we engage?

Very quickly, it's really just three choices.

You're going to have a business led model, where IT and business, And, again, in this particular seminar engages, you're going to have a IT spun up demand through a centralized model, or you're going to have the demand supply model.

Those three things are where everything will fall in, within functional enterprise business.

Not spending a lot of time on it, but here are the best things to be able to focus on, in regards to the business, or BU.

It is geared for innovation, because you have no middle understanding that shared situational awareness allows the partnership between the business and IT groups.

Challenges you have to be able to to to qualify and prioritize your work, because sometimes the business unit with the loudest voice or the most senior leaders will get prior art, doesn't necessarily mean that that's a good or bad thing, but you just have to happen.

And for those of us who work in the process management perspective, or project managers, or scrum masters, for those who are working in the BPM side of the house, please understand, you have to understand these structures. Because they will work this way, and they will have the challenges of this. So, if we look for efficiencies, because maybe we don't want to have that BU lead, we can look to say, how do we move towards efficiency?

Typically, this becomes that middle period in the transformation. Are we going from, from where we are today, and how do we get to where we will go tomorrow?

one of the things with a centralized model is is that it allows the benefit of scrutiny, introspection, and inspection. And then the business units has have a single throat to choke, single track a tie, or is it work, But also it can have a bottleneck. So we have to be very careful of that.

Then, for responsiveness, the best and overall piece of this, is that you have this demand supply model. It allows you to be able to set up for yourself an interface on demand. It also has the challenges, if you're not aware, is that you can become an order taker, so things can pile up in the queue.

So, we have to be very careful of that as Bill, moved very quickly with this, because time is on us.

When we're looking at the three choices, typically, lifestyle or life's, excuse me, life cycle, model comes, plan, build, run, or PBR.

When we look at the PVR model, we found ourselves looking at the benefits of technical skills or interactions, and, again, going through that shared experience works better. There is a consistency, and, and the SPLC model. There's a consistency in the bill. And from an adaptable perspective, it also allows you to say, How do we move in an Agile and respect? It mirrors and matches that aligns very, very quickly.

The one thing I want to caution us, as we're kind of getting near the end of our time frame, there's more to say, but I think this is very clear.

We want to focus on these five elements apply across all of the models, across all the platforms, across all the businesses. It's not IT, This is building very strictly business.

If you're looking at problems, if you can put them in one of these five buckets, you can now start driving, innovate and make things better.

We're in a pandemic, all of these things are now amplified magnitude 10.

As you develop your teams, as you look at your approaches to your models of implementation as you identify your frameworks, as you start rolling out different products in the midst of this pandemic as we start looking at how do we maximize a remote or remote workforce.

Screenshot - 2020-08-31T142344.258We have to remember these pitfalls because these will be the things that plague us as we move forward.

I won't spend a lot of time about talking about the transformation, because we've had, we did focus really, though on the acumen. We talked about Tiger teams, being having culturally sensitive centers of excellence.

And now this new time market will allow us to innovate and deploy rapidly with the illumination.

Illumination means that we're pushing this information out wards, with with a qualification.

Also now, introspection becomes part of the dynamic of the team, not just inspection.

And so now, we're learning from our data, we're becoming better at what we do. In every cycle that we do, we are now driving, how did we realize this framework, this transformational directly? You now have better agile awareness. You are controlling, driving the consumer journey, and you have partnered dashboards and scorecards that are now comprehensive. It allows us to focus on what we're doing.

So regardless of the terminology that you huge transformation, disruption, innovation, it's very crucial that you understand what we've just talked about the extent of the digital transformation.

Has an effect across the organizations' beyond what we see today.

We also have to ask the question, what do people expect from their efforts at transformation? We have to control the German, we have to speak to the German journey, and we have to eliminate every step of the way.

How do we measure the success of their actions? How do we give immediate feedback to immediate work? Not only just fail fast, fell off, but how do we award immediately? How do we applaud and support and drive the teams in a positive way that gives them positive feedback, even if the positive feedback and is challenging?

And, more importantly, is technology growing to become more importantly, more important than the people in the organization.

The fourth, industrialize revolution, brings technology in to us in such a way that it can be overwhelming.

We have to remember as we build team, we build structure as we transform it as we innovate.

People, people, or the final step.

The final element in our transformation, we are empowering people to do better, stronger, fast.

I think that's it for today.

And I will just leave you with this thought.

We're dealing with accepting a challenge not only from kogod in a pandemic.

How do we still push the needle? We still transform.

How do we still innovate?

Thank you for your time.

Appreciate it, and we'll look for questions.

Terrific. Belov, thank you so much for sharing that.

We have have a number of questions that have come up here. I'm going to ask you to stop sharing your presentation so they can see your picture of the video a little bit bigger.

Um, bring your video back on, just click the Stop sharing the presentation on the goto Webinar interface. There you go. Exelon. Thank you so much for that. So, we had several questions that came up as you're speaking. And I, and I encourage our audience to continue the questions, and I'll keep monitoring as as we go for the live Q&A here. The very first question, let me bring this up here, had should do about the assessment of the personalities in your team, if you will. And before I asked that question, let me understand the chain context a little bit better. What size of team we're talking about here, What are the main objectives in the organization? And maybe that, if you can provide some context on the team.

Yeah, Sure. Typically, and our teams, we're organized across a lot of vertical everywhere, from from legal to engineering, to procurement vendor management vendor relations, our end users, our business units. So we have a very cross pollinated matrix matrix the environment. And we deal with not only a lot of focus, but we deal with a lot of individuals that have a different approach to business as well.

Very good, very good, How many people, roughly you're talking about?

Depends on implementation somewhat.

Some of our teams are as small as 10 to 15, we have means that go into 40, 50, 60. So, it just depends on the particular project in that particular sprint or that particular program.

Excellent, so, um, so the first question comes from ... here. Mustapha has a bit of commentary. He says The myers briggs are good at understanding of personality traits and how to relate to people. He has found the Belbin is a more appropriate for selecting team members and his curiosity is really about that. It's, have you considered other team tools on this journey of identifying the personality types, have you really focus on using Myers briggs for that? You can share a little bit more about that.

Yeah, that's that's actually a very good question. I, in no way, am promoting one above the other. What I am promoting, is that, we have to do some. Right? So, so the question becomes, what tool? Now, again, if you have one that you prefer, or if you don't have, I want to make sure that we have a starting point and acknowledge. The ability to, to drive innovation. But not only drive innovation, how do we work as a community within our own competence, is understanding everyone who's at the table. We get the best out of our teams, when we understand how to communicate with them, and also, what's the best way to engage them, to get the most out of them. So that really is the focus, whatever tool that you use.

19And if you don't know, for those who are on the phone, who don't understand what these are, then I would say, go to your HR reps and worked with them. Typically they, they have those tools or they have references or access to that and bring them into your team, so you can have a good, I, as a manager, I've always employed some form of that, so that I could be able to better understand my teams, so that I could better, not only manage Partnered with them to ensure that I'm getting the best out of them. So potentially, we have phenomenal teams. But if we potentially have phenomenal teams, that means that we're not getting the best of it. So, again, Mustapha, great, great question, and, again, I would just challenge all of those who are listening to implement that in part of your team. If you don't, you're going to be missing some of some of the best information and the best resource.

Excellent. Jonathan Glennie has another follow up question here.

He says, After understanding the environment, did Wells Fargo look at the concept, look at the concept of duality and he talks about duality as the separation off core processes and improve into those core processes and separating them from Neil digital growth. And he has additional comments, areas that I'm referencing, the ability for legacy organizations to migrate datasets for certain core processes to the cloud, and using that, you work on, say, transforming the revenue cycle and for another perspective, working to develop new digital improvements. So it's a bit about the core, and about sustaining the core and expanding and growing the business, is curious about how, how those concepts are evolving there at Wells Fargo.

Yeah. So I would say, because that's a lot, like, I would say, I wouldn't necessarily put it specifically on on Wells Fargo.

I would just tell you that for every company, that, if that exists on legacy content, but either through merger and acquisition or just through innovation and transformation, you do have to find a way to, not only can continue running on your, your 15 platforms. But now how did you introduce. The question becomes not not replacement. It becomes introduction. And one thing is sunsetting another starts to Sunrise. And you have to maintain certain levels of business. Now, I would, I would say across the spectrum, not, again, not just for Wells Fargo, but across the spectrum. What we understand is, because we have to maintain the business. We have to maintain the operational. But, sustainability.

And moving it forward, we do also have to introduce, what do we, how do, we say, how do we introduce without disrupting, But, at the same time, replacing the platforms? And what you have? And you mentioned it very well. A lot of companies are now moving into the cloud space, whether it's an internal or external lot of people using Amazon Web Services AWS. Some people are using companies that directly allow them to outsource part of their platform.

But, that ability to now take the growth into a very dynamic and flexible environment allows for not only the introduction of new products, but it controls the the OpEx side of the coin. So, if we're if we're controlling that, that allows us to now introduce and innovate new platform to service. So, you're able to pilot more programs for those of us who have been around in the technology space and defense fintech space. We all, remember, everyone had a banker And you had a personal relationship with that banker and you knew that Bankers name. And you went to the banker with A piece of paper? And you had a transaction? Now, rarely do we go to the physical bank and interact with an actual banker. It's online. Or it's an ATM. Or, or if there are different ways, how did that happen? That bet, this placement came about understanding what your core business and the business strategy is introducing technology that not only mirror it, but it enhanced services.

That enhancement was actually a replacement in disruption, but it was introduced in a way that it complementary services.

So, as we're dealing with our legacy technology, we complement the services, and we move, for example, traditional voice services and now, voice.

board introduces the ability to have digital transformation, digital transformation now links data to the voice. Now, I can take my profile of my customer. And now, when the phone rings, not only do I see their name and number, but their account information, and everything comes up. And also, the opportunities to upsell. All happens simultaneously, but from an end customer, it's still a seamless journey. So that, we get, again, as I talked about, again.

Understanding the end customer, as you're in data point. If we factor to that, everything behind that can be transformation, and it's seamless. And it's, and it's fairly transparent, but that's, that's a great question, thank you very much for asking.

Very good. The lao, or if it the coast, who is coming from the south as southern portion of France today at, first said, very formative. Thank you, for sharing. This is this session. And, And he's curious about whether you have some examples where the agile approaches are actually not enough or the agile approaches are limited for transformation for innovation acceleration. So, so, in summary, it does, you know, is that ... is the solution. Or there are places where Agile isn't really the right approach.

Yeah, No, great question. What's a good cool, But thank you very much for asking. I think, again, it kind of goes back into the last part of the presentation.

We have to understand our structures sometimes because of SLAs.

Often, because of vendors, and third party vendors, and third party will have a direct impact on an Agile engagement, often, their SLAs will not mirror or match what we need.

Also in innovation, sometimes the, the, the SPLC cycle, as we start to do the design work in the development, those cycles may be a bit elongated. So we have to account for those, influences the sprints.

So when we're dealing with development, when we're rebuilding with their third party, when we're dealing with vendors, those things will have an immediate impact on what we look at spreads. And how they should, because people will, people, unfortunately, associate Agile with, with agility. And it's not synonymous. But in business, we find ourselves taught sometimes thinking, Oh, it's Agile, which means it should be done in a day.

Screenshot (4)And it's not so, we have to make sure we control the narrative.

As you're putting together your book of work, from an agile perspective, as you're designing that story, you have to communicate to your stakeholders, things like vendor and vendor engagement, things like third party. Things like development cycles, understanding that a lot of what we've done is in our Agile side of the house. We've, we've taken our charity, and we've moved jira Agile closer, because we understand that what's gonna be happening in that workflow will be the lease.

The least of what we can do, it will have the most impact. And because of that workflow, it will influence what we can do here. Controlling the narrative.

I think is the most important part of Agile, Not necessarily that we're looking for acceleration, but we're looking at what's the discernible parts that we can control in a certain frequency at a certain caveats. But, a great question, because I think a lot of our leaders have adopted Agile, as a philosophy for acceleration, and not not for having something that is consistent, constant, concise, and, something that allows us to not have an 18 month project that we don't discover the instate until 18 months later, So, a very good question.

And, again, I think those three elements are the pieces that really influence how effective or efficient from a perspective agile can be surveys send you merci beaucoup here from, from that answer. So thank you very much, but we also have Jonathan Glenny, say, thank you, a thumbs up, coach, Paul. The Kansas saying that, what A great approach with your teams, and the, and the accelerating technology, and innovation, and and the lao. Thank you so much for taking the time to go into the depths of the journey that you're going through, and the improvements, and innovations that are being implemented. We appreciate you, Your, leadership. And appreciate your insights very much.

No, thank you for having me, and thank you all, Stay safe, daycare.

Thank you. All right, ladies and gentlemen, this concludes our third session of the day, and we're going to wrap up the conference and the last session of the day at the top of the hour, with a tremendous speaker coming directly from Europe, the Leader for Improvement and Innovation at Lego. Peter Evans is going to be with us, so you do not want to miss Speeder join us at the top of the hour. To have a great conversation on how one of the most innovative organizations in the world is dealing with changes in culture, in business, and digital transformation. So look forward to seeing you at the top of the Hour, with Peter Evans and Lego directly from Europe. Thank you.


About the Author

more (6)-4Bilal J Muhammed,
Vice President, ISRM,
Wells Fargo.

By Way of Introduction; Bilal J Muhammed is a Senior Level Global Technology Professional, Multifaceted Subject Matter Expert (SME) and Lecturer on IT Innovation, Transformation and Business Process Improvement.

Raised in Newark, New Jersey; Bilal joined the United States Navy, earning the Classification as a Data Systems Technician Petty Officer (DS3-NSW) in Combat Systems & Aircraft Carrier Communications Systems. Further complimented in the field of Computer Science from Howard University, and certifications as a LEAN/Six Sigma Black Belt, AGILE Scrum Master/Coach, PMP/PMI and ITIL v3 Service Manager as well as industry certifications from Cisco, NORTEL, Wellfleet, BayNetworks and other leaders in the Business & Technology space.

Beyond Business and Technology; Mr. Muhammed has letters in Post Graduate studies from Al-AzharUniversity (Egypt) in Theology, which has served him in his past role as a Chaplain for the Department of Corrections and his local community. And is a member of several International Interfaith Dialogue Counsels and Community Grassroots Programs.

Bilal currently is Vice President, ISRM at Wells Fargo Bank, with a focus on Global Products & Solutions Information Security Adherence Methodology Policy & Processes. He is also a member of IT Industry Forums; IEEE, IT4IT, ITSM, an active STEM Mentor/Facilitator and Past & Present Board Member of the Black Data Processing Associates (BDPA) and the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE).


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