BTOES Insights Official
April 05, 2021

PROCESS MINING LIVE- SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT: BPM Journey in a Construction Company, ECC Group, with Highlights on Process and Task Mining, Automation and Digital Transformation

Courtesy of Engineering Contracting Company LLC's Omar Mourad, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'BPM Journey in a Construction Company, ECC Group, with Highlights on Process and Task Mining, Automation and Digital Transformation' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at Process Mining Live Virtual Conference.



Session Information:

BPM Journey in a Construction Company, ECC Group, with Highlights on Process and Task Mining, Automation and Digital Transformation

The Construction Industry has its own characteristics that add more challenges for Business Process Management in general, and Process and Task Mining in particular. This session discusses the journey to introduce Business Process Management to a Construction Group of Companies, ECC Group.

It covers the special nature of the Construction Industry, the challenges, and the approaches to overcome them. In addition to the way, the infrastructure for Automation and Digital Transformation is being planned and built, starting from the Process and Task mining stage.

The session covers the following main points:

  • Main challenges faced and how they are linked to the special nature of the Construction Industry, with lessons learned.
  • How Project environment influences the architecture of Business Processes.
  • ECC Group approach for process and task mining and how it is linked to Automation and Digital Transformation.
  • The vital future role of the Business Process Management System, BPMS, from a Construction viewpoint, and the relationship with ERP and other systems.
  • The Company’s experience with automation and the identified three main potential areas of RPA development and implementation for a Construction Company.

Session Transcript:

Coming today from the Dubai in the United Arab Emirates to wrap up the conference for us. So, I'm very excited about welcoming Omar Moorad to be here with us.

Omar is the group manager for Systems and Processes Department at the ECC Group. Hello there Omar. Omar. He's a construction industry expert with more than 27 years of experience in project management and business process management. Omar's experience covers a vast range of construction projects which added to his experience and allow him to be more exposed in the problems and issues of significant construction projects. Omar. It's a real pleasure to have you with us. You are in a very different time zone, but we have a global audience here from all over the world were very eager to hear your lessons coming directly from Dubai, in the beautiful UAE today.

Thank you very much. Thank you, Joseph. Thank you all just for this for assuring me and for attending my presentation.

Which will be the presentation will be for business process management journey in our construction group of companies in here and Dubai.

Just as a start here, actual engineering contracting company is a construction company established in 19 79.

And it has, after that, actually, some other sister companies working in the same field of the construction industry, like Buenos in the design, interior design, fit out, and Janet Awoke. United Master for Electrical electromechanical PMI for aluminum org, structure steam Aurora for real estate and thus the development cost surfaces measurement, etcetera.


Let us have some discussion about our start of our journey, SEC?

Uh, ACC actually, sorry for Justin.

Engineering contracting company grew up, actually is a well established construction, grew up in Dubai, UAE.

And it has high reputation extent project profile with long experience of more than 45 years in the market.

Fear is a goal, the management of the company recognize the need for business process for Department specialize in the in in Business Process Management.

The reason is actually very you know, common reasons that for example, increase the efficiency, because they found a lot of lack of efficiencies in some areas, and they need to ensure that their business is more efficient and more competitive.

Also, customer satisfaction, better business sustainability for all these reasons and also some other wastage is where found and in the processes and the redundancy as I'm going to explain more in that in the next slides.

So at the start, we, we had nothing call standardized business process actually within the company or even documented the processes.

All work were being implemented based on the best understanding of employees.

And when I say, best understanding of employees, I mean, each human being has different understanding than other, and which was the case. Exactly.

Screenshot (82)-1In many cases, we found it was certain processes being implemented in different way in one project or other, or in one location other than other ERP system. What we have has some workflows, but we're primitive.

And we were not able to do any business process in it.

The level of redundancy in our processes were very high.

And also extra, and for example, an extra unnecessary signatures of your task owners.

Yes, extra task owners, in many cases equity.

So the next point deviations, it was something expected. Any process could be implemented in a different way.

Or sometimes the same up to the same process is implemented. But some areas they are doing it in totally different way.

I think for you to give, maybe you don't know about construction industries.

That's why I think it's very important to give you some elaboration or overview about the construction industry.

So you can understand why the broad business process management, The cost to actually couldn't be having some more difficulty than other industries.

In general, construction companies are project based companies. Majority of the business processes in any company are done in the project environments.

Any project in a construction company is actually a temporary and smaller sized business. It has its own organization chart and business processes.

Normally, project contracts has determines actuated the formalities and protocols of communications, correspondences, submitters approvals, and many other things.

Business processes in any project could be classified based on what we see actually in our in ECC in three different categories.

They couldn't be internal, General business processes.

I'm going to explain each of this in the, in the following slides or internal project specific business processes or external, projects specific business processes.

Now, here, this figure illustrates to us, our, the structure of the company, our projects, and the clients.

This is ACC, let's say, or any or any construction company.

A construction company has projects: Project 1, 2, 3, 4, etcetera.

Each project, it's part of the company, but it has a contract, which it determines or dictates the way of communication with the client and in construction projects.

This type of communication is very, relatively, very high, or a huge.

Now, based on this structure for the project, this two binding organizational structure or Matrixx categorization, we can see, see that project business processes are either internal or our own compounding processes or external related to each client of each process.

Now, when we come to the internal processes, we see there could be general, core or supportive business processes related to the company itself, not directly affected or in it, or influenced by the nature of the project.

Just an example here.

We have, like, for example, purchasing process: internal ... process, or leave application, or soap.

These are general not affected by the nature of crushing of each project.

Again, we have internal processes that are project specific, which means, if project one is a very complicated project, and the project management team has many people, and many levels of managerial managers working.

So, the wave they are running the size, and the resources, is different than if project B two, for example, which could be a small project.

So, within one project, and between one project and other, our processes made the fair, just because of the different organization chart of our people in each project, and the different arrangement or complications for each project, but all of them are our processes.

Now, when we come to the parts that are related to the client, the client based on the contract specifies, many, business processes, how they should be done part of project management and, you know, control or or many or dictates, the communication protocols or how to make submitters, submitters for material approved versus submitters for shop drawings, for subcontractors or all approval steps or, or inspections for the war.

This differs from one client to other.

We might have some similarities, but Impressible, they are not necessarily the same.

So, based on this arrangement, you can see that majority of our processes are in projects, but project processes have this sort of let us call it complication. if I may call it like this.

That's why we have some difficulties in dealing with business processes in a construction company.

Just for more clarification, the general business processes are normally revised for improvement reasons, but for project specific processes, they are changed, not revised.

Btog CTABecause of the nature of project, If I have a project, we have to change it. Because different project is different, may have different processes.

So we need to review the business processes which are project specific for each project, whether we need to change or not?

And of course, for, for external, for sure. This is dependent on each project alone.

So, the nature of the project and the start point of our department in the ACC group, made our versus, and tasked mining a little bit difficult.

So, the status of the start of the work affected our process and text mining.

Process related data in electronic system were not sufficient at all for us.

The concept of process owner was not there at all.

So, we were searching.

where are the processes, actually.

And I will tell you what the approach will follow just to know the task owners. And the things here.

difficult is, you know, the identifying list of processes, scope, and boundaries, priorities of implement improvement, et cetera.

Many processes which are linear, yes, linear, actually, and they can be, you know, many tasks can be concurrent daily running, but they are following them in linear.

And the lack of concurrency affected us a lot.

Actually, a lot of time, we're being say, you know, consume because of this linear processes Some processes, For example, We use one hard copy form, which may have many fields and need several or many signatures.

So, the same form, I gave you some example for, you know, for some of the forms for the end of service set demand for.

It has It should go through three different departments, each department through it, make some review of some data and sign on it.

So, the three departments reviews were in the same page of the form hardcopy.

so, it has to go in one Department then the next, then, the third one, after that, it should go for several, several signatures.

This form by itself force the whole process to be linear and sequential even though many tasks can be done concurrently, for example, after they inject into the field, there are simpler departments, they should do something for the for the resigning employee, but because they are waiting for it was not possible.

Now, the other point: lack of sufficient awareness of full scope of processes, it was one of the big problems actually, we were faced at the beginning.

And of course, the management of our company recognize these things.

And that's why they decided to go to have a department for Business processes.

Actually, I think in Dubai maybe I'm not sure may be well one of the very few companies construction companies have access a department here in ECC.

Now, another other issue was dispute.

A sequence of tasks, and the roles of task owners.

Yes, Sometimes sequence of task when we talk to one task owner.

What does the sequence? What is what is your predecessor and successor? So when we go to the other in the stream upstream or downstream, we see people say something different.

No clear definition or understanding of the exact scope of each task.

And this point is, was very important. That's significant for us. That's why we did something, We call the Task Matrix, which I'm going to explain in more detail in the coming slides actually.

High rate of redundancy of course, I mentioned this before. We have redundancy even in the owners.

We found cases like, for example, one person is doing worldview. Other person is doing another review, but for these two reviews can be done in what person.

So why we are just keeping things to go from one person to another deviations and the revision the revisions could occur at any time issues related to legacy systems.

As I mentioned to you, our company well established and has long, you know, established long time ago.

So, we, I found cases where we have very old and traditional way of doing some processes.

And, in the other part, because actually, we are investing a lot into technology and IT, and the other part, I see some processes are being done in a very high technique, IT, or, or sophisticated system.

As I mentioned, the company management actually investing a lot in the technology, but still, there are in the system, in the processes somewhere here, and their processes done in a very, very, you know, traditional way of doing the work.

Now, we found, because of the following, the difficulties, we found that we have first, to establish the rules and the responsibility for each department.

We went for each employee in each in the department, and with this something like this, I'm just giving extract of our, our, our tables or matrices.

Like, for example, Employee a designation is this HR Support Officer reporting to the manager, HR manager is doing he is telling us we are doing perform employee resumption after live in in the ERP system.

So what can we do here?

We check with all the employees who is doing anything for the leave. And we take them. And we see these are the task owners.

Now, at least, this is the process of the live application. And we start to make direct interviews with the task task owners. Of course, sometimes we find that task owners, not all of them are required. We can, we can reduce them to list number.

21During our work, for the Task Matrix, which I mentioned before, but I will explain it in the next slides.

And due to the fact that the actions that should be done, or the scope of each task, was not clear.

We have to make, what we call it the test matrix. But this test matrix should have such an efficient process ID system.

Our brush aside, the system well went into two, or three tie as this one was the one which we're now using.

We have the company 0 1, which is ECC the department 0 2 here, which is plan 0 0. 1 is the serial number of the process. This is process one, let's say, preventive maintenance.

And dash 0 1, which is the revision one, for this process.

If you see, this is the ideal process. Now, I have here the task number, which is T 0 1 T 0 2, which shown in the workflow, but it's not in the name of the, of the process itself.

The task Matrix, which I, which I mentioned before, It shows, clearly each task, let us say T zero, and test number one.

What are the action is the very specific action that should be done by the certain employee who is responsible to do this.

And if he does this, this is what we call it, that task. Otherwise, there's not more than on it.

Now to do that, we are showing, also in the task Matrix which is here. Let's have this one.

We are showing the task description.

This is the actions here.

But, let's see here, input to the task. So, anyone, if the responsible person here, he knows that, if I have this item D, I can do these actions, and I should make this output clear and three-d. as required.

As you see here, we have also the form shown.

So, by having this, first of all, it shows clearly how short a specific list of actions that should be done, which also solve one of the biggest problems we face at the beginning of our work.

No, the ... at all, no missing information or actions.

Actually, not only no deviations, now people are becoming more engaged in what we are doing, they are sometimes proposing to us some innovative ideas to remove or to change some actions, but to make the same scope for the process with with this time or, or more efficient form.

Task owners will know exactly what, what is the start of their, of their task.

They should not do the task if they don't have all the required input ready for them.

And they should not consider them, themselves, finished the task if the output is not clear for them.

Now, if I ish going back a little bit here to the Task actions, As you see, there are no numbering system here in the task, I just give them bullets.

We are preparing ourselves in the, in the near future, to number, also, that the actions and the input and the out.

The reason here is for our digital transformation journey, because now, based on what we see for digital transformation, it's not only bring the system or applications and implement them directly in the world.

We need to make all our work, the infrastructure, ready for digital transformation to do so.

We found that, Sorry, we found that task actions.

If we had them like this with numbers, this will help us a lot because we wouldn't be having classification for each task. For example, it's a data entry task, action, classification for each action story.

For example, it's a data entry action, it's a human judgement action, or a human review, or it's a collection of a field data, or a decision or so.

So by having all these, classification is for our actions here with the numbers.

By the time we are having everything griddy actually for digital transformation and not only that, for our manpower and there is human resource planning four KPIs, because now with time motion studies for these things for these actions, we will be knowing what? How much time we are supposed to consume based on the number of tasks and actions and the frequency of instances we have.

So The task matrix actually is becoming now like like a holy book for all people. Even now people are asking us if there is the process which we showed them the workflow they asked us to expedite the finishing of the test metrics because they are using it like a blueprint or a workshop drawing for them.

Based on our experience for the business process and management in our company, we found that business process management system is something really needed and should consider our need for, for this as a construction company.

I mention, you know, the complications of the processes for projects at the beginning and our ERP system cannot manage the processes.

So we need a very efficient business d.b.m.s. system, d.b.m.s.

two, to allow us have more efficient management for our processes.

Now, the company has already an ERP system, but as I said, it's not sufficient for us.

It's like, it cannot do any, any professional business process management.

Currently we are looking, now we are actually looking for BB M S to implement in our company.

Based on our market surge.

We've told all those, you know, application or vendors PB MS vendors, We need a system. This is what we need.

This is what we think is important for us that give us easy integration with our ERP database, powerful workflow engine, form builder, powerful reporting, capabilities, and dashboards.

Screenshot (4)When we come to dashboard, we need a dashboard to give us different levers we need at the process level and task level.

When I say process live, and I need to know now, how many processes, how many instances in each process, are now implemented or triggered or running in the system.

Who's delaying process some processes?

Do we have one person who's not doing the work properly?

Do we have one department or one project, is always facing difficulties in implementing the processes's process?

And then, when we come to the one process level, we need to know the tasks, how they are implemented.

These are extremely valuable for us, because, in the construction industry, actually, it's the ambiguity of the world is very high.

Because, as I said, we have projects which are temporary business, small business, this business are established and then closed after two years, let's say.

So we need to have all these capabilities ready for us to be able to consider the construction industry ready for digital transformation.

It's not only to have the applications and just implement them. We have many applications now for construction, industrial available in the market. But believe me from, from our experience, and I'm very much confident about what I'm saying in the, in the, in the area, I see it.

Construction industry needs much more than only applications to be to go for digital transformation, We need to think, in a way to have all our work ready for this really digital era.

And also to be able to analyze our work at all different levels. As I mentioned here, the process level or the task level, and what type of monitoring we have, I'm just mentioning here examples, but actually, we have more requirements. But I know the time is that, I have time limitation here.


If I want to bring maybe MS to the company, we have our ERP. It will be an a layer on top of our ERP, and this is the database of our ERP.

This is the user interface of our ERP data entered transactions, And I have calculations and data processing. I have reporting and this is the database of the ERP. system.

If I put the baby MS on top of it, there would be out of the database for the d.b.m.s.. Of course is specified for WPM housework.

But this arrangement is not easy actually.

I really hope and wish to have a different arrangement.

Now, what I think, Bebe, MS should be given more roles on the account or or or of the ERP.

ERP is very good for data as a data reservoir.

It's very good to have some transactions, but it's not what we have now in the market, maybe I'm wrong but what we have seen is cannot be used for B as a business process management system at any at all.

But if we think about our work, our work is running through business processes.

So I what I cannot consider digital transformation is happening without having Bebe MS.

I should have all my processes run in the electronic medium.

But to do so I should have VB MS to have the BMS, I should put it on top of the ERP.

Will take on top, I have difficulties in the integration with the database.

I have difficulties or or or inefficiencies in retrieving some of the calculations or data processing reporting.

So what I think is, I wish, let's say if we can have a case where the business, the BPM S becomes having more role in the, in the, in the award, take some of the role of the ERP.

At least, if we can have such an arrangement like this.

Maybe MS User interface, business process management modules, transactions, data entry through forms, in d.b.m.s..

And also, we have the database here.

What should the ERP original database plus whatever needed for BB MS to be added in our one.

A comprehensive Database.

And because we don't need to lose the calculations and data processing, this should be communicating directly with a layer of d.b.m.s.

and the reporting also.

So if we have this arrangement, I don't think ERP should remain the same. There should be some no convergence between ERP d.b.m.s.

Something to happen because actually what I see this Transformation Is Is, is to run through B, B, M S, is, is very important. This is my point of view based on the experience we have here in our company, of course.

Screenshot (82)-1Now, we started, in our company, the Automation. We started to implement our RPA, robotic process automation.

We start now in a pile of project X 20, but we have planned for much more.

RPA is very important, construction, construction is the resource intensive industry.

And it has many items, or many huge amount of data generated in daily basis, This data could not be collected the record.

I told, and if I say completely, we are recording maybe few percent of it And we have, many people are filling a lot of forms every day.

So, there is a very big room for RPA development within any construction company.

Now, when I say, there is a big room to impede the develop and unquote, any construction company, we need to know where exactly.

Actually, we can have this, an example chart to show us what exactly we can have.

The areas for automation, we have three areas: the arrow here shows us the level of complication for automation.

The first one is the normal thing, normal data entry for two applications, direct straightforward, which is now happening everywhere for no, as a straightforward action area.

The second area, in the construction industry, we have many applications, some of them are engineering applications.

Some of them project management, some of them are accounting and finance, timesheets, we have a lot of applications.

In no way we can, we can assume there is smooth integration between the databases of all these applications.

And sometimes, not sometimes many times we have the case where we are adding data here, which is similar to another data, we are adding to another application. That, is why the risk of having duplication of work is there.

The risk of having complete conflict in the data is there, in some areas, of course, not over the old areas.

So RPA could be a very good solution to have a cross application migration of that.

This is very important in the construction industry, at least for the coming few years, until we see some more advancement or something else, I don't know.

But now, this is another area where we can use RPA.

The third area is a little bit more complicated and actually, because I work long time in the project management.

I showed that we can use, we can use RPA and to have to perform some engineering tasks to solve some problems.

This is not easy all the times, but we have some problems or engineering tasks that can be structured in a way or other.

With the use of other IT technologies like AI or or Programming or computerization, we can make many of our engineering tasks or, or at least significant, you know, some considerable amount or a number of them can be run through RPS, you know just as an example.

We have something in the construction which had delays, delays go for, what we call a delay analysis, the analysis is done by human beings.

But if we think about DNS is from a man who worked in the business at the project management, Yes, I can do some structure algorithm to do this delay analysis by RPS I'm talking about one example of course.

So this, this one is a little bit complicated, but it will open the door for too many improvement actually and valuable improvement in the construction industry.

That's it for for, for this presentation.

Actually, thank you very much for, for your listening.

I just try to show you part of my, of our journey as a case study.

And of course we are just starting, now, we consider ourselves in the very, very start point, actually, we still have long way to go and in the end that in this journey.

Thank you very much.

Omar, this is fantastic. Thank you for sharing your journey with us in our implementation of business process management, implementation of a digital transformation in the company. So I'm gonna ask you at this point, Omar, I'm gonna bring my camera back on, and if you can stop showing your presentation screen to the audience so that they can see you in the in the bigger screen. So.

Under sharing, the Sharing tab on the interface, there's going to be able to go there the ..., Excellent.

Very well. Thank you so much for sharing his expertise with us. I can very much relate to the journey that you're going through. I spent 12 years on, on a, on A, on a transformation with an engineering and construction company that was implementing business process management and it was what it was a very challenging journey. A company with over 100 years of history than that Then decided that it, like you said, this is our project driven companies. Some of the company's projects are bigger than most organizations in the world. We had projects that are like, multi-billion dollar projects. And those projects are almost like an institution on their own.

So when you come into an organization like that, you say, oh, I have a better idea. I have business processes that cut across all your projects, and I'm gonna, I'm gonna come up with some suggestions on how you're going to do them better.


Don't get a whole lot of welcoming open arms, say, yeah, come help me. People are very skeptical and they look at it and say, hey, listen, what are you gonna tell me about the way that I run my project?

So he used to say that project is king and and then this process, things is something that bureaucrats do.

So, tell me a little bit about how do you overcome some of that? Some of the cultural change that needs to take place, where people understand the value of the processes that cut across multiple projects? And there may be best practices in certain projects that we can, you know, streamline across multiple projects. Tell me a little bit about how did you, how did you start talking to your leadership about this? And the, and selling this concept of process for value creation?

21Actually, twice that easy, for sure.

This is because the construction industry is a very old industry, and it has very rigid traditions all over the world. It's not only in any one area.

As you said, people are very skeptical and they are not welcoming change.

So, what I'm doing now here actually is something like, you know, a very big challenge.

That's right, So, at the beginning, believe me, people were saying what you are doing is, I don't want to see.

So, it's nothing.

But we tried, we tried, a lot of, we made several trials actually.

Know, and now we are starting to have people, are, you know, have buy in by people, are starting to be engaged. Now, what we did, we did try out, it's actually.

Now, for example, we started to talk about what people about the process and they were saying who are doing. There's no need for this, known it for the glory and only known it.

We join them in workshops sometimes explaining to them the errors they are doing and what the problems are finding like, for example, the deviations.

some delays some missing information, so we are sharing with them that our experience, what we are finding.

We had cases, which were sometimes significant, losing some very important life things, or documents, or information.

So, this workshops with our, you know, direct communication with people without a very, very valuable and important management commitment for this, the management support is extremely important, because, as I said, the construction industry is not easy, People are resisting change.

And the funny thing, after they make a change, they feel happy with the change, and they asked, they asked for more.

And this is what's happening now.

There are the departments asking me for more to expedite the work.

But there are other departments, or projects still doing nothing. And we, so, it's, it's a very, it's a very, let's say, I don't wanna say, it's a very, it's not easy.

We have to follow many approaches.

We are not dealing with one person, we are dealing with many, we are dealing with different level of qualifications. In any construction, We have people related to our business processes, but have very little qualifications, or, or, or even study, or some of them, they can only write.

And we have also people with very high qualifications.

So we need to address all these differences, all these changes, and, of course, there are successes happening after failures.

But we cannot say the whole journey is a success. It's a journey fluctuating. But at the end, we are getting .... We're learning from our mistakes. We're learning from others.

And we are sharing, you know, you know, you know, and they are becoming better and better.

Still, we are at the beginning, this change.

That's excellent. That's excellent. All right, you did a fantastic job presenting this to us, and there are a number of different questions here.

And one of the themes has to do with process, ownership, because it's, it's already very challenging in any organization to really capture who is the owner for our process.

It's even more challenging in that project driven organization should do that, because you have this process is cutting across all this multiple projects. So I'm curious about, on that question, how are you, how are you going about identifying process owners for some of these important processes that, you, that you are identifying your organization in the Project? Internal Processes?

Internal project specific processes.

We don't specify one process owner.

We specify our role.

For example, the site engineer or, or, or let's say construction manager or cost control.

So because it's we don't have that we don't have one person or we don't have the same.

But sometimes even this is more complicated sometimes, because sometimes we have a small project where we don't have, let's say, a construction manager.

So, this is also need to be addressed.

Fortunately, in our company now, or our project, kinda cloud big, we always have all the titles or designation is available.

So, we go for for this thing like for example, anything related to the site which should be monitored by the site engineer.

We say the site engineer and the site engineer should be taking the responsibility of this.

This is what we are doing it.

But for other processes which are the internal global or general processes for the company, we have one person.

Like for example, for purchasing purchasing we have one person for pushing, resignation or end of service. We have one person for staff on Perso for workers.

That's it.

But for projects, all these processes that are within, as I said just before, we cannot make one person. We should make designation or or or like this as a process owner and we should explain this for people.

Screenshot (4)That is fantastic, Omar. We are out of time here now but I want to I want to say on behalf of over 2000 global participants who are here listening to your expertise and insights how deeply we appreciate you taking the time of her incredibly busy schedule to enter in the you know we're in a different time zone here. That is challenging as well. Yeah, we really appreciate you taking the time to connect with us and share this expertise in great insights and wish you tremendous success this: as you said before, it's a long journey. It's an arduous journey. But it's an incredibly rewarding Johnny when you're truly transforming and bringing positive change to the organization. So thank you for your leadership and thank you for sharing that with us today.

Thank you very much. Thank you for all. Thank you.

Ladies and gentlemen that was a ... leader for the ECC group on their business transformation, and in a very challenging environment, but again, a very rewarding environment. He comes into they directly from Dubai in the United Arab Emirates and to share his global perspective with our global audience. So thank you very much again Omar for that. And that this is the last session of our free days together for a process money life.


For me, it's a real pleasure.

It's a, it's a, it's a true blessing to have all of you in our global community come together and share on the learnings and experiences that we have to accelerate excellence to accelerate innovation digital transformation. But, also, business and cultural transformation, We talk about ideas. We talk about methods, we talk about technologies, and we talk about the importance of people throughout the three days. So, it's, it's an honor and privilege for me to be the facilitator for an environment like this, where great ideas and great people come together. Now, I must say a big thank you to Brian Wrathful. Brian Wrathful is our conference director. He makes it all happen. Well. You know, it's an incredible logistical challenge to have this global experts coming together with their insights and content and all the hard work that Brian Raffle and the team do behind the scenes for us to have this this seamless experience here leveraging great technology globally. But, Brian, thank you so much for everything that you do. This wouldn't have happened without your leadership.

Big, thanks also to VJ, but, Josh, who's demand behind the scenes, the CEO of ... Digital, who is bringing this world-class events to all of us. And of course, a big thanks to our sponsors that allow us all to join on this, on this sessions, and no cost. And we couldn't do this without the great sponsorship from UI path and software AG. So very grateful for that.

Thank you again for allowing us to and helping us build and create an environment where great people and great ideas can connect.

Now, our next conference will be the Business Transformation and Operational Excellence World Summit focused on healthcare, So healthcare live! will kickoff between April sixth and eighth three days, with global industry leaders focused on the applications in health care.

I don't think that there is an industry that has been more severely disrupted during this pandemic than healthcare and that says a lot considering the level of disruption that all industries have have undergone.

So there's a lot that we have learned in this process in the last 12 months.

So, we're gonna be talking about the good, the bad, and the ugly, when it comes to this transformation that has happened in an incredible, fast space in the healthcare industry. So, we're gonna learn the lessons. We're going to share the, the, the, the successes that we have learned in the applications of technology, in digital transformation, Business and culture transformation, in the healthcare sector. So, I look forward to seeing all of you then, and between now and then. You can connect with us, Go on LinkedIn. You know, you have received several links on how you can go into the area where we post about this conference and you can engage with our speakers. You can thank them for their participation. You can ask questions if you wish. I'm going to be providing on a short update this afternoon, as well, on this day three event proceedings.

And, and we look forward to staying connected with you.

So, again, keep on the journey with purpose, with passion, with discipline, and with resilience. Bye bye for now. Wherever you are in the world. Have a great rest of your day. Have a great rest of your week.


About the Author

more (6)-Apr-05-2021-11-29-49-16-AMOmar Mourad,
Group Systems and Processes Manager,
Engineering Contracting Company LLC.

Omar Mourad is a Civil Engineer with M.Sc. Degree in Engineering Systems Management. He has 27+ years of progressive experience in the Construction Industry in Project Management, Quality and Business Process Management, in addition to Academic Teaching and Research experience.

His practical construction experience covers Private and Public business sectors in Construction, Consultancy, Real Estate Development, and Government organizations. He was exposed to a vast range of project types; e.g., commercial & residential buildings, Industrial, Parks, Infrastructure, Utilities, etc.

Omar collaborated in an Academic team to conduct a research in the field of the application of Artificial Intelligence in engineering. International Journal and Conference Papers were published. He has participated as a speaker in several international conferences.

Currently, Omar is the Group Manager of the “Systems and Processes” Department in Engineering Contracting Company Group of Companies, ECC Group, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Based on his long experience in Construction, Omar believes that the Construction Industry lags well behind other major industries from a technological point of view and needs serious efforts to improve it. He believes that Business Process Management and Improvement is one of the main drivers to improve the Industry.


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