Courtesy of The Institute for Healthcare Excellence's Dr. William Maples & Jennifer Krippner, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Practical and intentional ways to leverage positive psychology to create a culture enabling individual and team thriving, recovery, and peak performance' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at iBPM Live Virtual Conference.
Session Information:
Practical and intentional ways to leverage positive psychology to create a culture enabling individual and team thriving, recovery, and peak performance
Session Transcript:
Welcome to Great Leaders for the Institute for Healthcare Excellence. They are based in the United States. We have Florida and Minnesota on the, on the on this call now. And we have doctor William maples, who is the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Institute for Healthcare Excellence.
He's the founder, President, and CEO for the Institute, a National Organizing Organization, supporting care, redesign, and cultural Transformation in delivery systems across the United States. Doctor maples are in his undergraduate master's in Oncology and medical degrees at the University of wisconsin madison and completed his residency and fellowship in Medical Oncology at the Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Medicine.
He also practice medical oncology for 25 years at the Mayo Clinic and help lead the Mayo Clinic Quality, Safety, inexperienced Journey. After which he has served as Senior vice president and Chief Quality Officer, Admission Health in Asheville, North Carolina, where he helped mission health, navigate cultural transformation.
And become a top ranked U S health system recognized for its impactful, quality, and safety.
Joining Doctor Williams today, we have Jennifer ..., who is a Chief Experience Officer for the Institute for Healthcare Excellence. Jennifer is a graduate from the College of Saint Benedict in Minnesota with a bachelor's degree in Liberal Arts in liberal studies in communication.
She's a fierce advocate for connecting people, concepts, seen and unseen that positively move the patient and their employee experience forward.
Her ability to lead, inspire, manage, and mentor employees, providers, and community, made her perfect as the chief experience officer at the Institute for Healthcare Excellence. I am personally thrilled to have you here with us, to talk about this very important message for health care excellence in such an important time during this time of uncertainty and rapid change in the healthcare field. So, thank you so much for taking the time for being with us with more than 2000 global participants today, who are very eager to learn about what you have to say.
Thanks for having me.
As we get our slides up, I appreciate the nice introduction for myself and for Jennifer, makes me reflect on this, how many years have been at this and somehow made me feel a little bit old today, so um, but I appreciate that, Josie.
We'd like to spend our time with you to think about griping, the ability to recover and bounce back, and the ability to reach peak performance, no matter what your profession is. That's what we're hoping we can achieve, and our teams can achieve.
And with that context, how do we leverage positive psychology to really achieve these three goals of thriving and recovery and peak performance? Next one.
Next slide, John.
So, as we start, I just flip like each of you who are with us today, to think about a peak for a peak experience that you've recently had in your job or career.
What made it a peak performance or peak experience? What? What motivated you to excel? What were you doing? Who you're working with?
What we're working on?
How did the people around you unpack the experience? What were the results? And in your mind, just summarize some of the key answers to these questions, and I'll just give you a few seconds to think about that.
Next slide, Jennifer.
So when we think about peak performance, these are that a summary of the responses that we typically have received when asking individuals to go through that exercise.
There was a theme of expertise and action need, the fact that you can master something and you have and and that you have an impact on what you're mastering that that's meaningful.
That it really was a team sport. It wasn't you, it was usually a team sport.
It was unapologetically optimistic. I love that phrase, but there was a lot of positivity around the work that happened both from you and the team members.
There was a connection to life purpose.
The Therewith openness flexibility, so, you may be needed to change course and you were able to do that.
The courage to fail whenever we chart new territory is that sometimes we do fail and we have, we have to have the courage to do that.
And then again, this with this connection to purpose, going for what really matters.
Hopefully some of those themes that are on this slide bubbled up for you as you thought about your own peak Performance.
Next slide.
So, when we think about excellence in the Modern Healthcare environment, we're really talking about maximizing the opportunities for those peak performances.
We want to have teams actually experience this peak performance, and this requires tapping into intrinsic motivation.
Let's talk for a minute about motivation, and then loop that back into the positive psychology.
So there are three motivational types. There is a level, one.
Survival, two extrinsic, and three points they're intrinsic and let's take a minute and talk about each of those.
So level one survival and and that's really a primary motivator or survival or loss aversion.
So, in your profession, it may be being fired or not fire. If I do this, I, I'll, I'll survive. If I don't, I make it fired.
And leaders access, access this particular motivator by threatening survival or something similar to that.
Let's move on to the next level of Motivation two.
And this really comes from the Industrial Revolution and the primary motivator is receiving rewards and or avoiding punishments.
Leaders access this by sticks and carrots in the health care profession. And there is often reimbursement for performance on various quality metrics.
That's an incentive, and there are actually, consequences or losses, if you do not meet those incentives.
That's just one example of A motivator, two.
We, we still often operate at least in healthcare within this two mode.
Let's look at Level three.
And the primary motivator here is attraction and excitement.
This particular picture is our children that are wearing Toms shoes. You may or may not be familiar with that story, but that particular organization, for every pair of shoes they sell, they provide a free pair of shoes to needy children.
So this actually connects to purpose. There's some play on it. There's connection to people.
There is a sense of mastery when you're actually motivating people to sell these toms shoes for that. And there's a sense of control and autonomy as well.
That's how leaders tap into this level of motivation.
Next slide.
So when we think of each of these, when we think of one survival mode of motivation, there's really strong negative emotions that are connected with that.
And the stick and carrot, the extrinsic mode, there's minimal positive If you get rewarded. There's some positive, although it's not really powerful, but there's moderate negative emotion.
Whereas, if we think about tapping into the intrinsic motivation, there really is strong, positive emotions.
And so, this is where we, we, again, need to be, if we truly want our teams to reach peak performance. This is where tapping into the positive psychology to really enhance those strong positive emotions comes into play. Next slide.
What we're really talking about is actually tapping into the intrinsic motivation and the positive sort of emotions that happen with that to achieve bribing.
And when we talk about emotional priming, we think about things that, where individuals have chance a chance to use their strengths. every day at work.
They feel like they're thriving, They're making a meaningful difference, again, you get the connection to that intrinsic motivation, purpose and difference and they have something to look forward to at their job, that's how we measure thriving.
Next slide.
When we think about the ability to recover and bounce back quickly from difficult situations, which happen every day in medicine and every other profession, we measure that by the individuals' assessment of their ability to bounce back quickly, after difficulties keeping a positive outlook, despite what happens, adapting to events in life, which they can't influence, and having your mood recover, if there are frustrations and setbacks that your experience.
Next slide.
So when we talk about this journey of moving from burnout, and we've talked a lot about this over the past decade, unfortunately, we've not seen the dial move in the right direction, in terms of less burnout.
And what we really want to move to is not only zero burnout, but we really want to move to thriving.
And the two summary statements at the bottom of the slide were sort of aha moment for me.
As I was working in this space, that burnout at its core is the impaired ability to experience positive emotions.
Burnout at its core is the impaired ability to experience positive emotions, whereas thriving, or an outstanding culture at its core, is the cultivation of positive emotions.
So to really move from burnout to thriving, we have to focus on how can we cultivate positive emotions, those same positive emotions that come from intrinsic motivation, to really move ourselves and our teams to thriving?
Next slide.
The emotions that we're talking about are in the center of the slide here.
Think about your day and the opportunities to experience joy, hope, gratitude, inspiration, or interest amusement. Pride. Serenity love.
Think about the opportunities that exist. And we have to take each and every one of those and capitalize it and tap into that.
Because when we do that, it acts like a tiny engine. It keeps us going about ability to bounce back. When things get tough. We can keep moving forward.
And it also has an undoing effect that if we did have a negative experience with negative emotions, tapping into the positive emotions in small doses frequently will actually undo the negative effect that happens from those less than optimal experiences.
Next slide.
And when we put this in the context of continuous improvement and reaching peak performance, we have to tap into these positive emotions.
In every step that you see here on the slide, our processes have to be developed and and we need to hardwire ways to tap into positive emotions with the way that we conduct our work.
The technology that we introduce has to be able to tap into positive emotions, and the culture that we create as leaders, as well as individual team members, has to be able to cultivate positive emotions.
Next slide.
So there are several skills that individuals and teams can actually use to tap into the positive emotions, Create trust, and teamwork.
They're listed here.
You know, appreciative introductions, check the scale of check in the this, how do we give feedback using a Feed forward framework?
How do we recognize emotion and respond appropriately?
How do we jointly set an agenda and change the question, from, what's the matter, to what matters to you?
Simple change, but, and, in some ways, simple, skills, but hard to execute.
How do we reflectively listen, how do we incorporate presence or mindfulness, and how do we create always events and those processes that we do every day that sometimes can drain our energy.
We're gonna focus today on the three skills that are outlined in blue here, and really centered around the skill of appreciation and gratitude. We're going to demonstrate these, and have you experienced some of these?
And then share some reflections on how that actually taps into positive emotions and helps us all get to that peak performance that we desire for ourselves and our teams.
So, with this, I'm going to turn it over to Jennifer to introduce appreciative introductions.
Great, thank you, doctor maples. So I first skill that we're gonna practice today is what's called Appreciative Introductions. And this is at the beginning of a meeting. And so doctor Mills, I'd like you to welcome to our meeting today. And before we get started, we each received a question in our chat function today on our virtual meeting as a way to introduce herself. So because it's just the two of us in our meeting today, doctor maples. I'd like to just start out our meeting, with introduction of your name, your role, how long you've been with the organization. And then if you could just read your question, and then answer the question. And so as we get started, I think I'll start first. So my name is Jennifer ..., and the Chief Experience officer at the Institute for Healthcare Excellence. I've been in my role for about 4.5 years.
My question is, what is a great experience on a snowy day And I'm so glad I got this question. I live in Minnesota So we have many, many snowy days and one of my great memories are great experiences of a snowy day. Is usually the first week in December, we have horse drawn carriage rights. In one of our small towns here in Minnesota where we get to sing carols and have hot cocoa and go through the city with some of the Christmas lights. So that's, that's my great experience, that I look forward to a beer.
That sounds sounds wonderful. Particularly, when you have all that snow there. And then I thought, oh, yes, exactly.
So I'm Bill maples. I'm a medical oncologist, and I've worked with the Institute for Healthcare Excellence for the past 10 years now.
And my question is, Tell me about an exhilarating childhood experience.
That still gives you a thrill when, when it comes to mind.
And yes. I was thinking about that and I am. I remember I used to live in a neighboring state of yours Wisconsin. And so we had those snowy winters as well.
But I remember taking our back and I know that the back ends are so popular anymore.
But, and we went to an actual Toboggan slide, where of aid they, they, they placed you up, and then they shoot you down at a pretty fast speed in a pill.
And just being able to hang on, and, and, and, and, and complete the toboggan ride was the was was exhilarating and I always I always remember that. And I always wonder, You know, What?
if kids are still able to kind of enjoy that sort of thing, a little different than the flooding experience?
Sounds very exhilarating. Wow! I haven't experienced that in Minnesota, but it sounds very fun and dangerous. Thanks for sharing that.
Great, so, a little debrief on the Appreciative Introduction Scale that we just practice. So as we reflect on that, several things happened, I think, that I'd like to talk about.
You can see that the questions that were used in this, in this practice were positively framed, and I think what that does is really tap into those positive emotions that doctor ... was talking about earlier. It also does create some level of vulnerability.
It also really, I think, helps promote that psychological safety, as well.
And I think it, it really wanted us to tell our own story. And I think when we do that, it increases that engagement between team members or between. People that are in your meeting itself.
I think also, um, it's something you can do with a large group of people. You may not go around the whole room, but you can pair people up and begin to create that, that and that energy in the room. Even if people know each other, I didn't know that about doctor maples and I've known him for 4.5 years. So it's something that can bring the team closer together. And also, if you know you're going to have a sensitive topic perhaps, during a meeting, this might be a way to start that meeting as a way to really have a positive framing to the beginning of your, of your meetings for that day.
So I just challenge you to think about, maybe a meeting that's coming up That you might use this tool as a way to bring more positive emotions and employee engagement, team engagement into your practice of meetings that you have, or perhaps huddles or different environments that you have in your workplace.
Any reflections, doctor maples, as we move into the next skill, I think you nicely summarized Jennifer. And I, and certainly, if anybody's interested in and try and miss, if you need any suggestions about what appreciative questions, you can certainly contact Jennifer, and she can help you out with that.
I am, I would also say, just for a moment, for, for the audience, think about ways introductions usually go within your organization, in your meetings, and how much of that you're listening to. How much of it you remember, how much of it is really engaging?
Versus, the short little demonstration that Jennifer and I shared with you. And I asked that question, are you more engaged? Are you interested? Do you remember anything that was sad when you actually bring this little Blair into the way that you can introduce herself?
Great. Thanks.
So, moving forward, again, on the theme of appreciation, I would like each of you to take a moment and think of a time when you received sincere appreciation from a colleague or friend.
two questions for you, What did you experience?
How did you feel? But the second question is equally important, and it's different.
What impact did that receiving appreciation have on you?
As you reflect on that, the typical responses here are, I really felt good. So, again, we're tapping into the joy. We're tapping into the gratitude. We're, we're tapping into maybe even some love being expressed when we think about those positive emotions.
And then what impact does it have? Usually, it's a little bit more difficult for people to tease out.
But as they talk about their experience, they'll say, You know, I really, I felt like I could keep going. I would want to do that again. It motivated me to continue the journey.
Sort of that resilience factor that we were talking about, the ability to recover and continue ongoing.
This is how powerful receiving appreciation is.
And if we think about ways that we can certainly appreciate the teams around us every day. Small doses frequently, it doesn't have to be a big celebration. But small doses frequently, we have a tremendous opportunity to tap into positive emotions.
Now, on the other side of this equation, when we think about giving appreciation, this is a study that was done with some physicians, one group, actually, in, in the gray here, just continued their daily work without any specific interventions, or any alterations.
They were sort of the control group.
The group in blue, Those physicians were asked to write one gratitude letter, um, to somebody who had done something amazing for them, It took them less than five minutes to write.
And what happened here, they measured happiness on a scientifically validated scale.
And depressive symptoms, annabella did scale.
And the group of physicians that wrote the one gratitude letter had increased happiness and decreased depressive symptoms for one month after writing the one letter.
So, receiving appreciation is incredibly powerful, but giving appreciation is equally powerful.
So, to demonstrate this, next slide, we'd like you to take the next three minutes and think of someone who has done something amazing for you.
The person can be alive, are no longer with us.
The person who has contributed, it contributed in a big way to your well-being, then 2 to 3 minutes, writing a brief note, and we really want you to pick up a pen and paper and actually do this.
Write a brief note telling the person what they did, aout impacted you, and also important what this says about them as an individual.
Be genuine, kinda appreciative and your note.
So we're going to be silent here for the next two minutes or so, and we'd like you to just experience, you know, writing one gratitude note.
You can begin to wrap up some of your thoughts as you're writing here, Sir?
OK, how as we come back together, Just for a moment.
Just reflect on what happened to you as you were, you were writing, Usually individuals will say, they felt really good while they were writing it.
Um, they felt connected to that person that was really impactful in their life.
They really felt a level of appreciation for that individual and and for their own life.
So it it really allowed them to step back and not take for granted.
The things that have that happened in their life and been impactful.
And so there's usually a lasting impact of gratitude and happiness when we do this. And it connects to the receiver is hearts, but it connects to our hearts and deepens our emotions.
We actually become more vulnerable, and when we become more vulnerable, the psychological safety is increased, which we all really want in our teams.
And it allows us to tap into that discretionary effort to give more, to continue the journey.
So we encourage you to think of ways that you can, um, in a very, very intentional way, hardwire appreciation into your daily work.
It may be that you start your huddles with moments of appreciation, or that you begin your meetings, or end your meetings with a moment of appreciation.
But ways where you intentionally stop and pause and open this space for your you and your team members to truly show appreciation with the gratitude letter.
There have been some organizations that have actually, once a month at one of their department meetings, they will write a gratitude letter to somebody in, within their organization, within their team that has been really, really impactful.
So there are ways to intentionally hardware, or this, and not just say, we're going to try to appreciate, you know, people more next month. That'll work for a day, and it'll, it'll go away. You need to really think about how you're going to intentionally hardware.
So with that, I'll turn it over to the last skill surrounding appreciation to Jennifer, which is the appreciative debrief.
Great, thanks, doctor maples. The appreciative Debrief is a great way to close a meeting. And today, we're going to close our session with the Appreciative Debrief. And doctor maples and I will practice this with you today. So doctor ..., as we close our session today, I'm going to take a few minutes to just go around the room or the virtual session today to, to appreciate our time together, are 35 minutes together today.
And so as we do that, I'll just start by saying a few brief words about what I appreciated about our session today. I have two things that I'd like to appreciate. And one is just your incredible leadership for this work around the country and really bringing this. This. this work to so many people and especially this. This, this theme of gratitude and positive emotions today to the attendees. And just am so grateful for that, and Josie for your support and professionalism and encouragement throughout this process. Just very appreciative of you and how, how easy you made it for us to come to this session today. So doctor Michaels, I'll turn it over to you if you want to go next.
Yes, I, so thanks Jennifer, and appreciate the comments that you've provided.
I am.
I want to, first of all, thank the 2000 plus participants for really being with us and I trust that you actually did the exercises that as, as we walk through each of the different skills today.
Thank you for taking the time and the effort Josey really, I love your introductions and your spirit. I wish I could capture some of that.
It's wonderful and I'd like to actually thank somebody who is not on the screen but behind the background and that's Brian Raphael for all of the work that he has done to make these conferences possible. And I'm sure he is probably gets a little back when I send an e-mail saying I need, I need a little clarity on this. But I really want to thank him, as well. And, Jennifer, thanks for everything you do.
So that was our practice of the appreciative debrief. As we reflect on the Appreciative Debrief, there are several things that just happened.
As a way that we close the meeting, we closed it with positive emotions, which really can help increase engagement of the team. And it also helps follow through on actions discussed, which can help create more buy in at the end of the meeting. It's also a little bit harder to have, quote, you know, kind of the meeting after the meeting, or be negative in the hallway about what just happened during that meeting.
So it also ends the group discussion with the form of appreciation, which can promote teamwork and collegiality. So, those things are really, I think, helpful in creating, you know, a higher level of engagement, a higher level of buy in, and really just a great way to build that team engagement.
So, I think as you process the skill of the appreciative debrief, I challenge you to think about how you might incorporate this into your daily workflow. You know, do any of you attend meetings? I think all of us attend a lot of meetings, whether in person or virtual, these days. I think, could you add this to the end of your agenda? To really think about how do you hard way or this, how do you keep this in front of your team so that people get used to the practice of using appreciation on a daily basis?
Um, there's other ways that you could use this. You could use it, have a flip chart, in the room at your meeting. People could maybe write a word or two of appreciation as they leave the meeting. Perhaps you could have a flip chart in the break room. So at the end of the workday, they could add a word or two about what they appreciated about the day. There's many ways to incorporate no words of appreciation or gratitude in into your work day. And So as we think about all the different things that we talked about, incorporating positive emotions into our work, into our teams, into how we go about our day, we just really encourage you, just to think creatively about how you might incorporate these into the work that you do. And even into the work that are not into the work at home, but into your personal life, as well.
So as we move into the end of our presentation, I'd like to just turn that to doctor maples.
Just a very quick summary.
Remember, our journey is to go from emotional exhaustion, which at its core is the impaired ability to experience positive emotions, to actually creating an environment that is cultivating positive emotions.
We hope that we shared with you three different skills today to tap into those positive emotions that you can use immediately the next hour, the next, whenever you're back with your teams and and try it and see what they what happens I think you're going to find that you, you and and your team will move to the thriving and peak performance.
Next slide.
So, if you have any questions about the skills that we shared. I mentioned if you are more interested in some of the appreciative questions, please reach out to Jennifer. Her e-mail is here.
Happy to help at anytime, and we're happy to take questions.
Next slide.
Farewell very well. Thank you so much for lifting our collective spirits with full width with the session. So, Jennifer, I'm gonna kindly request that you stop sharing the presentation right now. Stop sharing the screen.
I'm going to come back but in appreciation for your positive message and the uplifting of our of our spirits. I will say that I had to change my background here too to illustrate dealing with it.
four, we want, we want to be that.
I know, it's easy to be down here, and I appreciate you bringing us to this stage one at a time, and I can't guarantee you, that everybody, in this session, has, had their spirits lifted to a different level, and it's a higher better level than when we started. So, I very much appreciate your guiding us through that journey. But don't listen to me, because you may think that I'm by, is, I have confirmation bias. I'm gonna share with you the feedback from others, So Keith Clean Scales, who, by the way, if you didn't watch his presentation, he wasn't one of the speakers, on Day one, and keep Clean Scales, talked about creating an environment, where great people and great ideas connect for innovation in the government sector in Florida, as a matter of fact. And the Palm Beach County and, and he, he led us through this incredible journey of positivity. That, to a large extent, that you talked about here, this human side of improvement and innovation that so often gets overlooked or brush over.
And he says, I love this, I'm seeing the connection between positive emotions to my premise, on good attitudes needed to obtain peak performance, is this common?
Gabriele Perera is coming in from New Jersey, and she is saying such an amazing session with practical, very tangible actions, thoroughly enjoyed.
Oh, and by the way, I did do every one of the exercises that you, that you prescribe during, during this session. So I real connection here with the audience. And we're very grateful for that.
Now, I, there are other themes that have emerged, and I want to ask you about this. And this one is for, for you, doctor Maples, to get started.
At what point in your medical career you realize, you're thought about and you realize that there's gotta be a better way, that you will be an oncology for many years. And at some point, was there a trigger? Was there an experienced?
Was there just the X, you know, experience over time, that made you reflect, and think that there's gotta be a better way? And it was not just a technical medical way. It's this this way of this culture of positivity that we discuss here. When did that come about?
I can almost Joe's they'd give you to the, to the, to the minute about came about and I didn't necessarily know all the answers. I didn't really know the positive psychology part of that. I mean, I may have had ideas but I didn't really have it really refined but I practiced as you as you introduced me at at Mayo Clinic.
And I really treasured the relationship that I had with my patients and in oncology, sometimes the outcomes as you well know, are not always what you would hope for, but there was always that, that really that, that joy of really helping somebody walk through a difficult time in life.
And I remember the day that one of the administrators knocked on my door and said, Bill.
I'd like you to actually work on be one of our physician representatives to really figure out what is it that we need to do to create an optimal experience?
Or R for our patients and for our colleagues.
Because we have tried to really create that, and we're falling short of really what our mission statement is, and so how do we get there? That's when it began, and it really has been a growth journey ever since that.
Thank you. Thank you so much for sharing that.
Another theme that has emerge has to do with the fact that these are such important concepts that don't get talked about as often.
And part of it is because there's a separation and almost a kind of dehumanization of professional work and the and the, you know, a healthcare, it could be the doctor that feels inaccessible and the distance. And in the in the in the industrial operation, could be the senior vice president who is, you know, not connected with, with, with the, with the professionals. There is this idea of separating our emotions from our professional self.
So, the question is, How do you overcome some of those barriers? And you start having these conversations that you have shared with us here in, you know, in our organizations, there is that level of risk, vulnerability, courage that's necessary. Any suggestions on how people can get started on this or action?
Jennifer, why don't you take that?
I think, one is, you just, you have a few people in the room. Let's say you start with a meeting, you, you, as the leader, you take the risk yourself, you have a few people with you, do it. And you incite, you don't pull people in, but you invite, and you open the space for it.
And I think you be consistent with it, and as you see other people join in the exercise.
You begin to start to see the, the humanness of people, leaders, as people. And you start to see those connections build and people will join in.
Doctor maples, anything to add to that?
Yeah, I love that.
The diaper, and I think the printing it print going up another level here, I think we need to remember that no matter if you're a physician or if you're in a non healthcare profession, that we gravitate to our strengths.
So, and, you know, we have to things we need to accomplish in a conversation, and one is the parting knowledge and what to do. And that's what we gravitate to, and a lot of times we miss the other equally important part of the conversation And that is connecting to the emotions.
And we aren't, even though, and in health care, you think that we would be trained because we deal human to human all of the time, we simply don't. We take for granted that people have the skills, but they don't.
So you need to actually start there and realize that you've got to invest in providing some skills for your team to be able to move forward in the right direction.
Then, you can find one leader, or one no member of the leadership team, it doesn't have to be the CEO, that may understand it.
And once you try it in a small dose, people will see the tremendous impact, and then you can build from there.
Thank you so much for that, And I, and I, and I speak on behalf of the audience here, there was very helpful. So, how you showcase and role played some of these very small behaviors though and actions that we can take. Like the appreciative introductions. I mean, we don't have to have a launch, right, of a positive culture event going on. We can introduce some of the concepts in small ways to our daily routines and then I bet there's some other people are going to be paying attention saying though, that was really good why you didn't let me? I'm going to start doing some of that.
Do you agree that that's a good way of getting things started as well?
Well, I could be talking about this topic with you, too, for the next few hours, unfortunately. Are right on time. And I want to share our deep appreciation for, for your expertise, for your guidance on such an important aspect of cultural transformation for organizations. So we are all better off professionally and I dare say, spiritually, as a result of this conversation. So thank you so much for sharing your expertise with our global audience today.
Thank you. Help, the rest of the conferences is really outstanding. Appreciate all your work.
Thank you so much.
Thank you very much.
Goodbye for Banner.
Ladies and gentlemen, doctor William and maples and Jennifer ... with us from the Institute for Healthcare Excellence on Building, Positivity in our culture. And they gave us some very tactical things that we can work on in this strategic framework, that, on the human side of culture, of business, and digital transformation that we all are engaging on as as part of the work that we do.
So fantastic insights from great leaders who are creating positive change, should they, in a, in our world. We are going to take a break.
And when we come back at the top of the hour, where I'm thrilled to welcome Peter Carr who is a lecturer at University of Waterloo in Canada. And he's going to talk to us about improving the probability of our transformation success through collaboration.
So very much looking forward to Professor Peters insights on how we can do that and how collaboration plays a pivotal role in transformation success. So we also will see you back at the top of the hour and the end, with doctor Peter Car.
Dr. William Maples,
President and Chief Executive Officer,
The Institute for Healthcare Excellence.
William J. Maples, M.D. - Dr. Maples is the founder, president, and chief executive officer of the Institute for Healthcare Excellence, a national organization supporting care redesign and cultural transformation in delivery systems across the United States.
Dr. Maples earned his undergraduate, Masters in Oncology, and medical degrees at the University of Wisconsin - Madison. He completed his residency and fellowship in Medical Oncology at the Mayo Graduate School of Medicine. Dr. Maples practiced Medical Oncology for 25 years at Mayo Clinic and helped lead the Mayo Clinic quality, safety, and experience journey.
He then served as Senior Vice President and Chief Quality Officer at Mission Health in Asheville, North Carolina where he helped Mission Health navigate cultural transformation and become a leading healthcare organization recognized for its impeccable quality and safety. Dr. Maples more recently served as Chief Medical Officer of Professional Research Consultants, Inc. Dr. Maples is an Associate Professor Emeritus of Oncology at the Mayo College of Medicine and a Clinical Professor at Brooks College of Health at the University of North Florida in Jacksonville.
Jennifer Krippner,
Chief Experience Officer,
The Institute for Healthcare Excellence.
Jennifer is a fierce advocate for connecting things, concepts and people, seen and unseen, that positively move the patient experience forward. Before joining The Institute for Healthcare Excellence in 2016, her obsession with the voice of the patient and family helped several health systems in Minnesota achieve and sustain remarkable patient experience performance. Jennifer also worked to help organizations generate revenue, inspire engagement and drive positivechange.
Jennifer, often described as a social chemist, believes that kindness and thoughtfulness is a key ingredient for creating meaningful relationships while still being focused on generating growth and loyalty for the organization. Her ability to lead, inspire, manage and mentor employees, providers and community made her a perfect fit for Chief Experience Officer at the Institute for Healthcare Excellence. While Jennifer takes great pride in her work, her true north remains her family, friends and relationships she develops. A graduate of the College of St. Benedict, she holds a bachelor’s degree in Liberal Studies/Communications.
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