BTOES Insights Official
May 20, 2021

PROCESS MINING LIVE- SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT: Improving Customer Experience Excellence using Process Mining

Courtesy of BPM-D's Caitlin Thomas & Rakesh Gusain, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Improving Customer Experience Excellence using Process Mining' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at Process Mining Live Virtual Conference.



Session Information:

Improving Customer Experience Excellence using Process Mining

Join our discussion on how you can translate your CX/CE strategy into tangible results through strategic alignment of Customer strategy with operational processes. We will demonstrate and discuss our approach to delivering customer experience improvements and how the digital tool sets have evolved in this space.

The key takeaways from this discussion are as follows:

  • The Challenges of Delivering your CE/CX Strategy
  • Aligning Operations and CE/CX
  • Where C-SATs fall short
  • Process Mining for CX-Excellence
  • Order to Cash Customer Journey
  • Delivering Improvements – Real World Examples

Session Transcript:

London and I would like to welcome Caitlin, Thomas and Rhett Cash design who are here and their leaders at BPM de. They're gonna talk to us about improving customer experience excellence by using process mining. So I'm going to start with Caitlin far as the as with our introduction. She's a senior consultant with BPM, D U K. She has successfully deliver multiple value driven business process management projects within various sectors. She has helped a number of organizations just setup build-up, process culture, and setup continuous improvement approaches. She leads BPM DESE, rapid, process improvement, and process mining areas. Caitlin has work in both corporate and academic research based environments working hand in hand with high professionals and deeply academic personnel to deliver a successful project. Results. Great to have you with us, Caitlin and we also have ....

Please direct your ... K Business, he has been working at the forefront of Business Process Management for more than 16 years and syncing joining the PMT. He has continued to assist companies in strategic execution and establishing a BPM discipline, or cash has developed several innovative approaches to solve implementation issues in a pragmatic and results oriented way. So, it's a pleasure to have you both of us. Really looking forward to your presentation on how we marry process mining with this, with, with our customer experience journeys.

There's a parent.

Thanks for the introduction.

Hey, everyone, Good morning, good afternoon. As, as do the stuff we are going to talk about.

How do you tie customer experience and drive improvements around customer experience using causes binding.

Now, we know this session is being about cross this binding, and we've heard we've had very interesting topics it on what is because it's binding, how do you drive project prioritization, improvement, ..., mining. How do you drive robotic? And and and all sorts of things around crisis planning?

However, our focus today Is to talk about how do you use this data, this data, that you might know to these classes might include that To drive customer experience and to execute your customer excellence programs. Right?

So in that sense, what we plan to cover today Is briefly talked about.

Can we move on to the next slide?

Yeah, so we're going to talk about what, what you have heard in terms of, you know, the strategy and the challenges around customer experience.

And where do traditional customer satisfaction metrics fall short? So I know we use the NPS Net Promoter Score to Matt, and to manage customer satisfaction and customer make them as programs are driven to it.

But, there are some issues with, with these traditional approaches.

Then we talk about how do you use process mining to actually get the, get the whole team along with you, and not, not, not Keystone exercise will focus on the catalyst the testing.

We have an example, a real-world example of how we started looking at Auditive Cash at a client and, and through that journey, started looking at what really mattered to the customer, and that's that, what are the things we want to present today? So moving on. Next.

What? Let me let me quickly introduce.

Sorry, I think I've lost Caitlin.

Kaitlin, can you move on to the next?

Can't hear, but quickly introduce us. ...

is a small consulting firm focused on setting up business process management as a discipline. So we are, we have always, we have a niche developed around business product management.

Screenshot 6-1And how do you set that up in your, in organization, across industries?

Our focus is around anything that deals with profit.

So we do, one of our offerings that we focus on is, how do you manage stakeholder and customer journey? And, and to those drive process improvement, then that's something we're going to talk about more today. But we also focus on what we call rapid improvement.

How do you use technology Like cross fighting tough minded to drive and manage your continuous improvement, tyrannies?

And all of this then leads to smart automation, which is how do you create interventions and how do you identify automation in your intervention on the processor that that are core to your business.

And, as a core, we help organizations set up that discipline around crisis management. That department, that governance tools and capability.

And the right to that briefly about us, as I said today, is more about right, and how, how important, how important is project management or process mining and how can that add value to CA.

Now, I will show up.

nope, earlier, when we were focused on process and Elastic DDOs process has always been about improving operations and how do you impact the bottom line and how to improve your processes. So that your operations get more efficient, and thought.

But often, it what we've started seeing in a lot of conversations, As people also wanted to drive, operational excellence and improved processes, based on what matters to the customer.

And, that, that sort of conversation started with where do you start and apply?

Robots, do you apply robots to just get your invoices causes foster? Do you apply robots in chatbots so that you can speak to, I mean, so that you can serve your customers.

And a lot of firms, B2B, B2C under who's one of the third, they aspire to be CX leaders, and, and, and, and they basically want to, one, want to ensure that customer experience is the differentiation for their business.

But a lot of the field in terms of, yes, there's a good strategy and there are consulting companies that come in and tell you what your customers need to look like.

But they do fail in the execution, and some of the reasons is what we want to get into a bit more today in this session.

So, moving on to the next slide.


What we found, based on our experiences, and, we have had you, I mean, do you actually, had a few sessions with all the customer experience needs in the organizations that we work with, to understand how can process improvements help them, you know, how can improvement and operational processes help them achieve better, just to make excellent?

Btog CTAThe key trends that we found is that there is usually, when people do embark on these customer visit exercises, because they do setup good customer journey map.

They identify their personas, and they identify their happy path for the customers, and in some cases, even detail order.

You know, all the different types of journey.

But, what, what typically happens, is all of this information is stored in good PowerPoint Presentations.

Presented to the board, are presented to the end of the product team, or the strategy team, and approved and signed up, and that's it. I mean, they're there Or it's then executed in bits and pieces.

There's been a lack of overall collaboration between defining our customer journey, or this is what the customer value is about our organization, and how they interact with us, and what does that mean to the business, the operations team, who are actually interacting with your customer on a day, in and day out?

That's one of the issues we have heard a lot of, you know, the customer experience leaders talking about is how do I get the organization along?

And how do I ensure that it, you know, my operation, can get that customer looking and help developing, you know, the right services and have this whole customer first mindset?

And what's, what's happened in this space?

Auckland is a lot of technology started playing catch up, and has come up with some cool features from a business process management page, because all your processes, they've always been documented in your business process management repository to like a software idea, that Ignacio and all the different tools available.

What is that? What these technology firms are now doing is also creating a customer modeling layer on top, so that you can start capturing your customer touchpoints.

And on the next slide, we talk a bit more about how that could work.

So, basically, if you get onto the next one.

Yeah, Basically, no, Here's your typical customer journey at the top right, where you talk about the key, but all the customers interaction with the business, one way, and then you can capture what are the sentiment that we've made as point.

And capture what the customer is feeling in this process. But what these tools now can do, is, you can start integrating your customer journey with the touch points of your operation processes.

And did this works as a suite, in one tool?

And, additionally, what we can also start adding to this is the various KPIs that are more important for you, from a customer perspective, and start measuring these KPIs through process mining.

So, as an, as an example, that, you know, if, if you were to measure you, if you were to measure this whole end to end process, from a customer perspective, you would just typically ask Bob say, C-sat scores.

But if you started looking at what really impact the customer, the customer experience you would, the business would, it would be very beneficial for the business to actually capture some business KPIs like on time, in full delivery, and things like that. So, that's what the technology is doing.

And is it Bugs: And you now have the ability to capture everything around your customer experience, and the touch points of that to your business processes.

And then, additionally, you can start binding some of these APIs to process mining technology, to actually start looking at how this directly impacts what you're doing with the customer, right?

And what we have found as an interesting approach, and have implemented that that business plan is to start looking at KPIs when you're doing your process improvement.

21Start looking at KPIs that not just matter to the business in terms of operations, but also start building that KPI layer of what is it that the customer won at this, at this step in the process.

Moving on to the next slide.

Quickly talk about some examples where you have seen traditional customer service KPIs falling short, So, for example, Net Promoter score is one of the KPIs that, you know, a lot of organizations use to measure. Their customers NPS, is, is an indicator. It's a good indicator.

It tells you, it tells you what you want to monitor. What do you want to do in your product, in your service? And it can even be used for organization, right?

There is so much underneath that influences an NPS, put an example if you think of a call.

And if you, if you apply NPS to call center agents and say you get a result where it says, one agent, score 78, and the other scores.

The key question then, for most of you, PE project, is how do I quantify, what does that mean?

And then how do I improve this person whose scores 32 and get that person?

You get to 78.

Now, the first thing, as, as we're being trained in process improvement, is to figure it out, what is the root cause, right?

So, and actually, if you think of it at the surface level, the reason someone scored 2, 78 could be because they are servicing a client was called for canceling. Whether someone would come under the lowest quartile dealing with the more difficult client or it could be and so on.

Read it.

It becomes very important to start looking at APIs from a business perspective, as well, and actually finding that that relation between the NPS Net Promoter score and what does that, what drive that.

And you would take this content agent example, you would start looking at what is the average handling time?

What is the first quality resolution time and things like that, And that's where having an ability to continuously monitor what is delivered from a business perspective become really important, and also what this does is it shifts this whole measurement technique to more proactive approach rather than doing this once a quarter. And then trying to analyze, OK?

That's those are the reasons for my NPS scores to go We cross with mining, and we show you how you are now able to manage this Pretty much live, and actually figure out what to driving certain behavior.

So that's, that's the exciting bit that we want to talk about in a bit more detail.

And we have an example for you, but I'll just handover get them to basically talk about how this works, and what are the key components.

It is difficult.

OK, thank you for cash and so, I'm going to delve into a little bit more about the process mining side and how this interacts spam feel with customer experience. Excellent.

So, to start off, if you want to use process mining for your customer satisfaction, then the first thing you need to understand is what you actually capable of mining to start with, and how does that relate to customer satisfaction? And there's that there's a famous quote by and from Richard Branson stated that, if you make your internal employees happy fast, then they will take care of your customers. Now, making your internal employees, happy means that they can do their job smoothly.

For example, and without having to search the additional documentation all without having to curse at systems, because they're just not working properly, just because the process isn't running smoothly, therefore, your internal operational processes affect the whole customer journey.

Now, there's a journey management philosophy, and where you start with the interaction of your customer, and, so, what do you think is important to the customer, and, how does that translate into the way that you internally organize your organization?

And, that can go as far as a specific customer journey map and an example of what she can see on the screen.

But, also, what we call a customer journey landscape, where you take all of the different journeys together and from that point, you start detailing out the practices around your customer interactions as a result. Now, when you use a customer journey modeling tool, and there's a large number of re-usable elements. And most of these elements that you use, the customer journey mapping, elements that you've actually already used in your documentation for your business processes, or your landscape.

And it's just a matter of bringing them together in a different perspective. So that you can start to see where the relationships between your organizational units, your risks, and the activities within your processes.

Now, the moment you have that kind of visibility and transparency, in say your digital twin, you will be much better able to serve your customer.

So, here on the screen now, is an example of a value drive, a tree with associated and key performance indicators. And a lot of organizations have a financial KPI tree. And but they haven't yet figured out that, below the surface, there is kind of another world of process performance indicators or KPIs. And those PPIs relate into your financial KPIs, and also your business KPIs.

By using this Value Drive, a tree approach, we can associate the business KPIs directly with the organization's strategic goals.

Now, if one of the strategic goals was to improve customer experience, and we need to identify where we can use mining for that customer satisfaction element, the main question becomes, which parts of my business can I actually measure and mine that have relationship to customer satisfaction.

For example, your delivery reliability and Meshes, how good you are in delivering products to your customers, and on time interval is also a very good indicator for customer happiness, when it comes to that candidate process. So, a customer buys a product or service from you, as an organization, If you deliver this all the time, and also in full, then the only thing, that actually stands between you and a happy Customer, will either be the price or quality. Now, this information can also be mind, but it's a little bit more difficult, however, on time, in full, is a very clear indicator of future Customer satisfaction.

So, as Prakash mentioned earlier, it's about being proactive, rather than reactive, and you were, then able to mine this easily. So you can apply process mining to your execution systems.

I need to find out, where the problems are, with delivery, reliability and your capability to deliver the product.

This means that you can then anticipate that the customer satisfaction in that specific part might not actually be as high as you would like. It's a and baffle and you can see that just by identifying which KPIs have an impact on customer satisfaction and how you can measure them is actually really key for your CX Initiatives.


And ultimately, what you do with process mining is you look at the real life execution of the process.

Which is, and often at very, much more complex, and substantially different. From what you've modeled as your ... process on and how you actually think the delivery, and you'll do, you deliver the goods to your customer. That's because process mining picks up. The traces the executed processes have actually left in your system. You then get to a point where you can see a relationship between that, say, a man that's suboptimal and execution of a certain process and customer satisfaction skull.

And so that's where HRSA's money really starts to come into play.

And a major benefit of process mining tools nowadays is the integration into your process repository, as Prakash mentioned earlier. So, the moment that you say, I know I've done my process mining, but I really want this documented into my process repository now. Well, it's just simply pushing a button. You can click, and the process. model is documented for you, and you can then use this Process Model, Governance Swag, or complete February analysis.

Screenshot (4)Well, maybe to communicate this sub optimal deviation and from the design process with the rest of your team.

From there, you can find the differences that will help you close that gap between your target customer satisfaction, and the one that you're currently scoring.

So on this slide here, we just got two examples of tools. And that has strong process, mining and process repository and integration features, as well as a kind of customizable collaborations in space and ..., which actually have the ability to integrate your process, mining KPIs and KPIs onto your customer journey maps.

And I'm now going to hand back a virtual cache will take you for an example of how an organization and use process mining is part of that customer excellence initiative.

Moving on to the actual example we have.

We have a video which we have externalized as smart work.

The company that deals with contractors and basically talked about how Wildcats and create the video.

Basically, this video talks about how this these elements of customer journey map Process Models, and minding all come together, could actually help you track.

Welcome to the BPM, D S E G.

Iris Process Mining as a Service, Joint Total Demonstration, smokeless decided to catch process, easy process mining, mining practices, and generating. Order to cash out to recess, to an end to end, business case, behind fulfillment, customers can confuse the key, faces its small size order to cash prices, starting from the generators to the payment received. We can understand this process to your customers and looking at the customer journey map. We have identified the key customers, KPIs. Steps.

With iris process mining, we can identify how the customer's experience through the process data was extracted from the options to address the process explorer shows the end. It generates from the intense data visualizing the most important piece. Here is the typical Jimmy through the price. However, by turning up the connections, we can see less common pathways. This voltage ..., not just. From this we can identify as non conforming pathways. We can also apply to the floor.

Now, we can visualize. The sake of the line this face. This highlights process conformance patients where the delivery document is initially bypassed. Leading to additional time, add it to the crisis, we went around the sales tax. As part of this process mining playground, we have created API app After identifying key, just to see nice, detailed description each KPI, along with the defense used to calculate.

This KPI dashboard enables the senior management team to have a transparent and easily digestible team, KPIs, which can be accessed.

Process mining. As an ongoing exercise, the senior management team, he's interested in understanding how holdup against my satisfaction schools. With a score of 100 dissatisfying, just underscore five positive customer experience. This bar chart gives us insight into the potential issues, which could be eating experience. As we can see, the average number, significantly, when the c-sat score, is anywhere between three. to dramatic reduction. Often lead to hospice points, enables the company to achieve a high customer satisfaction score. And, that helps them.

Regional dashboards, highlighting the performance of each KPI, various things. We can look on how each country, across the different cycle time phases impacting the overall customer experience. This helps us in baseline practices around the top to achieve key customers talking. This. Line chart indicates the Philippines has the lowest average cycle or to teach face indicating supply chain efficiency, which subsequently enables a positive customer experience.

We can also compare the average customer satisfaction scores, each country. For instance, the lowest average. scale score of 2.5, indicating mostly dissatisfied customers and the highest be 3.57, having Leslie satisfying, Let's drill down into delete imageries and its impact on the c-sat School.

Flying attribute Filters to investigate, to Lead.

With the c-sat score, between 1 and 2, indicates at 75% of these cases, Hesitantly instance, Sarah sent these cases, Depending on the country, when the c-sat score was five, and 50% of these cases.

Adulate delivery instances were reduced to just 12%.

As we dig deep to identify the root causes, poor customer experience, we identified that 48.

Screenshot 6-1This is a significant indicate spot, fixed, or two places to find customers delight and enhance, see sass.

Potential right now, to. Reduce the time spent on sales.

Which is the amount of time. And ultimately, adequate inventory and logistics management, especially in the bottom regions.

In this video, we demonstrated how the iris process mining software as a service offering process is to enhance the customer experience through a standard. Visit our website, ... dot com, to find out and get in touch.

Thanks for that answer.

We thought that that video, we just demonstrated the concept using one of the tools called errors of periods, but I mean, there are other tools. And when one another to the mental signal here, but I know you've had a session by doctor

from entity today, talking about crosses mailing sweep.

Uh, what we found interesting in the technology space is using tools that have a suite, where you have the ability to mine, but also kept a open offices and then cap to your customer.

Integrate with your Power BI tools and stuff like that.

That basically, what it does is, it creates an inclusive school that helps first, identify what matters the most in terms of customer experience, and what are the processes to improve.

But also they'll use the same tools to communicate and change and tweak these practices and, and take it back to the, to the operations team.

I knew the word cycle obtained management is done quicker and, and I remember the issue that you have, we can make to learn. So getting to your customer, make the loop.

That is that with communication and the and being able to bring the rest of the organization together in the vision that you have.

And some of this can be resolved using the approaches that we've broken about and and and the technology that we have so that it just helps you build an organization that's behind your strategy.

And it helps you leverage the neatest and the best mining tools.

And then in a lot of organizations, where we work, using this overall process in also able to identify where to apply a book. so that you can effectively serve your customers quicker.

That, that talks about the overall issues and the approach.

Now, let me, let me just quickly talk about an example of how we did this. And that's the next slide.

So this, this is an interesting example because we were working with a B2B organization in the IT services space.

So they basically provide, provide services to big organization.

When we started, we were interacting with the operations, excellent.

Human the IPP, that the focus was all around Order to invoice. we want to get, we want to get cash in the bank quicker.

But in the process, we did realize that we started speaking, also to the customer experience team, and for them, this other KPIs they were looking at was very different.

But using process mining, we, we were able to marry these two married expectations from these two groups, and actually find improvements with both, the customer and the finance team.

And, in this example, especially if a customer days in order to be, this organization, had to raise the purchase order, and buy that product, and service that product, and install that rather than the client environment.

And what we realized was moister there, I mean, they could they could save 15 days in a time to cash process by basically not having a complicated approval system for low value peers.

And that, in turn, I actually got on time into delivery to the customers as well.

It's this whole approach where we actually looked at the end to end process, defined what the customer touchpoint to.

Then, when we looked at the improvements in the KPIs, we were not looking at it from a functional business operations perspective, but also, looking at where the customer is, you know, about this process, and how we can improve.

And, overall, this is gotten the customer experience you may engaged and the Operation's Excellence team is now.

You know, driving improvements, which matter most to even the customers and solder move from this, improving the bottom line, you know, function, to actually doing stuff that matters.

An interesting example, and that's that, That's primarily, you know, the story, and that's significant.

That if you were to think about how you want to get this started and move this conversation to just operations miming, too, actually get, get it, get it, let it up, and start talking about customers.

I think, is this the steps?

Mean more?

You're using some of the color, the insight, that you have it on, your customer pain point, to drive what are the key operational gaps, and then, you know, setting that expectation that stuck around.

These are the KPIs that are really the reason for why my Net Promoter Score is not doing well.

Testing those, bringing everyone together and actually piloting a small process modeling project which we were able to do in OB, using some of these tools, and then continuously scaling and improving your customer service or customer excellence.

Because that's an ongoing journey that never, there's no end to how, how good your customer service. So that's, that's the story we wanted to talk about.

Quickly, I think there are a few tools out in the market, and we have focus the discussion around the two headed and ..., but the demo we showed you was easy to operate the errors, but there are other tools of what we find very interesting in a protein.

This is having a tool set that has the complete suite.

That is not just a modeling tool or a mining tool, but actually bring everything together now that that's everything we wanted to cover kitchen anything.

Thanks again on to the Q and A?

Yep, sure OK Excellent Caitlin excellent Rakesh. Great view of the of the interactions of business process management, the customer experience, process mining. I, we have a few questions that have been posed here in the end and why you're presenting.

So, I'm going to just pop this up here so that I can relay them to you and they come back on video now.

So, lots of different themes that have emerged. The first one to just kind of get us get us going here has to do with this this coming from William, Fuller, and William. This is ASCII.

Why are the challenges to delivering on customer interface strategies is still so basic? Is it a lack of evasion? Tools or execution of discipline it should be better than this by now.

So, again, his question is, you know that there are real challenges on delivering on customer interface strategists. Why do you think organizations struggle so much with that?

I believe it would be interesting to get your point of view on this as well.

But, might even be in that customer experience, or customer excellence, strategies are more done in rooms with the product team.

And, you know, they started the theme, and maybe some of you remember.

And that's where it would do come up with a good strategy, But there's, in most of the cases that we've interacted with, the lack of communication.

Because our experience is everyone in a business would do the right thing for the business pages near water to us. Right?

So, I think, in the bigger cars can make it into still broad, until they get new people on the ground.

one other that is not very clear as to what, what is it that that is driving an event, and people start forming their opinions of what that is.

I think it's the lack of communication, having this information available for the people who are working on it and maybe get through QPR.


And talk about LPs.

So this NPS, let's improve NPS by this in that book, not not getting into the root cause.

21So I think the opportunity now is very interesting to get some of the, you know, the improvement painting interdict and being able to tie the two and actually make clear that the fact that my point of view based on whatever.

Farewell very well. We, the next question comes from ... Tarot. And he asks, when we talk about modeling the customer touchpoints, who are typically the best people in the organization to be involved in that type of activity for modeling this customer touchpoints?

one, I think you would have to involve the operation and you do.

I mean, most of these exercises do, but it's also other than just the, you know, getting the right, the customer, the product event on every record.

Including the ops, people who are working day in and day out with the customer and and crosses expert so that that's maybe the addition that we would like to see.

That's, that's great insight. I see what, I'm kinda going through, several of the questions that have popped up here, so I want to make sure I cover as many as possible. So, when you look at the estimate of increased SME, subject matter, expert availability for execution, and customer experience, after implementing process mining, so.

So, what is that, like? What would be an estimate of the, of this subject matter, experts availability, in terms of execution and customer experience, after we implemented a process of my knees area? Is there any evidence of that, or no studies that have kind of looked at the ad on how much time you really free up on those experts?

So we actually, I think what we do is in our approach to include the SMEs throughout the process and not just after the process. So, and that's where we bring in people and data together.

So, you know, a lot of mining project, all about, OK, let's look at the data and this is what the data is telling us.

And let's dig more into our, what we found is, if you start, start involving the SMEs and interview them already in terms of what they think the issues are, maybe not all those issues surfaced from your data analysis.

But, a lot of them, I can then help building that, you know, building them along in their journey.

In terms of aren't getting the specific, the what percent of the time I mean, that that is the objective, depending on, you know, how you, how much of that crisis areas could be improved, right? But what we realized is it's easier.

If you start with the SME first already, because then you're bringing them on the journey, and then this data, validating or disqualifying them updated them.

I'm not sure if I answered the question here.

Know, I think you have. there could be multiple interpretations of the way this discussion was was asked, so I think you have at least an interpretation that I had in my mind as always, the same as yours.

I am, the question that Follows that up is related to organizations. Departments who are engaging on customer excellence now, and, and, they are thinking about using process mining as part of that.

What type of capabilities that they have to build, in terms of, specifically IT capabilities and know-how even though, is this servers and things like that. But, beyond that, you know, do I need a, you know, some sort of data scientists to be running this things? Is that what type of skills capabilities they need to have to start on the right foot?

So, what we've found is a lot of the kids actually sit in the organization already, finding them and training them a bit.

So, I think the Customer experience team and the Business process management team, you might have those already exist about finding maybe some specific IP scares and training them on that.

What we have found when without implementations is maybe some of these skills. It's better to hire as consultant. And I'm not saying that because they are consultants, but you don't need a data scientist full-time. And you do need a data scientist. It needs to be in the setup process.

But after that, one data scientists thought, this whole set of, you know, your center of excellence with someone understanding how to cater for specific requests for the new KPI Edition, and stuff, without a big data science degree, can certify, I think, data science.

It's something you can maybe you're in, get in terms of consultants and get trained.

But yeah, primarily, it's about people who understand business processes and then understand what matters in terms of what you want to measure and what you wanted.

I think data science, maybe you need it, but you don't really need it for a non grade on an ongoing basis at that.

That, that, That's excellent. Cash, Cash Design, and Caitlin thalamus, thank you so much for taking the time to share your expertise with our audience today. Really great exploration of the journey of customer excellence and the combination of process of mining each of that. So we appreciate the insights you have share with our global audience today.

Screenshot (4)Thank you, JJ.

Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. That was a cash and Katelyn directly from the UK from London specifically, sharing their experiences with the customer axons journey and the end the incorporation of process mining features to that. We are going to be taking a break here, and at the top of the hour, we're going to return with a, with a practitioner who is using process mining, and the concepts of improvement and innovation to help your business grow. So, you wanna, she's going to be doing the last session for us today. Focus on project portfolio management inlet growing company. So, Jean racing is the process improvement leader for Metronet. And Metronet is a growing business with an influx of new employees and that.

and that, they have lots, a, lots of challenges on growing the, on growing that business. And one of the lines that she uses that growth shines a light on the dark places hidden away by poor processes. So we're going to be shining a light on those dark places, hidden away by poor processes and, and looking at potential solutions for it for that issue, especially when you're trying to grow your business. So I'll see you back with Jean recent, at the top of the hour, look forward to her presentation, to wrap up. They chew of the process minute live. So, see you back soon.


About the Author

more - 2021-03-17T140858.022-2Caitlin Thomas,
Senior Consultant,

Caitlin Thomas is a Senior Consultant with BPM-D UK, she has successfully delivered multiple Value-Driven Business Process Management Projects within various sectors. She has setup BPM repository and help build a process culture and setup Continuous improvement approaches at various organisations. She leads our Rapid Process Improvement and Process Mining Offerings at BPM-D ® UK. Caitlin has worked in both corporate and academic research based environments, working hand-in-hand with high professionals and deeply academic personnel to deliver successful project results.


About the Author

more (8)-Apr-05-2021-10-26-24-69-AMRakesh Gusain,

Rakesh Gusain is a Director with BPM-D UK business , he has been working at the forefront of Business Process Management (BPM) for 16+ years.

Since joining BPM-D he has continued to assist companies in strategic execution and in establishing a BPM discipline. He has developed several innovative approaches to solve implementation issues in pragmatic and results-oriented way.


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