BTOES Insights Official
September 21, 2020

BTOES Healthcare Live - SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT : How Innovation Labs can ignite innovative thinking in Healthcare organization - five critical factors

Courtesy of Innovation Lab's Dr. Karen Tilstra and Andy Tilstra, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'How Innovation Labs can ignite innovative thinking in Healthcare organization - five critical factors' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at BTOES Healthcare Live - A Virtual Conference.



Session Information:

How Innovation Labs can ignite innovative thinking in Healthcare organization - five critical factors

Topic Intro: Stumped by USA’s failing healthcare system? Searching for new strategies?  Need to innovate but not sure how? You’re not alone. Join this session to learn five critical factors that keep an organization relevant and innovative. Learn how one healthcare system launched an innovation lab and how they used it to foster a culture of innovation as well as solve some of their pressing challenges.

Participants will hear AdventHealth’s story of creating an innovation lab and why it mattered. Five critical points will be highlighted showcasing how each broke new ground. Participants will have a chance to consider how these same factors might be applied in their own settings. 

Here’s our 5 key learnings that have saved our neck. Maybe they’ll save yours too.

  • “Just the truth ma’am” (empathy)
  • Let them break from the herd (not business as usual)
  • Swipe left or right  (partners that transform) 
  • Replace purpose with random  (It’s not about the 5-year plan)
  • Emigration as a way of life (people, people, people)

Session Transcript:

The end the Telstra and Karen Telstra to this session. So, Andy and Karen, thanks for being with us. I'll do a short introduction on both of them. And he got his master's or social science anthropology from the University of Chicago. He has done research on the public space in Chicago and how it relates to power. Dynamics Andy runs a podcast that has over 10000 downloads And hope to be a guest. one of these days, on this podcast, Karen holds a doctorate in innovation and transformation, and is a licensed educational psychologists. She has helped businesses, universities, government, and healthcare organizations create innovation labs, and develop their innovation teams. She believes we need to stop taking ourselves so seriously and really scale innovation or social and financial value creation around the world, so excited about your session. Thanks for being with us today.

Oh, thanks for, we're happy to be here.

And so, thank you so much.

All right.

Well, and our goal today is to show you some of the things we've learned from innovation labs, but also, if you don't have an innovation lab, there's five things we want to share with you that anyone anywhere can start applying in their life or building upskill to help them in ignite innovation anywhere. But if you do have an Innovation Lab, this is a temperature check to see if the five things that we present are being utilized in your lab, and how you might utilize them, even to a larger degree.

Yeah, so let's just get into it. And so we want to ask what exactly can Innovation Lab do for you or for a hospital? Now we did send a video to Josie and Brian. If we could show that video now Josie, that would be optimal.

Screenshot - 2020-09-21T203800.402All right. I think, and the, you have the sharing controls now, and you're the one who can play that. So, if you go under the Sharing tab, under Show Screen, video should be in there.


So, Show Screen, so we probably should have done this right before. Oh, no.

All right.

So show, application, Show, screen ah, there it is. Thank you so much. All right. So let's prototyping as we go.

Is it is it on?

It's starting to load, OK?

Is our first time showing a video at vetoes.

So, again, we're going to talk about this rapidly, rapidly prototyping, and seeing what can happen.

Know, on my end, I don't see the video playing right now and to see if there's a little button there to hit Play on the, OK. Do I have to make it full screen or will be full screen automatically?

Yo, it's automatic. Just, it's just about the plane. They get to start here. We go.

two words can change your life. I do, You're fired. It's malignant. There's two other words. Simple, rather, mundane, and very common.

That when used together, can also change your life and change the world. These two words. Yes. And, innovation, to me, is inspiring because it means you're going somewhere new that no one has been before. The concept of Phil came when Florida Hospital was looking to really become more intentional about innovation, innovation process and cycles. Doctor Karen Telstra brought on the leaders of the Florida Hospital organization to begin this innovation lab. Their vision was to have it open to everyone in the hospital. From the moment you walk in, you could just feel the energy. We'd seen people work together who haven't worked together. We've seen a culture of innovation emerge where we never thought possible. Phil is embedded in the center of Florida Hospital. It just made sense because all you have to do this step out directly onto these units and you're getting empathy is a very rapid self correcting innovation model that connects with the end user to experience with the end user experiences. So, they're moving beyond their habitual ways of thinking and ....

Btog CTA

This is so powerful, because solutions are coming from where they need to, from the front lines, where the people are actually encountering the problems. Chief Strategy Officer, David Banks said, The Innovation Lab would be successful if it fostered a culture of innovation across the healthcare continuum. So far, we've had over 300 doctors, 400 administrators, and 1200 nurses come together to collaborate and redesign the patient experience. When Phil began the focus was on internal projects, as Word Spread, more and more outside companies began to co create a film. Over the past five years, Bill has run over 500 projects. And each one has had a unique challenge with the potential to revolutionize healthcare. We were able to reduce our cycle time from 63 days down to 41 days, and we were also able to increase our retention rate from 46% to 75% redesign the pediatric surgery experience. And parents are now re-united with children. The moment they come out of surgery Adventist, Health System brought together 40 people from across the country to fundamentally ...

Forum. How we transition patients from one care setting to another, went from collecting maybe 10% of our uninsured patients. To 25, we eradicated, patient falls for 108 days. Catapulting us from last place in the hospital to amongst the top five units are Public Policy department and was able to increase their readership of our publications. By nearly 50%. We shaved 10 minutes off of our stroke process, which means we save 20 million neurons, a patient. 52% of our patients now are finding their car that were not before. Health Village fitness center has seen a 40% increase in engagement in just one year. Communication with nurses on H CAHPS scores have been above the 75th percentile for three months in a row. are seeing 37% more patients a day, which enabled us to hire another full-time employee. Katie has found for new innovative applications for ... Medicine, we've increased pre-op readiness for our inpatient surgical patients From 40% to 80%.

Over 2200 students are now literate in using design process to say, solve complex problems. We went from an average of 37 complaints a month to zero. We are now seeing 88% of patients and seven. We've never done that in the years, and we've tried many different things. It's for the patient that we ultimately do a better job and what we're doing. So yes, what do you do? You improve patient care and save the past is no longer predicted, the present is fleeting and the future is where we need to be.

Alright. Well, that's a, that's a video that kind of explains what Phil used to be called, Feel the Florida Hostile Innovation Lab. Now, it's called the Advent Health Innovation Lab, and some of the outcomes that came from that. And that was actually a few years ago, was working on a new video now to get some of the more current outcomes.

Anything you wanna add to that, Karen, is just that we were called the field team now, we're called the ..., so marketing had that achieved. So we've had a lot of fun with that, of the Asia, as you can imagine, a professional Organization labs. So why lab, and what? we want to ask that again, and also give some cornerstones that?

Innovation Labs can, can really address in the hospital.

So I have the belief that every organization can benefit from an innovation lab. It's actually a viable innovation lab, not just innovation theater, a lot of innovation that's failed, because they become interface and theater. But an intentionally designed innovation lab that stays focused on the purpose of innovation, can really transform the people in the organization and make an organization relevant and sustainable.

And there's a couple of things that I want to just touch on.

If, before we get into our five points, that, if you have an Innovation Lab, notice these things, and see how, how they're working for you. Or if you don't have an Innovation Lab, and you want to innovate in your area, Just keep these things in mind. Number one, with innovation is all about the top leader. The top leader has to be bought in, and what I like to say. Any place that I've helped start, an Innovation lab, is working with the top leader, and having a top leader have the mindset That everyone in the organization has permission. And responsibility to innovate. And somebody might say, wait a minute, while that sounds too much, wherever you are, innovation can be small or large. So, top leadership, having a voice to innovation that, also will lead to the second thing. That creates a low barrier easy access to the whole innovation approach, because innovation oftentimes is defined too narrowly. So having a low barrier easy access way for people to connect with innovation, and bye bye.

That's made possible by having an action learning approach to innovation. That means keeping innovation rooted in real life, challenges or opportunities that the people within the organization are facing. And it makes it very doable. People, like a rising tide, raises all ships. And then once the people have innovated or created something large or small, share their story, stories can be so inspiring. We've just seen it over and over and over again when people can share their innovation story. And we've just been blessed.

32The different labs we've built to leadership provides a way for that to happen, and leadership forums, and summits, and ops forums, or department, meetings, to have the people who worked in the project, share, the innovation story in a very rapid story arc that we help them learn. So these are just four cornerstones that I believe vague if you have an innovation lab, or you don't have innovation that. But your department or your cellphones have innovator top. Leadership. Low barrier is the Axis X and learning and sharing your story. We could talk, We could do a whole college class on each one of those, but that's just A, Just a groundwork. And because the five things we want to share with you that we have found in our innovation lab, both in the advent health, Innovation Lab, and other innovation labs that we've helped get, going, these five things really mattered. And they're simple. And I think there are things you're going to already know, but you might not have thought of them in this way. And, so I'm very excited to share these five things with you. And, again, if you have an innovation lab, just see how you're doing in your lab with these. If you don't, you can take them and use them right where you are.

So, so, five learnings from the field fits all the pictures, are real pictures from our own experiences in our labs, and at different innovation projects. The first one is innovation is not business as usual, you were born a break from the herd. Can we, can we unpack that a little bit, Karen? What does that really mean?

Right, so one thing I've learned in all the different innovation experiences I've either lead or been involved with is, people often forget this. Innovation is not business as usual.

We should make innovation, our business as usual, but to keep that in mind is it requires that you embrace the fact you were born to break from the hurt. And you might say, well, what does this mean? So, first off, we tend to define innovation too narrow.

So, oftentimes, people are doing innovative things. We don't see it, because we're waiting for the big game changer that changes the world, but no, to learn to see innovation, where it is that most innovation is incremental innovation anyway. And when we start to see that we embrace the fact that innovation is not business as usual, and you were born to break the herd you can embrace the fact that everyone's creative leadership potential. And that innovation should be everybody's job every day, That some people will say, no, that's not true. It can't be. But when you think about it and you really break it down, it can be. And when you get people with that mindset and they've embraced the fact that innovation is everyone's job every day, you get a very viable organization. That's a learning organization.

And I have a little example of Mary was marries the wanted the Red circle. Of this was an innovation team I worked with down in the way in Southern Florida. This was a team, a global team, that wanted to build an innovation lab, and started innovation teams. I worked with them for a year. And Mary was all part of the team. And when we worked with them, works for me every week, once a one day a week. And we covered a lot of material. I gave a work handout, worksheets, things like that. But Mary was working out her tablet all the time, and she created these amazing, awesome kind of notes on what we were doing that this is just an example here on the right.

She created, every time we met, it should go back to our office, upload them an e-mail to everybody. These became things people really look forward to. By the end of the year, we had a whole book that Mary had done. And I was so impressed the whole team, people start here again. Here we get about around their organization, they're saying, Mary, you know, this is awesome. We need to actually use you in other ways. And then people started saying, like they would tell their spouse, say, Hey, we've got this first year, really captured these notes and very innovative ways. This example we are showing you is the simple example. She did some awesome things, but she just did it naturally.

So I said, Mary, this is really cool what you're doing, and she said, oh, it's just, it's so easy for me, I love doing it, and the reason why I love the example of Mary, is she didn't do what was usual. So innovation was, is not business as usual. And she also broke from the her, she created her own thing, and it's really become quite a viable skill she has.

And so Mary is just one simple example of what you can do breaking from the herd.

I encourage everyone to try to do so, whatever, whatever your skill is just, or your talent, just shares, you'll be amazed what can happen.

I want to add onto that really quickly, that Mary probably didn't think what she was doing was revolutionary in any way, or even maybe something that was even worthwhile sharing, right. But, by jumping into it, approaching it, and just creating, then following the energy and sharing it with your team. That became such a value, sort of value in A, in addition to the team, that it really creates something innovative, and something that she now concrete use as a business model, or even as just another way to communicate with your taste. In fact, she kinda played it down, like, Oh, it was nothing, but it really was something. So, yes, So the big question we wanna ask you is: how will you break from the herd?

How will you approach the, the uncertain, or the new, in your own way, and we understand that we can do polls and goto meeting? So we want to just really take these questions. and really just mull over them, just digest them and just have them bounce around in your head. As you go forward. Write them down. Maybe put them on a post it note on the wall. We ask ourselves these own questions. You know, after working about a decade in innovation, these questions are still pointing us in the right direction. And we still have a burning desire to answer them in new ways. So we'll leave you with five questions. The five points we're making. So, yeah, just invite you to explore the questions. Because if you want a better life, ask. Better questions. To ask better questions. Some absolutely OK. What did we have X number to empathize with your end user. We like to say the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth with empathy.

Well, what exactly does that mean? I'm sure you can explain it better than this is something that's so easy to overlook, and research shows that we tend to, though if we're gonna fail innovation, it's going to be here.

And so we've learned in our lab, we've done over 600 projects, taking the time to learn from the people who are experiencing the challenge or will benefit from the opportunity. So learn from your end user experience, what the end user experiences. And I like to say, take the 80, 20 approach, which in this case, means 80% of your time spent in learning about the problem empathizing with the problem or the opportunity. And then 20% getting the idea of rapid prototyping testing.

Don't skip on this. And we have lots of examples of what could have happened if they had done empathy. Now, here's just two examples of empathy. The guy here on the Left, he came from a team that came into our lab that they were coming from scans like MRIs, pet scans. It kinda scans x-rays where children, they sometimes, chest x-rays, I'll put them in a tight, little plastic thing. What was that like?

Screenshot (4)And interestingly enough, the team that came it has never actually gone through an MRI, or they'd never been involved children going through an MRI. So, we said, what ways can we actually give you an experience before you go out and experience with the end user experiences? So this is one idea they had, they said, let's get some of those tunnels and go through that you might think, OK, that sounds really sappy. But actually, this team, what they did, is they said, we're going to stand around and watch as each of our team members go through. And when they got done, it was an interesting result that they had to surprise me. They said we were intimidated to go through. We got panicky when we were going through and coming out, saved, awkward.

And that that set them into a much deeper empathetic sake but they went and actually worked. We've got the stories from the patient. And now, what about Trevor on the other side? As well? As I say, I think we captured the awkward moment of that man Exiting that. He's a really nice Yeah, he said, We could use this photo on the right. We have Trevor he's actually one of the members of a hill, the advent Health Innovation Lab, Trevor Great Guy, exquisitely Intellectual, but he's going through with a team how to re-imagine the admitting process for patients in the Emergency Department. So, what he did, he decided, I'm gonna go through this as a patient. I'm going to strap a GoPro to my chest. Now, I'm gonna really assume the patient's experience. So he went through, we told the doctor, he's like, I'm going to be doing this as a patient, Treated me as you would if I had chest pain. So, we actually put underneath a shirt. There's a strap around his chest. It's actually giving some chest pain, and he's going through this as if he was a patient, and he's getting the full experience by doing so.

He's getting the the emotional, the feeling aspect of being a patient, and is coupling that, obviously, with conversation and research on the more scholarly side. But he's also going through this with the human side: what is the human feel sitting in this chair with this clinician talking to him? What would that feel like? Does he understand it? Do they understand it? And how well is it portrayed? So these are two examples of empathy, and assuming an end user mindset.

So the question, Oh, what is, yeah, sorry.

Going on here, that's the question that, uh, burned this into your mind. What is really going on here? We had a large net surgical device company come into our lab and they had the few themselves above average, a surgical devices for minimally Invasive Surgery that the base maps to different tops. And so they were losing market share. So they immediately assumed it was their sales reps. So they came into our lab to write to re-imagine how they could have a business model. What's our sales reps? And we said, wait, before you do that, go get empathy. So, we set them up to observe several surgeries where their devices for being used, and as they were there, they saw that the team, the surgery team struggled with their devices, because the doodad to get the right top to go with right base. Otherwise, it would come on. And so they started hearing all kinds of beautiful language, Like, oh, these crazy people, there's, this company just wants to sell more stuff.

Because once we open it, we have to buy more, and they heard lots of colorful language and concerns, and the doctor that at the end said, thank goodness for our sales reps if it hadn't been for the sales reps. We wouldn't even know how to use this stuff, at all.

And so, the team came back to our lab shocked, and said, wow, we thought it was the sales reps will actually, we didn't even understand the complexity of our own devices. And so they actually created this really cool way of matching devices. They went back to their lab and did that. But, again, we think we know the problem, but we really don't know what's going on. We create solutions that nobody wants. I love that story because I think it shows our own assumptions about problems that we feel really close to, and how sometimes you can, you know, cut off your own hand, your own thing that's keeping you alive by thinking it's what you should do.

So that's, I love that story, because I think it shows really what the human mind sometimes falls prey to. So number three, learnings from the margins, we want to swipe left and swipe, right? We want to learn both from the experts and the assumed non-experts. So what exactly does that mean, Karen? Well, when I started helping organizations build innovation labs and healthcare, what I meant, or what I noticed, is people did, it naturally, want to reach out.

It weren't thinking that they just weren't thinking about it. And so, I started to realize, if they could start building collaborative relationships with all kinds of people, their community, their healthcare, the hospital would be better.

So, we opened up a Hill, EBIT Health Basin lab. We took the mindset. We were going to just be open. So, before we knew it, we were connected with universities and town. We're connected with the county. We're connecting with lots of different significant partners. And the opportunities we had to learn to make our lab more relevant became just over, just astounding. And we tend to also want to learn from the middle group. We don't like to learn from the people that don't use this, because they don't use this. And we tend to get over it connected to people who love us, because they, they are not going to tell us anything we don't want to hear. So make a point of learning from the margins, the people that you don't normally see. So, we can have two examples of what really kinda hit home to us.

Right. So the first example, On the top left, that's two members of our team, talking to one of the employees, at another innovation lab, and the way we got connected, is, we found out about this innovation lab, and in Florida called guide, well, there's actually a semi innovation park innovation lab, and we were like, Let's reach out to them. And let's connect. They're probably too busy, though. There's such a well developed lab, we reach out, we meet up with them, and they say, Oh, my goodness, you, if you guys, that fluoresce Innovation lab with, we've been wanting to connect with you. But we were worried you were too busy. And we were like, we thought the same thing of view. And from that, we realized that we assumed that the expert in the field was too busy. Or in the same environment is us and wouldn't be able to interact and collaborate, but really that was an assumption that was then busted. And we were able to then have a great collaborations. We still actually given contact with them, and I've got have had great outcomes on both sides and another example.

Screenshot - 2020-09-21T203800.402Or what? Yeah.

Yeah. This is the Blue Cross interface. 11. Talk about awesome connections. So don't ever underestimate who you can connect with.

Yeah, and there's another example of that: Overdeveloped are the expert margin that we may sometimes assume doesn't want to connect to collaborate in University of Florida. There's the Innovation Academy. And I was able to go up there one day and interact and tour the facilities because I was thinking, What can I bring back to the lab? And what can I learn from them? And you know, entering the facilities are like, Hey, you're from the Fluorescent Innovation lab. Now, advent, Health Innovation Lab, we've been mean to connect with you. We thought, you guys, you guys are doing such great work we use, You will use your videos in our curriculum. And we said, Oh, my goodness, we've been mean to reach out to. We thought, though you were too busy, or had the same experience. As I said, we didn't feel that burning desire to, But by doing that, and connecting, we're able to bus that assumption. And again, create a connection that's actually still developing to this day.

So again, those margins of the expert that we sometimes pushed to the side, for reasons such as they're too busy or they actually know the same amount as us, What else could we learn? But there's another margin. And Karen, who's this on the right is its rocky, local nurse who loved the quilt. And she started to focus on unwed mothers of that had premature babies to start making quilts for them. Well, rocket was kinda below our horizon line. But as we started projects, we've got a couple of projects coming in with premature around the neonatal donuts. And when the nurses said, you know, there's a lady here, a nurse that works here, sometimes that makes quilts.

And actually, she's in her house, this picture. And she was a whole, big quilt is like a quilt shop. And as she started going, people started getting interested, and before she knew what she had like seven people coming every week, and they're making quilts. But what we learned is, she had insights into some of these supports, and some of the other factors that families struggle with, with the premature babies, that actually, the hospital did the have, and the team that we're working with didn't have. And so, as we found her at first, the team said, well, she's a quilter, what's she going to know?

What will we got reconnected with her?

She knew so much about what the family struggling with and how this, the hospital, when they're creating a sustainable support system for premature babies, once they go home, she became a valuable resource.

So, it's easy to miss, but we don't see. And so, to actually set up the lab, or your innovation team, or even yourself, who could reconnect with, that can actually give us a vital information and make us better. We become partners together. I still want to iterate that Rocky is actually want to Karen's childhood, best friends. And sometimes, it's, it could be an even that close of a circle, which is someone you've grown up with, that maybe you don't see is innovative, because that's just the way they are. But if you take a fresh perspective, they could give you. And, in fact, it wasn't me? That thought we said, go talk to her. Oh, yeah, I don't, Rocky was The nurses said, There's a lady that actually takes time to make these quilt anyway, that's just trying to get you to exit two extreme examples. So All righty.

So the burning question of what margins, are you ignoring? We want to ask this a little pointedly and we used ignoring intentionally because sometimes we can convince ourselves or rationalize who not to talk to or who wouldn't be valuable for input because we can see we can rationalize them not having any impact or any context on the problem.

Yes. So the next two points, 4 and 5, we're going to actually, they're going to be in tandem because they go in tandem. So, awesome.

Yeah, before rapidly prototyping, it's not about the five year plan. Yes. In fact, Shark Tank says, throw away the five year plan, because now, we don't know what's going on and don't assume anyone knows anything right now, this covert world, so that you might say, Oh, well, well, thanks a lot, what are we going to do about that? But rapid prototyping is really your ticket to A, to remain relevant and sustainable in the future. So rapid prototyping is just failing fast and cheap, but simple.

three simple things rapidly prototype your idea in a rough matter, right? To your idea, rough, and rapid, and the ugly to the prototype the better. Because people will interact with very rough prototypes, very rapidly. If you make it too pretty, they might say, that's OK, and then that they're thinking, why did they ask me sooner? Anyway, So we want to show you just a couple examples of prototypes that we're talking rough and easy, and we deliberately showing you the one on the right.

And they don't care about that one? Yeah. Well, the one on the right the one on the left?

I made the left sorry. No worries. So the photo on the left actually portrays three teams that came together during one of our facilitation programs where we actually were trying to help their University rental of it more effectively. And you can see on the table there's There's books, construction, paper. Popsicle sticks. Wire cleaners Plato, Glue really anything very tactile and malleable, because we want to have those ideas come out. Very, very low resolution, very rough. But they are very connected to the idea and the empathy gained from the end user. Remember, this project, innovation is 80% empathy, it's 80% problem learning, and 20% problem solving. So it's at this point where the actual idea starts to take form somebody.

On the left side, can you give us more insight on the project that came from pediatric surgery? The surgery team was trying to improve the experience for parents, so they made this prototype that kind of walk through a new experience they had, but the whole key was prototypes give your end users something to interact with.

32So, rapid and right, as you can see right there, we can talk forever about prototypes, but having your office just some things are in your, Your, Your department, wherever just has some things on hand that you can rapidly prototype an idea. So, one time, we were in Tampa C, So, one of my team members were over there, we were doing a presentation, and they were trying to set up a stage for us. So, we were kind of explaining how we thought it would be cool. No one was getting it. And so, Cecil Just grab some tape and paper and just take some things together to We're thinking like this immediately.

It worked, make a visual visual, tangible representation of your idea, and the person before us was speaking about this. So, it's t-set, a lot of awesome things.

So, I want to go right to the next, to the right, to the next thing, because it's, once you build your book prototype, you've got to get feedback. And before we do so, we just want to ask that, have our question. Put a punctuation into the fourth point, which is how might you become a rapid prototype? Or how can you make this something where you don't just talk about the idea, you show the idea? Just how verbal cueing Just how communicating is not 80% non-verbal. How can you make your idea communicate non-verbally? How can you make an experiential?

So this is a question we wanna ask about how might you become rapid prototyping? Alright. Moving on to the last point.

We have left, or do anything you want out of that, Karen? Know it's good, right? For prototyping. Go right into feedback.

Millimeter, so feedback, yeah, feedback is a gift. Lay it on me. Give me the facts. And we like to say this because it's something we forget all the time.

And there's no such thing as bad feedback. And when you're showing your prototypes, all you have to, when you get the feedback, all you have to say thank you, you don't have to defend it. Just say thank you. So, we've got a picture here of the just a few members of the pediatric team went out and they took their prototype on a little trolley and they start interacting with nurses, doctors, parents. And again, they stood back and said, They've shared their idea and then interact with that. Then you notice on the far right, there's someone standing there, writing. When you go out with your prototype, just takes someone to take notes, then you can really focus on what the end user is saying and have someone take notes with you. But remember, feedback is a gift, it's part of the iterative process.

Do not underestimate the power of feedback.

Millimeter hmm.

Always included with your prototype, because your first prototype is not your best one. Your first idea has done at your best one feedback. What gets you will bridge you to better ideas, to solutions that people actually want to add on. Just to quickly add on to that, how Karen, you were saying. Always seek feedback, including when you think you're done.

That may be when you need feedback, the most is when you feel like you've reached an endpoint. You're like, alright, that's it. Solution is great, it's wonderful, Now to implement. That might be, when you need feedback, the most, because maybe you're missing something, or maybe your SQL or something. And we say, that, the confident team that says, we've got the perfect solution, we know, they are, the ones that need to go get feedback as quickly as possible, because, oftentimes, they're, all of a substance, blinds us to what really is going on. But, feedback is really your ticket, your bridge, to relevant solutions, awesome stuff. The burning question of feedback is, How might you get more feedback? How might you facilitate better feedback or a safe space for feedback?

And an Innovation Lab is a great solution for that, it is both a physical and mental space where innovation and innovation practices, such as feedback, can be done without vulnerability or without judgement.

And so these are five things.

We feel that what we've given a lot of presentations about innovation labs, and oftentimes people will say, I like this. I just don't have the innovation lab, So this what we tried to do was create the five things that you can actually do without an innovation lab. But if you have an Innovation Lab, make sure you're going deep with these things. So again, just as a recap are five things.

Innovation is not business as usual.

Remember you were born to break from the herd, exactly, empathize with your end users. Try to keep in mind that 80% problem learning empathy, and 20% problem solving, it's everything else.

Learn from the margins, both the highly visible and the invisible, mm, rapidly prototype, fail fast, and cheap to accelerate your learning and learn even faster.

And feedback is a gift.

Embrace feedback, and when you get it, all you have to do is say thank you, mm. And, again, these are five things that we've noticed that really are what make an individual have effective, and we try to make it so that they are both space related, and also mental space related, whereas if you don't have the space, you can start practicing these in your workspace. They're cheap, and most of the time they're free. So thank you for joining us. And every member use these five things to keep inspiring creativity wherever you are.

Yeah, Thank you. Thank you so much. And I will have a quick little contact us. We have a website, just creativity effect dot com, Just our Agile or e-mail address, Just Karen at creativity effect dot com, or me, Andy, at creativity effect dot com. Thank you guys so much for listening, and let's move into the Q&A.

Terrific. Terrific, Great. Great stuff, like a Karen and Andy, excited, ready to turn on, the button of innovation.

And the, so, there are a number of questions that came up during the presentation. I'll encourage our audience to continue to ask those questions, make them practical. Make them confess, I showed you where you are. And, and some of the questions that have come up have this overall theme of, this is a great concept. How do I convince my stiff senior leadership team members to jump into the innovation bandwagon for real practical express that you have?

You know, how do you convince, stressed out healthcare administrators to, to, to take a chance, on innovation? To see innovation as a way that, as a, as an approach that will help your organization And curious about why you have found to be effective? And having those conversations. Well, one thing I always tell people come visit us, and we can tell you our story. But also, there's a lot of relevancy now with innovation labs. So, first off, they don't have to be expensive. They could be mobile. They could, You could make them for very, very inexpensively. But, also, with culvert. is a really great example of why we need to be thinking about having a space for innovation, or people who have some training and innovation that can lead the low barrier is the access kind of innovation. It's just, what are we going to do next? And to actually talk with leaders to, say, Could we possibly build some skill around?

Build our competency in innovation. So with things like colvin happens, we don't.

We just have a, I like to say a bridge to innovation aisle, We know how to get there. We have, otherwise it's this big, scary moat we have to get across. But by building a bridge is just talking, asking leaders, how this might look?

Would they like to find some examples. Tell some stories about how innovation works in other places. But the key is in a leader's, oftentimes, you're afraid of two things. Is this going to cost me half a million dollars? No. Not even close. And Am I going to lose control? And, you know, they won't either.

And I think that there's so much out there now about innovation, and how to run a viable product, a product endeavors, initiatives, and programs that, it is just, it just makes so much sense in any leader. When they really understand what they could do. In a very disruptive world, we're living in right now. Well, talking to them, Showing them some examples. Sharing some other stories of maybe people you know, or call us. We can help you, Yeah. That's what your contact information up there.

Because this is, we, that's kind of like our main, right barrier as a company is Like, how do we, how do we make it so that it's easy to implement, but also easy for these executives who are very mindful of budgets, company, culture, environment, as well? How do we make it easy for them? And Karen kinda touched on that where it's it's, it's budget budgets, the biggest thing. How can we do this? Like, we only have $20,000. How do we, I don't make this happen. We've only have like, $2000. And that's right.

Research shows us clearly from Harvard, MIT from McKinsey, that leaders want that's the top two things. They won. The top two things, they want innovation.

And they research shows that most of leaders don't know how to connect with it, or if they do, it's a scary process. So, just actually starting a conversation: I have found everyone has ever contacted me to help them build a lab or build an innovation team has said we just as having a conversation with our leaders, and here's the encouraging thing, It's never the top layer that context me. It's somebody who has been working with them or talking with them. Now, I always connect with the top leader and start working with the top leader, But it's always been somebody who has really encourage the leader to Hey, let's try this.

Screenshot (4)So that's encouraging I think mm has had another thing I wanted to add to that I think to innovation is very contextual. So I think when people think of innovation, they think of an innovation lab or the here innovation lab, they think of high-tech to Vinci Robot and like three-d. printer, which is great. But that's why, when we did this presentation, we really wanted to focus on practices. That could be implemented. Very, you know, for virtually nothing that could be implemented anywhere. Because the innovation lab is really more about a mental space and a physical space. A fiscal space is wonderful, because when people enter into it, there are just, kind of subconsciously, entering into a new space mentally, but it's really the practices and the philosophies that create that innovation. We don't get innovation from having comfy chairs and, bouncy balls that we sit on or or a pool table in the break room. That's not renovation happens.

Those things are really kabbalists for inspiring other mindsets and philosophies that then foster the innovation, but if you can implement these five things that we said that are virtually cheap, or virtually free, can be implemented anywhere with any one. That's when you're gonna start seeing innovation, take place that could then maybe lead to a designated innovation lab, physical space.

Very good. Now wants to set up an innovation lab, the other questions that have emerged here have to do about what do you focus on? I mean, how do you establish priorities? What do you decide what problems to solve? How does that process typically work?

What was, so, first and foremost top, leadership have to say, yeah, we're gonna support you, even as a trial basis. You just have to get them to say, yes, we're going to do this, but as a prototype, then, what I have found to be highly effective is to, I love the design thinking model, Design thinking is a very simple self correcting easy to adapt innovation model that anyone could use. And so I have this low barrier is the access theory that I think needs to be followed to get everyone involved. So I think the first thing is to get a little competency around innovation model, and you can do it while you're choosing solving, what are your first challenges. So there's a lot on design, thinking on website.

Or on YouTube.

And get a group, you can start small, and get a group of people, bring in a challenge, and go and see how design thinking works. Just start to find out about the channels, go learn from the users, and then start to see what needs to be done, but start really small, choose a challenge, but get a little bit of knowledge about innovation model. Now, it could be that you're with six Sigma or some of these other models that will work too. But, I would say check out design thinking. If you're unfamiliar or we can e-mail us, call us, we can, we can help you get that going.

But, um, don't be afraid to start, that's the key, just stark.

Even if it's if you've cleared your desktop and you put some prototyping things, and you've gotten a way to go connect with an end user, so ever challenge you're trying to solve. There is an end user connected to that challenge to find them, learn from them, and then come back and start to figure out what ideas could you use to have your prototype, and how can you get right back with them? And this is gonna work. What, what feedback you have? Start small, start, start.

It's just some kind of a video from your top leadership and, uh, and sometimes it's not the tippy top guy.

If you're just trying an experiment, maybe your director, maybe your VP.

Just start to start mm. And all that sounds pretty. I probably harebrained, like, yeah, just start. Sure. But just, know, with, with Phil, we still call it fill, just because it's so easy to pronounce it a hill. We had strategic imperatives of the company. Karen, I might forget some of these. It's create relevant and sustainable.

It was a foster doctor, patient connections.

They were like, well, they keep changing so fast, like, five imperatives and all projects have to align with the imperatives. That's a big deal. So make sure your project eliza's one of your company's hospitals imperatives. And then, really, the key that I found when we started the first lab, my goal was to get original stories. At first, we use stories from Stanford, And then we just started to create our own. As we experience it, we got our own stories to share those stories. If you start and start with a simple project, with a small team, and try to go through the design thinking process, you can start sharing that story and it will invoke, or interest. And then you can also have something to share with the top leaders.

If they're not already bodies, have an example, if their body. And that makes you share that story anyway, too.

I don't know if that made sense, but it did start. Don't overthink it. That's it. But we really have to on an Asian could help Fjord Small in scale, right? That's all you got. Your message is low resolution, low, risk.

It's an idea and ideas are very infectious. No barrier, easy access. Think that way, just think.

Laura, not a lot of money. It's always an awesome conversation with with the till stress. And clarify, in case anyone's wondering, Andy is my son, he's helping me forever. And I was so honored when he graduated from University of Chicago. I invited them in to say, I did.

I didn't think he was going to join us, but we have a larger team. But he did, and he's really very blessed to have him.

People wonder, what's the relationship between YouTube? He's my son. Is innovation is like a family affair to.

Oh my gosh, it is, everything is connected, zing, collaborative relationships. So Andy and Karen, always fantastic to connect with you, Share your best practice, you have so much breadth and depth of knowledge and practical experiences in this area. So we're very grateful for you, taking the time to share these slides with us today, and that's very helpful, lots of great comments from the audience here on your own.

And how important this topic is for healthcare as he is their goal, significant transformations in the months and years ahead.

Absolutely. Just say thank you so much, I hope it was helpful for somebody, and it's always fun to work with your GSA. So we'll look forward to our next time. Thank you so much as, and please reach out to us, we love talking about this stuff, this is our passion, but we're glad to answer them, too. So yeah, thanks, everybody. Hope it was helpful. And I hope you'll connect sometime down the road.

Thank you. Very much. Inspired Creativity. Wherever you are well done. Well done. Thank you, Karen. Thank you, Andy. Well, ladies and gentlemen, we're going to take a break now. And at the top of the hour, we're going to continue on the innovation topic. We're going to have Mohan there Who is a Senior Vice-president and Chief Innovation Officer for cambia health care, talking about the concept of the innovation flywheel. In healthcare. It's going to build on this concepts that Karen, Andy, have shared with us and the domain set top of the hour. I'll see you back soon. Thank you.


About the Author

more (2)-1Dr. Karen Tilstra,
Co- Founder,
AdventHealth Innovation Lab (FHIL).

Karen wants to live in a world where work is fast, people are free, and chocolate is devoid of calories; but in the meantime she has co-founded the award winning, AdventHealth Innovation Lab.

One year after launching FHIL, she co-created the Orlando Magic’s Innovation Lab. Two years later she co- designed the nation’s first undergraduate degree in sustainable Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship. 

Since then, she helped other organizations develop innovation labs and has guided more than 28 global healthcare companies through the design thinking process. 

To date Karen and her FHIL team have facilitated more than 500 design thinking projects with more than 5050 healthcare professionals, students, faculty, executives and community leaders from around the world. 

Karen is a licensed Educational Psychologist, with a PhD in Innovation, Leadership & Change. She has taught and presented nationally and internationally. 

Currently Karen lives in Orlando with her artist husband, while their 3 sons make their mark in the world. Karen is the proud owner of the “world’s wackiest dog” who resembles a cross between a raccoon, weasel & opossum.


About the Author

more (1)-3Andy Tilstra,
Chief Information Officer,
Advent Health Innovation Lab.

Andy Tilstra, straight out of the hallowed halls of University of Chicago with a Master of Arts degree, is Creativity Effect's newest Innovation Guru, Andy leads and teaches teams in the art of innovation and creative process.  Andy has studied improvisational theater, developed a thriving podcast, “From Away", and designs and produces the educational content for Creativity Effect. When not working his fingers to the bone, you can find Andy playing guitar, drawing, and traveling the world! 


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