BTOES Insights Official
July 18, 2020

Enterprise Architecture Live- SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT : Holistic, consistent and sustainable EAs: “Systemic Transformation Coaching” for bionic systems

Courtesy of Process Management Coach's Jennifer Haacken, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Holistic, consistent and sustainable EAs: “Systemic Transformation Coaching” for bionic systems' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at BTOES Enterprise Architecture Live Virtual Conference.


Session Information:

Holistic, consistent and sustainable EAs: “Systemic Transformation Coaching” for bionic systems

Companies are complex bionic systems containing human, social and technical subsystems.
Though we know that changes in one of these sub systems may have an impact on surrounding and/or related sub systems, EA activities are often exclusively technical- or KPI-oriented
and forget about goals and motives of human and social systems.

In this session, Jennifer will explain:

  • Composition of different system types and the process of system differentiation
  • Mind set and responsibilities of “Systemic Transformation Coaches” inside EA teams
  • Pragmatic and easy to use methods for all types of EA professionals to contribute to holistic, consistent and sustainable architectures
  • Risks and challenges of non-holistic EA approaches

Session Transcript:

Live: I'm very excited by our next speaker, Jennifer Hack and is coming to us directly from Germany today. Hello, Jennifer. Come on and join us.

So Jennifer is an enterprise or process architect at Aldi and directly from the Western Part of Germany, today. And she's a certified transformation and Fire Walker Coach, and that she has had a journey of process management for the last 10 years. And, and she has realized how deep the transformation takes place. Not only at the professional level, but at the personal level, And that she's gonna share with us today, her perspectives on, on that transformational process. And we're very privileged to have you with us, Jennifer, And really looking forward to your presentation. Thank you. Thank you.

So Hi, everyone. I hope you can see and hear me. Good.


In the introduction said, I'm a process architecture at IOT International Services in the Western part of Germany. But, nevertheless, I found out for myself that I need to write something about stress management coaching, because sin Phi Plus Management Coach.

And a lot of insights I got there inspired me for my own block, and this is also what you can say here, today, the first measurement called block. And I'm presenting my own views, but I also use this also for my daily work and early.

So, what I found out is that transformation, and also fire transformation, that is also why I'm a certified Fire Walker Coach, is the most Yeah.

I have to say, the best thing to describe transformation because it burns everything away and transforms it to something totally new and this is also what we do every day. And this makes people afraid mass. So this is what we deal with every day with the fears.

And yeah, questions of people who are afraid what happens after the transformation? And this is what we can also see this covert 19 every day to day.

And what I also saw that if you don't do transformation and keep your own stuff all the time, you will get lost and something will overrule you.

And regarding transformation, my biggest point of view is how to do this in a holistic way.

So as we all know, as enterprise architects, we all face the same challenges of less priority, comprehension, and motivation, simplicity, pragmatism, or innovation. So when we start new enterprise architecture projects as, well, why do we need this isn't really necessary. Sometimes we do something then it's the godless prioritized, and other projects are higher franchise.

Um, and yeah, more and more resistance and complicity in politics, hit us and also the so-called hidden agenda. So what do we need? So we need or lack in commitments that we need more commitment.

But how can we achieve more commitment for our sustainable architectures? Because commitment is one of the factors that we need to ensure sustainability of our architecture systems.

So, one thing that I found out for myself is that, to be on eye level with colleagues, all over the place, is very, very important.

So, we have to acknowledge that all task and perspectives are valuable, and putting the value of part of the overall system. So it doesn't matter if it's a management position.

Or is it, I don't know, IT position, Or somewhere in the business, They are all valuable and parts of the old system.

The second thing is that we have to try to find a common language visit. What is very difficult for us, IT, learn sometimes?

And sometimes when it comes to politics, honesty gets goes down. So we don't fly with open carts anymore. And this creates a lot of insecurity when it comes to transformation.

So, what I could just advise this child to play with open cards all the time, even if it's, if it's real, less, it goes to higher workload, or anything like that, that honesty is really, really important to keep the minds of the people open.

Screenshot - 2020-07-18T204742.807And to find a common language with business IT and management.

Yeah, advice is not always nice. So, it's like a slap sometimes. So, appreciate expert now hind ideas.

So, we're not omniscient on the science, um, we're not we're may sometimes we are consultants, yes? And thing we have all the knowledge and know-how that needed for the business. And, experts are less hurt and this will lead to complications afterwards. So, yeah, we have to appreciate expert know-how and ideas.

Enable experts to develop their own optimum solution as one of the basic mindsets as a coach, so we don't do consultancy, we have the questioning to find or to develop, um, the optimum solutions for the business or for the IT, together with the experts.

And we just offer our support, our methodologies.

We don't give our direct consultants mmm hmm, but when it comes to two results, sometimes we lack with consistency and transparency. This is what I found really often means. So, for example, we have a project, and we create new processes, for example, and we have to deploy new IT systems. Sometimes we saw that, for example, when they come to creation of test cases, that the test cases are not aligned with processes, for example. And afterwards, the training material was not aligned with, with a processes.

And the users were not able to, yeah, to use the systems are the processes afterwards, and this is also like with insecurity, and, yeah, less commitment.

So, as sustainability goes down, users are often used to go to their own patterns and methods, So we lost, maybe, the chance to have a successful enterprise architecture project.

And also, early and continuous communication across our hierarchy levels, sometimes, is not the best develop thing we have in some companies, So, because the management is informed by the users afterwards, or not informed, they work on something else, on a different approach, because they haven't reached the communication outdoors.

And so, also, the chance missed to have successful projects.

But why is that the case that we currently live with?

Btog CTAour code commitment?

And one of these is, and I think Mark MacGregor already told it. And on the first day in the keynotes, that is often have only a technical or maybe a business focus. But we are missing a people centric view, or a holistic view.

So, we have also, we try to strive for end to end, crossing them to end processes of across central and data flows.

But we don't have the people view with us. We only define extremely motivated KPIs. Intrinsic value is targets and motives of people are that are hidden will not be taken into account. And this also leads to a lot of resistance.

And the KPIs are often defined in silos and within the KPI architecture, that means we have a conflict of object is sometimes I give you an example.

I had, I think, eight years ago, a process and analysis, and The buyers got incentive.

When they bought stuff with a lot of payback reform from the supplier. And then they bought thousands of pink skirt, but that will never be sold, but they use news at that. For them, the goal was reached. They have a lot. They got a lot of payback. And on the other side, we have the seller selling people, the selling stuff. And they wanted to have, they need to sound the highest price for the customer. Has the biggest March margins. They say, OK. I cannot sell anything, because, yeah, I wanted to wants to buy Pink Scores.

So, we sat together and said, OK, you have this goal. The other ones have this goal. What now? Yeah.

But the KPIs were so defined in silos that no one of no no one of these departments wanted to change their KPIs.

So, we have a cannibalization of KPIs and sometimes we knew this, but often it's hidden.

And these resistances and cannibalization of targets are sometimes obvious first after the deployment of changes are in the training of all communication phase of the deployment.

So the architecture team is out of the project already and but missed the chance to yeah, also here create a Sustainable architecture, which is, yeah, the motives and the targets are not aligned and harmonized.

So what's the biggest problem then, for us?

So on this is that we don't think in overall systems, we just think also our architectures and, but our global economic system that is composed of companies or organizations, is also created an organized by humans and designed by humans. And all these humans have their personal goals, their own personal goals and it's also unconscious unconscious motives.

And that means, and I think you all know, this iceberg model, that transformation processes change or trigger, a lot of known and hidden systems and artifacts.

And, but we sometimes only talk about the no one, for example, here, I wanted to show you that we have natural, natural systems, like people, so only people all the natural systems. And we have designed systems, like ..., structures, application strategies, data governance. And we have also bionic systems like processes or Communications because, here, IT and people are working together hand in hand.

And we have a lot off green, natural systems, and artifacts below the waterline.

Copy of Email Graphic Virtual Conferences (3)And they are all green because only people or natural systems have these hidden agendas are motives and goals.

And this means that if we just work with these transparent and known systems and artifacts, we will not create, hmm, long lasting and sustainable architectures Because people will get resistance and will try to go back to their own patterns and ways of working.

So what can we do to get a commitment for system change? So first, we have to explore the roads routes, and goals and motives of subsystems. So subsystems are people in.

In this case, are people in the company. And they want to have answered the question, what's in for me, and this is what also change management people always ask, But I think an enterprise architecture, this question is not known or not well-known, or not, well known enough.

So before I start changing something, and it doesn't matter if it's an IT system, if it's a process, if it's whatever, I have to ask what's in for me and what what's in, for me, for every stakeholder.

This is also the first step to start handling resistance and transformation processes, and this is also one of the key questions. Transformation Coach is always asking. Once and for me, and how did I get known? What's in for certain object or person? And I start always with active listening.

That means I ask open questions to get more and more information about the situation of this person, about the current situation and his work workflows, and so on, What he would like to see, does he need more optimization? Does he need support of a system or less support of a system.

What's his problem, What are his needs and wishes?

And then I always be try to be solution oriented instead of problem oriented.

That means I don't want to go away from something, but go to. get that start going.

To go that I chose, For example, I don't want to use, or I don't want to use an old system anymore, is problem oriented, but I would like to find a new solution for my pick, for my department, would be then solution oriented. So, always try to find a solution and don't discuss too much about the problem.

And always be target oriented.

That means, don't talk about things that you don't want to achieve, but talk about things you would like to achieve. It's, like, going to it's like hunting.

Now, you don't try to search things you don't want to shoot at, you tried to find things you would like to shoot.

And here's it's the same. And there's also this sense and energy follows attention now, focus, undesired results not on challenges. And also here be solution oriented.

Screenshot (4)And also here I show you the, for me, six basic coaching principles that every Enterprise Architect can use every day.

Yeah, so the first thing I already told you buy in the three points that are really necessary to, um, evolve commitment, except that you are not only signs, show appreciation and respect for the issues and requirements and ideas of your counterpart beyond the eye level.

And ask questions, why, who would like to see something, why he needs something? Why something is an issue for him. Just to get more and more information.

I'll see active listening and understand just Deco's requirements, Try really to understand them.

Just ask questions.

Open questions.

And also here, this is the second one, advice is not always nice to get commitment or a port by enabling a stakeholder's finding that one solutions and this is really something I found out at Aldi.

That was really helpful for me beaches.

I really sat down together with all of the users that I have on my process analysis.

Projects, so together with them, and ask them just questions.

Yeah, I had some ideas about the resolution, but I tried to hold myself.

Yeah, lean back a bit to make 2, 2 to ensure that they can show their real roots. Root causes of problems.

Pacing and leading, fair to be fair.

Also, he had tried to get to, try to evolve the same wording or a certain communication level and by entering another person's model of the world, by understanding what's hit, what their needs and ideas are and by use questioning techniques, try to find out what are their perspectives and then also, yes, try to show respect and appreciation for them.

Then evolve communication all the time, Bye asking questions all the time and try to get more and more informed about the people and the stakeholders and the users around you.


And this is what for me is one of the most biggest problem that I currently have in my coaching sessions and also at Aldi.

I don't know how and why people or applications are doing what.

So, the conflicts of objectives are a real big problem.


When I buy a technology, yes, I know, maybe I have a strategy whereby certain technologies I have to ..., and maybe also write down some of the KPIs I have mm, and maybe also align them with process KPIs. But as soon as I by S, I bought the application of the technology and deployed the process, I define additional KPIs and maybe these KPIs are then collapsing or with application of technology KPIs or strategy KPIs.

And, sometimes I don't know why, because I don't know them, and doesn't know where I have real structured overview of KPIs, and in which layer they are currently connected.

And answers, and I have the motives of people, that are also giving me some KPIs, that person, or KPIs. And, for me, it's very important to have.

New layer, like cross functional cross layer KPI architecture, that I know, OK, which strategy with process, applications and technology. Which KPIs, and where do, when they are connected to each other, so that I can see where I have conflicts of objectives, and where can I optimize my strategy, or processes, or applications by optimizing these KPIs.

But, if I don't know, these KPIs or heifer architect our landscape.

With the, with this overview, I may evolve certain KPIs, but then you have a conflict with other objectives that may be, go down, get ranch, or whatever.

So, this is what I would like to see more, to be more, um, I'm transparent, and more open, regarding the KPIs in each layer, each process, each application, to know why, the why, of this, Yeah, of this objective, or this mm artifact, and so on.

Yes, so?

And to go to this why and to go to these KPIs, it's also good to use these measurement or coaching techniques to ensure that I find the right ones because if I don't make sure that I have committment, people won't be honest.

There's also another story, maybe I'd like to tell.

It's also 10 years ago or so, I was in a coaching session for a process that should be optimized. And the lady that was with us and discussion really holds her knuckles And she really got white hands totally white hands.

And she was she was really, really upset and nervous, and we couldn't find out why, and she don't want to tell us anything.

And then we found out that there was a project where there was an optimization project for an application and May, and she thought we wanted to make sure that her job is not used any more on that needed anymore. And so she didn't want to tell us anything.

And she really was near to tears.

And then we went out, and said, OK, when you really need to be honest with her, that this is not our target goal, and then we were sitting with her, and discussing, OK, how can we, or what can we do to make you feel secure and safe?

Screenshot - 2020-07-18T204742.807

And this really helps, too, get to these information that we need to do our job. now, just to be honest, and find out, or be empathetic and yeah.


Um, To, to try to understand her, have you, and her to try to be in her shoes.

And ask questions now. What can we do? How do you feel?

What do you need?

All these questions can help to find out what the others need and to.

Yeah, to create the right strategies and decisions for new processes and applications, or architectures.

In our companies, so, for me, the people are the real big thing around us.

Get better networks.

Try to work with new working techniques, like working out loud, design thinking, and other coaching techniques that you can, that are used in modern times.

Also, like having an Agile coach for other methodologies, like processes, or enterprise architecture, Maybe this is what I tried to achieve, being more or less an enterprise architecture coach, Um, and then, especially a process coach.

So, yeah, I think.

This is what I would like to share today.

We'll see.

Hi, Jennifer. Are you at the end now that we're using the ready for Q&A?


OK, great. I didn't know if you had some final remarks. I saw your comments, but I wasn't sure if you had some final remarks. So go ahead and stop sharing your presentation so that we can be both on screen at the same time.

Perfect. Thank you. Thank you for for for discussing, Yeah, your journey and your personal and professional journey with us. So we appreciate the insights. There were questions that have come in during. During your session, so we'll take as many as those questions as possible. So a lot of our audience, it's a really global audience that it's a very practical audience that's looking for how they implement some of these concepts on their own organizations. How do you make this concepts real for their reality? So us there are a number of questions related specifically to you describing how have you used this concepts at your journey at Aldi. What are the challenges that you have encountered?

What are the opportunities, and lessons learned, that you have had by implementing this in a new organization for the last few years?

So if you can describe, just a little bit about the practical side of implementing this changes, and the struggles that you may have had in implementing this changes at your company, yes, yes, of course. So, first of all, I have to say that, in the beginning, I was really on my own.

So, I started by one-on-one sessions with people, and I think I did around one hundred of hours, one hundred hours of training sessions around process thinking and use in this, in these sessions, my coaching techniques to get more and more inflammation and try to, to get these people on my on my page.

So I wanted to understand how what can I do to make them feel comfortable with these topics and make them Yeah.


Hmm, hmm, mm. Make sure that they would like to bring other people with them and to talk about these topics in their? In their departments. And we also did a lot of marketing stuff. Like, we made some small papers for the ..., wave wrote something on, is, like, What does the process as well? But What does the architecture, was something about our tools.

Where to find training, material, and song. We recently started our teams channel for our Community of Practice.

And we invited all of our process monitors, for example, or an application owners to be in there, too, to do some peer group stuff, and we just doing some moderation, answering questions really, really fast.

So, not via e-mail, or something like that.

You also had a small Catherine Ron coffee round every week for modelers, so that they can bring their problems weather with them or discuss new, to be created methodologies or approaches.

So, we did it from small to big. Now, we had always a big picture in mind that we always said, OK, what is needed at the moment? And, maybe, sometimes, you also said, OK, it's not needed anymore or thrown away.

Just that, just put it into the trash and do something you different.

Then, week after week, month after month, the people where one get mom used to it, and, yeah, we had so many great feedback after 1.5 years.


And what are you most proud of, that, that you and your organization, have accomplish with? This approach, is in the last year and a half?

Mmm hmm.

I think it's the number of people that now contacts us every week to get help or to get more insights, to get reports. To get informations. And this is also what we did in the past we've tried to create value. So, we always said, OK, what could we do with this information that we now have to create reports to create something?

So, we don't wait for something more for someone to request something from us, that we just created stuff, and send it out, and waited for feedback and then created, then a new report just within, with these information that I needed.

And as soon as we get new information, new, directly, went into the management brown, and said, OK, this is what we have, yeah. Do you like it? Yeah, so a lot of marketing.

OK, so let me get here and Tanya or Keizer, one of our participants asked, he says, hello, Jennifer. Do you think that the team is typically very insulated or separated from the rest of the business organization, and then if further complicates the conversation with the business? Isn't that part of the problem? And what would just suggest, to tackle that issue?

Copy of Email Graphic Virtual Conferences (3)Hmm, Yeah. So in the beginning, I think enterprise architecture, something not really pragmatic as it seems to be very I don't know. I think that people thought we do something, and then we push something out, and they have to do something. But, it was not a discussion with each other, and I think this was the problem, the beginning that you try to achieve certain approaches, and we said, OK, we were in a conference it, yeah. Good. New approach, let's do it, but we haven't discussed with the people around. And then we get these resistances.

And by talking to the people about our ideas directly say, OK, we have an idea, what do you think? What do you need? Could this be helpful for you? Or we asked the question, the difference so that they get give. It gave us some more information.

We've shifted really, really good contact to the business, and also to the other IT departments.

And this was really, really helpful, but I think you need to work on a personal level, really, to try to achieve that connections. A good network.

Yeah, because you have to understand the needs of the people around, otherwise you would work just for the trash or for the Alvin Tower Ash.


Very pragmatic have good communications around.

Talk to everyone, go Round two roadshows. Yeah.

All this stuff.

Very good and the other question that the the audience had has to do with the impact of this global pandemic in the business and IT. And the assumption is that your business as being heavily impacted by by the events that have transpired over the last few months, some of those impacts in your line of business may actually have been positive. You may have had seen an increase in business level as opposed to so many people who are completely shut down by by everything that was happening. That was a little bit about what the impact to the business has been from the pandemic and specifically what the impact has been on E and the strategies that you had for enterprise architecture.

OK, I think the pandemic had no impact on our architecture at all because it is currently doing a big transformation project. So, but what we did was more or less on the people level we.

We had a co-operation with McDonald's, for example. And, I think for my, I think everything when, it goes a bit faster than before as of before. for example, Teams was planned to be rolled out within I don't know, six months and then it was rolled out within 10 days.

So, I think the pandemic was helpful for getting, um, yeah, speed on architecture just because now decisions were easier, faster. Not so much political discussions anymore because we had to make decisions. And think this was maybe really helpful.

Also, getting the transformation done. We had also written signatures, some cards was written signatures and they went from hand to hand before. And then it was said no, this is not allowed anymore and then they said, OK, we had to find a digital solution.

And all IT guys were said, Jay, finally, we can do this, and before the business wouldn't go with us there. So I think for architecture, decisions were easier.

Very good. Other than the, the more obvious issues and opportunities that we have, the digital communications, and the, and the, the remote work, they're required for different types of connectivity.

Are there any impacts that you foresee at a more structural level going forward in terms of digitization for the organization? Or, and I think you may have answered this already. I think you said that there are no major impacts on that, on the EAA, but, there was another question here that asks about going forward, is your business transformation, digitization efforts change as a result of current events?

So, if you could just confirm that that, that, that question Hmm, I don't think we have we had a plan and we just don't follow the plan yet, There were some postponing stuff deadlines. But nothing big.

OK, good, because that's what we're going to go ahead.

Very good. So, the next question here comes from Michael King, and he mentions as transparency regarding motives for decisions.

Made it made in the past is one of your main challenges, which are your which are your current approaches or methods to tackle that challenge? How do you document those motives? Do use an IT system, so you talked about transparency regarding motives for decisions made in the past, was one of your main challenges.

Tell us a little bit more about that and how do you tackle that issue, OK, yes, out For KPI, Documentation, we use, of course, we use Systems for Processes and applications. I think this is not a big deal because you have an enterprise architecture tool. I think, for personnel staff, it's like an enhanced stakeholder map.

So to know who is your stakeholder, but not really in person, not always persons, because persons can change a lot. But like an enhanced ... structure may be said to have somehow an ... structure.

And then combined with the stakeholder map to find out, OK, who is Neil? Who needs what. And then the this one thing that just made me but critical, because it's human resource sector, is if you have certain incentives, If you gave someone a bonus for something, this is what maybe is not known by EA at all.

But you have to think about are there any bonuses or incentives that make clash our approaches.

Very good.

Very good. Another question that came up here, Jennifer. It was that you talked about this personal transformation, that, to have a professional transformation, you must have a personal transformation, as well. Tell us a little bit more about that in your specific case, as your personal transformation. What have been the most important lessons learned for yourself as you have embarked on this personal transformation journey in the last five years or so?

I think the most important thing was, nothing can stop me. I just need to have a bit of courage to go out to Go, and this was also what I learned, when I did the fire walk training. That you have to do the first step, and the first step is always the hardest one.

But after then, you have just to be careful.

And, you have to be, I don't know what the word is.

You have to don't think too much about what you're doing.

You just have to be, two, to feel attitude to do. What's your ghali feeling, gut feeling. And don't think too much.

So, because our brain works with olds system versions.

Screenshot (4)So we had no updates since thousands of years, and the brain part, where we are steered regarding, if we should do something or not, we always have the small voice in our head that says, No, you cannot do this. It's too dangerous, because it tries to prevent us from dying, because it does not know if we die, or not, Because it cannot recognize. And then, if you go over the fire.

Are the calls, you can show your brain that you can decide on your own, and you're not the voice in your head, you're just, it's just a helper.

Now, it's just a guide who would like to prevent you from dying, but you choose what you would like to do or not.

And this was, I think, the main lessons learned ahead in the past, and just good, That's very good. Yes, I think that we have learned from neuroscience, certainly, in the last decade or so, that the difference between fear and excitement is largely what your brain labels it. So, it's very important that we understand those processes. So, Jennifer, real pleasure to have you with us sharing your expertise directly from Germany to the world, and we'll look forward to learning more about your journey in the future, and thank you very much for taking the time to be with us today.

Thank you for the invitation to say goodbye.

Bye, bye.

Ladies and gentleman, our, this concludes this segment of our presentations today, and our next presenter will be Peter F, is the Global, Continuous Improvement Director for lego. He will be coming to us directly from Europe, and the sharing, his journey, Lego and what they have done with enterprise architecture, specifically, when it comes to building, not build, but really build on their culture of continuous improvement and innovation. So you do not want to miss that, super excited about having, having that, those perspectives, and we'll see you at the top of the hour when we're, when we welcome Peter Evans to our conference, so thank you, And I'll check back with you at the top of the hour.


About the Author

more (77)Jennifer Haacken,
Enterprise Architect & Transformation Coach,
Process Management Coach.


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