Courtesy of Providence Health & Services's Corey Rathburn, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Integrating Strategic Deployment and Daily Management Systems to drive both Process and Culture Improvement in Healthcare' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at Business Transformation & Operational Excellence Summit & Industry Awards.
Session Information:
It is easy to say, "Yes, we have implemented elements of Lean!" or "Yes, our caregivers are empowered to make the processes better ". However, it still comes up in nearly every employee engagement survey that the lowest scoring question consistently remains "Do you feel connected to the overall strategy and vision of the Hospital and do you feel empowered to impact it?".
This gap between high-level strategic/organizational goals and daily departmental goals can usually be traced back to a lack of a true daily management system, lack of passion or understanding around departmental goals, and/or direct tie from the departments goals to strategic/organizational goals. This session will give you a case study/road map of how a group of hospitals in Southern California focused on removing this gap with a true top-down, bottom-up approach to employee empowerment and overall ecosystem connectivity that begins to answer the question that has challenged every healthcare leader, which is, "How do I build and effective, engaged, and empowered culture?"
Session Transcript:
as you hopefully will engage you know we reporting rapper who's here you know from you know problems health and services correct and you know I'm gonna steal a little before I can really feel aligned with word because of our only solution and the things that he's been able to do within you know his organization.
It's really pretty phenomenal but you know it kind of starts with you know we asked you all you know who's implementing lean you would say just say yes or no yes and in court I'm gonna go buy a little bit of this because that's why you printed me to buy it it's not steal my thunder to be I cannot have so much thunder I could not steal believe me I'm a rain droplet.
Okay and you know you can you can ask lots of questions around you know the process of improvement and and what you've done and you know your people are you know just doing brave you just it's like a checklist yes yes but you know as I had asked them if any of you were here you know the very first healthcare session of the day and I asked a question really came from from pouring.
When I asked what do you serve a you people how connected do they feel to to strategy how techie they feel to vision and really there is a gap and it's not just in healthcare so don't feel like left out and because if you all had filled the gap then probably myself for a company couldn't exist so thank you for not filling the gap and hopefully to let us help you as well but a little bit more about you know you know.
You know Corey he did I mean he does have a lot of fun this is really the longest bio that I have and you all know that I'm substituting for the lady who actually studied this stuff so it's a little bit more but you know Cori covers was very seasoned the very season 15 years experience in driving effective and positive change in the various.
Industries including health care you know he's received his degree in industrial engineering so we kind of just mentioned that that you know an engineer's thing and also look just exactly University which is pretty impressive as well ganas careers project engineer at Avery Dennison where you
know you went on to we see this Six Sigma Black Belt certification which is no easy task and lead some rate through the record played product launches so you have to share a little bit about that with us and then he joined healthcare and I think that's really maybe some of you or most of you were in another industry before you joined healthcare but I really feel that you know health care sometimes been benefit from outside.
Industry whether you're hiring somebody from outside industry or you just go to other industry you know process improvement strategy institution type type of educational events because when healthcare gets together they have a tendency to stick together and they kind of give just same ideas back and forth and they congratulate people on the same things where when you bring somebody in from outside of healthcare.
You can really benefit a lot I'm not going to take you know for his time you know where you're at you know why you're here he's going to talk about integrating strategic to appointment in daily management systems to drive process and culture improvement and healthcare let's welcome him
Thunder coming here we go all right well good afternoon everyone.
Hopefully everyone's had a great couple days here I unfortunately could only make it here for today because I've been teaching a no fraction of Greenbelt I teach for askew and yesterday and the day before I was Virginia Beach area teaching a humongous group it was like I was kind of thinking like although I mean I'm not gonna be at a conference there's gonna be like tons of people.
There right sadly the class I just thought was probably four or five times as big as this group but hey we're gonna bring some energy or I can have a good presentation so the cool thing about that was really seeing how companies healthcare systems are engaging to say you know we we have to start doing something different the way that we're working is not sustainable and you know that kind of becomes like the flavor of the month of things to say over here but how do we actually do that how do we actually take the next step of you know going beyond.
Just oh we have to do things different how do we actually do things different how do we start to
engage our employees and the previous presentation it was great because we said that she talked a little bit more in a high level of all the different elements that need to come together to start to drive this change my presentation admittedly is a little bit more tactical of we really identified employee engagement employee employee empowerment as being the secret sauce or the key element for us to have sustainable change right because if you think about change especially in healthcare a lot of the times when change is done in healthcare it's happening to people right and not five people and that small little word changes the whole environment or vibe of a change right.
So I'll talk a little bit about that kind of the doom and gloom slide or if you're optimistic thinker the opportunity slide I'm sure a lot of you are very familiar with by 2026 us healthcare will surpassed so 20% of the night state's gross domestic product will be healthcare yikes in 1960 that member was 5 percent over last that's pretty I know it's been 50 60 years ago but to you know triple that percentage in 40 or 50 years is pretty incredible u.s. spent three point three trillion on health care in 2016 that equivalents to ten thousand three hundred dollars per person think about that ten thousand three hundred dollars per person here's our gif that healthcare.
Healthcare spending as a percentage of GDP going up here's our awesome scatterplot talking about life expectancy look how much we're spending per per capita well our life expectancy has to be better right no definitely not and we are all the way down this is a value plot we would be like the poster child for where we don't want right so this is not to you know important doom and gloom and say we're in big trouble the thing.
I like to think of it here is we have a lot of opportunity and we have a lot of smart people that we can tap into and start to drive this so just two other a couple of other few high-level comments here there's a very high correlation between love employee. Engagement and incurring the current state of you health care in the US so I'm asking that kind of a leading question a few comments here when care givers are more engaged patients are less likely develop complications or infections during their stay PACs directly lead to longer links to stay and higher costs we think about healthcare acquired condition and you know we have a lot of Lean Six Sigma people in here hats are by definition a waste right we drive up the link to stay we obviously.
Drive down patient satisfaction so the more we can focus on tax and other hospital acquire links to stay and decrease those the more effect that we're going to be hospitals that ranked in the top 25 percent for employee engagement also score within the top 19 or 20 percent of the highest-ranking
hospitals in age gaps so we have engaged employees we have high level employee.
Engagement we also have h caps or patient satisfaction scores that correlate very highly with that this is a really interesting one gall up and it's setting more than 200 hospitals about that employee engagement so the engagement of the caregivers was the number one predictor of mortality rates
I mean think about that number one is the level of engagement in caregivers is the number one predictor of patient mortality rates so that shows you that.
It goes beyond you know she said I'm an industrial engineer it goes beyond just looking at processes and improving them right there's a certain amount of love and my passion around this that you know we can't really measure culture empowerment engagement are some of the key factors that drive cost patient safety and patient satisfaction I think I'll hit on that a few times as we go through the presentation some things as we started to go from a you know a micro.
Level down to our little stuff you know the country of California Southern historically the the lowest case so this is like kind of a Southern California study we did looking at employee and caregiver engagement studies the lowest caregiver employee engagement question always score is less than 50% on agree or strongly agree is do I feel connected to the overall direction and vision of the hospital.
I'm sure you folks have probably seen similar things the next lowest question was do I feel empowered to make suggestions on how things can be done better more efficient or more effective probably the second lowest scoring question so if you think about what and you know kind of take a step back and just look at it overall human happiness and fulfillment what are the main elements in human happiness and fulfillment is growth and progress and if I feel like so if you think back to the 1940s 50s and 60s or even late earlier in manufacturing what did we have we had a whole lot of workers that came in ran the drill press all day that's all they did that's all we wanted.
Them to do and we had a very very high rate of injuries at work we had a very loved employee engagement and you saw a manufacturing start to change that many years ago and really what we're at the point in our in our kind of journey is changing that for health care and health care workers and caregivers there's no silver bullet to drive employee engagement every environments a little bit dynamic in different we will cover the step by step approach that we use with types which touched on a whole lot of different areas.
Which I'll talk about here are some of the elements that all of that I'll mention so just an overall introduction into lean and Six Sigma now I'm not advocating for us to go out and teach all of our employees what a hypothesis test is or what key values meeting like we're not in the business of trying to freak people out however we should all of our caregivers have a general understanding of what the eight wastes are right should they be able to look at something and say why are we doing it that way because if employees don't understand its promoters a ways just okay I'm good employee.
If employees don't understand that concept when they look at a busy Evy or they look at a busy o R or med surg unit and they see all these things happening wouldn't they well how do they translate that in their mind go ahead answer they're busy everything we're moving we're busy.
I got a run over here I headed up to this fax machine this supply room I have to go back to I mean this is the stuff that happens every day right and even though they feel busy they also feel frustrated unempowered annoyed I mean I followed around a we were doing kind of maternal change over turnover time assessment and a know our ones and I followed a circulating nurse around and for every single case.
She set up on average she was walking like 3.1 miles or something okay which is great from an exercise standpoint but very bad I mean she was just upset the whole time - it's just anger like oh she took my this thing moved it over there so he talked a little bit about 5s talk about waste emotion like that's what we try to focus on really when we're looking at 5s and obviously we won't have a nice tidy environment as well okay.
So couple others just quickly we did some strategic deployment at a high level with motion corner II took kind of the regional road map and you know senior level senior leadership and senior level leaders they get annoyed and frustrated too they feel like the region or the system is saying here's what you guys need to do so my first biggest challenge was like how do we empower those folks to know that the the kind of the regional or the hospital strategy is their own and not something that was done to them right develop one-year breakthrough goals that can be a castigated.
Which we'll talk about the second the key to really the key word here is cascading how do we take things that are a ministry or hospital level and actually get it down to each particular department in you nee extensively training the managers and directors on strategic vision and visual management
you'd be surprised maybe wouldn't be surprised when you walk around with something like a strategic vision or your major pillars or something that would think that you're really focusing on improvement if you go out to like 20.
Managers even maybe 15 couldn't really give you a sound like a description of it which is a little scary so we have to train those folks as well to say here's what an idiot here's what it means it's not just background white ones visual manager you go ahead and look the operational review we'll talk a little bit about that and then finally the hardest well one of the hardest parts is how do we sustain and how do we continue so we don't have to keep coming back and doing the same thing so like I've mentioned a few slides ago if employees don't have a general understanding of just a basic some might call it a white belt training level if they don't have this understanding of what these guys
look like they again their process and they say hey we are busy and this is all the when they are busy and the other caveat I say to this is this is known it's not value-added right but be careful with how they throw.
That word around because these are things that we have to do to get the job done these are the processes we created so how do we employees know that waste look look looks like well in Southern California we do this two or three hour training I know well I mean immediately we'll think about that and say how do we. Do that for every new employee well you got to find a way because they have to know just the basics of value-added non-value-added these type of things so we did we do this for every single employee that starts we've done all that we've done the training for all of our hospitals on this and when employees start it up to this training that's pretty funny.
We made it a good experience how do we ensure employees know how to utilize visual management and suggestion boards to provide ideas on how to work safer more effectively more efficiently so one thing I'll mention about our boards they were pretty much started as an HR o board high reliability organization board where if the plays had anything on safety they wanted to suggest they could put it on the board I immediately kind of got a red flag on that and I'm like oh that's great of course we want that but I want these employees.
When they see something that just doesn't make sense to put it on the board right it's not just say something for safety it takes something for anything so anyways we use above that training we rolled it out next step this isn't man for you guys to go to say Oh with that this is just the ocean Connery strategic deployment that we use the format that you use isn't as important as the content this is basically where we just work with senior leadership and said for each one of the hospitals here's our overall regional goals let's break them in to where we want to be in three years.
What do we need to do this year to get to two to our goals in three years so these also link became our ministry goals which I'll show you just a second couple notes here suddenly the senior leadership especially in health care I've never done anything like this so we have to kind of train them on that show them what it is in another caveat it's sometimes a challenge to get a hospital level leadership to break away from day to day firefighting which you mentioned and problem solving right so just keep this in mind we're so busy sometimes doing things that are urgent that we don't do what's important right so this is the important work that needs to be done and sometimes Hospital leadership struggles with that because they see their value as getting out there and helping them fix this and oh my gosh this is happening I got to get down there we got to break away from that because that is not the value that leaders really create leaders take a step back and think about the strategic.
Vision and things like that okay so again I just wanted to give you an idea of what it looks like for us essentially we take our one-year breakthrough objectives here they come over here and they actually become our measures that we look at throughout the year and this is probably this is at a high level so you guys probably all have similar things and that's right like what's the best place we want to make it the best place for our employees.
We want our patients a great experience we want to be good stewards of our resources probably not exact for everyone but you get the idea that we have like five pillars that we look at and those kind of drill down to what do we need to do this year to get to our three year strategic goal all right so ties for this over to here and now once our managers and directors.
Understand this this is the sheet I was talking about earlier when I took you to the managers or anyone's empirical managers and directors and said hey tell me a little bit about this you know trigonometry equation or something so how did them understand this was a big first piece then we started to work with the different units to say what should this look like I can tell you what I think it should look like but why don't you guys tell us what it should look like right so we really needed to do the training that I just talked about with the managers and directors on visual management and daily Huddle's what is a good huddle look like what is good daily management look like or visual management.
This is a new you know a new element to their Huddle's so they need to be trained on how to do how to run a good huddle right like you left and the devices of most you know leadership they're going to go back to just the old ways that you do things to read me huggles the trade included how often they update the data including things like this is a line chart this is how we read a line chart don't ever take for granted that your folks or the people.
That work with you understand how to read this you know what we look at is simple charts right we have to train people on that you've got you know about Bill Gates with a control chart how we really have to like show right but keep it simple keep it easy we don't really mess with too much control charts yet some areas do but how often have taken down how to create the charts and how to relieve that good discussion and now they a really important part how to work with their teams to cascade the hospital strategy and objectives.
What we talked about over here to departmental level goals that actually means something to the employees right I go to employees from this one for best use of resources and say we want to get our budget CMI made of blah blah blah they're gonna be like that doesn't resonate with me at all how do we resonate with these folks so you can see that we had a couple different designs based on areas we were putting a man but essentially they looked at they look something like this we also had a vertical option.
Where you remember these from Pete from before the employees and then evolution knew what
the hospital level goals were for these so all we suggested is can you develop departmental of the goals that will impact these that's about as much. Guidance as we gave them and then the word I like to use is that are the words rigidly flexible we didn't give them carte blanche to be able to design whatever board they wanted because I've seen places that have done that and then you walk into each unit say oh my gosh what's going on alright so when when people transfer around and go to different units for departments but we wanted to give them some sort of standardized way to look at this and this is what we got so again we wanted the employees to work with their managers to say what's what's something that we can do to impact the best.
Customer experience what's something we can do to impact best use of right so this is kind of what the output looks like and this is why it's so we'll talk a little bit more about this in a second I want to show you a few examples but again it has to be something that's important to the caregivers and something that they're passionate on so just really quickly from a we're talking about a bottom up a little bit not from the top down with our senior leadership of each of the ministry or hospice are certain ministries each one of our hospitals.
They have this which is a dashboard which you'll see looks a lot like the other one but now we have green yellow red which were able to very very quickly work through this with the senior leadership because they meet with regional leadership once a month and have a report out now we're only talking about the ones that might need an immediate countermeasure we're not wasting our time talking about every single item on here so we developed this to see if Warren we're on track when we need countermeasures and we work with the regional team once a month to have this discussion.
It's really bided and developed a really good conversation I think that is efficient okay so this is the this is what they look like right so man is so couple notes here so you can see some cool stuff that even look at this just warms my heart a little bit but you know things like staff social of that at least once a quarter or you know do we can use this I belong to the drip whatever right number of hours of right so they're just looking in their own little ecosystems what are things we can do to improve this right and so the idea was like I said before when when this was really launched to begin it was all about safety like okay do you have any ideas about safety.
You put them up here and that's fine we want that but what I think we're really getting to know where this has been power powerful it's visually people are seeing this connection right of not just I put safety idea up here they're seeing the connection of remember double-o-double time hours will this happen last week that didn't need to happen maybe I should put a suggestion about that right.
So we didn't really push that hard but there's it's a natural kind of fed where they're understanding like here are the things we can do to impact it so it's been a journey it's tough work right so a couple notes managers need to address these suggestions timely these over here are eight they're called HRO cards again like I said they're throwing up those ideas based on either the five best.
sellers or to safety ideas but I'll tell you this the thing that irritates me the most is when we train this very very hard if once they put a suggestion up here like within we wanting to give them a limit one week seven days it needs to start moving in progress okay because nothing is more frustrating than for an employee than would be when I go up to you and I say I have a suggestion and I get the heisman all right or when I put a suggestion up here maybe sits there for once so we work very very like not strict but very like we said we said that we seven standard out of seven days.
Move it over to the in process and it needs to keep moving so you know you folks based on your environment can do that however you want but you need to be very um you need to be very clear about what the expectations are another huge. One celebrate performance successes right so when we have improvements when we start reading our goal we have little celebrations right they don't need to be crazy you know like parties or anything but let's celebrate let's reward good good performance and eventually time needs individual targets and performance.
Goals so for some of you that might be like way down below pie in the sky it was for us when we first started but now we're really tying these into our individual caregivers goals and targets and really rewarding them when things are done in miracles so that's that's a piece a little bit of an administrative piece here all of these ideas that are coming up we want to understand if there's like trends or if there's common things.
That we're here our supply closet is over here we really need an over here so all of these ideas after their well after they're done are a lot of day-to-day like an internal.SharePoint system nothing too complicated or amazing it's just a way for us to kind of keep track of everything so that we have that framework.
So that we may upload the ideas basically the operations excellence committee or you know whatever makes sense for your particular team can review the spreadsheet for project ideas just do it and replication ideas or another one is obvious any trending safety concerns and we make sure that those are addressed so we're seeing we're forcing fundamental things across the hospital you know they login in here and we can talk about that say hey does this need to be a green belt or a black belt or Kaizen.
Event okay just and again just kind of a previous presentation she did a great job talking about leadership rounding I mean this is one of the key sprinkles of ingredients that has to happen because people need that constant reinforcement right if you're doing a great job I love how you're using your e-learn of learning board you know we have about ten questions over here just because we wanted to open that dialogue about so leadership running on the boards is one of the most important elements we recommend and we actually track and make sure that each unit is being hit once a month so they're having that dialogue that conversation once a month and we developed a questions up there so again a big thing is we want to make sure that punitive it's never punitive it's just open a constructive dialogue with conversation right like I've never seen these things become more of a disaster.
When you have a leader comes out like what is this that means that's that's what we don't want so and health care it's not okay so a little bit of benefits or results now you know we we've in our health care system we've been focusing on hundreds and thousands of different improvements so for me to be able to say oh we did this and it gave us all these amazing results is a little bit I don't know if the correlation is exact however I will say every there is a high correlation between folks that have sustained this and their results so I gave giving you here just the general the General
That I've worked with quite a bit and this is just something out comes a hug right so hospitals that are successfully implemented a solid daily management system that truly empowered employees I've seen 20 to 30 percent and improving engagement scores top box with that the nikana ties in that second slide that I've talked about right this increase in engagement scores throw the direct correlation to decrease pack levels and decrease level and length of state we have less have less high hospital-acquired conditions that kind of goes hand like this day is going to start to improve now have we done dozens of other things to impact that of course but it's kind of it's kind of cool to see you know when you have employees really focused on this all the improvement and then the operating of data.
Which tries to do a lot of things of decreasing the length of stay the waste associated with these tax I really not to drugs or means of margin improvement so so it's been quite a quite a journey I mean listen if you think it's as simple and I know you don't but if you think it's as simple as just starting to board and unit and walking away this is constant daily updating this is constant grinding and our conversations talking about it not being right hearing more crazy and going to not just didn't where I work but anywhere they said yeah we have a daily management blah blah blah and then you walk over the boarding it says the quantity rated from 2014 right so like we really have to sustain this and we do that from so important couple of our key key takeaways really important to celebrate operational.
Successes with the departments and units so important culturally to begin the transition of checking your mind at the door and daily management firefighters right we do not want people that come in and check their mind at the door we want people to come in and think you know from an experiment
standpoint from a changing standpoint and that experimental learning environment is the anecdote to the barter mentality I am sure we've seen some martyrs in our work environments and marker and I also say I'm happy right obviously many of the factors of initiatives help drive the all these outcomes but I really feel like visual management.
Serves as the foundation that sets the stage for constructive dialogue and improvement and like I mentioned successfully takes a top-down bottom-up daily commitment so that's our journey that's kind of the things that we've been working over the last few years hopefully hopefully that gave you a little description and help spark some ideas and if you if you folks ever want to reach out and ask any questions I think my email is included in there so being rigidly flexible with the visual management boards you use the phrase.
We are kind of strict you know who so who if you could talk a little bit about who is actually a part of the leader rounding doing the strict and what's the process for accountability if something sitting up there for two or three weeks yeah yeah so in it depends on the hospital but for the most part everyone in the c-suite is rounding if we call them puddles it's probably somewhere near you but if everyone in the c-suite and they so we have you know attend ten.
People or whatever in that apartment and every single units hit once a month right so the accountability piece is that if our senior leadership does that rounding it they may have something up there for six weeks but that only really happens once because they know that's a trigger question to ask why is this common yeah yeah and are your managers directed are going to script affair approached by a patient so they are so there are some generally that's that's the question that's always.
Asked in some time the rigid flexibility was that we wanted to have it where everyone was rounding or where they did their daily Huddle's and so so yes we did we did prepare for that into your cheer point um people that they understand what they're looking at go still has questions but I don't know.
I'm kind of like hit or miss on I think it's a great thing because they take the ownership of it say I don't want my cardi rate to be here right I wanted to improve but yeah we do we do some scripting and the questions now come in nearly as much as you would think they would but yeah you gotta you have to prepare for that as well yeah just a quick question just on your end slide.
That we're learning from artists that we do not necessarily yes for the most part the people have been doing along this have have they've been through our healthcare world for so long that they feel very disempowered and very disenfranchised I guess in the sense that they've given a suggestion 20 years ago and nothing happens to know now I'm never going to give a suggestion again so the ones that have worked there the longest in that environment those are the best ones that if you can start to turn them have the best ideas and will give you the best like ideas and improvement ideas yeah thank you so you three year ago to your one year targets like this yeah you take it up to the project level or just identify that when your target is climbing because you have an idea generation boy yeah boy but we wanted to create the foundation for taking these and getting Matriculating amounts of the units and saying how essentially can can each unit.
Impact these right so the I said the projects I think here's our measurement issues our projects up here these are the projects that we were you know black belts and in different folks are working on to help impact these but this was the most important element of this was getting all of these which are turning into these and then essentially they all tie back to the to the 5 pillars and as long as they are so you know the units were suggesting the things that can impact these that's where our rigid flexibility came in we could be a little.
Bit more stringent and we were in some compartments to say hey we're really focused on patient flow and your length of stay is very bad well you know could use some work so we need you to focus on this year we did that for a few departments let's just start the more the more kind of openness and just in participation generally it's better than being more stringent saying me to focus
exactly do alignment across ministries it doesn't mean we we did it so again what this what these are developed from are the overall regional kind of three. Year one year plans so they're all connected in that sense but from ministry to administer you see a lot of the same targets and goals because they're all coming down from the same place I know thunder ranked thunder.
Corey Rathburn,
Regional Value Oriented Architecture and Clinical Excellence, Providence Health & Services.
Corey Rathburn is a seasoned Process Improvement and Operations Excellence professional with 15 years of experience driving effective and positive change in various industries spanning from Healthcare to Consumer Goods.
Corey received his degree in Industrial Engineering and Logistics at Purdue University. He began his career as a project engineer with Avery Dennison where he went on to receive his Six Sigma Black Belt certification and lead record-breaking new product launches.
He then joined the healthcare world leading Lean, Six Sigma, and Process Improvement projects for Quest Diagnostics and HCA (Sunrise Hospital). During his time at HCA, he led many throughput and Process Improvement initiatives in the Emergency Department and Operating Room. Then later at Sunrise, Corey worked in administration as the Chief Staffing Officer and Associate COO. In this role, Corey oversaw all aspects of labor management, focused on overall patient flow of the hospital, and had various departments he was responsible for. During this time, Corey received his MBA with a focus on Healthcare Administration.
Before joining Providence St. Joseph Health, Corey was a Master Black Belt and oversaw Global Operations of the Process Improvement program at Anheuser-Busch InBev, responsible for establishing and developing a framework for the company's global Continuous Improvement Program.
Corey’s first role at Providence St. Joseph was the Master Black Belt at Holy Cross Medical Center. While at Holy Cross, Corey focused on Patient Flow improvement, implementation of HRO/Learning Boards, facilitating various process work-out events, and continuing to develop the culture of improvement and empowerment at the ministry. Currently, he focuses on Clinical Excellence and Value Orientation Architecture for the Southern California region.
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