Courtesy of Mondelēz International's Aura Bhattacharjee, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'RPA Roadmap (Trends and Scope) from Enterprise Architecture perspective' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at RPA & Intelligent Automation Live.
Session Information:
RPA Roadmap (Trends and Scope) from Enterprise Architecture perspective
With Automation being the buzz word across wide spectrum of developments in Technology, it is important for organizations to not only be aware of the historical and current trends, but also think of future scope in Robotic Process Automation / Intelligent Automation.
Enterprise Architecture team of a company would be playing key role in governance of how well the company has been utilizing these technologies, while shaping the roadmap for future scope.
Based on her industry-wide research and in-house experience, Aura, from her shoes of Governance Lead of Enterprise Architecture team of Mondelēz , would be sharing insights on which domains have witnessed major implementations of RPA; vs. what those domains are that still offer more opportunity to further leverage RPA.
Session Transcript:
Side of our next guest, she is a Leader of Enterprise Architecture at Mondelez International and I am talking about. But Sharia are what a pleasure to have you with us or for those of you in the artists who do not know, is a 30 under 30 award winner in IT and Digitization. And she is part of the Enterprise Architecture Team and Mondelez International she's also a published author.
Her collection of short stories is available both in paperback and Kindle format globally on Amazon, and you may want to check that out. So ora, thank you so much for taking the time to share your wisdom and expertise with our global audience today and you're coming from global location. Tell us all where you're coming from today.
So I'm joining you. I'm from India.
So right now in that board India so typically are very bustling tourism media but now because of pandemic and moving scenarios, slightly lacking in terms of tourism but hopefully we'll get back to that very soon. So, just a thank you, thank you so much for the wonderful introduction.
As you already introduced me this is from the Enterprise Architecture Theme of Mondelez International joining from India.
What I want to cover today, ah, with all of you, will be, it will start with an overview of our company and how the Enterprise Architecture Team is structured over here in Mondelez followed by my portion of findings on RPA Robotic process automation based on my survey.
Around, what are those areas where we have already seen a lot of implementation in RPA, versus what those domains are, which do a whole lot of potential for future implementation.
Grow there. And we will dive deeper into the granularity of key factors in determining our maturity of an organization, and eventually, the role of Enterprise Architecture in defining the right RPA roadmap.
So before I start my session, I'm sure all of you read theory strategic session, the previous one, where he had a board where he was trying to ask around, what are those most important attributes that we look for in conversational AI? So at the end, the outcome was undoubtedly product roadmap and solution maturity. I cannot tell you how strong here is on it with strategic on that point. And even in my session, I'm going to throw some light on how enterprise architecture plays that role, that pivotal role in defining the roadmap and maturity, an organization's readiness for robotic process automation.
Enterprise architecture, as we all know, is the glue between business outcome and technology landscape within an organization.
Much of it will be instantly clear once they start telling you about how it's all organized in Mountain View.
So, we didn't want to lose.
The business values are based on the pillars of growth, execution and culture.
Now, this is how our enterprise architecture team has aligned itself with the vision of the same pillars. The vision of our youth team is to accelerate profitable crew.
Leading the right solution decisions, bought the right business capability for the right priority. And this vision is standing on the same values that I just showed. The same pillars that are aligned with Mondelez this business value of growth, operational excellence and culture. He plays a very pivotal role in governments and strategizing of technology roadmap of an organization so that it's aligned with its business.
With more and more organizations investing in robotic process automation, I'm here to talk about the role of E in identifying not only the existing on historical trends, but also the future opportunities in the same, so as to draw the correct.
Let me give you a brief overview about how the ear is structured within one disease.
So, every function in our company beat supply chain, finance, HR, data analytics, data integration has its own enterprise architect.
Now, let us categorize these functions into vertical and horizontal, The vertical one star supply chain, finance, consumer, HR, supplier.
Basically, all those dollars, which witness maximum number of projects.
Now, in order to achieve their targeted business outcomes, it's very important that these functions stay ahead of the game in terms of capitalizing relevant digital disruption, freeing up the resources that promoted innovation trials, implementing relevant cutting-edge technology in case of legacy applications and a lot.
Now, I imagine if every such function keeps on bringing new technology without proper guard rail or monitoring, it will turn into what I love to call hairball architecture of sorts.
And once that becomes the scenario, anytime that you decide to take out some obsolete technology or run a test and learn or try to implement some new digitalization, they're good for your business with that something somewhere might break.
Hence, whenever there's a new solution, or a new deployment coming through, these doors consult their respective vertical Enterprise Architect, but you didn't suggest this solution that you're talking about, I see you are bringing in a new vendor.
So do you know there isn't like existing vendor in another area within the company who are providing the solution in some other area?
But I know that you do have a module which can be extended for the same foods, back, if you have thought of that, why did you rule that out?
And if you don't know about that, I would suggest, go back to that evaluation. Maybe it will be more cost efficient, and also because that is already a vendor, which is existing with the company. So it's already better in complex. So go back and check that and then come back and let me know what your findings are.
After all this discussions, If, when the Enterprise Architect does, people go ahead, that's where the horizontal enterprise architects would come into play.
So the horizontal architects will now take into the fact that, OK, so this is a solution that has been given the go-ahead. So is it compliant with the Cloud infrastructure of the company, or is it complied with the security criticality assessment, the network of the company and what's the thought that is going to be implemented and so on.
Now, Mondelez is a highly consumer centric company.
So bringing joy to our consumer is something that our kids puts revolve around. So we're always on the constantly evolving journey to explore opportunities, liberates disruptions, automated tasks, and so on. The reason this is even more important, is because that's how the entire sector of CPG is behaving like.
So, every day even our competition is actually focusing on like how we can implement intelligent automation. For example, in enhancing I can do my experience or further integrated supply chain to make the entire manufacturing distribution more seamless to ensure that each of our product how we can implement RP in automating repetitive manual tasks for example, in Finance. It's important because, for us and, Mondelez, our products bring joy to your life and it's only an understatement to say how important Happiness Institute.
Also, consumer needs and purchasing behavior are constantly changing. So why would we have new technology acting as a catalyst?
Why not leverage them for business innovation to constantly cater to these kinds of consumer goods?
Because of these, what happens is there is a difference in the number of projects which actually come to various doe's. So number of projects which will come through, say, consumer towel will be much more, as compared to the number of projects which are coming through, say, finance or HR.
Monitoring is very important. Monitoring the number of projects which are coming through, and whether the projects are going through the right processes or not.
That's where I'm stepping because this needs to be monitored by over eight hour agnostic listen, so that's where the role of governance lead comes into play. So as a governance lead of the Enterprise Architect 15, I have definite matrix to track that you work flow progresses across all levels.
Now, this will give you a glimpse of the template of the dashboard that I work on.
What happened here was initially when I had to work on these KPIs and metrics to check the flow of projects in different towers, I was doing it in a very manual way.
So, there were a lot of repetitive tasks over here for which I was doing a lot of calculation on Excel and it was easily taking up so it's a monthly KPI set that I used to publish and used for that. I used to easily set aside just helpful wheatstone.
So, the first dashboard that you're looking at that would look at all the projects that are coming through, whether they have very strong architectural impact or they are really simple projects, whether they're aligned with our roadmap or not and the other dashboard that you are looking at, that application portfolio management. So, that's another area where Mondelez Enterprise Architecture D takes the lead on.
So that's around, OK, How many applications volume the Sunset category? So when I said some say veterans, how many of them are supposed to be disinterested? How many of them are being retired, and whether that's matching the target number or not, and a lot of tools.
So, I need to fight that. I was doing a lot of repetitive tasks.
And they don't want steps, repeatedly overlay, kapo wheatstone every month.
So, I understood this is some media where we do have opportunity to further automate.
So we implemented automation through Power BI and the whole thing.
today, as of now, the whole thing happens within say, less than half an hour 10, so it's, it's easily. I've got down from half a week to half an hour time. So, my point is people often talk about automation eating up, people's jobs, right?
But, hey, I'm honestly, I'm facing that I'm more busy than evil because what automation has done for me is that it has freed up more valuable time for me. So I can do more impactful work with all my free updates. So that's where the importance of automation comes into me.
Besides Gandhi or God failing the incoming projects, then the architecture team is also responsible for drawing of the future technology roadmap of the company.
So instead of simply aligning on the IT projects that are already happening in the legacy area, like finance or supply chain, it provides that rich insight on what are those other areas, which have also witness RPA in future.
So here's another kind of field where it's OK for you to get comfortable in your own skin, so for the EFT, to be perceived as the technology expert by the rest of the organization. It's important for you to implement technology in their own processes but like I said, we implemented automation in the very KPI governance part.
Besides this, the other area where we implemented automation within E, was the year more fluid safe. So, it's like, a process workflow, where all the technology approaches that are coming in need to be aligned among various years, like I was talking. So, that was happening in a manual way, and that's where we recognized that we can further integrate the whole process end to end. And I'll come short you to that. So, it's a journey where you'd have to constantly upgrade your knowledge and extend the horizon of your skillset.
Based on all of these expedients, what I figure was that intelligent automation, clearly, it's an umbrella for capturing all of the sub processes where we have RPA, robotic process automation. Where we have chat go for collaboration, we have artificial intelligence, actually, cuts across the cognitive area, learning, problem solving, and visual perception.
So all of these been implemented to process and or our data. They should be able to improve your business performance.
Now, I've highlighted theta over here because that's where I'm coming T, so the process is part, is something which is sort of legacy. So we already have a lot of RPA implementation in areas of processes. Data is one area where we still have a lot of opportunity to implement RP.
How I came to that conclusion will be clear once I show you this research of mine.
So, while your perspective, I did have this visibility of what kind of IP solutions are being implemented in our company, I still decided to reach out to folks outside of my organization and industry, through a survey to understand what are those areas where the implementations are more saturated versus what are those areas where we can still have more and more implementation.
Done so that if I did customer, supplier and supply chain management as a bucket area, that's where we have had major implementations of RPA.
So, 44% of the participants from across various other companies. They voted for this bucket.
28% from within Mondelez have ... Condition in the same.
And then if we look at more awful person, I'll be voting that more than 50% of analyst, HR, supply chain manager, marketing managers, they have witnessed RP implementation in this bucket itself.
The next highest implementation, Thompson Finance. Of course, we have all heard about the RPA implementations and invoicing and billing. So, 30% of the participants from across the companies again voted for this.
40% from within Mondelez have witnessed RPA implementation in finance area.
More than 50% of consultant, financial, and sales manager have witnessed similar implementation in finance.
Besides all of these few sectors like engineering, education, finance, business intelligence, they do have RP implementation in China, India and people management.
Clearly, one area where opportunity lies for future implementation is the whole data. So data governance, data orchestration, KPI generation. That is one area which we should definitely focus on for future.
Mondelez has seen some implementations in this area. So our team has been running just ongoing, for example, to evaluate various technology for implementing RPA in the darkest tuition.
Because we already have RPA in mainstream works like billing, invoicing, people management, etcetera.
It's challenging to find the right RPA tool to be used widely for data creation and meetings. So that's where the future lies.
Now based on the insights from the survey that I did, we now know that opportunity lies in implementing RP in the analytics data orchestration and data management area.
So data orchestration is, is actually automation of the entire data driven processes from interviewing, enduring, preparing, data, making decisions based on that data, and then taking actions based on those decisions.
It's like a process that often spans across different systems, departments and types of data.
Since we are talking specifically of RP for data orchestration, we recognize that first, that automation is setting up one task to run on its own, by orchestration, is automating many tasks as a process of work. And a key challenge that is common across most of the companies and organization, is having unstructured data across the entire organization.
So how we handle that Mondelez was through this vision that included accuracy, which meant that data should be right in the beginning itself so that it's easy to establish governance, efficiency, which meant that data should be sustainable, clean, and consistent across various systems. And integration. That is to enable the right business decisions the right time, using that accurate data that I just spoke about for end to end.
Knowing each functional double that I was talking about, having an enterprise architect.
It's the enterprise architects who take that ownership, to come together and have that dialog around helping ensure that the enterprise level, master data do not exist across the functions inside, said, there's a single source of truth in place. Now, in case of various versions of the master data existing inside, a lot of different would go in manual labor of orchestrating the scene and I have personally face did in the past.
Assessing the impact analysis ownership in terms of both data cost, stakeholder alignment, Whether to get a new tool or exchange module from an existing vendor, Due diligence of vendors in order to identify the right solution that you align on all the decisions for data orchestration.
For instance, according to a study by Forrester, in case of vendor selection, there are two categories of RP vendors, which need to be considered one, be a generalists, and second RP a niche place.
So, the aria generalists that's suitable for broadening tasks and performances, so their AI capabilities are more suitable for IT and business leaders who want to prepare for any kind of what permission request that might come from their business counterparts.
The idea of niche players, on the other hand, the offer free, industrial process, specific capabilities, specialized AI, capabilities that exclusively address dedicated markets, such as healthcare or provide automation solution for pretty specific business processes. Like anti money laundering, mortgage lending, automating goods, or predicting your next next customer in the financial services and a lot more. So they train AI supported boards, for example, for narrow use cases, and therefore provide much faster processing with greater confidence than the RP agenda. And it's so it's clear we have all different kinds of necessity.
So whatever fits your company necessity should be brought into that.
After identifying the right kind of vendors.
The next vital part in defining Roadmap Thompson, identifying the metrics to know which areas to focus on.
And here, I'll bring in another study by Forrester.
So this study focuses on all this matrix and it stays. So basically the study was done in Asia Pacific adding conquers. The maturity level is determined by people, process, technology, and government.
The reason they ship as if it was chosen for it is because the region has witnessed a lot of RP implementation in the back office processes and patterns. And he has also witnessed growth of local investment and emergence of new vendor.
So the governance framework in Asia Pacific is still emoji. The study say is that nearly 60% of those who had interviewed agreed that they had established processes for robot like second management, board, governance, and compliance, and less than half of the respondents had established a structured cadence of governments, which was in line.
So, from this study, one key takeaway that I saw was that the vast pools diverged most from the beginners in terms of governance and process.
Because it's, it's very simple, right, because people and technology are given.
So, if you have to up your IP again, you need to implement the best fit technology, And you'll need to invest in upskilling your people. So, those two are pretty much taken for granted. Those have to be there. Beyond that, if an enterprise wants to stay ahead of the RP. Again, it needs to focus on governance and process, because those are the points which are going to become your differentiating factor.
Now let's close the book by trying to see What did we just saw in this study combining that with what is exactly done in Mondelez.
So for that, I'll give you a very brief idea about how the enterprise architecture process works.
So in the enterprise architecture process within Montanes, every project comes in at an ideation stage. So at this stage, it's just a concept, be quite a concept. It's like an idea which is coming. Some function wants to implement some kind of RPA technology or any kind of technology for that.
So, it does come to the years and the years, we'll take a look at it and then decide, OK, is it a very simplistic deployment or enhancement kind of project, which we can approve right away. Or whether it's something that is going to need more architectural evaluation.
Something that is going to have more crossed our impact. In that case, we will have to have more documentation architecture documentation, which will need further alignment across a lot of stakeholders. So in that case, we should bring it to one of our global forums, where we will review it together, and then take the next step to decide whether it can be signed off or not.
Now, the outcome of this process is, this goes to the next stage, which is called portfolio management.
And from portfolio, it goes to the finance side, so, it's like a low flow processes, which keep happening one after another.
So, far, still, like a month back in our company. The E word folio processes have been in silo.
Leading to lot of extra effort in maintaining the project mappings and enterprise level data.
Very recent automation development. What we are doing is we are integrating all the processes and doing so the loss of the portfolio stages, the financials, all, are coming on a single platform.
So the workflows and the erstwhile mammal alignments will be now better automated. And also, we are like another step closer to having a single source of truth for enterprise level data.
Since we're committing multiple workflows over here, this is also an example of orchestration. So this actually trigger furtive enlightening about how we can implement the same kind of automation in data orchestration as well.
So once the data is structured, we can have like more of a platform for RPA implementation in terms of like irritative task, which happened in order to cash or people management, payroll, etcetera.
That's the normal label, a huge potential lies in implementing IP at the base stage of structured and unstructured data is. So RPA can be implemented in the free flow of preparing, cleansing and massaging of structuring data, basically what I was referring to SPD orchestration.
So, we at Mondelez are in the stage of determining this part and our Enterprise Architecture team is developing the roadmap for RP IE through process, GOV's technology and people, the same matrix, which I just showed from before as do research. And here's how.
So, if we look at the very aspect that I was talking about, in terms of integrating the silo processes and automation of workflow, so all of these fall on the process.
Next, we already have automated KPI Generation, which I was talking in the beginning. And we are working towards strengthening master data governance by establishing that single source of truth, which comes under governance bucket.
Modern Enterprise Architecture is also exploring opportunity to another for the flexibility via the plugin feature of API of Modular Architecture for user Friendly RPA platform. And, simultaneously, we're also laying a stronger foundation for cloud infrastructure modernization. And even. So, all these come under technology.
Team feel also leads to thought leadership community of practices and community development around various technology expertise and disinvestment in right resources for IP, which is nothing but taking care of people, process technology, governance, and people the same matrix, which we saw in the forest is done.
Now, as a governance leader, I follow this approach of slicing and dicing everything from various perspectives and present them from different. View of what we're doing at cross people, process technology and governance.
Now, let us see how we are doing all of that via a more of a persona based approach, how we are doing, and who are exactly doing it.
So let's pick up processor technology first.
Now, all of those activities that I define, these two buckets are handled by really process specific stakeholders, like project manager, solution owners, solution architects, and they have the key responsibility of process execution.
Now, let's start looking at the bucket of speed.
So when we say people, it's the person hours, like change management stakeholders, continuous improvement, leads, who come into play. They got the process, technology, and people, in terms of alignment on change, and process improvement, and communication, and including various personal based learning.
Do it governance, and that's where Enterprise architecture comes into play. If you look closely here, the enterprise architecture will cut across all the five buckets of process technology, governance, and people.
We have two person RTO, one is Enterprise Architect, who have this curious possibility of continuous process improvement, providing in-house consulting to the company in terms of technology, and ownership of how to uplift people skills.
And then there's a second persona of planning and governance feed, where I come into play. So, where we have collaboration with multiple stakeholders for the process improvement, KPI, or metric based monitoring, of people, process performance, and defining the learning, but for upskilling.
So with that, let us try to revise and summarize the entire just off to disconnect that we had. First, we know that majority of the heartbeat implementation is happening today in customer supplier and supply chain management area, followed by financial transaction. So these are the legacy areas where we have been witnessing RPA implementation for sometime. HR management are also some of the areas which follow next. So these are areas where we do see a lot of RPA implementation.
Well, a very large opportunity lies in implementing RPA, in data analysis master data, governance data, orchestration ....
The key is to identify which which vendor will play that key rule, will play the right role for your organization in order to achieve that. So we saw how we have RP a generalist and RP a niche players in the market. And how to read online that help us strengthen our company's readiness in terms of structuring the data by utilizing the right tool for your foundation.
In order to have that successful implementation, it's always that I'm always focusing a lot on Matrix. So here as well, I'd focus on KPIs and metrics for GOV's focuses. So we saw about four key metrics which determine the level of maturity that an enterprise is going to achieve in terms of RP.
So there we have governance, process, people, and technology, and out of all of these according to Forrester, Governance, process, other ones, which will determine how much you're going to get differentiated, compared to the other players in the market.
Like, every time, I like to tell, I like to close my, like, a dial sharing, through a story. So fun story over here. So in our office gym, in model is we have like two very good instructors, trailers. So one of the peanuts was telling us, it's funny story that analogy, where he used to provide training audio.
So he had applied who had come in.
And he wanted to develop biceps. So, he approached the trail and he asked him, like, which is to say, should I do? So the train all suggested in this one, the bench plus double press. And the trainers suggested that you do it. Then I'll come back to you and to call the properties, as well.
So in order to teach him, our humans, drunk assured him, with only one hand, showed it with his right hand and said, yeah, OK. Let me come back to you and check. The progress has been. So whether I should increase the weights or not or do any modifications.
So after one month to the instructor checks back with the client and the client says, yeah, it has been very good, absolutely fine.
So so far, I've done it with the right hand and I hope now I should start with Electron and it's a true story.
So the instructor was pretty shocked to hear that he had been doing only with the right time because the instructor had shown him with the right time in the beginning.
So, he meant to say, that, you know, this is not how it was supposed to be done. You should have done better than me, but never mind will, will figure that out. So this is the perfect example. So I would, if I can have a comparative study, then the, the, the instructor. The gym instructor's equivalent to an enterprise architect, and the client is no one, but the business side stakeholder of the company. So the enterprise architect did show what the roadmap should look like and what should be done as a solution, But what was lacking hill is constant monitoring.
Constant guard railing possibly through some like weekly KPI or regular cadence which queued up, remove that communication gap between them and the results would have been achieved in less than like what it will need to know. So that's one example, which I wanted to close this session with, and thank you very much. I'm open to Q&A now so you all can find me on LinkedIn.
And that's a small snippet of how my book looks like, which is now available on Kindle as well as paperback format on Amazon.
And with that, I would like to close my session. Thank you.
Thank you. Are a lot of great. What a great view of the journey that you have been on with Enterprise Architecture Robotics, Process Automation and Mondelez. Fresh questions, just to situate the audience a little bit in terms of the maturity and the development of, you know, enterprise architecture as a discipline, if you will. And the tool, to use the analogy of working out, you know, you can always work out here and there.
But too, really progress, we have to develop the discipline to two and the consistency around it. So, tell us a little bit about just kind of a big picture. Where did Mondelez start on this journey for enterprise architecture? And then when the RPA became part of that?
Hmm hmm, hmm, Interesting.
So I have been a part of this Enterprise Architecture team, since since 2018.
Yeah, so a long journey. And I've seen it getting transformed drastically. So when I started out, a lot of these tracking of projects, of figuring out where different towers are at, in terms of the approval workflows. So even the workflows is to be pretty more manual back and so all of this tracking governments used to happen in a very, very manual process. So, and I used to be the thing that was an army would be handling it so it used to easily take up a lot of painful.
one key thing is, what I learned at times, in a hard way, is that it lies a lot on yourself to figure out where automation can be implemented. Nobody else is going to come to you and say, hey, you know, you must bring in a lot of time in this man was dusk. So why not? We want to make a point. That's not going to happen, especially in our enterprise architecture, where you are supposed to be the in house consulting team for the company for Technology, you have to have that ownership. So it was me who went on to warrant, or either I went and spoke to the innovation team and figure out what kind of RPA technology is there in the market. Or I would go and talk to my line manager, saying, hey, you know, this is one more, which I think can be automated, Because I'm really doing a lot of repeated tasks portal for a very long time.
So that's when we started exploring like what can be further down. So today, when I look back, a lot of those workflow that I used to do manually have been integrated end to end. And those happen in a more automated way. So that's where we implemented automation, glasses governance part, which I was talking about, the dashboard, which we were like doing in a very man who I was doing it. So that also goes up, and we did, which reduced my time from half a week to less than half enough. So, that's how we have been unfair on a constantly evolving journey, because even today, we are doing a project where we're automating. Like, it will see the entire end to end process. So that's how the journey.
And how What is the process in the company? I mean, you have 80,000 employees, You have your globally distributed.
How do you identify? what do you need to work on? And how?
What is the process identifying and prioritizing the opportunities?
So that's where the vertical towers and vertical functions come into play. So, it's not like the Enterprise Architecture Team is sitting as a central, centralized decision maker, and say, that, OK, we are split up for all of these areas, and all this function. So we can bring in technology, that's not how it happens. So it's usually either either technology counterparts of the business.
For example, in consumer, we have consumer side business, and we have a technology counterpart who looks into all the digital and digitalization of consumer experiences, so they typically bring solutions and situations that, hey, you know, this is and that's what often, happens differently in different geography, as well.
So, they bring in solutions, this suggest solutions.
The thing is not every time everything gets scaled right away, so that's what this and learn and importance of running, you will see in the right process, comes into play. So, first is done long ago separately, and then that's where the enterprise architects, often stepping them.
They say, Hey, OK, the solution looked good on paper or in a digital format. But from our plugins or knowledge, we really know this is not something which we can scale up a rollout in further geography within. So this needs to be guarded, right fuel. Or, often they would say, Yeah, this looks like a good solution, and from our experience, we know it's going to make it make the process more efficient. So, it's, it's, it's really a lot about all those stakeholders coming together, and taking the decision.
Excellent. Thank you. Thank you for providing that perspective. If you look, shifting a little bit more towards, starting on more of a technical track, if you will. William Fuller has the question on about unstructured data and he would like to just say a little bit more about unstructured data. You've talked about that in your conversation. What does it look like him on delays? And and, how do you know work with an extract of meaningful information from unstructured data?
Lot of examples in that union and pure anybody from an enterprise of the size of Mondelez will be able to resonate with that. We have a lot of data.
Notice important data, but often, what we see is, when I say unstructured.
Hmm, hmm, we often see that multiple versions of the same data set will actually exist amongst various teams, for example. So, somebody created a master data. Very good. Like a good file that has all the detailed information that got, That got a simple example, That equity e-mail to somebody, and then the person is from a different theme, and that person starts working on the data. Very soon, we have like, several versions of the same data. And this, we faced in a lot of videos. We faced in finance. We faced an application portfolio management. And, like I was saying, we often would face leading enterprise architecture theme itself, because we had inside of processes.
So that's where we actually realized that this cannot continue, or to have a better practice, we should have, like a single source of truth for data. And that's where we really started working on.
So the idea is to not stay comfortable with the way it is. And that's why today we have, we have this project running where we are integrating all the end to end processes in enterprise architecture. So what used to happen was, if I have to give an example.
We had like siloed data from enterprise architecture process on portfolio process. So somebody somewhere had to do that mapping between the portfolio IDs and enterprise architecture process project items. So it used to be often like many to many, many to one mapping, which was OK. But that can be done better. So today, we're going to move to that totally integrated process end to end. It's going to be a complete your one-on-one mapping. And nobody has to do that mapping. So all of the projects will already be map and doing, starting from the Enterprise Architecture Ideation phase that I was talking about, all the way to the financial and architectural review phase, which is like the end of output of the process. So that's how we are tackling all of these areas.
And another question that comes associated with what you just talked about is that as you're building this structure for data, structure, for processes, a structure for governance, ownership is very important.
Data is ownership, process, ownership, and the any sounds really good, and the, but it's really hard to do in large organizations, because, you know, you have competing priorities. You have people.
It's unclear often who should be the owner for certain data types and certain processes in the organization. Sounds like a good thing to be a process owner, but then some people want to run away from it. Others want to complain about things, but they don't own it. So, it's, it's quite complex within, especially a large organization, like like yours, to establish meaningful ownership for data and ownership for process. Got us a little bit through that. For that experience that you're having. Yeah, what is it like for you?
Yeah, I can, I can go on and on about that. Because I have been owning the data and the governance part for a long time, but absolutely spot on I mean, when you say that there's a lot of challenge in terms of owning that kind of data, especially what I've seen is, someone who is only some other data, like finance or anything for that matter. And, so, for a long time, I'm working with that person, I know that person is a few of the go to person for all this data, and then, suddenly, I get to know the person has left, or the person that's transfer that ownership, or somebody is. And then, there's this whole new game that's going to come up. So, those challenges there.
And more so, in large organizations.
But I think two things about it. So, one is how I handle it, and the other thing is how it can be done better.
So, how do you handle it is, because, because I have been in this process for a long time, so, I know whatever change is happening in any area, like B, B, the Enterprise architecture process integration that we are doing, or application portfolio management, that I am doing.
So, I have established the fact that come what may, no matter how automated things are becoming, but I will be there, who will be able to person, for any kind of data query that you have, anything that breaks anywhere. It's my responsibility. So, for example, when we are doing this whole enterprise architecture portfolio process integration. So, 1 1 is that we have to integrate the towers, the functions. And often what happens is it's a very small example.
But in big companies like this, we have organizational restructuring because of which the tower's keep either merging or splitting up or change the responsibilities. So, unless I step up and I take that ownership, that no whatever's going, whatever is going to happen, whatever change is going, to be reflected on the system should go through me.
I shouldn't be there, right? Right? Working with the vendor or report for your team, if required to ensure that it's in the right place. So as long as I'm doing that, it's fine.
Now, if I say, OK, whatever the portfolio demas, provided to the van Gogh, I'm fine with that. There is no need to check further then and fueling future. At some point, something is going to break, so it's about having that ownership yourself.
And then the next challenge that comes into play is about when we have: when we when we have multiple people at different stages owning it, like somebody has left or somebody has changed the team. And then there's a new ownership about data. So that's all about beginning.
That challenge will remain as long as we're doing a lot of it in bandwidth way.
So, for the themes, which still have a manual Rails maintaining data, like only through it said and only keeping entrees and sharing their, the challenge is going to remain the teams with automated that part. Already, we have already established a better way of integrating lot of things. And then having the data and please for the transition, is going to become reason. And that's where I think the data orchestrations by implementing RPA data orchestration and places that I was talking about comes.
And I want you to come back and just spend an entire session orchestration when we meet again, and we actually have a conference coming up on enterprise architecture. And there'll be lots of opportunities to go deeper on that. Unfortunately, today, we are out of time. But I want to say a big thank you to you on behalf of our global audience, for sharing your expertise. Real, practical implementation of RPA In a very large organization with the challenges and opportunities that come in that context like that. Thank you for being so transparent. So incisive in your approach, and the sharing, that with all of us. We're very grateful for your participation.
Thank you so much time to tell the audience and she'll say do you have a good rest of it.
Thank you, Ladies and Gentlemen, that was our ...
directly from Mondelez International to the world and what a, what a great reveal of her journey with RPA and intelligent automation at a very large organization.
And we're going to take a break now and we will come back, we're going to wrap the conference with a masterclass on RPA implementation on very, very important industry. We're going to be talking to the financial Services Director of Quality and Transformation and Morningstar financial services and the Morningstar has been through a tremendous transformation and using technology as part of that transformation and Margaret tomorrow is going to be with us at the top of the hour. He's going to talk to us about how to control your robots designing an effective RPA governance program.
Governance is important for any organization on high risk financial services organizations. It's even more so, lots of regulation to deal with, lots of high risk operations going on, how do you bring robots into that and that in a way that that it's compliant the way that's safe in the way that it accelerates innovation and manages risk simultaneously. So, true practitioner, true leader, who has done and continues to do it, and you can learn directly and ask questions directly to him at the top of the hour, so I'll see you back at the top with Margaret tomorrow.
Aura Bhattacharjee,
Enterprise Architecture - Planning and Governance Lead,
Mondelēz International.
Aura had joined Mondelēz International in 2017, after completing 2 years MBA in Information Management from SPJIMR, Mumbai, India during which she had also attended a month long classroom program at Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. After rotating across Innovation and Supply Chain functions within Mondelēz, she finally joined the Enterprise Architecture team, and has been there for 3-and-a-half years now.
As a Governance and Planning Lead, she monitors Digitalization, Innovation and Technology related projects across all Functions and Geography of the company. During this tenure, she has also been honored as 30-Under-30 Super Star by Celerity Supply Chain Community in 2019, and as FMCG Rockstar by Future Group in 2020. Aura had done B.E.(Hons) Chemical Engineering from BITS Pilani and had worked across Procurement Consulting, Data Analytics and Programming, domains. Besides her corporate profile, Aura is a Writer, Indian Classical Singer and Dancer . She is also a published author, her book being available both in paperback and kindle format on Amazon globally.
Her debut book is entitled "Dozen Pebbles Washed Ashore by Life".
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