Courtesy of Nintex's Holly Anderson below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'The Key to Optimizing BPM and Process Automation, and the Companies who got it Right' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at iBPM Live - Virtual Conference.
Session Information:
The Key to Optimizing BPM and Process Automation, and the Companies who got it Right
RPA and workflow are essential components of an overarching automation goal. However, there is a key step in the pursuit of continuous improvement that some companies miss. In this session, Nintex will discuss how Amazon, Zoom, and others leverage technology-business process management, workflow automation, and robotic process automation – to quickly adapt to a changing marketplace while accelerating their operational excellence.
You’ll learn how to:
Session Transcript:
Coming from Colorado today and she's going to share her wisdom and expertise with us and I'm talking about Holly Anderson here. Great to have you with us, Holly. Let me tell you all a little bit about Holly.
She's a process automation expert with over 20 years in high-tech and the process automation industry and index.
She leads the product and partner marketing organization and is responsible for the overall go-to-market messaging and positioning for the new tax process automation platform brier tuning tax.
She spent many years at ..., a leading process automation company in both product marketing and technical sales roles and has also held that can go consulting and developer roles.
So this is a leader who has done it all, and Holly, we're so grateful for you to take the time to share your wisdom and expertise with our global audience today.
Well, thank you so much, Josie, I appreciate that introduction. Hello everyone, it is great to be here, we have quite an international audience with us today, which is very exciting. And as Jessie said, I have been in the process automation space for a long time. I talk to a lot of customers, a lot of organizations who are really trying to find that success in digital transformation, and really make sure that they're optimizing their VPN and process automation projects. And so, that's what we're going to talk about today. So, let's go ahead and dive right in.
This is not a presentation about med techs, but I did just want to start with really quick context of who we are. As Josie said, we are a process automation and process intelligence vendor. We've been around since 2006, and since that time, we've really helped more than 10000 customers worldwide with their process management, process, automation, and process intelligence needs. And because of that, we've had a lot of experience, a lot of expertise in helping customers make sure that they are as successful as possible.
But before we get to the success, Let's talk a little bit about why organizations are still struggling to digitally transform. I think we've been hearing about digital transformation. Gosh, it feels like almost a decade now since that term came around.
And a lot of companies have already started their journey, but we do still hear from many, many customers, many, many organizations, where they're struggling with several different things in their digital transformation projects.
Now, some of these may be familiar to you, whether it's lack of visibility into processes, which really lead to inconsistencies among some of the processes they may be automating.
Maybe it's a lack of resources that you have in your organization.
As a matter of fact, most organizations are probably running into a lack of those highly skilled technical resources that traditionally were the people who were helping with those automation projects. Now trying to find additional resources to help with those projects, is quite tricky in, in today's landscape.
We also hear from a lot of customers just in terms of having maybe a lack of capability. In some of the existing systems, existing tools that they've been trying to use.
Now the good news is no matter what challenges you may be facing as part of your process automation projects, there are solutions, there are ways that you can actually overcome some of these roadblocks and some of these challenges. And that's what I'm going to be talking about today. So let's go ahead and dive right into the first area, which is really going to be focusing on this idea of lack of visibility and how we can get more visibility into the processes we have in our organization.
Now, I like to say that it's fine if you want to automate your processes, but if the process is already bad, you're just going to be automating a bad process. And this is very similar to what W Edwards Deming says here, too.
If you don't fully understand the process that you're trying to optimize and automate, how is it going to be successful?
What are you going to know that's maybe being done wrong?
That's really where we want to focus this first piece of guidance that we provide our customers, and something that I think would be beneficial to you all as well.
And that is the idea of taking a step back from those automation processes and thinking first about the management of processes.
Now, what exactly is process management? I think if you've been in the industry a long time, you've heard the idea of business process management, but it means a lot of different things to a lot of different people.
So, what we think of process management is really the practice of improving company performance through managing and optimizing business processes.
Now, what specifically does that mean? There's three key areas to process management, that we feel like are very beneficial to start looking at.
The very first and foremost thing is the idea of making sure that you're discovering what all of those processes in your organization actually look like.
Now, there's lots of tools on the market today. Task, mining, process, mining, all of those tools really help give you good visibility into what's happening in your organization. How do people get work done on a day-to-day basis? So really making sure that you first take time to discover what those processes look like.
Next, you really want to focus on documenting those processes, Making sure that you understand not just what steps are taken across each of the processes, but who's involved.
What happens when an exception happens in the process. Is there a different person that's involved? Does it go through a different set of steps? Once you document that and can understand what's going on, that's when you can start to map out what your future state of the process is going to look like.
So, taking the time to document, and then really think about, how do you want this process to work going forward.
There may be some things that you're doing today that you no longer need to do. Maybe once you automate the process, or maybe it's just something that is the legacy way that you've always done processes, but there's a better way to do things going forward.
So, mapping out that that to be process is also critically important when you're really looking at how to automate successfully.
This third step is all about optimizing your processes, Similar to kind of mapping out what your future looks like for the process, really identifying those areas that you no longer need to do manually.
For example, there may be areas in your process that are ripe for automation. So, really identifying those key areas for optimization, and thinking about that, to be state.
All of this is really going to help drive success once you actually start automating your processes. You have a good foundation for setting things up, making sure you have the visibility into what's happening in your processes, and then really making sure that you're working across all of the different teams who are involved, to collaborate on the best possible way to automate, and the best possible way you want your processes to work over time.
Now, once you've documented those processes, optimize them as much as possible. Now, really ready to identify, what are the opportunities that you want to automate.
Now, we've been talking about process automation for a very long time now. It's not a new concept, and we all know the benefits that automation can really bring to an organization, especially if you have been doing a lot of your work very manually paper based. I still have a lot of customers I talk to that are all doing work on e-mail and spreadsheets, even in the year 20 20 to. Sometimes it surprises me how much paper is still around an organization's, but it is still just a fact of everyday life.
So why is automation so important?
Even today, I think there's really three key things that we hear from customers, as to why they're still focused on automation.
First and foremost, is just the idea of being able to adapt to changing times, whether that's a changing market landscape, whether that's a global pandemic, that throws all of business around the globe, off kilter And you have to adjust and find new ways to work.
Or whether it's just a new system or technology that you're bringing into the organization.
All of that is really going to require adaptability in your organization and in your processes. And automation is a great way to ensure that that happens.
Next, I think, we're still, hearing from a lot of organizations that reducing cost and increasing efficiency amongst internal employees, is still a key reason to automate.
Obviously, this is going to drive a lot of automation, particularly in the robotic process automation space, just by making sure that all of your employees are working as efficiently as possible.
But also enabling them to free up time to work on tasks that maybe require more brain power and are not necessarily focused on those mundane, repetitive, everyday tasks.
So, reducing costs and increasing in fish efficiency is certainly something that we still hear from a lot of organizations today.
Third, and in my opinion, probably most important, is really making sure that you can evolve quickly to remain competitive.
The landscaping business today is so competitive every day. It feels like new companies are popping up, new, great ideas are coming in, and it can really be difficult for organizations to keep up and make sure that they're staying competitively at an advantageous.
And that's really where automation can help. It's not just about focusing on your internal operations and making sure your employees are as efficient as possible, but it's also looking at those processes that are externally focused, that are customer focused.
I think everyone will agree to agree with me, that if you have happy customers, loyal customers, you're much more likely to stay in business, and you're much more likely to win that business from other competitors in your market.
So, it's critically important to really be able to evolve and stay competitive, and that is a great opportunity for automation to come in and help drive that competitive advantage.
But not all automation and not all automation tools are the same.
And this is one of the things that we really talk a lot to our customers about, is the idea that utilizing more low code tools, as part of your automation toolkit, is really going to give you much more adaptive adaptability and flexibility over time.
Now, if you look at the left hand slide, on the left hand column of this slide, this is more of a traditional approach. I've considered this to be more of maybe a Legacy BPM toolkit.
Perhaps maybe more difficult to implement, projects were a little bit longer over time.
The cost was usually pretty significant, and the other thing that we typically saw with more traditional approach to automation was that IT, did the majority of the work, really had to focus on those highly technical resources to be able to deliver successful automation. And that's really where low code has now come in and almost changed the landscape of automation completely.
And that's really one of the things that ..., as a low code automation provider, is really focused on doing. And there's four key things that we really see, low code providing additional value.
First of all, just the idea of being really easy to use and being collaborative.
So that it's not just IT mapping out and prioritizing those processes, but really getting the business involved.
Getting the people who work on these processes on a day-to-day basis involved. Not just in understanding the requirements, they're actually building out solutions themselves. So being able to have those easy to use drag and drop tools that don't require a lot of technical understanding is key to automation success.
We've talked a lot about agility and flexibility.
The idea of being able to quickly build out a solution using drag and drop tools but also making sure that you have the flexibility and the agility to connect to.
Lots of different systems that you may have in your organization, whether that's a legacy system or something that's SAS based, that is new in your environment and you need to connect to that. Being able to have that agility with lots of different connector options, lots of different drag and drop tools is really going to help provide you, not just agility in building, out automation initially, but also future-proofing your projects going forward.
I don't know about you, but I feel like we get new systems and new technologies in our organization, almost on a monthly basis, so there's always something new coming in that you have to think about. And having an automation tool kit that provides the flexibility and the agility to work with all of those different systems is critically important.
The third key item is fast. We want to be able to build out these automation solutions quickly, within days or weeks, not months and years that perhaps it took with some of the more traditional BPM approaches of a decade or two ago.
Now, instead, we're doing quick wins, making sure we're automating things as quickly as possible, but also, again, making sure that we're building for that constant change.
Things are always evolving. Whether it's the technology that you're integrating with, or business needs, that you may have in your organization. So being able to quickly make those adjustments, and get going again, as quickly as possible.
The fourth and final piece is affordability.
Typically, a more traditional approach was relatively expensive. It required a lot of costly consulting. It required expensive technical resources. And, often, it was very difficult to scale over time.
With the low code approach, we're really focused now on a much more scalable, easy to update solution that really provides a low total cost of ownership, which ultimately drives up the return on investment that you're going to get for your automation projects.
So, that's really where we see the low code approach coming in, and helping to drive additional value, an additional success, in your digital transformation projects. If you have not already brought in low code tools, it's definitely something that I recommend looking at going forward. You will see a big difference in a lot of the projects that you're trying to automate over time.
All right, so we've talked a little bit about some key things to think about when you're first getting started with your automation projects, But what I often hear from customers is, OK, this is all great, but how do I actually get started?
What is your recommended approach for taking on these automation projects, and then driving them to success? So, I have a couple of key steps that we'll go through to talk a little bit about what we see as a successful approach to smart digital transformation.
The first thing I'm going to recommend, and maybe some of you are already doing this in your organizations or are familiar with this concept, but it's the idea of establishing a center of excellence for automation.
Now, you have a lot of different options here, in terms of building out a CME, you can have a one single ... that will cover all of your automation capabilities, or you may have individual ... that are focused on a specific automation technology.
For example, we have a lot of organizations that we work with, that have an RPA coe and BPA c.o.a.b., depending on how you do it. There's lots of different options, but the most important thing is to have that centralized location. A centralized group of people who can really look across the inner enterprise, identify some of those key processes that need to be automated, but also really help provide those best practices and recommended approach approaches for automation. So that you have a little bit more of a consistent approach across the entire organization.
We see a lot of companies start with automation and maybe one single department, and they do a lot of things in that one single department. But there's so much opportunity to expand that success across department, to department, to department. And really, what we see is, as you expand automation out across the organization, you're going to drive much more success over time and get some of those business benefits that we talked about. Reduction of costs, improved competitive advantage, perhaps even a decrease in risk or regulatory compliance issues that you may have.
As I mentioned, ... can be managed to gather. I often talk to people, if you do have separate ..., at least make sure that you're working together and co-ordinating together, So that you're always thinking about the right tool and the right capability for the particular automation problem that you're trying to solve.
Second is, really, we've talked about this, identifying and prioritizing those business automation opportunities.
There are probably 100 different different opportunities. You may be able to think of just off the top of your head in your organization, but making sure that you're finding those initial quick wins.
It's really going to help drive that digital transformation success over time.
It's all about being able to get a quick win that will demonstrate the capability of what automation can do, and we'll start to be able to socialize the success and the benefit of automation to your organization so that you can start getting additional automation opportunities across the company.
Third is really the idea of making sure that you're optimizing your processes before you automate. Now, we talked about this a little bit, it's very key to not just automate everything, for the sake of automation, but really think about your processes. Optimize them a little bit before you actually start the automation process.
The other question we often get, in this particular case, is, Do I have to automate every thing as part of my process? And the answer is no.
There may be some steps in a particular process that don't really make sense for automation, either at this time or maybe ever. And so, it's, it's actually OK to not automate everything in the process and have a little bit of mix of both automation, automated, maybe those repetitive tasks that are ripe for automation and keeping some of those other things more manual or human based approach. And that's OK. as long as you have a way to easily orchestrate the process between those automated pieces and the manual, more kind of hands on pieces or tasks that need to be done. That's really where something like a process orchestration tool set will really help not just automate some of the, some of the key, maybe, human based tasks, but really orchestrate the interaction between those heavily automated tasks.
Maybe that are being done by robotic process automation and the more human based tasks, as long as you have a good sense of how that all flows and works together, you'll see a lot of success in your organization.
Finally, it's all about selecting the right tools, and when I say the right tools, look there. I'll be honest. There's a ton of vendors out there in the process automation space. We're just one of many, many, so I'm not saying that the very best thing to do is purchase Ninh texts.
It may not be the best approach, but, the most important thing here is to think about what are the key challenges that I have in my organization today, and what is the right automation tool to solve those challenges?
Not just today, though, but also in the future, really being able to bring in the right toolset for the right needs is critically important. And then, always evolving and adapting over time.
What we typically tell our customers and recommend to our customers is, A lot of technology is going to do what it needs, what you need it to do.
But really look for those technology vendors that are going to help deliver a partnership, and really help you with best practices and work together to drive your digital transformation. It's not always about the technology. Obviously, technology is important, but so, are those relationships that you build with your vendor?
So, find a vendor that is really going to be a partner in your digital transformation journey, along with providing the technology and the tools that you need to solve your challenges.
All right. So, I've talked a lot about kind of some suggestions on how you can drive digital transformation success.
I'm going to end the presentation with a couple of examples of some of our customers that have really taken this approach that I've just talked about really driven success in their organization. So we're going to start first with Zoom. I think all of you have heard this Zoom story from the pandemic. It was really something where their customer base grew tremendously during. The pandemic everyone, I think, is using Zoom.
My kids were using Zoom for school, but really, that put a lot of burden on their internal operations processes, and one of the key things that they saw as they were really struggling with their process for processing orders from their channel partners. So, they ended up turning to new texts, and we really helped them, with this whole automation journey to really help automate their channel order process and make sure that they were providing the best customer service that they could. Not just to their partners, not just to their channel, but then to their partners customers as well.
And what we really saw as they went through this process, and automated using, using our capabilities, is that they found a lot of value. And we're really able to not just decrease all of the roadblocks that they had in kind of, you know, handling all of the, all of the orders through their channel. But there were also able to grow at their channel business. Because of the automation that we help them do, just on this one order processing project. Since then, they have gone on to identify additional automation capabilities that they are really in the process of automating. We're seeing a lot of success with them as they go forward.
So the idea of using automation to kind of adapt and shift their operational model based on something that happened in the market, was one of those key things that I mentioned that automation is really great for. It helps you become more flexible, more adaptable, when does market conditions change?
Next, we want to talk a little bit about Amazon.
Amazon is one of those companies that is using our automation capabilities more internally to help drive employee productivity.
And they're using our automation capabilities, as a project Management Automation toolset, really focused on making sure that they have all of their projects hit a managed across every single organization, every single employee and the entire company.
So, they've been actually utilizing ... products for several years now. And since then, they have put through almost more than four million different workflows that have driven projects across their entire organization.
And just that automation of projects and making sure that tasks are assigned to the right people over time has really driven a huge return on investment for them, and they've seen really great operational excellence across their entire organization because of the automation projects that they've put in place.
Finally, we'll talk about lands. And for those of you who are international and may not know lands in, they are a clothing retailer here in the United States, and they were really looking at a way to help drive automation in their customer order process. So if you're a customer lands in, you can go in and request customized shirts, you know, different apparel that you can, that you can use for your own organization. And this is a very manual kind of time consuming process for the Land's End Team.
So they really wanted to streamline that process, make sure that they were getting orders processed as quickly as possible.
Certainly to provide a more cost effective approach. But also they really weren't focused on that customer service experience, if you know lands in, if you are a customer of lands and they are really focused on that customer experience. So this is one of those areas they really wanted to drive operational efficiency to help drive that customer experience. So again, they turned to our toolset for automating this, this customer order process. And not only have they seen a reduction in workflow steps, so think about all of that automate our optimization that we talked about, but they've also seen tremendous ROI and automating the process, Making sure it's as optimized as possible, removing some of those unnecessary steps, and making sure that they're driving customer satisfaction throughout everything that they're doing in their organization.
All of these companies have seen great success and some of the initial projects that they worked on. And, as I mentioned, many of them are continuing on, And looking at other areas of the business that they can automate and optimize over time.
All right. Well I know we only have a few minutes left so we'll go ahead and open it up for Q&A. Josie. I don't know if you are still there, but let's go ahead and open it up for questions.
I am still here, Holly, thank you so much. Great presentation and what a great view of automation. But, certainly, you went all the way to, the to, the foundational principles of design and the process design and collaborations and, and then, you know, the, the implications and opportunities of flow code.
Lots of different questions here. I'm going to the very first swanton from Trevor go vendor and travel.
I see you may have answered this, but we can maybe go a little bit deeper on that note on the role of process design. His question is, this process design have a place in IBM. And I think you talked about there off the bat that the answer is yes, it does.
But tell a little bit about, um, there are an inclination of, Oh, we have a problem.
Now, let's create a solution and let's create an automated solution.
And often, we bypass these deeper understanding of the processes and how and how we actually, we're working.
How do you get people to focus on? Cannot jump to solutions, Sinatra? Jump to amalgamate Solution.
I mean, it's a tough position, because, you know, you are kind of an automation support here, but in a way, you tell people to slow down. Let's look at the process. How do you guide people through that process?
Yeah, you're right. It can be very difficult. I think there's There's so much benefit and automation that sometimes people jump to. We just have to automate everything and it would be perfect. That's never the case, right? You like I said before, if you automate a bad process, it's still going to be a bad process. So, we really talk about the idea of, Let's just step back. And, we don't have to take a long time, right? To optimize, you can do that over time, But let's, first and foremost, make sure that we're really understanding, what are the steps involved? I think the big thing that people often forget is, typically, there is A, what I call, the happy path of the process. Maybe 80% of the time, it goes through that process, but the other 20%, there's perhaps exceptions that you need to understand.
And those exceptions are typically the area where it can trip you up in your automation. So, just taking time to, at least think about what those exceptions may be, will help drive more efficient automation, the first time around. But the other thing that we often tell customers is, don't stop there. You need to always be thinking about continuous optimization and improvement of your processes. So, see how it goes. Keep monitoring. Think about other ways that maybe can, you know, different areas of the process can be more efficient over time and make those incremental changes over time. Eventually, you will get a fully, fully optimized process, but you don't have to start with for optimization right out of the gate.
That's terrific. Thank you for that. Michael Andrews has a follow-up question. Now on the focus on identifying the opportunities, what is what is the best way for identifying the opportunities that you see, maybe as best practices and organizations?
Yeah, I think when I first started in the industry, one of the things that we first started on is, what's the biggest, most mission critical process that you can start with? Let's optimize, let's automate, and optimize that. And that's often why those projects were several years in the making and were very, very complicated.
Instead, what I have seen more success with is looking for some of those quick wins. Now, quick wins are going to be different in every company. Maybe it's something that is just completely manual today, and you just want to improve it a little bit with some, with some automation. That may be a great, quick win for you to start with and get your feet wet and kind of get success and see how that is going to change your organization.
And another company maybe focused more on looking at ways to improve, improve employee productivity first. So, they'll start with more of an internally focused process. HR Onboarding it, for example, is a very common process that we have a lot of our customers starting with first, so it does depend on what your organization's goals are. But really looking for those quick wins, something that you can automate and get some optimization on relatively quickly, is where we see the best success. Because then you can build on that success over time.
I'll say value and speed into rules so that you have to make some tradeoff.
Um, on the on those elements, suzan Quarter has a new question here, and she's asking Holly, How should companies prepare employees to begin using BPM? And do you have any advice for building expertise quickly?
Yeah, that is a great question, and actually, one area that we did not touch on, I can probably, due to our presentation, just on that change management aspect. It is critically important to make sure that you are preparing employees for the change that's going to happen.
And the one thing I will say, too, is that change management doesn't have to be, Hey, Ms. employ, you are out of a job, right. It's more adapting and changing the way people are going to work, and showing them that there's so much benefit in this automation. They're actually going to be able to work on more exciting projects over time.
one of the things that we often talk to our customers about is utilizing that Center of Excellence that I mentioned previously. Really identifying those best practices. And having a centralized organization that can help with change management and help roll out the new automation projects that's really critical in making sure that you are successful. Automation is one thing, but if people rebel against it, it's not going to be successful.
So, you really have to bring them along the journey, And that's one of the reasons why we talk about at the beginning of the project, Bringing those business users, bringing the day-to-day people who are working on these processes, bring them along, Help them work on the projects themselves. They can help collaborate on design, or, if your organization wants to, they can also be part of the actual build process. With low code tools, now, you don't have to be an IT, which is, you can actually be a business user that can help build up the project. So, get them involved early, early on, listen to their feedback, and bring them along the journey over time.
That's an excellent point, Holly, for the next question, which has to do with the centers of excellence. And who should be part of the center of excellence? What type of skills capabilities are you looking for, especially if you're, like, you're looking to start small scale? So, let's say we're starting small to scale. What are some of the key skill sets you're looking for in that center of excellence?
Yeah, That's a great question. Typically, what we see in our customers is the .... A lot of times, we'll start in a process improvement PMO type organization. And I think those folks have a great skill said, they're really looking at optimize optimization and processes on a broad scale.
Very, very important to be part of your coe. But the other thing I will say is you can't have a COD that is actually going to drive success without some IT involvement. And then also some business end user involvement as well. So having that trifecta of folks who have the different skill sets, I think is important to really drive, not just adoption, not just the actual implementation of the project, but also that adoption and optimization over time. So we would say all three of those different types of skill sets are very important. And it doesn't have to be a huge group of people.
You can start with just three people, one from each of those different organizations and start small and grow over time. We actually have one customer up in Canada who started a ... with just one person. And he was an evangelist for, you know, why this was important. And he really built out a whole ...
all by himself, and then eventually added additional people to it. And he was quite successful.
So, it can be done with a very minimal set of staff.
That's great guidance. And one final question here, coming from David, March, about, what is your opinion on the process, discovery tools? Do they, what role do they play, are they useful, How do you see process discovery tools?
Yeah, Great question.
I think process discovery is actually very key to the beginning of an automation project, your digital transformation journey, because it provides visibility.
I think a lot of times, you start to go in an automated process, and you don't actually know what all the steps in a process are. You. I have been on many projects where there are steps that were completely hidden to us. We had no idea until we rolled out the whole automation and then realized, Oh, there's a whole nother group that is actually involved in this process. So utilizing those process discovery tools, whether it's task, mining or process mining really helps at least give you initial visibility into what's happening today and then you can move forward, automate it, but also optimize over time.
So to me, it's kind of a a critical piece to the entire puzzle and should be something that you start with before you can dive into automating.
That's terrific QALY.
Lots of interesting questions here about how to build this capabilities, and grilled's capabilities. So my question to you is that, what is the best way of connecting with ... with you, and learning more, and keep building on on this journey, just any resources that you could share with us, or contact points that we can have for the audience? Yeah, absolutely, so I always tell people you are welcome to reach out to me at any time, either on LinkedIn, or you can just e-mail me e-mail me directly, and just holly dot anderson at ... dot com. But I also recommend going to ... dot com, our website. We have lots of great resources there.
We have demos that we can really show you, and really connect you with the folks who can help you solve whatever challenges you may have in your organization, Please reach out, for sure. I, as Jesse mentioned, I've been in this space for a very long time, I'm very passionate about process automation, and how I can really help drive success in organizations, so I'm always happy to talk about process automation, with anyone.
And Holly and you speak so well about all this, all, this different, you know, so, related topics to process automation. It's a real gift for all of us to have you here sharing your wisdom and expertise with us.
So on behalf of our global audience, heartfelt thanks for taking the time to choose to enlighten us today.
Well, thank you all so much for having me today. I really appreciate it and enjoy the rest of the session. There's a lot of great things coming up.
Thank you very much, Holly.
Ladies and gentlemen, that was Holly and their son leader.
Process automation, at ..., sharing her wisdom and expertise with us.
What a great way to get us started here, and we are going to be taking a break, and when we come back at the top of the hour, we're gonna bring you another great, cross industry leader of excellence, innovation, and transformation, and the use of intelligent business process automation. I'm talking about Brent ..., who is the Chief Industrial Futurist.
He brand has spent over 20 years at Royal Dutch Shell on some of their most critical global learning transformations, and process development. He's going to be sharing his expertise, and wisdom with us, at the top of the hour. So, thank you so much, for the great questions, great interaction, I look forward to keeping that up, so we'll close the session.
Holly Anderson,
VP Product Marketing,
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Courtesy of Nintex Pty's Paul Hsu, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Improve employee productivity during and post-COVID by ...
Read this article about HP, Best Achievement in Operational Excellence to deliver Digital Transformation, selected by the independent judging panel, ...
Read this article about BMO Financial Group, one of our finalists, in the category Best Achievement in Operational Excellence to deliver Digital ...
Read this article about Cisco, one of our finalists, in the category Best Achievement of Operational Excellence in Internet, Education, Media & ...