BTOES Insights Official
October 15, 2021

Process Mining Live - SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT: Journey from Process Mining to Business Drive Continual Process Optimization.

Courtesy of ServiceNow's Manjeet Singh, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Journey from Process Mining to Business Drive Continual Process Optimization' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at the Process Mining Live Virtual Conference.

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Session Information:

Journey from Process Mining to Business Drive Continual Process Optimization

We all want great experiences. Behind every great experience is a simplified and optimized process. But,  all business processes get complex and fragmented over time and it become a real challenge to get actional insights on where to improve, automate, and optimize that is in alignment with your business goal.

In this session, Manjeet Singh - Director Product Management at ServiceNow, will show you how to take an embedded process mining approach and drive proactive continual process optimization across all your business processes. You will learn:

  • How to start from process mining analysis to process optimization?
  • How define business outcomes and measure progress using automated KPIs?
  • How to find improvement opportunities for people, process and tools improvements?
  • Lesson learned and key takeaways.

Session Transcript:

Means you great to have you with us. ... is the director of Product Management Service. Now.

He's at expertise, includes intelligent automation, advanced analytics, process mining, and hyper automation, which means that I'm expecting some really tough questions for mangy from the audience here, because this man can cover it all. And here's a thought leader and actively participates in conferences and webinars like this, to share who's learning and around process, mining, and hyper automation manji on behalf of our global audience, I'm very excited about our presentation. It's a real honor to have you here with us today.

Jose, thanks for such a warm welcome, and you're asking about location, so I'm dialing in from Santa Clara, California, telling what I mean for me, hiring one way, very excited to be here, and share some wave on the process mining. Will, basically, what is our take from ServiceNow standpoint? And I'll give you my personal perspective from the ... at ... mentioning.

All right, So, without any further delay, let's dive in.

Size sharing my screen. Open. That is OK.

So, that's, you know, the title for this session, Eisa, Journey From Process Mining to Business Day one.

Continual process Optimization.

And I'll unpack this this in a few minute, But what you are going to learn in next half an hour or so is really quickly stopped by understanding, OK, what is process optimization?

Why it is important?

so that we are all on the same pace, and then that's based on a simple framework.

That how do you start process mining by getting visibility and understanding into your process? And then we'll go into the Process Optimizations which are the actions and then tracking the business.

I'll give a couple of use cases around.

But, when you do the optimization activities, how to think from the people, processes, and tools, the classic Golden Triangle standpoint. And then, I'll end this session with some of the learning takeaways.

and what is my take, where process mining will be in next 2 to 3 years.

All right.

So, with that, let me start here.

As you know, as a user, you know, in my, whatever IT product and services, I use, in my personal life, as well as work.

Hey, Toothpastes, we all want great experiences.

And, if you are building product and services, you want to deliver great experiences for your customers and your employees.

Because experiences and the key we have seen in the code, you know, we all have a remote and probably important for us to, that our services are available.

Our processes are simple and smooth, because that's what drive customer loyalty.

That's what drive employee engagement, and ultimately, you know, set your company for a differentiation.

But, the question become, bad.

What are the key drivers when we talk about the, the customer experience?

So in my view, there are multiple levels, because to deliver a great experience, you have to have your services optimized all the time.

It is not a one-time activity because every, organization changes, complete processes, get complex fragmented, and whatnot.

So here are the five things that I put in for you, that when you're thinking about the optimization, one lever is, you look at the, hey, where do I have the bottleneck in my process. And you started looking at how we can either use the bottleneck.

And this, this could also mean maybe eliminating some of the process step.

Another important aspect is, all these automation tool set is evolving.

So, how can we find out automation opportunities across our services and product and, you know, whatever you are delivering for your employees, or customers.

And then the most important part is, people are the key when we think about optimization.

Because I've seen that a lot of us put too much focused on just the process process process, but, hey, ultimately, end of the day, people have to interact with those processes. People are who we're executing on the, on those processes.

Manjeet SinghSo it's important to understand that, is, it gives us improvement are in the process change will say that is more of that putting in training and leveling up your Your support staff and employees and so on and ultimately you want to deliver better services at low cost. And a bit like wallet.

So this is still a high level one, worry, We'll continue to go deep dive further into the trap.

OK, so with that premise, the question becomes Why every process is not mixed, and, and as you know the Yeah, If you look at the legacy business, process management is and some of those tools, the straight, you know, in the last 2 or 3 decades, but those tools are, are very challenging to use today. And stay up to date because change is happening at a very fast, fast pace.

So, which means that as, as a process owner, or as, as a business user, responsible for that particular service process, I need visibility and understanding, which I don't have today.

Tailor some point, because if you want to do the traditional way, you start looking at some of the orcs, maybe, for some workshop, do some white boarding, sticky notes.

And by the time you find a consensus on what do you want, the glue, there is a very, very high chance that things have already changed, and, and maybe you should revisit the process. And that's making it very, very difficult and time consuming.

I've seen a couple of surveys. It says, Hey, it takes roughly 3 to 6 month to get this visibility and understanding into that, and to assess. It's very costly.

And it's error prone and, you know, given all that, now that's where it comes.

How can we, how can we have tools and solutions that can do it and then more proactively in a more real time?

So, with that, our take is that process of mining, as a tool has enabled us, or opened us, many, many doors for us. And what I mean by that is, A process mining is the starting point. Man.

you want to discover your process and you want to map, I'll give us as fast as possible, you know, sometime within minutes, sometime within hours, depending on almost data you're looking at.

But that is, I would say, table stakes.

But, then, the next step from there, is that, OK, I have, now, the process visibility. I can see performance issues. There will be plans issues.

Then, what do you need, Is that how you can find out the areas for optimization?

And, that's where I think the things goes a little bit of, you know, the core process mining, that's going to go into, What are the actions, What are the recommendations? Where can we create a continual improvement plan?

Drag them into one central place by breaking silos, so that not a big team is doing, implement their own way, and then, you know, finding out that, to include in this area. But then it had a negative back in some other area. So in this diagram, if I go from left to right, half of the section is process mining, you take the audit log, You extract it out.

But then the key thing here is you need a continual optimization framework. We call it the same integral improving management.

Yeah. You need to be benchmarking.

So, you can do a relative relative comparisons, and then you you need perplex built content back, what, excavators that can give you a quick starting point, any guided experience throughout the journey, OK, so, this will make more sense, and I'll talk about a end to end use case in a couple of minutes.

So, with that, what it means is that process mining, it's staying closer to where your workflows are running and the processes are running.

And, that is the key here, because, what my view is, that process mining is not just for data scientist, you know? Quote unquote. Business analytics person who is expert. In understanding the data I can slice and dice.

Btog CTA believe that this tool sort of evolved to more business users. That even if I don't have the full domain expertise and understanding my process.

The tools to be able to give me insights.

Tools to be able to give me the actions, and also provide me end to end life cycle, so that I can discover my processes.

I can do my analysis, take those improvement actions, people related, process related, tools are related, and then, able to track the implement over a period of time. This is my pre optimization state, and this is my first optimize, optimize State.

And, as you know, or as I mentioned, in the beginning, this is not a one-time event, you have to find a cadence that works for you. If you want to do more real-time data, that is also a possibility, but that quickly, the persona that I have listed here.

Just to get this point across, that, this tool is now moving beyond your typical analytics team, or data science team, Business news, team managers, think of, you know, Utilize Service management, running a, you know, your customer service helpdesk or your IT helpdesk, how you can get insight into how your team doing performance, coaching, opportunities, training, opportunities. So on and so forth.

OK, so let me touch base on that. I mentioned the importance of menu or doing the analysis. And when you find that, hey, I see this conformance issue happening in my process. Let me take an action.

So the question becomes a waste of your traffic action, like in ServiceNow platform as, you know, there are many different places or off site. So that create an incident.

So that we get, quests are likely to change and that might leave users into again the siloed approach.

I think the best way to solve that problem is that you provide a simple, centralized framework with X, like plan, do, check, act. So no matter what, you know, implement methodology or using six Sigma.

A gimmick or anything else?

I think it's four stage process, is we're able to use the process optimization as a tool, at every stage, and what I mean by that is, identifying the opportunities as you do your process assessment, and then finding out the root cause. What is it driving? What are the key influencing factors behind those inefficiencies?

And then creating your improvement plan, so that everybody knows who is working on what you, a task, see.

The track table, KPI, so you can see before and after state, and in the end, I think we all care about the, some sort of outcome, but it's the business outcome.

Get on the audit, or the employee experience, and PSC's Act, on those, those types of API.

So, let's let's start to make it much more, I think, tactical from this point on. So, we saw in why process optimization is important.

We saw process of mining, starting from process mining.

And building the rest of the end to end workflow is, is needed.

And if you really want to drive this thing to price level than this, multiple use cases.

So, one way to look at use case is, that, hey, if you're just starting out, maybe. You know, my first goal is to discover the processes, and get, see what's happening there, the specific team, and starts to provide more visibility, tulio stakeholders.

But I think the real value is, as I said, the mining discovery, and those, those becoming enabled state items, is that how you can drive optimization. You can do continuous monitoring. And be more productive. And that's where, you know, they'll let you use use of AI and ML.

As part of the solution stack, is making that a reality. And, for the use case, I'll talk about some flavor of that.

That how you can ingest more real-time data and be more proactive about it. For example, hey, my, I care about SLA breaches, service management, very important.

And, if, if, if, during my process, if I see that, the situation is building up, telling me where to look for and then continue to provide more root cause analysis out there.

So, now, where do you applied, right?

So, and, that's where I put together some example on this slide, in these, And this is not a, you know, very comprehensive list, but just to give you an idea, platform like ServiceNow, we run multiple flows, we have multiple products, we have workflows for IT, workflows for customers. We have workflows for HR teams, industry solutions.

And, the good news is, that once you have process mining natively built on the platform, then applying the process mining, and then, the full process optimization life cycle onto these processes becomes, like, you know, very, very easy.

So, for example, like, if you look into the incident, IP service maximum, the core processes rehoused, incident management, request management problem and change.

And, and if you're a mining engineer sitting with him, integrated with where the workflows outline, you don't have to deal with sending data out into the cloud. There is no security and governance.

Like, those, those issues, you deal with those of the legal things menu, copy data, Awesome, multiple systems, and then you can leverage other platform capabilities that you have, or you maybe already title for the analytics, how we create those reports.

Or, as I mentioned, the AI stack, having that integrated into one platform, I think, has its own benefits, versus, you know, taking multiple tools and stitching them together, and then, trying to build your process optimization activities.

OK, so, let me break it down, some of the use cases, and I'll go to the one which case.

So, I think once, you have the product optimization built on the platform, the key flexibility.

All the different personas.

I mentioned business users, team managers, process owner, and business analysts alike, they can leverage process optimization. Problem, Where are they are working, they don't have to come for the process optimization tool. So, I have my workspace. You know, I created my KPIs and dashboards. I am an agent on a manager.

We see that embedding these capabilities, these insights into visibility to where people are working, a is what, you know, one part of the experience I mentioned earlier.

So, on this slide is just, for example, clusters, OK, you know, if I'm a process owner, I can pick any process, I mentioned, You, know, the ITSM processes, HR customer service and others. That's one use case to pick your process.

You maybe have a set schedule, maybe a weekly, or bi weekly, or monthly, and you are doing analysis, finding, opportunities, creating, implement, plan, and tracking the benefit.

The second is, like specifically in ServiceNow ecosystem, we have 7000 customers, all big large enterprises, and they have implemented ServiceNow tailored to their requirements, which means they have KPIs and reports.

And, and now we have this new process mining analytics technique.

So, take off, let us say if you're tracking KPIs like customer satisfaction, and you are an IT manager, now as soon as plus optimization enabled, those, those capability will automatically show up for you. Don't have to worry about that, Hey, I need to ask, maybe, my VA team to take and to do this analysis To a certain extent, I should be able to do the analysis by myself by looking at the map.

Inside the third point here is a predefined goal, you know, for example, our CIO has this goal.

one of the goal is, say, one million hours in our support and operation management services.

So, if you already have that kind of thing, OK, on an equal, then the question becomes is, Hey, how can we find those opportunities?

And that's where this combination of tools, that as part of process optimization, will enable you to find opportunities, and so that you can take more data driven actions to meet your goal.

Then, as you know, that the, one of the survey that we ran recently, where we asked like, what on a bunch of features that then can you stack rank for us, and the compliance and the deviation.

More proactive way to see if I have compliance issue in my process. And it's very important for some organizations. You know, they have to go to the annual Audit review, those, they want to make sure that processes.

And that, that is another use case.

You get an alert, then you go to B costless behind those records and start looking at that, the improvement opportunities.

PM_Live_GraphicAll right, quickly. Let's dive into take one use case, and I'll walk you through. I don't have time to demo, but I'll use two slides to show you an end to end journey.

The situation here is that, that, hey, I'm the VP of IT or I don't care about my c-sat SLA and cycle time.

I have made this dashboard and I came to the morning, and I saw my SLA metric, or, C set metric, is changing that.

And, uh, maybe I came back from one before the vacation. It's like what's happening if this is happening visually back, many other KPIs that, you know, my CIO cares about.

So, immediately, what we do is from right from within the chart, wherever you're working, your work bench or your workspace, you go and say that, A show me the process behind these bad SLA records, So it's contextually taking those records, mining out process for you, with the push of a button. And that's where you get the step number one, discover the process behind this.

And once you have the process map and the process is finished, you know, all those great features that process mining provides to its slicing and dicing limits and metrics like cycle time.

You know, where you are the reputations and look back, I can go into either looking at the root cause and then paste in automation opportunity.

Or, is it something, maybe process is fine? Maybe, you know, we have new team members, which you need to train them, and coach them, so able to spot out those type of patterns. And then what you do is you take action.

You don't leave it there, or you don't track that in e-mail, or some PowerPoint.

You want to do that within the tool. Submit your improvement plan, so everybody knows who is working on that, what is the time expected time to make that change, process change, or people change.

And then you track it using the KPI.

And the most important part is that able to do the pre and post, depending on how big that implement new chip it was. Let's, so, let's take a look at two screenshot here to see that the life cycle.

So, the first screenshot on the left is where I mentioned your, This is your workbench. You're tracking the SLA miss rate and you, see, my friend is continuously going up and.

You take action, so, as soon as process optimization is enabled, you can directly go from there. That's all been in the platform, and everything is theta. one source of truth that we're looking at.

And the second thing is that, you mind the process, you are, you're looking into the workbench, sporting out the, you know, using tracking those routes.

The process that.

And once I find out that inefficiency exhale you back in this screenshot, I didn't always easy to spot out.

Then I can feel to implement a plan of action right there. So, that's what the, you know.

The life cycle part I mentioned, all built within, within process optimization solution, And I think this, this, is, This is the key.

Maybe my, my personal opinion be able to give this end to end, uh, end to end flow, because without that, it's, again, you are not solid solving the problem.

OK, so, I think that's based on a few few other things, my personal opinion again, But based on, You know, what, what I'm Learning and reading conferences like this, we are seeing that not not new insights for you.

Show some other expert may have also spoken about it, but I see that every process has two sides, OK. So the price of farm to execute on your cloud systems audit logs, and that's the process mining is. But then the second part of it, processes. How your end users, your support agents, how they're interacting with the process.

From there, laptop and desktop, whatever system they are using, that's an important part of the process. And to others, to have a Comprehensive View, it is important to look at both sides, because the cost of smiling itself does not give you 100%.

What's happening there that people are actually really struggling common tools, They are using, you know, Excel or others, and specifically are going to think about identifying the automation opportunity, I think, looking at both side, it's that it's very important Because that will give you a more comprehensive insight.

Not an easy problem to solve, you know, I know, you know, we all added, you know, the process mining expert, fascinating expert trying to create this comprehensive view.

But this is a tough problem, to really bring everything together, because there's some databases, structured data, and then the what's coming from the desktop is unstructured data.

And then you kind of club them, and makes sense as part of the one map.

So we'll see. I think somebody ministry will solve it right away. But this is, this is the right button.

So, quickly, looking at the clock, let me plan to wrap up here.

So another thing that is important, if you're working in this space, is able to analyze your, all your data, or, in other words, able to find all possible automation opportunities is the key. Because, ultimately, you know, that what I've seen is, the CIOs, and all those eaters gives a lot about automation rate.

Hey, we are paying for these premium tools and services I bought cannot, you know, 10 RB a license, where should I apply them, this tin box sitting idle and paying for it?

I bought this bug and virtual agent or other capabilities so quickly, if you look at these, these are the old technique that I see evolving. one is you can use AI to discover mission opportunities, whatever the intent.

Plaster then and then you show that, hey, this is a good use case or a step that you should apply. Virtual agents or RPA, for example.

Process mining, Of course, Task mining, we saw in the previous slide, it's important to look at the, the end user, activities and behaviors, and, what, where they're spending time.

Look for, all the opportunities.

And the last one is also very important, Provide everyone in your company ability to submit their ideas, that, because, when people interact with those processes, they know, I mean, intuitively or powerless the onset, this process sucks. You know, I know what's on my personal experience. If he asked me, I'll give you five ideas, because you know that we all have been. And if I have a way to go and submit my ideas, and I know that somebody's going to take action on it, that drives toward a better employee engagement, and overall crowdsourcing way for you to collect lots of ideas.

Bring them into one central place, whatever you call it, C O E, and then asking this one important question, what is my best automation candidate?

And then, you've figured out, what is the right tool to automate that?

And, what is my best optimization candidate from the process? 10 people stand.

Let me close out with this one, like from a frame and extend point, I think, you know, we should start from what other KPIs, whatever goals will be, we want to achieve.

And I listed some obvious KPIs here that value, cost, quality, experience, ultimately. I think it all ties to the experience.

And then, once you have your goals defined, you go into what are the opportunities. As I said, our CIO wants to say one million in annual hours. So, then, what we are doing is, you're looking for where to automate, how to simplify our processes.

How to find training opportunities. And most importantly, where can we apply more and more automation?

And that's where these, you know, these are related tools, whether it's the ..., process optimization, your AI based discoveries, you're obviously availability, infrastructures, events and those coming up.

And then once you know that these are my implement opportunity, that implement plan, then you talk about how. And I know a lot of people get hung about how part they say that, you know, RPA is a way to go. Or this AI model is way to go. I think that approach is not right. And anybody who has taken that on and all that go into different, can start debating APIs, right?

Running a bot is right.

I think the best way to, it's very contextual. So it depends on how your today's is laid out, what tools you already have, a book on a page.

click_to_view_all_eventYou don't have multiple tools and doubling subscription. So that's sort of picking the right tool for the given situation. I think that's the, that's the one best approach we all should think about, or, personally, I think we should take.

All right. So with that, let me stop the presentation here.

And I'll open it up for Q&A.

Manjit? Terrific. Manji, great, great revue. And the, and the examples, and the discussion process.

Mining is, is a field that's developing so quickly. And as you highlighted in your presentation now, you have components of machine learning, and artificial intelligence, that's kind of being built into the mix, as well. So we have a number of different questions here. Some are more business, like strategic other, a little bit on the technical side. We will cover as many as we can on the time that we have a lot of here, and I and I, and I tell the urged the audience to ask additional questions if you have, as we discuss.

I'm going to start with the ones that are a bit more on the, on the strategic side.

You know, it's, it's very easy for organizations to just go, like, you know, as, you know, the old saying when, when your only tool is a hammer. Every problem looks like a nail. So, I got my little process mining hammer. and I started looking a, You know, I can use it here.

I can use it there, but the question is: Should you use it?

And so, if we back up a little bit more, and we look at the business.

And, as you look across all the different businesses you work with, on the organizations that do it well.

Romm, a strategic execution standpoint, and, or a value creation standpoint.

Well, how do they identify and prioritized the best use cases, the ones there, whatever their context is, the Basques could be no greater value. Creation is speed.

Customer satisfaction. A combination of things.

But if you look back at their overall process for identifying, prioritizing both strategic and value creation opportunities, using process mining, what does that look like that you have experienced with this clients?

Great question.

So, I'll start with saying that you have to take both a top-down approach and it will come up bottom-up approach. So, let me break it down into what what when I say top-down approach, What it, what I mean?

So this could mean that? You know, they if your company is good at setting your statuses and goal and like at least level. So, you know, what are those pi D square in which sector square plane? What is your business?

What Do we want to increase our revenue? Do we care about, you know expanding into a different market?

So I would say in the top-down approach, you start from there.

And then as as a process mining expert, or alexi come down to your business in it, or you, then you start to break it down, OK, What it means if I or my team, or my business unit, Whatever we are doing, how we can contribute to that goal, OK?

And so depending on what organization you are, I can, I'll continue to give of service management examples, IT services, and customer services.

So you can look at, let's say, cost reduction is the goal, and we said, we will reduce our services and operation costs by 20%.

So that's my strategy goal for year 20 21.

And now, I'm, that's it.

You go into looking at that, hey, let's proactively analyze all the areas we have, most dollar you can expect.

And the good thing is, these, these tools, they, they have evolved so much in the last 2, 3 years. This combination of different analytics technique.

And you start analyzing, find those, those drivers, and then it starts to. And at that time, I would say, you will not have full clarity. And then let me make a proposal, You're just getting a list of the possibilities.

Then, at the same time, you should also do the bottom-up approach, which means that, you know, this really like this approach of creating an ideal module and open it up for people and let them submit their ideas or animate.

So, that's a great way to see where, you know, what's happening. What is the, like the, everyone else feel about that particular goal or particular problem.

And then you look at both data set have a very, you know, unbiased meeting. It's, it's difficult. And that's where it takes time to build that culture, the culture of continual improvement mindset.

And, and, I think if you take a KPI driven or a data driven approach, then those meetings can be run properly, and ultimately, you leads to a kind of a decision that hey, let's, let's make this proposal. Let's make this implement whether it's people related.

Very well, and then now once you get into the the point that you identify, that, Hey, you know, what, let's, let's pick up a case here. I work for a large energy infrastructure project.

We're doing a one billion dollar power plant engineering procurement and construction project in Dubai.

Now I have lots of processes that I do, and as part of that long term project, and the. and the one of the processes that I may be looking at is the how am I procuring equipment for that specific project? in that region of the world? And then I have now to identify, you know, the key process there and the key sub processes associated with that procurement function in that part of the world.

And now I Zoom into that, and I, and I, and I have this feeling that if I use process map mining, I can identify, You know, what's being, There's a lot of procurement that takes place. There are some paths. There are maybe, the right way you're doing.

There are other paths, are not so much the, the right way of doing, a lot of it's done through my ERP system, some of it is done outside of the RFP system. And, so, I have, I ask you a question.

That's really very practical, question, complex issue here, Complex process to tackle.

But assuming it's a big assumption, but assuming process mining can create value in that context.

Big picture first, what does implementation look like?

when, when you're going to an area that's new like that? And that was with a group of people, qualified group of people who are looking for, you know, perhaps process mining can help us. Here they have, they have an inkling that process mining can create value in that context.

Manjeet SinghWhat are the typical kind of timelines and phases, that you go through with that team?

To actually implement, and then run, process, mining, and evaluate the results, and start thinking about it started designing, what the improvements could be?

Got a high level, she can guide us for those main main stages, for implementing.

Yeah, sure, I'll just say I'll give you my view on this one.

So, first is, if you look at where we are, like, at the process mining, I think it does a really good job of standalone processes so far.

More is simply, the process mining community, and, researchers have found a way, to connect data from multiple inter-dependent, connected processes.

And, if I missed the question, right, that is the scenario here, because in this ERP system, you're not just talking about one platform.

A part of the process execute, For example, in ServiceNow, request to generate it in service now, Then for fulfillment, it goes into another system, or ..., created an array, or some other system that goes to what they know all these combinations.

So the, I think that what exciting implement that has happened is a, it's called multi event mining.

So which means that if you don't know what is what areas your process is touching.

Technically, you can get those audit trails bringing them into, you know, you know, your solution, then it does require a portion of the expertise and understanding how those processes are flowing.

But you can map them and interleave them in such a way.

We call it a linked process Analysis feature in our solution, so that you can when you start analyzing, you start from your parent process.

And then you understand, OK, what are the performance, the conformance scenarios, and whatever.

And then you continue to drill down into each of the branch.

I think the tricky thing now, it's the community has figured it out, the connection part, the back end part.

Visualization is still very talented because no matter what approach to take this different technique, VPN and or back forward.

I think none of those existing visualization technique merely give you a good user experience of diverse thing that connected oriented process spot, and then reaching to ultimately the, you know, hey, this is where the bottleneck is. Let me do the root cause analysis.

So my take is, I think, people are, you know, mature in their process.

Mining journey, X is equal to three month, also looks at least three months of exercise two.

Find out, OK, our processes are, how many systems are involved.

How we will get that beta into where you are running your ... models and then map those out correctly.

So that's I think it's still requires people who understand and expertise, automat goes out, but the hope is I think once we know the sulfur, the right visualization technique back and I what I've seen is we have made a significant.

This is very good.

You cover a lot of very good concepts there about interlinked inter-connected processes in, and in the, the tip of some to implementation timeframes like three months to kinda get things Squared up. I'm going to, I'm going to ask a bit of a leading question now.

Um, you know, I have the assumption that when you're going through implementing, you know, process mining and let's simplify the key use case here. Let's say that I have, you know, sap hana, ERP system And I'm like I know I want to kind of analyze the flow for something that's within the ERP system, alright? To keep a simpler.

So I have something like that and I have the impression that the the, the, the setup is where it takes the longest time to get process mining setup correctly.

And then the analysis itself, probably the, the, the, once it's set up the analysis, self's probably pretty quick. And then you go into some improvement cycle.

But straighten me out here, what are the that you think are the biggest misconceptions that people have about the actual implementation of process mining? That clients come in thinking that it's going to be a certain way, but it's actually a little bit different, quite a bit different from what they thought.

What do you think are the biggest gaps and misconceptions from people, clients, expectations, versus what it's really like running? and implementing process mining.

Yeah, sure.

I mean, first of all, I, I truly empathize because as a solution provider, we say that, hey, you can get going in hours or a week, but I think the truth comes out when you take whatever tools you use.

Hey, let me, forget about production. Let me do a ...

and Emma and that's where, know, things, the promise starts to break one week to one month, three months. So, I think one is, one important thing, is setting up a little bit of right expectation. Not making a statement that, you know, Hey, solution, is plastic to the platform.

And then you just sit on it and, you know, in three hours processes, you know, that's not true.

But I think one way where, you know, I've seen many, many companies are the solution for.

Your good job is giving those prebuilt content. I call it a process of mining content back.

So, which means, for a given process, like an S A P. And you look at P2P or, you know, that those processes are service management. And think about incident management change management.

Uh, my dashboard is pre-built and everything is playable, then only if I don't have some crazy customization in my environment, then yes, you can get up and running and within, you know, within a day.

that's I mean that's how are we are seeing and our decline, but but customizations are there, you have external integrations, your platform and so, I think when you go into those discussions, my advice is, have a good set of checklists, that this is how our processes are working.

What type of analysis you want to build homeless data is involved. Because sometime, the volume of data and can really surprising throw you out, are you looking at one million event? Or you wanna look at 10 million events? Because there's a huge performance scalability thing you should think about, and whether the toolkit support or not.

Um, yeah, so I think having that assessment checklist, ask your vendor. We're talking to it that, Hey, this is my ... Amani three platform we have.

Let's do an assessment so that you can come to in a little bit of common understanding and expectations. are not to. Like, you know, one day was that six month.

Yeah, so, I would say in the work closely with seller, your account representative, that that should give you a good idea about the effort.

Farewell! Manji thank you so much for taking the time to share your expertise with us. I want to, there were other, several other questions that came up that we couldn't get to. I tried to get to as many as possible, so he's my suggestion to the participants. Go under the LinkedIn posts that I have for this conference. It's under my name on LinkedIn. Post the question there and I'm sure that Manjit, will be glad to go into LinkedIn and answer that, can we make that commitment, manage it that if they post the questions on LinkedIn that you can provide a short answer to them?

PM_Live_GraphicAbsolutely, I made a Promise, I'll do it today. Not, there we go. So, hopefully, I did not have a chance to get your question. like I see questions from William Fuller here from Rigid sengupta, that I couldn't get. You posted on LinkedIn and Manjit will go in there and they will put a short answer for you. And, and that's, that's the strength of our community. We have over 1800 registered participants in here. Do not let your questions go unanswered. So, ..., thank you so much for your cup like a five AM in California to be here with us. So people of the world, please acknowledge that Manjit, did, first of all, it looks great in the morning. Second can share his great insights and expertise of our global audience. And on behalf of this global audience, we're very grateful for your participation and presentation machine.

It's always a pleasure to the bus participate in an event like this. Thanks, everyone.

Thank you.

Ladies and gentlemen, that was Manjit Singh, leader as ServiceNow for process mining and intelligent automation, and a real expert and practitioner in the field. So, great to have him as part of our community and having this connection that we can continue our conversation, even post conference directly with .... We're going to be taking a break now, and when we come back, we're going to have a session that will be a little bit different. This will be a video session with leaders from bleeding, enterprises, with process mining, with advanced business process management, and I'm talking about Sandy Cantlie, who is an independent analyst and systems architect specializing in digital process automation.

Business process management, the social enterprise, enterprise architecture, and business intelligence. She is going to be talking to us about process mining as a silver bullet.

Is it, is it not?

She's going to be joined by Peter Goudie, who is a senior executive, that he spent much of his career, focused on helping multiple clients, understanding how to get the best informed, the most information from their data, and how to make improvements in their business transformation journey. So, we're going to be back. And when we come back, I'll introduce them, will play a video session for them. And then, after that segment, in the next hour, we're going to be welcoming Ramesh Bell. And I go from the Head of Digital Automation, for Avaya, and we're gonna wrap up today with the Lead: Enterprise Architect for Mars, Wrigley, and Corporate, presenting on how to map the real impact of process mining on your business. So, lots of great sessions coming up, and I will see you back at the top of this hour.


About the Author

Manjeet SinghManjeet Singh,
Director of Product Management,

Manjeet is a results-driven product leader with 20 years of experience in product management, software engineering, data science, analytics, growth, and strategy. Manjeet is a strategic thinker and deeply passionate about learning customer problems with full empathy and providing elegant solutions. Manjeet has a great track record of delivering high-impact large-scale enterprise and consumer-facing products that have led to a significant increase in revenue, product engagement, and customer satisfaction for the business. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering and an MBA in Product Management & Marketing from Santa Clara University.

Manjeet is passionate about building great products and love comparing notes with other people who share that passion. He has deep expertise in product management, UX design, development, and analytics and loves working holistically across all 4 areas.


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