BTOES Insights Official
February 22, 2022

RPA & IA Live - SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT: Massive Opportunities in Technology and Innovation

Courtesy of Transformative Capital's Mark Chasan below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Massive Opportunities in Technology and Innovation including AI, Automation, Robotics, Biomimetic Materials, Clean Energy, Nanotech, Fin-Tech, IoT, and Smart Cities Infrastructure' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at the RPA & Intelligent Automation Live Virtual Conference.

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Session Information:

Massive Opportunities in Technology and Innovation including AI, Automation, Robotics, Biomimetic Materials, Clean Energy, Nanotech, Fin-Tech, IoT, and Smart Cities Infrastructure.

Session Transcript:

Important, if you're going to accelerate.

Now, Mark Jason is going to talk to us about all of, well, not all, but a huge number, of, of innovation, opportunities, and business development opportunities.

Mark Jason has, unfortunately, a very short biography, it goes. It goes something like this.

He's a regenerative, whole systems futurist, strategy, strategic advisor, mentor, and eco social entrepreneur.

That's all, that's a big mouthful, and basically means he does really good, complicated, sophisticated things in those world.

In those worlds.

Been a lawyer for years, been an executive in several businesses and startups with successful exits, which, of course, is very important, important, passionate about renewable energy, etcetera. If I keep going on your bio, you won't get to your presentation, So with, no, with no further delay. Mark, Jason, thank you very much for joining us today.

Thank you, Christopher, such a pleasure to be here, and thank you all for attending.

And, my hope is that, at the end of my presentation, you leave, inspired, and that I've, given some new thought and consideration for those in innovation.

Whether it be corporate executives, looking for an advantage.

Whether it be marketing, people, whether who are looking to build a brand, Whether it be consultants, finance, people.

Anybody really, in our day and age, can benefit from the massive changes that are happening in innovation and technology.

And, as an overview, when you, when we think about things like RPA, AI, AI, robotics, and even what I'm going to be talking about as regenerative technologies, we often think of them as an industry, or a market, or a vertical.

Mark Chasan imgAnd really, all of these things are, what I call horizontals, they go across all industries, and all industries are being affected and transformed in today's world.

And really, the theme of this is, if you don't want to compete innovate, if you are doing the same old thing that everybody else is doing, well, sometimes you can have a great deal of success. Because the market is growing fast enough and big enough, where the demand of the market is just not actually set by the types of businesses that you are doing along with everybody else.

But even within that, if you really want to hold market Share, if you want to do really great things as a company, it's so important that you innovate and differentiate and look at, really, what is the purpose? for my company to exist? Why are we here? Are we here just to make money, or are we here to the world? A better place.

Are we here to increase the quality of life and hopefully it is all those things.

So as Ed Friedman said, corporations, um, good, or I need red blood cells to stay alive, but it's not my purpose in life. Corporations need profits, but they need to realize that it's not their purpose.

So on with the presentation And again thank you for being here.

So what is innovation?

We often talk about what innovation is and I would say you know if you look at a traditional merriam webster definition, it is defined as a new idea device or method.

Um, and, or the act of?

Or process of introducing new ideas, devices, or methods.

However, that's kind of broad, and it really doesn't get us down to the execution and implementation of innovation, or why we're doing it.

So, I would like to propose that innovation is the ideation development, implementation, and execution of novel solutions that address needs, desires and challenges through inventions, methods, products, and services.

So, we can think and ... all day long, But if we don't develop, implement, and execute our, our, our innovation is really, not ever gonna get off the ground also. Many people innovate just for the sake of innovation, and it really doesn't address any desires, needs or challenges of the market.

So as we go through our ideation and thought about how we enter the massive amounts of brain power effort, it takes to get a product, especially an innovative product, off the shelf and into the market.

It's really important that we think about what we're doing, what our purpose is, and what we're addressing.

one of the things that we often see is, we innovate, and we come up with things and technologies that are often very destructive.

We're seeing that in pollution, toxicity, war, and many of those sorts of things.

Btog CTAAnd, you know, this is, there's, there's a lot that we've done with innovation that's gone wrong, Greenhouse gasses and climate disasters, destructive agricultural practices, commercial, overfishing, and destruction, weaponized nanotechnology, bio and nuclear weapons, waste and pollution, product off the list, obsolescence, and overconsumption, We actually make products that will have a limited lifetime and fail, leading to more waste and more consumption.

Cyberterrorism, hunger disease, poverty, dirty fuels and energy, toxic chemicals and destruction of ecosystems, inefficient congested in healthy cities, weaponized robots and drones, invasive surveillance, and extractive industries.

So, you know, is this the world we're going to create, or are we going to look at, every time we have challenges, amazing, and massive opportunity, These are some, some really, really big challenges.

And in this presentation, we're going to talk about some of the opportunities that are so needed to increase quality of life and health of people and planet, and those include such that, such things as healthy ecosystems, clean air, pure water, nutritious and healthy food, reduced climate disasters, biomimetic and renewable materials.

Political AI, and robotics, applied personalized learning, zero waste, supply chain efficiency, clean and renewable energy, circular manufacturing, localized inefficient supply chain lies regenerative and resilient cities and regenerative land, water and ocean management, and IOT for natural resource efficiency.

And interestingly enough, one of the things that we listed here was Wise, regenerative, and resilient cities, Rather than Smart Cities, which many of us have heard about, where, you know, we are using RPA.

We are using IA. We are using AI, we are using robotics. But in many ways, is sick rate.

Cities for electrons greater efficiency, but we're not really thinking about how humans need nature.

How what humans need to thrive, What nature needs to thrive.

And that's why going beyond the Smart Cities too wise, regenerative, and resilient cities. We're talking about massive opportunities and tell us something that's IOT alone, for.

the smart cities infrastructure is a $41,000 billion opportunity over the next 20 years. So, yes, there's lots of money here, but we also have an ability to do it better now.

So, one of the big drivers of innovation nowadays is realizing that we have use technology in a way that has caused massive damage to our environment, as I shared in that previous slide.

And there's a lot of money flowing into what's called E, S G, and regenerative applications.

So these are things like, like green bonds, and we will talk specifically about some of the technologies that, that actually qualify. As ESG, or Environmental, Social, and Governance.

Currently, globally, there are, there's forty point five trillion dollars of assets under management for ESG companies.

And largely, I would say that regenerative is a, an umbrella that includes sustainability and circularity.

So, regenerative technologies. And opportunities include those that add value, renewal, and vitality to our ecosystem.

Or a system. It could be a corporate system. It could be a farm, it could be a garden, it could be the oceans, It could be your family unit. How do you continually add value and renew? Sustainability is a philosophy of do no harm.

And so, rather than doing further harm, we attempt to sustain and mitigate the harm we've done and mitigate the damage that we've done to the environment.

But quite frankly, sustainability is a slower way to die yet, it's still important.

So, for example, one of my companies is a seaweed company that does both sustainable wild harvesting and regenerative cultivation.

So the sustainable wild harvesting, actually stewards the kelp beds and helps them grow back more healthy and increases biodiversity and the health of the ocean.

But, it's the cultivation that is actually adding new environments, new ecosystems, new carbon sequestration. So, I just wanted to raise that as a way of distinction. And circularity is primarily a way of eliminating waste in the design and manufacturing processes.

So, that, as we, as we manufacture and distribute in that supply chain cycle.

From supply to the consumer, we have eliminated pretty much all the waste and pollution through re-use, repurposing, recycling, re manufacturing, and upcycling of materials.

I refer to this, this new opportunity as the regenerative economy.

And here are some of the opportunities in the regenerative economy. And we will go into defining some of the actual markets, some examples of these markets, but it's really, these are some of the largest opportunities right now in the world.

And it isn't only for RPA, or IA, or AI, or robotics. Again, these are, these are opportunities that go across many industries.

So, we're looking at food agriculture, mirror culture, and Ag tech.

And Ag Tech is, are things like drones, robotics, using censoring monitoring to be able to track what is actually happening in a land to jungle or forest? Whether it be water, how naturally the sunshine, the growth of plants and trees.

And water and an aqua tech.

So how we treat our water, is there a better way of, of handling water so that we're recycling it and sending it to industry, are we purifying it without harsh chemical, chlorine and fluorides.

How are we treating this resource?

That really is life itself in a way that is respectful and that we are using it efficiently and in a way that actually promotes the health of people and planet?

Email Graphic Virtual Conferences (4)-1Of course, we have renewable energies, energy, and fuel.

We have IOT for natural capital and resources.

And this could be anything from IOT and how we can do circularity in manufacturing.

How Sensor's monitors and information to run our cities more effectively and increase quality of life and look at some of the potential intangibles. We tend to be very focused on GDP, whereas bataan started something called the Gross Happiness Index.

And so, how do we look at the quality of life in our cities from, you know, tracking the health and disease of people, crimes, education, emotional intelligence.

Ways that people actually get along, community Projects. Things like that.

And yes, IOT can be used for all those things, and that really also is a fundamental transformational technology inside of our rack, wise, regenerative, and resilient cities that actually move technology for farming and agriculture supply chain into our cities.

That we make our cities more beautiful than our buildings become carbons, such carbon sinks that health and wellness becomes part of the fabric of the city.

So, next, we have bioenergy, atic soil and water remediation.

Currently, the way that we remediate or soil water from contaminants is largely through chemical and mechanical processes.

Yet the Earth over 4.5 billion years has shown us how we can actually use the Earth technology.

This is called Biomimicry are the, the years of systems wisdom that the earth has to energetically and biologically provide for soil and water remediation as can be using Why this can be using sound. This can be using molecular frequencies mycelium, which is the the mushrooms are bacteria to clean up just about any type of contamination.

We also have big data for human and planetary health, the massive amount of data in healthcare, biotech, managing ecosystems, valuing and monitoring, carbon sequestration and the massive climate change of carbon markets, three-d.

printing, which allows for much more effective and local manufacturing goods, biomimetic materials and balanced by design.

This is a really fascinating area.

And some of the examples include a company that took a polymer rather than digging up the iron ore in Africa, putting out upon a freighter, burning bunker fuel to China. Burns call to Smelted into steel enrolling in the Rebar.

Putting it back on at bunkers and putting on trucks, delivered at the job site, they were able to take a renewable material out Pull Polymer out of it, and you spider Silk Biomimicry to create a Rebar that was that stronger and lighter than steel.

Another example includes the Galapagos Shark skin.

A company was looking at how to reduce staph infections at hospitals. And they realize that the Galapagos Sharkskin doesn't get any bacteria.

So they made a wallpaper that mimicked the pattern of the shark skin. and they cut down staph infections by 50% of the hospitals it used through all with their wallpaper.

Climate change is an existential crisis, and we often think that if we reduce carbon and do carbon credits, that somehow, will magically heal, are ecosystems, while carbon credits are a step in the right direction, there are plenty of greenhouse gasses that actually have much greater greenhouse gas effects, such as methane, but it doesn't address the real issues.

Like, why don't we have oxygen furnace or biodiversity credits, because what we really have to do is heal and cause our ecosystems to thrive.

And that is really what it is truly the work that may save us from the sixth mass extinction.

We also have biotech, biotech, genomics, and Health Care, massive, massive multi trillion dollar opportunities to actually a lot of the gene sequences and the way that microbes work within our, our world.

Rather than trying to, uh, wage war against the next pandemic, we can focus on actually creating healthy immune systems and a symbiotic or even a mutualistic relationship with bacteria and virus. Of course, this goes into optimal wellness.

And nanotechnology is another great opportunity.

In the world of nanotechnology, we've, we've created technologies and materials that can actually form themselves heal themselves through these nanobots. However, if we make materials that can never be recycled, that never can be destroyed.

We often have a potential for causing great damage.

Um 1, one company that I worked with, found a way of taking cyanobacteria and programming it to release butanol rather than carbohydrates.

And luckily they took a 12 step biosafety mechanism that allowed, that actually prevented the cyanobacteria from, from reproducing in nature.

Yet, there are others that are playing in this space, that actually don't have those biosafety mechanisms in place. So we have to be very careful, again, about how we innovate.

We're also seeing a multi trillion dollar opportunity in fintech and new blockchain technologies.

Screenshot (4)And blockchain is primarily a smart ledger that allows or transparency of transactions and allows transactions to occur without human intervention and a trustless environment.

which means that if all the components are in place, the transaction gets executed, and it's transparent for everyone to see. This actually could be something that helps reduce and mitigate a lot of corruption.

And leakage that we see in, in non-profits, government, supply chain, et cetera.

Um, the other thing we're seeing is, is gamification VR.

Can VR be used to heal and to teach us, and how can we get people in, within the game? Incentives to go out in the real-world and do real-world, good?

clean and renewable energy? That includes solar, wind, geothermal, hydro, micro hydro tidal. There's so much energy on this planet that can be tapped in natural ways.

But the big challenge right now is a portable fuel and one that can be stored and used, and that's why hydrogen is taking a big lead here.

However, if we have to burn coal to get the hydrogen, it doesn't make a lot of sense, so there's a lot of new tech in how we can create green hydrogen.

And finally, you know, we're talking about road robotics, and this is applied to agriculture. How can we, how can we feed the world?

How can we return the soil to health? How can that soil become like a carbon sink?

How do we actually, know, get into the extractive industries with robotics and do less harm to the planet while replacing hazardous jobs?

So, these are just a few of the things that are such huge opportunities and, you know, for entrepreneurs, all the way up to some of the Fortune 500, Everybody is starting to think about these opportunities and how they can embrace them to not only make money, but also to make the world a better place.

And here are a couple of examples of the market sizes of some of these opportunities in regenerative innovation.

So, for example, smart cities is anticipated to be a $2500 billion market by 2026, Clean tech And climate is anticipated to be $4000 billion by 2024.

And GFS, on net 0 by 2050 is a $275,000 billion capital allocation between 2021 and 20 50.

How did we eliminate waste, according to various UN and protocol standards, biomimetic materials, which we just discussed as a $425 billion industry by 2030.

ESG, as we mentioned, is currently got $40.5 of assets under management, and it's on track to hit 53,000 billion by 2025.

Sustainable and green bonds, in other words, bonds that actually finance these improvements in ESG and sustainability in oceans is predicted to be one point three trillion by 2022 and the restoration economy.

In other words, healing, the damage we've done is a $1000 billion opportunity.

So, as you can see here, there are massive amounts of money to be made in doing a regenerative innovation and when you compare that to a current $80,000 billion per year, GDP and natural capital. In other words, the assets and ecosystem services of nature are valued at 125,000 billion per year which actually dwarfs are economy. Quite frankly, if it weren't for natural capital, we would have no economy and we wouldn't be alive.

So preserving that natural capital is a massive opportunity.

Since we're here talking about RPA, IA, AI, and robotics, um, you know, these are also massive opportunities with a lot of growth.

As you can see, RPA is going from two point one billion in twenty 21, two hundred thirteen point four billion in twenty 30.

Mean, that's, that's incredible growth and we're seeing, you know, and all and all of these markets often, you know, double digit to middle to double digit CAGR as IA is an $8.5 billion market as of 2020. Set to reach 21 point six billion by 2028.

AI, however, is seeing massive growth at ninety three point five billion in twenty twenty one Moving to nine hundred and ninety seven point eight billion in 20 28, and robotics going from twelve point two Billion in 20 twenty to one hundred forty nine point nine Billion in twenty 30.

So, as you can see, you know, these technologies are going to see incredible growth.

But then, again, compared to the regenerative technologies and opportunities and $125,000 billion a year, natural capital.

two actually preserve, heal and regenerate.

Um, you know, the, the market for that is as big as it, as it gets.

So, here are some other markets that are also, what I would consider somewhat horizontals, click to call.

Uh, as I was doing my research, I didn't, I had no idea that this industry of how we use our computers and our Smartphones, to click to make a call is going to reach 47,000 billion by 2027. It's like, oh my God. Who would have thought?

Virtual assistants and chatbots as annoying as they may be will be $33 billion market by 2020 Only 28, and they actually are getting smarter and smarter all the time until I'm sure at some point in the next 20 years will have a Singularity where those virtual assistants and chatbots will act just like humans, and you probably won't be able to tell the difference. Video surveillance is, is key to security, but also to efficiency. And you know, there's a whole other, which is which is image and optical character Recognition.

So that machines are actually know what they are survey surveilling and how best to interact with other machines to find the best results to increase security, safety and quality of life.

Information security, of course, being that there's so much data sitting on so many computers nowadays, that how do we keep that information safe and secure and prevent it from succumbing to cyber attack. Oh, that's a $175 billion market opportunity by 2024.

Blockchain technology is said to be a one billion dollar industry by 2030 and the metaverse. As you know, Facebook changed its name to matter.

And the idea of using virtual worlds and AI to accomplish greater interaction and obtain information to set up marketplaces is going to be seeing explosive growth.

By 2028 going to eight hundred twenty eight point nine billion.

And finally, autonomous vehicles are currently forty five point three billion, but are looking at going to one hundred and sixty point seven billion by 2028.

So, a lot of folks work inside of corporations who have, for many years, used hierarchical structures.

There's, there's a lot of bureaucracy, there are cultures of fear, and blaming, and shaming, and budgets being used, and resources being used in ways that are highly inefficient.

And then you wonder why some of the largest corporations in the world are the least innovative.

And so, I mean, of course, you do have tech companies, you know, such as Google and Microsoft and Amazon that are pushing the frontiers of of technology and delivery and supply chain and autonomous vehicles, et cetera.

How do you actually create a company that fosters innovation?

So, here are 10 effective ways that that can be done, and I'm happy to help and drill down further into these offline.

But, first of all, you have to create a culture of innovation and inspiration.

Know, how, how do you allow people to, to dream?

How do you inspire them through, through fun, through learning, through teamwork, to be able to say, I have a great idea, and rather than getting shut down, saying, wonderful. We love ideas, and There are all the other wonderful ideas.

And, here's, maybe, some other people, that I've thought, of, of things, why don't you join their team, and go work on this, but, to really take that passion for innovation, for creation, for novelty, and to foster it?

And, you know, we live in a universe of infinite possibilities.

Yet, so, often, in the workplace, everything always has to make economic sense.

Um, and sometimes, some of the biggest things at the time they were, they were developed and put into the market, really didn't make economic sense. I mean, think about how many Internet companies really didn't make economic sense when they started.

Mark Chasan imgAnd you look at companies, for instance, like Netflix, which is pretty much on everybody's TV, but yet they have had to have yet to turn a profit. Of course, there is an economic model that eventually they will make a profit, but they're continuing to invest in their growth in their catalog so that they can in fact dominate the market.

And then so often the tools, the budgets, the support for innovation are, are just not there.

You can't expect A, a software developer or an app developer to develop They're apps on equipment that is, is old and doesn't have the compute necessary.

You can't expect a chemist to, you know, devote themselves to innovations in chemistry if they don't even have an up to date lab. So, it's really important to provide the right tools.

Um, no. The other thing is, is you have to have courage to take risks.

And, innovation can be risky, but you have to have courage and belief in achievement, not only at the personal level, but as a, as a culture.

And, part of that is to promote experimentation and continual improvement, in other words, rather than you made a mistake. We're going to point fingers at you, and shame you, and you're not getting your bonus. It's like, oh, well, what did you learn from that?

Is there something, you know, Edison did 10000 filaments before?

He finally found one that worked and when he was being interviewed, they said how could you possibly fail 10000 times? And he says, I didn't fail. I learned what not to do 10000 times.

So, we wouldn't even have a light bulb if we actually ran innovation.

Like so many corporations do, you have to build integrated multi-disciplinary teams If we're building a product that the market won't buy or doesn't address or a problem, or just innovating for innovation sake.

Often, you know, we find that that innovation never gets implemented or fulfill to the market, because there is no market. So, it's really important to have multi-disciplinary teams that can develop the product, that can do the ideation, That can can determine where the market is, who the target customers make a case to the CFO, that, you know, there really should be funding.

But behind the innovation, um, you know, and we have to create a supportive space for creativity.

And this goes back not only to not blaming, but how can people openly share ideas And, and not be judged if they have a wacky idea because sometimes it's the wacky ideas that are the ones that that make the greatest impact in the world.

And, you know, again, as I said, gee, you know, define the market.

Who are we serving, and, and how big is that market? It has a fast growing. Is it? And how much?

How do we balance our needs for profits, along with our innovation?

Also, we have to change the way that organizations are structured. This hierarchical bureaucratic organization doesn't lend itself to innovation. And entrepreneurship. And rather, I pose that we use situationally adaptive organizations or authority is not given by title but actually by expertise. And that as situations dictate the organization can, can change and be flexible and nimble in a rapidly moving innovation and technology environment.

And finally, when you do have ideas that you have a market for, that you think solve a real need, or desire, or challenges in the market, then rapid prototype, check it out, come up with your MVP. Once that works QC it, deploy it, and get the financial support behind it.


Wow, a slide was missed here, um, which was a nice quote, but, anyhow, we can, just say that.

The last slide said, if you don't want to compete innovate, and basically was the crazy ones quote, that, that apple used, here's to the crazy ones.

The square pegs in round holes, the ones who change who think they can change the world, often do.

And so, thank you so much for joining this presentation. Much appreciated.

I hope that through this presentation, I opened some new possibilities and ways of looking at the world, seeing opportunities and how we use innovation to actually improve quality of life and ecosystem thriving.

Thank you so much. And here is my contact. I feel free to get in touch with me if you have any further information that you desire, Mark. I've got time for a couple questions. Yeah, if you've got time.

Fantastic. Yeah, we did. We got some time. I will let me ask you this. I can't see you. I stopped sharing the presentation. What do I need to do to start to see you?

Let's see, where are you? I still see your presentation, so you probably stopped sharing.

Um, Brian, if you're there, if you can hear, I'm not sure what the, what, the technical issues. You'll see the Thank you slide.

Yes. Hi, guys, I'm here.

Let me just check Mark on your Yeah, presentation.

Let me just do this Turning trips.


I can see me, I can see Mark marquee there.

Can you say, I'm here. But I can't see you.

All I see is my presentation screen OK, OK, bye now, still can't see it, but let's go ahead with a question and do it, anyway. Here's, here's the question, it's a kind of a transition point. Because, when I listen to everything you say, and you and I have not met before, when I listen to everything you say.

And we're talking about intelligent automation, RPA, etcetera.

Email Graphic Virtual Conferences (4)-1That can be a very inward focused thing, right? Within a business, they can be thinking, what can I automate? What can I put intelligent automation around? And it can consume a lot of time of a lot of people.

But what I'm leading you here is really what I'm saying is that if we do RPA, if we do intelligent automation, and suddenly we find out 30% of the people we used to have, doing all this stuff that was wasting their time, are available.

Millimeter. Has that, one of the big sources to execute on some of that great innovation you just laid out.

These people who were so busy with their heads down now can lift their heads up and start to think about those fantastic innovations.

Does that make sense to you, Is I resonate Oh yeah, it absolutely does. And a lot of people are very scared when it comes to having their job replaced with AI and bots and in robotics.

So my, my sense is here that there will be a lot of repurpose and, And, you know, we, we we've tried, depending on who the administration is from time to time to take the coal miners out of the coal mines, which is a horribly hazardous job. You know, creates all kinds of health issues, and, and, you know, cancer and lung disease, and it's just horrible. Well, bots could do that, and we just retrain them to, you know, to get into construction, to do infrastructure for cities, for, you know, solar energy, or, or hydro, or geothermal, or hydro. I mean, there's so many other jobs that we need and can repurpose these these people to do once the hazardous and menial jobs replaced with robots.


I always used to say, innovation only starts when someone feels safe enough to innovate.

Right? If you go into a room with 10 people and say, Come up with an innovation that only needs six of you, it ain't gonna happen.

But if you say, we have all this great stuff, we need people to do, can you guys figure out how to free up some of your people to be able to do that? magically doors open.

Right, yeah. Because they know where they're going, and where they're jumping, I think it's probably true of the coal miners to they don't know where they're gonna go. So they're there.

Yeah, I kind of call Tarzan Economics. Sometimes you know your, your claim to this vine is duct taped it. It's about the breaking going to hit the jungle floor. But you know, if there's some momentum, sometimes you just have to go and reach out for that next vine in and take a shot. And so we're sort of at this place.

where are we have so many existential threats from our industrial age innovation that now, you know, we've destroyed the house. Let's go. Rebuild it.

And so then, you know, and we're going to make way more money rebuilding our house than we did destroying it.

Yeah, I hear. I hear a huge element of hope in what you're talking about, right?

And that's if other people probably know fear perspective, you're out there investing your money is obviously not an issue for you. Your and I'll dig into your banking account but that somebody's coal miners are tearing up on screen. Now, I'm just kidding. But we're running out of time here, But I think you've made a very gracious offer to make your contact details and available to people.

Is that the best way for people to reach out, to find out more about what you're doing? I think you where did a lot of appetite sense and very interesting subjects.


Yeah, I would just say that probably You can find me on LinkedIn.

That's probably one of the best ways to connect because I have some pretty extensive filters on my inbox, but I did give that inbox. The market transformative capital dot com e-mail, and you can feel free to contact me there as well.

And so, and, and also, I'd love to connect with you on LinkedIn and then explore how I might be able to help you as an entrepreneur, as a consultant, as a, you know, as a corporation looking to grab more market, share and do good in the world with innovation.

I do put a pretty heavy filter on it, which is that for me to be involved, I really wanted it to have Eco social impact, That, that's a great call to action for everybody on the phone listening to it, and then there's a subset of people on the phone, but this information will be distributed to thousands of people.

You better, you better tighten up that filter a little bit, just. All right, thank you very much for your time, We'd really appreciate it, we're gonna give everybody a few minute break here, before we go into the next session, For anybody who is still on the phone. That next session is Jesse Type, he's going to talk to us about all of this stuff we're talking about in the healthcare space. So please log back on at the top of the hour, and Mark, again, given your resume and what you're doing right now. Thank you for taking the time, to talk to all of us who are watching you now, and who will watch you over the next several months.

Well, thank you, Christopher and Brian, the rest of the team, and all of those that participated, much appreciate it, and hope hope to hope to make a difference in the world. So, that's fantastic. Thanks, Mark. Take care. Bye, Bye.


About the Author

more-Jan-29-2022-03-42-50-99-PMMark Chasan,
Transformative Capital.

Mark Chasan is a regenerative whole-systems futurist, strategic advisor, mentor, and eco-social entrepreneur with a track record as:

  • a lawyer with over 35-years of experience in corporate, finance, business, media, renewable energy and technology (including cleantech, digital media, fin-tech, agtech, aquatech and distributed ledger technologies) (Chasan & Associates, Exemplar)
  • an Internet entrepreneur & innovator with a public exit (Founder & CEO of Emusic) and two M&As (Sharecomm and Publex Ventures)
  • a Fortune 25 executive (Leader of IBM’s Digital Media Consulting Practice)
  • a renewable energy and structured finance executive (VP of Business Development and General Counsel for Clean Fund)
  • a financial advisor and innovator who has participated in over $500 million of financial transactions.


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