Courtesy of Mars Inc.'s, Lee Bogner wrote a synopsis of his speaking session discussing 'An Enterprise Architecture Framework for Value Creation using Digital Ventures Innovations'.
We actualize our multi-market Mars EA approach, utilizing our Mars Enterprise Architecture
Digital Ventures Innovation Framework. This is a high-value, growth and efficiencies-focused
approach – involving meaningful, agile collaborations – which follows the Mars EA Digital
Ventures Innovation Journey Map. During this journey we value the collective intelligence of
key, trusted internal and external business partners – with whom we share our industry-leading
business and technology acumen.
Let’s describe this journey.
First, we frame the idea, problem, and opportunity. As such, Mars EA helps our stakeholders
and partners learn, absorb and ideate. This is the “Digital Immersion” stage of our Innovation
Framework. We do this in conjunction with the Mars Digital Transformation “100x Digital
Engine” four-stage approach – where we FIND the problem/idea/opportunity using cutting-edge
techniques such as design thinking / user centricity, and Mars EA Digital Ventures Hackathons
– where we unlock opportunistic digital provocations and the art of the possible.
In collaboration with our key partner – the Mars User Centricity team – we reveal true
consumer, and customer insights to enlighten our shared thinking. From this initial stage we
align on a portfolio of ideas to pursue further.
Our game-changing Mars EA-created and led immersive Digital Ventures Hackathons,
inaugurated in 2020, are a strategic ingredient in our Mars EA innovation journey. These Mars
EA-produced digital summits, typically ½ day immersive and intensive, focused collaborative
ideation sessions include active participation of Mars business segments – typically by market
or region, and Mars EA-segment and Digital Transformation leaders’ contributions. Here we
review and actively propose digital ventures opportunities – for reuse, scalability and new
venture businesses models, ecosystems, partners and solutions. Next, we elect the top
ventures to proceed to test-and-learn, keeping a manageable portfolio in mind. And we single
slide the scope, resources, owners, and success-factors for PoC sprint-readiness.
Next, Mars EA leads the effort to plan, prioritize and align during the “Digital Planning” stage.
Along with Mars business segments in target markets, and regions, we create our prioritized
“Digital Ventures” Pipeline of sprints – where we Explore and Sense Make.
The “Digital Incubation” stage follows, where we Create and Learn. Here our Test-and-Learn
incubations are activated and iterated. Agility, a key Mars Enterprise Architecture principle, and
part of the Mars 100x Digital Engine, is crucial to Digital Ventures Innovation outcome success.
Successful sprints, as determined though collaboration of Mars EA and the business segment
sponsors, then move into Pilot, or “Digital Realization” stage. The focus is on themes to
“optimize, measure, realize and scale” these EA Digital Venture pipeline-discovered
opportunities. Again, referencing the Mars Digital Engine, Mars EA advises on problem solving
using data, AI and next-generation technologies, while safeguarding regulatory compliance,
privacy and security, quality and safety.
Here’s what success and progress looks like:
Lee Bogner,
Global eCommerce Enterprise Architect and Innovations Strategist,
Mars, Inc.
An e-commerce executive since 1996, Lee Bogner is Mars global enterprise architect for eCommerce and digital innovations. Lee advises global emerging market businesses on D2C, B2B and hybrid online marketplace e-commerce strategies and operations; hybrid B2D2C eCommerce; social, video and community e-commerce and analytics; as well as game-changing virtual consumer experiences - including the heralded Mars Treat-town Covid-ready Trick-or-Treating gaming app; and digital ventures innovations across India, SEA, EU, LATAM and N. America.
A frequent speaker, Lee has held global e-commerce leadership, consulting and innovation strategy executive roles at J&J, Accenture, Bed Bath & Beyond e-Retail, The Research Board think-tank, and successful-exit digital; social; analytics; media, and e-commerce startups. He has his dual-degree Master of Business in Quantitative Analytics and Information Systems; and since 2012 is professor of e-commerce, information systems and analytics at Hofstra University’s Zarb School of Business – teaching digital business strategy in the master’s in business program.
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