BTOES Insights Official
March 14, 2021

RPA & Intelligent Automation Live - SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT : Rapidly Transforming Your Enterprise Through RPA And Intelligent Automation For A Virtual Post-CV Economy

Courtesy of Donald Kuk, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Rapidly Transforming Your Enterprise Through RPA And Intelligent Automation For A Virtual Post-CV Economy' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at RPA & Intelligent Automation Live Virtual Conference.



Session Information:

Rapidly Transforming Your Enterprise Through RPA And Intelligent Automation For A Virtual Post-CV Economy

The world is forever changed and our post-coronavirus enterprise transformations must reflect the new realities of touchless remote business and operations execution and management, and virtual value enhancement for our remote human and digital workforces.

Mr. Kuk's presentation addresses these changed realities through new and patented RPA, AI, virtualization, and remote business management technologies.

His Presentation Includes:

1) A Post-Coronavirus Senior Executive Survival Manual
2) How To Grow Market Share In A Shrinking Virtual Economy
3) Using Advanced Customer, Client, Patient, and Market Behavioral Analysis To
Dramatically Improve Revenue, Customer and Employee Satisfaction, and
Operational Efficiency
4) An Intelligent Automation and Virtualization Checklist and Toolbox For
Enterprise Transformation Success

Session Transcript:

Stay with us and it is my pleasure to introduce Donald to you today.

Donald and I have worked together and presented topics of enterprise transformation and RPA in national and global events for ... and many other organizations with outstanding results.

He is widely known for delivering industry records setting improvement for global fortune 50 companies, like JP Morgan, AIG, BMW Mellon, and Med next, using Advanced in, artificial intelligence, robotics process automation, and many other, intelligent automation strategist. Donald, thank you so much for taking the time to be here with us today, sharing your expertise, very much looking forward to your presentation.

Thank you so much, it's great to work with you again, Josie, and I'm looking forward to presenting this topic, because I think we have a lot of opportunity to apply artificial intelligence in this post corona virus environment.

Good morning, everyone.

It's a great pleasure and an honor to be with you. I am Donald Cook.

I look relatively familiar to this. Let me just see.

For reasons beyond my understanding, my screen is frozen.

There we go. I look vaguely familiar to this gentleman that gentlemen wasn't up until four o'clock in the morning, working on the presentation, that day, that that photograph was shot.

So this gentlemen, although we are very much the same, and we look a lot alike, is much more exhausted.

But just asked us to be passionate about this topic and to share what we have learned in a way that invigorates other companies and other individuals to be willing to make the change, to be willing to consider what it's going to take to automate and see success stories, so that they can feel comfortable with making the transformation and leading that transformation.

So I'm going to be talking about a whole new world, courtesy of coronavirus. Coronavirus did many things to and for us, many of which were positive productive, and some of which were not.

In retrospect in my own family, it was very difficult. We varied too.

Well decorated, highly decorated Marine Service Heroes in my family, one of whom was buried with full military honors at Arlington National Cemetery recently, and it brings home the fact that Corona virus is forever changing the lives of the people in this country. And we've had to change all of our protocols as a result.

This moment of opportunity gives us a chance to reset who we are, who we want to become, and how we want to see the world, and how we want to use the technology that we apply.

Then, let us dream together about what this world can be, and let us commit to creating a more passionate and loving world.

I resolved to make the workplace a much safer environment through the use of artificial intelligence and hands, free business process management. We'll talk about that in a minute.

It's a very powerful technique and it's in common use now because we developed and deployed it to success.

And we'll talk about simultaneous process, Automation, Technology, and Virtualization Change out.

Many of you have used a serial method of process and technology change in the past where we made a process, change it, and optimize the process, which broke the technology, then we re-engineered the technology and broke the process, and like the double helix of DNA, where the acid base pairs don't ever really touch, they spiral around one another, but they're not the same. We now want them to be simultaneous. We want to engineer the process and the technology simultaneously, and apply all new techniques to automating our processes and our business. We're going to talk about robotic process automation, intelligent document processing. These are language agnostic, processes, content, agnostic, orientation, agnostic processes that have demonstrated enormous value in the world of central banking, Global Central Bank.

dkAnd we'll talk about speech synthesis and how it is applied in very demanding settings, like surgery, and like processing human tissue for human re-use and surgical transplant. We'll talk about machine vision in the same setting, radiofrequency, business process management, the ability to track everything that moves in the production process within 18% tag.

Coincidentally, the 18% tags that we applied have enough information that we can write the Constitution on the tag they're read, rewrite them all so we can update the information as this process continues.

All the way out to end of life and point of consumption with automatic replenishment to the field, very powerful technology: They survive refrigeration down to about 250 degrees below zero.

And they tolerate one million electron volts of energy in electron beam sterilizations. So it's a very robust tag with very powerful technology.

We'll talk about intelligent, integrated architectures, where we integrate process technology, data, APIs, and regulatory controls. And we'll talk about behavioral analysis that results when we do deep deep data mining and the technology and the information that we acquire.

This is just my view of intelligent automation.

It's Mike, intelligent automation quadrants, and I use it to describe all of the different elements of intelligent automation that I have applied in, the companies that I have worked for, I've applied to success. one, of course, being robotic process automation as a general category.

And, a subset of that, being intelligent document processing, the ability to have bots and digital workers read things like global financial transactions, read, medical histories, looking for specific acronyms or causes of diseases, and diagnoses and able to make requests for additional supporting documents and information.

And managing processes that were laborious and imprecise for human beings. Human beings reading one thousand pages of us of an individual.

Patient history are imprecise. The likelihood that the human being is not going to make any errors is small, but if we use the computer to identify those issues, those diagnoses that are of concern.

Then we can update the content with bold lettering identify on which page the content occurs, and have the doctor reviewed the highlighted record.

Next, we talk about machine learning. The ability to have the computer gets smarter over time. I'll talk about an application where we use IBM Watson every day to process radiographic. images. These are MRIs, cat scans, digital x-rays. We'll talk about that in some detail.

And what the implications of that are for the virtual practice of medicine, will talk about artificial intelligence based.

I'm just moving some content here, Artificial intelligence based speech synthesis. The ability to have.

The ability to have a computer capture the text that's produced when operators speak so that operators don't have to touch the process. And in the case of sterile processing, processing human skin in surgery, we don't want anyone touching anything. So, to the degree that, we can capture the information, and do the information retrieval automatically, and use a computer to do it, is highly preferred.

Donald, I'm not sure what happened. But your camera says that it's paused, for maybe there was a pause there, camera. I think I have a bandwidth issue, because my computer is also frozen, I'm not able to index my slides.

The automation and the slides is frozen, understood.

so one suggestion I would have is that go ahead and toggle your camera off on the system because that will allow you to still present and the doesn't, doesn't consume as much bandwidth. So go ahead and carry on without without the video portion.

I did that and my screen unfortunately is still frozen so I'm not sure how to recover from that.

It just see my screen is frozen. Interestingly enough, I do a cursor moving down.


I'm moving my cursor and I'm trying to index the screen and it doesn't. It doesn't index. I apologize.

I don't know how to, other than to escape and relaunch the thick, the content, I'll try that. I'm gonna go ahead and do that and escape and relaunch.

You can you have, you click the button, showing screen. If that's helped, Yeah.

Btog CTAYeah.

There we go.

I have your camera back on. Let me turn the camera back off just. Yeah, that would be good.

And now as I tried to escape the screen is still frozen. I apologize, I think I'm gonna have to turn my computer on and off. I really apologize, I don't understand why the screen is frozen.

I've used this slide one thousand times and it doesn't do this.

I don't know what happened today.

I'm so sorry. This things happen. Here, go ahead and log off, and the and the escape, and the, you know, reset your system as needed. Session, going for our audience ground, and the, and now wait for you to show back up after you restart your system, OK, then we then either don't have the Q&A, or we have an abbreviated version of your presentation, at that point, we will see how it works.

But go ahead and start, and I'll be watching for you to connect you back on, OK?

Thank you so much, Thank you.

So, ladies and gentlemen, Donald Cook had some, uh, what seems like either a computer issue or a bandwidth issue with his transmission. So, we will be will keep this session open and hoping that he is able to restart a system come back on and the incompletely presentation.

And that will keep you plug on that. So, for the time being, I ask you to just hold on, and the, and the, and the, you know, take a pause until he's able to come back on the system. And I should be able to see him coming in back soon.

And then I'll allow him to take control of the presentation, and share the presentation with it, with you, for those of you who are outside of the United States, and may not be aware of it. There is a very significant storm system happening in the United States.

I happened to be in Texas, which is the southern portion of the United States, And even here, where we normally have very mild, the weather, this time of the year, we're experiencing historical low temperatures with a lot of a lot of snow, precipitation freezing rain. And the, and this grading quite a bit of a, quite a bit of a disruption in here and in the southern portion of the United States and the, the the north east, which is where Donald is broadcasting today that they are historically much colder. And of course, you know, they're getting hit by the same weather system. So that is affecting a number of issues related to infrastructure and the so we we hope that he can reset his system.

And if it's not a bandwidth related issue, he should be able to, should be broadcasting back again soon.

Let me take a look here to see if he's coming back into the system.

Not yet. He's still on broadcast mode. So let's talk about some of the other things that are happening today and a little bit about tomorrow. So while we wait for Dawn to come back so after Dan's presentation are scheduled today.

Calls for our presentation directly from Germany, imagine. I would never think that. I would like, let's look for better weather. So let's go for Germany, next because we're gonna have better weather in Germany, but that's where the next presentation is going to be coming from. And we're going to be talking about automation at Bosch. We're going to have the leader for artificial intelligence at Bosch talking to us about artificial intelligence for a very, very practical standpoint.

This is really about a practitioner's veal of implementing artificial intelligence and the applications for, in their business for, for automation. This. So, if you, if you look at the presentation from Bosch, you know the descriptions, that, the question is not if you automate.

The question is when, how and how fast you automate.

And specifically, we're going to be looking at Bosch Service solutions and how they apply automation in the various fields that, in the company from back office to front office, In front of scaling automation through AI, with a customer centric approach. The, they were going to describe the, the, the journey of automation at Bosch service solutions and who, and who they are and why the automation matters to them.

What their automation journey looks like and how the Bosch Service Center is really implementing this Omni channel approach with automation.

And Patrick Sprites or is the global operations leader for quality and business solutions at Bosch. And he's going to be, he's going to be discussing their journey at Bosch with us after we complete our session here with Donald.

I'm still hoping that Donald is able to come back and, and, uh, and finalize a session with us.

So tomorrow, we have an incredible lineup of speakers as well. You can look up the agenda online, but I can give you a preview of what's going on tomorrow.

We're going to kick off in the morning with the very first presentation tomorrow in the morning will be RIAs Athar, from form of vice-president of Transformation Integration Project Management and Continuous Improvement with Caesars Entertainment, re-use is, is a tremendous speaker, a veteran of the, in terms of leadership of business transformation and digital transformation. He's going to talk about why RPA and examples of successful RPA implementations. They have saved his company, millions of dollars.

So how do we implement RPA and the Caesars Entertainment?

For those of you who don't know, is a major organization, you know, that manages casinos and hotels, large operations, of course, in Las Vegas and the and the implementation of RPA. That setting is quite interesting. After that, we're going to have two great speakers on machine learning, from summit to see and how they are pushing RPA to the next level with artificial intelligence and machine learning combine.

And following that presentation tomorrow, we're going to have hyper automation, powered by process excellence.

So, what are the best practices that we see out there in the marketplace.

And this is going to be presented by ..., who is the Chief Automation Officer in Data Science Executive and Digital Transformation leader for lexis nexis.

And the tomorrow we wrap up the day with a presentation with the Director of Global Digital Industry Industrial Operations from Electrolux and How ... is going to talk to us about Robotics process automation and how it is the Change Management Tool for Industry four.

Email Graphic Virtual Conferences (4)-1Let me do. So.

That's the, that's the schedule for tomorrow, for those of you who may, like not be as familiar with our, with our law space. And the.

and the, this agenda can be seen live on WWW dot RPA live dot online slash agenda.

So RPA, live dot, online slash agenda, we can, if you pay attention on the Chat, that there have been chats that have been sent to everybody here, with that link. Let me do a quick check here on, on Donald Cook.

I still do not have Donald Cook online.

So I am going to check the chat here, to make sure that I do not have any other information for you, Nothing new from him right now, at this point.

And I'm looking at her questions, I'd love to hear some unexpected lessons learned from mister Pieris, things they found during his project.

Then nobody could Foresee, Who's asking, there's Michelle is asking, this, Good question Measure, Why? Why don't we engage in that as we wait for Dawn, if no one is able to come back.

So, let's talk about this, live, about, in the, in the spirit of, robotic process automation, and intelligent Automation, but also, the spirit of transformation.

Uh, there is no digital transformation in business, that is effective without a real business transformation, and there is no business transformation that's effective without affecting components of your culture.

So, I, I never talk about digital transformation in isolation. I think it's very important that we understand that there is no digital transformation without that is grounded on the realities of your business.

So, this is, the, the research has been done. Most digital transformations will fail because there is not a business process understanding over which those digital transformations are being built. So for digital transformation towards, you need to understand your business processes. You need to have a business transformation that that, that, that's happening along that, that that.

And there is no business transformation that's effective without touching aspects of your culture.

Because culture eats strategy for breakfast, We all have heard that. And what every initiative that you have going on is just a side dish to the joys of culture. So, you have to have a comprehensive approach of digital, business, and cultural transformation. Now, you also have to be practical about it, and you can tell I've tried to solve world hunger, you know, in one big cultural change.

You have to have find applications, where you can create the most value, the shortest time and simplest means, and then build on top of that, your business transformation and culture transformation platform and journey.

Now I see that Donald **** is maybe coming back here.

I see that he has, his light is coming back on my system, and I'll, I'll say, one last thing before I hand it over back to Donna Cook.

And that you have to think about the intelligent blending of ideas, methods, technologists, and people.

And here's one hint, none of them independently we will do it, It's about, you do the intelligent blending of the ideas, methods, technologists, and people in your organization. So we'll have, we'll have further discussions on the future presentation on this. But let me send it back to Donald Cook, who seems to be back online here. Donald, if you're able to hear us, I, Can. you tell me I'm gonna make you the presenter now Again, let me know how things are on your end.

Thank you.

So I'm making you the presenter. You may choose not to turn on your video, in case you're experiencing bandwidth issues, and just do the presentation without the video at this point.

We still have, We have 11 minutes here, plus 10 minutes of Q and A So you actually can go about 20 minutes if you'd need to on your presentation or shorten it, I'll let you decide, what's the best approach there.

Excellent, can you see my screen now?

I can see your screen. It's not on presentation mode yet, but I can see the screen.

Now it's on presentation mode, and it looks good to go.

Great, thank you so much, Josie.

Thank everyone for your kind, attention and patience. Boy, this is a real interesting outcome.

Over the last 24 hours, Microsoft updated my software, and nothing is quite working the same sense That happened, so I may have to go in and adjust some of my settings. But this is a slide that I use just to describe the quadrants and the major elements of intelligent automation to include as we discussed, machine learning, speech synthesis, machine vision, for inspection and high precision automation.

We use three camera guided surgery using a da Vinci surgical machine with three cameras that provide intersecting data on remote surgery.

business process and customer behavioral data mining texts, analysis, business, process management. And most recently the integration of radio frequency business, Process Management.

The use of radio frequency identification tags to locate patients as they proceed through treatment.

To ensure patient patient spacing, to capture, when people clean their hands and how frequently they clean their hands.

We have Smart alcohol dispensers and and cleaning stations, hand cleaning stations that record who cleans their hands and how frequently patients upon incoming receiving at the hospital and all of the health care professionals on a frequent basis through the day.

Gosh, I apologize. I'm right back where we started. I thought by moving ahead of the automation to just having a single slide and being able to index that single slide, I'd be able to proceed.

But I'm frozen yet again. I apologize josey. I don't know how to recover from this.

I literally turned my computer off relaunch the computer, relaunch my presentation and I'm back to where we started, Galli, let me see.

So it's done very well, My suggestion. let's just have a conversation about the topic because it seems like there's something going on with the PowerPoint interaction. I'm not if you go ahead and you stop showing your screen, let me ask. Let's do that first. Stop showing your screen.



Now, just for trial, see if you're able to bring your camera back, try to toggle the camera on the interface for the goto Webinar it's worth a shot.

There we go. They'd actually works. Well, I'm not seeing you, so I'm seeing a blank, a blank slate, and the behind you. So, you may not have the right camera. You may have a problem with your camera now as well.

Ah, oh, now you're back on. Stay there. Stay there. Perfect.

Let's stay here.

So, the good thing about talking with experts is that you don't need a presentation should talk about this topic.

So let's have a conversation about it. We have, we have another 17 minutes here.

So just tell me a little bit about this journey, that you're on with us here, and though, and in your experience and the, you know, let's have a discussion, and I'm gonna ask the audience to post questions as we go along, and then it will capture those questions and pass the right back to you.

Screenshot (4)So tell them a little bit better where you stop there, and this, if you can keep building on that.

Of course, thank you so much, Josie.

My intent today was to share recent successes and well documented successes about enterprise automation. As all of you may know, by looking at my LinkedIn profile, I was the Enterprise Architect for B N Y Mellon Bank, the Central Bank to the world's Central banks. BMI Mellon processes $2000 billion with a T $2000 billion a day.

In 160,000 transactions, between 172 trading nations and 140 currencies.

And so we needed to design a system that was language, agnostic, content, agnostic, currency, agnostic, and even orientation with content on the page agnostic. So that no matter what people were asking for in terms of their financial transactions, Dan, why mellen could capture the request Record with precision.

The time of the transaction because B N Y Mellon is the Bank of Transaction and Bank of Record for the transaction. And then automate the transaction so that we could execute correctly in the beginning. We designed about 20 batch and prototype them in parallel with the mainstream production process. With great success, we got about 93% coverage. About 7% of the requests could not be automated.

We designed a second digital worker to gap, analyze what didn't work and the process, and design.

A third generation, bought a third generation digital worker, in order to capture 100% of the daily transactions. And, of course, as you, as all everyone may know, it gets a well documented success, won multiple global engineering awards for engineering achievement and excellence in execution.

It's a zero defect process that runs july 24th seven.

And processes, if you can imagine, this number, 23 plus million dollars a second.

Every second, 24 hours a day, it's staggering.

It's impossible to imagine human beings processing that kind of business volume. And it's not a coincidence.

That in November of last year, I was asked to present the same, the same topic to the senior executive management at the European Central Bank and Frankfurt. So this is becoming a very important topic for global banks. And do not be surprised if we see that level of automation coming to the European Central Bank in the immediate future.

And Donald, if I may, just in the previous session, and I hope that person is still here with us right now. We have over 2000 registrations, older people all over the world.

And the previous question that came up was, no, do we have, It wasn't the very first presentation of this of the day. There was a bit of, a technical presentation from. from. On, how you trust, Ultimate For how you take RPA from one platform to the other. And one of the questions that was posed was more practical in the area of finance. Wealth management is specifically.

Banking, you know, what kind of applications do we have for RPA and the, and the speaker couldn't really talk very much about that. It's not his area of expertise. He's more operationally minded in, not in non financial markets. And you are basically providing tremendous insight. I mention to them at that point, that Donald Trump is going to talk to us, and he's going to talk about implementation of RPA financial systems.

So, Donald, go a little bit deeper on this, I mean, how long financial systems be implementing RPA? What is the current state of development of this systems? And, the, and how widespread is that are those applications.

Everyone that's in financial services and this includes insurance, the insurance industry, banking, retail banking, JP morgan Chase and exome example. B and Y Melon Central Bank to the world's central banks. The European banks, All of the financial institutions, are moving quickly into robotic process automation, because it's both more precise and more real time.

As you know, the global currency valuation fluctuates by the second.

And so to the degree that we know exactly when the request was made for the transaction, we get much more precise valuation and the currencies that are being traded in those fractions of a second when you're transacting billions of dollars, represents a huge amount of money.

And we are able to use encryption in order to manage the, the security for the transaction.

So it's become a really wonderful application for artificial intelligence and automation financial services, the whole back end of the process.

I'll give you another interesting example at Med X.

The pediatric largest pediatric medical practice in North America ... has about 13,000 physicians and clinicians in 50 States and Puerto Rico.

wonderful practice of neonatology, pediatrics, pediatric, cardiology, anesthesiology, radiology, virtual radiology. It's a great practice of medicine.

We virtualize the practice of radiology using artificial intelligence.

So when one gets an x-ray, I'll give you an example.

An older woman falls in Miami, Florida, Suffers a what appears to be a collar bone fracture. She presents with an over rotated right shoulder. The emergency room physician, the attending physician, says, I think we broke a collar bone, but let's check. Shoots an X-ray. The image is sent to IBM Watson.

IBM Watson reads me: image and looks for all known anomalies, not just the broken clavicle but everything else in the image that looks to be an analyst and it identifies that this this woman has an enlarged thyroid for which she was asymptomatic.

She didn't present with a thyroid issue and didn't know that she had one but IBM Watson sends a copy of the image to the best thyroid radiologists that we have in country, right? National, all over the country and sends the the degenerative fracture of the right clavicle to the best clavicle specialist who happens to be in Spokane, Washington. The thyroid physician is in Austin, Texas.

dkAnd before, the patient sits up on the table from the image that was taken, we have diagnoses coming from two different specialists, nationally separated by thousands of miles from where the patient was being X Rayed. And we have a much better practice of care. We have better medical outcomes and better results. So, it's not just on the financial side and financial services, insurance, banking, and on the what I call back office ops side.

It's also on the business execution side, and I'm in medical care, creates a whole new practice of medicine that is of great interest to the World Health Organization and the global economic community. Many of you may know, I spoke at Davos 2020 last year.

The 50th anniversary of the global economic forum, on exactly this topic, the implication that we can practice medicine globally, virtually, and be able to treat patients. We have a brand-new Ebola outbreak in the Congo.

How wonderful it would be to be able to analyze and treat those patients from physicians that are safe.

There are specialists in that field, but that are safe in Cleveland, Ohio, because we, if we expose them to the disease, in order to provide treatment, we risk losing the healthcare professionals that we need to deliver the service.

So, it's an amazing application that technology is just exploding. It's the perfect question, josy, but the technology and the number of applications are exploding as we speak.

I'm sorry, I can't hear you.

Yeah. No, that was my fault, I had my microphone muted. Doesn't feel good when someone else on my computer is so train wreck, but it wasn't, I didn't have, I didn't have a microphone turned on, so, uh.

So first of all, grading sites, I know on that example is fantastic. And, and that's, that's the privilege that we have to have you here with us, because you have operated a lead at the highest level of implementation globally for this things. Now, the cool thing about you is that you can also operate very technically in the end and that, and that, and some of the questions are quite tactical. And I want to bring you there, and.

People are asking, my goodness, this is amazing, and we were talking about changes at a global level.

And that's fantastic, but how do I get my organization to start implementing RPA, you know, small organization, budget constraints? You know, what do you think there's a good way? Well, first of all, I guess I should not take it for granted. Number of part one of the question, is that, should every organization give it a shot and look at intelligent automation RPA, or this is only reserved for the, well to-do ones.

And, the second portion is that, if the first question is, the answer to the first question is yes, how do I approach it with limited resources in this day and age, What kind of mistakes I should avoid, and what is the right way of building to scale.

Great question, the scalability one is, is one that is impacting everyone right now.

In the midst of this Corona virus pandemic large corporations are trying to restrain investment in technology and hold back, and what we need to do is be able to make a business case, a credible business case for senior executives, that this technology is going to deliver enormous value.

Both in terms of operational efficiency, in the case of patient care, efficacy, and quality of care, and medical outcomes, and in the case of financial services. We really do want to make more money. At the end of the day, we want the organization to be financially more competitive. And so we build a business case, a very simple business case. And what I advocate is just getting into partnership with other people like myself. I'm happy to link in with anyone that wants to link in with me. I give away my tools and methods joyfully, give them away. Because I think it's important for us to work together like this.

And, we can work to identify specialists in the field that can build your business case in record short time and be able to make a credible case for the application of the technology.

And, we'll find those applications that are most re-usable and portable.

The value of doing process engineering before we do the automation design is that we have true process portability.

And in the case of B N Y Melon the first 20 batch that demonstrated efficiency and what zero Defect processing, scaled to become as we speak today 300 batch.

So it's a pretty amazing process.

We we just encourage people to feel free to bring forward their their questions, concepts, needs, and and issues, and I'm happy to link them with people like yourself, Josie, myself, other team members that are highly skilled in this, that that can create an answer quickly for a very small cost, and be able to demonstrate the value of the technique and the technology.

Donald, as you look at the companies who have done it well, and they have been on some that have done very well. I am sure you have witnessed some that are not, that did not approach it probably correctly.

You talk about the importance of understanding the business processes before trying to automating them. It sounds like common sense, which is the least common of the sensors in large organizations. We know that.

But, uh, so beyond having a deep understanding of your business processes, and, and then, you know, removing complexity and reducing non value added activities before you jump into out or meeting those things.

Are there any other nuggets of wisdom there about how people get started on the right foot on this digital transformation?

Absolutely, Though, the processes that seem to automate most easily are the ones that are high repetition.

High value, but low interest for human beings.

People are more than happy to give up those tasks that are really lists, quite honestly, high repetition tasks. Human beings are not very effective. There were about 85% effective.

So even our best operators aren't going to be highly skilled, no matter how trained we're going to see a wide variance in results.

So we look for processes where there's a demand for high precision high repetition that makes the job tedious for a human being and the botch don't care. They don't go on vacation, they don't organize, they don't ask to go back to school on sabbatical.

Email Graphic Virtual Conferences (4)-1No. I've never seen an e-mail from any of my boche, although they have many human characteristics. They never send me e-mails asking for time off for good behavior, you know, vacations.

So we can take those high repetition tasks, and apply the humans, staff, the human workers, to much more relevant work, much more meaningful and relevant work, where the variation would be difficult to automate the variants in the process, would make those processes difficult to automate.

So those are processes that are perfect for human beings, because they're highly interactive. They look at each moment.

Each transaction is a completely separate event, where the bots are really looking for consistency in execution, even formatting as much as possible, to make it easy to execute these high repetition tasks.

So there's a way to find processes that are really convenient for automation, and add enormous value to the enterprise. I can give you one more interesting example.

In the case of the medical systems, the medical health provider, in order to allow physicians to practice medicine, in 50 States and Puerto Rico, physicians have to be licensed in every single State in which they practice medicine.

The cost is usually prohibitive, and the amount of time is prohibitive. Because the manual process takes about 90 days.

To gather all the information, fill out the form, submit the forms, have the State, reject the package. Because there's almost always something that's unique about one state or another application process and their demands. So we update the content, send a package back, and then we get approval.

By aggregating the demands for all 50 states and integrating them into one platform into one content structure, we use digitize digital workers to gather the information, to capture all of the content, fill the forms, send them to the states.

And we went from more than 90 days of execution time for one doctor in one state, two less than nine days for doctors in all 50 states.

And the implication of that a staggering because, as you may know, when physicians move from location to location, and we have a fairly mass migration, there is a large migration of people leaving California, as you may know, now, California, Illinois, and New York, there's a great exodus.

As people leave those states, it creates a vacuum and a demand for replacement physicians.

In order to replace those doctors, because the licensing and credentialing time takes 90 days, even if we find a doctor. right now, someone resigns and moves goes to a different practice.

Whatever they retire, even if we have a physician in hand ready to launch, unless they were practicing medicine in region and licensed and credentialed, they can't touch a patient until they go through this licensing and credentialing cycle.

So, by being able to license and credential physicians, in nine days, we reduce what is called a Locum spend in those cases where physicians leave and you have a backfill of patient care.

Schedule with patients that are ready to be treated. We rent a doctor, called Locum tenants, And in Locums spend, it's about a 3 to 1 cost differential between a permanent physician and a rent a doc.

And so the cost is staggering to the enterprise by going to this method zero defect digitized worker based licensing and credentialing. We dramatically reduced operating overhead by over $100 million a year in reduced locum spend.

And our patients got better care, because the doctor that's going to treat you and see you for follow-up is the same doctor that's going to be your doctor permanently from now on.

Otherwise, we give you a rental doctor, local physician, a local physician that's available to treat. And by the time, the permanent physician comes on staff, and this poor patient has seen multiple, different physicians. So there's, there are economic benefits. There are health care and provision of care benefits, quality of care, benefits, and better outcomes for the patients.

And here's another excellent example, where that the process was, so demanding and so tedious, that no one, frankly, ever, got very good at it. And this digitized, the digital workforce, is now processed over 750 physicians with zero defects, and not a single reject. So it. Yeah.

Screenshot (4)So, the impact is, is profound in terms of the practice of medicine and our ability to deliver service? It's just amazing.

That's great. What a great example, unfortunately, we are over our time here. But I'm going to ask you, based on the audience requests, I was wondering if you would be able to share a copy of your presentation, even a summary of some sort, so that we can send to the audience afterwards. So they can see a summarized version of your presentation. There'll be terrific.

Lots of questions and comments on thank you for displaying the values of The Resilience, and the, and the coming back. And I think this is a great example of, you know, I had plans, but life happens, and the ability for us in this new environment to be tolerant of failure, to learn from what's going on to adapt and to continue to make progress. And you're just such a great example as a leader for all of us in doing that in staying there at the end and concluding this presentation, despite all the challenges.

So thank you so much for your leadership, for your kindness and the, and the, it's for me, it's always a pleasure to, to learn with you.

Honored to be here with you, Tricia. Thank you so much, and thank the audience, as well. Thank all of you.

Thank you.

Ladies and gentlemen, that was Donald Cook, global leader of excellence, of innovation, of transformations, and certainly, RPA and intelligent automation. So thank you for everyone who stayed with us through the technical difficulties that he had, but also with the, you know, we still continue to engage in the conversation and learning directly from him.

Our next guest and final guest will happen at the top of the hour, We're going to be welcoming directly from Germany to the world, the leader on the on automation for Bosch and very much looking forward to his presentation, Patrick's Pricer.

And the and the very practical feel of automation in in the business that is using in growing automation, quite extensively and the constant with a customer centric model. So you do not want to miss that. I'll see you all at the top of the hour, again. For those of you who have comments and want to learn more, just look under my name is joseph Various on LinkedIn. You can follow us There. You can look at the posts that we have for this, for this conference. Make any comments or questions you have there. We have several speakers going to that page, and answering questions, or making comments related to the experiences we have here.

So, we build a stronger community by connecting great people in great ideas. And this is what this conferences are all about. So, see you back at the top of the hour. Thank you.


About the Author

more (81)Donald Kuk,
President & CEO,
Enterprise Transformation Excellence, Inc.

Donald Kuk is an innovative, multiple industry award winning Global Transformation, Cognitive Automation and Operational Excellence Senior Executive with 20 plus years of delivering record setting top line growth, customer and employee satisfaction, and margin improvement leading rapid Enterprise Transformation and Intelligent Automation for the world’s most highly regarded manufacturing, retail and centralbanking, insurance, technology, health care and health sciences industry leaders.

Widely published successes include advanced metrics, analysis, strategy, mission, vision, opportunity identification, milestones, budget and roadmap development, multi-tiered communication, transformation and improvement program management, training, change and performance management, and results verification.

Named the “Enterprise Whisperer” by Fortune Magazine, Donald is a frequent invited Conference Chairperson, Keynote Speaker, Session Chairman and Tutorial Presenter at CEO, CFO, CIO, CTO, Operational Excellence and Enterprise Strategy events worldwide.


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