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July 07, 2022

RPA & IA Live - SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT: Intelligent Automation and Culture: How Great Enduring Organizations Scale People, Technology and Value

Courtesy of Excellence & Innovation's José Pires below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Intelligent Automation and Culture: How Great Enduring Organizations Scale People, Technology and Value' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at the RPA & Intelligent Automation Live Virtual Conference.



Session Information:

Intelligent Automation and Culture: How Great Enduring Organizations Scale People, Technology and Value

In a world disrupted by exponential technologies, how do you build a culture where extraordinary performance becomes ordinary? How great enduring organizations consistently deliver exponential leaders, growth, and value creation?

We will explore how the best cross-industry organizations leverage "the right" culture, methods, technologies, and people as the ultimate engine for value creation and sustainable competitive advantage. 

Session Transcript:

I said to you that this is where is Mark Technologies? And great leaders meet key business processes, people, and cultures.

And we're going to be talking a little bit further today, about culture, and how we are all connected and collaborating on this Intelligent automation journeys, and how some organizations stand out on their success of this culture of business and digital transformations.

The reality is that the overwhelming majority of organizations, divisions, departments, whatever level you're at, are not going to succeed in this transformation journey, which includes the digital transformation component that we're talking about here. We're going to try to understand why.

Based on a practical perspective, we're going to look at the more than 50,000 excellence and innovation leaders that I have personally collaborated with in across thousands of organizations. And separates the great, enduring organizations from the rest. What is that they do that makes them be sustainably successful, in implementing intelligent automation and shaping their culture? So, I'm going to change hats here, from conference leader to, to conference speaker. So, let's talk about being a connected worker in this world, and, and where we're trying to implement innovations and automations that intelligent automation that create value.

So let me share the presentation screen with you.

So you should be seeing my screen pop up here momentarily on your and and lats, go on this journey.

Together, the journey of intelligent automation and culture for great enduring organizations. How do they scale people, technology, and value?

Now, as I mentioned, this will not be some theoretical approach.

This will be based on the practical perspectives of this great, Enduring organizations and there are too many of them, for me to thank and then the and praise for what they have done at different portions of the organization.

Jose Pires imgThis is a quick snapshot of some of them that are there that contribute meaningfully, should this content, but most important. I want to look at a subset.

I want to look at a more current subset, and this takes me back to December of last year, where the community of the Business Transformation Operational Excellence World summit met in Orlando, Florida to award the best of the best.

So we had the Digital Transformation Operational Excellence Awards in 20 21 December of last year, proud to be the chairman for the summit, and also this Merit Master of Ceremony for this awards, go.

And what do you see here are the finalists and winners of digital transformation: 4, 20, 21, you know, a great example of organizations they're doing, right?
And I want to go further with you and say that the content that I'm sharing with you today extrapolate that for 10 years. As a matter of fact, it's not an extrapolation. It goes back 10 years and it looks at this great enduring organizations that achieved the highest level of performance.

In terms of value creation for the organization, accelerating innovation, accelerating excellence, and accelerating value creation for everyone, be it customers, the enterprise, and the professionals.

So, how do they do it?

Well, first of all, let's understand the ones they are not onstage, the ones that really never made it. What happened to them. Why is that? They didn't make it.

The reasons, the top reasons that there, and they have not made have to do with this blockers for organization speed, innovation, and growth. This is true. in our practical experience.

I triple E ran a very large sample of thorough survey on this in organizations and confirmed that that the main reasons, organizations do not accelerate, donati, innovate, and grow at the pace that they expect is comes down to five. top items. There are many more items will vary from organization to organization. But, this five are pretty common across organizations. There are silos that we talked about. Those lack of faith in the objectives of the organization department. There is no higher purpose to what we're doing.

There's tremendous fear of failure around the organization.

People are afraid of failing what they're doing at multiple levels, from top leaders to the lowest levels of organization. There is a fear of failure, and the organization has a hard time dealing with ambiguity and they cannot deal with uncertainty.

So, what is behind what kinda permeates?

All of this blockers, what permeates all of this blockers is what we call the jaws of culture, which she has this underlying set of behaviors and values and mindsets that exist in the organization, that that destroy.

Well, intention initiatives, and the likelihood that your initiative is going to get destroyed by the jaws of culture, is very, very high.

No matter what your initiative is. Forget about intelligent automation. This is true for any initiative that you're trying to implement in your organization.

Because the culture exists, whether you have shaped it or we have whether he has just evolved naturally over the years. You must be empathetic to that culture.

Btog CTAYou must understand it, And then you must transform that, choose to a culture that's aligned with the overall purpose of your organization. This sounds very simple, but it's actually quite hard to do. So let's go through some of the very basic concepts here. What is culture? Just to start, we could spend two months just discussing this question. I want to take it from a very practical standpoint, And from a very practical standpoint, it is just the habits and behaviors of individuals.

And teams in the organization is not what you say, is what you do.

And the higher level of leadership, you have, the bigger shadow of culture, you cast on your organization by your habits and behaviors.

But then the question quickly evolves to, OK, if that is culture, and I want to create a successful culture for my organization, how do I do that? Is there like, you know, what is a good culture.

It's, that's not a trivial question and answer, but I would say that, based on the observations that we have done across 50,000 professionals, and more than one thousand organizations for the last 30 years, while we have observed, is that the most successful and healthy cultures, the types of behaviors that they exhibit, we would summarize those as value creation behaviors.

Now, value creation can be financial value or social value. And it's typically a combination of financial and social value creation that we see in these organizations. So, good cultures have, Demonstrate value creation behaviors very well. So, how do we move to our next stage? Our next stage, then, is transformation. We have a culture that exists. Every organization has one.

And, if we want to transform that culture to be successful, we neutering bark on this journey of culture and business transformation.

But transformations are hard, because the culture that you'll have will resist what he most needs to change.

So, you identify is not very hard to identify what you need to change in your culture, But what are you going to find out, is that what needs to be changing the culture is what you will resist the most.

Now, before you get on a high horse, and you start saying, oh, yeah, those are the people in my company, they're against this change, you do the same thing as an individual. This is just natural human behavior. Our brains were not designed for transformation, excellence, and innovation.

Our brains and us, as individuals, we have we're not wired for change. We all long for safety and predictability.
So this mode, off coach, our business and digital transformation is very unnatural for everybody.

So let's please I admit that first, and then know that there is a very hard journey ahead. And if we are to engage on this journey, to be successful, we need to understand this components, and be empathetic to them, and meet our organization and people where they're at, as we build new capabilities, and move further down the transformation journey.

So let's understand the components of successful culture and business transformations first.

Because you may look at this and say, this is common sense, but you're not doing it.

Your leaders in your organization are not believe. They are bypassing several of these components because common sense is the least common of the senses in large organizations.

So any small ones too, but let's look at the components quickly.

Goode spent 40 hours just on this item, but we don't have the time for that.

So, while we see organizations that have healthy cultures and transformed themselves into power with power, what we see is that they have a very clear purpose, Just start with, they collectively collaborate to identify what their purpose is.

And they agree on that purpose, and they communicate the purpose clear to the organization, But that's not enough, That's followed up by a strong set of core values and beliefs that, that you have in their organization.

But that's not enough.

Because in that Tro States, organizations have negative mind states in your job as a leader in a transformation, is to make sure that the moods and feelings in the organization are at least at the neutral stage.

And hopefully, in the positive stage, so that you can internalize the values and beliefs towards that common purpose, but that's not enough. Now, whatever you have, identify your strong set of core values, you need to develop the mindsets associated with those core values. Let's say that one of your core values is innovation.

If you're going to have a core value of innovation, you must develop a mindset of innovation. Not a theoretical mindset, but a practitioner's mindset of innovation.

to do that, you must know the real, practical principles of innovation.

So you all must understand those principles at a deep level, and you must communicate and train everybody in your organization about those principles, but that's not enough, because if you have the principles and you communicate about them, but you don't have mechanisms that translate the principles into action. You sound like a figurehead You sound like you're talking in platitudes that people don't understand. what they actually do. So, you must figure out, for your organization, what are the mechanisms that translate those principles into actions?

Hopefully, actions that create value, so that people now engage on that. And as they engage on that, now, and now, they're display value, creation behaviors, and it is by displaying those value creation behaviors that create real value, that you are now shaping a culture of value creation.

So, see, you must be cognizant of each one of these components, and you must act on each one of them, intentionally.

Because, otherwise, your culture will not be shaped. It will just evolve, and sometimes, it evolves in ways that you don't like. So, you must be proactive and intentional about shaping your culture through this transformation.

This is not a short game. This takes time. This takes choose skills that I'm going to highlight later in the presentation that our differentiators for the organizations that are successful in this journey.

Most of them are not successful. Now, I will, I will, I'll ask you, Here's a form of a self quiz.

You don't have to tell me, but tell yourself, what do you think on this great into your organizations? there are successful at doing this? What do you think matters most? Is that ideas? Are the methods? Is it technologist? Or is it people?

So, I'll be quiet here for NaN and you can, all right, want to answer that. What matters, most ideas, methods, technologies, and people.

So, look for that short, quick answer, and write it down, and let's go through it now.

So, let's talk about ideas, and I'll tell you that what we see in this organization is that ideas are incredibly important.

New ideas that create value need to come from everywhere in the organization, but, they also know that ideas are everywhere.

What are common in your organization? Are people willing to put their reputation behind those ideas?

Then you're going to say old method. Just say, It must be about methods, right? Because methods provide a disciplined framework for excellence and innovation execution. And we need that mm.

Yes, I'll say that, But I'll also say, that for more than 25 years, I have been a certified link stigma, Master black belt.

And for most people, that sounds like a dangerous mental condition.

It doesn't really help them, Because methods alone do not transform businesses.

Email Graphic Virtual Conferences (4)-1People do OK, so must be technologists. It must be technologists. Because I see you, you're always talking about RPA and process mania, intelligent automation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning and blockchain. And then in the long list of exponential technologies that are reshaping the way we work and the way we live, right.

That is correct.

But, you also hear me say that technology can make stupid happen at the speed of light, OK, so, it must be people, then, because, after all, people, our most important asset, Right?


Is that right?

Well, yes, But, when organizations, when things get tough for organizations, those people are the first asset you go.

So, are they really assets? And, are they really the most important?

So, there's a dissonance between what we want it to be, and what we see in practice. And remember, I'm looking at the practical side of this organization is not the theoretical side.

So, people are intrinsically important, though, but the, right, people are disproportionately important.

Who are the right people, the right people, ampoule of fly, the core values of our organization? They amplify the behaviors that you wanted to demonstrate in shaping this new culture in your organization.

So I got you're thoroughly confused because none of what I said here was kind of a very simple, straightforward answer.

The world of greatness is filled with complexity and is filled with seemingly contradictions.

Forces that pull in every direction and often in opposite directions.

Show the world of greatness requires you to master this forced to the poor in different directions. They require you to master the seemingly contradictions.

And there is no greater contradiction, the world of greatness than the contradictions, off silence and the contradictions of innovation.

Because the world of excellence, it's all about looking at the systems they have right now and setting high performance standards and meeting and exceeding those performance standards.

And that is wonderful. But if you only do that, I guarantee you're going to become obsolete in the next 5 to 10 years.

Oh, OK. So, I must be innovation. Right? Because the world of innovation is about creating something new, not five, or 10% better, 5 to 10 fold better. That can disrupt entire industries, and we can then be the great dominant, you know, player in that industry, right?

Uh, yeah, innovation. The essence of innovation is the ability to take a different perspective of the problems and come up with breakthrough solutions that create extraordinary value.

But often, what you see, is that the most innovative organizations, there are not the great enduring organizations of our time.

Because they fall in love with innovation. They fall in love with technology, and they lose track of their ultimate purpose.

And there is nothing worse than a highly innovative organization that's changing all the time, and they pride themselves about being nimble and agile. You look at their performance over time, and it's a zig-zag across a flat line.

This is very common enough in the most innovative organizations.

What we actually see on the gradient during organizations that dominate the industries, is that, by all means, they have incredible systems, and set high performance standards. And they meet and exceed those performance standards.

But also, at the same time, they have the discipline to step away from the whirlwind of their day jobs and look at those problems from a different perspective. And say there's gotta be a better way.

And that's what makes them incredibly innovative, but he is a differentiator day.

Do not just say, We're going to continuously innovate and improve and implementing intelligent automation, for example, what distinguishes them from the rest is that they are able to scale the innovations that they have created better than anybody else, and do you know how they scaled the innovation that they created?

They scaled their innovations, by applying the principles of excellence, to the innovation that they created.

By all means, nobody is going to design a car by squeezing efficiencies out of horses.

However, although excellence and innovation kind of despise each other to a certain extent, The cultural components of excellence and innovation coexist in great enduring organizations, and beyond coexist, they collaborate across excellence and innovation. So although these are forces that point in different directions, they are critical for those great, enduring organizations to scale the innovations that they have created, and truly become the dominant players.

Now, know, I talked about the organizations that I collaborated with. But I want to talk a little bit deeper about organizations that I had to lead multi-billion dollar transformations that that that encompass the many years on this organization's living with the consequences of my advice.

So, as a leader, you know, it's different when you, when I'm an advisor, to an organization versus a leader within that organization, is a very different dynamic.

So I want to share the biggest lessons from this great, enduring organizations from within. And I'm gonna claim that every one of those organizations are great, enduring organizations forever, they had periods of greatness because there's only one thing high, bit more difficult than achieving greatness is to maintain it.

So, the practical perspective is that very quickly in summary form, I'm gonna give the organization the key takeaway.

When I started my career at Sony as a designer for technologists, I was in love with technology. I had a background in engineering and physics and investment bank entrepreneurship. I wasn't in that company in the vision, that was the leading technology provider for displays in the world at that time.

And I learn from the very best practitioners. I started my career in California and in Japan, and the, and my boss, his name, and she'd go hash your high Ash a son.

His first assignment that he had for me, my first week of work, was not to get some training, was not to learn tech knowledge. He flat out asked me to come up with 100 innovations at Sony.

And I've thought that, that there's no way I could do that.

There's no way that I could do that, because that police had been designed by the best scientists in that. and, and, and the engineers in the world at that time. And how can I meet me, how can I, as a new college graduate, be able to identify 100 innovations there?

Screenshot (4)Well, he didn't care, He expect me to do it. And, you know what? I did it through much pain and suffering my first week, and I thought I will be done. And I was looking for my next trainee assignment, and he looked at me for the next week and said, next week, I have a new assignment for you. You do 200 innovations.

I almost quit.

I mean, are you crazy? This is just Gemma, I can do that. This is too hard.

The reason that I actually son did that with me is because he was trying to find out if I was an innovator or not.

And I want to share this lesson of innovation with you.

The real innovators are in your organization right now, but you don't know who they are.

The only way to find out who they are is for the task of innovation execution. Your job as a leader is to create a meritocracy of ideas, if clear execution mechanisms, so that this innovation leaders can reveal themselves.

So there's innovation leaders.

Innovation doesn't care about your agenda, race, ethnicity, or how many certificates you have on the I Love myself wall, when it comes to real innovation.

This practitioners will show in value creation for the innovations they create, and they have specific traits to overcome all this internal resistance you're going to have in your organization Against innovation against change against improvement against transformation.

And the traits that they have are the following, and that's what you should look for in your people.

Do they have purpose alignment between the work that they do, and the purpose of the organization? But, it's specifically, also their personal purpose as an individual?

Is there an alignment, number one.

Then, if there is, do they have these three traits?

Do they have passion about what they do?

Do they have the discipline to execute on it?

And do they have the resilience to withstand the pain that will come with it?

So purpose, passion, discipline, and resilience, separate them from the rest.

Let's move on from that lesson to the next lesson. I joined a startup in the semiconductor industry in California that changed the world. Incredibly lucky to join some of the brightest scientists in the world. There are developing technologies for the semiconductor industry, for Moore's law in the semiconductor industry, and we develop laser systems that allow Moore's Law to continue to advance in the semiconductor industry.

You can go look up what Moore's Law is, but it's a pretty big deal.

Now, how did we, did they do that? Well, first, they had the most intelligent people in the room around this technologist discussing.

And for many, many years, They didn't really get anywhere. Why? Because they couldn't scale the innovations that they were creating.

Why couldn't they scaled innovations they created? Was it because of technology know? Was it because of their ideas? No, was it because of their methods? No.

Was, because they had poor, collaborative leadership skills, as simple as that. You can get the best people in the room, the most intelligent, people in the room, to discuss things. If they don't have collaborative leadership skills, they will just compete with each other. They're just trying to show, who is the smartest girl or guy in the room?

Collaborative leadership, skill development in your organization is essential.

The essence of collaborative leadership is to surround yourself with people with different perspectives who are willing to voice those different perspectives without fear of retaliation, as you move towards a common purpose.

This is incredibly poorly done in academia and in industries across all industries. If you don't address that, you're intelligent automation, over time is going to fail, or you're going to be at best mediocre.

Anybody can do a million dollar project here and there, I'm talking about multi billion to multi trillion transformations. The best of the best collaborative leadership is the cornerstone of what they do.

Next one, went to Nestle, 500,000 people around 185, 585 business units in around the world.

How? How do you effect excellence and innovation? Accelerate innovation? I hit in a place like that. Here's the lesson.

The respect for culture, your organization, has a culture.

You have to go figure out what it is, and you have to have empathy for it. Meet it where it's at, and bring them along. Because culture eats strategy for breakfast, Excellence innovation, Intelligent Automation, are just side dishes in the jaws of culture. So the next lesson for Nestle, is the respect and empathy for the existing culture.

Do not go in there and just try to change things. Go in there and meet people where they're at. Learn how you evolved to be the way you are. And Dan, you collaborate with them towards a better common purpose.

Next one, join Black and Veatch, an engineer an energy organization with more than 14,000 pure engineers in all disciplines designing the most complex infrastructure projects around the world more than 100 years old.

So the question is, how do you address that as a leader of intelligent automation of excellence of innovation and transformation?

The worst thing that I can do is to go in there and say, Oh, we're here to accelerate innovation for you, what are you saying about this organization?

They have spent 100 years doing what you wouldn't exist today, if, for the last 100 years, you have not innovate in your business.

So, agon knowledge and recognize that before you try to implement a new program, people have been doing this already for some time, maybe not perfectly, but they have been doing this.

So meet them where they're at, and bring them along. Now, how do you do this?

when you're surrounded by very smart people to meet them where they're at? Your talk, their language, and in talking, their language at Black and Veatch. When I'm talking to 14,000 engineers, do you know what the language will be with this incredibly smart technical people? I'm going to focus on what they think is important: ideas, methods, and technologies.

Jose Pires imgAnd we spent six years focused on ideas, methods, and technologies. Now, what's missing from that?

People, right?

Well, engineer, organizations, they think that, they talk about people, but the people are like, kinda second there in their minds.

And I'm talking from a practitioner standpoint.

They think that if you get the idea of the methods and technologists right, the people will come along.

And for six years, we did just that.

We move them inch by, inch towards, enlighten purpose, if you will, but for six years you had to create value for them. So my suggestion is that you gotta find what your culture is, what he needs, and feed it for a period of time before you tried to change it. Create, become a value creation leader, so they can listen to you. And then they may follow you after that.

It took us six years of aid, very robust, Lean six Sigma implementation at this organization to get to a point where we had enough credibility and enough engagement to go to the next level. Now, celebrate that.

because at six years, 99% of all programs that you have in your organization that started five years ago would have died as little deaf.

As a matter of fact, 50% of all your programs die within three years.

Most of them within 18 months and 99% of them will die within five years. So if you get your your six, you got to the 1% Club. question is, what do you do then?

What do you do now? You need to scale this because you got credibility. I'm not saying that it took five years. Some organizations I can get there in six months, one year.

It depends on the size and complexity of the organization, but we got here to your six. You're part of the 1%.

And then I come to our CEO, and I say CEO. I want to change it completely. I don't want it should be based on ideas, Matters, and technologies. I want ideas and methods, technology to be in second place, to what's most important.

Finding the right people in our organization. People, purpose, passion, discipline, resilience. Whoa, great, so how do I find those people?

Well, I need to create a meritocracy of ideas with clear execution mechanisms, and then I need to equip them with the collaborative leadership skills, and innovation execution skills that allow them to be successful in long term.

All right, let's try that. For a lot of fear. We tried that, and this is what we got.

There were some, I'm not sure what. You know, resistance in the beginning and then people realize it's true. It's if I have purpose, passion, discipline, resilience, and I showcased the value creation behaviors for, there's a meritocracy of ideas and clear execution mechanisms.

I'm gonna be giving a shot and what we saw was that eight fold increase in value creation. But then 1000% increase in voluntary engagement around the world.

And multiple global awards, on excellence, innovation, transformation, automation, and so on, so forth.

Now, this is interesting.

Then what I decided to say, you know, my mission is done here, let me go work for a bigger company, Let's go join a Fortune 50 organization that is struggling. Let's go join an organization that's struggling, but wants to go for extraordinary.

So, the story, here, of this energy organization, that transform itself, starts in 2010, when a new CEO comes in to a company that is at best, Maybe Alker, and why his season that companies, there are no clear competitive advantage on technology, geography, client segments, none of that.

They were doing good old logistics refining and marketing of oil and gas products.

So, they were a $2 billion corporation as a public company, which was less than the mark, the book value of their assets.

So, what do we do?

What did our leadership do? Well, they decided to do, is that, let's focus on bringing, on building a culture of excellence, or building a culture of innovation, of building a culture of entrepreneurship, of building up culture, of value creation in our organization.

This is not easy to be done. because you have to get people who have been very successful at this industry for many years to change their behaviors.

So how do you do that?

You are very clear about our purpose.

You set a meritocracy of ideas with clear execution mechanisms, for innovation, for value creation.

You do Y development of collaborative leadership skills, and innovation execution skills.

And then you're chronically consistent with that purpose, well, not for the next few months, for the several years.

And then while we got you, eight years later, we were doing over 2000 innovation projects implemented on an annual basis, with more than one billion dollars of audited financials, additional EBA.


You'll get shabby now externally at $35 billion organization in the period of eight years without any comparative advantage, other than your culture.

So you're maybe asking, So, what is the solution? It's right here And I'll keep repeating until you get it.

Meritocracy of ideas, clear execution mechanisms, collaborative leadership, and innovation execution skills.

Now, this is how you unleash the power of our people, your people, to go for extraordinary.

Now, let's go into a second mode. Now, let's talk a little bit about what we see in the marketplace and organizations that are struggling on this journey.

What we see is that every body wants to predict the future, but there are only two types of people who predict the future.

Those who don't know, and those who don't know that they don't know.

So what organizations do, they tried to predict the future and they say things like, oh, it's a scary future. 40% of the Fortune and Fortune 500 companies will not exist in 10 years.

Wow Rick, that was said in 20 11 by 2019 before the pandemic, not 10 years.

But eight years later, nearly 50% of the Fortune 500 companies no longer existed already.

After the pandemic flu, the instructional level has accelerated.

So the best way to predict the future is to create it as simple as that, but what people do is that large, the larger organization, the larger the meetings.

And they get into this big tables.

A whole bunch of people who are just trying to think about their next salary increase or their natal job title and they're sitting around arguing about what the future is going to look like.

Email Graphic Virtual Conferences (4)-1They don't know, so you know what they do. They get nervous and they hire external experts. They tried to hire me to tell them what the future looks like for them.

So they're gonna hire external experts, forecasting exports. You're gonna do sophisticated scenario planning.

None of which is going to help them predict the future, because the only way to predict the future is to create it. As simple as that.

You don't get to predict the future by sitting around a table and doing some strategic planning session.

You have to create it. And the way that you're creating your organization is by setting the stage for innovation.

Is that, by setting a clear principles and mechanisms to translate innovation genetic variation for your organization.

So, how do you do this? And, of course, intelligent automation is that's a component of this.

So, to have extraordinary innovation, you need to set it in ordinary terms.

So, what is on the ordinary definition of innovation? It's very simple. Innovation is simply the implementation of new ideas that create value.

That's it.

Please do not make it any more complicated.

That said, it's not technology is not intelligent automation for sure.

It's any new idea that creates value, and that's fully implemented in your organization. Simple as that.

Now, sure, does not come. one size fits all. You're going to see that the grading their organizations, they are highly innovative, and they have innovations as a portfolio at multiple levels. And what you see is that about 70% of their innovations are, at the core of the business, 20% are adjacent ...

to that core, or extensions to the core, and 10% are disruptive, or real big shifts to the core of your business, that they are disruptive to the business model. They are not disruptive, because they use cool technology, OK?

This is very important, because notice that 90% of the innovations in your business are coming from Core, and the Jason says, not from disruptive, Disruptive covers 100% of what you see in the media, and your employees start thinking that innovation is only disruptive innovation.

So they start thinking that If I don't work for for Tesla, or Uber, or some other trendy company, that art that's displaying disruptive innovation on TV screen, maybe I'm not innovative.

And that's not true, because what you're seeing there is not true. For the most innovative organizations in the world. The 90% of what happens on a daily basis is not getting covered.

Don't make, no mistake, Those great organizations that have disruptive innovation. They're spending the majority of their time on mundane innovations that create value for their organization.

Now, having said that, so this is what it looks like in terms of maturity and development of capabilities for the greatest organizations in the world.

So what we see is that, listen, You can implement RPA and due process mining, probably can save your company a few million dollars. That's good.

It's not going to make you great is not going to make our company great, because, at best, this is something that entrepreneurs do daily and that's wonderful.

You have to foster that and do that as much as possible, but it's still, you're playing the small lead game. You're playing the, the, the million dollar, the multimedia doc operation here that with some good individual brilliance, passion, discipline, resilience, you can get it done. You'll get one entrepreneur who has a good idea of who has passion, discipline, resilience, and it's consistent with that over time.

And he or she will do a good job or create a multi-million dollar company, which a lot of organizations are at that level, nothing wrong with it. Wonderful, congratulations. You've made it to the multi-million dollar club.

But if you're gonna be a bigger and better organization that's impacting more people providing more services to the world, now you're looking my baby moving towards a billion dollars or more. Now for multi-billion dollar organizations. That individual brightness is not enough.

That's why so many of entrepreneurs and business owners struggled to scale, and they struggled to scale, because now you have to scale that individual brightness. To scale individual brightness, you need systems.

You need to scale the systems of innovation your organization.

So, to become a multi billion dollar organization, now you need innovation systems and mechanisms.

Core translating the principles of innovation into action that creates value.

Now, that means that you need to have GOVs. You need to have structure and rural and clearly defined roles for innovation in your organization.

And you and you will play on the side with growth and technology accelerators but don't fall in love with technology because that's not going to be your solution. Technology accelerators are supposed to be integrated into the governance structures and roles and the mechanisms of your organization.

So most organizations, if successful, will be a multi-billion dollar organization or best and there will be playing on this, on this field for many, many years, trying to scale the brain. Instead, they have identifying the right people in your organization. People with purpose, passion, discipline, resilience, implementing the mechanisms for execution.

Scaling back for value creation. Wonderful. And that will get you to be a billion dollar organization.

Now, what is left here, if we look at the multi trillion dollar organizations of the world?


There's a great quote that says, if you want to be a great leader, a great business leader, find a great business to lead. So by all means, they found a great business jellied, there is a There is a market opportunity there.

But a lot of times there a market opportunity exists for many of the other billion dollar organizations, but they never got to be a multi trillion dollar organization.

Screenshot (4)So what is the difference?

And this is the key.

And this is such a critical differentiator that I want you to be very clear in your mind because this permeates the whole thing.

And this permeates not only at the highest level for the trillion dollar organization, but also for your small department, or if you're an entrepreneur in a startup for your startup, this are the skills.

They separate mediocrity from greatness in the long run.

And while we have observed on those multi trillion dollar organizations, is that they scale from multi billion dollar organizations, because they've done all the previous steps, and they built on it, with widely developed collaborative leadership and innovation acceleration skills, widely developed, They have mechanisms and structures for widely develop collaborative leadership, an innovation acceleration, and really innovation acceleration is innovation, execution skills.

So I ask you to develop the skills in your organization because you're going to hear all the technology had stalking about the importance of technology. And all the process heads talking about the process of the importance of process. And all the people had talking about the importance of people. But the reality is that you need to find the right blend between people process and technologists or in the true for your organization, that will create disproportional value for everyone, the professionals and the marketplace and the partners and so on so forth.

And the way too bland.

These forces that are pulling in different directions, like I said early on, is true.

Mature, collaborative leadership skills. Collaborative leadership has principals', collaborative leadership has specific methods and techniques that you can teach people.

So that they become better leaders?

We know you look at the silos, discussion, and uncertainty, and lack of purpose issues that we discuss at a very early stages of this presentation.

And collaborative leadership is the glue that can bring it all together.

And you must understand and develop those skills to be at the highest level.

But you also should develop those skills, even if you're playing the low-level, because you'll make your life easier to implement innovations and intelligent automation that create back collaborative leadership and innovation acceleration skills.

Now, notice that it's built on clear purpose.

And that culture that has a strong set of core values, aligned with that purpose.

And then, if you look down below, the mechanisms are there and everything else that follows for the transformation are there. So there's the roadmap that I'm sharing with you, not based on what I think or feel. It's based on what we observe on great enduring organizations and the others who haven't reached that level just yet.

So building a culture of collaboration, innovation, and value creation is the ultimate competitive advantage for an organization.

So we're going to wrap up here with a bit of a review.

So remembers what matters most ideas, methods, technologists, or people.

This is a bit of a tricky question. So there is really not one solution here for sure, if I have to pick one, will be people.

Not only all people, but especially the right people, But you need to have the ideas. You need to have the methods.

You need to have the technologists, and that you need to have the right people integrated with collaborative leadership and innovation, and discipline, innovation execution for you to be successful at why you do it specifically to the people.

Remember, it's not about how brilliant they may sound or how good they sound when they talk, or the presentations they make.

You're looking for people who can execute innovations, which means that they implement new ideas that create value. And those people will have the specific traits. and those traits are revealed by the task, by the test of innovation execution. And those traits are as a reveal.

Purpose, passion, discipline, and resilience, purpose, passion, discipline, irizarry, and resilience is what is what they do is, how they do it. How they find the right people.

So as a summary, great leaders for excellence, innovation, intelligent automation, in your organizations, not the mediocre ones, the mediocre ones, there will be good at technical aspect.

Or on the human aspect, the great and the leaders in your organization.

They don't work for Tesla or Facebook or Google. They work for you.

Your job as a leader is to create a meritocracy of ideas with clear execution mechanisms that allow them to emerge and say, you know what I have shown here. I can showcase my capabilities to my organization. This is not about politics, not about which senior leader I know. You're create a meritocracy of ideas with clear execution mechanisms. I have a chance.


Now you need to equip them with the collaborative leadership skills and innovation execution skills and the mindsets of innovation and excellence.

And remember, they must have the ability to take different perspectives, the problems, because that is the essence of innovation.

And then what you're going to do is that you're going to create a system that makes them aware of the risks, but doesn't remove the risks.

They are supposed to face risks. They are supposed to manage risks. You want them to be risk aware, but not risk averse.

Because it takes courage to venture into new areas. You need to manage those risks, But you cannot promise them that there are no risks. They must have courage.

And most people in organizations, the higher the leader, the less courage they have because they have too much to lose and I'm not saying about taking disproportional risks. I'm talking about carefully managing the risks and then stepping up with courage and the discipline to execute.

Now, remember, as the ultimate level, you, as a leader, you must create an environment in your organization where great people, in great ideas can connect. So, collaborative leadership is at an individual level, but also, as an environment, you must create that environment for collaboration where great ideas and great people connect, because that's the ultimate accelerator for innovation, for our value creation.

And, and then, remember that, no, I cannot predict the future. You can operate predict the future.

The only way to predict the future is to create it.

And organizations, departments, big or small companies that build that culture of excellence and innovation. They have a greater likelihood of creating default the future that they can be successful at, and that becomes their ultimate competitive advantage. So, as we spend the next few days talking about intelligent automation, I want you to keep this in mind.

You need to work on the technical aspects, the human aspects.

You must do address your culture, because there is no digital transformation without business transformation. There is no business transformation without cultural transformation.

Now, you are going to see me here for the next few days, this journey, a journey that I haven't been on, and I'll be on until the end of my time, and, so, you can always follow me on LinkedIn. This is how you get in touch directly with me.

I'm going to wrap up this segment now, and I'm going to talk about, gotta put my hat back as a conference. Not presenter now, but as the conference chair. I wanna put my hat back and share with you, what's coming up next in our journey, in this conference. Tomorrow, you'll have a packed day with fantastic thought leaders, collaborative leaders, in innovation execution leaders for their organizations. So as I call as I quickly look at what's in store for us tomorrow.

We have we're going to start the day tomorrow with blueprint discussing mass RPA migrations how why RP programs are switching vendors and the challenges and how to overcome them for maximum business value. Like you started with an RPA provider here and then you realize the story is not exactly what I expected.

And now you want to switch. And that's actually quite hard, believe it or not, because you build some infrastructure, you customize some things, and how do organizations, how do you keep yourself flexible?

Just start with, you don't get you hooked up to two integrated with someone, and then if you have to migrate, how do you, how can you do that?

Having that flexibility, an option, it's critical.

We're gonna follow that up with Mark Jason, who is The Seal of Transformative of the Transformative Organization. He's going to talk about the massive opportunities in technology with and to choose Smart City's infrastructure.

And a lot of automation there, related to Intel and intelligent automation in multiple areas, that's going to be followed up by a switch to the healthcare. And we're going to have the program director for analytics and AI and Automation, Center of Excellence from Alberta Health Services. Just going to talk to us about implementing RPA at Canada's largest organization healthcare organization and freeing up capacity for a large capacity like in 180 days by using RPA. So a real great use case on healthcare share by him. And then we're going to have doctor ... Kumar, who is an Advisory Board member, I think, currently, he's working, he's leading a program at Amazon. And before, then, multiple organizations go check out his LinkedIn profile to see what it has done. I mean, one of the top experts in this area of intelligent automation, he's gonna talk to us, to applications related to healthcare, as well.

But that can be widely applied across industries. He's going to talk about reducing burnout of healthcare professionals, improving efficiency, and enhancing focus on patient care.

You do not want to miss those sessions tomorrow, great sessions with industry leaders and true practitioners.

Now, an announcement here. Tomorrow, I'm on a major cultural transformation of a Fortune 50 organization, and I'm going to have to step out from the conference momentarily for tomorrow I'll be back on day three. And you're gonna be on the capable hands of Braille Raffle Bryant. Raffle is our amazing conference leader. And he is going to be introducing the speakers. But I know that several of you have a relationship with me, and you start wondering, what happened to Joseph: Did the old guy had a heart attack or something like that? No, no. He's fine. He's out there, actually, accelerating culture, business and digital transformation, and, and I'll be back on day three here in our conference, but you'll be in the more than capable hands, and tremendous leadership of Brian Raffled tomorrow, who's going to be introducing our speakers. And you're going to be facilitating the Q&A. The speakers are the same, and that, the program has a same as you see highlighted on the online agenda.

So thank you again for spending this. I hope was a good day for you. It's always a great day to see so many of you joining us live, asking wonderful questions, engaging with this, thought leaders and practitioners. Keep the conversation going.

I'm going to put up a short update on LinkedIn under the conference post, under my name. And you're going to see their, make comments, thank our sponsors, thank our speakers. We're gonna be able to afford a chore to afford to send this to everybody, no cost. If it was not for the sponsors and for the wonderful participation and support from all of the speakers. I mean, these are industry speakers who are very, very busy, and they take the time to be here with us. If you can have a chance, like the post short show gratitude for them, because they really deserve that. Thank you again, everyone. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day, wherever you are in the world, and keep on creating the future. Bye, Bye for now.


About the Author

more-Feb-21-2022-04-38-57-99-PMJosé Pires,
Excellence & Innovation.

José Pires serves as the Global Excellence & Innovation (E&I) Leader for Andeavor Corporation, where he oversees the global identification, prioritization, and execution of mission-critical business improvements and innovations that add value to the company, business partners, and external clients in multiple markets.

Prior to his current role, Pires held Excellence and Innovation leadership positions in large, global companies in electronics (Sony), semiconductors (Cymer-ASML), food (Nestlé) and infrastructure (Black & Veatch) industries. Throughout his career, Pires developed and refined E&I as an award-winning program for innovation, leadership development, strategy execution and value creation globally.

Pires is an advisory board leader and keynote speaker for several global conferences on innovation, operational excellence, leadership development, strategy execution, business transformation, customer engagement and growth acceleration.

He holds a Bachelor in Engineering Physics from the University of Kansas and a Master in Business Administration focused in Investment Banking and Entrepreneurship from the University of San Diego.


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