Courtesy of Fifth Third Bank's Srinivas Thummalapalli, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'No Code Apps - An Emerging Trend in Application Development' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at Enterprise Architecture Live Virtual Conference.
Session Information:
No Code Apps - An Emerging Trend in Application Development
Description: While the Lo Code No Code movement has been evolving for a few years now, what’s really emerging is the pace at which the providers are increasing the market cap. Added to that trend is the acquisitions of some of these by the Cloud providers - AWS, Microsoft and Google. Enterprises will start looking at options beyond the Cloud in the next few years and this is why, it’s really important to fully evaluate this for applicability in your enterprise. The timing for adopting this is now. Attendees can walk away with an understanding of:
Session Transcript:
Speaker, directly from Atlanta, Georgia to the world. I'd like to welcome Srinivasan tomorrow. He's the Chief Enterprise Architect for fifth third Bank, currently leads the architectural efforts for several transformation activity efforts for the bank in the areas of Tech resilience, cloud adoption, Next generation landing zones, bancor, Modernization, Portfolios Simplification, app to develop maturity, and much more.
Also researches the tech trends and evaluates emerging tech for adoption by the enterprise.
Prior to fifth third, Sreenivasan deliver an API in cloud frameworks for Capital one, while leading, the inner sourcing strategy, deliver an enterprise architecture blueprint for several IT capabilities needed for Wal-Mart middleware, That portfolio. And lead teams to deliver a state-of-the-art SO, a sweet, sweet for AT&T, South, East. So ladies and gentlemen, the capable hands and expertise of mister Srinivasan Poly. It's an honor to have you with us, and very much look forward to your presentation.
Thank you. Thank you for the great introduction, Search button, Color Representation.
Late night, you can see my face.
Yeah, right now, we don't see the presentation. Yes. That's the right one, parsing. It. thanks. And welcome to the ALA Conference. Thank you very much for hosting me here.
The topic for today I wanted to speak about for about 45 minutes or so.
Expanding your developer base.
I came as a chief architect for a major bank ... several things. That can help my banquet. And I just came across this thing called low code no code development, which I thought was very engaging very difficult.
And I'm thinking about this in a couple of documents as well.
What this basically means is that like any major company that the Liquid Today and the things that are being report about 23 years of existence.
Also, you typically look at that interface with people that you hired, like 20 years ago or 20 years ago, when technology started moving away from these feeds to, like, unix based systems, and then, you know, database.
A lot of technical talent came to the industry about 20 years ago.
Then, if you look at any company, right?
Now, most of them are, either they become leaders or have become, what, what I say, leading the company area does product management, business analysis, So on and so forth.
And if you look at the computing for the company right now, you just don't have the same developer base anymore as it used to get.
Basement now means you have a lot of backlog, a lot of content, your business the effective to implement, and you have a very good resource, not how they expand this tool, Making these collections. I just talked about. It ended up at the top.
Again, it's an emerging trend. I would say fairly recent, kind of like people to us ago, is when this topic.
And before we jump on the phone, we're going to take of my company for I think, what level of supply.
I'm shooting again. So I leave cloud architecture, confirmation digitizing and so on and so forth.
But basically, my passion is to advance the profession, which is why I keep talking and conferences every year, to share what I'm learning about the speed, that the company about me, I think, like Japan, by the introduction badly about myself, No, the context states, you own a business meeting, You know, you're talking to a CIO, and we are talking to them digitally.
And they're asking, you, began to take stuff that's coming on, and we need to implement all this. I'm like, why don't you tell your seniors?
And you haven't been on the back of your mind yet going, like, what's my hiring oclock, looks like, You know, do I have the means to go hire as many people that really want? Right?
The question that's going back in the back of your mind as an IT leader is, When is my organization's delivery capability meeting the expectations site?
Now, what are my recommendations?
Offense, Alan.
My department, Beloved developers, like 80%, 20% are anywhere from 20%.
No, project managers, they are masterful on and so forth, but it's more like, 99% of my stuff is mostly, like, you know, IT Managers and then I get product from my vendors, all that, stuff like that. But, what are my argument is that it's like, no, we if I'm gonna get my complete elimination based when I'm looking at this scale portfolio.
What is the thing that I'm looking for?
Paul And secondly, it's not just about the people dimension, the technology leader that you also think about what technologies are out there that can speed up my development.
Like what kind of stack, what kind of technologies do I need to pick two or does the autobiography of money, I'm thinking, the People dimension, then, the technology dimension on the People dimension.
That is some aspects.
Like, you know, you can always, there are quite a few areas that are coming up to increase, you know, the ... on the technology.
There is a mix of the technologies that are making you not having to know a lot, to actually deliver more that the combination of that people factor.
And the technology factor together is what low code no code is all about.
That's the context I want to bring to your mind today.
Like, when you are in those meetings, when you are facing several conversations with your business, in terms of, you're asking me to develop all that. You're asking me to deliver all this. What are the same time?
Here's the resource pool. I have.
You know, 10 things to do and my capabilities of existing that I can, you don't need to take, but eventually, if you look at your competition peers, they are doing more than you can enter the competition.
How do I use substance that I have, to my advantage, to deliver more than what I kind of take it.
That's the context difference for this presentation.
Know, what options do you have, the very same problem that this talked about.
You hide a lot of particular people, like right away?
I think the answer is no. Can you reduce the back? What can you tell you? Say that? Now? You know what, I'm not going to deliver, everything that you're asking me here, I'm gonna get back. You can do either.
Can you buy everything? I don't think so. Like, at least 30 to 40 bucks.
Maybe temporary portfolio is something that doctor like yourselves, like, talking about, like, you know, mid to large companies, If you're solving, like a fight between kind of IT shop them, that obviously make them, but you're talking about people with 500,000 and that kind of stuff I'm talking about.
You buy everything to help your customers. Probably not goes, without saying that.
When you're looking at banking malignant ensured when you're looking at that, either, you're not the only one in the player. That is quite quite a few of your of your peers who are also in the business, trying to differentiate them compared to you.
And the ability to differentiate compared to you is better lighting, better technology than you.
Same thing. Go see, you're probably providing some unique niche cases better than your competition. That's why they're coming.
Now, you can buy those kinds of products, go commercial off the shelf. You are differentiating yourself by buying a product that I like off the shelf. Obviously, you're not going to different, which be, you have some stuff, too, right.
So buying it is not an option.
Outsourcing, you can again go through the same, might be that you can just kinda outsource your core functionality. That's something that you could put.
Can you, Because of the velocity.
Last time I tried, now, can you train the workforce plan?
I think they did a little possibility of training the workforce, the dollar on the Cloud, and the Python, and all the latest and greatest technologies out of the question.
But a little, you'd probably possible.
The only option left on the table right now, if you look at all these options, but I'm not really sure if you have any more options that I visited.
At least, I'm not going to for my kind of analysis, obviously, not going back very well, but it's definitely a lot of other banks, all over the other companies.
That case, expanding the developer base is your only option on the table, I think, which is why we need to focus on the technology.
Now, what I'm about to share is knocked out and what the slope or no voting is not the only thing that happened in the past 20 years ago.
People recording on, not the big black, so you could say, you know, on the ... and stuff like that.
Then, the concept of Visual Development came in. The Visual IT tools, I'm talking about C plus plus, which are basically combat boots on and so forth.
You're able to deliver more code quicker because you can import the library quicker, You can insert the library thicker, re-usable concept and everything.
That vision, there were different make.
While the artist, the amount of automation, you, can they be a company, if the gate to take it back, and that, it was a development, pretty, well, pretty much every company, ....
And suddenly, you, it gave rise to a whole lot of brand new for them developers. People who really need to have a lot of computing background.
Up at 95, 98, you'll need a degree to have a kid in computing, 2000. Like anyone with a couple of months of training, they can become the problem, they don't.
then came, 10, 30 years ago, I think 2008.
9 timeframe BPM been in effect for that long.
That's how this problem, more with the same people that you have, literally, because they felt like visual modeling, your data model, and you insert, the code comes across, and then you've taken it off and deploy it instantly.
Developers are deployed that tested and stuff like that, but, of course, but at least you did not meet a lot of developers to code all that stuff, because BPM tools made there profitable.
five years ago, six years ago, cloud was a reality.
You started focusing more on development.
Left on infrastructure that suddenly, when you look at your ..., suddenly your development expanded from Python, developer, spite of an infrastructure to $10000.
I've been a part of my journey there.
Our focus on like 40% InfoSec showcase the personal development.
seven years ago, when we decided to go Cloud, we thought that maybe we don't need the candidates, because now we can get cloud, maybe we need those 40 different group, actually recording, And that's how he expanded the developer pool with the cloud.
Now, if you're looking at this current time, what else is out there? in the same vein, up, like, every five years you've seen, that happen, That help you expand your developer pool, expand the number of people who can actually code this stuff.
Now, where we are, what I am looking at, A low code, no code.
Well, again, it's relatively a new entry, but, I've seen that in the Arkansas for, I don't know how many of you are familiar with the consent of auditors like, where they track different vendors.
This will be different for 40th on both the Chuck's which we didn't say it is not barely knew. But what am I doing is basically just really covered now.
If you look at Amazon buying, Howdy, honey code, I think Google Dedicated App Sheets, Microsoft gives you the power apps.
Every cloud provider is getting data. You know, why?
There's one, I think, lighting, love every company out there has a contract with AWS, or Google Cloud or Microsoft.
But if you look at the number of competing on the cloud playground, that's not much, you know, you don't you see lots of new people signing up, a conference of cloud conference is not signing a contract. But when you look at the cloud, it's not really going up exponentially as the number of contacts and increasingly legal.
Even though you wrote the code to deploy in the cloud, people still leave Cloud Steps to get there. And there's not that many clouds because that will open the market.
When you put them together, that is what we left out of the gate to the T C.
The cloud provider stated, The industry haven't acquired enough skills to actually the cloud making the right now, They're trying to buy these tools to make it easier to get to the cloud. In other words, you don't have to take it up all the DevOps pipelining, and all that kind of aspect and stuff like that.
All you need to go back some basic skills, encoding some basic skills and probably visual modeling, you should have an application ready to go.
That's why I'm thinking my my perception is that this low code no code is going to significantly occupy my dog. mark my document a significant portal.
See the next feature.
So, what is the local notebook?
Oh, If you have the code something that you open editor, start writing code, deploy, and build a pipeline, so on and so forth.
Here we are talking about something on the cloud, something on a managed provider, a visual modeling tool, where they say, I need a widget here. I need a workflow for you. Get ID, that API, key ID database.
Check, check, check the code.
What should you haven't reported on the floor?
And yet, five years ago, we didn't have data to have those kinds of vendors who can provide that kind of money.
If the water because of the problem, but I say the number items, the bidding that is asking you to code is increasing exponentially, and the number of developers do you have access to is not the racially simply. It's not. That's what local local density.
Well, I kept focusing on expanding the pool, expand the pool I gave you, I think, in the page, but now, I'm gonna lay, like, laid out in the open.
When you look at any company, 20 years ago, all the developers that you hire, like I said, they all have become, a leader for architects are basically to be compact code anymore.
But a significant amount of that become a business analyst project, modular business model, so on and so forth.
What do they do when they get an idea figures? What we got rid of?
Like, I'll take the classic example, delivering a UI kind of app, they lead a developer, Dakota, you like your industry to showcase it to their business, and they come back and say that, Oh, that's not what we want, is what are you on?
That process alone will end up feeling like so many space that, that's a very classic example up there.
That guy who cannot code, no matter, because he doesn't know HTML or any of these technologies under the labor youth, enables you to be like a WPP, can use these tools, at least, to pick up that, the step number one. Like anyone in the world came to my God, my Kindle.
Again, not going to ever the technologies, the local know what technologies, make, those kinds of scenarios where you do not activate, but a development resources become available to do that kind of basic. Step two, elected, they donated to the next thing you really organically probably API, I need to call it API to go get the data.
What is the TPA is nothing but ..., user input, your background to this API. It goes a little bit to get to that end to end flow.
Simply possible, the developer, under the finalists are the project manager for the project.
The non technical staff because they branded themselves to be in the last 10 years or so, can become technical to me converting that flow to deployable code on this managed platform is infinite in minutes or not.
If the vendor can add that capability with other things, that it already, you are a non technical developer, non technical.
I'm sorry.
You have a non technical resources in the company.
Now they can present a developer and that the majority of electrified right now, or at least it's not my goal to get that 30 40 percent of your organization right now.
They could start thinking in these terms to say, I can use this technology to do these kinds of cases, which I don't need anymore, because the most valuable resource, the most valuable, critical resources.
Right now we have another amendment.
And that very limited.
Now, I don't want a promise.
You didn't wanna sit here. In other words, this low code no coating is not going.
Solve every problem that you have. It's not gonna be able to code every epoch in their behalf.
You can change your code system, because, you know, your low code, no code, But what can change is the customer touch points the business processing functionality.
I'm going to say, like, stuff, that, the core offer, data tool, which is the front end layer by layer, that, I'm talking about.
But get this, where do most of your requirements change?
From time to time, like every day, you know, when you look into the backlog, most of the cases that you implement on, they are in that space.
So, balance, a low code, no code is more doctrinal. It makes it look good case to take that kind of tears.
But that figure signify.
The use case, it's like, I would not look as a technology. That's not a big bar. It's not a defect like a feature that they didn't want to accomplish.
because they wanted to focus on beta T, sub constantly happening. The UI for digital, those kids.
If, I think, I don't think I can take all the exoteric, there's paper that arrived back.
The predictions that are made to this made for this platform is that it will occupy around 50, 60, 70% of the enterprises, not every person in the next two years.
And we can ... price can go from anywhere from 5% of your footprint.
In other words, if you have 100 applicants, your company, this is a good case for either applications, on maybe 20, like, somewhere in between.
So, it's not going to be a good fit for 80% of applications.
But the 5 to 20 is where you're constantly, Katie told any. That's exactly why the providers have come up and offer the kind of technology industry.
Now, if I have to take a look at the market survey, like I've mentioned a few minutes earlier, right?
If a Google cloud Microsoft, they are bilingual look, There's got to be something like, they offer them, they are trying to me, their customers, code applications, deploy applications onto the cloud faster.
And that's a win for them. But they have made some acquisitions that can potentially help them to get more business onto their computer.
The other hand I observed is, it's not exactly a cloud provider, but, like, I can provide.
I'm looking at, like, and I constantly read about vendor codes and stuff like that, and I came across this article, are telling us, They can own the data bank, But they provide IT bank as a service, too.
If they're also buying it, and we know that, shifting the industry to the input, to the extent that, you know, when I, when you buy this code for me, you what you need is a typical mobile app, or a web application or something.
But good customer sleep, you can use this tool to code them, like, develop your own mobile app, develop your own web app for your customers. You're already getting a call from me. You get these two, right?
So the industrial leaders who are providing this platform as a service, or software as a service, to major entities playing back, they are acquiring the small players to become a good place to become a dominant player. The local knowing the extent that they want to do it on different days afterwards.
So, to me, that's a significant segment where you can focus on.
The second segment is Margaret Figures, like, five years ago, lots of companies came out, came around in the last time I checked.
David, there are 200 to hit the companies that are out there putting these kinds of products.
I don't, I don't know if I can call them like market leaders like AP and maybe a few more.
Sorry, if I missed any, but if you look at them, they've crossed like what I call a billion dollar market cap.
Anytime you're looking at the lusty and liquidity in a unicorn kind of industry, when you start to see some products that emerge with the billion dollar market cap is the magical figure, like 20 years ago.
Mark, and when we were talking to my fellow employees, Amazon just turned up really well, a company of air.
Yeah, I think you can tell by somewhere, and then it became a billion dollar company.
And towards a new, it was out to be something that might be other via the retailer back in the day.
Then we are following me telling, let's say somebody turning a billion dollar market cap.
This category I'm talking about, there is three players. It leads to a cross a billion dollar market cap in recent years.
Which means this is not a innovation item.
It's not something that you want to experiment and be happy and clap and go home at the end of the day.
This is every little thing, document.
Or if I've been talking for five years, that's under, significant back to know that, if Lisa should start tracking this, does equals many leaders, etcetera, is reach into the image.
Now, the last type of lender, which do we makes more sense for some banks on some companies who can, who don't really have enough developers to do a lot of things really quick.
What you need to also look for is probably some wonderful want to convert themselves into, mean, low code and about local provider for the retailer. I mean, low code no code provided for an insurance company envelope or local provider for the retailer.
When I'm saying this, when you put the code out on day provider to actually do something, take the Bus and Daniel ..., backend integrations.
In banking, for example, in order for the first thing, you need to look for, when you open an account, the different direction, they want to go, check the backend system setup the perfect opportunity to check the code, to see their driver's license fee, so on and so forth.
How do you make the little puzzle, basically, like you have to, like, you know, lady, API, and then start integrating with their backend, and get the plumbing.
If you pick someone from the cloud provider market, or the market, they have categories, you'll still have to that get those get the plumbing done on those clocks.
The custom provider, I get into the very niche market, is a very targeted negotiations you have to do, where you come in and say, if you are going to be a low code, no code provider for a retailer, or, like, whatever you, say, I need these backend plumbing to be done.
Ready made, so that when I'm putting my application automatically, can the fragmented CPR and the path on this data? We got a leader.
This is the, this is the perfect that I want you to take away from this, but hearing, let's see, you have significant expertise on the cloud that you're already after.
then, like all you need to do is, like expedite the development in some areas go just a provider that they got in the cloud.
If you are nowhere on the cloud, and if you have, like, you know, recently started, if you are expected developer to go to the market, Peter.
The last option, you been in industry for a while, you're still struggling on cloud.
You don't have a lot of IT staff that can develop code, but you have a lot of IT staff was at one point. Like, enough, developers.
When do you want to get the clicker?
This provides a unique opportunity where marketing 300 up to 150 kind of vendors.
Probably 10 differentiating 240 struggling.
Tried to find those with that capability, you can make them, like, offer them an opportunity to become themselves, to be a low code, an opera, No code provided for your industry.
And that's how you kind of find a win-win situation for both.
Can definitely talk more. good faith to 30 minute presentation by the firm.
From an energy perspective, I think, into the slide you went to, with animals.
Now, you haven't, even the problem statement I gave at the very beginning.
Lot of backlog, including not a whole lot of developers.
Being on the cloud and, you know, kinda create enough velocity that we treat it as an invitation.
You convert those people who are the spreadsheets maker from the flight maker, to say, are things you can become the developer for these kinds of applications.
You mentioned to what you're doing. This doesn't take that much time trading, So exciting backlinks.
If I recall an example of hiring a lot of people from Polish Griped, about five years ago, a different company.
People you have to I think we're everywhere made a decision to not just look for like tech IBD, ... a little bit of the liquidity expenses.
So, what we have done is we added a different lineup hiring pipeline to college.
And they don't need to be coming from CS background.
They can come from any undergo background, and we take them through like Bootcamp.
We would give them, like, you know, Cloud training and icon painting and some basic dollars. Co-payment. They're not going to developers like mongo DB and whatever, the CUNY website.
This is something that isn't that like unit, like India within your base.
Basically you don't see your guy at one point. You are a developer if I'm on now, but I can make it worth it.
That good sites, too, Offering you the potential to be majority of. I mean, 20%. Iraq: Well, the best case may be at least five to 10%.
How do you migrate?
I would say, the web is going to be very flexible, very custom for your company.
You define the problem statement. Like, I'm not going to shut out, But the most important thing is you have to get your buy in from your business.
This is going to take some attention away from your current focus with some of the stuff. So start low, make a business case.
Go for it.
Accomplish it, create awareness, like any other technology to bring it.
But this is something.
It is affecting a lot of stuff that, uh, not non tradable ever in a long time, At one point they were, I think there's some political convey your message stuff.
You have to do And the leadership of the company to get them all, It will be slow, but trust me, I have a company that has dogs. I've spoken to people who have adopted them in this company, in the industry.
It was the first initial couple of months, because flow.
But, afterwards it picks up space and after that, you know, like a reality dislike. For a litigant prioritization, we didn't really say this, at least for the Cloud with Epic on prem.
That's how simple it felt like an option.
So, I think we are right at time.
I will open the floor to any questions you may have.
Fantastic, sharing with us. Very good presentation, Low code, no code. And I'm gonna ask you to stop sharing now, by clicking the stop button, so that the audience can see us in the bigger screen. And we have questions that have come up during your talk, and I encourage the audience to continue to submit those questions, and I'm going to relate as many as possible to sreenivasan during our conversation here. So the first one comes from Andrew Fuqua, and Andrew is asking, my guess is that no code, low code solutions are more likely to be used internally, or behind the scenes, and less likely to be customer facing applications? And his question, is, that, is that, is that, Is that correct? Could you please comment that, Is that true or not? Absolutely. Absolutely.
It's a great question, by the way, you know, this is something that you use internally like any other to let you know. You're still develop code.
That kind of application buggy code.
And really the buttons that are touching the customer molecular mobile app or a web portal, maybe even your APIs, you know, in case you have customers who wants to electron fractal, those are the kinds of things that you typically look for to use this technology.
Very good.
In the end, how widespread sreenivasan, this technologies and to vendors today, give us a feel for what the market looks like today?
Thank you, Good question. There was about 200, 250 vendors out there. Companies like small scale, various sizes. I see 3, 4, like some of them were acquired by the cloud providers, you know.
So technically, you can't call them local companies anymore, because it, the other 247, they are independent companies summer, maybe a few I public companies, already.
When you are facing an industry where you have like 200 plus kind of vendors, definitely, I would say that might make, Oh, in terms of adoption, this illustrates started about five years ago.
And if the research institutions are actually plotting them on a graph magic quadrants and stuff to, say, Defender is the leader of the fundraiser followed chatting earlier in The category for vendors will be, it's been there for a while.
And they're all sort of lighting, you know, a lot of venture capital funding going on from companies and some are bacon public, Some are able to command and with their own finances?
I will say, from adoption perspective, I see quite a few companies actually opened up enough that are Canadian other work.
If you look at production workloads, there is a few, but in terms of actively fiscally non active, ..., effective innovation network that's going on, There's plenty of them on the table right now.
Oh, I talked to some of the finest in the architecture community from different area of different companies, different banks.
But, every one of them, at least, said, they're going to take a look at it this year, or next year, to see like, how far back.
It does show up on that, can actually go to a different position, that they authentic. But they impact the industry.
This shows up on Epi.
So, adoption, getting there, it will probably occupy 5%, 10% of opened. one of the institution said, it will occupy almost 65% of the companies will be on it by five years or something like.
Excellent, very good. The next question is still related, following up on that, is one that you've probably can spend on the entire presentation, just on that question, but, maybe you can provide some insights. I think, what the, what the participant is looking for, he is your practical experience and insight on. The question is, how, what has been your experience? What should look for? What type of criteria Do you use when you're selecting a partner for low code, no code applications?
No, So, in my mind, if your senses that you can do stuff on cloud, you have a lot of IT staff already, and you have pretty well, like for staff established in the company.
To take a look at infrastructure elements, to take up your automation aspect, and all you're looking for, some tools to expect a development, I think you need to go with your cloud providers, like your poverty, and the cloud already limited providing the local applications on the cloud. Because you already have a setup.
Then there is a second method directly.
Your wedding you, you have not much like this up at all and you want everything to go. In other words, like you barely started five years ago. You really started three years ago.
You don't have a lot of great stuff, but you have a lot you'd like to accomplish in the liquid liquid time.
Going in the market here, present you the complete enchilada lie in the company to escape.
But you'd be limited there, in that case, because they won't do everything that you ask them to do.
Because they have a leader already.
They don't really need you to tell them how to do stuff they already, they said, This is what the industry needs to offer. I wave my mind on it.
Went through this stuff.
The last opportunity where, if you pick up an emerging mind, that they've got to get a company, like a large company with a good financial background, but not a lot of technically savvy staff, but you, I think the last segment, which is, find an upcoming webinar.
Because they will tell you they will do anything that you need to earn your business.
In that process, you gotta giving them an opportunity to learn.
But that's like, if I, if I, if I were in the category and if I would say no other bank, ..., x-box helps me.
Now, when I tell them that you are coming from me, they will give you, you, know, access to those kinds of stuff like that. Suddenly, they're doing it for me as an IT provider.
While I'm in the service, the same functionality, Capabilities, that you bring your platform, you can sell directly to any other back in the future. I'm done with this already. Got quite an edict, I've taught your banking, I've talked to you retailing, I've taught you, surely, you'll give me a permanent .... The third candidate.
To me, those are the three segments.
I mean, there's probably a few more, on a high level.
That's how to get back, depending on who you are, what your strengths are working.
Those are excellent, very useful, practical insights. So thank you so much for that. Now, low code, and no code applications, as you mentioned, they have been around for awhile, and and then they continue to mature.
Is there something about now and the current timing that you think that makes them no better, or sorry, is the timing right now for low code no code applications?
Absolutely, absolutely, I would say timing right now, which is what I am talking about: the theater community every year. Pick something that's happening.
I learn, get passionate about it and talk about it, right?
There's a couple of reasons.
Uh, if you look at the focus on any company right now, in the audience companies, I'm sure the questions themselves, that organization of, maybe it's all in the digital space.
They want to help the customer, the digital arena, because customers can come to your store, anymore, can come to your office. Any kind of country are bound to the one that got computer bag, because we didn't like that.
The rapid expansion of what the digital footprint, like every company, what their salary is now putting up, More ways to do banking, online.
motivational, e-commerce online motivates or do we ensure that they sort of like whatever that is, you're budget managers are spending more than one of the channels.
This low code, no code is the answer to expedite the development in that space, but to me, the timing is like, you know, yesterday, but definitely today it is not a bad place to start.
Yeah, It was. So great.
A great value creation creation option here for, for, for development. And this is really a unique. Now, when you look, you have alluded to this during your presentation. And I assume that there is, it seems, that there is quite a bit of segmentation in the market that has happened with the providers, as well. And maybe they have focus in different areas, and, of course, you have a very strong, probably, the zeal of what happens in the in the banking financial services kind of applications. I'm curious about what are some of this emerging segments that you may have for those applications? And also, whether there is maybe a one size fits all type of approach, I'm not sure.
Ah, Definitely. I would say there's no one size fits all from what I can see.
In other words.
I worked for about five companies. In my 20 year career, AT&T Wal-Mart's top 1% mouth effect.
Every company is so unique, even when I'm talking to my friend architects from other banks and other companies, especially when you go to the conference, for example, if you run into like lots of complex empathy, anytime you end up sitting here, discussing the gallery up, and you know how to dictate any complex information, of course, when we are discussing later this capability, there is no unique company out there, because, the reason why, when you look at 200 templates, what evolving?
They all came with a unique reason.
Every company that we talk to, the local number, provided, they offer something different, that's right.
I could go probably expand that to like 20 different sections, but I put them in three categories for that.
They feel like somebody in the category.
So I think, in my mentor of mine, those are the three categories. I came up with probabilities like few more.
But to me, there's no one size fits all. Sitting here, I can say, You have to go over this vendor, React to go with this kind of provider. You have to go in this kind of segment.
Think about, like three options and go get like one of those.
Terrific, Srinivas. Thank you so much for taking the time three incredibly busy schedule. We really appreciate all this great insights and practical experience that you have share with our global community today. Very much, appreciate your, your, your time here with us.
Thank you for having me. So thank you, Peggy.
Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, mister Srinivasan ...? Thank you very much, and we're excited about this session, and, of course, the one coming up now, at the top of the hour.
We're gonna move into biotech, and we're going to talk to a leader in innovation, and how he is facilitating innovation and digitalization Roche. So at the top of the hour, we're kind of talking about scaling your internal innovation capabilities.
Look forward to seeing you then. And for those of you who have additional questions, comments, make sure to join us on LinkedIn. We have provided the links throughout this conference for the chat, so join us there. Make your Likes or comments or shares your insights, your questions. Let us know, what are your thoughts on What acts sharing with us. So, see you at the top of the hour. Thank you.
Srinivas Thummalapalli,
Sr. Vice President, Chief Enterprise Architect,
Fifth Third Bank.
IT Senior Leader with a 20-year career spanning Banking and Financial Technology, leading Architecture and Delivery streams.
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