BTOES Insights Official
February 22, 2022

RPA & IA Live - SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT: Using Intelligent Automation to help reduce burnout of healthcare professionals, improve efficiency, and enhance focus on patient care

Courtesy of BHS Group's Dr. Shakthi Kumar below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Using Intelligent Automation to help reduce burnout of healthcare professionals, improve efficiency, and enhance focus on patient care' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at the RPA & Intelligent Automation Live Virtual Conference.



Session Information:

Using Intelligent Automation to help reduce burnout of healthcare professionals, improve efficiency, and enhance focus on patient care

1. The state of intelligent automation in healthcare – opportunities and challenges

2. Crossing the chasm – barriers to entry

3. Focus areas – where to start, how, and strategic bets

4. Design and implementation considerations

Session Transcript:

The next talk from Dr. Shakthi Kumar, who I would ask to come on the stage now, so you can see your shining face Is all about a particular industry and that is health care.

Doctor Camara, nice to see you.

Let me do a brief introduction you smile and live up to the to the bio report. Doctor Kumar is an innovator and Entrepreneur Global Executive who's held several sea level jobs. He's been, a founder of, multiple companies, has involved, has been involved in startups and established businesses, life, sciences, medical, digital technology.

He's also served as a faculty member, as most smart people do, when they do their faculty job as well for students in health care professional studies, and today, he is going to talk us through, as you can see, very clearly on the stage, a critical issue about how do we use all this intelligent automation technology to avoid the burnout as a human beings, that are actually doing these jobs? So, I'm going to fade away, doctor Kumar, welcome to the stage and we will see you everyone put your questions and answers in the question are questions of doctor Moore.

Dr. Shakthi Kumar imgI'll give you the answers, put the questions in the question section as the talk goes and then I'll try to cover as many of those as possible, without further ado, doctor Kumar.

Thank you, Christopher. It's a pleasure to be here with all of you. Good morning, good afternoon, good evening.

Depending on which time zone, all of your N And Chris could you please confirm that, my presentation, you guys are able to see it? Yeah, I am able to see it live and in color. Well, my color, you wanted to slot.

Wonderful, wonderful.

So we're gonna get started here, and over the course of the last day, and some of the sessions today we've discussed about, hi wonderful RPA and intelligent automation technologies, I've been helping industries And as well as making their lives much easier and better for everyone.

The focus of my session is, specifically, how do we use RPA in intelligent automation in healthcare.

And here, what we hope to cover in the, in the session, is we're gonna go through a quick overview of the current state of health care. Some of the key challenges, as well as, what are some of the pain points.

We can look at some of the current Perry pandemic realities. What are we really looking at? In terms of either, the challenges to healthcare professionals, as well as technology implications. As well as what does the future really hold for us. And then the most important thing is the opportunities for impact.

Or can RPA and intelligent automation really help us in healthcare?

And we're going to then go into some of the various forms of RPA and intelligent automation, just as a refresher. So we're all on the same page.

And then we will look into how do we really implement RPA and AI in healthcare, specifically to address some of the current challenges.

And then then we're going to get into some of the conclusions and the takeaways.

This, the next slide, is just the standard disclosures.

What you're seeing right now is solely, the views of my views are not really, of any other entity.

This presentation is not really sponsored by anyone, nor have any kind of any form of commercial support, and to the extent possible, I've made effort, too.

Make sure all of the due references and citations are included into the presentation, OK, so let's get started.

So, the health care ecosystem, what we're talking about is, across the various healthcare ecosystem components, we have hospitals and health systems, we have clinicians, as well as, we have different other points of care. We have the emergency room, clinical care, critical care. We have operating rooms.

Btog CTAWe have various life sciences organizations that are embarking on very, very valuable drug discovery and research and bringing out vaccines out into the market in a very timely fashion.

We have genomic companies out there, as well as we have the payers. They are the ones that actually cover health insurances and pay the bills and then, of course, the the wide range of consumer as well as digital devices that's out there that spawning the. They are all personalized medicine as well as proactive health.

Now, if this is the ecosystem, the entire ecosystem is grappling with one challenge, which is, how do you really do more with less? And what I mean by this is, I'm going to take you through some of the key dimensions of this particular aspect across this entire healthcare healthcare ecosystem.

So, the first is, you know, healthcare is all about three main components.

one is improving treatments, improving outcomes for our patients, and increasing and enhancing access to our patients. So, those are the three, kind of, like, a major focus areas for, for health care, no matter where we sit, and, you know, across this larger ecosystem.

So, the patients are always the first and foremost and they sit at the center of our care.

And so if you really look at hospitals and health systems today, every single, especially in the midst of the pandemic, every single hospital health systems, constrained resources, the reimbursements for various procedures, there are challenges and reduction in what they actually get paid for certain procedures. And we are seeing a level of staff shortages that we've never seen in the past.

On the clinician side the workloads are getting longer and longer. You know what? You, what used to be a 8 to 9 hour workdays We're looking at ...

right now and at minimum, in some cases, there is always less of clinical time. You spend a lot of time, you know, working on paperwork, administrative processes as well as dealing with the bureaucracy of the larger system itself.

And so it's really taking away valuable time for patient care.

If you're really examining any emergency rooms of critical care, setting it just, this is not really one particular region, but pretty much globally and the United States as well, as the coat with one thousand soldiers have really impacted your hospitalization as well as how people are really approaching a lot of the hospital based care.

For instance, the elective procedures are being postponed which means that you're really not taking care of your health And rather than proactively and preventative care, acute episode happens, you are hospitalized resulting in, you know, much reduced outcomes as well as increased expenses and so on and so forth. So you are the critical care component is really getting impacted in the mix the pandemic.

If you're really looking at operating rooms and surgical interventions, you are implementing a lot of robotic assisted surgery in various arts, but also, there is a overwhelming need for, you know, increased documentation. For every single procedure, you pretty much have 6 to 7 pages of clinical notes. That needs to go along with every single procedure. And the rising cost of every single surgical intervention, as well, is something that most health systems, patients, payers, they're all grappling with.

From a life sciences standpoint, there is, you know, that's the segment where you, you've Madison's new interventions come into picture.

There is rising drug discovery costs as well as, companies are really looking at bringing out drugs and interventions that are really personalized for every single patient, And there's the onset of digital therapeutics, where you actually use the digital platform and the digital medium to address certain aspects of care.

It could be, for instance, you know, it's being used widely used for depression, substance abuse, and so on, and so that's a very, very fascinating area that's really coming out of healthcare in terms of genomics, genomic. So think about this as is, you know, we all know we talk about DNA.

So just genomics is is ushering in a new era of patient care?

We are able to pinpoint specifically what is wrong with a single patient, and then match that with the right kind of drug, strike kind of interventions, and so on.

And what does that, what's happening is that, when we actually sequence a patient, that the genetic data, there's volumes and volumes of information and data that needs to get stored, processed that his back and work. That they're supporting genomic space discovery. As well as patient care. So that is very important, and critical aspect, as well.

At that, we have the peeps. So we talked about payers earlier on with the rising cost there, is a focus on looking at, based, sort of a health where we're not really looking at one single individual. But if you're managing populations sets across that particular region, we're looking at people with certain disease attributes, so that they can be more effectively managed from a proactive standpoint, rather than reactive care.

Also, there are opportunities, you know, the payer landscape, for substance and fraud, abuse detection, um, just.

OK, and then, lastly, from a consumer and diagnostics perspective, know, lot of the digital devices that are out there could be your Apple Watch, you wearing a Fitbit. There's a huge amount of data that's coming out of these devices, and patients, as well as physicians, will need to use this data to essentially incorporate that into the care regimen as well.

So, as you can see here, uh, all these different factors need to be taken into account as we proceed with health care, looking at health care and the opportunities that lie within healthcare.

So, let's actually go onto the next slide. I just wanted to a quick check. Is everybody able to see the screen? Christa, are you able to see my presentation that? I can see the screen find. There's a little, it's, like almost like your cuff links are hitting a knife microphone though, is there anything bumping on your site?

Maybe not, the screen spot, OK, Wonderful, wonderful, OK.

So, we're going to go on to the next panel here, OK.

So, with all these various challenges that are occurring, you know, within healthcare, so what, What are we looking at?

Some of the focal points and what do we really need to focus on and and their lies in the opportunity for us. So, the first thing is even before the covert 19 pandemic hit hit us, that the healthcare systems were really grappling with a lot of different challenges.

Email Graphic Virtual Conferences (4)-1It could be from cost of care to specifically the telemedicine exhibit and saw, so let's examine some of these key areas and see, you know, what we could do from an RPA and intelligent automation perspective.

So, the focal point of impact, if you're really looking at and I'm using some, you know, some humor here, two slides are not advancing, that might be one problem. I don't see it advanced, I'm still on slide, I don't see the number. But it's the healthcare ecosystem.

Oh, OK. OK, so, give me one second, I will, I will come back on, yeah, thank you.

OK, you're, you're now off.

I mean, this, you're there, but the screen, the slide does not.

And you should be able to share it again.

Here we go, It's our health care systems, we're already going through change.

Wonderful, OK, so let's look at some of the focal points of impact of healthcare and how we could look at some of these challenges. And specifically, where RPA and intelligent automation can help us.

So I'm using, as I said, I'm using humor just to kinda drive home the point here, but there is a huge amount of disproportionality in per capita health care costs versus, you know, the quality of Care Matrix.

For instance, in the United States, right now, we spend about over almost $12,000 per capita on healthcare, And they are rising at a staggering rate of about 46% year over year, Whereas the quality of care, if you're looking at some of the metrics, are not improving as much, and so that is the challenge, and there are different aspects of it. There are the actual health systems that they ensure populations and the uninsured populations as well. And that's causing a tremendous amount of intrinsic pressure across the health systems.

The second one is telehealth and Telehealth is is changing. How care is being delivered to patients. And especially with the call with 19 pandemic digital, how telemedicine has really taken off.

And it is widely being used currently across the landscape. It could be the primary care setting, or it could be, you know, the platforms that enable connected connectivity between patients and clinical clinicians.

And so, there is an over reliance on technology, but at the same time, it is, creating a tremendous amount of supporting documentation. Because it's extremely important in patient care and patient delivery, that every single visit, every single encounter is properly documented. And then we have to get paid, you know, for every service rendered, so the claim reimbursements and everything else. So there's a huge amount of process overhead that we're dealing with from a telemedicine standpoint.

Then, of course, shop, the insurance coverage, the healthcare payer landscape, there is A wide range of health health care health care plans, coverage plans, and it's it's it's dizzying area of confusing area for possibilities of what's covered and what's not covered.

What it essentially means is that it is creating a lot of, you know, when a claim goes in, for processing, for instance, you need to go into a hospital for a particular procedure where you go into a doctor for a visit.

Based on the type of insurance, the, the data that needs to get submitted is completely different.

If you're part of a value based care program or population health program, there are different documentation needs versus, you know, if you're just have a managed care program, or if you're in a government sponsored program, every single type of insurance has its own data submission requirements. So, data, process, overhead is a huge thing that the health care industry it's dealing with.

And then, of course, you know, with the advent of electronic medical record system, data entry of Bob patient information, as well as registration. Clinical notes, is a huge component of it, right? And, we are seeing increasing amount of errors in recording patient data.

The data quality issues in a clinic, medical record system, and so on, which is really adding additional time, resources, complexity in dealing with healthcare, as well as in dealing with patient care.

Shall we kind of looked at four focal points of impact that the health care industry were already going through, you know, without, without code in 19?

Now, if you overlay coal with 19, you know, on top of this, that's layering of an additional set of changes on top of the constrain health care ecosystem.

And what I mean by this is that with, with ..., 19, the reality is, we're really looking at extended and long schedule work.

Schedule of healthcare professionals, people, working 6 to seven days in a particular week, especially during searches and hospitalization that's occurring worldwide.

We're also looking at certain types of specialty of medicine, especially emergency, emergency medicine, critical care, primary care technology. There's tremendous amount of staff shortage, meaning that a set of clinicians or nurses, nursing staff, are dealing with a huge amount of populations, resulting in stress as well as data entry challenges, or had a complete amount of backlog, awful, lot of back end work that needs to get done.

We're also looking at the change. Health systems are struggling with the changes in revenue. For instance, a lot of the pre pandemic revenue for health systems used to be elective surgeries people coming into hospitals for taking care of important medical problems with coal with 19 data shifted into more reactive cocoa.

19 type of care, People are delaying their their hospitalization to the extent possible, which means that the revenue mix, this changed. What used to be, you know, something like a surgical.

Basically, no surgery based in revenue is now changing into more of the non emergency care, as well as people are taking a lot of telemedicine digital medicine. So, health system that looking at, you know, their own revenue being reshaped in different ways and again, all of this leads to process complexity, data, overheads. as well as a tremendous amount of back end work that needs to get done.

Also, we talked about the shifting of care and with the call, with 19 situation, We advance from proactive care or being, you know, taking care, taking care of patients in a more preventative fashion to reactive care.

And that is an unfortunate collateral impact of the pandemic, and people are kind of postponing important, you know, health checkups as well as, help, you know, particular interventions that may be beneficial for them at the longer term, and that is something, that, you know, we are grappling with across the healthcare ecosystem.

And the most important thing that the result of all this is essentially dibona.

But so much sexually going on, everybody in the front lines from the physicians, from the nursing staff, clinical staff, including the, the professionals that are out there supporting patient care. There's a tremendous amount of burnout that's really out there that the industry is facing.

And so, the issue, especially, is very acute. And so, there are some studies which have been made, in terms of what? What are, especially in the physician segment. You can look at, you know, various reports that have come out in the last 3 to 6 months, and I'm only sharing a few important statistics.

Is that, anywhere from 60 to 65% of the clinical staff, they have impact in their family life and their efficiency, they are experiencing stress levels, as well as running out of time.

And so, what all this means is that it's actually impacting patient care, It's impacting the efficiency of care that's being delivered.

And at times, you have to add additional staff to take care of, you know, these kind of issues that offset any shortages, that result in positions take time off and so on.

So, it's, it's essentially several of the pain points we've already talked about, right, The shortage of skilled healthcare staff, so there's not enough people to do work.

Screenshot (4)And, as a result of that, you focus on patient care, a lot of the backend work, the paper, paperwork, the data processing, as well as some of the ancillary aspects of patient care is getting pushed up.

There is a more and more demand for primary care, you know, which is added to the pressure, and which means that the primary care practitioners, both, you know, individual practices, as well as hospital systems, are seeing, you know, a huge amount of influx of patients, as well as there are bottlenecks in inflow of patients as well.

There's so reactive care versus proactive care, we talked about that earlier.

And then more patients, there's more paperwork, but less available resources to be able to do it.

And then there's this huge amount of unpredictability across the entire healthcare system, which means we have to do more with less.

And that is, that's exactly where RPA and intelligent automation can help the health care industry.

So, let us now look at, now we kind of discussed some of the, the inflection points, the pain points. Within healthcare, we've looked at different dimensions. We've looked at the health systems, clinicians, we looked at payers.

So what are those opportunities? How can, how can RPA intelligent automation help?

And, and the first thing is we have an obligation, as well as a commitment to, to address the prevailing, the economic challenges. What I mean by this is that as we're dealing with ...

19, let's tackle the beast.

Let's help the health care industry in tackling some of the call with 19 related the pandemic related challenges. Then we'll talk about what those opportunities are in the following slides.

Also let's actually help out, you know, reduce burnout of healthcare professionals.

Which means that they can take more time in addressing patients in providing clinical work as well as making their own lives much more efficient and much better for all of us.

And then improving health systems efficiency the health systems efficiency are tremendously burden now with various extremist processes, overheads and so on. So that's an area of opportunity.

The fourth one is greater connectivity between caregivers and patients.

We talked about telemedicine, we've talked about digital medicine and RPA intelligent automation. There's tremendous opportunities there to bring the patients and caregivers closer together in a much more connected fashion.

Reducing cost of Care, you know, like any other industry, there are financial pressures on the industry. The less the cost of care, it's good for everybody, patients, payless, the health systems, you know, they benefit from this, and the payers would love that aspect as well.

And, and, and not only just addressing the basic conversion of manual work to automated tasks, that typically is looked at as part of automation.

But I think in within healthcare, there's an opportunity to move higher up in the value chain, as well.

And so, we'll discuss a few opportunities we have and what we can do about it.

And the last is that there are some longer term healthcare challenges.

For instance, making sure that, when we're looking at patients, connecting the patient across the care continuum, all the way from, when the patient walks into a clinical care setting, take the time to go home and they get better.

How do we create an environment that focuses on their overall well-being and their health?

And, and that is essentially the long term opportunity with health care, is, how do you specifically do that through RPA and intelligent automation? So we'll keep coming back to the seven areas of opportunities I've listed here.

And as we talk about each of these different aspects of healthcare begin to map these seven different opportunities and look at how RP and intelligent automation can drive some value to this particular industry.

So RPA and AI, IA, so I don't mean to go ahead and kind of like, go in detail about what they are over the course of the last day.

And today, we've talked about what does robotic process automation, intelligent automation, mean for, for the industry?

And, as part of the audience today, we have a lot of companies that manufacture products and solutions. We have services industry to being represented here, by many professionals from healthcare industry, that are joined us today. And so, in a very nutshell, just to make sure we're all on the same page, intelligent automation is nothing but, you know, through a combination of various technologies, and methods, and deployment mechanisms. We are helping drive a level of automation, intelligent fashion.

And what we mean by this is that, for instance, RPA, robotic process automation, is a component of intelligent automation, And there are assisted, Robotic process automation methodologies that are unnecessary, as well, which, you know comes into the broader picture.

We have cognitive automation.

Cognitive automation, meaning, you know, embedding some form of a inferential engine.

Dr. Shakthi Kumar imgYou're learning from both data and structured, as well as structured data, to drive about the automation mechanisms and how it gets deployed to address specific business challenges.

So, if you look in the right side, the automation and compasses RPA and cognitive and the artificial intelligence comes into picture. And, and, and that's how, you know, it starts driving from cognitive onward to higher maturity models within into intelligent automation.

The next step in the process, digital assistants widely used across the industry, from chatbots to speech, to text, specific applications. They are widely used right now.

And that is a value addition, as well, and something that we can use, specifically within healthcare to drive value.

Then, of course, you have autonomous agents, that's a higher level of complexity, so uses artificial intelligence.

You're deploying these sophisticated technology components that have the ability through deep learning drive and level of motivation across the value chain.

And for the, for the purposes of this presentation, I'm going to talk about those in automation.

I'm referencing all these different elements, you know, RPA, cognitive, digital assistants, as well as ..., OK, so, so if this is the world of RPA and intelligent automation, now let's examine how we can use this platform and technology to address them on healthcare challenges.

So, we come back to the same, the only a slight, and I'm gonna go segment by segment, and, and we'll look at how we can use RPA and into the automation for, to address the challenges on the right-hand side of the panel here. I'm just keeping this as a reference, the 1 through 7 business opportunities and so we can, we can cross-reference those, so that, you know, we exactly we establish some of the breadcrumbs. And we know exactly where we are impacting healthcare through RPA NIH.

So for hospitals and health systems, RPA and intelligent automation can be used to increase the efficiency of either the Code, 19 testing protocols, the care documentation, compliance, as well as patient registration.

There's a number of manual processes that go on within health systems that require huge amount of people, time, and resources. And RPA and AI can be used very effectively in those care settings.

That's number one.

Number two, when the health data EMR stands for Electronic Medical Records, these are the systems that capture patient data.

These are the systems that clinicians and others to use to document the patient journey.

And, and within health data and more data in that particular spectrum, we could actually, there's a tremendous amount of frustration.

Because in addition to spending long hours, you know, providing patient care, there is a statistics that there is a report that came out, about 20 to 30% of the time of healthcare professionals. He's actually spent data entry.

So Intelligent Data capture, weis to text technologies, the ability for RPA, an IAA to provide some kind of coding checks, like ICD 10 error correction, as well as administrative paperwork and so on, that can be simplified, will really help enhance the quality of the health data, And subsequently, the quality of health data improves. You're also impacting interoperability.

The third element that, you know, we could do within healthcare is more in terms of health care operations, supply chain. And this is a very common challenge across various industries. I think, as part of the conference in over three days. Some of the other presentations, I have addressed this particular challenge, but satellite connectivity is a huge issue right now within healthcare.

And especially logistics, procurement, fulfillment, and so on. And again, there is a huge amount of manual work gone that is required for even driven orchestration across all the way from ordering inventory to fulfillment.

And an RPN it can be a very, very powerful technology to be able to help healthcare in addressing this particular challenge.

Now, let's talk about clinicians, right? This is number four. Which is, you know, reduce the, you know, making sure there's greater connectivity.

And these numbers, 1, 2, 3, 4 here.

We are mapping these opportunities back to the business challenges. And how, you, know, we can address RPA through these various mechanisms. So when we talk about clinicians, we can use RPA and AI to help intelligent staff during, you, know, where do we allocate. When do we need the physicians on, on call?

Or when do we really need the nursing staff scheduled in terms of various days and shifts and so on so that we can be, can tear the stop scheduling, that burnout is reduced.

As well as a lot of the time where, as part of the patient care is spent in lookups.

You know these are looking out for the right kind of prescribing information or data authorization, and so on and so forth.

And, so, ...

can be used in that particular arena to establish a great connectivity, but also help, you know, reduce the boat factor of clinicians and the clinical staff, and the healthcare professionals, from a PR standpoint, claims processing, huge area of opportunity within health care, But a claim gets processed.

There was some kind of an analysis done, which indicates there is anywhere from 110 to 150 different stage gates that go through when you submit a claim. And it gets processed in review.

Lot of those says manual at times, even if it is automated. It is basic automation. So there is no level of connectedness as well.

Email Graphic Virtual Conferences (4)-1And so within the payer space reconciliation of claims payment payment collection compliance, as well as detecting certain kind of, you know, malicious behavior in terms of fraud and abuse. I think RPA and AI can be used in that area.

Now, the deceased's four aspects kind of addresses the operational lead of health care.

Now we're kind of shifting into the higher value add of how RPA and AI can be used for some of the other areas of opportunity. So these are longer term opportunities. So with an operating groups.

So right now there's a proliferation of robotic assisted surgical devices for some of these specific care interventions.

So RP and I can be used in the, ah, pretty group setting to automate some of the, the, the supporting tasks that the surgeons and the clinical staff need.

Because there's a lot of support that goes into these kind of clinical settings as well as, you know, as subtle as clinical notes. The voice to voice to text kind of transcribing off of the surgical Procedure itself could save a tremendous amount of time for these healthcare professionals.

And of course, there is intelligence augmentation. What I mean by this is that, when a patient comes in, and we're looking at certain diseases, typically, you look into research, or look into emerging kind of evidence, evidence based medicine.

RPA and AI can be used to bridge the knowledge gap that exists within within the clinical staff, but then health professionals, but the most up to date repository, and we call this intelligence augmentation. So RPA and AI can help in that particular area.

Last, but not the least, the consumer wellness and diagnostics.

So so much of data coming in, people are using something.

Devices, like Apple Watch and so on.

To keep the, the activity levels that monitors the physical activity. Some of the biomarkers, health markers and so on. And I think when, if you look at RPA just a tremendous opportunity because you can bring all the information back into the system.

It could be data integration, process integration.

I think, you know, that's a fascinating area that I think it will slowly unfold in the years to come.

So, we kind of looked at the large spectrum. So, so far, we looked at some of the challenges that exist with health care. We looked at, you know, some of the business opportunities.

And in this particular slide, we looked at, you know, what are those specific ones that we can address through RPA NIH?

So, for the rest of the presentation now, we'll also look at some of the other dimensions.

For instance, how do you really incorporate some of the artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies in healthcare but as part of RPN and Intelligent Automation?

And I've lost some of them here.

And, for instance, if you really look at artificial intelligence and natural language processing, they can be applied to reduced coding errors, which is a huge compound on healthcare, you know, because everything is based on either diagnosis code, billing code, procedural code.

So, you can actually use AI to go through medical charts, natural language processing translations to look at that, and correct, these records, which actually impacts the quality of care, Believe it or not. Then, machine learning, deep learning can, you can deploy this, because the healthcare industry is also deploying artificial intelligence models.

It could be in medical imaging, Or, it could be even in an, in an operating group setting.

The remote, robotic process automation to intelligent automation technologies can connect these AI models together.

So, RPA and I can become the bridge between these AI models that exist, you know, within health systems.

Speech recognition, you know, healthcare worker, speech recognition, patient histories. When a patient walks into a room and is going through, you know, the history, as well as some of the acute pain point. Converting that speech into text is a huge efficiency booster.

It's actually when a compliance requirement, and it actually helps clinicians in completing the progress notes nepalis visits. And then, of course, the autonomous rule based product integration is going to be the next frontier of RPA, IE applicability in healthcare.

So with all of this, what are some of the considerations we need to keep in mind as we are driving this into RPA and AI to healthcare?

What you see on the right-hand side are all the different opportunities we talked about and some additional ones.

And so, the first is that as part of the overall design and rollout, the first and most appropriate thing we got to do is, we have to look at which particular RPA and it'll automation model is applicable for a particular care setting.

Does it require basic automation? If it is cognitive, how do we ensure that it operates within specific Guardrail, and so we have to select the right model for the right usage.

The, the process and the data into interdependencies are extremely important.

We can always implement something that exists on its own island, but healthcare like most industries and probably more, you need greater connectivity of data.

The patient records, the care records and so on.

And so as you roll out these applications, you need to resolve dependencies and the interdependencies between the differences as well.

The third factor is both the epistemic nomadic considerations.

What do we mean by this is that how a particular model get rolled out in, in usage in healthcare?

Is a function of the knowledge of the healthcare worker, as well as the textual setting in which it gets applied. So when we, when we put the design considerations, this needs to be a key factor, is, you know, who is applying these RPA and AI models, how is it being used? And what is the greater utility of these models?

But then the healthcare system, back to for, once we roll out these models, how do we monitor the performance? How do we know it's working well?

Screenshot (4)Are we really building any kind of closed loop feedback in terms of especially using autonomous or intelligent automation, or cognitive?

You know, how are we knowing that, you know, the system is actually performing to the design specifications and there is no drift that is associated with the performance metrics?

So some considerations to keep in mind.

And also, another key factor is health equity.

Health equity means every single patient, regardless of any kind of female, race, gender, social status, educational status, has the same access to treatments, as has access to the same infrastructure.

And the outcomes are uniform across all the population demographics.

And so, when we implement artificial intelligence.

And artificial intelligence is driving RPA and intelligent automation technologies, be able to be very conscious about not introducing any additional bias and students.

Because we all know that, as part of healthcare delivery today, there are intrinsic biases and skewness that already exist in the system.

Not very sometimes conscious, sometimes unconscious. You know, these are intrinsic factors. And so, we have to be very, very cognizant of the fact that, health equity needs to be at the top.

A bit of will be looking at intelligent automation. Artificial intelligence. And there's a number of industry initiatives that are ongoing to address health equity. And I've listed a few of them here, and please, take a look at some of the guidelines that are issued.

And these guidelines have to be adopted when these technologies robot in healthcare setting.

So, the Bar for Success, you know, we all know, there's a rush to get some of these applications out there, but, you know, the old paper make it The second most gets the cheats. So what we mean by this is that if these are the opportunities right, I just listed them again 1 through 7.

So what is the bar for success?

When we roll out RPA and IA into healthcare, so let's examine these key elements.

So, the first thoughtful successes we have to design these solutions with. And for the end users.

Meaning, it could be the healthcare professionals, it could be the supporting staff, we have to design these solutions with them incorporating their existing workflows.

Because the patient care is very highly specialized, and it's a very subjective field.

And if we are trying to force the adoption of quality with that, with the clinicians, there might be some amount of pushback that you get.

So, when you include them in the design process, it makes it easier to roll out some of these implementations across, execute a vision and sponsorship. This is true for any major rollout. But more so, with RPA NIAAA, because there is a, there's a lack of awareness that lack of education at the senior levels.

The more senior sponsorship that you get for these initiatives, the better or the result and the impact.

Work in productivity. Again, keep in mind that health care is all about three things: Treatment, outcomes and access, right?

And so, if you're helping the health professionals to spend more time with the patients versus paperwork and administrative work, I think, you know, we are, we are addressing the core problem.

And so we need to make sure that we make it easier for them to do the jobs.

There's a lot of process, and data inter-dependent, dependency, especially standardization. There are numerous industry initiatives that's going on within the United States and globally, as well for data sharing.

So, when we roll out these applications, we need to make sure that there is that interdependencies built-in in terms of standards. Process connectivity and so on.

Compliance and regulations, huge component, patient privacy, patient data, protected health information like HIPAA.

These considerations are paramount.

Shell data, privacy and some of these security considerations need to be at the top off the design. And so compliance regulations will be something that, you know, need to be factored in or RPA and AI in healthcare.

And of course, our Hawaiian business case, what are, you know? And the return on investment is both tangible and there are some intangibles as well. Some can be financially measured and monitored. The other one, intangibles, in terms of improved patient outcomes, as well, lifestyle, healthy lives for the patients, better life for the healthcare professionals, as well, and reduce cost.

So, we know these are the parts for success, is some, some considerations to keep in mind.

And so, in conclusion, just looking at my time here, where, you know, so we have tremendous opportunity here. And I often quote one of my favorites, Stephen ..., any Angular has unintended consequences. And ill Conceived one has more.

Meaning that if we don't really pay the right kind of emphasis, I think, you know, we may end up doing more harm. And one of the basic tenants of healthcare is start with do, no harm.

But I think there are huge opportunities for RPA, and it does an automation, I'm very hopeful and excited about all the wonderful things that's going on. And it was a pleasure sharing my perspectives with all of you, and I'll yield the floor back to Chris and other questions.

Fantastic. Thank you very much, doctor Kumar.

I have some good news and bad news. The bad news is we're running out of time. The good news is, I think you're willing to answer your questions, if people follow up with you, is that correct?

That's right, Absolutely Right. So, I've got 3, 3 questions. I'm not gonna be able to ask you one right now, but I would think if you could make yourself available to answer these questions or the other questions, that would be fantastic. So, here is one for you.

How do we make health care, IT support staff and software vendors more attuned to the health care environment?

IT works great in our new nuance, Works, our environments like loan processing and making stuff, but it seems far less so in the healthcare landscape, so what do you think about this technology and working in the healthcare space?

You know, we talked about it, we addressed, you know, some of these things that I think, uh, talk to, talk to the, talk to your, you know, if you, if your IT department, within a healthcare system. Or if you've got a product company, and you're rolling out. Talk to people in the industry.

And, this is the right time.

And many different avenues where, there, there are tremendous amount of discussions happening on, so, all the hot topics in the industry.

And so, they'll tell you their pain points, listen, carefully.

And the three main ones that, you know, especially during cupboard 19, is *****, inefficiency and the cost of care.

And so, I think, get, get closer to the business, get closer to the industry. Be aware of some of the barriers to entry. And I think, you know, it would be a fantastic match between the tech technology applications and the business team.

Dr. Shakthi Kumar imgIt's a real simple thing that people write, the simple part. Yeah, yeah. Exactly, Exactly. Yeah. That was a very comprehensive look. I haven't seen a view of the ecosystem health care ecosystem. Quite done like that. So that was, that was very useful for me. I want to thank you very much for your time. Your contact details will be available to people on the call and people, listen to this after the fact.

So, again, thank you for that and I'm going to do a quick wrap up of today and then a preview of tomorrow, and we'll be done on time.

Doctor Kumar. Thank you very much.

Thank you very much, and I look forward to answering the questions. You know, post. That's going to take care.

OK guys, let me like ladies gentlemen, we say ladies and germs but that's not a very nice way to say OK, let's do a quick recap of today and then a little bit of what's going on tomorrow.

So today we started off today with Blueprint the company Blueprint, not only the company blueprint but the concept, which is how do you make this, this transition from one system to the other, the migration from one system to the other? Not only is that, a burning issue for some people right now, it's going to be an evolving issue, to be able to document what the processes are, to stay current, and to stay on top of what we're doing. So that was, that was both Matthew and Matthew. And again, you can go back and see this. And then we have Mark Chasen, take us into the stratosphere. And he talked to us about, because he's an investor, right?

He's the CEO and invest in companies, to take, to talk to us about all these incredibly environmental issues and sustainability issues and health issues, et cetera. That all are touchy feely, sound good. Except they're also great business opportunities. And that's what he talked to us about. And then of course, how does intelligent automation relate to that? Well, it enables some of the resources to be freed up to do those innovative ideas.

Then, we had Jessy type who took us through a bit in my view, a great end to end.

Here is a successful deployment approach. Here's how he's doing it. Here's the reason why he's made those decisions. You can go back and watch this presentation and you can test room with questions and ask him about the details that you didn't actually I'll get to. And then, we just heard doctor Shakti Kumar who gave us a fantastic overview of the health care industry.

And some of the challenges. I think, what is inherent in his presentation is health care is also tough.

It's tough for a change point. Some of the smartest people in the world, but they're also very worried about ******** stuff up, so they're gonna be very careful about that.

So let's take us forward to tomorrow.

And I will not be your host tomorrow, I will actually be a panelist and involved in a call And we'll have, just say, we'll be back if you haven't met, just say he'll be back tomorrow, He'll do a recap and an introduction for what the session is going to be.

And then we're going to cover the practicalities of RPA implementation in a highly complex and regulated market.

That's really easy, you know, RPA and something that's simple, that's, that's kinda not that complicated, although don't get me wrong.

Doing it well, still has great ROI, but we're going to talk about complexities and deputy ... is going to do that for us tomorrow.

Then, OK, my favorite talk is going to be how to use knobel automation to improve your business, and stop the great resignation in your company. OK? I'm, I'm being a little shameless here because it's that book. I'll be giving the talk at 10 AM Eastern.

And that book is basically an approach to how to do this in a way that engages and excites people in a company and give some clear direction. Some will lead companies, but give some clear directions and inspiration, I call it, helping humans be heroes.

I would ask all of you, if you could to attend tomorrow, be fantastic, and bring all your friends with you.

And I will have a special offer. I'm gonna give you guys whoever shows up, I'm gonna send the digital copy of my book, So, if you show up, you can save 20 bucks not buying an Amazon anyway, then. The rest of all, going to move on to what got you here won't get you there. I love that, right?

You know, you, we reached your level of competence. But to get to the next day, you're going to need to do something different.

Tim Braque and Director of Automation is going to take us through that Malevich hundred 11 45.

Then, we've got one final talk from the Jamaica Public Service Company, and I don't have the title.

So, I'm not sure what the title is going to be but I met the Jamaican team. one of the Jamaican teams in Orlando, a fantastic group of people doing great stuff with Automation. That, is it for the day, I'm going to give you a few minutes back.

I don't see any questions that I need to deal with.

Thank you all so much for attending.

Again, come to noble automation now, tomorrow, at 10 o'clock, and the rest of the great talks, we will see you then, all the Best Buy.


About the Author

more-Feb-07-2022-12-42-08-16-PMDr. Shakthi Kumar,
Advisory Board Member, Former CEO,
BHS Group.

Dr. Kumar is an innovator, entrepreneur, and global executive having led and operatedhealthcare businesses in US and EMEA. He has held several senior positions as CEO, COO, EVP,and Co-Founder for many healthcare organizations and currently serves on advisory boards formany startups. Dr. Kumar is sought for his expertise and insights at the intersection ofhealthcare, life sciences, medical and digital technology. He has also served as adjunct faculty andmentor for MD/MPH students.


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