BTOES Insights Official
April 05, 2021

PROCESS MINING LIVE- SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT: Process Mining and the Next Generation Enterprise

Courtesy of Avaya's Rameshwar Balanagu, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Process Mining and the Next Generation Enterprise' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at Process Mining Live Virtual Conference.



Session Information:

Process Mining and the Next Generation Enterprise

Insights from a leader in the space:

  • Evolution and Future of Tech
  • New Business Models and Platforms
  • Understand The Enterprise Digital Twin
  • Frontiers of Process Mining
  • Cybersecurity

Session Transcript:

Dallas, Texas, we have with us Rameshwar Balanagu, who is the head of Digital Automation Enterprise Architecture and I've via so Ramesh, who are is the Head of Digital Automation, and via, he's an international speaker and Blogger on Digital Transformation Enterprise, Architecture and Automation. He has partner with the likes of CTO Academy to launch the Next Generation enterprise. But broadcast podcast to Grooms Future Leaders. He runs a third largest automation Meetup group in the United States known as DFW, our RPA, which runs on the second Wednesday of every month, and covers a wide range of topics, dealing from quantum to cybersecurity.

He's an advisor and there is start startups. Focus on Blockchain in e-sports Ramesh wire. What a pleasure to have you with us. Thank you so much for taking the time to share your expertise of our global audience today.

Thank you, Jose. As always, it's a pleasure talking to you.

And always love your passion and your commitment by the audience, with everything that you do, for having me here today.

So, I think good, Jose.

Yeah, you're good. You can go ahead and share your print your slides. Share your presentation, and got an carry on. Yep. Looks good.

You can see my screen, right?

Yeah, it looks good.

All right, welcome, everybody. Good morning, good evening, good afternoon, wherever you are, in which part of the world. I hope you're all staying safe, and then look at the vaccination.


So I App Update, Margaret.

As a Star Trek and Advocate, I've always followed the next generation A. Spaceship that says and respect are how I view the next generation.

We all want to be back.

You know, it's an overt interface, but the reality is, we're not like, but there's nothing wrong and stopping and dreaming from us.

So, you know, over the next three days, you'll be getting a lot of, great, great lessons, but a lot of people, on our process of intelligence, as building district transformation, What, I decided as, I was going to be an hour plus less intelligent, and you'll be envied.

No E critical component of the next generation, right.

So, join me on this journey, and I hope that I write is you know, kind of bumpy, but let's get onto this space.

Screenshot 10So, you know, basically you'll see, you know, the past as being evolved from analog to the digital, addition to the technology was slow and graduate.

Then, once they move to the disk, you know, with i-phone, that gradually changing the density, you know, are basically, I would say, what we were, but then X We saw a transition from the analog of the VISTAs.

But from the distance, we talked with April, and post i-phone at the, at the web two doctoral, or internet cannot go, where we're at.

Media based, like, Facebook's end up rapidly in the last five years, then see, and Gen Y, I've been actually, uh, accelerate.

I've been accelerating like never before, what has happened is X to the cloud, X to the crop and the, you know, the computers, the CPU things have become radically, radically, be accelerated.

No, we are talking about five G.

Think of our idea is that if you're bonded at Microsoft Ignite, you'll see in the Microsoft Mesh so we got a big myth of now becoming a reality and quantum, it's taken unprecedented.

I think, you know, they said that part of the company has data, but it's actually coming months.

So, what is happening is this rapid change technology is moving faster than us, and maybe, you know, the et al.

I'm gonna follow Elon Musk and Mark Cuban is talking of neurology, but think of brain.

The actual physical devices.

So, this is a chip that is happening, but at the same time, you know, companies that are augmenting, or, you know, looking into this tectonic shift, moving faster, The perfect example, you know, What does the company that are not knowing, what does that mean as a traditional business model that we used to have of our business, you? So, you still get a requirement, Send it to the idea of IPs.

It's creating a big shift, or a gap between the strategy. You know, things are no longer the same. Everybody wants a digital experience.

People are no less than less than the distance. So the whole strategy of how what should be our goal should be a wall, and how fast we evolve, and what kind of systems. So this is actually a gap that has been created and more and more. And if you follow BATNA?

No Gardner said about bimodal, which is basically accelerate your front end and evolve gradually like Enter. But that actually created a gap.

So in that app, with ..., you know, we said, APIs are great, but APIs for taking time, but the gaps.

So what?

We have seen as end and, actually, by virtue of being friends with the Gen Z and then why what I've seen as an no better explanation than GameStop.

If you say GameStop, everybody would have seen on the news what happened to the stock market and what if stuff?

Nobody can explain, but when I talk to my failure of it, and when I talk to his friends, they were always pounding on us thing.

Like it felt Why?

Because GameStop, two they had expedient.

This is a big eye opener for me on how the next condition has to be.

Again, say, I don't know how many of you have gets the density, and then what they want completely.

They, it is that they hit, as they, they allow, they'd like to talk on desktop. We love to talk on Slack. We look up on Facebook. This is I don't know how many of you have followed this but it's black monochrome, but they loved that experience with a single click, they want this.

all this means what enterprises that exist and evolving add look at what the bullets, not the bullshit.

We if we want to be the next edition, right, if we have to survive.

We have to start thinking of what the Gen Z is asking, what the tendency is looking but the density is actually looking but they believe in an infinite community.

So if they allow Lucas, I'm a Maverick, if they allow lupus, They will do everything that Lucas. Why not, I end you.

So there's actually a pull.

I was pregnant with Santa.

We were traditionally used for the Push method, but now it's a pull out a push. We have to adapt, innovate that suspects the Gen Z Model.

All of this, because if you are the next ambition, and remember the spaceship that I kind of showed you, if you want to have all, you have to look, but what the industry? What trends?

Btog CTAIf GameStop as an integration as an info, what is happening?

Jesse is telling you, a look to us. If you don't look to us. You out and rice.

Even though you might have the best technology if you don't provide what we want.

Not that, this is what, the next edition, right.

The next edition of rice is a combination of technologies.

But providing an experience that, that is team left.

That they can experience across.

Why with that.

I'm slightly changing a little bit for the platform strategy now. There's a little bit I'm going to talk of all the future.

Then it has to be I don't know how many of you have heard of this platform strategy, but the platform strategy is, like I said, it's an open platform where both of which are probably pushed.

So at every stage, the NGO most and the producers of working together on a platform to provide continuous value exchange.

This is the classic example of a watercraft promise.

Now, let it be Facebook, Google, even Apple, this one.

The whole goal of the platform as the best of the experience with the value of us, But, it's going lower and lower.

You know, so, when people talk about platform, what they think is, what is happening for a traditional model, If you see the traditional business model, to the left and to the right. If you see, we had a producer and the end was just too much, but able to layer.

Now, in this new generation model or the next generation model, we will at the middle, a platform will provide an ecosystem, but the developer and. but the publisher of, you know what?

the buyer and the seller participate together.

The bias and be in a position to, you know, talent and ask for, the sellers could be in a position and the portfolio. So, like I depend on the middle layer of your page is Anthony, it's no longer, like, you know, the other things.

It's, I think why design thinking is gaining more traction, as you know, you want to understand what the user wants, not what you want.

So, that's why, I've been telling you no, it's no longer the boat.

I'm not on Bush, but it's a book.

Why are we looking at this?

This, like I said, in the back, as, This is how the next generation has to be not everybody, company, and the platform of air-b.n.b. or Facebook, but if you don't start thinking from a comparable model, the economies of this boundary of a model, many companies are right.

GameStop, was, I tell, multiple times, games. Games purposely odd way of how the Gen Z is telling us look to us. This is that you will be in a crypto economy, which you don't get it, but if you don't have all, great.

But, if, so, with that, basically, the platform, the platform strategy itself, is more than an odd one, but in the benefit of the time, I thought the best example is Uber, if you know what. They use it back on the right. You'll see the concept is very simple.

Basically, they have more drivers available, the faster, the pickup.

So, once that did this, because they were able to add prices, the prices and now that they could do it, because the app was available on the poem, more people, then they started gradually expanding to the geography. So, more diverse, more people, single tap on the phone, less downtime, reduced if you were initially if you remember the days.

I don't know how many of you were, you know, driving from an airport on an app, it just would be 40 to $60. Now that Uber is 20 to $25, you don't like it, you? Absolutely. This is an experience and a value that I'm getting. news.

This is where Industries wait.

So now that we talked about what an extension it rises, but we'll, we'll go back to what it means to be an extension, right?

So this is a technology.

So basically, you know, it's the ecosystem of how of blackness and the customers, and even that place and create value all across the newest loop. where all the technologies exist. Purposes. My AI is a key part of the next generation, right? But AI is only good.

It's like, black problem with AI is, it's a black box explainable, AI.

It's coming but until you apply process mining, you don't understand why it's an anomaly or why it isn't.

And, so, this is, in a nutshell the technology, But the key thing, what I want to talk about, Um, as an enterprise architect, off any company, you want to focus on: What is your business capability?

Why do you need business capability?

The capabilities give you a port, wrong idea in order to be the mixed condition and rise. In order to support future, you need to understand it properly.

Only then, you can offer new capabilities. If you offer new capabilities, let's say you go completely like a black.

I've heard many companies many times, especially in the transformation when people talk of any at the upgrade, they say, you know, we are upgrading And there is no need to look at in the process, because we didn't read it.

The reality is you may build a brand new ESP and there's no need to look at it in business capability.

But once you're on the top. You have your system of record. You have your data warehousing, or you have your, and, if you, what your report. not updated, So, if you don't understand, your, existing business, is adding a new business capability.

And, without integrating them, as a, as a, you know, system of records becomes a system of confusion.

So, but, any company does talk with, when you are in business capabilities and value chains.

That is a must that we need to look at. So, this is how we do from a vegetarian capabilities.

But, if you've seen here that high level or value chain and below this value chain like like let's take the finite other places, but what kind of capabilities each each line of business offers.

So, by looking at this capabilities and then mapping the technologies and the process, you can say how ready you are all capable of you.

So, capabilities, like MSF, static nature, they don't go frequent changes like processes, but the gap or the bridge between. So, capabilities is our strategy.

21And the process is more like an execution until you have a real-time alignment between the capability and the process, you're not really sure how capable you are.

So we used to go this in a traditional way, using what BPM.

So, you know, it has been there for last 30, 40 gifts.

But BPM is like nothing different from data.

Everybody likes to talk about government, but the React is expensive X time and what people kind of pitch.

So, you know, the whole thing of BPM is not about diagrams and architecture, It's improving business, if, given customer satisfaction, reducing the mean time to resolution. It has a great, great velocity ... implementation. What happened was, like, you see here, the left is tragic nature outcome. It aligns with the difficulties that I just mentioned, but to have made it very, very expensive.

The time it takes to do uprises, hidden in disability, need to expand on that.

It takes time forever, but what happened was the VPN, which was project it from a philosophically. It provides a great value, became a tool being dusting on the shelf.

And many companies have started using vision is visual code, yes. But does it have to enter the upload? Maybe, may, not be, but eventually.

over the last, Andrea, a new child, in what we call this processing business, you'll be hearing anything.

The key tenants of corporate Center, just as reactive groups, are the, you know, the what we call them events as ASAP, activity name, and lifestyle.

A lot, well will be too much into that.

But the beauty of that is, hmm.

Process intelligence of the history, actually came from the Netherlands.

And I would recommend everybody, If you haven't followed environmentalists will probably look at Discourses or what have you, what he has done.

And again, from Boston, modelers to us, They have fundamentally ... this event of this lineage and show them how the process of both.

So it pick up, but it was the automation or the actually orbit and and don't give glamor to the industry.

What process intelligence did it?

It took the processes bottom-up and quickly did the bustle of disability and help build the BP.

So, pipeline, tactical in nature, in the building, the process maps, which will take forever business.

And now, then, that slowly, what happened is people IJ and thought Process Intelligence is upbeat, and that's what you will have.

What people misunderstand as Process Intelligence is the effect of, actually, process disability, because lack of BPM.

The way process intelligence does is using technology, but philosophically.

So when people say, Process intelligence accelerates automation, I ask them to step back and say, Blasters Intelligence, You'll hear the word continuously.

People at process mining.

Process may, when AI becomes processing intelligence, but it's a very loosely used work.

Process intelligence, with the help of technology accelerated this, you would have also heard something or ask me, you know, so, my request to everyone is Barrasso Center, gives us, not automation, process intelligences, but understanding the process.

It could mean, actually, even a process re-engineering by looking at the process you'll want to know is if it's not comport with, what do you do to improve that? Maybe you may not need an optimist. There's a, there's an industry puzzler on business process re-engineering.

Which we kind of this pattern. So, basically, why did this process change? Because people, process, technology changed over the last 20 or so.

By looking at this process by not buying an apartment, so you can step back and say, you know what, we have to re-engineer the process.

So, the last sort of shock, process intelligence, a subset or a type of BPM, and I believe, at some point, in the future, muscles intelligent will be absorbed into BPM.

So, now, I'm connecting the dots, know, we talk about value. We've talked of business.

We talked of BPM processes until you really connect those dots. I kind of made it like an Excel.

Until you, you really are not doing estimation.

You like the process intelligence at the lower layer. Like, you can go to finance, you can go to supply, chain, audio, can go to the revenue management.

But, then, so, how does it tie it back to the capability, and, remember, I said you if you want to pick the next generation, right, as well as the digital transformation you need, I think the Gen Z of January says, Hey, I need this kind of media in order to get the real time.

The only way is your business capabilities, The process maps and process intelligence.

So, this way, it takes time. No. Remember, robots, not Britain one day. It takes time. The same thing to start from an Enterprise Architect, and that makes all the Google is focused on value chain business capabilities.

But then, the BPM architects may or may not report to enterprise architects, that could be part of foolishness, and process intelligence, but good reasons.

Automation, I have been recommending from an E is E From both the E and the automation theory, you should work.

That way, there is a real-time integration between the business capabilities in Boston, and then you, as well, this is, again, an evolving industry, but I hope this doesn't happen.

So now now that we have understood the basic of water budgets in business capability and capacity building, let's talk a little bit into Brussels Intelligence.

This, this is the one slide. It's pretty impressive, but I'm trying to provide as many examples. I'm not good. I promise, I'm not make it.

So, you know, both of us intelligence, there's transparency agility, appliance, efficiency, policy.

So the first thing, what, if you all remember, became cycle after process identity, identification, the next step, and pass the process just code.

Many of us, what are like me, who have lost their people to interview our business stakeholders on a spreadsheet?

1, 2, 3, 4, OK. These are the process, is this one.

Thanks to technology, the first thing, what it does is it immediately builds the process lineage and it shows you the process. Just the base. is going Your app is like one of the things. Like one of my management asked me, I don't get processed into this, and you'll put in a simple way.

So, what I did is I put, I took this example, you can Google it, and the lion example, you know, when we started, right, we think the better.

Over the course of time, a classic example of ..., customized estimate estimate estimate so much, and people have changed and technology has changed. A Catholic him, a liar.

Screenshot (4)The process has become so much baggage and we don't even know the original process which because site and BPM, it's no longer relevant.

Neither would be for various reasons.

What do you think that technology changed? Rules and regulations changed it.

That is, so much has changed, and then nobody gets up at the documentation, that, The first thing, what happens is, it doesn't augmented messages.

Then, activity, So, this is the beauty a lot: what, what are seeing clusters antonyms and watch this other vendors.

Currently, there's lots of, you know, did you pick any of the leading Hellenistic now you have, Any of the Internet.

And when I mean variance analysis, it is like, if I were to pump it, how does my process look with a geography like phosphate?

Are people doing from, let's say, a blockchain product, drops are part of the new list to date, but a very similar Gnostic, AI? taking a look? Like doing a Variant analysis. You can see what is happening on.

Eva, you find when you with what happened to the same on the same customers between yesterday.

Was it there's some background noise.

So, so basically, the variant analysis kind of helps you in understanding what is the variation. Why did the same customer the same order last month? Or maybe I live in Dallas? So last month, you know, we had the most unfortunate weather. So suddenly the orders touchstone.

So, this is an example of our variant analysis.

I'll talk a little bit vulnerable as my example and other process mining is good. I went from, you know, some glasses and, you know, what is a soda or not a sorta coconut or whatever.

There's no relation between them. But when you slap the variable of Psalm, you then understand, Because it's hot and sunny outside, we need sunglasses in the network.

So, this, When we apply the same to process, might get a picture. Right? So, let me take this example, like, when we took this example, No, broad ship order in the US. Versus Australia?

Why? It's very similar.

But what aspect, maybe, in, in the case of Australia, I'm just making this example. The fuel costs are low.

So because of that, they have more number of rats.

So they're able to do NPM or less than a truckload and ever thought possible. In the case of you know the use of ....

So we are waiting because even though it's very similar, it's an order. We are waiting to be fully loaded, so when you start adding multiple variables, you'll get a positive effect. This is actually coming into the industry.

Then the next thing as well is to let me know if I'm running on time.

What I was multidimensional modeling If you've not be in the ... industry.

What we call as well that basically it's like.

oh, we all play Q The benefit of build this you can do multidimensional meaning you can do it dimension, but. You can do well by location.

You can do basically Why is this coming this multidimensional model?

I'm not seeing the industry, but I mean, when you take the example of of let us say, you know we have an order, today process mining is linear in nature.

Remember, we talked about the attributes basically, which as you know, the types that I could connect and the idea, when you start stitching it from system to system, it tells you the box and jada, because of, you know basically.

But when you do a devastating modeling, let us say you have, you want to do that as Ben.

You know, some of the items.

Mike have volume length, but you know, volume problem. So what should have happened as because of that? You have to make a separate? So when you do a multidimensional, you, you can actually understand, not just other, but you can break it down to the Q, and look at my time, and I know what, my other, comment, that lifetime, because we had a skill that was not a fit into this, And, therefore, they have to put it into separate. But for some reason, this is something.

So, as you see, process mining, this type of linear, because all focused on process mining packet, borrowing the leave of AI, and started becoming much more intelligence, that's why, you can see in my slides, I try to use us intelligence.

Now, predictive and prescriptive.

So, in a set of sequence of activities, what is happening is, if the events have occurred regularly, process mining.

Predictive mining AI is kind of learning, what is the most probably that event will happen, when likely is this order point at book?

So, what happens is, today, if you see, you've talked with AI, guys, you add them to forecast, or predict nature, intended for testing nothing about, and that's been.

So, the example that I give is if you have an anomaly detection from an expense management, AI will actually tell you that, you know, there has been a deviation. So, basically, let's say I am a lot, $100, and I spend $4.

AI will instantly tell you act as an anomaly.

This, There's something wrong. And just ask them, or me as a person, I'm likely to buy it again and again.

But when I play the combination of process planning and AI, what happens is, and this is a live example I'm talking, and where as I have to flow to California, two years back.

And my Amex tickets, for some reason on question and answer I will start even info. So when I checked out at the portal, they said, Yes are Mexicans, and now because I've looked at what happened as my registration, but Josh.

And then I'm filing and my bedside getting I, so I applaud Amex and said, Hey, you know what, I have a problem.

You ask them for no reason, and you play your blackmails anomaly, because, if you don't pay as an employee in 30 days, I'm ex flags me as an anomaly.

When I called up and said, Due to the bad weather, you cancel, and you can send me an article, but at the customer support, it took me three months, because the weather was bad. So I bought products, and all that. And when they call me, every now and then, they start to flatten touch it.

So, to get this resolution, it took me one enough.

If you take this example of purely A, I am an anomaly, yes.

But when you pick this predictive process, mining that, by looking at the flow of events, like all that, I could get to the answer, and then they will understand that, this was not, this is what is a classic example of mining it.

By looking at the customer, it is predicting that, But fluid flow rates, and that this customer would likely to pay up, not to pick.

So precedent mining, again, Basically, based on what the next likely action is, it is going to recommend what the best course of action.
Maybe, let's say the art is, sticking based on the predictor might not get to say whatever reason it would pick ended the mining, you know, today what we do? Is this an SLO violation?

We kick off the box to fulfill an order, which, I'm sure you would be doing the best symptom landing on The other hand would give you, they perhaps, in order to close this out and do these activities, this activities could actually mean an integration with the API Audubon. That is where it is going.

So, this, all these ..., And they, why are we integrating more and more with AI?

I say process, my, may become a, you're gonna ask you a lot of technology, but, but the combination of AI, no.

My name becomes much more powerful, augment.

My event because part of BPM, BPM, process intelligence, and AI, unbind, a power of it is a case management, everything has value, and when you use predictive and mining, you understand the estimator a lot better.

A little bit more about transfer.

Learning is actually a model of mine, but these are pre trained models. What it does is it stop.

Screenshot 10The benefit of transfer learning is it has learned that the expense, like the Googles and Facebooks.

we take the model and implement it because if it's already pre train, the time it takes to learn a new model, new variants, doesn't take much time.

So, in the case of predictive mining, it has to continuously be fed data.

And if there is data, like, suddenly something is that, you know, let's say, completely a violation of it, It takes time.

But the model to learn, and it needs data, transfer learning, because it's right across different GO's, different kind of what does.

Even though you may not have the best when it enters a new use is looking at the knowledge which has acquired the business.

Quickly, this is being used separately, but it's now coming back the process intelligence. In fact, I've seen a little bit on this, I mean, I don't see this happening immediately, but maybe in a year or so, I haven't seen it.

The last, but not the least, which I've been always thinking, is.

So far, process planning has always been structured.


You can see any example, they've only got a ticket, not talking of system of backpacks.

So why we need to start looking at NLP is if you have your systems like Oracle DB SNP or what have you, let's say there's a billing code.

The bidding hold has occurred because somebody knew, we do know is that the billing data back.

Maybe the customer is very well known to us. The time and the spacing is longer, so maybe that's a ticket.

Somebody say that we know the customer, we can read that data using NLP, then we'll understand that. Because the so what traditional systems do is the F word on it, because the customer details are not there.

But maybe by looking at the content, maybe there was a pick it up. There was a musician, a test for whatever that process of finding can read those attitudes. And it says that, given the book, we have, this customer is a long-term prospects, in this customer is going to be a game changer for us.

Then, we can read it and then tell the processing engine, You know, let's release the floor, so, basically, the process mining will send that to an API. Proxy, because the customer. The customer, up, I know it was, a variable. So, this is, our process mining has provided.

You know, actually, it's just, again, you know, these are one of the many tenants, then, the next thing, what I see is complex.

You know, the big problem.

But the complex, especially if you're from the DS how do we know a process complaint?

Right away by looking at the apartments, Know that you know whether your processes conformance or not. I gave you the example of anomaly detection using my this thing.

The big thing is, in the compliance, What if analysis is coming back?

So, the same: what if analysis, If you, if you update the staff, what, what would happen? What will likely happen? So, you can see, you know, if, if the process is this good.

So, at the very beginning, itself, you can how likely is this process as business process being subject to sox compliance or not? and if it doesn't comply, using the waterfront outs as you can take action.

So, that's where it's coming in, The next big thing you've seen me is process mining on blockchain.

I'm Eric Bullet, it doesn't happening guys.

You know, so again, a little bit aberration.

So currently, seeing, you know, many of us, blockchain myths bit by, maybe to electronics idiom like Asheville off late, The positioning of the mice, which is, in fact, that big find an idiom for you. Again.

The book So, Alternate Blockchains like I correlated was, OK, as an enterprise lecture, you know, IBM with much fanfare has pivoted.

The reality is Blockchain has still not come up with industry because it's expensive, but very soon, I don't know how many of you will follow alternate alternate Blockchains are coming through the massive part of it.

What it would mean, as a company has been knocked on the blockchain, along with the system of black box, we will use Blockchain. So, maybe some part of it, right.

The payment token, or what have you been on blockchain and the author of the article to be created, and yet this system, but footprint, an invoice lab contract on Blockchain What it means is Process minding showed evonne.

So, not just look at some of my first, look at blockchain.

So, maybe in the future of blockchain, but at least in the foreseeable future, I see blockchain being a companion to ERP systems. And Siebel CRM systems and process might be asked to L.

So, the process lineage, this is what, I am thinking, but, go to this. What will most? So, no analytically coming back to the efficiency.

Like, OK, if you come from six sigma work, you don't know what I'm talking about.

Just real quick. We have a couple minutes to questions. Just letting you know.

So, I'll quickly run through, guys, sorry, this slide is it, but you will have more than it. So, the goal is just, using process intelligence. You can really provide you know, what if these are the frameworks you can actually, if people ask you, where do we start processing engine?

Don't look at automation. Look at your KPIs. You'll get your lagging indicators.

Look at those numbers and ask the question, Why can't be Apple? So, the beauty is process intelligence, as all dependent it, of course, all of your bandwidth.

And then, finally, what I've done is, I've taken an example of AI and why am I doing this? As if you've seen here in this one, I talked about ....

So, OK, is coming from Google Pay Run.

It is making sure that it's complete transparency by using process intelligence.

But APIs, you can align against project objectives.

So, this is an example of, you know, if your supply chain, then you say, I want to improve customer experience.

How do I improve customer experience? I visit my, I do this, I is optimized.

How can you verify that you're doing got an artist by having a real-time visibility?

21And that real-time visibility is the process intelligent? I'm sure I kind of overweight. But with that, I'll open up the questions and thank you.


Ramesh who are such depth of coverage and understanding of this incredible concepts and systems, I'm going to ask you to stop sharing the presentation so that we can see us in the bigger screen.

And then terrific stuff, really great stuff. I want to we have like 6, 7 minutes here. And I want to capture some of the questions coming in from the audience. And I want to go back to Basics, because there are a lot of very basic questions in the, in the data.

We want a basic, like, with respect to the vision that you're showing here, right? Because you're showing kind of a progressive vision, and kind of what's coming up next, and then.

And then, people are, like, eager to tap in your wisdom here, and find out about you, that, you know, so much about this field. Is that, if they are starting right now, with process, mind, me with a number, about more than the half of the participants right now, do not have any process mining place. And, and they're thinking, what does it, right way of starting the process mining, before we kind of mature it? What would you suggest with? all your experience you have had in this field? Should go back and start over, what is the best approach to get the process started in the company, should. I hope nobody takes offense remove it.

At the very beginning, I said process mining was glamorous stuff. I checked by the FBI.

If you are coming from the business, I think of an architect.

But your process, my name comes as a compliment.

The best way is rather than talk it as a technology, the way is off KPIs, .... What about lagging indicators? You know, different sales from Finance or what have you?

We see this.

Let's ask them: what is the background you want to last for Boston?

Maybe this audio systematically. This is a problem. What we have is, we look at the data sets in nature. So, we kind of Buddhist APIs, which are not real time.

That would be a perfect indicator of introducing us.

Rather than looking at the agnostic perspective, and mostly automation, is positive, then look at from your lagging indicator and look it from your objectives.

If young, if your team, as well, improving, of course, let us say, you know, they say this here, Integral yacht.

The classic example is in AR as if it's random.

in order to spend, it gives the DSO 35th in this. How do you do that?

You have to understand your process.

There, itself is the best example of introduced process mining.

Don't use any technology. You can just say, in order to reduce the DSO from 30 to 50, we need to understand process. The first thing that says, oh, we don't know the process.

We do not have an X Because people and it's expensive. Nobody has time. I think these are the standard questions.

Yeah, OK, fair enough, Let us understand the process.

We don't need any of your time, doesn't have a business analyst with it.

This system built the process, The first step and process mapping this process, as is showing the button.

Then it just picks thousand works.

When you're talking to a power point, people may or may not, but when you show the picture real time, it will just sit back and say, Oh, you know what?

These are all just very, now let's, let's talk business, KPI pathway don't acknowledge everybody will alignment.

Great advice, that's, that's good advice. Another question, though, and theme that has emerged here, is that there are many who are, who are doing RPA or experimenting with RPA, and they're also, they have some process mining capabilities, but they have not pursued process money as much. And the question is, if you're starting fresh, and you haven't done either RPA or process mining, is there, is there a more logical order that you should do? Like, should you to due process mining first and then going to RPA, or should you start with RPA, and then going to process mining? Doesn't make any difference. What is your perspective on that?

Uh, people will not like what I said.

I do not mix process.

My name is upbeat, process, mining the definition, I've been telling, and I help them as well.

Process mining is a subset of BPM.

It is the whole object as to due process, accelerated process, we can talk about that.

Why do we want to, like, when you understand the process, there is something called business process management.

Maybe the process of simplify. We don't need you.

And why are we talking up if we use it, if APA is not an approach that view. So, you know, no offense.

People up here folks have hijacked process, process mining, if not.

So process, mainly because the us RPA automate gaze enough.

What you want to use to something. Subsequent RPA is good, no doubt it is beautiful.

But if you want to be the next generation, right, if you will have a netflix Google, call them as API driven economy, not an RPA.

If you want to be flexible, now your company's culture and epic changes, look from an API.

And we'll go out to you when we use API, not it, but don't Brad process might be with you.

It has nothing.

So, process disability is the key.

Then, what? you use water technology.

That's a subsequent thing, but use process planning, process. I went through. We understand that process of bad is the process.

Then of automation, if you apply automation, that is us.

I've heard this, and I get offended. If we use the data driven culture, then we say Cloud Plus. Now, it is automation.

Guys, you'll need to pick up user first.

Gen Z GameStop is telling you, stop this technology If we are also proven or data driven people driven Cloud prevent, why are we still? We should have already been driven by now, right? What happened to the data driven culture? What happened to the cloud? These are all the tenants to a wall.

But listen to what if I hope we can set people up on user to User experience?

I don't know. That's possible. If you start thinking in those mindsets, then we come from a business technology. Unfortunately, it via the other way. But that's my micro sense.

Screenshot (4)Very good. And Ramesh URL. How do people get in touch with you? Those who are who want to ask additional questions, participate in some of this exciting things that you're doing, the automation meet ups.

What is the best way of being in touch with you on LinkedIn?

And just Google me you'll find articles.

Terrific. Ramesh OR thank you so much for taking the time to sharing your expertise today.

Thank you.

Thank you very much. Deborah.

Ladies and gentlemen, that was Ramesh Wire ..., who is the Head of Digital Automation Enterprise Architecture at Avaya, and sharing his expertise with, with all of us today. He's the deep expertise and view of the future. Or, make sure I'm going to ask you to toggle your camera off at this time.

And, I will, I'll remind everyone that we're going to be closing this session openly back up at the top of the hour, and we're going to move from Dallas, Texas, to Aberdeen, Scotland. Very excited about our next speaker, who is going to talk about adapting to support team excellence in the virtual workplace, and responding to the needs and the needs of an industry in transition. So, I'm, we're going to have Tim Wigand with us. Tim is the head of a performance of at Exceed and he's going to talk about the applications of technology as we have significantly shifted into off course remold and virtual collaboration and he's gonna share some best practices for virtual collaboration with us. How do we achieve continuous process improvement?

When there is only the only certainty that we have is of change and and then we are lived in this dislocated world for some time.

So, I hope to see you back at the top of the hour with Tim Ligon. So, bye for now.


About the Author

rameshwer-1Rameshwar Balanagu,
Head of Digital Automation | Enterprise Architecture,

Rameshwar is the Head of Digital Automation @ Avaya. He is an International speaker and blogger on Digital Transformation, Enterprise Architecture & Automation.

He has partnered with the likes of CTO.Academy to Launch the next Generation Enterprise podcast to groom future leaders. He runs the 3rd largest Automation meetup group in the U.S.A known as DFWRPA which runs on the 2nd  Wednesday of every month and covers a wide range of topics dealing from Quantum to Cybersecurity .

He is an advisor at various startup’s focused on Blockchain & E-Sports.


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