BTOES Insights Official
September 21, 2020

BTOES Healthcare Live - SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT : Healthcare Disruption: How Great People and Organizations Innovate in Times of Rapid Change

Courtesy of Innovation & Excellence's José Pires, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Healthcare Disruption: How Great People and Organizations Innovate in Times of Rapid Change' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at BTOES Healthcare Live - A Virtual Conference.



Session Information:

Healthcare Disruption: How Great People and Organizations Innovate in Times of Rapid Change

In a disrupted world, how do you build a culture and practices where extraordinary innovation becomes ordinary? A Healthcare organization that consistently delivers exponential leaders, growth and value creation.

The key ingredients to innovation acceleration are not what you see portrayed most often in the media. Great, enduring organizations know what it really takes to create and, most importantly, scale innovation during market disruptions.

We will explore how to blend disciplined innovation methods with elements of venture capitalism, crowdsourcing and collaborative leadership to deliver rapid and sustainable business improvements and innovations in the Healthcare industry.  
Session Transcript:

The disruption of healthcare. And the disruption of healthcare. Obviously, that has happened as a result of this pandemic. and the most important, how do organizations?

Innovate in times of rapid change and really great uncertainty, like right now?

And you may think counter-intuitively, this is the best time to innovate And in fact, I can start by saying that we for an excellence innovation acceleration perspective, there has never been so much activity going on across organizations, across industries around the world when it comes to innovation acceleration. And one of the reasons for that is because when there is uncertainty where there's a lot of rapid change, the best way to chart a path forward is by innovating and so we're gonna talk about that.

We're gonna go a little bit deeper into what great enduring organizations actually do in times of great uncertainty, and the rapid change. So, let me, let me bring up the presentation here for you and you will be interacting with me for the Q&A, for the questions box. And I'll be asking you to some specific questions right in the beginning of this presentation. So I ask you to pop up your questions box on the goto Webinar interface so that we can interact during the presentation.

Um, so let me launch it, and then I will share with you.

Show my screen.

Should be able to see my screen at this point, and we should be good to go, alright. So healthcare disruption, How great people and organizations innovate and time of rapid change. So, I want to start this talk, by asking you a question first.

How do you think they do it? How do you think that organizations, healthcare organizations, and really, the data that I'm going to share with you, is cross industry data? And I'll get into a bit more about the data, the benchmark source data, but how do you think they do it? What do you think is, are the critical factors for them to be able to innovate in times of rapid change? Because in times of rapid change and uncertainty, organizations tend to get into a couple of different modes, right?

Screenshot - 2020-09-18T211438.721They either get most of them.

In reality they get scared and they are best frozen and not sure what to do, and then there's a portion that gets excited about it.

And, and I'll say right upfront that the difference between fear and excitement is largely what your brain labels it.

So I would suggest that once you you identified the risks around that situation, and then you're still having to decide between fear and excitement, after you identify and manage the risks to an acceptable level. I just, I say that choose to be excited, because being fearful is not going to help you. It's just going to paralyze you and get excited about what the opportunities impossibility's can be, but we'll get into that a bit further.

My first question to you is for those organizations who are able, which are able to accelerate innovation, which are able to start creating a new future for themselves during times off rapid change. And an uncertainty. What do you think drives their performance?

What matters most if you'll look 10 years from now and you look back at this time? and you're looking at these great, enduring organizations 10 years from now. What do you think was the biggest driver for their performance? So I'm going to ask you to go into the questions box, and they answered this. What matters most? Is that ideas?

Is it methods, is it technologists, or it's about people?

Now, I'm gonna wait for your feedback to come in here So go into the questions box and type, you know. Is that ideas. It's methods, it's technologists, or is it people answer your input their place so that I can look ... Chan, thank you very much. I see that not very well, unfortunately. My data points are feel for William, OK, William, OK, let's see what else, what else, what else you have to say, is it about ideas, methods, are people.

Still waiting for your input here. Who else has contributed? Michelle says, OK, ... Ram, I got your input, I'm not gonna say what you're saying because I don't wanna buy as everybody else. William people, and he says the least value asset. Cameron, Michelle, OK.

So most of you are saying people, and I would not bouley disagree with that, but I would not fully agree with that either.

Btog CTAAnd on that, we'll get mixed talk a little bit about why that is the case. So he said about ideas. Methods are people. And the first thing I want to talk about is this. Is this very confusing world. That is the world of greatness. And the and the the the world of greatness is is filled with seemingly contradictions.

This forces that pull in very different directions. You know, we're going to be talking about the need to have clear purpose and discipline.

We're going to talk about the need to have, you know, cost reductions and revenue growth. We're gonna talk about the need for adopting exponential technologies. And the human values of trust, collaboration, vulnerability.

So the world of greatness isn't and the world and not a nor world. So that's an important lesson to get to grasp from this very small group of great, enduring organizations, those who are able to achieve dominance in their respective fields over a long period of time, which by definition is a very small percentage of the overall population.

Now, mediocrity spends endless hours, debating the options. While greatness knows that the best solutions are not in the balance, but in the blend of this very contradictory forces.

And there is no greater contradiction than the contradiction of excellence, and innovation.

Because organizations tend to decide which path they're going to take, even the ones which are attempting to become great. And for some of them, that the path to greatness requires excellence in what they do. They set high performance standards, and they work diligently to meet and exceed those performance standards.

For other organizations, their path toward greatness is the path of innovation, that it's exciting. It's how we're going to change the world.

And for them, they're not so concerned about excellence. As a matter of fact, there's a bit of a disdain of excellence. It's a bit of the old school approach to things, and we're here in this new world. We're going to create the future are gonna take different perspectives at problems.

In fact, the world of excellence pulls in one direction. The world of innovation pulls in a very different direction.

And organizations spend endless hours debating which one is better.

And that is just destiny them to perpetual mediocrity.

Because if you're just Exelon, and you can be the most excellent organization in the world for a longer people for a long periods of time, If you're just focused on excellence, eventually, you'll become obsolete.

It may be a while. But in times of explanation will change, like the ones we live in today, that's happening faster and faster.

The other side then becomes, oh, OK, so we've got to be the most innovative organization in the world, and that will, that will will lead us to enduring greatness. But that's not the case, either. The evidence does not support that.

In fact, the most innovative organizations are organizations that you'll never hear about because they tend to innovate for a note for its own sake or they often get falling in love with tech knowledge. They lose their purpose. They scatter and disappear, and you don't even hear about them.

Now you may hear about some great enduring organizations that have an innovation component, but that's not what they made them in during Lee. great.

It's not enough.

So in the world of excellence, it's all about understanding the systems. It's about squeezing efficiencies, getting better margins if you're in the horse business. It's about making faster, cheaper, stronger horses. It's about squeezing efficiencies out of those horses.

If you're on the road of innovation, you think that, oh, I can't design a car by squeezing efficiencies out of horses. So there is a tension again.

So is it one or the other?

It's both, and during greatness, requires the intelligent blending of excellence and innovation, and that's very hard to do for most organizations because this forced this ball in such different directions.

If you're just in the world of excellence, you must innovate, or you become obsolete.

But once you innovate, and that's the non trivial part part of it, the once you innovate, to become enduringly great and dominant in your industry, you must be able to scale the innovations that you create.

And, great enduring organizations is scale innovation by doing what, by applying excellence to the innovation that they created.

So I don't want to spend too much time on this topic, but it is critical to understand that the world, the mass string of contradictions is a key component of great and bringing organizations, regardless of where you are in health care is no different.

So the, what I'm going to share with you is not what I read in the book, what I, what I, what I think is important, or some small tests that I did here in there.

This is the collective wisdom, and best practices for over 30,000 excellence and innovation leaders over a, nearly three decade period, where this excellence, innovation leaders do not have this visionary capability of predicting the future. What they do is that they experiment frequently.

They are they find out what works and what doesn't work. And once they find out what works empirically, they try to understand why it works and they scaled that.

So I mean data to all these organizations, many more. There are shown on the slide, and over 30,000 professionals in more than 20 countries that built that foundation that we use today. Now I'm certainly even more indebted to the great organizations that allow me to experiment with thing with thing, their own organization, and cultures, for longer periods of time, because I was not just advising them, I was leading excellence and innovation along with them. So very briefly, I'll give you the lessons from each one of these organizations.

32I was born in Brazil, educated in the United States, with a background in engineering, and physics and investment, banking and entrepreneurship.

My first job was working for Japanese giant Sony, and as a designer and a process engineer, had a great mentor. And then my first week at work challenged me to identify 100 innovations in one of the most technologically advanced organizations of its time.

I was overwhelmed by that, and I thought, there's no way I can do this, I'm gonna get fired by the end of the week. I'm going to summarize the lesson from Sony, and one of my greatest mentors, shiga Hayashi.

High asked his son, taught me that innovation comes from the mind of the novice and that's why my first week at work, he challenged me to identify 100 innovations.

In the mind of an expert, there is only one way it is the mind of the novice that identifies different opportunities for different perspectives for innovation.

But that's not enough. Then you need you to take on the mind of an expert to be able to scale the innovation that you have created. So, the key lesson from my from my journey at Sony was that innovators, they, they they they are special people in your organization. And they have this ability to have this blend of the mind of the novice and the mind of the expert. And they mastered this contradictions farewell. But also they have four very critical traits that I challenge you to find and the people in your organization. Because we talked before, he said about ideas, about methods is about acknowledges, that about people, yes, series about people, but that's not the full answer.

It is about the right people, when it comes to innovation. And the right people, when it comes to innovation.

Has nothing to do with your academic background. Your race, your gender, your ethnicity, how many certificates you have hanging on the I love myself wall when it comes to real innovation. There are four traits, there are only revealed by the test of execution of innovation.

And those four traits are purpose, passion, discipline, and resilience. And I want you to remember that for later on, when I left Sony, I joined a startup that changed the world simer, ASM. Now, in the mid 19 nineties, develop a new technology for imaging semiconductor chips that transform the Semiconductor industry and allow Moore's Law to continue to this day.

We disrupted entire industry in five years.

So the lessons from ... are twofold. one is an old lesson.

If you do not disrupt yourself, you will get disrupted by someone from outside someone who has no insight, know, long history and experience in your industry.

And number two, it's not enough to just have technological disruption, At its essence, Disruption only happens when business models are disrupted, and technology is just a tool for that. So business model disruption is, at the S is, what drives real disruption not technology.

Then, when I went to become the innovation leader for Nestle, it's a completely different system now where you have 580 business units, 300,000 applies, plus employees in every single country of the world. How do you accelerate innovation, an ecosystem like that?

And the lesson from NASA is that you must develop a high level of empathy for culture.

Because the old saying is that no.

Given to Drucker Often, Culture eats strategy for breakfast, excellence, and innovation, and any other initiative you may have in your organization is just a side dish. So understand how small and insignificant what you are doing is with respect to the culture of the organization you're working with.

And if you do not meet them where they're at, they're gonna chew you up, and they're going to spit you out, show respect for culture.

And then, after you respect, coach, and you meet them where they're at, you bring them along with you.

At Black and Veatch, an engineering construction company with over 12,000 of the smartest, pure engineers you ever meet in your career.

Has the challenge of accelerating innovation in an organization that has been very successful for over 100 years, filled with very smart and skeptical people.

So how do you do that?

The lesson from Black and Veatch is that you must develop an improvement in innovation venture capitalist approach, Create the most value in the shortest time and simplest means.

If you don't do that, you're going to be out of their very fast, because you're not going to believe you, they're not going to trust you.

So, lastly, a transformation in one of the largest energy organizations in the United States, and, therefore, Corporation, which in 2010, I'll tell you a little bit more. There's that their story. They're just trying to survive out of the financial year 2008 financial crisis, where the value of their company was less than the book value of their assets.

So this, there is a new leadership that comes to this organization in this mediocre energy organization that's failing and says that, we want to go for extraordinary.

The lesson from Denver for me is that if you want a goal for extraordinary, when it comes to innovation, you must define it in ordinary times and make it accessible to everyone in your organization.

Not easy to do, not easy to do.

It is much easier, respectfully, should do an innovation lab here and just get people excited about it. And the. And that's important, and that's required sometimes, but it's not sufficient. How do you scale it?

You have to do more than that. How do you make it accessible to everyone and not just the feel less fuel selected people in the organization? So, let me. I love to talk about the principles, but I think it's important to show the evidence behind it. So, let me start with the evidence of, in Denver Corporation, and therefore, co-operation was previously called ... Corporation, and the Energy Organization, that in 2010, was worth $2 billion in the market.

It's a publicly traded company that had been around for a few decades, but was really struggling at that time. New leadership comes in and says, you know, We need you to define a clear purpose for this energy organization. We need to define the clear set of values that we're going to use to transform this organization. So, remember, this meaningful transformations is start with clear purpose in identifying the core values that support that purpose.

Screenshot (4)In this case here, the core values became excellence and entrepreneurship, which excellence was not new in that organization, but entrepreneurship was new and really was intrapreneurs ship from within.

It was Neil, Because the history of the of this energy organizations is just hire people who do their job well. They get paid incredibly well. They have done in other organizations and you bring them to do the same for your own energy organization. Well, the leadership team changed that and said, we're not going to bring people from this industry, even, we're going to bring the best people from whatever industry is available.

That is a radical change in values for this organization, and we're going to be intrapreneurs in this organization.

So, if I look at what they have done and I was the global vice-president for this organization.

In this journey, in the last couple of years of that journey, this organization was identifying, prioritizing, and executing over 2000 innovation projects. on an annual basis.

They deliver more than one billion dollars in additional EBITDA for the organization does or not soft numbers or internal numbers. Those are publicly available now. The numbers there are provided to in our financial disclosures to the market.

This organization which was a $2 billion in an organization 2010 really uncertainty about its future. Because the financial crisis had nearly decimated the future prospects for this organization, disorganization made the choice. They're going to innovate in times of uncertainty. Then we're going to have a clear purpose and a strong set of core values and moving forward. And eight years later, they are this organization kind of market value of $35 billion.

There is nothing special about the business model. There is no special, intellectual property really associated with this organization.

It was a combination of ideas, methods, technologies, and people. The world of greatness is not an art world. The world of greatness is an and the world and it's a blend of great ideas, methods, technologist, and people.

Now, I'm going to focus more on the, on the most important of those components, which is about how to unleash the power of how our people to go for extraordinary.

And that, indeed, is a contact sport.

I spend one year of my life, touching 14,000 people personally, to drive, to make your innovation accessible to all in the organization, does a little pictures. There are the pictures of every one of the professionals that we were, that we stood with, identifying and prioritizing and implementing ideas that create value.

Now this is so important in any part of the organization's history but critically important right now that we are in this incredible, disruptive state in society, compounded by a pandemic but make no mistake.

In 20 11, we already predicted that 40% of the Fortune 500 companies would no longer exist.

And before we even had a global pandemic, more than 50% of the Fortune 500 companies no longer existed. So, it'd be very easy to say, oh, the pandemic is a Black Swan event And you know, that's why so many Fortune 500 companies went away, ladies. And gentlemen, make sure that you understand this more than 2%. Not 40% of the Fortune 500 companies no longer exist and on a nine year period preceding the pandemic. So, the question becomes my goodness now, these are the future has become even more uncertain. The future is change at an exponential scale. So does the best way of predicting the future. How do we do that? And what organizations do, typically, they have to, they have that decision right to me to make. Do I get it? Am I supposed to be scared or excited about what's going on? And guess what they do, Most of them get scared.

Screenshot - 2020-09-18T211438.721And what they do, they get into big meetings to decide our future. So, it looks like the Federal Reserve meeting here and what they do, they cover themselves up by hiring the best, most expensive people in the world to come in and tell them about the future.

They thought they hire the best experts. They hire forecasting practitioners. They hire, they do advanced scenario planning.

But there are only two types of people who predict the future, those who don't know, and those who don't know that they don't know.

Because the energy organizations and organizations around the world has spent multi billion dollars in this areas, and nobody had predicted what was going to happen in 20 20. Nobody.

This is across all industries. So remember this, there is no way of predicting the future by looking at it from a fear standpoint.

You better be excited about it, because the best way to predict the future, and the only way to predict the future is to create it.

And to create it, you have to set the stage of innovation in your organization.

So, let's go through some fundamentals on how that's done, and then we're going to wrap up with some key takeaways in the end.

Now, how do you set the stage for innovation, your organization? Step number one, make sure that you have, if you want to have extraordinary innovation, remember, the lesson from Denver. I want to have, I want to go for extraordinary. If you're gonna have extraordinary innovation, you better define it in very ordinary terms.

If you make tech not, if you make it about technology, if you make it about R and D, you're gonna, you're destined to be mediocre.

So what is the ordinary definition of innovation that can, that can make it accessible to all in the organization?

Well, first of all, let's think about what innovation means.

The word Angel And Mohan yesterday had a wonderful historical review of the word innovation and I suggest you go back and look at his presentation as well.

They were like initially, it's the rebels against religion. And the and the Church. Really? that's how, how the name came about, and the, the root word, ...

comes from Latin, and he means a new idea.

But we all know that a new idea is not enough.

I have lots of new ideas. Most of them are useless.

So while new ideas are necessary, they are not sufficient for innovation.

So there's a subset of new ideas that makes it more interesting. Now, if I talk about new ideas that create value, people go like, yeah, yeah, we got it. For sure. It's a much smaller subset of new ideas, new ideas that create value, either financial value or social value. Wonderful. We got it.

Well, hold on, Rick.

I go into organizations and health care organizations around the country and around the globe.

And what I see is a cemetery of new ideas that create value.

Every organization has it, a big cemetery of new ideas that create value. Why? Because you must have people who are willing to put their reputation behind ideas.

People who have purpose, passion, discipline, and resilience to execute those ideas.

And that is where the gain, really splayed.

Innovation is not just about having new ideas that create value. The ordinary definition of innovation is the implementation of new ideas that create value and that implementation game, As you all know, the practitioners in this call is right that. It's 90% plus of the journey.

32And though that implementation relies on great people.

Now, because of the short time we have here, I cannot go into the depths of innovation, categorizations, but clearly it's not one size fits all, right? Most of you know that there are levels of innovation, from core innovation, to adjacent innovation, to disruptive innovation, There is greater risk, and there's greater reward as you move towards disruptive innovation.

But, what I want you to keep in mind, and the key takeaway of showing you this is that it's, there is a portfolio of innovations in the most innovative organizations, and across all industries, it's typically a 720 10 percent distribution. This is very important, because the media think it covers 100% of the 10 percent disruptive innovations.

And if you're, if you're going to bet your portfolio on that, that's a very high risk portfolio for your organization.

So, the most innovative, and then during greatly, or great organizations, have a balanced portfolio, if you will, That looks a lot more like this. And it changes from industry to industry, any healthcare. The disruptive is less than 10% Disruptive into health care tends to be about 5%.

But it's important that you have that balance, because people in your organization don't see what they do at the core as innovation. And it is, and they need to understand that. And they need to know that they are innovators if they are implementing new ideas that create value. So, this mindset shift is very important. So, remember, what matters most ideas. Methods, technologies are people. Well, ideas are everywhere. What are common? Are people willing to put the reputation behind ideas?

Methods, methods are fantastic. Listen.

Innovation as a discipline. Using specific disciplines for innovation is fantastic. Business process end to end. Business process management, fantastic. Lean principles when it's really understood. Fantastic. six Sigma as a methodology to make the M.i.e.c.h.v. fantastic.

Listen, I have been for nearly 30 years, a certified Lean, six Sigma, Master Black Belt, but for most people, that sounds like a dangerous manto condition. It doesn't help them. So remember this, even if you are an expert on the method.

Methods are important, but methods alone do not transform businesses. People do.

So keep that in mind. What about technologists?

Technologies are great. Technologies are exponential, RPA, AI, natural language processing, drones, you name it. We have never had so many technologies advanced exponentially as they are advancing right now, and that is wonderful.

But technologies are like romantic lovers.

If you get too excited in the beginning, you solves one problem and then it creates 10 new problems in the long run.

You have to choose it carefully. You have to choose a technology that is scales and enables the right processes in your organization.

Do not fall in love with technology. Fall in love with enabling value creation for your customers and for your organization in technology, is just a tool for that. And choose wisely. And then when it comes to people, we talk about this. It is, of course, all people matter. I talk in diversity and inclusion are critical for innovation Acceleration, not because it's a nice BR thing to have it is because the essence of innovation is the ability to take a different perspective of the problem. And diversity is fundamental for that. Inclusion is fundamental for that. You want to have as many people have in different perspectives, and the problem as possible. But, in the end, the test of execution will reveal the great people in your organization who will be the amplifiers of innovation for your organization. And this people have four traits. And I'm not gonna tell you though, they are. Because I want to do a mental tests with you. Jot it down to yourself.

What are the traits of this people When I'm mining for this great people, my organization? What traits do they have?

They have four traits, write it down. Don't tell me what it is, write it down for yourself and then I'm going to disclose them.

The four traits are they have a sense of alignment on their personal purpose with their professional purpose.

They have a sense of aline, they have a sense of purpose.

Then, they are driven by, by level of passion for what they do. And this passion is, I wish I had more time I'd done. So I'm going to summarize. I'll just say this is a lot less like serendipitous love in a lot more like an arranged marriage. dispassion was developed by working or face off at something for a very long period of time, becoming good at it, and, and then, and then becoming excited about it over time. But it's not just romanticized view of passion and love.

Then, that's followed by a tremendous level of discipline at an individual level.

And discipline here is not about following a regimen of set of rules. Discipline here is about having chronic consistency with your purpose.

And then, they have our incredible level of resilience, and resilience here is not about being stubborn and never given up. That's stupid.

It's about overcoming challenges and overcoming channels at challenges, specifically, on a collaborative fashion, Engage your resistance, collaborating with them, and overcoming those challenges. And then, when not possible, to do that, having the ability to pivot and take the longer road, but having the resilience, having the resilience to take the longer road because your purpose and cause is wharf the pain.

So, purpose, passion, discipline, rosiness, how do you find these people that, do they even exist in my organization? Your job as a leader, is to create an environment where this great people in their great ideas can connect in a very summarized fashion. I'm going to show you what it looks like. In most organizations, it looks like this, you go in there and 90% of the people in their organization are kind of sour faced. And that means that you're like, Oh, maybe they're not getting paid enough No, No, no, no. Some of these people are like millionaires.

And as a matter of fact, there is no correlation between their level of income and their level of satisfaction while they do it. There's a great correlation for the first 100,000 US. Dollars beyond that, zero correlations. It's a flat line.

So and then you're, like, most of them, I saw her face completely stressed out. You know, cranky. And then you have some delusion only happy ones around.

And either they are crazy and you don't know. Or it could be that they have some level of alignment of their personal purpose with the with the purpose of the work they do and the purpose of the organization.

Your job is to discover this people. How do you do that? You have to inspire them. You inspire the self motivated individuals to reach for higher for higher levels of performance, and the alignment between their individual purpose and the purpose of the organization.

Screenshot (4)But that's not enough.

Because this type of motivation is like a rocking chair. There's a lot of motion, but you don't get anywhere. Unless you provide them with a mechanism for execution, a clear meritocracy of ideas with clear execution mechanisms and very disciplined approach for executing.

Sure. Lean and six Sigma, and clear methodologies for innovation and the end to end business process management.

And you must triage these ideas. You have to have a very disciplined approach for identifying and prioritizing what you're going to work on. And there are only two things that you work on, strategy, execution, and value creation. That's it.

And then over a two decade period, you get a 99% plus implementation rate. Why? Because you define innovation as the implementation of new ideas that create value.

What you see on the a or the other side of the funnel, our emerging leaders of excellence and innovation organization. And those emerging leaders have aligned purpose.

They have great levels of passion. They grad have great levels of discipline, and they gave great levels of resilience.

They are only revealed by the deaths of execution. I don't have time to go for all the details of this, but look at some of the war that Daniel Kahneman, Nobel Prizewinner did with the Israeli military to identify the best warriors, if you will. And while I'm not talking about innovation as being on the theater of war, there are some analogies here about uncertainty and chaos in how the best people emerge.

And they are only revealed by the tasks of execution.

And once they are revealed by the tasks of execution, you make them the face off innovation acceleration, your organization, These are the amplifiers of innovation, your organization, and you celebrate the teams. You celebrate those emerging leaders.

And others in the organization now look at them and say, lists and wow, Jim did that.

If Jim did that, I can do it, too. And the skepticals and the skeptics start coming along. And they will be part of it. As long as there is a clear meritocracy of ideas and clear execution mechanisms.

And if you do this at scale, it may be that over a decade or more, you become $1000 billion organization.

But make no mistake. That's not an easy path.

The recipes here, but we have a recipe for a lot of different things, as the old saying, as the saying goes. And this is more of a new saying, if the solution to our problems was just knowledge, will all be billionaires with six-pack ABS.

Because, suppose that the knowledge for wealth and the knowledge for health is accessible to all of us.

It is the test of execution that reveals those among us who can, who can lead.

So, with the time that I have, I want to finish with evidence for a period of six years. We implemented traditional approaches in, as a leader of a global vice-president for, for this very large, engineering and construction company, doing global projects, 12,000 of the brightest minds in the world.

And they had, you know, I was the leader of their Lean six Sigma program, and we implemented with focused on ideas and methods, traditional Lean six Sigma implementation, which, by the way, is great. We got millions of dollars in knowledge. We had in a new value for the company. Lots of people who are part of the program. Everybody was super excited about it.

But we got 3 or 6 and a financial crisis hit And the CEO comes and talks to me and say, Joseph, what can we do to have our Lean six Sigma program help us get to the next level? We are in the middle. We're in the midst of a financial crisis here. Remember the decisions again? Do I become scared or I become excited? I look at my CEO and I say, let's get excited about this. Says OK, what do you suggest? I suggest we change our Lean six Sigma program and he looked at me a little nervous because he thought the Lean six Sigma program is really good for the organization, and what do you mean? I said, I wanted to make accessible to all, not just the field that we select, and I don't want it, and I don't want to force anybody to do any sorts of projects and needs to be completely volunteer. Voluntary.

32Any didn't, let's let, the emerging leaders of this organization, the ones have purpose, passion, discipline, resinous, emerge from the organization, and he was scared, because it says, Wow, You know, The traditional Lean six Sigma program that we had was really good. You really want to take that step, it's a lot of risks. It was like, Give me a chance, Give me a chance to experiment. If it doesn't work, if it's a complete failure, after 12 months, we can always go back.

He allow me to do that, and now all has been data for him to do that, because he revolutionized Lean six Sigma. He found the next level for an excellence and innovation acceleration through this experimentation that we did, and by about focusing not on ideas and methods, but focused on finding the right people, we not only maintain and grew during a time of great instability in the marketplace.

We increase value creation, eightfold, and we can increase voluntary engagement tenfold.

And to this day, I have never witness any other organization that, after a 10 year period was experiencing exponential growth in value creation and voluntary participation of a traditional improvement and innovation program.

50% of all improvement innovation programs die within 18 months to three years, 99% of them die within five years. There's a 10 year exponential growth in improvement and innovation and value creation. They went on to win the global award for Excellence in their industry. They went on to be ranked as the number one US private company for leaders and leadership development. And they won the Global Business Transformation Operational Excellence Award in 2017.

People didn't even know who this company was.

They were quietly changing the world. So, evidence, and there are much more have this, then, there's across hundreds of organizations, to summarize for you.

Your innovators. Your amplifiers will work for you right now.

Your job as a leader is to create a mirror, clear a meritocracy of ideas with clear execution mechanisms, to allow them to take risks.

And once you allow them to step up, you're going to teach them how to take different perspectives, a problem, how to be innovative about the way you think. Not as not as an aha moment, but as a discipline approach.

You teach them how to manage risks, but it's still look for the ones who have the courage, that, to manage the risks, and then take that step forward.

And understand that the difference between fear and excitement is largely why your brain labels. It wants to manage the risks, but you still have to have courage. You still must have courage.

And then you have to create an environment where great leaders, and great, deep, and great ideas, can connect.

So, I do not have the ability to predict the future. Remember, there are only two types of people who predict the future, but I want you to take a discipline action in approach to your future.

So if you have a chance, go ahead and take a screenshot of this because this summarizes what do you need to do?

I'm not gonna read it. It's the things that we've talked about.

Now, ultimately, it's about building a culture of excellence and innovation. I get to choose this name, excellence and innovation to spend my whole career until the day I die, because I think was a cool name. I, I chose it because it is the it's the Blue Intelligent Blending of Excellence and innovation organizations that leads to enduring greatness. And if you build a culture on that, it's your ultimate competitive advantage. I don't care which industry you're on.

So ladies and gentlemen, thank you for the time today, Gnomeo, well as the Chair for this conference, you can follow me on LinkedIn. You can e-mail me directly.

You can see some of the things that we do on our website, but most important, I want you to think about how you're going to get this concepts and implement in your organizations. Remember, your ultimate goal is to create an environment of a great people.

And great ideas can connect an environment where you have a clear meritocracy of ideas with clear execution mechanisms, with discipline approaches.

Innovation, BPM, lean, six Sigma.

But most important, you're not creating methodology exports while you're developing our value creation leaders for your organization. And the way to find them is for the tasks of execution, People with purpose, passion, discipline, and resilience.

Thank you for your time.

We'll, we'll wrap up this now for Q and A On this session, I just suggest that you go to, ah, if you could please go to, uh, to LinkedIn, post any questions there, I will answer directly to your questions on LinkedIn, and I'm going to set up our next session for the day here. So we're going to be closing this session, but at the top of the hour, we're going to be welcoming a wonderful speaker.

We have Daniel Weaver joining us to talk about Transforming the Quality Rating System Paradigm, a healthcare. Daniel Weaver is a vice-president of Medicare and Medicaid Quality programs at Gateway Health.

So, I hope you enjoy this review of excellence and innovation acceleration, and what it takes and the and I hope to see you back at the top of the hour with Daniel Weaver. Now, again, if you have questions about the session that I just had, go on, LinkedIn type the question in there, I'll be glad to answer that at the end of the day today. Thank you. Everybody see you Back at the top of the hour?


About the Author

more (10)-3José Pires,
Former Global Vice President of Enterprise Business Improvement & Productivity,
Innovation & Excellence.

José Pires serves as the Global Excellence & Innovation (E&I) Leader for Andeavor Corporation, where he oversees the global identification, prioritization and execution of mission critical business improvements and innovations that add value to the company, business partners and external clients in multiple markets.

Prior to his current role, Pires held Excellence and Innovation leadership positions in large, global companies in the electronics (Sony), semiconductor (Cymer-ASML), food (Nestlé) and infrastructure (Black & Veatch) industries. Throughout his career, Pires developed and refined E&I as an award winning program for innovation, leadership development, strategy execution and value creation globally.

Pires is an advisory board leader and keynote speaker for several global conferences on innovation, operational excellence, leadership development, strategy execution, business transformation, customer engagement and growth acceleration.

He holds a Bachelor in Engineering Physics from the University of Kansas and a Master in Business Administration focused in Investment Banking and Entrepreneurship from the University of San Diego.


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