BTOES Insights Official
July 19, 2021

Enterprise Architecture Live - SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT: How APM and SaaS Management can benefit from each other

Courtesy of LeanIX's Christian Richter, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'How APM and SaaS Management can benefit from each other' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at Enterprise Architecture Live.



Session Information:

How APM and SaaS Management can benefit from each other

SaaS has grown significantly over the last years and has become an integral part of the application landscape of every company. Some companies follow a very strict approach and point to it as “shadow IT” whereas others embrace the need and initiatives of the business and rather relate to SaaS as “business-led IT”.

EAs need to deal with the full spectrum of on Premise, IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, but most often rely on manual tasks to create the full picture. Integrations to the providers of IaaS, PaaS and especially SaaS effectively help to not only continuously have transparency, but proactively manage SaaS, thus redefining the role of the EA in an ever-growing SaaS world.

Session Transcript:

Is Christian Root from Leanne.

Christian, good to see you this morning.

Get good to see O'brian, thank you.

That's good, So Christian works for ..., an enterprise architecture tool provider, and for the past four years, Christian has been the SVP of customer success prior to working for Lena.

Right, digital transformation initiatives to improve customer experience in anomaly channel world.

Is a father of two children aged 8 to 5, which I'm sure, then Jews, a lot of the running around. Christian looking, forwards this presentation over to you.

OK, yeah, thanks a lot, Brian, for the introduction and Already for the, the the the Spoiler so that this time it's still a good afternoon from from Bonn Germany where we actually nights are are located but I believe for one of the next sessions, I cannot really say at this time, good morning to everyone, as I will be like, relocating for Linux to our Boston office, and happy to be there then for for the next two years. Yeah. Just just briefly, what I've done here, you, Brian. You mentioned that so I'm with Linux. them for four years guiding our customers through their enterprise architecture journeys. Prior to that I was working seven years for for Deutsche Telekom.

And digital transformation is definitely at my heart. For quite some experience with working with architects together and seeing how how they can can increase their, like, business impact.

So, I'm looking forward to today and share some insights on how our application, portfolio management, and task management can benefit from each other, because I truly believe there's, There's quite a synergy between those two disciplines, and I'm, I'm happy to guide you there. So first of all, just allow me to say some words about Linux. So we're in the press. We are called the Google Maps for IT. So when you think about Google Maps and Street city's traffic, so what are the right route to get from A to B Basically, that's what we're doing for the, the, the application space. And when it comes to the SaaS applications, microservices cloud, services, and so on. So giving greater transparency about the, as is, and showing the path forward to the, to be architecture in the future.

Briefly about Linux. So we have roughly 500 paying customers. As of today, we are of putting a high focus on customer success, and, and are very proud of our Net Promoter Score, which is above 65. Now, we are rated by the analysts, like Gartner or Forrester, as challenges strong performers are leaders in the markets. Our technology is it's built on Cloud Native Sauce. So we run our, we run roughly 45, 50 microservices as part of our own app, on, on, like, Azure, and in most of the service on Kubernetes, we consider ourselves enterprise ready based on our sock to type two and ISO 27. 1, certifications, we are nearing the 500 employees now and we received funding from, for example, a Goldman Sachs or insight partners over the last years to drive progress and development in the enterprise architecture.

Um, so let me start a bit on the enterprise architecture as a discipline and I'm, I'm a true fan of Griego Hope who I believe with a software Architect Elevator has brought up a great book. And if you see my presentation, it's, it's really a lot of fun.

Like watching him and see his view on, on enterprise architects and I believe one of the, the, the main views that he has and that I truly share is it's about the major skill of an enterprise architect to be able to write the architecture elevator, so, to translate things that are like, decided on the, on the penthouse level. down to the engine room. And and being able to basically also to do the translation into middle management here. And the problem that he describes, I think, it's, it's still described in a positive way, by by him, that he says that the company, a company leadership, is, under the false impression, that digital transformation is proceeding nicely, whereas the folks in the engine room enjoy the freedom to try out new technologies without much supervision. So, I believe that's, that's a very positive view on that there. There's also the view, like, things get decided. Or direction gets decided, which in the end isn't really to the benefit of the company. Because it can't be implemented. It's, it's like, off at the end.

LeanIXTo be honest, I've, I've witnessed quite some, some of those decisions during my, my previous times in the corporate world there, so I think that's still holds true. Enterprise architects are the ones to write that elevator to translates, to break down large requirements into into stuff that that's implementable.

And in the end, at value, it's scalable And yet the the enterprise architecture space with all the the architecture layers that are behind it. Like business architecture, Data architecture, application architecture, technology, and down to two, security architecture.

That has become quite complex, if you see that there are the, in the, in the wallet, how the, how the space has developed. We see, like, single system views or single entity views, are up to like very like portfolio or rather portfolio driven views.

And, to give one example, on the business architecture view, that's, like customer journey mapping, that has become like, a very on, like, very prominent tier over the last decade as, like, a single view on a, on a customer journey. What, what we also see on the business architecture side is like Capability mapping.

It's therefore like decades, it's not a new thing Definitely. But it gives together, like the whole portfolio Of capabilities that a company has. So, put out the example of the application architecture like UML Modeling. Very specific down to one system solution architecture.

And so on of 1 1 1 single system, and I mean what I'm going deeper in, the application portfolio management.

So, you look at the whole application landscape, all capabilities, how that fits together and, and the way forgot here, um, still, when, when you look at companies coming into the space and coming into adjacent spaces, you see, there's also, more and more data driven, an automated way to approach things in the single architecture discipline. So, it's, it's, it's not what the, the, like the conceptually and manually modeled way of like, process a business process modeling has turned into process. Mining, where it's more about discovery about all the process variants that that are running. and companies like slowness or ..., which has been acquired by sap. to be various like, Strong in that space, but more on the, on the data side. And less here on the person manually models. The process on A, on a canvas that goes then into, like, workflow execution, and so on, like with tools like commander or RPA tools like UI path, automation, anywhere.

And so on the data architecture space, which has been, are, like heavily penetrates by companies like one trust, and so on. So there's, there's always next to that conceptually Manual Model site, a number of disciplines that have arisen.

And where we're like, famous companies have entered the space to bring like data driven orientation and automation here it into the, into the space. And, if, you know, ask, what's the, the, the position of Lean X in that space?

So, and I believe that's, that, that's, like, makes us quite unique. And in that space, is where, we believe we, as an enterprise architecture tool, we need to own the, the application architecture space, and especially the part that comes in with, like, SaaS and microservice, and cloud services that are getting so complex. that conceptually and manually modeling that stuff isn't a sustainable way to have good data in the inventory and to run analysis and to drive decisions from, from an architecture perspective. Then enabling the architects to ride the elevator there. Therefore, it's like very crucial to cover the main parts of the, like the portfolio parts of all architecture discipline.

It's not, like, doing a deep dive deep on modeling, manual modeling of a customer journey, but rather, that's, that's the positioning that we are taking here, integrating with those tools, and, say, hey, the, the, the, the details, customer journey, mapping of value stream analysis. We know, they are like, tools like ..., which are, like, the designed to do. That, and, we want to get the output, we want to, to, to be the glue and, and built a bridge between the business architecture, down to the technology architecture and security architecture level.

So, um, when, when we look at the product perspective here, we're serving like corporate IT and product IT, with like four product and total, So, the soft management module, Enterprise Architecture, Management, Cloud management, and DevOps Management in the sense of microservices and intelligence.

Btog CTAAnd we are doing that for, like, the SaaS management part for, like young scaling companies or also mature companies, We are doing the, the application portfolio management part for technology companies like Dropbox and Atlassian or for companies like Merck who is a, like a pharma company.

And it uses the tool here for a large scale on sap transformation technology risk management, where it comes to, like tracking life cycles and so on that what's, which is strong in the financial sector here, Um, like with ... or when it comes to re innovating the business, the capabilities and being in large-scale transformations like your sap transformations for Bosch or for DHL and and planning this ad that that's where our Business transformation management module comes into play. I'm connecting this, then, to the, to, the cloud world, where we work with customers, like, travelex, or grant. You are here in Germany, or the microservice intelligence, where space, where we worked with companies like one main financial.

So, we, we believe that, that allows to, are, like, only the architecture layer, and, and build the bridge at, what's the business architecture, down to the technology and security architecture.

Um, so, that, that comes then, with, with, quite some capabilities, and we are targeting, obviously, a different roles from like, a CFO, CIO perspective for soft intelligence, CIOs, CTOs for a and more, moving towards Cloud Center of Excellence, or trees for the, for the product IT part of it.

The topic of today and why I want to dive deeper now, is, it's the, the Sauce intelligence pot and especially the sauce discovery and catalog, as you can see already from a product perspective.

We've put that together, and we've, we've said that in order for our customers to do real and true application portfolio management, we want to avoid manual data entry into, into the like, yeah, from SaaS applications, but we rather want to build that on on discovery and and able to cataloging there.

So why? Why is that so important?

When we're looking at the future, looking at the future proof IT and our key beliefs, I believe there are like three major Changes.

So, the first one is, it's, it's when you want to build the future proof IT, you need to become data driven to continuously transform.

So, there's like a high change rate in enterprises and a high need to transform form, like project to product centric organizations. I believe they're, like, projects are really the artifact of yesterday, but it's, it's, it's a continuous ownership and involvement in the sense of products and product owners that need to happen. And there are a lot of examples for transformation is happening, it's, it could be IT modernization like breaking down, monolith into microservices into serverless. It could be like sap S, four hana roll outs where we know, a large part of our customers are still in the infancy of their as few as four project.

It's, it's like driving GDPR readiness and ISO readiness into the application landscape. It's cloud transformation. So, moving the on premise stuff, too. Like Infrastructure as a service, or platform as a Service, or, or SaaS.

Some of them, um, and transformations that are happening as part of mergers, acquisitions, and, and, and carve outs and so on.

So there's so many transformations happening, sometimes overlapping, definitely, not all, in a sequence. That it's hard to draw this one picture on the wall, and the like nice poster format, which allows you to say, What's, what's the landscape looking like, and in the next 3 or 4 years? And our belief is, you need real data behind that. You need to get in the, like, the data of the S is as automated as possible.

And all the future assumptions that you're bringing in, that all, that also needs to be taken into the, the, the decisions that you take along the way. You might like to revise some of those decisions, and then you want to understand, what happens if I, if we like, revise that decision, what happens then to our capabilities to, to our applications, which investments do I have to need to take instead, and so on. So, that only can, in my view, work with data, and not just with nice pictures. So, the second part is prioritizing the IT. Investments by, by customer experience, and we started a lot.

Every customer and company strives to be a technology company a nice example here from, from Volkswagen, one of the largest car car makers here. And they have that, OK, we want to be become, our, like new auto strategy is really about, to become a technology company, and they like their own software teams, and so on, and that's just one example.

Awful lot where this increased technology focus is coming in, and so it's, it needs to be like Tied to the capabilities and, and that the customer journeys that That should be supported to say where does a company want to be Like?

Different from the Competitors. Where does a company you really have, like, the innovative at?

And what is just commodity and in that space, and I think that's an exercise that every Company needs to go through to derive which capabilities fall, in which of those categories in order to take the right investment decisions and last but not least, adopt cloud native with speed and control. So, definitely. Have rarely Medic a customer who has like, started building up data centers in the last, in the last four years. So it's all about moving on premise to the cloud via SaaS PaaS or IaaS. And with.

Having you on or with like hiring, Um, the developer teams there, it's, it's crucial to to like have a technology stack that talented, motivated developers want to work on, and there's definitely like a strong growth in that area, and that there, I believe.

The: the the major like focus: I will put in the next, in the next roughly 10 minutes to guide you a bit through. Like how should can this be leveraged?

Even better from EA perspective.

So just briefly touching on the capabilities and the categorization, that's for me the starting point. In discussions with customers, we learned, like innovation, This is where you even like, do some, like still on premise applications, or like you have your own development teams behind that, but with all the commodity capabilities, there you want to standardize, you want to bring efficiency to it, and so this is the, the, the ideal spot.

We want to make sure that you use as much sauce as as possible. And software as a service. Definitely. This is one of the the the, the the biggest growth engines in the, in the software market here. Looking at, from one view edit in, back in 20 11, there were like five publicly listed SaaS companies.

And now we are more than 100 plus plus 16,000 private SaaS companies that are now here in the market. And that's definitely increasing. And when you look at the numbers, whereas in, like 2015, SaaS was only 10% of the software budget. We're now at like one fourth of the software budget.

But even with like, a growing software budget, the state of the share of South still keeps increasing.

So, that is this belief, that by by 2025, the market will be $275 billion with a 40% share of of SaaS in, in that, in that software.

Copy of Email Graphic Virtual Conferences (3)So SaaS is it's definitely here growing massively. And it's growing in the sense of like platforms like Workday, Salesforce, sap, ServiceNow, and so on.

But it's also growing with, with, like, RPA, IOT, and so on.

And what we see is that companies that have like a small number of processes, like 500, which is typical for Linux customer, they will increase to 5000 and also the number of apps, or service that needs to be managed cluster technologies that are underneath it. So, that, that requires a different type of management of those technologies.

From an IT perspective, and digging a bit deeper into Saucier, the SaaS spent per employee, has increased tremendously over the last five years, reaching here at one thousand K per, per employee.

Um, but there are also risks associated with. So when employees leave the company, they still have access to the data Or to the tools that they use before. There's still a large Estates are estate that's unknown and not, definitely not centrally managed. And the, even companies, large part of companies, have experiments, security incidents related to those applications because there's customer, this employee data in it And when it comes to, like, looking deeper at the lines, the licenses at the allocation of licenses and and so on.

They are like, hopefully, they are mostly underused unused and yeah. So that end to end with, with a true model being in place for, for most of the companies, they are like than even after the fact payments that are unnecessary. So, quite some, some factors to consider when it comes to to SaaS management, and I'm sure all of you have witnessed and in one or the other way. But three examples of three of our customers and for the ... intelligence. So, there wasn't an estimate of the ... oh, how many SaaS applications. They believe they haven't space in place, and as you can see like co-star group.

for example, a belief they had 152 to 20 initially, but actually discovered work close to 500. And here for Harry's 60 to 80 which in the end, turned out to be more than 220. And for new, it's, it's, it's like 110, 130 and estimate and 300 and and actually or actual sass applications beings.

And we've seen customers approaching it from, from several sites.

And, one of our customers, even said they, they, like, kept they, They, like, blocked all the traffic to SaaS applications, which gave even a small revolt internally, because people, I could not used, are their tools anymore that they, they were used to.

Um, still, I believe there are, like, two ways to look at it, and one is like, Hey, this is like shadow IT, that's happening there, that's bad. That's like, it's not happening within IT, And everything that happens outside IT is like as a, as a as bad initiative or as negative.

It comes with like a notion of a, we want to apply like strict governance. and I also believe it's a, it's a missed opportunity to learn understand and being able to prioritize what the business here really needs. And it's, it's an internal IT perspective.

Got going more backwards, like towards the Back office IT. I think which we've all learned over the last years, that that's not a positioning the applicable on. So I would rather advocate for four and Just by by how to approach this topic. It's more business lead IT. It's, It's an approach to it, should be like to embrace the innovation and the need for speed of the business, and it needs smart governance. So, it's not, like shouldn't be restrictive. And blocking access to two or other empower the people and enable what's called or what some of our customers also called citizen developers. So you want, want the people who run the processes to be able to come up with their own ideas, how to improve those, and to do their minor, like, low code, or no code developments, but still, they need to be managed afterwards.

And this is, for me, that the real life, business, IT alignment, how, how it should, and can work? Like, not pushing back and say, Oh, no, that's not our staff, and that's Shadow IT, but rather say, Hey, This is where, business and IT can and should grow together.

And the, that, the recommendation that I would give is, like, when, when you insert that into, into the internal IT world, then do it for a value add.

So, do it, because you, um, you, you want to give access to the data to all the people that because you believe that it doesn't make sense if you spin up several instances of the same tool.

But it makes much more sense if everybody's working on the same instance and kept benefit of the data, the analysis, the learnings of the others, and definitely not this install thing here for, for the sake of controlling it and then limiting functions And so ever. So, the, the approach that we're taking to it is to like, have the single pane of glass and the SaaS world that only works on, like, based on integration. So, high number of, of, of, of integrations that are needed, because they are several tools out there, automated discovery. So, it's nothing that you want to maintain to gift the insights into usage and spent to allow for like contract renewals and alerts when the, the SaaS apps are due to renew.

To do the security and compliance tracking, too.

Be able from the tool to directly, like, and title and provision access to certain tools and to have workflows in place to, that then lead to two tickets, and so on.

So that, that things get get automated, and there's not much manual work realized that. So how, how does that fit now to to enterprise architecture? So, first of all, I believe in an APM, especially it's about identifying cost saving opportunities.

So even if it's be like redundancy or overpaid under used applications, it's reducing the risk by showing what's there. And, and what kind of data is, is like processed in those applications, It's a two to generate or realize value from the the sauce investments and not over time? Like, if you forget to true, like council, the SaaS subscription in the end. You Just, you run it for years. Because. it's not like a tremendously high amount, but. It adds up if it's.

if it's a high number of apps that And also have that complete visibility. So not just the internal IT perspective, but also what's run by the business. And in the way we work with customers, it's its benefits to when you start working on the application portfolio management, to just say, OK, let's, let's see how the different, like containers of applications, we are, We get in.

And we have like an automated answer for, for SaaS applications, which makes life easier, and and increases the speed for, like setting up APM, and it's not just relevant for like IT or the ace, but it's, it's, it's really also benefiting, like targeting new stakeholders that are not that present usually in discussions in India, like the finance team.

Where like accountability to owners, to teams can now be achieved where, it's, it's not about like typing in some random number as a cost, but it's the accurate numbers.

It's, it becomes measurable and it can be optimized right away and for like procurement and it can be taken as a as a basis for the next contract, negotiations and consolidations if you're aware of, like, multiple instances and so on.

And obviously, also, the information security side is like benefiting from like visibility into exposures and to make audits much more seamless year end.

Can also like, see who has access to which system are like and access controls that are usually happening on a yearly basis to smooth in this process. And it doesn't need any like Excel files anymore to be center out. So, to just jump, jump quickly here through some of our like customer statements. So, I mentioned the, the, the example of Harry's here. So, where 80% of the first year savings on, on the soft state.

So, 115 applications were discovered and, and so, could be safe based on, like, redundancy and, and, like, on the usage, and, so on.

And, second part would be, or, second, customer, here, to realize 16% of first year savings and also gained a full.

Like, full visibility, allowing them to do forecasts on, on ... are not being surprised by the SaaS contracts and bring that closer to procurement here.

Screenshot (4)And, ..., here, as a customer, again, here, 15% lower soft costs. So, that's something that you can expect here, where the the growth, state, that the company could, could use it to make sure that there's North south proliferation.

So, I think it shows nicely that I mean this, this shouldn't be naive to believe that, like, you can take 50% of the costs out. I think, what, what it shows is, like something between 10 and 15% of the soft costs, that's realistic with licenses, and so on.

But still, gifts at its great value here, for the, a side of things, and that that looks then, or turns into, like, a full list of, like, the number of services, the anticipated spend, and annual spend.

So that you always, based on, on the connected services you, you get a feeling on where you will land with your SaaS spend at the end of the year.

While also taking for some, like, some of the applications, like your Microsoft Office 365 suite, some, some deeper insights in how specific tools are, are used by the users, how they are provisioned on, to, to identify on a deeper level, per platform here.

Where savings can be, can be realized.

And, yeah, so, renewal management, as, as, as one of the, like, the major, um, yeah. Ways to, to then really act on that data, because transparency, as nice as it is, on the on the a side.

But where I think becomes really interesting, when, you know, hey, now, next month, the month, after you have the SaaS application coming up, it's it's like generating relevant costs. So do the check that we really needed trigger a check from year to gain like the user feedback. And so on, that, the savings are in the unrealized.

So, to summarize, I believe, uh, A, and application portfolio management and task management as, as disciplines, they belong together. Um, there's definitely a higher, or always higher penetration of software as a service into application landscapes in all kinds of, like, like, older companies, Younger companies growing companies that, that, that needs management.

And it's the risks and security and compliance and, and also, the, the increased and highly relevant costs that require this SaaS management.

I believe it's, we shouldn't call it shadow IT anymore, we should rather embrace the software as a service initiatives and And take you to the right perspective of a business led IT.

And I think done successfully, when when you you'd like, integrate SaaS management into into VA, it's the it makes the job a lot easier in in this application, rationalization application, portfolio management perspective. So, it's not just anymore like collecting data and collecting exalts and doing checks if that's valid data. But it's it's read than focusing on things like I showed before. So, is that the capability that we where we want to innovate and where we want to be different? Or is that a capability, wherever we are rather aim for, like standardization?

So, this is, I believe, much more the conversations where it needs to be present, and need to take that data to be able to ride the elevator and to translate here.

Thanks a lot so far, Um, and I'm very happy to answer your questions now.

Christian, thank you so much for that very insightful and real tour de force presentation to opening today's issue. Really pleased to be able to be a part of that. Ladies and gentlemen, I will apologize in advance. I'm experiencing some productivity problems, remind. So you may see my picture does disappear, and just my boys, but hopefully not we'll get through that. So, Christian, I've got some really interesting course students for you, which I would like to sort of kick off with.

one question which started really a request from this point, from when he was, Would you be kind enough to say more about navigating the shift of transformation to a continuous process, from an administrative driven events, which we will use?

So, I think at least, I hope I understood the question to the end, because your voice broke up a bit. I don't know if it's my connection, or if it's your connect, probably my connection. Christian, let me repeat that again. What do you mean, he's asking would you be kind enough to say more about navigating the shift of transformation to a continuous process from the initiative?

Derivative in that we have it sort of experienced up until fairly recently?

Yep. Yep.

So, um, I believe, and we consider Linux as like, a continuous transformation platform, so that's, we are very, like into looking at the different kinds of transformations that are happening out there.

And, what what we see happening is, a lot of initiatives in a company are like targeting India, the same applications, The same resources to, like, drive change in, in the organization, and not drive like, change in, only people, but drive change in the systems.

LeanIXAnd, this is where, at the latest, it becomes very clear, um, that you can't talk about a single transformation that's happening.

There are so many like transformation, some are smaller, some are like larger taking sap transformation, that takes until 20, 27, or 28, 29, or wherever you like scope it. And that's, that always has A, has a dependency on like how you're doing things left and right.

And you need to have that combined picture, like where you take your investments, what you can deprecate at, which point of time because it might be needed still by by a different like product or so and this. Then that's like the belief of like there that we can run projects and there's like a normal now and then the comes to this exception of the project and then there is like a back to normal. For me, this, this doesn't exist, and, also, it goes into believe that, I don't believe in target architecture. So, targeted architectures would mean that we are, like, foreseeing, all changes that are happening throughout the next years, and we're just, we're just, do, like, a lot of waterfall planning. And our, like, I believe, and, my personal belief is that you need to be very, um, I don't want to call it Agile. That's a bit of a use. that term.

I would would rather say you need to be flexible enough to react to those changes over time, being aware that a lot of like changes transformation, that's happening, But you need to see what happens, at which time, and they're, my view is the a team is the right team, too, to drive and support those decisions.

Christian, thank you for that. But I hope that goes some way to continuing the conversation. And obviously, you can catch up with Christian after the event to if you want to explain a little bit more room to him directly. Christian Cushioning, the distribution of this, as you know, Sass, as you mentioned earlier in your presentation, exponential growth that normally comes with exponential challenges as it becomes more complex. How do you continue to ensure the value proposition doesn't decrease?

The value proposition of what doesn't decrease.

Well, that's a good point. So, to the business side, I think, the question, the results, that they've obviously go to justify change. As we all do, what does it, how do you, how do you see your existing clients currently going through the value proposition, in terms of a business outcome?

Yeah, so, I mean, that's a, that's a super, um, that's a super valid question.

Mean, the business, When it comes to providing like, applications to the to, to the business side.

I believe the the, the major, like, valued contributor that that remains is you can easily set up as a SaaS application. That's easy.

You take your credit card, but you want to connect to existing systems.

You can't run any SaaS application S, like as an like, isolated application and it would like generate value. At some point of time. You want to be connected to systems.

And this is where I believe the the, the like, the IT team can, and it needs to take ownership. You want to have that data being available in for data analysis. So in like in.

For for your, like the items and so on. You want to that that's one thing as it like and motivation by the by the entire t-shirt, but you also want to offer.

Like this value to the business side and say, hey, um, we if, like we, we are in this together and we can make sure that you're like, I don't know, getting finance data in or you're pulling finance data out and this allows you so you don't have to like send your menu or reports, and so on.

So there are a lot of ways, I believe, that this, that this, with more adoption, even increases the value and not not even like stops the generating the value.

Christian, thank you for that, and my apologies via food frozen for a second, I think, disconnected for a little bit during the process. We've got time for one more question, and It's a combination ready. And it's a question which comes up a lot now, when I'm speaking to people around the globe, is combining two? Really, how are, first of all, how are companies making the shift to business IT.

And second part of that is, how will they acquiring it a navy, enabling staff to do so? Because that's a massive challenge, Making sure that you've got the right people in place to handle what's happening now, but what is going to be happening?

That's super question.

I'm, I really have some, some customers here in mind when you talk about the shift from Shadow IT to business led IT.

And, I think the first part, and the second part of your question, you already gave part of the answer.

I think it's That's a lot about change management, because people are used for, like, decades, years, decades to work in that mode, and the moment they like they involve corporate IT, it gets expensive and takes long.

That's the, in some cases, the negative experience. So, you need to be very proactive about it, and in some ways, I saw it, it's, it was one customer who, like laid out.

Copy of Email Graphic Virtual Conferences (3)Took Microsoft Power apps as Platform. went out to the business. Um, there were like some, some ways, or some teams already working with it, like, they got good feedback. And then they said, Yeah, now, we take it, and we roll it out to the whole company.

And that was like that, that changed the perception of like, Hi, IT. Is, is, it's giving us tools at hand and we can, we can do stuff. And they.

They don't pull back and say, Now you're doing stuff and like, Then you also have to take care of it, but they like they invested in trainings and enabling people in consulting people. I mean, that's where, like ace, and again, come in, in this consultative way.

How can I run my process more efficiently and beat it? small and tunnel processes in the beginning.

Um, with, with this, this platform?

And like taking the feedback of the users and evolving it.

So, it's, it's like an offer, it's like a product offer, or to the business, and it's a joint development.

Data comes in, it can be leveraged, and so on.

So, this is where, how I've seen it, I believe, quite successfully and, and advocating. really, citizen development. So this is what they put out, as they are, As they claim, And it triggers questions like, what does it mean? And then you explain it, and then you feel that's triggering, that. Then the change starts.

Fantastic. Christian, thank you so much for your insights and your presentation today. Ladies and gentlemen, please don't forget. Please don't hesitate to catch up with Christian on social media via LinkedIn.

The discussion, and we will obviously, ensure that the provisions are put forward. So, Christian, thank you very much, Please, enjoy the rest of your day. Take care.

Thank you.

Bye, bye.

So, that's the opening session of the two, completed a fantastic Tour de Force from Christian. And, as I say, please don't hesitate to continue the conversation post, event. Next, off, at the top of the hour, we have Joe Gary from these design, who is going to do a very interesting presentation around Funnel, Stupid decisions, to unlock organization values. Don't miss it. Look forward to seeing you at the top of the uptake.


About the Author

more (4)-Jul-19-2021-11-39-36-42-AMChristian Richter,
SVP Customer Succes,

At LeanIX, Christian built up a powerful Customer Success team, starting with 3 people in Bonn and growing it to 45 people in Bonn and Boston today.

He introduced scalable processes for making customers successful in using the LeanIX SaaS solution and ensuring growth contribution by generating constant value of LeanIX to its customers.

With an extensive career in companies such as TellSell Consulting (now KPMG Strategy & Operations), Deutsche Telekom, IBM, Roland Berger Strategy Consultants, he is an expert in Digital Transformation, IT Management and Business Development and Leadership.


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