BTOES Insights Official
March 03, 2021

Enterprise Architecture Live - SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT : Intertwine nature of Digital Transformation - Enterprise Architecture - Secured Business Operations

Courtesy of Biogen's Neelesh Ajmani, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Intertwine nature of Digital Transformation - Enterprise Architecture - Secured Business Operations' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at Enterprise Architecture Live Virtual Conference.



Session Information:

Intertwine nature of Digital Transformation - Enterprise Architecture - Secured Business Operations

Digital Transformation is essential for sustaining, growing, and innovating any business that is in the market for 5 plus years.  No business can be established without using automation, that depends on the technologies. 

The on-going changes in technology is forcing both the providers and consumers of the technologies to change their business model to remain relevant in the global competitive marketplace.  To stay ahead of the competition, consider digital transformation as a journey and not a one-time strategic initiative. 

To continually achieve digital transformation, the fundamental goal for any organization is to provide secured business operations.  This all is possible only with Enterprise Architecture focus.  Companies need to adjust their culture, strategies, operations and technology platforms continually by leaning on the right data.

Key Takeaways

  • Digital Transformation changes the entire organization - culture, strategies, operations and technology platforms
  • Enterprise Architecture requires strong alignment between business and IT – culture, strategies, operations and technology platforms
  • Secured Business Operations are must have to sustain and grow business – culture, strategies, operations and technology platforms

Session Transcript:

Lead Enterprise architect and Senior data scientist at Biogen. Me leash. Money coming from Boston, Massachusetts today, the leash, great to have you with us, malicious an author of Achieving and Sustaining Secure Business Operations has 30 plus years of experience in solving business problems utilizing state-of-the-art technology.

He has work experience in Fortune 500 companies in multiple industries, including healthcare, high-tech, automotive, oil and gas, semiconductor, banking, the Supreme Court of India, and Regional Indian Ministry on Industries. And the leash has successfully helped companies like EMC establish Enterprise Information Practice, shall AT&T, stablish, cross company governance models to manage the Global Life cycles, IT services, and the Mayo Clinic to establish Enterprise architecture practice.

So here we are, We have global expert, cross industry expertise on Enterprise Architecture, and we're so thankful to have you share your expertise with us today and the leash, then go Georgia.

Thank you for inviting me for this event.

I really appreciate it.

I am ready to go when you say.

You're good to go.

OK, thank you everyone, I know you have been through many topics between yesterday and today so far.

And I have looked into some of them, I attended some of them. Those are good session, I would say.

And they cover different aspects of Enterprise Architect usage in different scenarios.

And I'm here trying to go a little bit beyond that, trying to explain how it is integral to have enterprise architecture.

Specifically, today I'm focusing on digital transformation and for any type of secured business operation.

So, this is why try to cover these three elements into one topic by showing how they are inter-related and integrated.

Screenshot (30)So, today I will mainly focus on the 10000 feet view of the business and the endocrine nature of these three areas.

Then I will specifically talk at a high level about digital transformation, enterprise architecture and secure business operations.

And after conclusion, we will have a Q&A session.

So from the 10000 feet point view of business, their main focus is always on results, and it is very simple. They just want to get the good result.

And obviously, for that, they want to focus on improving their top line growth, improving their bottom line growth, Andrew Anjali, getting the good profits are better profits.

And to achieve all this, they are always measuring, and they have key performance indicator.

And what we need to realize from this slide is that any initiative we work from the enterprise architecture perspective, our key performance indicator should align with the business key performance indicator, because that's all we can measure.

Our success are our embodiments, and how we can improve upon them.

So always tied to the business key performance indicators.

Now, again, I will give the 10000 viewpoint of what is the intertwined nature in these three topics of digital transformation, enterprise architecture, and second business operation.

Now, we all have heard about it.

There are visionary ideas by business, and they come up with the business strategies, with our today's focus is on digital transformation.

Now, with this vision and strategy, primary drivers that are getting addressed are related to why and what.

And these are very important to understand, to come up with any execution strategy.

Enterprise architecture is used to come up with a map.

So that is why?



Yeah, yes.

There is a greeting.

Thank you.

So, continuing with the drivers and with the vehicle, by addressing all these important elements, we get the result in the form of secured business operations, and.

Bring the results which are in the form of profit, improve brand value.

Having a competitor read, the security element is key, our hair.

That's all.

These three are intertwined and I will go into details.

What do I mean by they are inter-related measure?

and what are the common elements that should be always kept in mind?

So, coming to the digital transformation, now we know it is an umbrella term.

Any of these billow initiatives are called as digital transformation.

Btog CTAThere could be a combination of them, or there could be, individually these initiatives, but we hear them as, we are going through digital marketing, transformation, or digital supply chain, or business to consumer, digital transformation.

These are all good.

The order under this umbrella.

But always keep in mind that, rather, you focus on cloud, or connecting fails with surveys, or any of these, you have to focus on the drivers who are, and what part to really understand what what exactly business is trying to achieve.

And for the successful digital transformation, the forecast says always, or should always be holistic.

And it showed forecasts.

From that go above, what would be the change management and governance requirements.

Now, keep in mind, when you say digital transformation, that means in Buddhist technology advanced word, that means connecting the thing.

And when you are connecting the disjointed thing, there would be a greater requirement of change management, and governance, to achieve that.

And that's why the focus should always be holistically on, from the get go on these elements.

Obviously, when we are connecting the dots connected things, or disconnected processes, or people, or organization to achieve digital transformation, we would have to address the culture.

Now, the culture adjustment is a relative term over here.

It depends upon your current state and what you are trying to achieve, how my digital, already you are, and where do you want to go? So, based on that, we will have to adjust the culture.

You will have to adjust the strategy.

And when you are going through this kind of transformation, it has impact to the other strategy for other business initiatives or technology initiatives.

So, all those would that impacted, those needs to be adjusted, so that, when you are ready for the execution of digital transformation strategy, you have no surprises.

As much as you can avoid them, that's the adjustment good, help you to achieve.

And obviously, it would impact your operation.

Now, digital transformation is a journey, it is not like op six months or a year project that you can do and forget about it.

And you incrementally will add capabilities you incrementally will transform your business, and you will have to adjust the operations so that you are, as this operation in the new environment can work.

And, when I say operations, I am talking about end to end operations, not, like, if we are focusing on digital marketing transformation, marketing has an impact to other operations, fails processing, or off your order processing or in financial. So, you will have to adjust all those operations accordingly.

And, it will also impact your technology.

All these adjustments are required, and these culture, strategies, operations, and technology are the pillars, that needs to be considered. And, change management and governance goes across all of these areas, so that they are covered.

And, again, enterprise architecture, use that as a vehicle for achieving such transformation.

Now, I will go into Enterprise architecture. I know it is not a new term for any one of us, but style, I want to spend a couple of slides.

What is Enterprise Architecture? We all have our own definition, and that is not I am here to talk about.

What I have found.

It has not become a standard, like Project Management or aji.

We have our certification for project management, from BMI or other similar institutes' all across the globe, and similarly for Agile methodologies, for Enterprise Architect, as we talk about paragraph and that member methodologies.

But those are not the entry points for anyone to call or become as an Enterprise Architect.

And for project management, it's kind of the one. That's the difference I'm trying to mention.

We should reference the roadmap and Zachman methodologies, but at the same time, that doesn't mean that.

Copy of Email Graphic Virtual Conferences (3)If you do not follow that, as is, you cannot achieve enterprise architecture goals and your business objectives.

So, those should always be considered as a reference point.

And, Toga, when I log into detail, that data, is very well, what?

an whole part, but it touches on another part in the development methodologies, and who are ..., they are trying to cover other things.

But those are valid technology.

There's not very easy for adoption for the business.

People are all across one in the technology area, so I'm not going to preach on all that about details, But the main reason I'm bringing this is that we want to clear out some of the fundamental misconceptions about the enterprise architecture, and those are like, it is not a technology architecture.

You might have heard terms like, I want Enterprise Architect, or am I enterprise, Salesforce architect?

That is good, they are focusing on enterprise level, but they are not Enterprise Architect, they are having, on domain, on which they are using that architecture techniques.

And it is not a business function architecture only, and it is not, like I mentioned, enterprise XYZ, which various domains you can pick up.

So, Enterprise Architecture, broad, and it is for the enterprise, not focusing on any domain or a new function, although, we'll use all those done.

And the actual enterprise architecture, as I mentioned, it, should address all the six elements, and we should focus on that.

And the more important part is what, where, how, and when these are important, because that's all, you can determine what is required, where it is required, and when it is required.

And we can plan, how it should be delivered by covering these elements. So that's all I want you to cover about Enterprise Architecture.

And what is the framework?

It has business element, prompts, strategy, goals, and objectives that addresses who, why, and what.

The purpose of Enterprise Architect is to align business with technology.

This alignment has all the intermediate.

You can call them applications. You can call them services. You can call them systems or data. So, all the alignment is required, end to end between business and technology. And what do we mean by business and technology architecture.

Business Architecture comprise of, you know, organizations better with skilled resources of these resources, are not only people, it could be their other processes, their policies, which are all inter-connected for them to come up with the business architecture, And these are in the form of existing capabilities.

They have future use cases, they have people and process on which they're focused, and this future use cases help us to come up with the future spirit that variability is architecture.

And that is very important when you want to align business with technology.

When you know the future state architecture, you have existing capabilities and some form that architecture.

The gaps can be assessed, and, again, focused on gaps, not only from the technology perspective, but from the organization, people, process capabilities, holistic perspective.

That would allow you to come up with the future state technology architecture that what is required.

After you know, the future state technology architecture, you can then do the alignment by knowing the assess gap, between the future state business architecture and technology architecture.

And it is not technologic driving business or businesses dive in technology. It is the collaboration.

So, that is why this alignment is important.

And, as I mentioned, when you focus on Enterprise Architect or any enterprise level strategy, goals or objectives, you need to come up with a multi-year roadmap.

At the same time, as one of the deliverables, you have to focus on a plus B or actionable plan, so that you can address their how and when, for the long term, and as well as for immediate action.

Now, what is required for successful enterprise architecture for digital transformation?

Now, we have talked about this alignment, culture, strategy, checkout, operational, and technology.

These are the similar elements: We know that cultural changes needs to be addressed holistically.

You call them top-down Bottom-up left, right?

You look into them holistically, Because the culture is not ready to adopt, then, any kind of transformation could result into big failure.

So, you should focus from the success fanta through.

What are the cultural changes required, And generally, those can come only if they are addressed from the top leadership downward.

Otherwise, it is very difficult, because if the leadership is not embracing the idea of transformation, then the chances of success are very minimal.

And, again, that structural changes or the culture changes.

And people process policies from the business perspective, strategy changes that are important.

Those are both from the business and IT, because when we talk about eliminating the gaps in capabilities, it is both from the business side.

Screenshot (4)And, capabilities are both business capabilities and IT system capabilities, So, we need to address both that gap, and, again, we have to address, from people, process, technology, perspective, strategically, what are the gaps that need to be addressed.

And, in today's world, when we talk about operations, if those are not secured business operation, second operation, we would result into failure, and security, do not consider just at a technology level, that's why I'm emphasizing saccharin business operations.

So, the focus should be there, And for achieving that, you need ongoing governance and change management activities, because then only you can adjust. You can adjust your policies or come up with new policies as the business demand changes.

And it's a journey.

So, you need the governance from the get go of this transformation, that perspective, and involving both business and IT, then only the success is possible.

And technology changes are going to walker.

You may need to even come up with new platform, look into it holistically and that will result into successful enterprise architecture for digital transformation.

And what do we mean by secured business operations? I mentioned it many times. So, how do we achieve? What does that involve?

Now, the framework we need to leverage: First of all, understand the business engagement model.

Nowadays, if you look into this picture, you can start focusing from the core business, business to business.

You're connected business and digital business, which is connecting all across, you know, internal, external.

And, if you see, on my Y axis, we are moving from internal operational to external interactions as we go digital, and as we connect businesses.

So, you have to understand, you are taking your business engagement model, from which level, to what level.

And that would help you understand what kind of risk resiliency you need to achieve.

And the greater the gap. The data risk residency level, jump you have to bid.

That's up starting point to really understand what undertaking you are going to take, so that you are well prepared for it.

How do you come up with a secure business model, once you understand the risk residency level and your business engagement model?

So, focused on five piece, prevent, protect, people, policy, and profile.

And each of these are addressing the security element for the business model, like when we talk about prevent, the good examples are, you want to prevent the unauthorized access or you want to prevent unplanned failures and so on. Similarly, what do you want to protect your assets, your sensitive information?

Integrity of your business and people you want to protect your people, which includes cultural as well. And as well as you want to focus on policies and what kind of full file to have Barbara, this presidential level.

What kind of vulnerability, what kind of risks, those vulnerabilities can.

What are the exception that you need to focus on and what are the interdependencies? That's all focus on five Ps.

What kind of secured operating model you want to create.

So to create that secured operating model, there are 21 capabilities which are mentioned in this talk, and they all have obviously more details, but you need to focus on all of them, and these cannot be forecast after way.

This needs to be integrated into your transformation from the strategy, to your goals or objectives.

Do your results and your KPI, so, that's how you can align your business KPIs when you run the Set Theoretic API, with the focus on achieving the security business operations.

Screenshot (30)With the limited time, I do not want to go more into details, but, if you're interested, you are more than happy to read this book, Achieving and sustaining sector owned business operation.

Now, in conclusion, as I mentioned, they are intertwined.

There are interdependencies, they are inter-related and they all agree.

Have major Piller culture, strategies, operations, and technology.

If you focus holistically on these elements, and if you look into them as a collaborative, inter quine nature, not focused on operations after starting the scatter program, and then think of involving operational people later on, or considering operational changes later on.

Not that way. It should all be integrated.

And when I say enterprise architecture, you are looking both from the best, not technology, but holistically from your strategy to the operational element.

I think I'm done on my last slide. We can go through, and I will get back to Joseph. Thank you, Joann, and thank everyone for listening to it.

Very well on the leash, excellent coverage from the high level to the to the details on on on this intro, interconnection. Very, very interesting. I'm gonna ask you to stop sharing your presentation so that the audience can see us in the biggest screen. Great right there.

Actually, I'm gonna change my background here for our Q&A, because this is broadly speaking about digital transformation, but many of the topics that you've talked about, but background is a little bit more appropriate. Now, the first question that I have is that, when we talk about digital transformation, and you talk about enterprise digital transformation, is the transformation happening always, at the enterprise level, by definition, Or, digital transformation happens also as a business function only.

Well, ideally speaking, when you say digital transformation, it should occur at an enterprise level.

If you focus only on a function, and you say, I am going to digitally transform that function, like an example I have given marketing, it would be very challenging to make it as successful apart, because if we are going, one area more digital, and your other functions like failed, or your customer service, or your financial risk, those are not digital, then it would be very difficult to connect with them and have a balance operation.

And that's why you should focus at an enterprise level, but in your planning, you can have a plan to achieve capabilities in one area or the other.

Depending upon your priorities and other interdependencies, so that good success is possible if you're focused holistically, and not. Just tunnel function.

Farewell farewell. And at least one of the themes that emerged on the on the Q&A on the questions that were posed by the audience has to do if you're cross industry experience and expertise. And what you have observed, you know, the multiple in multiple industries, which is, which is quite an asset you have. And the question is curious about when you look at enterprise architects and what they are today.

If you, what type of skills and capabilities do you believe that organizations value and maybe should value the most when it comes to enterprise architects? What type of things just take?

That's a great enterprise architect from the rest.

Obviously, that such an individual needs to have our business savvy and technology savvy background.

Because Enterprise Architect role is to align business with technology to architecture.

So, if the person is not fabien, either of these areas could be challenging.

And the second element is, which is very key, is this person should be the one who can think outside the box.

Because, if you are just focusing in your company, or you want in your industry, you may not be able to come up with all that creative with the architect, duh initiatives, or E one, the conceptual level architecture that, Enterprise Architect needs to produce.

For which our solution can be created.

Keep in mind, as an Enterprise Architect, you need to come up with the principles and guidelines, and those need to be creative, pragmatic, and also having the focus, which is not internally, on your company or industry, but across the board, so that you can think out of the box.

Very good.

And there is a two part question that comes next related to your experience across industries, as well as you look at Enterprise architecture, around across multiple industries, what do you think may have been the common challenges that organizations are having across all industries? in implementing effective and effective value, creating enterprise architecture structure systems?

The biggest thing is the term architecture.

Because you have IT architect, you have domain architect, you have product level architecture, how render now an architect.

So, and there is no standard definition.

So having a clear understanding what enterprise architecture mean left the industry is not providing the standard definition. Everybody has their own point of view, and we have seen in our presentation goes, everybody has a different point of view, because all good.

But the point is, if you want to really establish it, and if we want to manage the challenges, then it needs to be well thoughtful.

one who can focus both on business and technology, and also who is law.

Creative person, who can think creatively, who can think out of the box.

These are the major elements that needs to be considered, and it applies to any industry.

Because every industry today is going through that transformation to be competitive in today's global market and in the local industry or local geography.

Buy one, we can only focus in 180 or 1 domain.

Or just focusing on business capabilities or business area.

That may not gives you the holistic success, but that may address some of the challenging, or measure fundamental elements.

Copy of Email Graphic Virtual Conferences (3)Yeah. That's very good. You did mention, even during your presentation, they, there's some, perhaps some gaps with respect to definition and standards when it comes to enterprise architecture. And use the example of project management and the Project Management Institute. And there's been that, that's been around for quite some time in. And maybe this is more of an emerging area that needs to be defined further. Follow up question is on the, on the, on the Express Now, in biotech. Are there any specific, unique challenges when it comes to Enterprise architecture and digital transformation in the biotech setup, or they're the same challenges as everybody else?


I would say that there are some unique challenges, which may not be as vaillant in other industries.

For example, in the biotech industry, you deal with patient, you deal with health care professionals, and you carry their information, and you need to protect it so that compliance are more rigid.

The requirement from the regulation perspective or more rigid when you try to become global.

And there are other industries where you may not have that much exposure.

So, there are some different challenges.

But again, those are to set up the business.

You know, like those are the fundamental calendars, like compliance and regulations. If you don't meet them, you cannot run them.

But to grow the business, I think the challenges are fame data is becoming a big challenge to manage by everyone, all across the industries. And they are facing similar challenges.

So I would say there are few nuances in the Biotech industry, which the other may not have, you want from the compliance or regulatory perspective.

Those are differences I can think of.

Very good.

And the from, again, on the enterprise architecture set up in the organization as they're doing well, and you feel that they're doing it effectively and getting results, what type of governance do you see with respect to enterprise architecture? What does that look like in the organizations that perhaps do it? well?


The Jan guest speaker, if I'm not mistaken, our name Aida.

She addressed one element toward the end of her topic yesterday, Creating the Catalog, Business Catalog, or Product Catalog.

So, that type of cataloging is very important, even in the governance of enterprise architecture and that is one of the areas where Enterprise Architect Contribute, because these catalog, if I say catalogs of architecture, when we are just narrowing down on enterprise architecture, those are very important because, Enterprise Architect is looking at enterprise level.

And you will see, the traditional way the businesses have grown, with the silo mentality.

Efferent functions are very good in doing their work, but they don't integrate or work on a day-to-day basis with each other.

So they have our silo expertise but not inter or cross functional expertise.

If I may call it and when we talk about enterprise architect, the architect collateral that you have for a product or for a function, or far up tune, those are all needs to be very well understood how they interact with each other.

Because any architecture decision you make that may have impact, which you may not realize if you do not know that if you do not have visibility of those interdependency.

So, that's all the governance pieces to holistically look into radius architecture.

How they interconnect, And if they are not interconnecting, do they really are not interconnecting or the architecture diagram is not showing them interconnecting.

And if you make a change over here, what would be its impact?

So all that needs to be well understood, poor governance, because governance is for sponsorship for decision making and for recruiting the small changes.

So from that perspective, if you are not having a good visibility on that impact assessment, how do you know what kind of sponsorship is required or what kind of decision making is required?

That's, that's very helpful. Thank you for that. I'll ask one final wrap up question here this.

Of course, this session talks about intertwining digital transformation, enterprise architecture, and secure business operations, and I want to spend a little bit more time on the secure business operations. What is your advice for, you know, Chief Information Security Officers who are, who are looking to, to creating this intertwine if you will, effectively, what do you see as best practices? What is your advice for, for leaders who are trying to do this, right?

I thank you.

Raised a very important question, and?

Like, when you talk about secure business operations or security, you immediately mentioned in your question about Chief Information Security Officer, because the biggest thing I am trying to address over here, that do not consider security or securing business operation.

Screenshot (4)Just that responsibility, or accountability of our Chief Information Security Officer.

It is.

That is what this: I got the opportunity to write this book based on one of my speaking event in our cyber security conference, when I addressed this topic from a different angle.

And mainly, you need to involve and make accountable all other ... and so on.

Because CISO has a very limited, I would say, preview in the complete enterprise.

They are reporting under CIOs, and you want CIOs have up challenge getting attention from different business units when it comes to security, even though it has become a board level issue.

But, if you see the trend is from board, it goes to CEO, to CEO to CISO, what about other ...?

They are not even having any responsibility or accountability associated with this topic, and they are the most impacted subjects when anything goes wrong in the security.

My, uh, point of view over here is, V T one.

This book addresses how to make accountable all ....

App, provided the framework so that they can not only become accountable, but they can execute upon it to manage their accountability, manage their responsibilities.

And it becomes a DME alpha complete enterprise and not just remain for the IT level or ... to address it.

Said, Well said. If you don't permeate that accountability it across your entire leadership team, it's very hard to say that you have really achieved the security that you need. The leash, what a pleasure thank you so much for sharing your expertise with us. Yes, please, you'd like to add to that. I want to add to it, as you mentioned, for achieving secured business operations.

There is another element sustaining it.

You can achieve something, but it is hard to sustain after that.

Both for achieving and sustaining, you will need to have CX or involvement.

And sustaining, obviously, need that governance, which is cross functional, with the decision makers involved on this topic.

Thank you.

Thank you so much. We very much appreciate your, taking the time, from Boston, Massachusetts, to the world, cross industry expertise in this area, and we very much value your time and sharing your expertise with our global audience today. Thank you so much.

Thank you, everyone, and thank you for giving me the opportunity to come today and speak about this topic.

Thank you Ladies and gentlemen the leash as moneys from Biogen. And great to have you with us. So, this wraps up, they chew off our Enterprise Architecture Live Conference.

So, thank you for being with us. We're gonna take a quick look at what's going to happen tomorrow, where we have these three and the final day of Enterprise Architecture live. We're gonna kick off with the first serious tomorrow, with the Head of Digital Automation, for Avaya, leading us, for this discussion on the rise of digital twins, and the impact on value chains, and the enterprise architecture approach for digital Twins. So that will be followed up by a presentation from fifth Third Bank. And Fifth Third Bank is going to discuss the Senior Vice President and Chief Enterprise Architect for fifth. Third Bank will share with us, the emerging trends and the application development. And no code, low code apps that they're using in the finance industry, we're gonna move on after that.

Have a deep dive with Roche. And specifically with a leader of innovation. And, and in the, in the Biotech biomedical industry representing Roche in the end, the discussion on innovation, and digitalization and how you is how they're using how are they're scaling their internal innovation capabilities through digitalization? And that and then we'll wrap the day tomorrow Will the presentation with a on architecting an EA system, and that will be done by the analytics leader in AI leader at Dell. So, we're going to have great perspective from one of the experts in the field sharing directly with us. His perspectives on, on, on, on AI space is an AI ecosystem, specifically.

So very much looking forward to those presentations tomorrow. Thank you for being with us today. Look forward to a great day again tomorrow for those of you who have additional questions or would like to provide comments, suggestions? we have a post on LinkedIn that you can use for that? Just look under my name shows that there is you're gonna find our enterprise architecture live conference boasting. Post your comments in there, your suggestions your what has been useful and helpful to you in your own organizations and careers? So thank you very much look forward to tomorrow.


About the Author

more (61)-3Neelesh Ajmani,
Lead Enterprise Architect, Sr. Data Scientist – Consultant,

I am a well-seasoned and highly accomplished professional with a sizeable tenure. I have spent my experience accumulating knowledge and achieving set goals through delivering my best at every step of the way to provide optimal results. I firmly believe in establishing and maintaining the key partnerships and relationships that prove productive and allow for better performance.


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