Courtesy of Siemens Financial Services's Nuray Gurtekin Sen, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Importance of bringing a process management approach into system migration projects' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at BTOES Financial Services Live Virtual Conference.
Session Information:
Development of a new approach: “System Integration” concept and embedding into running project. Structuring and mobilizing stabilization and remediation program for end-to-end contract management system (order-to cash). What we have changed and what we have learned…
Session Transcript:
That succession in this segment, we have ..., who is the head of business excellence and operational transformation at Siemens financial services in americus.
Dry. Yeah, go ahead. Thank you. Prior to that, she had global process, quality, strategic manner for strategic management programs, PMO Function, function lead roles for more than seven years in Siemens corporate technology research in digitalization and automation. No write X as an internal consultants for seamless global senior executives on process designing improvement, change management, and business transformation programs. So now, you're talking about a thought leader and a practitioner, all the ones. So there, I will. actually, privilege thank you so much for being with us and sharing your expressed today.
Thank you for the invitation on, giving me the chance, as well. Thank you.
Hello, everyone. Good morning and afternoon Today, and I will, I will share one of my Experience in CMS Financial services as a lessons learned actually we learn a lot from our this experience and I'm glad to share What's being learned from our one of the complex post Migration Projects? How we try to stabilize and into the entire system and most importantly, want to be known?
And How we will move forward? Today, I will I will share this experience with you so As I've tried to explain it in the in the in the beginning if I split this hour ish my presentation into three key pieces. First, I would like to share with you our key business problem and high level overview, and what led us to move forward on planning, civilization and remediation program. And and, and then I would like to give you a high level structures that, what we have achieved today, and, and to last, How we will move forward on the, on the long run.
But before, before the, before the presentation, I would like to start with the sophists introduction.
CMS Financial Services is one of the sea mounts service company that is serving cross functionally. All CMS operating companies and strategic companies cross functionally from smart infrastructure to industrial visually, industries, and is the CMS analogy to Mobility. And Health Care Organization, is providing cross functional services on the, on the financial area. And Seamounts financial services has been established around 1997, in order to provide B2B, is enough financial services in a nutshell, organization is mainly focusing on three key and value proposition.
CMS financial Services is strongly contributing to CMS other products and business as a financial service providers, also, Besides, the Mass companies organization, is also providing financial support, financial services, to touch parties in order to diversify the portfolio and minimize the risk, and leverage the scalability.
And, that is, that, is that turn, turn key value proposition. We can see SF as employees expertise and know-how, which can bring mainly to all see mass units on the, on the risk management side, on portfolio management risks, and end on the banking is standard recite.
So, when you look at the overall business unit and and the entities, CMS financial services is all around the world. There are so many different presences in different organizations with different entities but on the on the core.
CMS financial services is providing equipment and technology finance and working capital, finance, project, and structured finance, corporate landing and financial advisory soaps to both CMS and Nancy ... Customers.
And this is our, our prisons, global prisons. We have very strong portfolio in America.
We have offices all around in Europe, Africa, Middle East, Asia, and Australia.
After this short introduction, off the company, I would like to start, to, to, to walk through it together with you. in our talk to our journey is a surreal Jeremy because, for me and my, my journey at least, starts to ... my transfer from copper technology to see most financial services. And since then, step by step, we aim evil to and and overcome the stabilization and humiliation of our one of the complaints and and and problematic migration project experience.
So, what was our key problem?
That we focused or we faced, during the post migration turn time period.
First of all, we have, we have significantly unhappy internal and external customers due to her on stability and organizational and operational system. Every day, we have to deal with and other file. And this file dress, or a nice, based on the, based on the, the problem, when it has happened or cure than it has altered our enabled taskforce or groups who are attacking the problem, but these are short-term fixes in this environment. Also, there are diverse, so many ... between roles and responsibilities, and this completes, the on the verge also reflected in the inter communication and in line with asthma.
one of the curves are curves.
Get English deployment was the process management piece. Unfortunately, intake system dictated, operation total walkthrough, and manage its processes instead of integrating organization current processes into into system.
So, the system has been designed totalling under their arms, and because the system brought new processes and the processes have not been known and operated in the organization, Overall system has been disrupted and welcome in different layers.
All these activities are coming in new problems, create a seminal parallel initiatives, but all these initiatives, as I mentioned earlier, we're not plant in a structured way, and we didn't know who are attacking to which activity or which project or research problem and due to complex thing going on side it was undeveloped manage and operate it.
The other thing is, due to daily finders, we all is an organization couldn't focus on the long term solutions. Because all a renewable resource we're focusing on fixing the urgent stuff, but fixing problems caused and other issues, because we have seen them be on the list of the ticket system. I will mention later, we have seen several repetitive tickets due to lack of focusing on the root causes, and fixes focusing much more on short-term solutions.
And the last, the ads, actually extremely important for her was, was lack of the performance management. We have a system. We had some set of Data to beaver amount actively monitoring and test panel for sharing the results of that because that's why we didn't know it. Well, so Lori and Gray in terms of managing all the stickers. And understanding the status of the ticket and the resolution behind.
So, simply if I simplify the situation, I can explain the situation. In this way. We have several change requests and and the incidence we had we did not have clear policies, roles, responsibilities, and all we will and Dana fire drills, distracted, and lots to understand the main problems and providing long-term solutions.
Often, I enroll in the organization and analyze the tinkers at high level, and, and started to dive deep on the root cause analysis.
I realize that our current empty, because we're not actually representing the core, the core problems that the root causes. And I couldn't see the direct co relationship correlation between a relationship between the existing T, because what we are attacking the fire does, but actually, what were the key problems behind? So, in order to understand where we are, what? What are the hidden risk, underlying risk, which we don't know today, but something can come up tomorrow. We said that we need a different analysis.
We need to change our the road in, in this, in the in the resolution of the pupa series, dilution of the problems, and we really need to know what's the whole today.
Everything is all about risk management, and and we need to we need to really understand the main areas.
So in order to solve this problems, we listed a key areas.
Immediately, we prioritize our tickers and the system. I'm talking about quite a number of tickets.
We established a cockpit, structured into law, in BI tool, and dynamically, and on time, we started to show the status of the tickets for the users and our internal customers.
A, B, A describe eye level, but lean, but at the same time, a good enough governance will be immediately released this process. We described roles, responsibilities, process itself, communication model, and key metrics that Holly will measure the system performance overall.
Know, instead of attacking the fire drills, we structured the, all these activities we focused on, these, submitted, the root cause analysis topics as a fox shops. The land in the short term springs is kind of two weeks or three weeks of gains for the four defined dual activities And also, we integrated control design, a batch controlling interface. Controlling it if you're active, controlling or IGC, IT consulting gardens control structure into oldest projects.
Other key activity is a Process management. Be by hard to know. That process should come first. But unfortunately, the system couldn't design based on the operational processes. We immediately started to use our current processes, is processes during this focus workshops. So we start to do, we prioritize, because you didn't have so much capacity to focus on all this stuff. We prioritize them and based on the problematic area, the started to map our event streams. And meantime, you realize that change management and user adoption are critically important. And we didn't have a good training materials and and be needed to update some of the tree in the space, only changes in the system, the preparedness, oldest handbooks.
And last, and most importantly, it, particularly, in today's topic, is, that we decided that we need to, we need to broaden that. We need to understand that how we can stabilize and navigate the system.
So, because I knew that the capacity was a Limited Islam, it is still in the organization. I propose to do our management to bring external eyes, external, experienced particle along on financing and servicing side on these operations, and a robust together to prepare our recipe, to be honest in order to stabilize and germinate the system.
And then I start to work with them.
In the next two stages, I will explain what we work with, Accenture, what we, what are, what are the key steps you follow during the definition of this civilization and an emanation projects? And what is our next?
Let me start quickly with the structure on, on the civilization on domination.
As I mentioned, I will, I will provide, you know, high level, our scope, and our approach, and then I will walk through with you that, how we consolidated all these data, and how this data told us that, what we need to do.
Let me start with the red, the high level, from project framework, in the civilization on navigation the project. We said that we need to, we need to attack two things. one is immediately we need to stabilize the system. But at the same time, we need to complete some foundational gaps in the system.
In order to catch it, all, this information may be a bit that we need to look at all secrets all ages because authentic school stickers everything.
And, and understand the structural. Foundation in terms of solution design, functional structuring, technical architecture of your data management, data architecture, and structured interface, ambition monitoring system, and an overall project management employees, a pleasant beliefs.
Our approach has being, has been described into the, into four key areas. Number one, we know that we need to immediately analyze our front of tickets, because tickets will tell us some of the stories, some piece of stories.
We need to prioritize the stickers. We need to check the repetitive activities, and, and, and, and consolidate the findings in a project language.
As I step, we decided to dive deep on the, on the ticket analysis, in terms of solution design, technical architecture, around data management, view, interface management, structure, project management, and an overall program management structures, including life cycle and release management. And at the end of our key roadmap is a study concluded with should conclude should consolidate a key a standardization randomization activities.
This list of projects also have to meet it have to be addressed with a detailed tasks detail, action items, and corresponding a global samplers best practices. So, under this approach, this framework, we, we started to work with a center, and we started that process is, first, whatever we have to establish in the system, and based on the improvements based on the civilization.
We should start to analyze the process and understand the process requirements, and then look at the System Requirements, Business Requirements, and check that.
Check the chart on the existing system features. Look at the data flow. Look at the data managers.
You want to be a look at the data, governance structure, and master data management views, And the important thing is reporting a view in order to support total monitoring, system performance, and, and overall project governance.
A and B, as probably should be entered into this meal: solution, Heart and their methodology. After me will understand the processes, a kernel versus future process structured. The gaps in the, in the: in the, in the system.
We have to, a view, our current solution design, and we have to improve it on the methodology side. The way that we need robust project management system and medical issue to move objects.
And this field is showing actually or representing the summary of what I have mentioned till now what are different different yield as I mentioned.
We need to first understand what we have. What is our findings findings has to come from, CRS has to come from, process analysis, and data analysis, and then after. We have to leave all this data from off to understand the root causes and and consolidate recommendations.
Extend your team together with us, followed all the stages, and firmware that as a fan 18 projects, aching civilization, and determination projects, but how they did this in the, in the analysis part, I'm sorry, Mcnish? Yeah.
On the, on the share. And then the society focused on different dimensions, on the, on the tickets, we look at the ... process, based on the root causes type, root causes. We look at the trends based on the level three processes. We look at the growing trends, we look at the the size functionality requirements, we also changed now functional tickets and how they are correlated with each other and outcome analysis. And we look at the heat map.
And based on this analysis, we concluded a couple of key outcomes to be found odd couple of key outcomes and they helped us a lot in Understood defined civilization or limitation projects.
First of which, are also known as an incidence in our population, in our analysis. And, together with team, I will show you in the coming slides, be mapped and tie your processes in Level one, Level two, level three, and then understood the, analyze the data base on the the most effective part.
Across the, across the defined, What causes, and we have found out, that ... Month processes were hacked, that's, significantly from this stability in our root causes, has been a consolidated in in 7 or 8. And yes, but these Ayesha for two causes configuration issues, or unavailable to the functionality site, Data Management, Confirmation, and Interface Management, who are our key root causes on the problem area.
And all these problems have been addressed in your projects data management, GLM Trees and Icons Inside Onboarding and period's closure together with. A GL entries became our under project.
On the process on the site, we said that processes are, we have to bring process based approach, in order to do that. The established, a process management structure, the most value stream mapping. But it has been a standard version, because we didn't only focus on community versus responding to user or responsible part. We also added systems and data flow into our workflow. And also, we edit some of the quality gates control points. And then, in the end, we describe our level one, level two and level three processes. This is CMS language, But, actually, it's a cascade of the processes.
After the match processes, before we met, the level concept, be focused on some of the problematic areas level for process maps.
And after the analysis, all this processes and change request, we get the together with a century, categorize our root causes within this.
So, six core areas, configuration software, configuration calculation, software, usability, and Functionality, issues, data integration issue, and release quality, has been described as our cube root causes. And, all these root causes had been connected, or, or, or length, which gives foundational area, versus an operating model, data, management, business, requirements solution, design, and I bet they will want testing and user adoption exchange management.
So, based on this analysis and findings, Yeah.
Extension Team projecting the recommended to us, some set of activities, and this ... has been consolidated within 18 projects. I will show you this projects later, but I also would like to show you one of the key learnings.
And, extend your team, also provided us market perspective on it wants finance system occupation, because we had some architectural Nissan drilling chromosomes as well. So, we look at our system, and we look at the, the, the come on benchmarking views. And one of the key findings, for example, in our system, is that we had so many point to point interfaces, This point to point interfaces created so many interface management ...
issues at the end as a summary.
Me, together with the team, and my, my, my team, and the core, it's not your project team. Describe this field as a final final structure for our process of Project life Cycle model. In the model, everything will start with the processes. We will integrate data management and analysis of the process, your forms. I'm simplifying, there are so many details, but we don't have so much time to share the details.
And based on the current, is this process analysis that we designed a system to define all the requirements, and then after check the system based on the predefined specifications and the features like their system has this features or not. For the gas, we decided to, to, to add a new sequence in the system and change their release concept from ticket face, or at least two version based routes. So, it's a, it's a big change, a big change for us. And, also, we realized that our test management system should be enhanced, and, and integration of regression testing and to ask testing. Automation, also off areas. The real crucial, and we decided to enhance this area, too.
And on the, on the cross functional area, reporting team, we have currently 14 work stream. A reporting team will support cross functional all these activities and user adoption, the enhanced the change management.
In this exercise, in this vehicle, the phase one pull this roadmap definition and project definition. We also realized that there are some missing roles like data data stewards the process. Process manager hasn't, but we have to focus on much more on the future state design. This is project engineering, much more testing managers.
These are some typical missing rules, we realize that, and during this time period, we are also trying to fill these gaps in the organization and at the end, an organization after all the analysis of the entire program.
They used privatization methodology based on our, based on the common findings and be prioritized the the findings unconsolidated this findings into 18 buckets, 18 projects and, and and emulate this mission by using impact and priority analysis.
At the end, we agreed that we need to attack on six servicing projects and phi financing projects, but cross functionally. We also listed six areas is a foundational area, and this foundational area will work across all these projects.
How we will move forward. Let me, let me summarize what I presented to mouth, and you will easily connect the dots on the, on the flow. Whatever I presented to now, which is civilization handled elimination roadmap activity is described as just the integration effort is called Phase one to Phase one. Activity between March on me, this was six weeks engagement.
In this engagement, as I mentioned, the way we describe this 18 financing service saint and foundational projects.
We are right now in phase two, because these findings, this framework has been extracted by a Global Leadership Team. By the way, this project ... or a project, But actually it is not is a global project. The reason is that the US has been selected as a pint of country as a foreign country. After us, Spain, France, or other countries are on the, on the line, for this. A significant change in the, in the, in the contract management system. So, this view is currently, structured meal, has been selected, also.
Let's practice across the, across the organization, NSF S, and if they agreed to move forward on execution of this 18 selected list of project.
Now, I'm in phase two, in order to, in order to plan this 18 projects in detail, because it is highly complex and out And, it requires so much contribution and enrollment efforts.
On the, on the Phase three, and this is our next step, we will, we will integrate this green model, the box into Orange for Love, process, mapping, requirements, design, solution, design, development, and testing. Actually, this is a typical PDF PDF on my site, structured, but, the integrated structure is a combination of a child, but, as the combination of Waterfall and Agile Structure, I will show it to you.
The end goal on the main objective of Ps three is still of course ... and stabilizes.
As I mentioned, our, our aim, right now, we are working on it currently, to, to, to transfer, or translate this model into typical PLC workflow. What I'm talking about, And for all finance and servicing projects, We agreed to run through this process structure, and we will first look at our process mass e-mail documents, our current processes for anti angina patients and describe our financial manipulation test case.
Then, we will dive deep on that one the requirement analysis by this requirement and this will be done process based not only constant constant emulating ... the existing system requirements.
On the afternoon we will complete process based requirement documents. We will move to solution design stage in the solution design stage, we will discuss future state processes and these are future state processes. We will describe our specifications. We will also understand the guess, I guess it between the current system and our future state. And then we will describe functional and non functional specifications this cases. And the overall system design will be completed.
Then, no longer on stage will start, we are working with ..., we are working in this planning, also, cool with them.
After the entire system running infrastructure, coding has been completed, we will move to testing. And all the 80 test system test integration integration tests will be complete, and we will handle, wish the project to the operations team.
We are in the phase two, as I mentioned, I'm in the planning phase, step by step.
We are walking from high level scope definition, again, highly requirements, definition to solution, for the estimation, we have already completed solution, therefore, destination. Yesterday, we are working on the project planning and program planning in detail.
This is our typical cycle, as I mentioned, we will follow. ... is typical product development, life cycle flow, but also, we have to a child in the in the commerce stress. This is a typical sprint, and the estimate of effort in that in, For the, for the generic projects, but, for each projects, we are customizing this timeline.
this electrical, falafel plan, but, we are right now working on the customization set.
So, at the end, at the end, I can I can share with you what in this experience, a couple of key takeaways.
Yeah, and I'm hoping that this learnings will have few failures, the future and development features, product integration, or running projects.
Number one, the process should first shouldn't be able to this as a first priority. Unfortunately, our system has not been, describe, or design, based on our processes.
We just use data, integrate the existing, provided the Software as a Service solution into our system. It was one of the key jobs that's where we are today and why system is broken in several layers.
Second approach is governance model Be meet new needs in annual. If the system and deviation of urbanization, projecting PMO should describe the robust governance model. In this model, the key principles roles, responsibilities risk, structured communication pattern, and all all, all these monitoring and, and ... system should be described and established before projects.
Communication and alignment is another.
Our key takeaways, had several communication. Channels, we have some spots, are not plans.
May be describing the ...
that reach meetings or rich environments, our decision making platforms, which platforms are used for just status updates, or how we can, in which may or enriching level, we have to align with Juan Martin, decision makers, who are already numerous, who are the approvers. So, the design of, during the design of the project, during the project planning phase, a communication and nine month context, it should be evaluated and designed to math.
Borg Cash is actually coding and Taiwan from my perspective system integrator role, whatever the tool has to be integrated into the organization.
You need system integrators. Because system integrators will help you or in your organization you need to assign somebody to mutate research, to bring all these components, process management component, data management conformance, Test Management console, entire project life cycle conformance, release management component. And an Indefinite Wolf.
This rule should consolidate all these informations and all these activities across the steppes and and walk through in the, in the deployment together with the assign team.
So, in a nutshell, Where we are today in the, in the integration part, which I tried to summarize you and, and our lessons learned on to now, if this is, even though we couldn't complete the entire project, I can tell you that we have currently significant progress on closing the cheapest. We closed maybe more than 70% of all.
This right now, must be no debts and we have to focus on the execution of these 18 projects and civilize, We believe that the realization will come after me, will have robust foundational processes. This framework structures, which, design organization meantime, I couldn't show you the organizational changes due to some reasons, But also, we are not only focusing on the system changes and processing performance in ... shaping our organization based on the project in the process.
Thank you very much for your time and joining my session, I'm happy to answer your questions.
The ride, great session, The incredible detail on the, on the on this journey, that is applicable, not only to the context of where you show at Siemens, but it's a great example for a lot of the technology implementation discussions. We have been having. we are having throughout this. Throughout this conference, I'm gonna ask you to stop sharing your presentation so that the audience can see just our video into bigger screen.
So you're going to be, there you go, you got it.
So, the number of questions here I'm going to start with, Antonio, or Keizer. And he Antonio says: Hello, on the Rise, Very interesting case study, and thanks for sharing it. My question is, to what extent did the team also define the vision and future state enterprise architecture? And it's for typical domains, in order to inform the activities on the roadmap. So, so, division, the future state of the enterprise architecture, how much of that was defined by the team, versus maybe, someone else?
Actually, that's a good point. And in the data management part, this is ours, one of the improvement area, I couldn't provide you the detailed work packages on each project, but data governance, technical architecture, will master data management.
Is strategy behind data management and architectures that you are our typical, the action items, actually, in, This is mass MoCA do all, this is global IT role is, just, a couple of days ago, we were discussing, for example, called, Managing, this is all about architectural strategy, that's why I like the question a lot.
So, I'm, I don't want to blame any, any function or any activities. But this is also another gap in the, in the, in this project. Maybe something has been for birth, but it wasn't reasonable. And it's not integrated into our practice. That's why I can answer this question that this is in our to the list.
Very good. Very good. The next question comes from ... Martinez, and Anna says, Great presentation, very well organized project. Thank you for sharing that. Her question is, how long did it take you to collect all the data and project justification? And the, and she comments that collecting all the necessary data to get it approved can also become a challenge. Keeping teams engage for an extended period of time. So, how did you go to that data collection, keeping the team engage, as you're going through this process. Talk to us a little bit about that.
Absolutely. It's, that's also another good question.
In overall, consolidating the topics, and a listing in 18 projects took six weeks, but it was really heavy plan. I should tell you, it was your live standards and facilitate that view.
In the, in the data analysis we have system, we have inconsistency in the system. You can easily generate the data we just collected and dom oldest data to our BI tool in Accenture was using a Microsoft. They need to power BI but we have Tableau. First, I use the system, the cockpit in calendar.
When we started to analyze fits Accenture's, or they use Power BI. And it didn't take too long. Again, I can tell you want to one half weeks, The is it is a reasonable time killer.
In terms of Muslim mobile duration analogies, keeping them up to date and somehow engage the verb, the key problems or challenges in this project.
I can't see how we did this, that actually organization, is that they engage.
They are suffered from oldest problems and they really would like to close all these gaps in the system, and they would like to stabilize best wine. Yvonne. From one side, they are frustrated. Particularly at the beginning, right now, they are seeing some light at the end of the tunnel. They know that the recipe came up right now, and we know what we need to do. So they're more happy now, compare with the beginning, face it.
There are some ways that I used as a program manager, that I constantly updated them based on the progress based on the, the 18 months, When once they saw some small progress and quick wins and you can continue on the on the motivation side, and then they started the ... Church as a partner. They felt more secure because the team is highly knowledgeable on their subject matter area.
They are all subject matter experts and we quickly integrate that down to the organization. And right now I'm thinking that they are in a better shape compared with six months.
Very good. Rajasthan, Gopinath and asks a question here on the right. First of all, he says great presentation and framework design. And then he asks about a little bit more about the core team. What is your core team like Anda, and specifically, a bit more about the strengths that they have and maybe the core expertise that you selected to be part of your core.
We have, first of all, to program, kind of ownership project on Ash. I'm leading the entire program, but I have business PM.
I TTF, I know of some of the areas that require strong IT integration, I'm representing business and business PM is much more focus, being on business needs, processes, requirement specifications, and anti cause analysis. So, this is high level, one level down.
We have business analysts in our team, an IT business analyst and business, a business analyst.
On the global area, we have global business analysts.
On the global IT side, we have data, IT ops, GIS, service providers. And we are saying service and solution providers.
And, and it's a typical role in the, in the organization, that we are seeing chapter leaders, for the individual areas, like dosing, or accounting, cross functionally.
Also, we have accounting expert, because at the end of the day, accounting processes are downstream processes. In of the change in the upstream, is impacting and affecting the coffee. That's why for each workshop for each work areas, we have also love dedicated accounting expert. This is our cross functional, the SS organization. All accounting extends your site and we have replicated to view. Or in their site we have dedicated pest management, workgroup, lead data management appropriately, program management, workgroup lead and process management workgroup.
On the financing and service side we have subject matter experts, This is our share organization and it's highly complex. I didn't count vendors who is providing us this tool.
I didn't count also our internal service providers who are also supporting us, and other tool integrations if the team is more than 100 people I should say. It's a local, global internal. And external partners does this highly complex team. But we are trying to consolidate all the expertise on process beta test management release management and development areas.
Very good, Moorea.
As you mention, an incredibly complex project, yet, an incredible valuable project that you and the team have executed for so many different layers. With such a clear structure and approach, and I know that it's messy and the way you actually do it, but the way you presented. And that shows that you're mastering that complexity and you're helping to create value for the organization, That's really terrific. There's one more question for the whole year here, unfortunately, we're out of time. So I'll just make her commentary that this was a great presentation, She considers it to be one of the best she has seen so far. So I'm just gonna make that comment and Thank you for sharing that journey with us today, and it's a real pleasure.
Thank you for an invitation to such A Great conference Thank you very much in the right.
All right, ladies and gentlemen. This completes this segment and the great presentation from Ryan. What's going on at Siemens or this large system transitions and and and this is what we're proud of having this real? Experts Who are not theoretically talking about things, but they're showing you how it's getting done and and to have simplicity. You must master complexity and that, and that's why you are so important for your organization. You're the, you're the leader internally who is going to master that complexity to come up with this simplest solutions to problems. Now our next speaker will be the vice-president of Wells Fargo talking to us about digital growth strategies. So I hope to see you back at the top of the hour with, with the leader from Wells Fargo. And keep the conversation going on LinkedIn. Again, if you have additional questions, post them in their posts or comments, we're gonna get back to you, with as many answers as possible. Thank you.
I'll see you soon.
Nuray Gurtekin Sen,
Head of Business Excellence and Operational Transformation,
Siemens Financial Services.
Nuray Gurtekin Sen is leading the Business Excellence and Operational Transformation function under Siemens’ Financial Services unit for the Americas Region. Before this role she took Global Process, Quality and Strategic Programs PMO function lead role more than 7 years in Siemens Corporate Technology Research in Digitalization and Automation.
Nuray possess 20 years of progressive experience and knowledge in Business and Process Transformation, Continuous Improvement, Change Management, Operational Excellence, Program Management, and Quality Management fields. She has gained broad expertise in production, service, project, and R&D businesses worldwide in life science, smart infrastructure, digital industries, energy management, and gas and sectors.
Just before her current role, Nuray took Global Process, Quality and Strategic Programs PMO function lead role more than 7 years in Siemens AG Corporate Technology Research in Digitalization & Automation in HQ Germany including all regions in China, India, Russia, Austria and Romania. Nuray managed several end-to-end enterprise level global process design, tool and system integration projects.
In her capacity as business excellence executive, she adapted business operating models for project management, technology research, SW development, service excellence and lean manufacturing best practices across the regions in Europe, Asia and US. Bringing process and organizational change experience, Nuray led business transformation and change management programs. Additionally she has planned and executed post-merger integration (PMI) and carve-in projects successfully for the Siemens Healthcare units in US, Germany, China and India. Currently Nuray is acting as internal consultant for Siemens global senior executives on process design and improvement, change management, business transformation programs.
Since 2014, she has been acting as Program Manager for multi-year strategic growth and Operational Excellence program resulted in significant impact to grow in US along with process performance, productivity and cost improvements. Nuray has B.S. degree in Food Engineering from Middle East Technical University in Turkey and MBA from New York University Stern School of Business.
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