Courtesy of Shell's Brent Kedzierski, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Intelligent Enterprise and Next Gen Operating Model in the era of automation - Building EA for today and tomorrow' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at Enterprise Architecture Live.
Session Information:
Intelligent Enterprise and NextGen Operating Model in the era of automation - Building EA for today and tomorrow
Session Transcript:
Brent is one of my all-time favorite leaders, of learning strategies and innovation. He is a leader at Shell, and he drives shells aspiration to be a world leading learning organization. Over his career. Brent has led many of Shell's most critical global transformation initiatives of the 21st Century.
Initiatives. They have collectively position shell as a recognized world leader in Human Resource Management.
Brent's passion and expertise are focused on tackling complex organizational capability challenges and opportunities as they relate to humans at work. And he does that always one experience at a time.
Brent, it's a real honor and privilege to have you with us. Our global audience is eager to learn more from an industry and thought leader of your caliber.
Thank you. Jose, that great introduction is always, always good to see you and you do such a great job at these events. I'm very happy to be here. I've got about 35 minutes with you all plus questions. Hope you all stay! Folk. You're taking breaks, the stretching. Watch ergonomics, you sit in this conference all day, wherever you are.
And what I'm going to talk to you about is the human condition. It works, the future of human. What I have, there is, the Bird called Crain, and Crain is the Barrier to Prosperity. And that's what I think the future of work is.
What we're going to do is we're going to talk about three things in the employee experience.
And I always talk about the physical experiences employees have in the workplace, the technical experience that they have. And the cultural, all of those three things work together. And a lot of the ideas that I come up with is how do those things work in harmony to build a better culture, a better worker experience?
I will give you the shell definitions. and cautionary note, you don't have to read that. But all this is saying is, anything that I talk about here is really branch thought leadership, as head of learning strategy at Shell, doesn't impact the price of oil. Don't buy or sell. Stocks. Based on what I say, is one of those things we do. and I'm very pleased that shall always affords me the opportunity to spread the good word that shells trying to do. Not only within the company but in the communities that we operate in to really build a better human condition and all the assets that we work at in the communities that we work with. So, with that said, I'm gonna give you a few objectives for you and these are the things that I want you to focus on as we go through this presentation.
Things that you probably already know. Everybody on this call has work experience and you're an expert at work, You know what you like, you know, what you don't, like, you know, what frustrates you, you know, what fatigues, you know, what motivates and inspires you and accelerates.
The other thing that we know working in hazardous industries like shale is that disasters.
As unfortunate as they have been, they've always informed our industry and helped us to become safer and more productive and better toward the humans that work with us. three new things that you might not know when you come into this call is this whole idea of psychological safety and how important it is coming to organizations, especially as we've all been embedded into it. And we've seen the exposition of what that kind of constraint does to workers. And we're now looking at work schemes like the traditional brick and mortar office, the virtual office, and now capabilities because of digital, to make a hybrid work environment, where people don't have to be on 24, 7, They can be more mobile. They can defer work until later time. Because they have all the resources in place to make that available. That's one of the things we want to do in Shallows make a very flexible and fluid workforce.
Next thing we will touch about is this era that we're in, It's high touch, so very integrated solutions and high concept solutions.
And the last thing we'll talk about, it's Industry 4, 4 is upon us now, but it's already created this drive to go to Industry five point.
Now, we all have our story, and I like to use these two slides, because they're very personal to me. The circle gentleman there is my great grandfather.
He worked in Allegany Steel in Pittsburgh, And the pretty young lady on the right is my grandmother. When they worked work was all about toil and drudgery.
You know, it was something they had to do to put bread on the table. They didn't have the kind of experiences that were afforded today and, again, we're going to that next level. I'm a bit of a historian.
So, the names on the bottom of the Lewis Hine, it's a very famous photo journalist that went into the Allegheny steel that my grandfather work, and he did one of the first organizational studies. He under. He would say, Who are these people that work here? What are their families like? What did they eat? Where do they shop? What are their lives like? And they started to try to understand what the workforce was actually doing. So, again, back to my point. We're all experts. We all have a history. You all probably have grandmothers and grandfathers that had jobs that they told you about, and how work was for them.
The next point that I wanted to tell you was hazards, and, again, like I said, they're tragic and terrible.
They also provide information for our well-being. So if you look at each of these, like the great train wreck of 1918, those cars that were in a head on collision they were wooden boxcars, and that's what transformed industry to make steel boxcars.
Because when the wooden box cars hit collapse, and they killed over 100 people in that particular incident, the children below that was another picture that Lewis Hine took on the children working in the coal mines and that day in that picture two of those young boys died. That day. Lewis Hine took that picture other things like the Triangle Fire that you see on the bottom right That was one of the most significant incidents.
For workplace safety, things about fire escapes and sprinklers and and where they kept hazardous chemicals and material, so all of these kinds of things in the past helped to shape where we're at.
Now, again, the last great employee experience.
Trends are the various things. Since then, the last 80 years was for the Americans, the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1939. When we get an eight hour work day, and they limited child labor, it's only been 18 years since we've done that.
And so I see that right now with digitization, cyber physical connectivity, where the next great hope for the next level of employee experience at work.
And what that means is that, you know, we've been working on physical safety to make sure people don't get hurt at work. But now we're entering this era where psychological safety really matters. And you can tell I'm a historian. I love my historical art. Another etching this was called the minor emerges early, early 20th Century.
And psychological safety is a big thing right now, and especially the encode, you know, when, when we were going to cope with vague people were very worried about their job security, trying to balance work and family life.
And psychological safety breaks down into four major categories. It's you and your team members, do you feel included, and what's going on? You feel like you're getting communicate, you feel you're getting information shared. Do you feel safe to learn and what that means is being inquisitive. Do you feel you can ask questions, do you feel you can seek out input?
Do you feel you can contribute, even though you can speak up? And most importantly, the highest level is, do you feel you can challenge the feel you can say, Hey, I don't think that's right. Early in my career, did a lot of work on air crew co-ordination with the military. And one of the big things there was you might have 6 or 7 operators in an aircraft. And because of rank, they didn't feel they could speak up. So, they saw something wrong, many times, they didn't say anything. So, the era of digital is now enabling us to create this kind of culture, where people can feel more enabled. And I'll talk a little bit more about shale, and some of our solutions. And how that helps people to address psychological safety. And this is one of the things I hope, organizations take advantage of, is not just putting in digital solutions, is putting in digital solutions that drive culture, and it drives engagement.
Um, just to tell you one more thing about psychological safety, and I won't go into this slide in too much detail.
But when people come to work, they entrust us to go home safe, and that doesn't mean just without physical harm. It means without psychological harm, so that we don't want people caring back to their home life: A bad workday, and their exchanges throughout the office throughout the site, OK. Because we know 40 years of research around long work hours and family conflict and job domain, the thing now is always being on, again, one of the negative outcomes of digital connectivity is everybody feels like they're always on.
These things drive workplace dregs, workplace stress drives, unhealthy behaviors like alcoholism, drug abuse, overeating type in this, results in the things like hypertension, high blood pressure, all these kinds of things.
And you might not know it, but if you talk about the things that relate to work so hypertension, high blood pressure, etcetera. Obesity, Those are the five leading causes of death, at least in the United States.
So if you track the five leading causes of death in the United States to potentially workplace sources, that's something that we as companies have to take ownership for and have to address.
Embracing industry-wide, point out, this is the meeting and the reconciliation of digital technologies, machine learning and automation with humans. Again, the last 80 years, the years before that industry always worked on productivity. What could we do to get people more productive?
Now, we're learning that people that are engaged are becoming more productive, And so, the idea is, this is why we want human experience to be the big driver of productivity, and not the pushing of humans to be the driver of productivity.
OK, and, again, I've shown this chart a lot, I hope it's familiar to many of you.
As we've gone through these ages, throughout the year, there's always been a catalyst to drive these things, whether it's a mechanical tool, whether it's electricity.
And remember, each of these things drove an era of major change, so the light bulb, electricity, did many things for society. It enabled, for example, at shelves first. And it's, one of the United States, first july 24th seven plant, was our Martinez refinery. When they had electricity, they can make the site go 24, 7 that had an impact on society with work shifts, and things like that. So, the computing age, that created what we now have this content shock. So we could replicate duplicate information and content so fast that you know, we had the co-op, but it did a lot of things too.
All the things that people at work could do. Now we reached psycho, cyber, physical connectivity.
And what we learned about this is that just putting out digital solutions without intimate interface with the human is counter-productive.
So if you put an iPad up there for people, but you don't think about part of their, really use it on their job and you don't put a strap on it, or whatever, it doesn't get used, or it doesn't, it adds to their stress and doesn't distract from their stress. So it could be a productivity tool. But again, it puts more strain, more stress on the actual worker.
Because, remember, people are overwhelmed, they're distracted, and they're becoming impatient because everything and work is competing for their time and their attention.
So, right now, Industry five is all about this human touch, and adding it to the Industry four point out.
OK, Now, the book that came out, years and years ago, is really negative, the Brave New World. If you know anything about that book, it talks about society where machines and things took over. I say, there's a new, new, brave new world, and if you look at this chart, I got, when I started to use this chart just two years ago, we were really in technology S height that the hype cycle, every new technology was coming.
Then, we got into complexity.
Every time we try to do something and connect things so complex, um, then we moved up the chain around content shock, then we had cobain and now it's all about, how does this whole new strain on society.
And, again, code has been one of the biggest social learning events in world history. Everybody learned together. Everybody globally was in the same boat with the same constraints. And they all adapted or adjusted, you know, to what they now do, and that's why we're seeing different things go on. And, again, where we're at with, they want more control over their work environment. They want better types of connectivity with their peers. And they want a better integration with that work-life balance.
So, they've learned that in trying that, enter great work in life, and work at home, how challenging that is, and what priorities pop up.
So, this is just another bit, I did talk to you about high touch, high concept, and it's very simple slide, but what I'm saying here is we've got industry four capabilities of all these connected possibilities with artificial intelligence and analytics, and indexing and tagging content to make it adaptable and personalized.
But then you've got the individual expectations. And remember, people want consumer grade expectations and their work-life. They say, well, why can't I get an app? like I've got on my personal life to do this in my organization online? So if you think about what companies have been trying to do for experience, they tried to do experience a grand enterprise level.
I see the air, and now with digital is taking, you know, it's just not about a better interface to globally enterprise kind of tasks. It's going to the worker task, OK?
And what is this high touch, high concept? So I did this slide. I was Christmas Shopping and everything that I was looking at wasn't what it was years ago. So a toothbrush is no longer just a tooth brush. A mirror is no longer just a mirror. So the mirror does A, B, C, and D I bought a spotlight for my house. It wasn't just the spotlight.
It was, it show temperature, you could plug into it. It had 5 or 6 different function, so it was taking one thing, and adding more convenient, surround that thing. Same thing with high concept.
So now we're learning that, in this example here, this covert Mask isn't just a mask. It's a digital device, So again, these are the kind of solutions that we're buying in our personal life and your target or any store like that, you'll see the the IO that has all the things that tend to you before you go to the cash register and they're all now multi-function multi-purpose. So again, people want that reflected in their work-life. They don't want to have to go to six different applications. They don't want to have to go to six different sources.
They want things integrated in one, sources, the truth.
So what I'm going to do now is shift and give you some practical examples from shale. And these are things that, we are actually putting in place. And I'm going to talk to you a little bit about more of the human aspects around these items.
This is a framework that I developed, and it was really about taking a look at the environmental nature.
So if you looked at the negative human performer, there's three things: There's the environment, that they're out there, and that's kinda the snow globe, OK? And you've got all of your sensors in your tags, in your roadblocks, and your drones, and all those things out there in the connected clients. And that's pulling data. It's aligning and connecting equipment.
Then everything goes up to the cloud.
You've got to show work, or whether they have earpiece or wristwatch, or they're carrying an iPad. They're out.
They're fully connected work. Now we do that, because the outcomes that we want on the far right, are the things that are the flow of work. So in work people get cues to start a job unscheduled are scheduled, they have to make decisions. They might have to connect with an expired. They've got to solve problems and get data to solve problems.
They've got to make the decisions and take action from those problems. We have to document what we've done, They want to give feedback, and all those kinds of things.
So, we've been working, and, again, this is an age where you have big agreements with big companies, for example, like a Microsoft or something, where you start to really converge on a portfolio to build what I call an experience ecosystem, OK, that's connected. So, you can see the things, they're like, connected maintenance execution, or remote assist, or digital guides are connected badge. And the thing I'm going to talk to you next is about, one of my favorite things is to show DIY or do it yourself.
And that's what I'll talk about next. So, do it yourself, is really about citizen development. And it's not just about citizen development. It's about creating a culture change. If you think about high reliability organizations, one of the key principles is due to the firm decisions, to experts, closest to the problems. So, what we've done is we've enabled our operator to have access to do it yourself, apps, et cetera. When they see a problem or have an idea, they can start to build it themselves and easy to develop and design solution.
If that solution takes root, it can be further developed by a third party or intermediate part and shell. But the idea is this empowers the people, it accelerates the time it takes to actually see and do things.
So, we're not bringing big consultants and having a big project just in time, need development. So, they take ownership of it, it engages them, and they embrace it. We talk about change management. They become the change agents and the sponsors and the promoters of improvement of innovation. So, you're giving you equip and that worker with the tools to be self rising, to enable things, that typically, they would have had to go through organizational channels.
And, again, I told you, it accelerates time and it allows them to take ownership of their work environment. They can see problems.
They can have access to solutions.
The next example is what we call Ready Operator.
one: it's really an environment based experience where we use virtual reality to improve the skills of operators on their daily routines. And what we mean by that is really the personas. So personas are a big trend. We used those extensively in shell to truly understand the what, where, when, how of an employee day in the life.
So we want to find out and co-creators personas so that we really understand what are they struggle with.
What do they see as things that are important, but don't get done?
I have those kind of things.
And we try to make it a bit of fun multi-player, or even single player game to, to do the work. So we want to keep them engaged. We, we want to do that. And it, again, the big things that works, and shell, because we always try to do the most critical needs of the most critical areas, abnormal situation, management. These are things that don't frequently occur, and so we want to reinforce the practice opportunities, we want to increase. And, and the culture? Or chronic on ease of finding and fixing small things, and making sure that, that's in the front of the mind, of our workers and identifying these weak signals.
So, this is all about keeping our workers cognitively engaged in what could happen, OK.
So again, another enabler to performance that we want to put the worker at the heart of the issues and we want to enable them to have solutions at the tip of the fingers in their hands.
The last ones that I'm going to talk about is a concept that we come up a few years ago called Shell Docs, basically, shared documents.
This started as our global procedures project, and, to date, we've digitized about 15,000 procedures across manufacturing, and they all go into a web based tool. That is also available on iPads or i-phones.
But we didn't stop there.
We wanted to create a kind of an ecosystem experience where you just didn't have procedures because, remember, in a high risk organization, procedures are the lifeblood. So that's where everything starts and if you think about the employee experience, we want to touch their experience where they work, what they do. We want it to be individual.
So, with the content component management of this tool, we can tag an index content. So it's more than just digital content, that's been put in a PDF and put on an iPad. This is dynamic data contents, that I can say, I'm Sarah, I work at the Deer Park Refinery. I'm in the olefins Unit. I'm on the third shift, and here's my specialty, and the content that's relevant to Sarah goes on. If Sarah is doing a procedure, she can click on the procedure. We can put an ... next to it, maybe, learning from incidents that happened in the past.
The Q her Memory to make sure if she's aware of the hazard or caution, if she doesn't quite feel comfortable or confident in a step, there might be a video learning nugget next to that step. And so we're expanding it to make sure that that fingertip tool has everything that worker wants, and they can connect to an expert if they want, as well, to get over the shoulder coaching, or anything like that. They want to do.
So, we want it to be the one stop shop that continually grows to support what the worker does, you know, all the tasks, the problems, the content they need, and the supports that they need.
Those are all great things, but the digital scope isn't easy.
And this is the last slide that I'll talk to you about before we go to questions.
And I use this slide quite a bit because I've always had, and everything in your life, when you go see a play at the local theater, you go to a movie, everything has an arc of drama and that holds very true and organizations. So, nothing I've ever done in my transformational journeys and shell has an included drama. Nothing good that we've done that has been hard and do is inherently easy, it's not the profile.
Transformation and transformation comes with all kind of challenge. So, when you start out, you really have the hero of the play.
Somebody that wants digital features, or benefits, somebody that sees a problem or wants to innovate, wants to change from the status quo.
However, you always have organizational antagonists, You have people that created the former solutions. You have a culture that isn't quite ready for that. You have people and process it with their preferences, their biases, and they're all trying to stop or block change.
Because change is dark, it's a place that people can't see. There's no light and change, and people fear the darkness.
So what you're trying to do is get people to believe, and a better tomorrow. So in doing that, you're going to have rising action. People are going to see the problems. You know, for example, when we did global implementation of VR, we didn't know anything about cloud pricing.
So when the vendor came to us and said, OK, you want to turn it on, here's another bill for turning it on the cloud. So wait a minute. I just paid you, you know, a million dollars for the VR modules. You mean?
I wasn't finished big learning a big climax. That created high tension that I had to go to my stakeholders and say, You know, that budget you gave me?
I actually need more cars.
Honestly, I didn't know we're going to have additional fees.
So it was a big learning, something that's commonplace now.
It was an organizational learning, we got over it, and then we had falling action, and from that, we learned a lot, and they actually got greater improvements. Everything was resolved. The modules that we actually developed were highly acclaimed by our end users.
They were award winning on the external market, and they were a best practice for industry on how show business.
Now, that didn't come with not a lot of blood, sweat, and tears, and struggles, and, you know, even people wanted to give up halfway through. So that big baloo arc in the middle of that conflict, and, I say metals are messy.
So when you get into the middle of something, the scope between starting as an idea, a concept to actually ending, and a new status quo forms is really kind of, it's, it's not for the faint of heart.
So anyways, I think we're at time.
So I'm going to stop there and just turn it back over to Jose. And thank you all for your time.
That's fantastic brand to what I, what I want, a journey you have been on and what interests insights of, you know, this this veal invasion of Industry, five. So, Brian, I'm gonna come back into my cameras. So, I'm gonna ask you to stop showing your presentation screen to the audience at this point.
Terrific and here we are and I have the first question is on the journey itself.
You know the future is human Is is is is great.
Description of of a new era where most people are thinking well, you know thinking about the robots are taking over and we're talking about the future be human and how? How has being this journey Interact And how have you communicated this messages to employees? Is it something that has started pre pandemic, post pandemic. And then, you know, how has the communication taking place? Well, I think it's been, it's been several years on a digital journey, so before covert hit, we were heavy into that, and the people at the idea of the people as plant, right, they're going to have automation is going to be all over the place. You're going to run a plant with a button, in Asia, you know, those kinds of things. That's really not happening.
What will happen is, no, there is a story about a man and a dog and Warren Bennis, the famous management leader, coined it, and basically said in the future, organizations would be run by a dog.
Basically, the watches, everything. And a man that feed the dog and make sure the dog make sure the man doesn't touch any instrument or any part of the plant.
Well, that's not really holding true, because what we're finding is the more you automate, the more you have to human, because those things that automation is great at. People are terrible at. And those things that humans are great at, automation is terrible at.
So what we're finding is, in the social skills, and in the intellectual skills, that's where humans are going to see an entirely new set of skills that we haven't even tapped on. So that eight hours or six hours a day, you might have spent colo, correlating data. Now, what's going to be done for you?
So, instead of running around, chasing people, trying to sort data, it's going to be used for now, you're going to spend time thinking about that data, what it means, and connecting with other people, to see what they think it means.
So, we're seeing a shift, and we're trying to get people's mind, there.
The matrix organizations, that we work with, and this is what's happening and I'll give you a real life example. We automated the Shift handover process in our manufacturing site in norco, and we used OneNote and before shift leave would have to get everybody together stay an extra 15 minutes at the plant, and read a paper, and said, Well, this happened last night that happen, everybody. talk about it now, they're on the iPads, that person doesn't have to be there.
So don't have to be the overtime, they can leave, and everybody's seeing exactly what happened, and they can read it on their iPads.
And what they're seeing is other operating units can also see what happened, and they can engage in discussion.
They can say: I never read the olefins report before, but now I have an opportunity because it's been made accessible to me, and so that's allowing people to collaborate. and collectively thing.
Same thing with our digital procedures.
When we put digital procedures in place, an operator could put in notes.
Before a note was just shared verbally, but now that it's in a documented system, people actually look at it and see, was it taken action on or not, So people are being more engaged, just say my voice is being heard.
So it's these kinds of things that if you do digital, right, you, human, eight, the people so that they become broader thinkers and then more creative thinkers, and they take a more holistic view of the things that can potentially impact their areas of operation That's fantastic was some great examples there of brands. and brands. As you're As you As we're moving into this industry 5 0, 0, what you know your leading learning development for the organization and the what are the skill building kind of capabilities that? They? are that they are working on? What are the needed skills for employees in this in this transition?
Well, one of the things that is important as we go to these more hybrid working models, managers have to be, um, more empathy based, so that's a new skill set.
If you think about Kobe, you know, the old view was, well, if I don't see you working, you're not working.
And we've learned through covert, that, actually people, overwork, oftentimes, and they get fatigued and burnt out. So the new manager of the future has to be able to help him throwaways balance, OK?
The other thing that we're seeing are in the learning skills. So people have to be much more open to sharing knowledge. So, digital platforms where knowledge used to the power. Now, with things like net promoter scores on the social work media, people get credit and recognized for what they know and more importantly, what they share. So everybody loves Bill content contributions. He gets five stars. And, you know, he's one of the greatest, you know, content contributors and in the, you know, chemical process in shale. So, it's also things about co-operative and collaborative learning.
So, a lot of times, people didn't collectively Lardner, because they couldn't see the four disciplines that were involved in a process. Now, we can connect them, and they collaborate. Now, co-operative learning as well as the new thing. So, it's those things that build that learner mindset and teach in and enable people to be more fluid in their own development.
And the last thing is, you know, again, with these apps, and all we're doing is, we're trying to create a culture where people believe in the task that they're doing, that they have the confidence to do them.
They feel that the, the actual task is really worthwhile doing. And they're seeing the benefit of their work on the organization rather than in the past, they don't know what happened to the effort to date display.
That that's that's that's great insights. Their brands. I have.
I'm going to mention something then, a follow up, that with a question is that we have found that in this, in the organizations that are moving to the next level, which, which are calling Industry five, but really, if you look at organizations who are multi-million dollar organizations, or become multi-billion dollar organizations, and more important when you go from that step to, from multi beta, two may be a multi trillion dollar organization.
There are a couple of skillsets that differentiate those multi trillion dollar organizations from the rest, and they are very specific innovation, execution skills.
And then collaborative leadership skills, which is something I want to focus on with you. We, we, we, we actually work with this organization is accelerating excellence innovation and developing more collaborative leaders.
And the understanding of collaborative leadership is not very well known because people sometimes think that collaborative leadership about consensus building, and it's not that, will say that great collaborative leadership requires you to surround yourself with people of diverse perspectives. Who can disagree with you without fear of retaliation.
And the, and I saw you're talking about that in your presentation about this, and you frame it under kind of psychological safety.
Tell me a little bit more about this. This migration now, into this, You know, you're working on a hard core industry of oil and gas, you know, hard working people and operations, and now you're migrating to collaborative leadership, psychological safety. How do you get the, the, really, the vulnerability and the openness for people to have the discussion around these topics?
So that's a great question, I'd say. In the new millennium.
This new era silence in my belief is the greatest destroyer of organizations.
And that's because organizations are becoming more complex, inherently, there's more systems, more connectivity, all the things that they can do because of connectivity, and if people don't speak up or you don't create a culture where people can speak up, that will create a tremendous amount of what the military calls friction.
And what you will see is every decision, just like quality management, if you have such an unspoken option or possibility that could have been said.
This stage of the process, and it doesn't get set, and the further up you go, and development or design, the bigger that, that, that voice, the silence to that voice becomes.
And so, what you've got to do is, and one of the things that I'm trying to gets through to Shell or get with jellies, this digital space can make the silence go away to some degree because you put everyone on an democratize playing field.
So, digitally people's voice can weigh in, just as much as another voice, OK, and if you take it out of those small cubic rooms and those small things where there's four people on it. and you put it more of us, it's a funny thing.
You know, anything like in social media, if you put it out there, people can like it or not like it, but you get the discussion.
At the end of the day, typically that resonates and a good analysis. So, that's the, one of the things you want to do is get the ideas on table, but have platforms that accelerate the kind of machining of that idea, you know the, the, the maturing of it. So, that's what you really want to do, is you want to have a more mature system, That people, feel free to speak up. And again, I do worry that, you know, economies and organization culture.
No, we've got to eliminate the fear in all these organizations that exist.
Because, um, you know, innovation is all about the next idea that wasn't there.
And again, I tell you people are afraid of the shadowy dark. You know, if you think about history, no scary movies, everybody's scared of the dark room with the closet, you know. And that's what innovation is. It's something sitting in a dark room in a closet, And you've got to turn the lights on and open the door.
So, you know, that's right. And I see it, and that's the culture shift, is, to get people not so afraid of the dark.
That, that is a real challenge, and opportunity for, for all organizations, and the well capture. William Fuller has a question for you related to The Arc of drama. I love that. The Arc of Drama, 20 plus years.
Yeah, we all have experienced that arc.
And so his question is that, how do you mitigate some of that? You know, What kind of change management approaches? Can you, can you employ early on? On that, too?
To me, I think that we all have to go for some version of The Arc of drama. I guess, how can we minimize the drama on the arc?
Is there, is there some tips on on change management for them?
Yeah, I'll give you the one thing that has always been the most successful to me, I find the, I do a little bit of historical research, typically on the solution, whether, whatever it might be. And, a great mentor of mine years ago told me, Good, alright, and the organization, if you find something weird and does it makes sense and seems odd?
It's because at the time, it was done for a reason and you gotta go back and find that reason because it's probably all change and it's just become entrenched.
And so, I've always gone back to look at how things were done. What were the conditions under which they were done, And what's changed? And so when I found that out, you know, it always tells me, well, you know, it's a time where we had X, X, Y, systems, and they can only do ABC.
Know, I'd found out before, like, we did a global quality management, we had all these data quality errors. It would simply, because in our massive system, we had we capture 200 items on an employee.
Well, we had seven people inputting data, and if they didn't have the data, they just punch, punch, punch, punch, and they wouldn't fill in the date, or they put X, X X, and it created five data quality errors. And we were creating a million data quality air because, you know, that was the way people in the system didn't know what to do.
But the other thing that I did is, I always found the most gressley, confrontational person, in the process that was dead set against the change.
And I'd always make them my close this person side understand, why are they so antagonistic about this? What's, what's behind this?
And if I can find those things out and get those people on board, they became my greatest allies. Because what I did it in its skin, it goes to the 80 20. If I could find the 20 percent of the people that we're giving, the change journey. 80% of its grave.
That's who I worked on.
I didn't work on the 80% of the people that were, know it.
Well, you know, not irrelevant, but um, you know, in different about the change.
So, I went to the people that were most adamant about the change, and, typically, I found out it was because of individual personal preference.
It was, you know, they didn't want to talk to an HR manager in Singapore.
They wanted to have their manager, interoffice, or they wanted, you know, they, like, they were part of developing the old system, or, you know, they, they liked it, they could travel more. Because, you know, the way it was in, those kinds of things where they got to do consulting internal hours, because, you know, they could go to sites and present, you know, four times a month. You know, those kind of things.
Very well. Well, tremendous wisdom there.
We're, we're in an era of, especially in the energy industry of accelerated innovations, energy transitions.
And there is a lot to be scared about, but we all know that we have to be excited about the new opportunities are emerging, and you're such a great spokesperson for that excitement for that vision. And it's always a pleasure to listen and learn from you. And on behalf of our global audience, I have to say, you know, deepest and sincere gratitude for taking your time to share your expertise with us.
Thanks, as they all love spending an hour with you. So, it's always rewarding to me. So, thank you for all you do, and keeping this program going.
So, thank you.
Thank you very much, Brent.
Brent ... is ladies and gentlemen, the head of learning strategy and innovation at shell. Thank you very much, Brent, again, for sharing your expertise with us. All right, ladies and gentlemen, we are ready to set up our next section, at the top of the hour. We're going to wrap up, today's sessions, and, the conference with, a great thought, an industry leader from ..., The Ideal is, a British multi, national, beverage company with its headquarters in London. It operates more than 180, countries, produces more than 100 in more than 140 sites around the world.
It wasn't one of the world's largest distillers. And with nearly 28,000 employees, and we're gonna learn from Bobby Sundar shown how they are creating a Native integration strategy with modern, day, multi cloud environments for agility and adaptability. So, there'll be strategy there, there'll be very tactical execution, and we're gonna wrap up, again, for another great practitioner of enterprise architecture.
So, we're gonna wrap up for now. I'll see you back at the top of the hour.
Brent Kedzierski,
Head of Learning Strategy and Innovation,
As Head of Learning Strategy and Innovation at Shell, Brent drives Shell’s aspiration to be a world-leading learning organization and is the owner of Shell's learning strategy, workplace learning capabilities and thought leadership. Over his career he has led many of Shell’s most critical global transformation initiatives of the 21st century. Initiatives that have collectively positioned Shell as a recognized leader in human resource management. Brent’s passion and expertise are focused on tackling complex organizational capability challenges and opportunities as they relate to humans at work. Prior to Shell Brent led a wide variety of high-profile workforce capability projects in high risk industries such as aviation, criminal justice, nuclear and healthcare.
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