Courtesy of McWane Ductile's Norman Rankis, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'IIoT & Data Mining for Results' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at BTOES Process Mining Live Virtual Conference.
Session Information:
IIoT & Data Mining for Results
We know that a smart connected plant embraces the digital transformation of Industrial Internet of Things(IIoT) by collecting data that result in collaboration and operational excellence. The state of growth inIIOT can cause manufacturing companies to implement smart technologies on a fractured infrastructurein trying to meet the demand. Also, many companies will need to consider restructuring departmentswithin their company to meet these technological needs.
The technology/data Mining reporting structure is very important to the health of a company. There is no other organization in the company that can alterthe way the company operates than the technology/data mining-based departments. It is as critical for the technology departments to be involved in the company’s most strategic conversation as it is with finance, sales, engineering and plant operations.
In this session you will learn:
Session Transcript:
Our next guest is an industry expert, and I'm very excited to have him with us. When it comes to water and infrastructure, Norman Rank is knows a lot about. And he's going to share the perspectives of information technology. And digital technologist specifically apply to the water and the infrastructure industry. Very much looking forward to that. So Norm, and please do join us, and I'm going to do a brief introduction on Norman here. Norman, is what people call a brain, or a cross, between a quality guru, and a computer honcho, and you'll probably get someone who sounds like, and that's like Norma Rankings. And those are the words from Microsoft. Tech Net that defy Norman. Norman has gained a reputation of being highly motivated and qualified as a Internet of Things expert.
And data mining exports of an expansive experience in bringing technology solutions to the table. His work in tech knowledge has been written about in the book Knowledge Management by Jerry Honey caught on Microsoft Press, and his service as a subject matter expert for the industry. Norm, a real pleasure to have you here with us. Very much looking forward to your presentation. Thank you for the kind words. Let's get started.
OK, I'm gonna give you a little bit of a different twist.
To be Candid with you, process mining has been in the industry for years. As a matter of fact, back in the old days of IBM, we used to call it a functional Decomposition.
So, it's been around for a long time.
What has emerged are new methodologies, such as Scrum, which is an Agile, Agile itself, and Sigma six. What I want to do today is to show you how to get the data, how to set it up. So, something like what Oprah Winfrey would say as a ah ha moments and this ah ha moment may allow you to be able to change your process.
So, that's, that's key.
So, today, what we're going to be talking about, those change here, is, we're gonna start off with a digital nervous system, is one of the takeaways.
We're going to talk about that, there is absolutely a cultural change that has to take place in order to be successful. You've gotta be able to pick the right project to start with, otherwise it's gonna, you're gonna fail throughout your organization, or whoever you're trying to work with. And we're going to talk about analyzing data for results. And at the end, I want to show you a organization that I worked with, that we're saving close to a million dollars a year, electrical costs.
And the most important takeaway for today is, I want you to walk away with understanding the power of the word script thoma, as to what it is.
And so, being in the manufacturing world, now, we're starting to monitor every single machine, every device, every process, that can be monitored through biosensors IO sensors.
It has hit the market.
It's been tested out thoroughly and it works.
And your organization, you'll see if you haven't seen it, already, A tremendous growth and IOT sensors. Even the simplest company now has IOT sensors as you walk in the door to take your, your temperatures, to look for any signs of coding.
So it's out there, and it's there.
So how does all this work? You know, we've talked about process, We've talked about data, but how does it really work? And that's what I want to bring to your attention today.
And so, in the industry, particularly manufacturing, We've got something called p.l.c.'s, which is program logic control units, and they are hard wired.
And so let's say you have a fan that keeps the whole building, cool.
or, in particular, cases, will take a generator, that you want to make sure it's always available.
So what do we do? We have our electoral departments. Are electrical people, are engineers. Wire, when they wire that device up, They all wire a tool called PLC. And some of the well-known companies that provide that or Siemens, allen Bradley, now Rockwell International.
And so that is, appears arac that shows you the actual wiring that has occurred to get that information to what we want to in a database.
On the same hand, which almost does the same aspect, is the wireless unit and you'll see one right here.
And so what that will do is will transmit data packets of what that machine or device is, is doing.
And so in the factory, for example, manufacturing, on a technical basis.
There is something called O P C, and that's an open platform.
That open platform is designed by Microsoft and it's a standard.
This standard allows those IOT devices in this case, industrial Internet of Things to communicate to your PC.
And obviously we're going to take that data that it's transmitting and we're going to be putting it in databases.
So some of the terms here, one thing about technology, they love to use acronyms, so I'm going to go over some of those.
The ASP is simply an open source server and what we use it for is building the web sites.
So what that means is that your company can go to a website, almost like a menu and look at every single device that's running in your organization and tell you what it's, what's what its health is, was. what is data is, what it's providing.
And so, yeah, there are some devices like what we call a de com, which is a distributed component.
It allows this, this software that allows you to communicate to another machine. So now you have a communications, you have a handshake.
And so But we take it one step further Is we have a SCADA which is standing for supervisory control and data Acquisition.
And it monitors and controls all of those devices and your organization and that organization could be remote, you know, you can be a gas company having you know hundreds of oil fields throughout the world that you can monitor it in one location and so SCADA helps you do that.
And, obviously, the data that you want to, that you're grabbing, you want to keep historically.
And, you know, that's the big data that we're talking about, the volume.
And so, the power behind that is, let's say you're producing a widget, and you're noticing your widgets aren't on the quality side, or are failing.
And you look back and say, I wanna go back two years because, at that time, our widgets were the best. They, wherever they ever could be.
So then you can start looking at your data in the past, the, see what the machine settings were, and also, perhaps, you know, what products you were using to build that widget.
So, historical data, you know, is where we're moving towards to help us solve problems. And not just solve problems, but also develop the process, the new processes. And that's, again, when we talk about process mining, when you bring scrum involves Scrum. believes in building a fresh, should not necessarily looking at your current process, but taking where you want to go and rebuilding that process. And so you have the historical devices.
And in that you have also what we call the ... database object link, which makes the data available to all the various software products out there.
So, that's, you know, on the picture side, what we're looking at.
The digital nervous system, much like a human body, is how fast can your organization react and what I call to a patch, as well as a human. How can, how fast? How is your health?
If somebody took a swing at you today, yeah, would you be able to Duckett and that's what we're talking about, digital nervous system.
And, you know, Bill Gates in the book, the process of speed a thought much use the digital dashboard of a car.
And that's where we've taken with with with dashboards today.
And you know, so as I had mentioned, I was part of the case study that design Microsoft's dashboard a bunch of years ago, and became very successful in doing so.
one of the studies that talking about successes in digital nervous systems is the old story of Johnson and Johnson was Tylenol in September of 1982.
Southern people died from cyanide laced Tylenol. I believe it was out in the Chicago area.
And this could have Torre.
Johnson and Johnson apart, No quickly, but because of their digital nervous system, of knowing where their products were, having the data, so that they could look at their process, their process mining, they were able to turn that situation around and make them a hero.
Know, the key step was, you know, before 1982, nobody, no company ever, recall the products.
And so, you know, here's a case where Johnson and Johnson did the right thing.
And so what we're talking about is knowledge management.
So I'm going to, I'm going to take process mining and make that part of the field of knowledge management, in which the bill talked a lot about in his books, and continues to do. So. And, you know, in processes, I've seen organizations even take the receptionist at the company and work with the process of providing them pictures of key executives that were on a global basis. So, that if that person at executive ever came into the building, that everybody would know who they were.
So, you're talking about building a particular process, part of knowledge management, and the key of knowledge management is that everybody is involved. All your workers need to be involved and you needed to do with vigor.
Um, so, you know, with the digital infrastructure, particularly in manufacturing plants, there's a high risk of cyber attacks.
And, you know, we've talked we've, we've heard it about, you know, banks and so forth, but it's also out there in manufacturing and it's getting worse.
The problem is out there, is that the P.l.c.'s that we've talked about, they're very expensive. And in order to get software patches, the company is going to make a very large expenditure.
And so a lot of times, that expenditure for a new PLC is not possible. So what is that doing? Is leaving companies open to cyber attacks also. The same thing with the network switches.
So in order to get data, you need good quality data.
And so what I'm stressing in this slide is that you need to have a strong digital infrastructure to reduce the risk cyber attacks, and just having poor quality data.
No, Also, which, from, based on my experiences, I've seen companies putting the wrong switches into the wrong areas of their organization, Give you an example.
Office switches are not the same as industrial switches, And so, if you have, now in your organization, your product going to a backyard, that has gas lines, possible gas leaks, you don't want to expose electronically equipment that has a chance of igniting any sort of chemical reaction.
So, there's a lot of lot of work that is in the infrastructure, that has to get done, it's almost like what I call Disney. You know, when we all go to Disney, we have a wonderful time, but what we don't see is the underground of all the activity that is occurring when you go to Disney today.
So, that's OK.
So we're in a situation that what this may mean is that you may have to restructure your organization. We've heard this, and it's actually true. The future belongs to organizations that has digitized every business domain.
And what I mean by that is that the business as a whole, as hundreds of thousands of processes that occur, and in order to be able to improve those processes, or maintain your business, you need to look at the data.
And that may not be possible with the mindset of your organization.
You know, the story says that it comes from the top.
And so a story, when I was at Microsoft, was Steve Balmer Colts.
A young student by the name is, Stan.
And when Stan came in, we were expecting to see normal, you know, 18 to 20 year old person. But stay in, came in and he must have been 14 years old.
And so Steve Balmer Asimow saying, we're just graduate from.
And he said, Stanford.
And he said, If there was one thing that you could change, when you're being it, you know, in your education process, what would you change?
And the response was that everybody would enjoy learning.
And so, the point that was, being made is, we're all process miners, data miners. Technologists.
We often think that everybody's on the same page that we are.
As you soon discover, you're not it gets more Grimm when you find that the higher levels of the organization just simply doesn't understand what process mining is and what the benefits are.
And so Peter Senge, he brought that to our attention in his book, The Fifth Discipline.
It's a great book where he labeled organizations as a learning, disabled organizations.
And it's stated that most organizations learn poorly.
So we all have a large task ahead of us.
And that task is to bring what we do our profession to the limelight of the organization, and, you know, we've talked about buzzwords.
Yeah, one thing about technology companies is they are great with acronyms.
And, you know, a lot of them are marketing ploys, as I pointed out, process mining.
In the old days, we call the functional decompositions and so, you know, terms change.
So, the key thing is, what do you do?
How do you how do you get your, you know, how do you get process mining as recognized, but by the powers to be in your organization?
And so, I mean, the obvious is to look for an opportunity that has low hanging fruit.
Something that you can take and develop, improve a process by looking at the process data, where you have empirical empirical data that you can show scientifically a benefit. And what you need to do is you need to find that process that you can change within a 20 day timespan.
Anything Lauren, a 20 days, you're gonna start low losing momentum. And you need that wow factor.
And if it has to be customer and user friendly, it's gotta be that wow factor in. Rome wasn't built in a day.
We know that.
And as I pointed out, empirical proof is so important. So you gotta start small.
And years ago when I worked as a CIO for a major university, when I first came in and we've talked about projects.
No one believed that these projects to be accomplished, because there were people before me that tried and didn't succeed.
Well, I took it in baby steps.
I started with implementing a simple phone system in developing a new, you know, a new process for the faculty versus administration, and, you know, combining it all. And lo and behold, it was very successful. So then we moved on to a bigger project, and before you knew it, we started gaining momentum.
And confidence and trust, and that's one of the magical words, is trusts, Is that when you pick your low hanging fruit, you're developing trust with your team, you know, with your upper management.
And so the end goal is to get bigger and bigger results and bigger and bigger paybacks with, uh, bringing in process mining.
So one of the things that I don't know if you have a pen and pencil with you is I'm gonna give you a homework assignment, is on YouTube. There is a great show by ABC Nightline. It was called the IDEO Shopping Cart.
And so if you'll watch that, you're going to be energized. You're going to see the creativity.
And you're also going to see what the chemistry of your team should be when you start developing your process finding projects.
So it's creativity, creativity, and collaboration.
Now, for me, on the industrial side, what we're looking at is, what are the outcomes? Yeah, what are the, what's the infrastructure for the devices and what's the solution capability.
So as I pointed out, the outcomes, we're looking at PLC data, data from your IOT devices. At once you start historia, ... that are putting that database, is another term, civil term. We can start looking at that information to start developing trends. Start looking at preventive maintenance, and that's real.
And I've experienced it right now, there's literally companies out there that are reaping the benefits, financially, of looking at the data that resulted in process changes.
In addition to that, taking that data and using IOT devices, IOT devices. If you're developing a threshold, let's say a generator, you know, Can't be more than, you know, 55 kilowatts. And if it's exceeding that, it's gonna blow up.
And you've got, you know, life, that you're concerned about and that only that as your Generators $110,000 generator you can put you know, looking at your data. If you're seeing that, your, your kilowatt power is at a certain peak, your your software can look at that and say, I'm going to send an e-mail to the appropriate feed people as an alert.
And, again, I could cite many situations with companies that, you know, I had one company, that, because of the alerts over a holiday weekend, I believe, was Thanksgiving. They saved the company hundreds of thousands of dollars, because the tanks that contains hundreds of millions of gallons of water was about ready to overflow.
And if you can imagine a holiday weekend coming back on Monday, and seeing your whole organization almost under water, I think you can understand that. That would be a disaster.
And, you know, again, then you go with this disaster recovery. If you're not recovered within 24 hours, you're losing market share.
So, data, looking at the processes, we can help you make better decisions. They'll cut down on your plan organizational floor data entry, because the IOT are picking up themselves, and be candid with you. You're going to have less downtime.
And the tools that are out there, the IOT, is the PLCs, they're scalable, there are mobile. You know, we've got, you know, many companies, as I've mentioned, remote locations that you can start moving your staff to different locations are working from home, especially with the kogod that you can now continue monitoring your operations. And the exciting thing is because it's all digitized, This is done in minutes.
You know, if I get an alarm on a system?
I can look at it and react to it to prevent, you know, any type of disaster that that may be score.
So, in the Bay Area, um, there's a misnomer.
You know, when you talk to your IT people, you're you're hearing SQL query language, there are the tools That's some of the tools are used Sass, you know? They're all listed here, as you can see Python and there's many more soffit silver packages.
Our programming, to be blunt with you, is the one that I use. It's specific. It's scientific. It's different than the query language. Query will just give you, know, like entities, but with are, you are able to ask specific questions of the data, and that's key.
The key thing is, just because you had the data in a database, doesn't mean that you're good. Yeah, It's gonna give you the answer by just having it.
It's obviously that you've got it, you've gotta look at it and you've got to analyze it, and you've gotta be good at.
And so, here is that one word that I want you to take home with.
And it's got toma and this is the lightbulb moment, the aha moment.
is a medical term that means a partial loss of vision or blind spot that's usually in a normal visual field.
And so what I'm saying here is that if you have a problem, let's say coven.
And you have, Do you have data, the answer is there, but you're not seeing it.
And let me reflect in a simple story that I believe happened in Las Vegas and I believe was the Holiday Inn, I may be wrong with the hotel Chain, but the hotel was going under renovation, and there is 3 or 4 engineers on the seventh floor, arguing and walking back and forth, trying to figure out how to make more room four.
An elevator because they were standing.
And they've been working on the problem for weeks, and now coming up with the solution.
And it just so happened that there was a maintenance fellow Changing, I believe, was some of the fluorescent lighting on that floor, and he couldn't help, but over here, what they're arguing about.
And he just threw out an answer. He says, why don't you put the elevator on the outside?
And so, therefore, in today's day, when you look at hotels, you'll see elevators on the outside.
It was a result of that very day.
And so that, in my mind, is six toma.
You had very intelligent engineers trying to work for weeks on a solution and couldn't figure it out. But you had somebody with a fresh Shai.
Uh that just came up with the answer 1 2 3 and I think that's the same. That happens with your everyday process when you're looking at problems in your organization.
And so what I'm also saying is sometimes a fresh Shai you know what we put teams together. Yeah, we sometimes get all the like. people.
It may make sense to get somebody that is totally, Yeah, that's not even touching the process that you're working on, because fresh ideas sometimes are the home runs.
So, as I promised, here's a situation where, one of the companies, that I worked with saved over, this is on the process of saving a million dollars, and so it's dealing with electrical consumption and compressors.
And so, by putting IOT devices on each compressor, they can now measure the kilowatts of power that they're using.
So, why simply paring their work that's occurring in the plant.
For that day, for that week, for that month, they'll be able to prepare what compressors and how much power they want, they will need. In the past.
They just did the work not knowingly that they were spending oodles of money, you know, like one point seven million in, electrical.
So, by simply putting IOT devices and having the data available, saying, Hey, look at this compressor three.
It's off, which is great. It's the weekend, but why is compressor: 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, and nine, running when they're when the plant is shut down.
So by simply monitoring what your work is, and having the knowledge with your data, you're able and here's a case study to save, you know, on your path of saving a million dollars in expenditures.
So it's there, it's real, and it's key.
As I pointed out, that you have your digital infrastructure put in place, that you have your data historicist.
That you not only just look at your data, you analyze it, and bring in people from different areas that may have a different vision.
Then what you may have. And you'll be surprised with what you've come up.
So this data that we now have has helped this company change the way.
It's processed, the way it looked at. Electrical consumption.
Now, on the weekends, it knows that it has a process that it needs to review all the compressors on a dashboard and now we are shortly e-mails will be going out. If compressors arrive, it allows the schedulers for work to look at, OK, how much electrical usage will this team, need to fix this part of the plant?
So they can then can turn compressors off, that they know are necessary to have odd. Thereby saving, you know, literally close to a million plus dollars in Expenditures.
So I'm hoping that this presentation has opened up your eyes a little bit.
At least you'll learn the words, gitomer, if you didn't know what it was, and so I'm ready for question and answers.
Thank You.
Very good, Norman, Very good. So I'm going to ask you to stop sharing and bring your camera back on, so that we can see you, because your camera went off while you're presenting.
Very good, good to see you and go ahead and click that Stop Sharing presentation on the goto Webinar interface.
Got it.
So that we can see a little bit bigger on the screen there you go now we can see you.
Good to see you, Thank you for the presentation. I have a couple of questions that have come up here that I want to bring up to you. And the one of them has to do with selecting the right projects. That was a little bit about scoping. Of course, speed to value matters. So, typically, when it comes to project selection, that you alluded to earlier in your presentation, it's a combination of value, and it's the combination of time to implement the solution. So, So, William Fuller asks a question related to that.
And whether, you should, given the choice between a small scope project that can be completed and, and they bigger value project that can then we'll take 90 days or more weight. Which would you recommend as a starting point? Basically, just what is the low hanging fruit, when it comes to value and speed in your context. Well, again, being as a scrum master, the key thing that I've learned is to work with your departments, You cannot be a pillar or silo by yourself. So, a lot of it is social engineering, let's say, go into your engineering department, and having discussions as to what their biggest problem is also, going to the sales department. So, what you wanna do, is, you want to walk, the floor, talking to your cheat departments, are decision makers, getting information as to what their problems are, and issues are, and then, going back.
You know, at your desk. And looking at all those problems, and trying to identify, as best as you can, which projects would be simple to bring to market.
And with a low cost, and easier. So, you know, the goal, you know, if you're new, or if you're new, bringing process mining into an organization, you need to develop trust, you know, with your team, with your other departments.
Once you've done that, then you bring those, those potential projects to the key decision makers, showing that you're going to bring back results at a low cost. So that's how I would define a low hanging fruit.
And the key thing is, you can't do it in a vacuum. You need to be able to walk the floor. Talk to people.
Know, in the old days, you used to be a smoking group out in the back.
You know, go out, and have a cigarette with them, and start talking find out what their issues are, and bring those projects in.
And so once you've identified that, you want to bring in a team that's a .... And that's the wow factor. And that IDEO YouTube piece.
I use that all the time.
I start projects off to get people motivated, because when you watch that, you're going to be motivated. It's a wonderful piece to watch.
OK, Norman, just so that you know your video feed is coming broken up, and it's very low. So there's probably something with your bandwidth, or maybe on the way that your video feed is transmitted, which is: Don't don't make any adjustments that it's not necessary. We can hear your audio very clearly, but I'm just saying this so that our audience understands that the video feed from Norman is, is having some trouble, but I believe like like myself, everybody, can hear him very clearly, So we'll keep going up on the water. So that's probably what the problem lies.
OK, all right, that's good to know Norman. Another question that came up, is that related to the project selection, actually. Before I go into the product selection question, I have a comment on the video, because you mentioned the video in your presentation, and then you change the slide, and people didn't have a chance to write down the address. So what, I wanna, I wanna communicate to the audience. It's very easy to find the video. You just go on, you know, do a search online, and look for the ideal. It's I: D E O shopping cart, video. It's a very well-known video that an ABC Nightline Show follow this design team over a five day period.
Where they had to redesign a shopping cart, and as Norman said, so wonderful video to show collaborative leadership, ideation and prioritization of ideas in a very open, trusting, collaborative environments. So it's a, it's a really great reference for, for a lot of organizations. So make sure to check that out.
Again, just search that online, on the ideal shopping cart, and you'll find the video pretty easily.
Now, Norman, on the question of identifying the right project. one of the questions that have come up during the presentation is that a lot of folks who work in the infrastructure industry as well, work of engineering companies. And we call a lot of smart people. But a lot of smart people have a really hard time translating technical problems to value creation opportunities. Basically, they don't know how to translate this technical issue that they are having be, it, you know, on the manufacturing floor, be on a service organization. They really have a hard time converting that, to the value of that, it creates the organization a lot of times, because they don't have access to cost data. And just curious about what is your suggestion in general for people who are trying to translate a technical problem into a financial value creation, a statement, what type of suggestions you have for for them.
Well, let's put this way. When I started the manufacturing arena a little bit over 10 years ago, I didn't know anything about electrical and saying that all the IOT or electrical everything coming in was electoral. All the problems were electrical. I, myself started looking at courses, you know, YouTube and Understanding Electrical. So, what I'm really saying is you need to start educating yourself in the area of the business, that you're going to be troubleshooting. both its work, but, you know, nobody promised you a birthday card. When you started your job. You're going to have to go heads down and understand those departments. And you need to. Otherwise, you're not going to be useful. And that's key.
So you need to educate yourself as best as you can so that you can communicate with that technical person that's having a hard time communicating.
So, you know, it's that aha moment.
And, believe it or not, when you educate yourself, communication becomes so much easier.
I hope that answers your question.
Sorry, I had my, my microphone was muted, why you provide your answer. Apologize. Another question that came up had to do with the, with the environments in which you're working in our technical environments, with high complexity, typically, very smart people. 1 at 1 of my greatest mentors always said, that you put a lot of smart people working on very complex projects, complex problems, and it can be a really difficult combination because smart people have a tendency to wrap complex solutions around complex problems, and it makes sense to them, but nobody else understands what they're saying.
And the question is, how do you become more effective as a leader for change improvement and innovation in an environment where you have very smart people, but they thinking very complex firms in there and they have a find it very difficult to just simplify, if you will, enjoy, identify and execute on what creates the most value in the shortest time and simplest means. So how do you build that innovation is simplification mindset on, on a group of people who are skeptical? Very smart individuals? I hate to be, so I'll give you a simple answer. But again, the word is trust.
And by bringing in a project list, the whole low hanging fruit, you start developing trust, and as I had mentioned, educating. I've been to the point where?
I developed when I was able to develop trust with, You know, those technical individuals. Are those individuals trained me?
And that's so important, You know, trust is the key word to that.
And before you know it, you'll have those technical people working with you and saying, No, this is what I mean. Let me sit down with you, and let me let me show you.
Let me teach you, and that only happens if you're trusted.
And so, you know, if you're not trusted as a project manager, in process mining, you're going to fail.
So, that's simple.
And, so, in the final question that we have here, is that, do you have one example of a process mining application that you're most proud of? That, if you can be specific about something that you worked on, that, you're most proud of. Either because of, the, the technical aspect of it, or maybe the value creation aspect of it. Or a combination. If you could talk a little bit more about a specific process. My application in manufacturing that was successful for you and your team. But, we just went over one with the, you know, close to one million dollars savings, something so simple by looking at the kilowatt hours, and when they were being used, when, they would be expected. If you think about your house. You know, you just get a bill at its, We've become our parents overnight and saying, oh my gosh, I'm gonna start looking at the lights and saved my kids left lights on, or what's something on in a basement that I know about?
So, the point, you know, it's, it's so simple by looking at the data, saying, Oh, my gosh, you know, we're running, you know, these heavy machines, you know, at off hours or, you know, during working hours, but they're not needed. Because we've got another compressor already working.
I mean, that's just, yeah, That's just one, know, also, you know, looking at inventory process, you know, looking at the whole flow through of when a product is made and how it's made, making sure that inventory is right on when you take inventory at the end of the month and sometimes, you know, know, what technologists do, and that's what I am.
You know, I bring technology tools to the table, and I was once told by the CIO of Crayola that you know, what his job is, is to bring solutions and usually out of 10 solutions, maybe 1 or 2 are taken and used. So, you know, that's the same, you know, bringing, let's say, RFID to inventory that's missing is a technology tool and solution that that is a homerun! And so I literally have hundreds of those type of situations and that's what I do for a living and I thoroughly enjoy it because it's a learning experience, and I enjoy learning.
Norman, thank you so much for sharing that Lauren is sharing that experience with you, with us and that expertise that you have with us. We very much appreciate your thought leadership and the and the and you're sharing that with all of us today.
Thank you so much. It's a delight and I look forward to the discussions over the next day. Thank you.
Thank you, Norman.
Ladies and gentlemen, this completes this segment and at the top of the hour We're going to be inviting a senior leader at software AG, who is an expert on what's called bimodal process mining for operational agility, so Jane, J M. Eldest son will be here with us and he's going to discuss with us how these leading Edge technologies are being used today to create value across multiple organizations globally. So, see you at the top of the hour and the with the presentation from software AG. Thank you.
Norman Rankis,
Information Technology & Automated Process Controls Manager,
McWane Ductile.
“What do you get if you cross a Quality Guru with a Computer Honcho? You probably get someone who sounds and acts like Norman Rankis” Quoted from Microsoft TechNet.
Basing his career on the above quotation, Norman has gained the reputation of being highly motivated and qualified Information Technology Director/CIO with an expansive experience in bringing technology solutions with cost savings to upper management.
Over the years, Norman has been exceptional in preparing and analyzing complex technical matters involving existing and emerging issues pertaining to the subject area. Norman serves as a subject matter expert.
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