BTOES Insights Official
May 26, 2021

Digital Process Automation Live - SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT: Intelligent automation as a transformation agent

Courtesy of LatentBridge's Hema Gandhi and Commerzbank AG's Rob Scott, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Intelligent automation as a transformation agent' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at Digital Process Automation Live.



Session Information:

You’ve Automated to Survive COVID-19, But What Now? Transforming the Messy Processes that Serve Users

COVID-19 forced mass adoption of Digital Transformation technologies, mainly to keep businesses running when the workforce, customers and partners at once became virtual and relied on whatever automation was readily available. Now, a year into this new paradigm of work, we’ve learned that merely automating a process is not digital transformation; rather, processes must be re-imagined as experience management – especially those processes around employee and customer service.

This session highlights:

  • A “Digital Intelligence” approach to transforming processes that involve people using unstructured content to make decisions and serve their users
  • Thinking beyond the importance of data, process flow and tasks to discover, monitor and optimize
  • The role of unstructured content as decision, compliance and risk points in employee and customer interactions and making them work for, not against your digitization goals

Be sure to join this insightful session, and walk away with the answers you need.

Session Transcript:

Transformation agent, and I'm very excited to welcome both of them for to discuss this with us today. We have Hema Gandhi and Rob Scott with us and the Pima And Rob, Thank you for being with us. For the audience, Hema is the CEO of Late and Bridge, a Global Intelligent Automation Company.

She's a global executive who has worked and lived in three continents and brings a wealth of experience in building and delivering business value to clients for technologies like AI, RPA, and intelligent automation. She has been recognized in the Women in Fintech power list. And her philanthropic efforts are focused on educating young girls in India, in rural India. Now, we also have Rob Scott, who is the Head of Market Service at Commerce Bank, a pre and post straight expert with over 25 years of global management experience, large investment banks and broker dealers, a proven leader, and executed of business transformation and growth strategists. He's also a board member at various industry bodies and trade associations. Haima, and, Rob, what a great pleasure to have you with us! Sharing your wisdom and expertise with more than 2500 global participants today!


Good afternoon. Good morning, Good evening, wherever you are. My name is Seema Gandhi. I am the CEO of the Ancient Bridge.

Thank you, Beetles for inviting us to this session. I'm delighted to be here.

So the topic for today is intelligent automation as a transformation agent.

We have an exciting 35 minutes planned to talk about why companies need to automate now.

What are the struggles in automation? What is it that they need to do?

Then some successful case examples of firms who have adopted and scaled up automation to scale.

So, why automate now?

Why is automation a key ingredient of digital transformation and change?

All of us would agree that if we need any convincing go with 19 pandemic, that's exposed, just how many areas of businesses, online, if they hadn't been able to switch to automatic.

So to stay competitive in the marketplace, every company needs to improve their customer experience, speed of response for that activity, and optimality and the companies who do not adopt autonomy type of automation at scale.

They progressively become uncompetitive, and they started to build and hence, the need to jump to the new S curve.

I would just like to quickly bring out the EIU survey that was done sometime before I did my company's automate. Nothing off this should suffice, any of you.

The key highlight here is that automation improves competitive advantage and the reasons why companies automate unsheltered known to us.

But then why do most companies struggle to automate?

We have looked at a bunch of reasons. I'm talking to various swamps.

So those are an automation anxiety around which is an, a process to automate. Am I using the right tool for tuition?

Screenshot - 2021-05-26T202922.099There's sometimes a rush to automate tasks versus looking at the right process and transforming that forces, there's obviously an unstructured data, and it meant to be looked into the nuances of that.

Sometimes organizations want to just automate without changing the underlying systems and transforming the pulses, and there's indeed resource crunch.

So, because they need to hire the automation expert, speed, internal, or external, then sometimes automation, stop smoking, because there are underlying systems which need this code to a change and hence, your automation, it comes to a halt.

So, there are a whole lot of reasons why companies are struggling to scale it up the automation.

I would actually want to ask a poll here to save fuel would ask the audience what stage of the automation car body Farewell him. And so for the audience right now, I'm going to launch a poll here and please go ahead and vote on this poll. The first question, there'll be three polls, or follow here, so state, right. Ready with your, with your for your vote. The first one is what stage of out of the automation maturity. You're currently. And so I am relaunching that in right now.

And if you can please take your volt here at what stage are you in your organization on the automation maturity curve is this legacy are, you curious, tactical, strategic, or automation for ...? Again, as Sima mentioned in her graph, you going from left to right here, from top to bottom. The as you go lower. Your more advanced, if you will. So please go ahead and take your volts right now. I'm gonna give you a few seconds here to vote. So, I, you What stage are you on on your automation? maturity curve legacy, or Cures Tactical, strategic, or your automation four? So, let's get a good feel here for what the audience is at, in terms of maturity. So, go ahead and vote and the, I am going to be closing the vote on that. So, last few seconds here, and let's share the results of that. And the here's what we have and I'll read those results for everybody. We have a legacy 5% curious 29%.

Tactical, 33% is strategic 19% and automation 4 14 percent.

It's a pretty even distribution haima it seems the most are on the tactical level, which is 33% 29% tiers, 19% strategic 14% at automation for. Do you have any comments on that, Hema?

So, not surprising at all. And although I must see automation for dot AU and I must say, if I, what it means is that every process within the organization is we would from automation, it ends.

I know that the numbers for industry-wide around eight to 12%.

So it's, it's, it's good to hear that it's slightly higher than that.

Very well, I'm moving on to question now, which is, what are the parameters in scaling up our ...?

So what are the inhibitors just scaling up automation in your organizations? Is it number one? Large capital outlay is required, Ambiguous bowls and methodologies.

A lack of leadership buy in incorrect process selection.

Unclear ROI and measurement.

Please go ahead and take your vote right now on what are the inhibitors to scaling up automation. Please select one out of this five, This five options. I know you probably have a combination of factors in your organization, just pick the one that's most critical in your opinion. What are the inhibitors to scaling up automation in your organization right now? So take your votes. I see several votes coming in. This is good. I'm gonna give you a few more seconds here to this to make a decision. What are the inhibitors of scaling up automation in your organizations? So about half of you have already voted. I'll give you a few more seconds here to let everybody else catch up.

Btog CTASo take your votes, take one, and I'm gonna be closing it right now and sharing the results with everyone. So let's see what we got here.

So what we have is that the large capital outlays at 15% ambiguous goals and methodologies, 27%.

Lack of leadership bying, 23%, incorrect process selection, only 8% an unclear Roy and measurement at 27%. So, it seems haima that the goals and methodology, along with unclear Roy measurement, that's 27% each, followed closely by a lack of leadership buy in. What are your perspectives on that?

Yeah, I mean, I think the unclear is a big one and that's something which is pretty critical for taking on organization wide.

And Robin Claudie, share his experience aged on as well.

But, from our standpoint, we do recommend a more centralized and tools or leadership buy in, as well as the employee buy in as well. So, certainly those are the inhibitors which, which for the kind of demand from the scaling up of automation.

Very well. I will now move on to our third and final poll. question: What is the most important driver for automation in your organization? So I'm launching that right now, what is it? Is it What is the most important driver for automation?

Cost, efficiency, customer experience, consistency and accuracy, what drives automation and what's most important for as a driver, for your organization. Again, take your vote. Is it cost, efficiency, customer experience, consistency, and accuracy. I understand you'll probably have a combination of this factors, but if you're gonna pick the most important driver, which one is the main driver in your organization? Cost efficiency, Customer experience, consistency and accuracy.

What is driving automation or maybe if you're not embarking on that journey just yet, you believe that should be the driver for automation in your organization. You all are getting very good at this voting.

I see 50% of the voting already took place very quickly, so your fingers are moving fast, well done, and you're making the right decisions for your context. And I'm gonna give you five more seconds here.

Take the vote and I will wrap up this, wrap up the poll Very well. So I'm closing right now. Less vote came, just came in, and I'm closing it and that I'll share the results with everyone. And the number one item, almost half of the overall votes, at 48%, was efficiency.

Follow by customer experience, at 22%.

Efficiency had 48% customer experience, 22%, and costs and consistency and accuracy at the same level, at 15%.

So, how does that compare to other groups you have been Polling Heyman.

So, this is very interesting to say if it is perfectly aligned. Exactly. That's what I was going to cover in the next slide based on our observation off to a few firms. So, thank you for that. This was very interesting.

Thank you very much and now, back to your presentation.

Great. Thanks.

To say so, what is it that enterprises expect from the automation program?

So, we just heard from you also I don't probably need to cover that end to end, but we have kind of bucketed this into three different pillars. one is the cost and sustained why?

The second one being scale and simplicity. And the third being, data and compliance.

We actually surveyed over 4800 clients that we have been talking to or looking to adopt as scared our automation for them.

I've just listed out four such examples at the bottom here.

And, as I mentioned, the kind of spirit that you've talked about is very much aligned with what we saw from our survey in our discussion.

The first one is the Portfolio for P form, looking to automate the course or surge in their transaction, looking to the bottom make multiple processes, which require multiple tools.

Email Graphic Virtual Conferences (1)-2The second one is because of flexibility. They just want to have more flexibility around the volumes that day.

Nicole, to the third example is, the form is looking to automate for revenue generation. And then the fourth one here is looking to do have a video legacy systems and move on to cloud.

So looking at all of these challenges and why firms have a strong desire to automate yet, they get caught up in the thank you ESO tactical stage Is precisely the reason why they didn't match small set up to address those pain points.

So we developed a platform on Vine which is a convergence of all of the automation tools. ...

Dorsi on machine learning and data visualization all integrated onto cloud.

The platform actually provides enterprises that sensibility to run when and how they want to run the automation.

And most importantly, it provides the real-time insights on the business focused dashboard that they had, the clients would like to have.

The platform is pay as you go basis. Mister Besides, it means that you pay for what you consume while you pay per transaction.

Doesn't matter what tools and technologies that requires.

I think as an end device, you get the on the automation output, but the tools selection is left to the platform, and it gives them tools.

Navigation there, it's a fully managed platform and, of course secure.

Mmm hmm, Secure from the Industry Standards.

And the best part here is that it has a fully automated sauces assessment tool.

In the first assessment tool, Gifts, complexity, score.

It gives the stability score and the intended return on investment.

I must highlight that we actually do strongly believe that identifying the right classes is very critical for automation success.

We can talk about, well, how do we select those processes? But it's predominantly be focused on the complexity of the underlying systems, the volume, and of course, the data quality as well.

The last part of the automation challenges that we've talked about is around innate ability to scale up, automation quickly, right.

And so for that, an agent which has developed certain validity solutions, we did well for our clients and we never, we felt that there was married and developing that as a product.

We have developed that as a thought I saw that it can be deployed to motivate the clients.

The first example here is a ... sediments B matching.

This the banks are mandated to match the feeder today's by a due date.

This was, this is a product that can be deployed to multiple investment banks.

It allows 100% automation coverage to thinking from your vision of staff and has brought in 85% reduction in turnaround time.

And it's obviously empty across markets and multiple asset classes.

The second example here is a solution done for a manufacturing firm.

May interesting example, where there were multiple varying temperature itself: document orders, invoices, product codes, unstructured data elements, and obviously, it was taking a lot of time consuming is thorn, thorn to sort of process.

And there we automated that, reducing the time and effort and managing the complexity of it. and, obviously, infusing the productivity as well.

So, 100% accuracy, as well as 82% reduction in cycle time, and this is a variable product can be deployed across multiple industries and procure to pay.

And the last but not least, is the best platform developed as a connected advisory platform. It automates the fun back pauses. It enhances the advisors, as well as the investors experience.

For high net worth individuals, it has this, I did involve a one wealth advisor being able to handle five times the volume of clients and reduce the turnaround time by 90%, Desmond.

So with that, would you like to invite to all to share his experience?

Having been at a very successful program at Commerce Bank?

I'm up.

Very good to meet you all.


You have been actually driving this whole transformation for them at the bank past several years.

Tell us the recipe for success here.

So the recipe for success, I think boles down to three things from my perspective.

one is clearly about leadership.

You need, or success, a top-down approach from the board down through the organization.

If you just allow products and sales units and everything else, just to get involved, I think you really need a top-down leadership approach. You need to invest in culture.

And change.

And I think that's hugely important Combined with you need to accept some external help.

There are many industries, where there are long term employees, which is a fantastic thing, because of the experience, But you need to also get external help, who are well equipped to help you on the journey of automation.

I mean, if you think about who the winners are going to be in this digitalization story, it's generally not those who have planned best those who have adapted to change best and most quickly.

So, agility, speed, or really the decisive factors.

So, you know, having false processes, um, and solutions, getting the employees engaged with the solutions.

I mean, one of the things that we often find is the, you know, and it comes back to what come out. The poll released. A lot of people are looking for efficiency that's clear.

Screenshot (4)But also, I think that there are there are challenges and you need to get employees engaged with the solutions for sure.

The roi doesn't surprise me because there is, you know, you're looking for efficiency gains, but what we are doing and many other financial services firms are taking the efficiency that we derive and then invest.

Invest back into the people that can help us with the, you know, import all the knowledge and wisdom, and spend time with.

And so, you know, that will lead to growth and cut, and client satisfaction, spending more time with your clients. When you automate. Some of these functions are really important.

And we see that, you know, we've we've worked on many topics where we've taken very mundane, very highly predictive, output functions, um, and, you know, delivered those a much earlier point in the day, so you can actually spend more time solving problems for your clients.

It's really important that, you know, you get the employees engaged with these new solutions.

It's hugely important because you've got all the wisdom.

You can have all of the the great programmers and all of the data and all of the science there. But you really need to make sure that you get very good employee engagement with the solute solutions. And that's why, for me, you know, leadership and invested in culture is hugely important.

That's very interesting. So, I guess that's what you are suggesting here, is that have the leadership buy in and having employee come up and combine that, sometimes, showing themselves and as well So, it's a combination to get the benefits and the scale that an on device would want, Right?


The Royce, as yes, there is an ROI but actually what you're doing these, your position yourself in the digitally way to your client, so actually, no, you can get savings is clear. You can drive savings, but actually, this is more of a, you know, taking all of this automation intelligently and then using that in a more intelligent way with your client interactions.

OK, so should we talk a little bit more about what benefits does automation to provide to your clients?

So, huge benefits, I think around, you know, if you look at each one of us with our smartphones technology. We want everything instant. We want it comprehensive.

We want standardization is quite interesting because I think as a person, you feel you want lots of personalization.

But actually what people really want is standardization, because they know that personalization, for the most part, leads to, you know, lots of lies and lots of cost.

So I think interacting people, more digitally, more real time, spending more time with clients, I think if you've got an effective data strategy, which all the new technologies that are coming along with it, the OPO, RPA, or AI, they all premised on having an effective data strategy.

And so, you know, what you can drive with your clients is a real, better understanding about the clients, their behaviors, their habits, how we can best then target products and services towards those that do it in a standardized way.

Um, and, you know, I think that that, The benefits of digitalization you know. It's not something to be feared about.

I think, you know, we'll worry about robotics and machines and we're all going to be out of jobs.

Actually, we're not, we're going to create a whole new set of jobs as a result of boasting that digitalization of data and colon inflammation.

You can target new new clients or new products and services to your clients and deliver much better and, you know, retain that loyalty across industry. And that's across industries, by the way, not just financial services.

Thank you, that's very interesting on.

So, then, let's talk about, you mentioned about data strategy, and that brings me to recent research that I had seen here.

This suggests about five only, about 5% of the companies have 100% of their data in order. And I think we all talk about data being the new ....

How do you mind this rich data than to gather a cause, your client tweets and all its actions?

Well, as I said before, a flaw in any of these new technologies requires an effective data strategy which can look at, you know, normalizing the data.

Um, that's, that's hugely important, because you can't build these new technologies on bad data, because it will learn wrong behaviors, or will analyze in a different way, So having a data strategies is key, normalize it, And then, I think the key to success is, is to take these big data lakes. And ensure that you give tools back to the business. To interrogate the data. Again, engaging people, and you're experts, and your long term employees, in looking at this data, Because the data will be presented to them, will be a quantum of what they can do see, And compute in their own minds.

Screenshot - 2021-05-26T202922.099So having a rich dataset, they can then look at targeting new commercial operative products and services for their clients, with a better understanding.

But I think it's all premised on having very good data strategies and normalization. And then that, you know, that doesn't mean that you've got to retire all of your legacy platforms.

It just means you've got to build the small interaction layers, where you can receive data and normalize it and then apply these technologies to it. And actually, that works very well.

Great, great, Sir.

What does the future hold?

I think the future, I think there will be a lot more automation. And to your earlier point in your presentation.

I think if you don't have a strategy around automation regardless of the industry, I think you're going to be falling behind very, very quickly.

Know, you only have to look at, you know, things that have gone past, you know, Apple dominated. The music streaming industry for many, many years, and then along came overnight, Spotify with a fee paid model. And it just took them complete. Yeah.

The guy what, I would argue that, um, if you don't have digital strategies and automation strategies that enable you to get closer to your clients, I think you will be struggling.

And I also think that need for transformation is important, And it's the topic of this.

This, this whole, you know, the, the whole conference, is around the need for transformation, because I think what people generally do, is, they apply a series of incremental changes and various projects, and, you know, all this plan. And, as I said, planning will not get you over the line, speed, and agility will, and having some good strategies around it.

But I see the future, good.

I see the future, I don't fear the future, I don't fear that anyone should, should, should, should worry about it because I think we will all be give them better tools and their quality of life in their workplaces will be much better.

So, I think, you know, what can I say back to leadership to finalize, is, you know, love technology, Empower your teams, you know, say what, not how, be the chief storyteller, get the enthusiasm around it, because there's a lot of fear that comes with automation.

But, as I said, it can be quite an enabler and the freedom to do more value added, work with your clients, and then invest in culture and learn to adapt.

And she, though, to the last point, adapt very quickly, Because, whether it's a fintech, whether it's, you know, a competitor, you can be sure that there will be a lot of, if you don't at that, you will be don't be left in the Apple. I mean, that was the greatest, It's helped me, That was a great example of a company, but the streaming service, don't don't be there.

Um, that's why I would say, OK, well, thank you, well, I can't resist asking you the question that we had for the phone, for the, for the audience as well. So, what stage of automation maturity is your organization?

So, I think we, you know, we've been following a digitalization, top-down approach for the last three years.

I think we are starting now to really get the transformation through the organization, I think we started off very incrementally.

Um, and I do think that actually now, we're really starting to do transformations.

I think we're recognizing, well, you know, as many organizations are where they'll have proprietary value add and where there is no value add.

And, you know, that's why automation is very important for partnerships and collaborations is very important.

I also think that not tying yourself to one particular, you know, automation, there's lots of software out there. And I think that's one of the advantages of our By the ...

Agnostic Lee and Apply the right solution, technological solution to the right problem.

So, you know, we will continue that journey.

We want to be, you know, digitally and, you know, enable to all of our clients, and we've got a target of end of 2024.

So there'll be a couple of year journey, but we're really starting to accelerate well there.

That's fantastic to hear all the best in the AI Initiatives.

Thanks. Thank you for your time.

Just saying, we are done with all presentation and talking, so we're happy to take any questions that the audience may have. I hope this session was helpful and it inspires you to go back to your organizations and do more of it.

Fantastic came a fantastic, dropped very much. So, this is a, you know, the topics very pertinent to digital process automation. Hema, I'm gonna ask you to stop sharing your screen your presentation screen to the audience. I'm gonna bring back my camera and I remind the audience that you can continue to ask questions. I've seen some of them come through already, And that the first one here is for you, Rob. But he might feel free to jump in as well.

But it is with respect to, with respect to how do you keep the core of businesses going, while you're having potential technological disruption happening in the business and the core of the business. So, but of course, you know, it's easy to get distracted. also by this disruptions and lose track of your core, and so especially in financial services right now, there's a tremendous amount of disruption going on. So the core, there's a lot to be done, in terms of improvement innovation.

And the core, yet, you gotta keep an eye on, you know, blockchain technology and all the fintech movement that's going on. And, you know, and, and, and the virtual coins, and so on, so forth. Curious from your perspective as a leader in commercial, sorry, financial services, you know, how do you divide your attention between the core and this disruptions that are taking place?

Yeah. I mean, look, it's always going to be a challenge. There's no question about that.

Balancing, keeping the lights on with your existing framework woolf's. Transforming yourself is always tough. The way that we did it at the bank was to organize, organize ourselves in clusters.

So we we more or less in old language would have a run the bank team, and change the bank team.

The change debate and team work in a very agile way, in respect of digitalization, and they are tossed with digitalize in that business, for the future. So we have a sole focus.

Email Graphic Virtual Conferences (1)-2And a team of people, usually subject matter experts, who all succumbed it into this team, that actually only focus about if we could start again, or let's look at the new technologies or whatever, and that works very well. There is always the balance of therefore, you know, running very quickly and, you know, keeping the lights on. But I think we maintain very healthy governance across the two so they don't get out of kilter.

But what we end up with is a, you know, super, you know, supa speeding through the organization agility and change and that will ultimately lead us to digitalization.

Because what those clusters work on is the future, not the past or the current.

And so that works very, very well.

And we have fantastic productivity and success stories around that.

You know, that cluster, because the other thing that's important in the cluster is you have all of the disciplines from, you know, from front office, middle office, back office tax, legal compliance, AHL, everything in this cost.

And so, they are really shaping the future boss, we've got a team looking after the code.

That's very insightful, very helpful. Hema, do you do, do you see what Robin described as as as the approach of good of what made me even more progressive organizations are doing right now?

You know, they keep an eye on the core while stretching it with various, you know, kind of a discipline framework on the, on the on how they stretch their core?

Absolutely. Just say, I think there needs to be on the sea.

As Rob said, run the bank, So, this, know, ... work that needs to carry on happening. But then, there's a transformation team that looks set to change, both in terms of the future, as well as the current change, right. So the, As you know, ... keep changing, you need to adhere to that, and look into how your processes are changing to that respect. But, yes, that's one big, big ingredient of successful organizations.

Those who are, yeah, I just want to share some data point here. Just say I'm in this, only about two.

8% of the organizations who are at that automation for 1 or 2 that we see from, I mean, this is our Deloitte and one Case Study survey, based on the data point. And actually, these vast rationale for that, is that, if they need to look into a whole host of things, that I'll just mention, in order to keep going.

Absolutely. Another theme that has emerged on the commentary and questions, it was the comment I think either one of you, probably both of, you, made this comment related to culture. You know, We all know that culture eats strategy for breakfast, and any initiative that we have can become a side dish on the jaws of culture.

So, the question that I have is that, what, you know, transformations are hard, because usually, when you're trying to transform an organization, you're going to go against the grain of culture somewhere. Because, if it was easy, it would have, it wouldn't have happened already.

So you're, you're looking for people in organizations transform and change, and that's hard, what do you think are the most, what is the most significant culture shift and change the financial services in general, have to undertake, to kinda get to that next level of performance. So, what do you see as the biggest barrier when it comes to the culture in financial services organizations?

I mean, from my perspective, I think it's embracing, embracing technology.

Not fair in it!

Empowering the teams!

Um, I think education in the teens, getting people, you know, don't operate a secret, squirrel type of thing that's going to transform the company over here, where no one's involved and they, they don't feel any power or connectivity to it.

So I think, you know, getting your people to embrace technology and work with it because the technology, you know, is the computing, power and the agility of. And the exponential power of technology is fantastic.

But actually, you know, it's really, you know, techie is a wonderful tool, but digitalization for the main part is a question of personal attitude and it's the mindset and the culture.

So, just include your people in that get your really, you know, people that would normally FIA tech, get them involved in it, get them, shaping it and because I think you will end up with a much better process within your organization, and a much better delivery to clients.

Yeah, I agree with you.

Just say, we actually recommend a centralized epcot, which is the enterprise, my center lead team that maintains and looks at the future tools.

and, and this is the whole automation mindset that the centralized team can educate people.

Screenshot (4)And so the, to answer your question, the biggest hurdle we find is, within the culture is upskilling staff, right? Which which we consider as to be a very important ingredient.

Because people are used to a traditional way of working and living and they need to imbibe this which means that they need to be off skill to be able to comprehend and appreciate that better.

Excellent. Haman, Rob, thank you so much for sharing expertise. We could go on and talk about so many topics here. We appreciate your, your insights and practical leadership and an expertise on behalf of our global community, thanks for taking the time out of your busy schedules and sharing that wisdom with us today.

Thank you very much. Thank you, Thank you for inviting us.

Thank you.

Ladies and gentlemen, that was Hema Gandhi and Rob Scott. Leaders in Financial Services, Automation, digital process Automation, and Transformation.

Providing real useful insights on, on technology, on people, and culture.

As we all, as we say, in the beginning of every session, it takes great leaders and smart technologists with understanding key processes, people, and the culture of our organizations to make meaningful transformations and automate meaningfully. So grading, sites, we're going to be taking a break now. And when we come back at the top of the hour, I'm going to be bringing you Larry Boyer, who is an advisory board leader for multiple organizations. And he's going to talk about leading business transformation in times of disruption from covert 19 to the fourth Industrial Revolution, what greatness looks like what progressive organizations are doing right now to, to advance in the face of adversity, uncertainty, and exponential change. So, we will see you. And, Larry, at the top of the hour, do take a break right now, and we'll see you back soon.


About the Author

more - 2021-05-13T222251.298Hema Gandhi,


Over 25 years of experience bringing technology and domain knowledge together to deliver business value to clients. With LatentBridge, a global intelligent automation company, she aims to solve the key issues around business application of AI, Robotics and process automation – adoption and scale.

As an entrepreneur and business head, she has led large deals focussed on digital transformation, process optimisation and customer experience. 

She has been recognised in Women in Fintech Powerlist and has inspired many female entrepreneurs to contribute to the field of advanced information technology.


About the Author

more (2)-May-26-2021-02-55-55-82-PMRob Scott,
Head of Market Services,
Commerzbank AG.


Rob has over 25 years’ experience in the running and acquisition of front-office businesses lines and in the commercialisation of global core operations of Investment banks, broker dealers and investor service business lines, including Bank of America, Cantor Fitzgerald/BGC, Citi and Deutsche Bank.

He was instrumental in the creation of the first major European outsourcing investment banking global back office whilst at Accenture (Accenture Post Trade Services). He has written and spoken on many topics surrounding the post-trading landscape, business transformation and inclusion of FinTech. He also advises clients with respect to regulatory understanding and compliance.

Rob currently sits on the Board of the AFME Post Trade division, is the Strategic advisor to the CEO of ISITC Europe and is a Deutsche Borse (Eurex) FICC Board Advisory Committee member.


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